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02x03 - Operation: Rescue Jet Fusion

Posted: 06/15/23 06:13
by bunniefuu
Get me that kid.

( spy movie
theme music playing )

♪ The spy guy ♪

♪ He's a spy
with brains and brawn ♪

♪ Shall I go on? ♪

♪ He's the spy guy ♪

♪ His gadgets are better
than Bond ♪

♪ Oh, and how about this song? ♪

♪ The spy guy ♪

♪ There's no spy
with so much style ♪

♪ And no girl can resist
his smile ♪

♪ She just knows that for sure ♪

♪ When she kisses this guy ♪

♪ Her heart
belongs to the spy! ♪

♪ He's the spy guy ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ A sly spy guy ♪

♪ He's the spy. ♪

( people chatting )

Man, I wanted to be
first in line.

I told you we should have
got here sooner.

Those guys have been here
since like 6:00 a.m.

Nothing like having a hologram

wait in line for you.

Want some
Purple Flurp candy?

Lay some on me,


So what's the big deal, Jimmy--
this isn't the UltraLord movie.

It's better,
it's a Jet Fusion movie:

Die Again Tomorrow Forever.

He's the greatest,
coolest spy since...

Llama Boy!

Llama Boy is not a spy.

He's a crossing guard

and he's lame
to the power of ten.

Is not.

Is too!

He's gentle
and kind

and has a
beautiful voice

and he's real.


There's no such thing

as a half-boy, half-llama
crossing guard

who can fly and sing.

Oh, well, that's
just because

you've never
seen one.

Have you?



Boy, it'd be so cool
to meet Jet Fusion--

I mean, if he was
a real person.

I, of course,
have met UltraLord
in person.

I couldn't breath
for three days.

That was just
a guy dressed up

in an UltraLord

( sighs )

Jimmy, please.

I know that,
like Santa Claus,

UltraLord employees

to portray himself
for the masses.

Santa has helpers?

( spy movie
theme music playing )

( titles whoosh on screen
thunderously )

Well, gentlemen, I guess this is
where I teach you your ABCs--

"agony," "brutality"
and "crying."

( all making karate
fighting yells )



( grunts )

( makes karate yell )



( karate fighting yells
continue )

Hate to leave you hanging,

but I've... got to jet.

( whooshing )

( bleeping )

Well, Miss Jingle Bells,

shall we continue
our lesson

on comparative
hydrogen physics?

Oh, Jet.

Ah, that was the best
Jet Fusion movie ever.

You know, Jimmy,

you kind of remind
me of Jet Fusion,

except he's older
and has big bulging muscles

and his hair's different
and girls like him and...

I get the point.

Even though
he's no UltraLord,

I reluctantly admit
that Jet Fusion is cool.

But can he do this?

Why would anyone
want to do that?

Someday the world
will value

the ability to bend your leg
behind your head.

That Jet Fusion movie
was cutting edge

in an out-of-the-box,
in-your-face kind of way.


Jet Fusion kind of
reminds me of Llama Boy,

except he's not a llama
and he's not a boy...

And he's not
a crossing guard
who flies.

( sighs )

I'd do homework with Jet Fusion.

WILLOUGHBY ( on intercom ):
Attention students,

James Neutron,
in my office... now!


Neutron's in trouble;
life is good.

Don't worry, Jimmy.

He's probably going to give you
some award or medal

or one of those things
I never get.

Uh-uh, no way,
it's bad.

Willoughby always
comes in here in person

if it's good.

I'll call your lawyer.

And don't talk, no matter
how much they t*rture you.

He's going to sing
like a canary.

Why does Principal Willoughby
want to see me?

( gasps )

Maybe he found out about
my Cafeteria Food Enhancer.

Or the Recess Extender.

Or that time I freeze-dried
Coach Grubber.

Hey, Neutron?

Over here.

Open me.

Uh-uh-- my parents taught me

never to talk
to strange lockers.

But I'm an experimental
computerized interactive locker.

Don't you want to know
how I work?

