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28x01 - Destination Dinohenge

Posted: 06/16/23 06:28
by bunniefuu
[exciting theme music]

♪ Dino Fury ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury

Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury

Evolution revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Dino Fury ♪

[engine stops]

- Hi, Jane.

How was your weekend?

- We had a weekend?

I had no idea.


I was busy working

on my new story.

- What's it about?

- Working too much on weekends.

- Sounds relevant.

And speaking of stories, I have

a great idea for Buzzblast.

- Fantastic, Amelia!

As long as it's not about

some paranormal nonsense.

- Uh, well...


- Morning.

Did we really just

have a weekend?

- Uh-huh.

- OK, let's hear your big idea.

- There's an old

historic landmark

deep in the woods

called Dinohenge.

- Dinohenge? Dinohenge, huh.

- And remember,

never eat the gloop.

- It's supposed

to be haunted, right?

So you are trying to write

another article on ghosts.

- No. No, no, no, no.

Technically, I'm trying to write

my first article on ghosts.

- Well, for a start,

you need special permission to

visit that area of the forest.

- Oh, I totally got permission.

- Secondly, as I always say,

Buzzblast isn't about

ghosts and sasquatches.

- It's about skateboards

and singers,

fashionable foods and

top-ten travel tips.

- Don't you have a lip-gloss

review due today?

- I did it yesterday.

Tune in tomorrow for my review

on this year's best

glow-in-the-dark lip glosses.

And as always, click "like"

and subscribe to Buzzblast.

- Wow! I love that!


Do you have some

samples I can borrow?

- I left some on your desk.

But really, Jane, I wanna

do something different.

- OK, Dinohenge it is.

But I want a factual story

about a local landmark.

Nothing paranormal.

- Don't worry.

It'll be factual.

- OK.

- Yeah!

[spooky music]

OK, folks, I'm being very quiet

as I approach Dinohenge

with my Spook Snare,

which both detects

and captures ghosts.

That's right, Buzzblasters,

today, I'm proving

ghosts are real.

[Spook Snare beeps]



A ghost.


[beeping continues]

This Spook Snare was

worth every penny.

[beeping intensifies]

It's getting closer.

[spooky roaring]

Jane doesn't want a ghost story,

but this will blow her mind.


[net whooshes]

[man grunts]


[Ollie]: Help! Help!


- Sorry! I thought that

you were someone else.

Hold on. I'll deactivate it.

[electricity buzzes]

[screams]: Wrong... button!


- Are you OK?

- That thing really smarts.

- Come on.

It can't hurt that much.



I mean, I hardly felt a thing.


- What are you doing

sh**ting nets at people?

- I'm a reporter working

on a story for Buzzblast.

What are you doing here?

- Online reviews said it was

a great place to get zapped.

So I'm giving it five stars.

Well, now I'm late.

Ugh. So, which way?


Man, I told Mom

we shouldn't have split up.

How am I gonna

find Dinohenge now?

- Dinohenge?

That's where I'm going. And...

I have a map.

It's... that way.

- I'm Ollie, by the way.

- Amelia.

So, you're clearly not here

for zaps, so what's your deal?

- Mom and I just moved

to Pine Ridge.

She's an archaeologist,

wants to unearth some

of the history here.

- Well, you're in luck.

This place is packed

with crazy history.

See for yourself.

[majestic music]

- No way!

Where'd they come from?

- Nobody knows.

- Amazing, aren't they?

They're carvings of dinosaurs.

Could be millions of years old.

- Who could possibly have

been around to make them?

- I'm Dr Akana.

- I'm Amelia.

I'm a doing a story on

Dinohenge for Buzzblast.

- Fantastic to meet you.

Our first day here, and

you've already made a friend.

I like her.

- Yeah, 'cause she didn't sh**t

you with an electrified net.

- Huh?

- Oh, it's nothing.

So, what exactly are

you working on here?

- Oh, we're gonna try and solve

the mystery of Dinohenge

with the help of

my scanning system.

- Wow. That's some cool tech.

So the scanner's

mounted on the drone?

- That's right.

Its sensors can detect

buried structures.

Here we go.

[drone whirrs]

[scanner buzzes]

[dramatic music]

- Uh, did you see that?

- The dinosaurs' eyes.

- How intriguing!

[deep rumbling]

[both gasp]

- Is that an earthquake?

Is that an earthquake?

[dramatic music fades]

[drone whirrs]

- Very unusual.

[computer beeps]

Look at that.

Below the Dinohenge statues,

there's some sort of...


- Underground? Right here?

