25x16 - Car Trouble

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x16 - Car Trouble

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe from the monster, Galvanax.

Ten years later,

the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary Ninja Power Stars.

Finally, Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.

-[grunts] -[screaming]

I need to juice up with some electricity.

Aha! That car has a battery.

Yum, yum!

Every gulp of electricity

-makes me more powerful. -[Buzz-Cam buzzing]

Listen, folks.

Once I'm charged up, destroying the Rangers will be easy!

-Now, give it up for Voltipede! -[cheering]

[Victor panting]

How are my biorhythm energies, Monty?

You know I need to be in tip-top shape.

Aah... [gasps] You're only at percent, Victor.

-What? Only ? -[gasps] Look out!

-[screaming] -Victor!

[shouts] Butt out, fools!

That was the last of the energy on this street.

[growls] I've got to find some more.

-[Victor screams] -[Monty gasps]

Victor, that monster zapped you.

[machine beeping]

-My God. -It says you're at thousand percent!

-I'd say a million! I feel fantastic! -[yells]


[both sigh]

You're super charged!

Even the Rangers can't do that.

This could take me places.


[theme music playing]

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all their might Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right Together, Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together, Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

Oh, come on.

-[sighs] -Um, car trouble, ma'am?

Oh, thanks, but I already called a mechanic.

Oh. Well, I have a little time before school starts.

I could take a quick look.

-Uh, okay, sure. Thanks. -Yeah.

Yeah, so it looks like your starter motor is fried.


-You got a dead battery and your-- -Your main fuses are blown.

Hey, I'm Joe. Joe's Towing.

Nice truck. Uh, I'm Calvin of Summer Cove High.

-You're still in high school? -Yeah.

I don't believe it.

The way you figured out the problem with this engine, heck,

I thought you were a professional mechanic.


Well, that's what I wanna be. You know, someday.


With what you know, you could be working for me tomorrow.

Oh, wait. Are you offering me a job?

-Yes, sirree. -[chuckles]

Hey, are you guys gonna fix my car or what?

-Yes, ma'am. Coming right up. -Yeah!

[Calvin] And, bam!

-We fixed that lady's car in no time. -[chuckles]

It was so awesome!

-Really? -Yeah.

And Joe offered me a job.

-Hey! -What?

-Yeah. -Right on the spot?

That's amazing, Cal.

I guess Joe knows a good thing when he sees it.

-Thanks. -[giggles]

Yeah. So I said yes, and...

I'm gonna be working for Joe's Towing, full-time.

Um, what about school?

Oh, I'm done. I'm quitting.

Hi. Uh, can I have a banana smoothie, please?

What? Babe, you're not even close to being done with high school.

Hayles, it's my dream to be a pro mechanic.

And here's my chance.

Besides, you know that I'm not great at school. It's kinda tough for me.

Just because school is tough doesn't mean you should give up.

I mean, "No pain, no gain," remember?

Sorry, but being a mechanic is my passion.

And Joe says that I know enough and I'm ready.

-Here you go. -Thanks.

Are you sure about this?

Yes, guys. Guys, I'm sure.

-Please support me? -[cell phone ringing]

Oh, sh**t.

-[phone beeps] -[sighs] I have to go meet Joe.

He says the phone's been ringing off the hook with broken down cars.

I'll see you guys later.


[Joe] You know, it's weird how many cars

have been having electrical problems lately.


-I can do this. -Come on.

So, who called for a mechanic?

-Right here. -That would be me.

Okay, okay, we'll get to everyone.

-Can I help you, ma'am? -I think my battery's dead.

-We'll take a look. -'Cause there's nothing we can't fix.

-Which car is yours? -Right over here.

-Boy, you're in a good mood today. -Well, yeah.

-I'm finally a real mechanic. -[chuckles] Come on.

-One, two... -[all grunting]

...three, four...

-five... -Hey, guys.

