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28x02 - Sporix Unleashed

Posted: 06/16/23 06:30
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

-♪ Dino Fury ♪

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

-♪ Dino Fury ♪

-♪ Evolution revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

[Zayto]: It's Morphin' time!

-Sorry! I keep doing that.

-Let's go again.

We need to get the morphing

sequence right.

We can't afford mistakes.

It's Morphin' time!


Dino Fury Key!

-I was just testing

your reflexes.



Dino Fury Key!


-There we go.


[all]: Link to Morphin Grid!


[all]: [grunt] Dino Fury power!

-[Blue Ranger]: So, six statues

but only three of us?

-[Pink Ranger]: Do you have

the other Dino Fury Keys?

-Can we recruit more Rangers?

-Can we?

-[Red Ranger]:

The other keys were lost

with the original Rangers.

So it's just us.

[Red Ranger sighs]

Let's move on to Boost Keys.

We have many. Each one

gives us a special ability.

-Sounds cool.

-They're kind of like power-ups

in a video game?

-[Pink Ranger]: Love it.

-[communicator trills]

-Go ahead, Solon.

-There's something

you need to see.

-We're on our way.


Remember, to teleport,

you turn the ring,

then push the button.

[bleeping, whoosh!]

[bleeping, whoosh!]

-Gotta get used to that.

Does it make you weak

in the knees too?

-No, just really nauseous.

-[Solon]: I've got our defense

systems back online.

No one can get into

the base but us.

And I put the T-Rex Champion

Zord on standby.

-T-Rex champion?

That sounds awesome!

Who names these Zords?

-[Solon]: Anyway...

as I was cleaning up,

I found this.

-Hey, that's Void Knight's


He must've dropped it.

-He used it to find the Sporix.

Do you think he'll

come back for it?

-Void Knight will have to wait.

Right now the Sporix are loose,

and we need to warn people.

-[Solon]: I agree.

-We'll notify the police

and spread the word over

social media.

And I'll contact

BuzzBlast and...


Hello? Earth to Ollie.

-If we find all the Sporix,

there won't be any danger.

My mom's drone does

aerial scanning,

and this thing detects

Sporix energy.

If we combine this

with the drone,

we can scan the city and find

all of them before they hatch.

-[Solon]: An interesting idea.

But combining a strange alien

device with human technology

could be dangerous.

-I think you worry too much.

Trust me, I'm sure Mom and I

could figure it out

if we had a little time.

-Time is what we don't have.

Our priority is

to warn the town.

-Zayto's right, Ollie.

We can't risk anyone

getting hurt.

-Yeah, fine.

We alert the city.


-I'm getting the hang of this.

-Me too.

[grunts] Wait.

Spoke too soon.


Earth sure has changed

in million years.

Where are the dinosaurs?

I'd love to see some.


they're mostly in the movies.

We'll explain later.

But right now,

you need to blend in.

-What do you mean?

-Well, for a start, your

antennae kind of make you...

stand out.

-Good point.


-[Ollie and Amelia]: Wow.

-Retractable antennae?

That's cool and freaky.


So, this is the park's HQ?

-[Amelia]: Uh-huh.

-[bicycle bell rings]

-Watch out, dude!

-Maybe let us handle this.

-OK. But remember,

no one can know

that you're Rangers.

-Totally. It'll be fine.

Man, I'd get a ton of likes if

I could post about it, though.

-[Warden Garcia]: I'll be in

touch if I need anything else.

-Sorry for any trouble, Warden.

-Hey, Mom. Everything OK?

-Yes. Um, Warden Garcia

has explained

all the park regulations to me

and banned us from going near

Dinohenge again.

But, uh, how are you doin'?

-Well, we actually wanted to

speak to the warden

about something -

a public threat in the woods.


Give me the details.

-Well, there are these

kind of, um, Sporix.

They came from space.

-They're this big, bumpy,

squishy, and they can fly.

-So you've given up on ghosts

and now it's space blobs

that can fly?

