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02x15 - Men at Work

Posted: 06/15/23 07:03
by bunniefuu
Gotta Blast!

♪ From here to the stars,
Fueled by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

Gentlemen, did you bring
the items I requested?

My mom's gold necklace.

My grandma's gold tooth.

She needs it back by lunch,

And the gold
buried under our lawn--

in case Dad spends
all our money... again.

Gold's low
melting point

makes it the perfect
element for powering

my latest invention...


How fast
do these babies go?

They're safe up to
25 miles per hour.

start your hats.

( whirring )


( yelling )

( barking )


I'm a pretty butterfly.

And I'm 25-Mile-an-Hour Man,

delivering top-quality justice
at reasonable speed.

( buzzing )

What's this?

The secret power source
of my sworn enemy--

Dangerously Bad Man?

( gives karate shout )

Uh... Carl did it.

( screams )

Let's get out of here!


( both screaming )

Guys, slow down!

You're going too fast!

Tell them that!

( sputtering )

My whole life's flashing
before my eyes!

Remember when I ate toothpaste
and my burps were minty fresh?

( screams )

( sputtering )


( all yell )

( crash )

Our gold... it's all ashes!

That was my grandmother's
favorite tooth...

and her only one.

The equipment I'd need
to replicate this gold

would take
a ton of money.

We could sell
our bodies to science.

You have to be dead
to do that.

Okay, Mr. Negative!

we have to get jobs.

Oh, McSpanky's would be
the perfect place to work.

We could eat here, see friends--
plus, what job could be easier?


and-pull-it-off consultant?


Good day.

Are you Skeet?

Hold on.

Uh... yes!

Okay... ( clears throat )

are you interested in entering

the exciting and glamorous world
of fast-food service?


Ah, excellent!

Wait a minute...

Exactly how old are you guys?



Well, then, let us proceed

to the all-important
job interview.

Okay, um, Specs--
you look like you've done

some serious deep-frying
in your day.

No... maybe...
I don't have a problem.


You shall be fry cook.

Cool-- what about me,
what can I be?!

Whoa! Your extremely
grating voice is perfect

for yelling out orders.

You shall man
the drive-through window.


And you... uh, sorry, dude,
I'm afraid I can't use you.


But I'm a genius--

my I.Q. is practically
off the charts.

He's wicked smart.

Uh, dudes, scope that plaque.

"Employee of the Month."

And thusly, someone who knows
a McSpanky man

when he sees one.

But I'll tell you what, okay?

I'll start you on the register
and see where it goes.

Can you all start today?

Now, about our pay...


We'll take it!

What do you want
for lunch?

Oh, nothing for me.

I want to be
really hungry

for tomorrow's
Mucho Carne Fiesta

at Taco Shack.

Are you sure, honey?

Remember what happened
last year?

Oh, don't worry,
El Sugar de Booger,

these days you don't even know
your stomach's being pumped.

Well, just don't cry
if you miss
the piñata.

I'm not going to miss.

I've been practicing
on Jorge here.

Check out my swing!

( Hugh gives battle cry
as things begin to smash )

Oh, Hugh, be careful!

( cries out )

Oh, dear...

I'll get you,

my papier-mâché friend.

I know deep in your belly

there are treats
worth swinging at.

( cries out )


Where is he?


( smashing )

Welcome to McSpanky's,
home of the Belly Buster.

May I take your order?

We'll have one chicken bits
and a purple flurp,

one McSpanky burger,
and I'll have a cheeseburger,

fries and a vanilla shake.

Give me a cow in an earthquake,

a dancing albino
with a heart condition

and a baby in a ricksha.

Comin' at ya.

( scat singing )

Whoa, you dudes
are in the zone!

I'd better check
on the slow guy.

A double McSpanky with fries.

That'll be $6.53.

And $3.47's your change.

Dude, you're supposed
to push the buttons

with the pictures
of food on them.

Don't need to, Skeet--

I do the prices
and tax in my head.

Oh, okay, Mr. Magicman,
I also did not hear you say,

"Big McThankies from McSpanky's"
to the customer.

Well, frankly, it struck me
as clichéd.

How about, "Don't let our food
be denied you,

put our polyunsaturated fats
and triglycerides inside you"?

I'll tell you what I think...

"No human brain
can add three things, dude."

"Only the machine
knows the tax, dude."

Hey, Jimmy,
isn't this the best?

I want to be a fry cook
for the rest of my life.

Give me a pilot on water skis
with a flaming tepee, travelin'.

You got it!

Picture of money...
picture of money...

Ha! Got you!

Big McThankies from McSpanky's.

Hey, dude,
you missed a spot.

I got it.

It's just a little
sodium chloride.

Actually, dude,
it's salt.

That's what I said,
sodium chloride.

Ah, dude... that would be salt.

If you don't know
what salt is,

maybe mop duty's
too complicated for you.

What size
are you, small?

