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02x13 - The Junkman Cometh

Posted: 06/15/23 06:59
by bunniefuu
Gotta Blast!

♪ Into the stars,
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

It's Wrestle-Palooza featuring
Lumberjack vs. Man-Woman.

Gentlemen, we're living large.

Kicking back
with our bad selves

watching mind-numbing

Lumberjack doesn't stand
a chance

against Man-Woman's
bone-crushing girlie slaps.

( with static ):
Jim... my.

Jimmy, help.

Uh... was that Brobot?

You mean that robot you made
because you wanted a brother

who drove you crazy,

so you made robot parents
and sent them to the moon?

The Moony Men are attacking us.

Help us, Jimmy.

Yup, that was him.

Want a drink?

I have Classic Purple Flurp,

and New Improved Purple Flurp
with more purple.

Jimmy, aren't you going
to help Brobot?

No, I'm not going to help him.

He was a major pain.

But he's
your brother.

Yeah, he's your own
nuts and bolts
and circuits!

You got to save him

before the Moony Men
rip him apart.

Brobot can take care
of himself.

I provided him with

Jimmy, I forgot
to tell you--

they've disabled
my self-preservation circuitry.

Oh. I guess we're
going to the moon.

Come on, guys.

I'm not going.

Yeah, what are you,

There's Moony Men
up there!

Well, I'm not going alone,
so we'll just sit here

until you guys decide
what you want to do.

No TV?


( sighs )

Okay, I'm bored.

Me, too--
let's go.

Batteries to power...

Ooh, wait, Jimmy!

I want to say it!

Go ahead.

Batteries to power.

Turbines to speed.

And... kick it, homey!

Hey, say it right.

( dryly ):
Lift off.

( all screaming )

Hey, Jimmy,

I've got something
to ask you.

Why don't we have
to wear helmets

in outer space?

Good question, Sheen,

and the answer is
quite interesting.

You see...

♪ Moon, moon, moon ♪

♪ Spoon, spoon, spoon ♪

♪ June, June, June ♪

♪ Spittoon, spittoon,
spittoon! ♪

Uh, really?

And how come we don't need
oxygen tanks and stuff?


♪ Star, star, star ♪

♪ You're so far, far, far ♪

♪ Can't go
by car, car, car... ♪


Did you have
any more questions?

No-- I kind of have
a headache.

Jimmy, can I stay on tt

so I don't have to have
to see the Moony Men?

Carl, you're such a big baby.

What if they're really

with the ability to spit acid
into our brains

through our ears!

Yeah, you're right.

Then it's settled--

you guys go get Brobot

while I stay here and tidy up.

Hey, why do you get
to tidy up?

I'm the tidier
around here.

I want to tidy...


Cut it out!

Let's take care of the situation

and get back home.

The less time with Brobot
the better.

You have issues with him,
don't you?

This is where his signal
came from.

Which means the Moony Men
could be anywhere.


Lurking in
the shadows...

watching, waiting,

waltzing, weaving...

Sheen, stop it!

You know those
"W" words scare me.

Or one of us could be
a Moony Man!

Agh! Sheen's a Moony Man!

Or you could be a Moony Man.

( screams )

I'm a Moony Man!

Stop me before I hurt me!



( eerie roar )

W-What was that?

I don't know.

I'd better check it out
with my Neutroscope.

There's something
out there.

What should we do,

The way I see it,
we have three choices:

cry, run, or have
an embarrassing accident.

I may do all three.

( eerie roar continuing )

Here, let me look.

Oh, don't worry, guys,
he's tiny and really far away.

( clears throat )


( Sheen screams )

( screams )

Shh. Don't move.

His senses may be
so basic

that he won't detect us.

He's going to take hisf

and he's going to throw it at us

and his head's going t!

( screaming )

( laughing )

Oh, you guys were
totally scared!

Ha-ha, ha-ha,

Ooh, I k*ll me.

Good idea, come here...

Wait, Sheen, no.

