25x19 - Magic Misfire

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x19 - Magic Misfire

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe from the monster, Galvanax.

Ten years later,

the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary Ninja Power Stars.

Finally, Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.

[Brody] Previously on Power Rangers...


What on earth?

[Odius] Now my ultimate plan begins.

My parents are sick, so I'm gonna go visit them.

Wait. You're going to the Lion Galaxy?

The Rangers have no idea they've been fooled.

My mind-control device worked perfectly on Mick.

You're next, Earth.

[Mick] The satellite dishes are now charging.

-Well, is he finished yet? -Almost done, Madame.

In just a few hours,

we can broadcast your mind-control signal through these special satellite dishes.

Good. I can't wait for everyone to be under my control.

Yes, every human on Earth will be your faithful servant.

[Odius] Just like Mick.

Odius, give me another chance with the Rangers. Please.

Oh, Braxy, you're so brave.

[Odius] You won't have to fight the Rangers.

They'll be too busy watching TV instead.

-Madame. -Yes, my servant?

Why would humans be interested in watching a monster TV show?

Oh, it won't be monsters on TV.

It'll be humans.

Right after we kidnap some. [laughs]

[theme music playing]

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all their might Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right Together, Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

[Dane] Okay.

[Brody] Thanks for the ride, Dad.

-What's going on today? -[car door closing]

Some TV show is holding auditions at our school.

Apparently, whoever gets picked will be super rich and famous.

Yeah. Our friend, Hayley, is trying out.

[Levi] We gotta go.

-Have a great day. -[Levi] See you tonight, Dad.

-[car engine starts] -[Levi] Looks like it's already started.

All right, guys, coming through. Excuse me. Sorry, ma'am.

-Sorry. -[people chattering]

-So, did we miss it? -Hey.

Nope. You're just in time. Calvin is the one who's late as usual.

He was supposed to help me rehearse an hour ago.

Hey. Hey. I'm sorry.

My car was having engine troubles. I had to fix it before I could leave.

You could've got a taxi.

I needed your help.

Did you at least bring my props?

Your props? I left them right by the front door...

and then I forgot.

I'm sorry, Hayles. I'm sure you're gonna be great without them.

It's just one little audition anyway.

Actually, it's a pretty big deal. They say the show's gonna air worldwide.

-Preston. -He's right.

And maybe I'd be less nervous if someone had helped me.

-But I'm-- -[TV producer] Next.

Number .

-That's me. -All right.

-You're gonna be great. -You got this.

-Break a leg. -Thank you.

[Hayley] This is a scene from Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo, Romeo, I drink this potion to be with you.

[slurping] Ooh.

Thank you, thank you.

Now move along. We're on a tight schedule.

[chuckles] Okay. Thank you.

[crowd applauding]

-I think I did well. Right? -That was awesome.

-We think you did well. -Great.

-Yeah. -Next, number .

We will now be performing

a highly dramatic scene portraying life and death.


-[people chattering] -I can't wait. Get on with it then.

-Tell me, patient, can you feel this? -[groans]

Ow! [groans]

[gasping, laughter]

-Sorry, Victor. It was reflex. -[groans]

[Victor whispering] Lie down.

Let me make you more comfortable.

-[beeps] -[groans]

[gasps] Sorry. I-- [clears throat]

I'm trying to, um--



-Ooh! -[Brody laughs]


I'm sorry, I don't know what Monty did wrong.


You two are real clowns.

-That's perfect for my show. -[laughs]

We're done here. The rest of you can go home.

No one will beat these two showbiz geniuses.

What? I can't believe it.

Boys, you're about to become superstars.

Follow me. We're on a schedule.

I was much better than them. Right, Cal?

[scoffs] Well, actually-- [chuckles]

I mean, they were pretty funny.

Yeah, but my audition went really well, don't you think?


Be honest. You can tell me.

Well, I don't think Romeo and Juliet was a good choice for a TV show audition.

And I think some props could've helped.

I would've had props, but you forgot them.

Don't be mad.

You asked me what I thought. I'm just being honest.

Yeah, well, there's honest and then there's--

Hey, uh, I'm starving.

-So hungry. -Food sounds amazing.

-Let's eat. -Yeah.

Yeah. Come on, let's go eat.

So, when are you gonna tell us more about the show?

-How much do we get paid? [chuckles] -We are the superstars after all.

In just a minute, you will know everything. Trust me.

-My cousin Zach's having a birthday party. -Oh, really? Where at?

-Presto. -Angel Grove.

And, uh, Hayley, here, I got you your fave.

Hey, there's Victor and Monty with that TV producer.

Are we filming in Summer Cove or--? Oh.

Uh, out of town?

