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02x11 - The Great Egg Heist/The Feud

Posted: 06/15/23 07:00
by bunniefuu
Got to blast!

♪ Into the stars,
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

( bell rings )

( whispers ):
What's the password?

No one gave us any
stupid password.

We were just told
to show up.

How do I know
you're Cindy and Libby?

( sings high note )

Okay, okay, stop!

( stops )

I believe you, you're Libby.

But how do I know you're Cindy?

Just open the stupid door!

Yup, that's you.

Sorry, ladies,

I'm going to have
to search you.

( detector whirring )

( makes karate yell )

( faintly ):
She's clean.

Thank you for coming, you two.

For once I'm really glad
to see you.

I'll give you ten seconds
to tell us what this is about.

Maybe I should let
our guest explain.

Greetings, honorable children.

I am Princess Guan Qi Sui,
last heir to the Sui Dynasty--

but my friends call me "Peggy."

( softly ):
Pretty, pretty,
pretty Peggy Sui...

( with normal voice ):
Do you think she's married?

Get your tongue
off the floor.

It was Princess Sui
who contacted me.

Goddard, activate
holo-program 7A.

( whirring )

7A-- I said 7A!

This is the Egg-Drop Jade,

a priceless gem that has been
in my family for generations.

The Jade has an unstable
atomic structure

which can channel near infinite
amounts of raw energy.

Knowing this, my evil brother,
a boy named Sui,

has built a deadly
doomsday device.

When powered by the egg,

this device could enslave
the entire free world.

And that's where we come in.

The egg's currently on display
at the Retroville Museum.

The security system is state-of-
the-art, but that won't stop us.

You want us to help you rob
the Retroville Museum?

Have you popped a synapse?

The egg has
got to be secured

before Peggy's
evil brother steals it.

And to do that,
I'll need your help.

Pinch me, Libby,
I'm in shock.

You need our help?

I can't do it by myself.

You've all been chosen

for this operation

because you each posses
a unique skill.

What's my skill, Jimmy?

It's personal hygiene,
isn't it?

Well, um...
actually, Carl,

I was hoping
you could stay

and keep the princess
company while we're gone.

But I want to help save
the free world, too.

Please let me help,

Please, please, please,
please, please, please...

If it's for the good
of the free world,

then I guess we'll help--
just shut him up!

Okay, Carl...

Carl, okay!

( stops asking "please" )

You can help by, um... uh...

by providing nourishing snacks
for quick energy.


Who likes fruit chewies?

So, bearing in mind that
Carl will provide snacks,

here's the plan.

Hey, Lou.

I caught this kid
sneaking around

the service entrance.

Very suspicious.

What are you doing here, kid?

( stiffly ):
Hello, my name is Pete--

Steve! Steve!

And I am a diversion--

I mean, I am collecting money

for the United Magicians
Retirement Fund.

I love magicians.

Hey, kid, you know
any magic card tricks?

Do I?

Allow me to direct
your attention

away from the wall
of security monitors.

The guards should be distracted
right about now.

This hypersonic blast
will be nasty,

but it should freeze
the alarm system.

Ready, Libby?

( sings high-pitched note )

( sings even
higher-pitched note )

( howls )

( glass shatters )

( Libby holds note )

The alarms will
stay frozen

as long as you sustain
that note, Libby.

Everyone else, go.

Stop! Nobody move.

Good call, Carl.

How did you know there
were pressure sensors?

I didn't, I just thought
we could use a snack.

You're up, Cindy.

Can you reach
that control box

without setting foot
on the pressure sensors?

With the energy boost from
this raspberry chewy she can.

( makes karate yell )

( continues karate yelling )

We've got
ten seconds-- hurry!

The sensors
are back online.

Stay where you are,

No problem.

But you'll come back,


Is this your card?



Well, is this your card?

For the tenth time-- no!

Sheesh, you're not
a very good magician, are you.

You also lack showmanship.

I'm going back
to the monitors.

Uh, uh, wait!

( softly ):
Time for Plan B.

Who likes balloon animals?

Look, an albino snake.

( electrical crackling )

Okay, Carl.

Goddard will lower me down
on tension wires and...

( howls )

Oh, no!

Goddard must have suffered

hypersonic damage
from Libby's high note.

It's up to you, Carl.

I'll have to lower you down

while you retrieve the egg.


Just replace
the real Jade Egg

with this replica,
and we're done.

Let's do it!

( whimpering )

( begins sneezing )

( sneezes )


look at the pretty lights.

Don't touch them, Carl.

Those are infrared
security beams.


But, Jimmy, I'm allergic
to infrared.


( begins sneezing )

Carl, no!

( sneezes )

Uh... oh, no...

Quick, Carl, switch the eggs.

Oh, no.

( whimpering )

( continues holding high note )

We did it, Carl.

We got the Jade Egg.