I'm so glad
you guys are here--

especially you, big brother.

I'm going to give you a big hug.

Brobot, get down.

Where are the Moony Men?

Moony Men?

( laughing )

Oh, there are no such things
as Moony Men.

I made them up.


No Moony Men,

Dang, what
a rip-off.

I want a refund.

Ah, see, you hadn't
answered my 647 messages

and I wanted to play with you.

So I decided to play
a funny trick.

( laughing )

Now you laugh.

It's not funny.

You know, this reminds me

of that story,

"The Boy Who Cried Lama."


What story are you
talking about?

Is it about a goose
that doesn't fit in?

Or maybe a magic pickle?

Oh, oh, tell me the story!

Tell me the story!
Tell me the story!

I'll tell it.

Kid cries "wolf." People come.

No wolf. Kid laughs.
He made it up.

Real wolf comes, kid yells.
people don't come, and...

La, la, la, la--
don't tell me
the ending,

I haven't finished
the book.

The kid's wolf food.


That wasn't a good story.

Neither was yours, Brobot.

Come on, guys, we're going home.


Can't you stay
and play, brother?

Oh, please, please,
please, please?

No, I'm not staying.

You did a bad thing,

A very bad thing.

I'm sorry, Jimmy.

Three, two, one.

Brobot! Wait up!

I knew it.

Push over.

I suppose we could stay

and collect selenium crystals
for a few minutes.

How many minutes--
60 kabillion minutes?

A few minutes.


( laughs )

I'll help you, Jimmy.

I'll get my pail
and my shovel

and be right back.

Oh, I can't believe he lured us
all the way up here

with that stupid story.

Yeah, what
a little jerk.

I don't know,

I think Brobot's kind of cute.

You think
everything's cute.

Well, you think
UltraLord is cute.

I do not!

Yes, you do,
you told me.

No, let me clarify.

I said Baby UltraLord .

Yeah, he is.

Hey, can I borrow
your Baby UltraLord doll

when we get home?

He's an action figure!

Just for that,
you can't borrow him.

Guys, I need you to focus.

Hmm... space clouds.

That's rare this time of year.

Jimmy! Help!


Now what?

Jimmy, the Junkman is here.

He took my parents and
sucked them into his ship.

What did I say
about making up stories?

Ooh, ooh, I know!

They should have
a strong opening,

a solid middle,
and a satisfying ending.

I'm not making it up,

The Junkman is real--
he's horrible and scary.

Come on, guys,
let's get out of here

and let Brobot play
his little games by himself.

No, Jimmy, come back! Wait!

Boy, Brobot was
really upset.


He'll be severely
emotionally scarred

for the rest of his life.

Any salty snacks on board?

Hey, you guys, what if
Brobot's telling the truth

and there really is a Junkman?

Come on.

The Junkman?

Sounds like a villain

on a lame TV show

that people watch
because they have no lives.

Like Sheen and
The UltraLord Show?



If we travel at hyper-speed,

we can still see the last
ten minutes of Wrestle-Palooza.

And Lumberjack will make
Man-Woman eat sap.

Uh, so, Jimmy?

How come it
takes astronauts days

to go to and from
the moon,

but it only takes us
a few minutes?

Another good

You see, it all
has to do...

♪ Good-bye, Moon ♪

♪ I'll see you
next June ♪

♪ Call the Milky
for us soon, and... ♪


Enough with the song.

( thundering crash )


I don't know.

Engine functions seem normal.

Man.... this thing
needs new shocks.

( all gasp )

I can't control it.
What's happening?

We're being eaten
by a giant space cloud!

That's no space cloud.

( all screaming )

Where are we?

It's like some
sort of space motel,

only without
the little soaps.

And tiny shampoos.

And towels
of all sizes.

And the drinking

with the cute little
paper hats on them.

( screaming )

That's it--

I'm getting
a new travel agent.

( all gasp )

So glad you could
join me.

Please allow me
to introduce myself.

I am...

the Junkman.

( plays fateful notes )

( laughing maniacally )

The Junkman?