-Oh, hey. -Sorry, I'm late. It was non-stop. Thanks.

[chuckles] But you do look happy, Mr. Real Deal Mechanic.

[laughs] Thanks.

Yeah, today was busy, but it was so great.

But the weird thing is, most of the cars we fixed today had the same issue.

What do you mean?

Uh, their electrical systems are totally fried.

Is that a common problem for Earth cars?

Hmm. Not really, no.

Hmm. Interesting.

-What is it, Mick? -Well, it's a pattern, is what it is.

I just wonder what's causing it.

I'm sure Joe will know. I can ask him tomorrow.

But, uh, who's ready for some ninja training, eh?

-[Sarah chuckles] -Hey! Now you're talking my language.

[Brody grunting]

One, two, three.

[Calvin] Morning, Joe.

[groans] Morning. This car won't start either.

-Another electrical fault. -Just like yesterday.

What do you think is causing it?

I don't have any idea.

Well, aren't you a little curious about why all these cars have the same issue?

-[sighs] -Don't you want to figure it out?

Listen, kiddo. A car mechanic's job is to fix cars.

As long as I'm doing that, I'm happy as a clam.

You're gonna help me with this or what?

[Voltipede laughing]

-[gasps] A monster! Run! Run! -Oh, jeez.

-What's he doing? -Another car down!

Ninja Spin!

-Huh? What? -[grunts]

[groans] A Ranger? Great!

I've gathered just enough electricity to shock you till you drop!

Have a taste of the electricity I've been stealing!

Whoa! [grunts]

So, it was you who drained the electricity from those car batteries.

Want it back?

[grunts] Darn!

-That was close. -One hit and you'll be toast!

[groans] Better take cover.

[panting] Guys, I need help.

-What is it? -Mick was right. There is a pattern.

A monster is sucking power out of car batteries

and it's making him super strong.

Okay, we'll be there as fast as we can.

Bring some fire power, this guy is really strong.


So you wanna play hide and seek, eh?

Aha! Too bad the mirror gave you away.

I win!


Not yet, you haven't.

[both grunting]

-[Voltipede screaming] -Whoa! [grunts]

[Voltipede screams, groans]

Oh, yeah! The big g*ns are here!

Heads up, bug breath!

Aah! Aah!

[screams, groans]

-[laughs] Yeah! -[Sarah] Yes! A direct hit!

-Great shot, Brody. -That'll teach him.

[screams] I'll get you for that.


Whoa! Oh, no. The Zord has been damaged.

It's going down. I gotta abandon ship!

It's gonna crash!

-[grunts] -[Sarah] Brody!

-You're okay. -Yeah, but the Lion Fire Zord isn't.

I destroyed your ship, and now I'll destroy you!

[Brody] It's payback time. Let's crush this bug!

[Rangers] Ninja Battle Morpher, Arrow Blast!

Gold Battle Morpher, Star Blast!

[Rangers] Together!

[screams, groans]

I used all my energy attacking your Zord.

When I find some more, I'll zap you all to dust!

I can't believe he took out the Lion Fire Zord.

Believe me, that dude is one tough customer.

When he gets more power, we're in trouble.

[Ninja Comm beeping]

-What's up, Mick? -I'm getting readings

on some strange electrical activity originating here at the high school.

But I can't quite pinpoint the cause.

Voltipede could be stealing electricity at the school.

We can't let him power up again.

Hold on. What about the Lion Fire Zord?

If it blasted him at full power, we might be able to take him out.

But it crashed. How do we get it running again?

You guys, check out the school. I'll see if I can fix the Lion Zord.

No, wait. Mick, how about if I fix it?

-I'm a pro after all. -But, Calvin...

The Lion Fire Zord's engines

are a little more complex than you're used to.

Oh, come on. At least give me a shot.


Okay, Calvin.

-Yes. -Okay, then that's the plan.

Calvin will fix the Lion Zord,

while the rest of us figure out what's going on at the school.