No way!

- What's going on here, folks?

- Great. It's Warden Buzzkill.

- Good afternoon,

Warden Buzzkill.

I'm Dr Lani Akana

from the Global Association

of Archaeology.

- It's Park Warden Garcia,


And you don't have permission

to be out here.

- But, Warden,

I'm doing a story on Dino--

Save it, Miss Jones.

I don't care if

you're a reporter

or the Queen of England.

You're trespassing.

So pack up.

Oh, and I'll need you

to come back to the Parks HQ

and file a report.

- Happy to comply.

- It's this way.

- Load everything into the car

and meet me in town.

We've got all the data

we need for now.

- OK, Mom.

So, you ticked off

the Warden once, huh?

- Once, twice,


He's not a fan of ghost hunters.

- Ghost hunters?

Are you serious?

You shot that net at me because

you thought I was a ghost?

- Well, it was hard to see,

and your poncho, and...

OK, maybe I did, but come on.

Your mom's an archaeologist.

You've been in tombs,

crypts, catacombs.

You must have seen ghosts.

- Never.

- Never?

Never ever?

- Nope,

because ghosts don't exist.

You ever found any proof?

- Well, proof is hard

to come by.

Ghosts just don't

line up for selfies.

But why should I explain myself?

You're obviously closed-minded.

- Closed-minded?

Try rational.

Rational people do not believe

in things without evidence.

- I guess we'll just have

to agree to disagree.

- Strongly disagree.


[thunder booms]

[scanner beeps]

[beeping speeds up]

[computer voice]:

Energy source detected.

- Under those old statues?



[energy booms]

[both gasp]

[rubble clatters]

[computer voice]:

Energy source locked on.

- Excellent.

- Where are you going?

- To check it out.

You're not afraid, are you?

- Uh, of course not.

I've been in plenty

of tombs, chambers,

all sorts.

- OK, expert,...

let's go.

[suspenseful music]


- Look at this place.

Mom will flip.


Wait till my boss sees

my Dinohenge story.

[door opens, both gasp]

- Where's that energy source?

It must be mine.

Huh? What's this?

- Oh! Oh no!

Come on, Zayto. I need you!

[energy crackles]



- Tell me, old lizard.

The energy source,

where is it hidden?

- Firstly, I'm a dinosaur,

not a lizard.

And secondly, old? Ouch!

- Do not play games with me.

I am Void Knight.

And you're no match

for my power.

- I'm not, but he is!

[dramatic music]

- A Power Ranger?

Nice try.


[Solon]: Oh my!

- Now tell me...

Where's the energy source?

- Can you be more specific?

- Don't you play

the fool with me.



- Leave the old dinosaur alone.


[net whooshes]

- This may come as a shock,

but no one likes a bully.

[Spook Snare whines]

[electricity buzzes]



- You'll pay for this!


- That won't hold him long.

So put this key in the saber,

and then the Hengemen

will fight for you.

- Wrong.

They're going to fight for me!

[Solon]: Uh-oh!


A new toy.

I'll enjoy this.

[energy whooshes]

[Amelia]: Bad vibes.

[Hengemen grunt]

- Hengemen, show me

what you've got!

- Amelia, Pine Ridge

has been great,

but I don't think it's for me.

[Hengemen grunt]

[Hengemen grunt]

Uh, any ideas?

- I've done three

years of karate.

- Yeah, me too.

And six years of fencing.

- OK, so you wanna

take the lead?

- What?

- Pathetic!

Deal with them!


[action music]



- Back off!

- Where is it?


- I'm sorry, Zayto.

This might just be too

damaged to wake you up.


- Aargh!

Whoa! Let me know

if you need any help.

- I was gonna say

the same to you!


- Aargh!

[both grunt]

- Well, this was fun.

- Was it?!

- Ollie, is your

saber kinda glowy?

- Yeah. What's with that?

[Solon]: Oh, wow!

[Morphers buzz]


- Uh, OK...

- They have Morphers!

I haven't seen that since...

Here, have these!

[keys hum]

[energy buzzes]

[exciting music]

- Whoa! What's happening?


[Solon]: Ha ha! Yes!

[Void Knight]: What?!

[Ollie]: All right!

We're... We're Power Rangers!

[Amelia]: Emphasis on "power".

You're in big trouble now!

- Tear them apart!

[action music]


- Coming at you!

- Cool powers,

costumes, and weapons!

What other stuff do we get?

- If you watch the news, Zords!

[Hengemen grunt]

- Yah! Check it!

- How's this?


