25x13 - Prepare To Fail

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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25x13 - Prepare To Fail

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Long ago, Earth's greatest Ninja

sacrificed himself to keep the universe

safe from the monster Galvanax.

Ten years later, the Rangers fought many battles to protect the legendary

Ninja Power Stars.

Finally Galvanax was defeated,

but the ruthless Madame Odius survived

and rose to power, determined to take the Stars for herself.

Only one team of heroes can stop her.

It's morphin' time!

[narrator] They are Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel!

[Odius] Welcome to the Warrior Dome...

I'm glad you could join us General Tynamon.

I hope your famous fighter Brax is ready for action.

[Tynamon] Of course, Madame.

Our plan will crush the Rangers.

[Badonna] Ah, Brax! I am Badonna!

It's good to finally meet you in person.

Did you get the fan letters I sent?

[Brax] Yeah, all two hundred of them.

[Badonna] Look, I spruced up our Basherbots, just for you.

Do you like them?

[Brax] Those outfits?

[Odius] Badonna, our guests will be here for awhile.

Take care of them.

[Badonna] With pleasure, Madame.

How about we get to know each other a little better?

[Tynamon] Keep your paws off my fighter, you minx!

[Badonna] Let’s have a talk, Tynamon...

You should watch out,

-I know your "little" secret. -[Tynamon] Ah!

[Badonna] And if you don’t shut up,

I will tell the whole universe!

Now Braxxy, let's introduce you

-to the audience! -[Brax] Whoa!

[Mrs. Finch] Okay. Quiet down everybody.

I have got the results of Part One of your math test...

Ooh, fingers crossed...

Oh, a 'B plus'!

An 'A'!

See... studying hard... pays off.

Especially for...

Sarah, who got the only 'A plus' in the class!

Really? That's so cool.

I got every single question right.

I can't believe I studied so hard for the test,

it was such a cinch!

Well, Part Two of the test is tomorrow.

And I highly recommend

-that everyone comes prepared. -[bell rings]

Good job.

Oh, hey, Mrs. Finch...

did you receive the fruit and chocolate basket we sent you?

I did, and it was so delicious!

And you still got F's on your tests.

-I don't believe it! -You better start believing it.

And study for the next test...

or else.

-This is your fault. -Why?

Because I copied all your answers!

You have to think of something, Monty.

There's no way I can learn it all in one night.


Oh, I know just what to do.

[theme song playing]

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Crushing evil With all their might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Spin ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night Together ♪

-♪ Ninja Steel ♪ -♪ Ninja Rangers fear no danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel! ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Ninja Steel! ♪

Okay, Hayley, Levi,

how do you find the area of a right triangle?

Oh... you multiply the base by the height.

And then divide by two?

You nailed it! Nice job--

Oh my gosh, Levi Weston!

Can I have your autograph? Please?

Um, sure you can. Yeah.

I'll just be a second.

Oh, and when you're done,

will you sign for my friends too?

What the heck. Why not?

Sorry guys... I'd better catch up.

Yeah. See you in, like, a million years.

Okay, your turn for a question, Sarah.

Uh, hello?

Earth to Sarah?

Hey. Oh, sorry guys.

I am looking at show times.

I'm pretty tempted to go see a movie tonight...

I’m thinking Train on the Run, Part .

Uh... the math test is tomorrow.

Aren't you gonna study?

Eh, the first part was so easy...

I don't think I even need to study for the second part.

Plus, I really wanna know

how they stop that runaway train!

But Sarah...

Guys! A Buzz-Cam!


You better get over here, Levi.

We've got trouble.

[Tynamon] Hello Rangers!

Ready to face the most fearsome fighter of your lives?

Who... you?

He looks like one of my grandma's lawn ornaments.

Not me!

Introducing, the one and only, Brax!

[Brax laugh]

Prepare for total annihilation!

[all] Ninja Spin!

[Brax] Here I come.

[Red Ranger] Here I come too!

No! Ow, that hurt!

-What? -[White Ranger] Seriously?

[Red Ranger] Um, is that's all you got?

[Brax] Ahhhh! He’s too strong!

Basherbots, protect me!

[Badonna] Don't worry, my handsome darling!

[Red Ranger] Whoa! Basherbots!