Tell me...

is this their vehicle?


-We're not kidding.

You gotta warn everyone.

-If they find a Sporix, then-


You've wasted enough of my time.

-No problem. We can try talking

to Jane at BuzzBlast next.

-Um, Sporix, Ollie? Are you OK?

-I just need a word with my mom.

I'll see you guys later, OK?

Listen, I swear to you that

those Sporix are real.

They're some sort of

alien life form.


If you're right,

this is a huge deal.

-Yeah. I wanna show

you something.

[suspenseful music]

-What is that?

-It's an energy scanner

my, uh,

new friend gave me.

I'm not sure how it works,

but it can track the energy

of the Sporix.

I bet it could be combined

with your drone.

-To locate the Sporix

from the air.

That might just do the trick.

[relaxed music]

-[Jane]: Our streaming

numbers are

-What's going on?

-higher than ever before.

And we wouldn't be able

to do such brilliant work here

at BuzzBlast without

every one of you.

But as the boss, I have

to think about the future.

That's why I've decided

to train a new assistant,

so that, eventually,

they can take my place.

Meet my new android,...


[people exclaim]

J-Borg has advanced

capabilities, and-

-Jane, I'm sorry to interrupt,

but Mr. Lynn needs these papers

signed right away.

-Actually, I have an idea.

[beep!, whirring]


-Good morning, J-Borg.

-Good morning, Jane.

-I need you to sign these papers

for me as quickly as you can.

[pen scratches]

[people exclaim]

[fast-paced comical music]


[scattered applause]

-What a mess.


stack the papers, please.

-Of course.

[fast-paced comical music]

All done.

-Thanks, J-Borg.

That's all!


-Jane, we have something urgent

and we really need

to talk to you.

-Hey, guys, you've gotta

check out this video

from one of our followers.

-Zoom in, I'm gonna poke it.

Oh! Run!


-I'm coming to get ya!

-What is that creature?

I want more info - now!

-On it!

-That's a Sporix Beast!


-We need to figure out

where that video came from.

-We will. Follow me.

[whoosh, grunting]

-Huh? Where's the entrance?

-It's gone.

But my scanner's inside. It'll

make finding the Sporix easy.

Let's go!

Yah! [grunts]

-[Shockhorn]: A force field?

-[Void Knight]: Hmm, that's new.

-[Shockhorn]: Well, if there's a

doggy door, I could squeeze in-

-[Void Knight]: Shh!

Someone's coming.


What are they doin'?

-On three.

One, two, three.

Now, how am I gonna mount this

on the drone?

-[Void Knight]:

My energy scanner!

[communicator bleeps]

-Uh, be right back.


-What's up?

-We've got trouble.

The first Sporix hatched.

Meet us at the city dam.

-[Void Knight]: Good!

Another Sporix Beast.

-I'm on my way.

-You know, if this

contraption works,

we'll have those Sporix

in no time.

-You're amazing, Mom, but...

Amelia called.

She and Zayto found

a Sporix and, uh,

need my help to catch it.

-OK, go on.

I got this.


[sinister music]

-[Void Knight]: Find the Sporix

Beast and bring it to me.

I have a plan.


-[people cry out]

-Come back and face me!

I am the Mighty Mucus!


-For real?

That's a Sporix Beast?

-Yes! Who's gonna stop me

from tearing the city apart?

-Oh, we are. The-

-Power Rangers!

-Oh, come on!

I was gonna say that.

-It's Morphin' time!

[exciting music]

-[all]: Dino Fury Key!



[all]: Activate!

Link to Morphin Grid!

[all grunt]

[all]: Huh!

[beasts roar, tail thuds]

[inspiring techno music]


T-Rex Fury - Red Ranger!

-Tricera Fury - Blue Ranger!

-[grunts] Ankylo Fury -

Pink Ranger!


[all]: Dino Fury power!

-Well done, everyone!

I love the colors.

Now here comes the pain!