Out of town?


More like out of space!

[both scream]

[both scream]

-See ya! -[both scream]

-That guy's a monster? -And they've got Victor and Monty.

[laughs] Those fools. No wonder Earth is doomed.

What'd you do to Victor and Monty?

Let's just say they're on their way to fame and fortune.

You're on your way to doom and destruction.

It's morphin' time.

-Power Stars. -[all] Lock in!


Ninja Spin!

Ninja Rangers fear no danger!


[all grunting]

The name's Gorrox.

Pleased to beat you.

[Sarah groans]

[both groan]

Mess with a bull and you'll get the horns!

-[Hayley] Calvin! -Up high, down low.

Too slow.


Time to take out this creep. Lion Fire, Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Red!

[both grunting]


Time to take the bull by the horns.

Lion Fire Armor Star, lock in!

Ninja Spin!

Lion Fire Flame Strike, Final Attack!

[Gorrox screaming]

-Great job. -You said it, Sarah. Ha.

-Yeah! -You'll have to do better than that

because I'm as strong as an ox, and I have backup.

Don't you mean "Brax-up"?

I've been waiting for another chance at you, Rangers.

[Brody] Oh, no, not him, too. Didn't see that coming.

We've doubled the trouble for the Rangers,

and now it's time to give the people what they want.

We'll take things to another level and gigantify them both.

[laughs] What's the plan, Brax?

Three words, crush them all.

[Brody] We're gonna need more than one Megazord

to take these guys on.

Ninja Steel Megazord, combine!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Steel Megazord, ready!

Ninja Super Steel Mode, ready!

Ninja Blaze Megazord, combine! Ninja Spin!

[Calvin] Ninja Blaze Megazord, ready!

-Let's toast this gruesome twosome. -[all] Yeah!

Looks like it's two-on-two, eh, Brax? [laughs]

We'll handle Gorrox.

Great idea. We'll take down Brax.

You're doomed.

-[Calvin] Let's do this. -[all grunt]

Head's up!


[Gorrox grunts]

-[grunting] -[Levi] Whoa.

Oh! He's so strong.

[Gorrox] Batter up!

-[Brody] Whoa! -[Levi] Sorry, guys.

[Calvin] Don't worry, we got your back.

[Brax] You're surrounded.


[Levi] We're gonna need more power.

Yeah. Ninja Ultrazord, combine! Ninja Spin!

[Brody] Ninja Ultrazord, ready!

Yahoo! This is more like it.

No one pushes our Ultrazord around.

We'll give them all we've got. Going up.

Okay, Levi, you know what to do.

Begin Final Attack! Ninja Spin!

Ninja Super Steel Blaster, energized!


Ninja Ultrazord, blast!

Final Attack!

[Brax] No thanks.

No! [groans]

No more holding back. [grunts]

Whoa! That was a hard hit.

I don't think these Megazords can take another blast like that.

What should we do?

There's nothing you can do.

There's nothing you can do. You're finished.

We need a solution, fast.

Don't worry, guys. I think I have an idea.

-Levi, give me the Blaster. -Sure thing, bro.

I think a different Megazord combination may give us the edge we need to beat Brax.

-[Sarah] Cool. -Ninja Ultra Star, lock in!

Ninja Blaze Ultrazord, combine! Ninja Spin!

[Brody] Disengage!

Ninja Blaze Ultrazord, ready!

Hey, guys. Thought I'd join you. Heads up, Cal.

Thanks. Ready when you are.

Brax may be strong, but let's see him take on the Ninja Blaze Ultrazord.

And that's not all. Sarah, Levi, you ready?

Yep. The Ninja Steel Megazord is ready for action.

Time to take Brax out for good.

You'll never defeat me!

All right, Sarah, Levi, you go first.

[both] Ninja Steel Megazord Master Slash! [grunts]

[groans] Uh-oh.

[Calvin] Now we'll finish him!

[all] Ninja Blaze Firestorm, Final Attack!

-♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪ -[groaning]

I'm sorry, Badonna. I failed.

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

-[cheering] -[Calvin] Nice!

[all] Show's over. Ninja's win.

-[Brody exhales] -I'm glad we beat those two.

-But we've got bigger fish to fry now. -Yeah.

The monsters were the ones running that TV show,

-and they've got Victor and Monty. -Come on, let's get to the base.

Well, Hayles, I guess it's lucky I didn't help you rehearse.

If you'd gotten the part,

you might be the one stuck on the monster's spaceship.

So, really, there is no reason for you to be mad at me. Right?

Excuse me?

You were late, and you didn't help me rehearse,

and you made me feel bad about my performance.

Whoa, hold up. I didn't know I was gonna have car trouble.