[Red Ranger] You ‘Bots are tougher than Brax!

[Brax] Let’s get out of here.

Take me back to the ship! Aah!

[Tynamon] Basherbots, retreat!

[Red Ranger] Huh? They’re leaving?

[Blue Ranger] Wow, we really scared them off.

[White Ranger] Yeah, I guess.

[Pink Ranger] Hey, you okay Brody?

[Red Ranger] I’m just surprised.

Hey team! Where’s the trouble?

What happened?

What’d I miss?

Well, as a matter of fact,

you didn't miss anything.

That was the easiest fight... ever.


[Redbot] You defeated him in a single hit?

That does not compute.

No Galaxy Warriors monster

has been defeated that fast.

It doesn't make any sense.

Well, maybe they've just run out of good fighters?

What a great day, huh?

The easiest fight,

the easiest test...

Oh sh**t! Guys, we still need

to study for tomorrow's math test.

Yeah. We want to be ready.

Whoa. You saw how easy the first test was,

the second part is gonna be a breeze.

I'm going to the movies.

Who's coming?


Guess you're on your own.

We'll see you later.

Bye, have fun studying.

Not that you need to.

Sarah, I wanted to ask you about something


This stuff...?

Right, yeah...

Sorry about the mess, Mick.

I am working on an extra powerful version

of a Ninja Star Blade.

I call it my "Superstar Blade".

-Impressive. -Thank you.

If you're not busy studying,

maybe we could finish it together.

Yes. Yes, but, there's no rush.

If that Brax monster is the best that Odius can find...

I'm going to the movies.

-But- -I'd better zoom

if I'm gonna get to the theater on time.



[Cosmo] The mighty Brax...

is a legend in over twelve solar systems.

But look at him now,

he couldn't even fight off a cold.


[Cosmo] What in the world?

[Brax] Ah ha, that’s right!

I fooled you, just like I fooled the Rangers.

That was Tynamon’s plan all along!

-[audience cheers] -[Brax] If the Rangers think I'm weak,

they'll lower their guard.

And BAM! They'll be down for the count!

[crowd cheers]

Okay Class, you have one hour

to complete part two of your math test.

No eating and no talking.

[Mrs. Finch] Huh? Beans?

-Ah, Mrs. Finch? -Yes, Sarah?

I ah - I think you gave me the wrong test.

Uh... Nope, that's the right one.



Oh no.

Okay class, you can begin.

It's time.

[farts loudly]

Oh. Was that me?


[Victor farts loudly]

Come on.

That's ripe!

[loud farting noises]

[kids clamoring]

My bad.

Hey we can't help it.

Hey teach, we can't work in this air.

Maybe we should postpone the test?

Yes! Yes, that’s good idea.

Nice try, but I'm onto your tricks...

I saw you ate beans again.

That’s why I brought gas masks!

-Oh! -[Victor farts]

[student] Come on!

Quickly, please take a gas mask everyone.

Take one, pass it on

and keep doing your tests.

Keep going, keep going.

Quickly, take one, pass it on.

Oh, shucks...

no more masks left.

I do understand if you guys want to leave...

But you'll both get F's.

[Mrs. Finch] Good luck.

[farting sounds continue]

-I'm done! -Me too!

[Monty] Hurry!

We're outta here!

[Mrs. Finch] Hey, my door!

You’re gonna fix that!

Thank you.

Well that was brutal.

I'm lucky to have a B.

I got a B plus. I'm good with that.

Sarah, you okay?

Yesterday's test was so simple...

but today's test was so much harder.

I don't think it was that hard.

I got an F!


It was not fair for Mrs. Finch to make today's test

so much harder than yesterday's.

Excuse me...

Now did I say today's test was going to be easy?

-No. -No, Sarah.

some tests are tougher than others,

just like the challenges that we face in life.

Today's test was tough.

So I suggest that next time...

you come prepared.


What's up Mick?

Brax is back.

Really? Some monsters just don't learn.

Let's go.

[Brax] Oh no!

Odius says I have to fight the Rangers for her show.

But, I'm not strong enough!

I’m a weakling!

[Brax] Aah!

[Red Ranger] Give it up Brax.

You said it yourself, you're no match for us.

[Brax] Come on, we don't have to fight.