[computer voice]:

Energy source detected.

Energy source locked on.

[Void Knight]:

This must be it.


They're Sporix!

That's the energy I detected,

that I need!

Take the chest.

[Hengemen grunt]

[Solon]: No! Don't touch that!

Why won't you work?


Oh! Finally!



[explosions boom]

What's going on?

Solon, why are

the Hengemen activated?

And who are they?

- They're new, and friendly.

But the Sporix are

being taken! Hurry!

[Void Knight]: Move!

- Oh no!


Where did you steal

that armor from?

- Doesn't matter.

It's mine now,

just like the Sporix.

[Ollie]: Whatever Sporix are,

they're bad, right?

- Very bad.

- Bad for you.

Good for me!

[all grunt]

- Yah!




- Too slow!

- I've got plenty more tricks.

Dino Dagger!

[energy buzzes]



[Sporix squelch]

No. No! They're loose!

[Solon]: Oh, this can't

be happening!


- This isn't over!

- Get back here!


[rocks clatter]

[Sporix whirr]

- No!


Well, hello there.

Ooh, you're hatching.


- Yee-haw!

- You're going to help me

get those Sporix back.

- Yes, boss!


[Red Ranger]: Ugh.

[Amelia]: So, that was wild.

[Ollie]: Yeah. I got

pretty good with this thing.

Wow, cool!

Can you believe it?

We're Power Rangers!

- I definitely didn't think

I'd become a superhero

when I woke up this morning.

- [chuckles] Whoo!

- I'm Zayto.

And this is

my wise friend Solon.

- Greetings.

- Well, I'm--

- Ollie,

a rational, logical

adventurer and scientist.

And you're Amelia,

an imaginative and

unstoppable truth seeker.

- How'd you know that?

- He's showing off.

Beings from his planet

can read minds.

- I wasn't showing off.

I'm making sure it still works.

How long was I

in the stasis pod?

- A very long time, I'm afraid.

More than million years.

- Million?

- Hey, you're in great

shape for million.

- You know, I think

we both are.

- If Zayto's an


does that make you a...?

- A cyborg dinosaur?

- Yes, a Solonosaurus.

But I was badly wounded

in an ancient battle

against the Sporix.

You should tell them, Zayto.

- million years ago,

the Sporix were unleashed

on my planet, Rafkon.

They hatched into

ferocious beasts.

[Sporix beasts roar]

I led the Knights of Rafkon,...


...fighting to defend our home.

[fighters shout, lasers blast]

We were not strong enough.

The Sporix Beasts

ravaged my planet,

leaving few survivors.

But their thirst for destruction

could not be satisfied.

The Sporix left Rafkon,

hungry for their next target.

Planet Earth.

But we followed them.

Determined to

eradicate the Sporix,

we fought alongside

the dinosaurs to save Earth.

With each battle,

the beasts became stronger,

until finally, they grew giant.

We were forced to retreat.

It seemed the Earth,

too, would be lost.


the legendary

Morphin Masters arrived.

Ageless beings

with untold power,

they were here to help us.

I'd heard of the

Morphin Grid before,

but I had no idea

how strong it was.

[energy whooshes]

The Morphin Grid joined us with

the spirits of the dinosaurs.

Then the Morphin Masters

gave us our mission.

[Red Morphin Master]: You are

the Dino Fury Power Rangers.

Together you must defend the

Earth against these evil Sporix.

- But how? The Sporix

Beasts are gigantic.

[Red Morphin Master]: Then,

we will make you mighty weapons.

- So with the Zords' help,

you beat the Sporix Beasts?

- You did win, right? I mean,

you're still here

to tell the story.

- It wasn't the kind of

victory you celebrate.

We captured the Sporix and

locked them in this chest.

But my friends,

the other knights,

they were... lost.

[Solon]: Zayto and I

tried everything

to destroy the Sporix.

But it was impossible.

All we could do was keep

them hidden and guarded.

- So you've been here

ever since?

- Yes. It's my mission

to ensure the Sporix

never get loose in

the universe again.

And today I failed.

[Solon]: All because

of this Void Knight.

Why would he want the Sporix?

- I hate to think.

But right now,

we need to find them

and get them back.

They'll hide and hibernate,

until one by one they hatch

into Sporix Beasts.

There are dozens

and dozens of them,

and all they know

is destruction.

They must be stopped.

Your planet is in grave danger.

And we're the only

ones who can save it.

But first things first.

You'll need some training.

Are you ready?

- Are you kidding?

- Just tell us what to do.

[dramatic music]

[exciting theme music]