Well, I...

( screams )

( groans )

Good afternoon,
Mr. Neutron.

Uh... my dog ate it.

I was just holding them
for somebody.

Sheen made me do it!

You're not in trouble.

Oh... forget everything
I just said.

My name is Commander Baker.

Welcome to B.T.S.O.
Headquarters, Washington, D.C.


"Big Top Secret Organization?"

I've heard about you.

Well, so much for being
a secret organization.

Nice going, g*ng.

( murmuring )

( clears throat )

Jimmy, your government
needs you.

Our top agent,

Agent X,
has disappeared.

He was on a level-one
priority mission.

We have tried
every means possible

and cannot find him.

Agent X had a tracking device,

but it was deactivated

somewhere in
the Pacific Ocean.

I told you guys
to put in new batteries,

but you all said, "No."

( murmuring )

We need you to reactivate
the tracking device,

find Agent X,
and bring him back.

This is a dangerous mission--
you may not come back alive.

Can I get out of school?

Of course.

Then I'm your spy.


Let's go visit Professor Krank
in the equipment lab.

I think you'll be impressed.

Sit back, Junior,
prepare to be astounded.

An innocent
looking pen?

I think not.

Its laser beam renders
an assailant powerless

for ten seconds.

No thanks,
I have a hypnobeam--

I can hypnotize people
to do just about anything.

And I'm sure
it's adorable.

This is our state-of-the-art
mobile utility vehicle.

Travels 200 miles per hour
on one t*nk of gas.

Won't need it.

My hover craft goes
476 miles per hour

on land, sea and air-- and runs
on one cup of "fun fuel."

( sarcastically ):
Well, aren't we a little
Thomas Edison.

Actually, I met
Thomas Edison

when I brought him
back in my Time
Pincher Machine.

Well, you must
introduce me to him

the next time you two
visit Planet Reality!

This is a one-man t*nk
capable of defending...

That's kind of like
my JimmyBot

but more inefficient.

What on earth is a "JimmyBot"?

You'd better stand back.

( sighs )

I suppose you made this
at school out of papier-mâché.

( whirring )

( expl*si*n )

( gasps )

That's a very nice
little thing

you've... invented.

( sobbing quietly )

( sobbing loudly )

( sobbing wildly )

( clears throat )

Moving on.

Your country is
counting on you, Jimmy--

Mom, apple pie, little Suzy,
picket fences,

blah, blah, blah,

etc., etc., etc.

You know the drill,
good luck.

Um... how do I get back
to Retroville?

The same way
you came.

( suctioning )

( Jimmy shouts )

Mom, Dad, I have to
tell you something,

but you can't tell anyone.

Is this about
your friend Carl?

No, it's about me:
I'm a spy.

Of course you are, Jimmy,
just like Jet Fusion.

Mom... don't!

My cute little spy guy.

Spies aren't cute.

Honeypie East was.

Ooh, I used to watch her TV show
all the time.

I had her picture up in my room.

( purrs )

But I am a spy.

You know, Jimbo,
I never told you this,

but I was a spy, too--
oh, yeah.

I had a cool suit,
a pair of sunglasses,
a secret camera...


You were a spy
for Halloween.

Sure was, and did I
look "boss" or what.

I got so much candy
that year

I threw up
until Christmas.

You know, you were
a lumberjack that year.

You know, I could be
a lumberjack this year.


I could learn
how to play the saw.

Let's not.

Probably better
they don't know.

"Jimmy Neutron,
Boy Spy."

That is so awesome.

Now you can blow things up
and meet beautiful women

and say witty asides,
just like Jet Fusion.

Except this is real.

Hey, Jimmy,
since you're a spy now,

will you have a theme song?

Carl, in real life
spies don't have...

♪ Jimmy Neutron,
he's a spy ♪

♪ He's a kid,
and his hair is really high ♪

♪ He's got a friend named Carl
who is really cool ♪

♪ And a friend named Sheen
who was held back in school. ♪

Hey! That only
happened twice.