Just — just give me your Power Stars...

Pretty please?

[Pink Ranger] I guess you're gonna have to learn this lesson

the hard way.

[Brax] I’m outta here.

[Red Ranger] Hey!

Stop right there!

[Brax] Okay, I stopped,

but you’ll wish I hadn’t.

[Blue Ranger] Ninja Blast!

[Gold Ranger] Rockshot!

-[Brax laughs] -[Red Ranger] What?

[Pink Ranger] No way!

[Brax] Fools!

[Blue Ranger] Whoa, how’d he get so powerful?

[Pink Ranger] Not as powerful as our team!

[Gold Ranger] Let’s attack him together!

[Pink Ranger] Come on guys,

let’s take him down with our whiplash attack!

[all] Ninja Blaster

Power Up!

Whip lash! Rock shot!

[Brax] Nice try, back at ya!

[Brax laughs]

[Brax] Who's laughing now, Rangers?

[Blue Ranger] This guy’s no wimp, he’s crazy strong!

[Brax] Don’t worry, you won't survive another hit!

[White Ranger] He's right.

We gotta get out of here!

[Brax growls]

[Pink Ranger] Zoom Zord Star!

[Pink Ranger] Ninja Spin!

[Brax] No!

You cowards!

Come back and face me like true ninja warriors!


Sarah! Brody! Are you okay?

[Redbot] I thought you said Brax was a weakling?

[Brody] He suddenly got a lot tougher.

We were lucky to escape.

[Calvin] Yeah, that monster went from nil to nasty in a day!

How is that possible?

Wait a minute.

What is it, Sarah?

Maybe Brax didn't get stronger at all.

Maybe he was just pretending to be weak.

And it worked.

We all slacked off, thinking it would be easy.

Just like I did in Math class.

This is exactly what Mrs. Finch said -

"Some tests are tougher than others,

just like the challenges we face in life."


Does Mrs. Finch have a way to beat Brax?

Because, right now, we can't even leave our hideout

unless we want to get our butts kicked.

Mrs. Finch said to come prepared...

With preparation we can beat Brax.

You're ready to complete your Superstar Blade.


So, Brody, what should we do?

We need to figure out a way

to wear Brax down.

Yeah. When we see Brax again,

we'll have a plan.

[Tynamon] Keep searching, Kudabots!

[Odius] General Tynamon, any sign of the Rangers?

[Tynamon] No luck yet, Madame.

Every Buzz-Cam you have

is scouring the city for those teenage rats.

[Odius] Good. They can't hide forever.

[Tynamon] Brax stands ready Madame!

[Brax] Yes...

The moment they show their faces,

I'll teleport in and wipe them out!

Seven... Eight.

[all grunt]

Okay guys, that's enough.

[Redbot] Superstar Blade, scan complete!

Mick how are the Superstar energies?

The computer says they are perfectly balanced

to match all the Ninja Star Blades.


That means it's going to work with all of our Ninja Stars.

[laughs] That’s so much cooler than I imagined.

What's so special about it?

Well, it's stronger, and...

[Mick] Just watch guys.

And — it aligns my energies, so I can do this!

So you made a more powerful sword

that works with the Lion Fire Armor Star too!

-[Sarah] Mm hm. -Brax is in for a real surprise.

All this prep is about to pay off big time.

Then let's go!

[Tynamon] Aha! We’ve found the Rangers!

Are you ready, Brax?

[Brax] They won't escape this time.


[Badonna] Yes, yes, obliterate them, Braxxy!

[Brax] Oh, I plan to.

[Badonna] Ooh!

[Brax] You gutless Rangers finally showed your faces...

just in time for me to grind them to dust!


[Brax laughs]

There’ll be no escaping for you Rangers this time.

Sorry, Brax.

Third time definitely won't be a charm for you!

It's morphin' time!

Power Stars!

[all] Lock in!


Ninja spin!

[all] Spin!

Power Rangers, Super Ninja Steel!

[Brax] Time to crush you!

[Pink Ranger] Let’s follow the plan!

[all] Ninja Blaster, Whiplash!

[Red Ranger] Red Ninja Strike!

Steel Slash!

[Gold Ranger] Storm Star! Tornado Slashes!

[Gold and Red Rangers] Final Attack!