I'm on it.

Okay, Cal. Time to show them what you got.

-[metal clanging] -[grunts]



[steam hisses]

I've never seen anything like this.

[steam hisses]

[Ninja Comm beeps]

Mick... [stutters] I was wrong.

I'm looking at the Lion Fire engine systems, and...

Honestly, I have no idea where to start.

[steel clangs]

-[grunts] What was that? -Mick?

-What are you doing here? -Oh, uh, I was just passing by.

-Now, what were you saying? -I have no idea how to fix this.

I thought I could figure this out on my own, but I was so wrong.

Oh, lucky I brought my tools, then.

[steel clangs, thuds]

Ah... Aha.

First, we'll use the ionic decompressor to realign the Crystal Matrix.

How did you learn to work on spaceships?

I focused on school until I graduated.

-That's how. -Right.

So, you want to give me a hand?

[chuckles] Yeah.

First, uh, we need to unlock the crystal contents.

[Brody] You guys see anything?

-Everything seems to be pretty normal. -Yeah.

-Come on, let's get to the base. -You got it.

I uploaded a video of you being electrified, but someone deleted it.

That someone is me.

And who are you?

My name is Agent Double-O Sven.

[gasps] Oh!

Double-O seven?

Not "seven", Sven.

-I'm Swedish. -Oh.

If you really have electro abilities, then your country needs you.

-For a top-secret mission? -The top secretest.

We're talking so secret,

that you won't even know what you're doing.

-Oh. -That is perfect for Victor.


But first, I need to know that you really possess limitless electricity.


No need to plug in.

-[buzzing] -[screams]

Ow! Look out!



-[machine whirring] -[yelling]

-Victor! -Get me down!

-[Monty gasping] -[Victor] Help me. Help me!

He's the real deal.

[man] A monster! Run!

Nothing has more electricity than this power plant.

I've hit the jackpot!


Soon, I'll be powerful enough to destroy all the Rangers!


I'm not getting anything on the scanners.

Ah. Switch to electromagnetic pulses.

-Hey. Cal, how'd it go? -The Lion Zord is ready if we need it.

Hey, you really are a great mechanic.

Well, actually... it was all Mick.

-Turns out I have a lot more to learn. -You'll get there, buddy.

-Right now, we need to find Voltipede. -[alarm blaring]

[Redbot] Suffering circuits!

The entire city of Summer Cove has lost power.

Are you sure, Redbot?

Yup, I'm pretty sure it has.

That's gotta be Voltipede.

He must be at the Summer Cove power plant.

Well, come on. We got to hurry.

The power plant is just a few blocks away.

[Voltipede laughs] You're too late!

I'm already fully powered up!

It's time to unplug you, for good.

It's morphin' time!

Power Stars!

Lock in!

[all] Ready!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

Ready for a zappin'?

-Ready for our Fusion Star attack? -[Voltipede] Too slow!

[Rangers grunt]


[Voltipede] That was just a taste.

Now, I'll destroy you one by one!

Basherbots! Finish them!

I can take on the Basherbots.

-Can you guys take care of Voltipede? -[Brody] Sure can, bro.

-[Voltipede] Swarm them! -[screaming]


[Brody] Careful, don't let him do another electrical attack.

I know what you boys need. Rockstorm Blast!

[Rangers grunting]

Let's try and combine our att*cks.

[Rangers] Ninja Blast!

[Voltipede screaming, groaning]

-Hey, Brody. -What's up?

-Can I try out the Lion Fire Armor Star? -Sure. You think it'll work?

If it does, I wanna take him down myself.

Lion Fire Armor Star, lock in!

Ninja Spin!

Out of the fire and into the fight. Lion Fire Yellow!

[Brody] Whoa! Epic!

-You got this, Calvin. -I sure do.