[all]: Huh?

-[Red Ranger]: Huh, I had

no idea it'd be that easy.

- [roaring]

- Huh? Another one?

-[Shockhorn]: I'm the best one!

[all grunt]

[action music]

[Shockhorn]: I warned you!

I'm the best!

-[Blue Ranger]: Toot your own

horn much?


-Rangers! Remember those

Boost Keys I mentioned?

-[Blue Ranger]: Uh, yeah.

-Stink Dino Key - ready!

Watch this.

-[Pink Ranger]: 'K!


[click!, whoosh!]

-Stink Boost!

-[Pink Ranger]:

Is he saying stink?

-[Red Ranger]: Stink out!

[boom!, loud farting]


-He definitely said stink.

-It burns my nose!

-Ugh! It worked! He's down!

-[Shockhorn]: Hengemen!



-[Red Ranger groans]


-The indestructible Mucus

is back!




-[Shockhorn]: Attack!

[all grunt]

-[Mucus]: Wowee!

Those things obey you?

What a clever horsey you are.


Don't call me horsey!

-[Blue Ranger]:

They're fighting?

-I'm Shockhorn!

-[Mucus]: Sorry, sorry!

Listen, I wanna help you.

Us Sporix Beasts should

stick together.

-[Shockhorn]: Get off me,

you fungus!

I answer only to Void Knight.

-[Mucus]: You have a boss?

I love taking orders!

-Sign me up, horsey!




-[Red Ranger]: They're gone.

Let's get to base.



-[Solon]: How did it go?

-It stank - in more ways

than one.

-Yeah, the Sporix Beasts

got away.

But that stink attack

was awesome.

I wanna try a Boost Key.

Can it make me taller,

stronger, faster?

-Make me stop believing

in ghosts?

-You'll find out. But right now,

we need to warn people,

especially if the Sporix Beasts

are teaming up.

-Whoa, that Sporix Beast video

has thousands of views.

And now there's

a city-wide alert

for people to watch out

for them.

-We could retrieve any Sporix

they find.

But that may take a while.

-I may have a faster way

to find them.

My mom's at the dino statues,

mounting Void Knight's scanner

to her drone. If it works,

then we can-

-Hold on. That was not the plan.

-Come on, guys. We're fighting

monsters here. I had to try.

-Solon said combining alien

and human tech

could be dangerous.

-What, you don't think my mom's

smart enough to do it safely?

-Even if she can combine them,

Void Knight may come back

for his scanner.

If your mom has it,

we need to check on her - now.

-Don't panic.

She can take care of herself.


I'm sure she's fine.

Hey, tell me before you do that.

-You sure she's fine?

-[Shockhorn]: Start the scan,


[Dr. Akana whimpers]

-[Void Knight]:

Find me the Sporix!

-Oh no!

[keypad beeps, drone whirrs]

-[Void Knight]: Good.


[all]: Link to Morphin Grid!

[all grunt]

-[Void Knight]: What?!

-Power Rangers.

-[Blue Ranger]:

You get away from her!

-[Void Knight]:

Shockhorn, with me!

-You better behave, lady, or

you're in for a world of hurt!

-[Dr. Akana grunts]

-[gasps] I said behave!

Whoa! Whoa!

How rude! [groans]

-Nobody hijacks my tech.

[drone whirrs]

Look out!




-[roars, grunts]

-Boss! Are you OK?

-[Void Knight]:

She destroyed my scanner.

She'll pay!

-[Blue Ranger]:

Stop right there!

-[Void Knight]:

I won't forget this.

Let's go!


-[Blue Ranger]:

Hey, Mo- Uh, ma'am,

are you OK?

-I'm fine, thanks to you.

You sound familiar.

Have we met?

-Uh, no. [deep voice] N-No!

Now, they may come back,

so please get to safety.

-Yes, of course.

Thank you.

-You're welcome.

-[Pink Ranger]:

Wow, real smooth!