[Brax] Is that all you’ve got?

[Pink Ranger] Not even close!

[Brax] Bring it on!

[Pink, White Rangers] Hyper Arrow Blast!

[Blue and Yellow Rangers] Hyper Blade Slash!

[Red Ranger] Hyper Claw Shred!

[all] Final Attack!

[Brax] Huh?

[Brax] Nice try.

But I can do this all day.

[Red Ranger] Ha! He’s worn out.

looks like it’s time for the next part of the plan!

[Pink Ranger] Great, let’s see how strong our new Superstar Blade is!

[Pink Ranger] Lion Fire, Ninja Spin!

[Pink Ranger] Lion Fire Frenzy!

[Gold Ranger] Yeah! You got him, Sarah!

[Brax] What?

[Pink Ranger] Let's finish him off!

[Red Ranger] Right with you!

[Brax] No!

[Pink Ranger] Superstar Slash!

[Six Rangers] Final Attack!

[all cheer]

[Red Ranger] Our plan worked!

[Pink Ranger] That’s what I call teamwork!

[Cosmo] Brax failed again —

time to call in a Skullgator!

[Badonna] Back off!

I don’t care what you say!

My Braxxy’s getting a second chance!

[Cosmo] What?


[Red Ranger] We're gonna need more

than one Megazord to take down this guy.

[Gold Ranger] I think you might be right, bro.

[Red Ranger] Ninja Steel Megazord, combine!

[Gold Ranger] Ninja Blaze Megazord, combine!

[Red & Gold Rangers] Ninja spin!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Steel Megazord, Ready!

Ninja Steel Super Steel Mode, Ready!

[Gold Ranger] Ninja Blaze Megazord, Ready!

[Pink Ranger] We're good to go!

[Red Ranger] Then Brax is going down!

Let’s do this!

[Brax] The gloves are off, Rangers!

[Red Ranger] You said it, Brax!

Dragon shield!

Haha! Too slow, tough guy!

[Pink Ranger] Take this!

[Brax] No!

[Badonna] The world's handsomest monster needs some help.

I know just what to do.


[Cosmo] Whoa, whoa! That’s enough Badonna!

[Brax] Look at all my Skullgators!

Can you take on all four?

[Pink Ranger] Four?

[Gold Ranger] We have to fight all four of them?

And Brax too!

[Brax laughs]

Your fate is sealed!

I'll enjoy watching your destruction from the ship!

[White Ranger] Brax thinks we’re done for,

but it’s not over yet!

[Blue Ranger] Then let's take down these Skullgators!

[Skullgators growl]

[Yellow Ranger] They’re distracted.

Now’s your chance!

[Pink Ranger] Okay! Serpent Punch!

[Red Ranger] Let's finish this!

[Red Ranger] Begin Final Attack!

Ninja Spin!

[Red Ranger] Ninja Super Steel Blaster,


[Red, Yellow & Blue Rangers] Ninja Steel Megazord, Master Slash!

[Red, Yellow & Blue Rangers] Rumble Tusk, Double Axe!

Astro, Cosmic Blast!

[Red, Yellow & Blue Rangers] Sub Surfer, Riptide Slash!

Final Attack!

[all cheer]

[Red Ranger] Show’s over. Ninjas win!

-All finished, Victor. -Good.


Great work boys, keep it up.

Oh, Mrs. Finch...

Can I talk to you for a second?

Sure. What is it?

Listen, you were right.

I didn't study for the test and I deserve to fail.

Well, that's a change of tune.

Yeah... let's just say,

the math test wasn't my only "tough challenge" I faced today.

I learned my lesson, and-

I've been studying up

on all the questions that I got wrong in the test.

So, next time, I'll be ready.

Well, I must say,

I'm very impressed with your attitude, Sarah...

Impressed enough to let you take the test again tomorrow.

-Really? -Mm hm.

That's fantastic!

I won't disappoint you!

Thank you.

You're welcome.


It's good as new.

Whoo. What a job that was.

I'm — I’m starving!

Monty, you're eating more beans?

What? Carpentry is hard work.

-Don't worry, I’m not gonna-- -[stomach bubbles loudly]

Uh oh.

This isn't good!

[loud farting noise]

[both] Nooooooo!

[theme music playing]
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