Purveyor of fine
refuse products

throughout the galaxy.

"You trash it, I cash it."

Now, let's see
what we have here.

( machine bleeping )

Three carbon-based water sacks,
two quatoos per sec.

Relatively worthless.

This is all like
some weird dream.

B-But I know
I'm not dreaming,

because there would be
lamas in it

and Jimmy's mom's...


Hmm, nice.

Heavy metals.

I cut gut the hull
and sell it as a toilet

to the intestinauts
of Flatulon Five.


Nobody uses my
rocket ship
for a toilet.

Um, actually,
Jimmy, I...

( electronic growling )

( barking, growling )

Down, Roxy, down, girl.

You'll puncture
the water sacks,

and I just mopped
in here.

( barks )

( growling )

( in deep voice ):
Oh... baby.

Look, Junkguy, we're
not water sacks,
we're humans.

How about
you let us go

and gives us back
the two robots

you took
from the moon?

( laughing )

A bargaining man.

Ooh, I love that
in a water sack.

How's about this?

I keep your
toilet rocket

and fire you out
my airlock, hmm?

Cool! We get to get shot
out of an airlock.

Sheen, we won't survive
being shot into space.


But still, an airlock!

( growling, barking )


Bad girl!

You're ruining
the polymer.

Secure that thing!

( growling )

( metal clanging )



Jimmy! Yoo-hoo!

Look, there's Brobot's.

Nice to see
you again, Jimmy.

How are your folks?

Hello, boys.

Great view up here.

Wish you could see it.

Will you gear heads pi!

No one likes chatty sp.

In you go, sackies.

Hey, I thought
you were

going to sh**t us into space.


This is a no-dumping zone.

I'll wait until we're
out of the solar system.

As for you two...

Watch the wiring,
young fella.

I guess we're
having dinner

with the captain here.

See you, boys!

Bye, have fun with the Junkguy.

Talk to you soon.

They're goners.

( zapping )

( playing sad tune
on harmonica )

Now I know why
the caged bird sings.

Sorry, guys.

I guess I should
have believed Brobot.

Wish I'd listened to him.

I wish I could see Libby's
smiling face one more time.

I wish I could see
Jimmy's mom's smiling...

( Sheen stops playing )

uh, lemon cookies.

You know,
with the faces on them.

Oh, yeah!

Man, those are good.

I switch my last wish
to those cookies.

( door sliding opening )

Shh-- someone's coming.

This may be the end.

Well, I'm not going down
without a fight.

Hi, Jimmy!


Hit him!
He got us into this.

Oh, Brobot, for once
I'm glad to see you.

I hid on the bottom
of your rocket.

See, I told you
there was a Junkman.

You were right.

Sorry I didn't
believe you.

That's okay.

I'll get you out.

Now you'll help me
find my parents, right?

Well, Brobot, that would be
the right thing to do,

but the smart thing to do would
be to escape in Jimmy's rocket,

go home and call it a day!

I vote for Sheen's idea.

But we can't leave
my parents.

You have to save
them, Jimmy.

Brobot saved us,
we save his parents.

That's the way
it is.

Come on.

This is a lousy

Now, all we have to do
is get Brobot's parents,

free Goddard, find my rocket
and blast out of here.

And by "we"
you mean "you."


I'll help!

No, no.

You just keep quiet.

I'll watch out
for Moony Men.

Carl, zip it!

( Carl zips fly )

( machinery banging )


The kitsch value alone
bops the price up
to 17 quatoos.

That's twice what I got
for my mother.

( voice quavering ):

I couldn't put a price on you.

So I took the best offer.

Ooh, what do you think, Roxy?

( barking and growling )

Say, Captain.

Where's the poop deck?

Can we ride on the poop deck?

I just love
the word "poop deck."

I know what you mean.

( both laughing )

Can't say "poop"
without saying "deck."

Oh, it just trips
off the tongue.

( giggling )

We'll visit
the poop deck

right after
I remodel

the annoying,
blabbering robots
into gravidisks!