Yeah, why?

If you want
cheap food with taste,

put McSpanky's in your face.

If you want
cheap food with taste...

Am I buggin',
or is that Jimmy

dressed as
a hamburger?

Libby... life is good.

( with annoyance ):


When were you elected leader

of the one-man dork parade?

( laughing )

Aren't we all a bit too old

for sophomoric name-calling?

Jimmy's right, Cindy.

Call him
by his real name... Patty.

Jobs like this
are hard to come by.

Really? I thought
they were only
medium rare.

( girls laughing )

I don't have to take this!

Calm down-- you'll pop
your sesame seeds!

Bye, Jimmy.

I relish this moment.

( laughter )

Yeah, I'd like
a deluxe McSpanky

with a side of
chili fries.

Give me a clown
with a harelip.

Doing the tango
or whacking the goose?

Hold on!

You want a salad?

He's packing light.

( humming )


Dudes, I am
way impressed.

If only your friend Jimmy
had your attitude

and inteligentosity.

( grumbling and moaning )

That's it, I'm out of here!

You're quitting?!

But dude, you're the first guy

who fit in the costume.

I'm not quitting--
quite the opposite.

I intend to show you all
what I am capable of.

( yelling )

Where's he going?

I don't know.

Hey, Carl, give me
a fat taxi driver.

You want a hamburger
with peanut butter?

No, if Jimmy's leaving,
we'll need a ride home.

( Goddard growling )

Easy, Goddard--

it's just a giant
mechanical Scotsman's head.

But by tomorrow it'll be
smarter than Skeet.

( hollow knocks )

Come to think of it,
it's smarter than Skeet now.

( all gasp )

Welcome to McSpanky's.

Dude, what did you
do to the place?

I brought it
into the 21st century.

But where are
the dirt and germs
we know and love?

Gone. McSpanky's
is now fully automated

and completely hygienic.

Permit me to demonstrate.

Skeet, place your tongue
on the scanner.

( chuckling ):
All right, I'll play along.


"McSpanky burger
with hot sauce,

medium fries,
small soda."

Hey, that's my breakfast
of choice.

The computer
determined your ideal order

based on the configuration
of your taste buds.

Now titanium pistons begin
pounding your burger

to peak tenderness.

And it's insta-cooked
using nano-wave technology.

Hydroponically grown tomatoes
are harvested while you wait.

While your fries are boiled
in the finest imported oils

at precisely 250 degrees

And there's your order--

completely customized
in 45 seconds flat.

Mmm... delicioso.

I have seen the future,
and it is awesome!

Hey, Jimmy, what's "C.S."?

Customer satisfaction.

If customers are happy,
satisfaction goes up.

If they aren't,
it corrects the problem.

The main computer watches
everything that happens

in the restaurant
through that lens.

Because it's self-correcting,
nothing can go wrong...

nothing can go wrong...

nothing can go wrong.

( kids chattering )

Guy Trembley reporting
from downtown Retroville,

where the new,
automated McSpanky's

has been attracting crowds

with made-to-order meals
just like Mom used to make--

if your mom was a giant,
tongue-scanning robot.


A burger-fries-and-shake-kabob!

Just like back home.

A pineapple burger with lo-cal
thousand island dressing!

It's like you're inside my head!

there's something

very important
that I want to ask you.

Are you going
to finish those fries?

Mmm, oh, that's good,
yeah, yeah.

Ladies, there's an hour
wait for a table--

unless you're willing
to sit in the utility closet.

But we know you.

Oh, that's right!

I'm the leader
of the one-man dork parade.

Just because you work
at the best place in town

doesn't mean you aren't
still a jerk!

Come on, Libby,
we're leaving!

One for the utility
closet, please.

Make it two.

Go on in, Nissa.

Brown shoes
with a black belt?

I think not.

Try the diner
down the block.

( monkey squawks )

The monkey's in--
you, back of the line.

( chatters with glee )

All right, we're just going
to pop in, congratulate Jimbo--

"Hi, Jimbo! Bye, Jimbo!"--

then zoomity-doo to Taco Shack.


Oh, I get you--

we'll drive past, honk
congratulations on the horn

in Morse code.

( imitating telegraph )

No, Hugh.

We're eating
at McSpanky's

to support Jimmy.

And just what
do you expect me to do

with this piñata stick?

Don't answer that.

Wheelbarrow of money
coming through!

Big wheelbarrow of unmarked
bills, make way!

Zippity Pluto! Are those
today's profits?

This was in the tip jar.

We got a truck
for the profits.

Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Neutron.

My goodness! You boys
have turned this place

into quite
the hot spot.

Yup-- hope you enjoy it.

Um... hold up,
Mr. Neutron.

What... I'm with her.

Whoa, whoa, whoa--
back it up, chief.

Hmm... yeah...
nope, sorry, not feeling it.

What do you mean?