Yeah, Jimmy, about that...

No time, Carl--
we got to move.

And this is
the horned Grimlock

from UltraLord episode 42...

( gasps )

Holy Shazbots!

UltraLord's on TV now!

Hey, where's UltraLord?

Every channel has
the same stupid show:

"Intruders on level three."

It won't last two seasons.

on level three?

I'll go--
you watch the kid.

( alarm blaring )

You're in big trouble, kid.

Attack, my pets!

( screaming )

Hey, Neutron, what about
the pressure sensors?

No time! Come on!

( makes karate yell )


( all grunting )

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Guys, we got
to hurry.

We're missing

Hey, you kids,

( barks )

( coughing )

( continues holding high note )

( stops holding high note )

Oh, thank you,
Jimmy Neutron.

I knew that only
your enormous,
big, smart brain

could accomplish
this deed.

I couldn't have done it

without a little help
from my friends.


Then I suppose
it is only fitting

that your friends...

( voice deepens ):
share in your ultimate downfall.

Jimmy, I think
the princess needs
a throat lozenge.

That's not the princess.


Professor Calamitous!

Thank you, Jimmy.

Phase one of my Doomsday Plan
is now complete.

Phase two... hasn't really
been worked out yet,

but I'm confident that
it will be very, very evil.

A force field-- we're trapped.

Don't worry, Jimmy.

I've got
the princess.

You're safe with us,
my darling.

Isn't it beautiful?

I tried using more common
crystals to power it,

but they all caused
catastrophic meltdowns.

Meltdowns from common crystals?

Uh, Jimmy?

Not now, Carl.

I can still cancel out
his force field

with my null generator.

But, but...

Stand back, everyone.

Jimmy, no!

Carl, what have you done?

( laughing )

Well done, Carl.

When I rule the earth, you shall
receive a charming gift basket.

And now it's... doomsday!


Perhaps I should have given
phase two more thought.

I'll get you, Jimmy Neutron...

I was trying to tell
you before, Jimmy.

I think I got mixed up

and left the real Jade Egg
back at the museum.

And the replica egg
caused a meltdown.

Carl, your stroke
of stupidity

has saved us all.


Just one last piece of business
to take care of:

who wants the last lemon chewy?

Anyone? Anyone?

Come on, it's lemony.

Come on, Carl,
show me what you got.

( grunts )



Sun-- check.

Birds-- check.

Kids playing-- check.

Yes, sir, looks like
everything's hunky-dory

in the world of Hugh Neutron.

Sweet leaping...


The defiler
of beloved lawns everywhere.

My response must be
swift and brutal.

Hey, Neutron.

Just trimming the old hedges

before they start
throwing off pollen.

I'm going to need
my Lawnlopper back.

Gee, I gave that thing
back weeks ago.

You must have forgot.

Forgot about my Lawnlopper 300

Pro-Deluxe as seen on TV?!

I don't think so.

It's probably
in your garage.

Why don't you check?

It's probably
in your garage.

I already told you,

I gave it back,
you wingding.

And I'm telling you
you didn't, toolhog.




Just because my lawn

is lush and silky

while yours is limp
and hard to manage...

What?! There's nothing
wrong with my lawn.

Oh, please!

Dandelions, gopher holes,

and these tacky ceramic
lawn kitties-- please!

Oh, yeah?!

Well, what about
your stupid lawn ducks?

the laughingstock

of the entire

No, you put that down right now!

Hey, look at me--
quack, quack, quack.

I'm a stupid lawn duck--
quack, quack... whoops.

Sir Quacksalot!

( smash )

( screams )


That is the last straw,

( smash )

( shudders )

From this point on,

we are mortal enemies.

Well, that goes double for me.

Jimmy, send Carl home.

From now on we'll have
nothing to do with him

or anyone named Wheezer

or anyone
who's ever wheezed.

But, Dad,
Carl's my best friend.

Not anymore!

Come on, Carl.

From now on

the Wheezers
and the Neutrons

are sworn nemesises.

You mean "nemeses."

Don't correct
our ignorant enemy, son.

Now, into the house.

The air out here is thick

with the stench
of Wheezers.

Bye, Jimmy--
I'll never forget you.

Don't worry, Carl,
a feud can't last forever.

Jimmy to Carl, Jimmy to Carl.

Are you receiving me?

Sure thing, Jimmy.

I'm ready for our game
of holographic StarToad.

Have at you, then!

Aha! I knew it.

Carl, I have nothing
against you personally,

but this is
a Wheezer-free home now.

Bye, Jimmy.

Dad, this isn't fair.

Now, son,
I know this is hard,

but you'll make
other friends--

non-Wheezer friends.

But I want to
hang out with Carl.

And sooner or later
I'll invent a way

to get around
this feud.

Hey, thanks
for reminding me.



Mom, I can't live like this.

You've got to do something.