Plus, you asked for my honest opinion on your performance.

Yeah, thinking you would be supportive.

Uh, guys, maybe we should just all--

Look, if you asked me for my honest opinion, that's what you're gonna get.

And if you don't know that about me, then I guess you don't know me very well.

And if you can't see that you're hurting my feelings,

then you don't know me at all.

So, what, then?

Maybe we each need some space.

Are you saying we're done?

Fine, then.

Now it's time for a special surprise.

Two puny clowns from pathetic Planet Earth!

[sobbing] My Brax is gone. I'll never get over him.

[Victor] Watch the hair. Ugh.

Oh, look at you two. Your costumes are exquisite.

Are you kidding? We look like a couple of clowns.


Now go out, my dears, and be the best clowns of all time.

If you think I will lower myself to be a performing clown, you're wrong.

Am I?

Oh, you'll do it, boys,

or I'll unleash these Basherbots on you. [laughs]

-Okay. -Clowns are funny.

-We'll make it work. -Classic.

Here are your hammers.

You two hit each other while we watch and laugh.

Break a leg, my dears.

Break both if you can. [laughs]

-[cheering] -[Victor laughs]

Here we go, then.

[crowd] Hit him! Hit him! Hit him!

-[squeaks] -[crowd laughing]

[all] Boo!

They stink, so I'll spice things up.

[both scream]

[Victor] Monty, watch out!


[Badonna] We're ready.

This clown act should mesmerize those ridiculous humans.

Good. In a moment, anyone who watches our show

will be completely under my control.

Mick, it's time. Broadcast our show to Earth.

[machine whirring]


[woman on computer] To calculate the angles in a triangle--

[Mrs. Finch] Huh? What's going on?

It's Victor and Monty. What on earth are they doing?

[Monty and Victor grunting]

What? There, too?

They're on every channel?


[woman] Look at those fools.


What is this odd signal? I can't get rid of it. How bizarre.

Suffering circuits, that's the Warrior Dome stage.

It's on every channel. I better find out what's going on.

Are you... Are you okay, Hayley?


Actually, no.

-Hey, we'll catch up with you guys, yeah? -Yeah.


[sighs] I still can't believe it.

All this time with Calvin, and it's over.

This is the worst day.

Can you believe he said all that stuff about my performance?

Actually, Hayles, it's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about.

You are a good performer.

There's a "but" coming, isn't there?


you were a little over the top in your audition.

Did Calvin tell you to say that?

No, actually, a few of us were thinking it.

So Calvin was right. I just didn't wanna hear it.

Still, he didn't even show up to help me rehearse.

Yes. But, Hayles, he's a lot better than he used to be, don't you think?

Maybe I was wrong to be so hard on him.

-Maybe. -[sighs]

I'm such a fool. Thank you, Sarah.


I hope I haven't ruined things between us. I've gotta fix this.

-I'll call him. -[beeping]

[Victor, Monty screaming on TV]

[cell phone ringing]

[Monty on TV] Oh, look out!


[Preston] Hey, why are the doors shut?


Um, it's locked.

Why can't we get in?

School's closed. Go home.

Everyone must watch TV.

Excuse me?

-[door closing] -What in the world is wrong with her?

[feet stomping]

-There's Basherbots in there. -What?

[Brody] You're right. We need to take them by surprise.

We've gotta find another way in there.

Come on.

[Ninja Comm beeping]

Redbot, what's going on? We saw Basherbots in the school.

Brody, listen. Odius is beaming a TV show to Earth.

It's playing on every channel, with Victor and Monty as the stars.

But don't watch it.

What? Why not?

I've hacked into the source code of the signal,

any human who watches the show will fall under Odius' mind-control.

No way. That's gotta be half the planet.

Perhaps I can find a way to stop the signal.

Okay. Thanks, Redbot.

If we could stop the signal,

we should be able to reverse the mind-control.

Oh, there's Mick. What's he doing?

[Hayley] It's Odius.

[Brody] Did he just bow to her?

Mick must be under her control, just like everyone else.

Then he never left for the Lion Galaxy.

He was with Odius this whole time.

Welcome, Madame.

The mind control seems to be working perfectly.

This way, everyone. This way. Line up.

Quick, march. We have a lot to do today.

Badonna, teleport these humans to the ship.

Once the Rangers are destroyed,

these people will become the soldiers that help me to rule the universe.

[Badonna] Yes, Madame.

Odius wants to turn the entire human race into her personal army.

Humans may be weak soldiers, but there are billions of them. [laughs]

The first phase of my plan is complete.

Time for phase two.

We've gotta figure out what phase two is and stop it before it starts.


[theme music playing]
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