Oh, that'll be great.

Kids love to toss

That they do.

( alarm buzzing )



Greetings, Gortox
The Irritable.

Never mind that.

Where are the gravidisks
you promised?

Keep your warts on.

I was just about
to make them.

( machinery banging )


Jimmy, look--
my parents.

( bell rings )


Best gravidisks
in the galaxy.

Well, send them over pronto!

And when are you going to sell
me that Roxy of yours?

Sell Roxy?

The only thing in the galaxy
that has ever shown me any love?

Any loyalty?

Any affection?

My price stands at 100.

Too steep for me.

You'll come back.

Give my best
to Mrs. The Irritable.


Hey, Brobot,
if we can't rescue
your parents in time

and they turn
into gravidisks,
can I have one?


But they look so cool.

I don't like Sheen.

Tell me about it.

Okay, Robots, any last annoying
yammering you'd like to get in?

Nope, I'm good.

Me, too.


Then let's recycle.

( machinery humming, c)

We've got to grab
Brobot's parents,

but how can we
distract the Junkman?

Hey, Jimmy, look!

I can do this.

Brobot, you can
distract the Junkman.

Really? I can?

Oh, that would be so cool.

I'm a real good


Hey, Mr. Junkman,
look at me!

I can do a cartwheel!

Can you do a cartwheel?

I can-- ha-ha--
here, watch!

Well, where did you come from,

my highly marketable
little fellow?

I'm Brobot.

I'm a robot
and a brother.

I'm Brobot!

Y-Yes, you are.

Don't worry, boy,
I'll have you

out of there
in no time.

I say, little friend,
do you like gravidisks?

J-J-Just hold still now.

( machinery clanging )

Poop deck?

( growling, barking )

Quite, Roxy, I'm a little busy
here at the moment.

( growling )

( whimpers )

( in low voice ):
Oh, baby.

Aw, that's sweet.

Yet somehow
vaguely creepy.


Bad dog, bad dog, bad dog.

No kissing the new lamp.

Hey, the water sacks.

Roxy, sic 'em!

( growling )

( barking )

Ow! Ooh, bad girl.

Someone is
not getting

her proton snack

Popbot, Mombot,
restrain the Junkman!

We're on it, Jimmy.

( growling )

( grunts )

( yelling )

( Popbot and Mombot la)

He's restrained now.

So, Junkman--

now the shirt is
on the other foot.

It's not over till
the plus-sized Martian

sh**t mucus
through her nos-rounds.

Ooh, did I do that?

( Jimmy straining )

I can't control it.

Well, of course
you can't.

I am the only one
who knows how.

Release me, and we will
all live happily ever after.

I don't trust you.

Then, we all crash into the moon

and perish on impact.

He makes
a forceful argument.


Adios, sackies.

You're coming with me,
you traitor.

We'll meet again.

No one can escape
the Junkman.

( Junkman laughing )

( Junkman choking )

( Junkman coughing )

( Junkman coughing and choking )

Roxy, get me a cough drop.

( straining ):
Can't steer.

Prepare to crash!

I'll help, brother--
let me help.

I can help.

Thanks, Brobot,

but I don't think

you can
do anything.

Oh, yeah? Watch me.

( ship's controls humming )

( all cheering )

Too bad that nice Junkman

couldn't stick around
for the treats.

Another lunar pie, boys?

Lay one on me, Mombot!

These are even better than
Mrs. Neutron's lemon cookies.

( chewing )

It's true.

Forgive me, Judy.

Hey, Jimmy!

Let's play another game
of moon tennis.

Aw, but we just played it
12 times.

But it'll be fun.

I'm kind of tired.


One more time?
Two more times?

Three more?

More, more,

Maybe later.

Now! Come on!

It'll be fun.

What do you like better,

fun or ice cream?

Do you like fice cream?

Have you ever eaten
a sneaker? I have.

Are you ready to play now?

How about now?

Now? Now? Now?