Way ahead of you,

Fathers can be
such sillyheads.

That's why I baked
a brambleberry pie

as a peace offering
to the Wheezers.

Of course, no one can stay angry

when they're eating
one of your pies.

They've never failed yet.

I'll have
this ridiculous feud

straightened out
in no time.

Good ol' Mom.

If anyone can get this mess
back to normal, it's her.

( screams )

Sheen, what were
you doing in there?

I'm here to bring you
and Carl back together

through my "Reach Out
and Touch a Friend" program.

What is that?

Well, for just
four bucks a month

I'll secretly
deliver messages
between you and Carl.

He's already selected
a rap-theme greeting

for an additional
three cents a word.

( rap beat begins playing )

( clears throat, then grunts )

♪ "Dear Jimmy, how are you? ♪

♪ "What's up, what's new? ♪

♪ "Look, our dads won't listen ♪

♪ "It's you I've been missin' ♪

♪ And it makes me
sad and blue, fool." ♪

Please respond--
your friend, Carl."

Four bucks, please.

Look, Sheen, this
isn't necessary.

My mom's over at Carl's

patching up the feud
right now.

Oh, sweet heaven!

( yelling )

Oh, somebody,
get my back, get my back!

( yelling )

You knew my husband

was allergic
to brambleberry pie.

You're just a dupe

for that hateful
husband of yours.

You take that back!

Never, allergy-giver.




( gasps )

Jimmy, I don't want you ever to
mention the word "Carl" again.

( door slams )

Sheen, can you arrange
a meeting with Carl?

You're in luck, Jimmy.

I'm having a special this month

on super-secret meetings.

May I suggest
a Mexican bandito theme?

Hi, Jimmy.

Carl, please.

We have to do this
by the book.

Oh, sorry.

Hola, Señor Cactus,
¿qué tal?

Look, can we just
get on with this?

Whatever, it's your money.

It's really good
to see you, Carl.

Do you have
the components I need?

Sure, Jimmy.

Here's the perpetual
motion gyro top

you gave me last year.

And here's
the non-sucking,

hydraulic loopy straw
you gave me.

Great-- my dad thinks
he's cut me off from technology,

but he forgot about Goddard.

By combining these
with extra parts from Goddard,

I'll devise a choloro-plastic
crabgrass excelerator.

Jimmy, our dads
hate crabgrass.


Faced with an outbreak
of crabgrass,

they'll have to forget
their feud to save their lawns.

This ought to do the trick.

After all, science has
never let us down before.

What about when science

almost made
that meteor hit us?

And the time science blocked out
the sun and nearly...

Okay, okay-- science almost
usually never lets us down.

Ready guys?


There's something
we got to get settled.

Okay, for contacting Carl,
that'll be $3.75,

delivering the message
in Spanish, six pesos.

So, carry the one...

Come on.

Okay, guys, here we go.

( humming )

Holly jumping catfish!

( humming )

Great stinking bananas!

Oh, this is all
your fault, Wheezer!

Oh, no--
the crabgrass started
on your lawn, Neutron.

I guess
this neighborhood

just can't have
nice things.

You're both wasting time.

The only way to fight
an infestation this big

is for you to work together.

Never! No lawn is worth that.

I'd rather be dipped
in pickle juice

and thrown to rabid weasels.


Good-bye, old friend.

Avenge you I will!


Wedgied by
science again.


I can't let
my friendship

with Jimmy
end like this.

Carl, what are you doing?


We need more crabgrass...


( rumbling )

( snarling )

You've started
a muta-genic growth cycle

and it's out of control.

( all screaming )

Sugarbooger, we need
pruning power, pronto!

Mother! Get the weed spray!

Back, vicious vine of death!

( vines snarling )

( grunting )

( yelling )

Take that, and this.

And that, and more of this.

( grunting )

( panting )

( boys yelling )



( both grunting )

( cries out )

( grunting )

Thank goodness
you boys are all right.

Mom, does this mean
that the feud is over?

And Carl and I
can be friends again?

Well, the Wheezers
and the Neutrons

may have their differences...

But we'll just have to learn
to get past them

for the sake of the children.

You betcha.

I agree one hundred percent.

Just as soon as Wheezer

admits that he took
my Lawnlopper.

I did not!




Duck lover!

"Duck lover"?!

( both yelling )

Okay, okay.

I just remembered.

Sam at the Candy Bar paid me

to send a message
to Mr. Neutron

and he's chosen
a festive polka theme.

♪ Thanks for lending me
your Lawnlopper ♪

♪ Yodel-a-hee, yodel-a-hee,
yodel-a-heehoo ♪

♪ I'll return it
in the next few days ♪

♪ Yodel-a-hee, yodel-a-hee,
yodel-hoo. ♪

That'll be four bucks, please.


We could discuss
a preferred customer discount.

( grumbling angrily )