Don't make me
spell it out, Mr. N.,

but your outfit
just isn't saying
McSpanky's to me.

Oh, really?

Well, maybe because
it's too busy saying,

"Step aside, Mr... Sassymouth
before I tell your parents!"

Go ahead-- I turned them away
two hours ago.

That's just terrible.

How could you...

Hey, look, a famous movie star!

Where? Where?

( snickers )

What, I don't see anybody...

Oh, I see him! Hi!

No, that's not him.

Excuse us, pardon us.

Parents of the employee
coming through.

Mom, Dad, what are you
doing here?

We wanted to say
how proud we are of you.

Got to go, bye-bye!
Hugh, stay.

But it's so busy

and one of my legs
is shorter than the other one,

so I can't stand
in line long.

Not a problem.
( snaps fingers )

Bon appétit.

Uh, thanks, son.

How's customer
satisfaction, Skeet?

little dude.

I guess I owe you
an apology.

Beneath your completely
unimpressive exterior

is one smart hombre.

I still don't see
what the big deal is.

Taco Shack has a roving
mariachi band

that plays "La Cucaracha"
300 times a day.

And Taco Shack's salad bar
has 18 types of cheese!

And the waiters all have
funny mustaches.

Whoa, dude, the meter's
heading south!

What's going on?

Oh, and they have
the best theme song.

♪ Taco Shack, Taco Shack, you'll
eat cheese until you yak ♪

♪ Frijoles there
are always black ♪

♪ And give a big
piñata whack! ♪

Dad, no!

♪ Taco, Taco, Taco Shack! ♪

( hoots )

( rumbling )



It's Burgergeddon!

Everybody out!

( everyone screaming )

What's happening, Hugh?

Who cares?!
We're going to Taco Shack!

Skeet, come on!

Dude, I can't leave--

I'm employee
of the month.


I'm back from the bank.

Hey, Jimmy,
is the restaurant

supposed to be
rising off the ground?



What's happening,

The computer heard my dad

say he prefers Taco Shack

and it's correcting
the problem.



( people screaming )

( gasps in horror )

Oh, it's too horrible!

Quick, honey,
turn around--

I can still get
the Big 'n' Cheesy

at Pizza Clown!

I think McSpanky's is destroying
all its competition

until it's the only restaurant
in town!

We've got to stop it!


Does that mean
no more tips?

( people screaming )

Not Pizza Clown, too?!

Hard left!
We can still make it
to the Big Pilgrim

for a Miles Sandwich
and a Mocha-hontas!

Hold on, I'll try to bring
it down with my ion ray.



Why, why, why?

Well, that's the last
fast-food place in town.

It'll land and
I can rip out its programming.

What's it doing?

It's headed for
the supermarket!

Oh, no! Not satisfied
with destroying restaurants,

it's going to destroy any place
that sells food!

I knew a fast-food restaurant
that does it your way

was just a crazy dream.

Wait a minute--
Carl, that's it!

You mean, this is
all a crazy dream?

bring on the dancing tubas!

No, I mean
McSpanky's is programmed

to please the customer.

We'll make it an order
it can't refuse.

Hey, yeah...

I don't get it.

Goddard, Goddard,

meet me
at Food-O-Mart right away.

( barks )

I'm almost done rearranging
Goddard's taste buds.

This is just like
the dentist's office--

only we're in the sky,
Jimmy's not a dentist

and I'm not crying
for my mommy...

So, Jimmy, how does

rearranging Goddard's taste buds

help stop McSpanky's?

You'll see.

Come on, guys,
time to place an order.

For weeks we've searched space
for a vessel

worthy to take over the galaxy.

And that gets
good gas mileage.

And has seats with good lumbar
support for my lower back.

And trunk space
for when we go for groceries.

I love groceries.

Yes, those big,
gallon water bottles

really take up
a lot...

Would you be quiet?!

As I was saying, our long search
may finally pay off.

I think today
may be our lucky day.

Hey, McSpanky's, we're hungry!

Okay, boy, just like we
planned-- stick out your tongue.

Four McSpanky Deluxe Burgers

cooked at... 20,000 degrees

A King Arthur with
a hip replacement on
a bed of coals?!

I arranged Goddard's taste buds
for a desire

for incredibly hot food.

has to fill that order.

In that case, give me
a McSpanky pie.

Two, please.

Yes, there it goes.

Well, where's
it going, Jim?

To the only place that can
attain that temperature.

Salsa Night at
Juanita's Leche Lounge?

Nope, the Sun.

Driven to satisfy our order,

McSpanky's will fly up
to the Sun

and burn up in the intense heat.

If only it used its grill
for good instead of evil.

Yeah... you think
we'll get paid for today?

Gentlemen, welcome
to our new craft.

Whoa, all this

it looks so hot.

Which is why we must
find its captain

and exploit his great wisdom.

This is the one we must find.

( laughing sinisterly )


Got to blast!