[both grunting]

-[Calvin grunts] -[Voltipede groans]


-[Calvin] Whoa! -[Voltipede grunts]

-Huh? Where did he go? -Surprise!

[Voltipede yells]

-[Calvin grunts] -[Voltipede screams]

[Brody] Whoa!

Even with your Lion Armor, you can't keep me down!

-I'm still full of power. -And so am I.

Lion Fire Armor Star, lock in!

Time to give the Lion powers a yellow twist.

Lion Fire Ninja Spin!

[Ninja Star whirring]

Lion Fire Flame Spin!

Final Attack!

[Voltipede screaming]

[Calvin] Yeah, we really short-circuited his plan.

[Levi] And those Basherbots are history, too.

-[Hayley cheering, laughing] Nice job! -[Preston] Let's head back to base.

Well, well, well. What do we have here?

Finders keepers.

[crowd cheering]

[machine beeping]

-Time for round two. Gigantify! -[buzzing]

I'm back in charge!

-[Calvin] Uh-oh. -[Brody] I guess it's not over yet.

[Rangers] Lock in!

Activate! Ninja Spin!

-[Brody] Falcon Zord. -[Preston] Serpent Zord.

-[Sarah] Panda Zord. -[Calvin] Tortoise Zord.

-[Levi] Piranha Zord. -[Hayley] Tiger Zord.

[Brody] Ninja Blaze Megazord, combine! Ninja Spin!

Ninja Blaze Megazord, ready!

Ninja Super Steel Mode, ready!

[Voltipede shouts]

Let's do this!

Time to unleash my full power!


-[chuckles] You call that a lot of power? -Uh, Levi, he's getting back up.


-[all gasp] -What's he doing?


We're trapped. We can't move.

Guys, I know just a thing to get us out of here.

Activate! Ninja Spin!

[Voltipede groaning]

[all sigh]

Yee-haw! We're loose!

Great idea, Calvin!

Thanks, Lion Fire Zord.

Ninja Blaze Megazord, begin Final Attack!

[all grunt]

Ninja Blaze Megazord Ranger Blast!

[Voltipede yells]

♪ Power Rangers ♪

[Rangers] Final Attack!

Oh, no!

A shocking defeat!

Show's over, Ninjas win.

The entire city is without power.

Hospitals, transportation, innocent children.

They're all counting on you, Victor, to restore vital electricity.

My first mission.




You did it! The city's power is restored!

I saved the city! I'll be a legend.

Now, you'll send me on electrifying missions all over the world, right?


Hold on.

What happened to your electricity?

Oh, when you charged the city, you must have drained your power.

But I still get to be a secret agent, right, Sven?


Hey, look over there.

[Victor] What is it, Sven?

-[car engine revving] -I don't see--


-[Monty] Wait! Wait! -[Victor] What is it? Sven!

-[indistinct chattering] -[guitar playing]

[car engine revving]

Calvin, let's go to work, buddy.

Hey, where's your uniform?

Oh, hey, Joe. Uh... Well...

-Everything okay? -Yeah, of course.

But there is something I need to say.

Um, you gave me the job I've always dreamed of.

The thing is...

Even though I know a lot about cars, I wanna know about other things, too.

Like airplanes, and trains, and spaceships, even.

So... I'm gonna go back to school.

It's tough for me, but...

no pain, no gain.


Very smart decision. You're a bright young man.

-I was lucky to get to work with you. -[chuckles] I think I was the lucky one.

See you around, kid.

See you, Joe.

I'm so proud of you, Calvin.

-Hey, we all are. -[Hayley giggles]

Thanks, guys.

[Odius] That giant creepy crawly was a waste of time!

[Tynamon] Perhaps not, Madame.

Voltipede knocked something from the Rangers' hands during their battle.

And now it's ours.

That's the Rangers' Ninja Fusion Star.

-Indeed, it is. -Good work, Tynamon.

With this in our possession, the Rangers are doomed! [laughs]

[theme music playing]
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