-[Red Ranger]: Shockhorn

could grow giant any minute.

You need to find him and stop

him from hurting anyone

while I activate my Zord.

-[Pink Ranger]: So we might

finally see a Zord?

-[Blue Ranger]: Let's go!


[people scream, Shockhorn yells]

-No one will call me

'little horsey'

ever again!

-Whoa! There he is! Yikes.

-So when Zayto said, 'giant',

what he meant was ginormous!

-[Pink Ranger]: Let's try out

some Boost Keys.

-[Blue Ranger]: Got it.

I'll attack from above.

-[Red Ranger]: OK, Solon,

activate my Zord.

[p begin=" t" end=" t" region="region_ "-[Solon]: Let's hope this works.

Deploying T-Rex Champion Zord!

[powering up]



[feet thud, people scream]

-Oh boy! This big guy

needs slowing down!


Gravi Dino Key!





[click!, whoosh!]

Gravi Ball, ha! [grunts]

[zap!, thud!]

Whoa! That was amazing!

Your turn, Ollie!

-Hyper Boost! Ha!

[zap!, Shockhorn groans]



[both gasp]


[feet thud]

[both]: Whoa!




-[Pink Ranger]: Oh man!

Finally, a Zord!

-[Red Ranger]: Now it's time

to finish this beast.

T-Rex Champion Zord,

battle mode!


[action music]


-All right!



[epic music]

[lightning crashes]

[beast roars]

-[Red Ranger]: Let us show you

what we can do. Stay here.

-[Blue Ranger]: But...


Ah! Hello, old friend.



[Red Ranger]: T-Rex Champion

Zord, Battle Mode!

Ready? Then let's go!

[dramatic music]

[growling, grunting]

T-Rex barrage.

[lasers fire]

[Shockhorn grunts]


Tail Lash! Ha!



-Shift to T-Rex Fist!

[whirring, clanging]

Mega Fury saber!

T-Rex Champion Chomp!

[teeth clash]

[Shockhorn grunts, yells]


Dino Fury victory!



-What is that?

-Blowing up a Sporix Beast

doesn't destroy it.

It turns back into a Sporix

with even more power.

We have to get it.

[all grunt]


[Red Ranger]: Void Knight!

-Just what I needed.

Thank you, Rangers.

-No, that's-!

[Red Ranger]: That Sporix

is many times more powerful

than an ordinary one.

-[Pink Ranger]: Why does

he want them so badly?

-[Red Ranger]: Whatever the

reason, it can't be good.


-[Solon]: Welcome back, team!

How did they do, Zayto?

-They both fought

very well today.

-Maybe, but I still messed up -

and put my mom in danger.

I should've stuck with the plan

we agreed on as a team.

I'm sorry.

-Water under the bridge.

-I'm just glad to have two

good teammates at my side.

I think it's time the Rangers

put a message out to the city.

Working together

will keep us safe.

If you find a Sporix

or a Sporix Beast,

call, text or direct message

the Ranger hotline immediately.

-And... cut!

-[Mucus]: Are we there yet?

-[Void Knight]: No.

-[Mucus]: Are we there yet?

-[Void Knight]: No!

-[Mucus]: Are we there yet?

-[Void Knight sighs]

[Void Knight]:

What do you think?

-[Mucus]: I think

it's a big door!

-[Void Knight]:

Welcome to Area .

[tense music]

The humans abandoned

this facility years ago.

Now it's all mine!

-[Mucus]: Wow!

Grimy, damp,

rusted and full of junk!

I love it!

-[Void Knight]: I'll take that!

-[Mucus]: Whatcha doin'?

Ooh! That thing's cool! Can I-

-[Void Knight]: Don't touch the


Don't touch anything.

-[Mucus]: OK.


-[Void Knight]: Ugh!

Even a powered-up Sporix

isn't nearly enough!

-[Mucus]: What do you mean?

-I need to gather

many more Sporix

until my machine

is full of energy.

Then my plan will be complete!