Using the Neutronic Localator,

I can reactivate Agent X's
tracking device

and pinpoint
his exact location.

Can you find
my blankie, too?

I miss it.


The tracking device
and hopefully Agent X

are in the
Pacific Ocean,

90 degrees north
by 180 degrees west.

Got to jet.

what's wrong?

Aren't you going
to wish me luck?

So I guess you're
going to go now
and leave us

and go off and be
a cool spy now.

Yeah, have fun.

We'll just be here...

not being spies.


would you care
to join me

in a wild adventure
packed with action
and danger?

I guess so.

Yes, yes.

Let me see... Yes!

♪ A spy ♪

♪ A real cool guy! ♪

Now have fun, you spies.

Go save the world,
why don't you.

Ooh, be careful.

Watch out for evil
villains and traps

and, ooh, double agents!

Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Neutron.

Tell our parents
the usual thing you do

when we go off with
Jimmy on adventures.

Sure thing.

♪ We are the spies ♪

♪ We are three cool guys ♪

♪ We all have a nose
and we have two eyes... ♪

Carl! Enough
with the songs.

This isn't
musical comedy day.


Musical Comedy Day
is on Saturday.

I forgot.

Agent X's tracking device
is directly below us.


This is
just like being

in a Jet Fusion


Except it's not
a movie, it's real

and there might be
real evil sea creatures

down there, and is
anybody else scared?

What's there
to be scared of?


Prepare for impact.

( expl*si*n )

( all screaming )

Hold on, guys!


Jimmy, what was
that thing that hit us?

I'm not sure.

It may have
been a high-tech
weather balloon

or we may not be alone.

Let's be on our toes.

Like this?

Uh, no.

Agent Sheen, Agent Carl--

let's find ourselves
a missing spy.

Ready to dive into the depths
of the mysterious sea?

Uh, I couldn't
help noticing

you didn't bring
your submarine

or any scuba equipment

and that none of us
have gills.

Not to worry.

Neutronic Air Gum.

Just chew it and you
can breathe underwater.

Wow, what can't
Jimmy invent?

Okay, last one in's a stinky,
rotten, smelly, uh...


the tracking device.

( beeping )

So where's
the spy guy?

Where's Agent X-ray?

Guys, I think Agent X
is long gone.

Oh... oh, no.

Maybe the fish fairies got him

or the little mermaid's
evil sister

or the giant clam of Moran.


You and your silly
imaginary sea creatures.

If only Agent X
had left us a message
or a clue.

You mean
something like this?

"Help! They're taking
me to Mr. Everest."

Who's Mr. Everest?

That's Mount Everest.

we're going to Tibet.

No, we're not.

Carl, why must you be
so negative?

What's wrong with Everest?

Is it too cold?

Too high?

Too Tibetan?

No, we can't go there

because the giant clam of Moran
is going to eat us!

( growls )

( screaming )

Does someone want to apologize
about an earlier comment

about "silly
imaginary creatures"?

( boys screaming )

Was it something
we said?

Maybe it was our breath.

I had frosted garlic pops
for breakfast with soy milk.

No, that's
what stopped the clam.

A mysterious figure appearing
out of nowhere with a spear?

Thanks for saving
our lives, mister.

( all gasp )

( sighing )

Are you boys all right?

Will you be my mommy?

You must be
Agent X.

"Agent X"?

No, my name's
Beautiful Gorgeous.

Are you an actress?
Super model? Sea goddess?

Or d) all of the above?

Aren't you sweet?

You guys
get out of here

so me and
Beautiful Gorgeous

can live happily
ever after.

Sheen, you're a kid.

She's old,
she's probably 22.

You're so bourgeois.

So, Ms. Gorgeous...

Please, call me Beautiful.

what were you doing

out here
in the Pacific Ocean?

What an
inquisitive fellow.

I'll bet there's
a big brain

under that big hair.

Yeah, it's pretty big.

And you
look like a man
who knows his...


Llamas-- same thing.

"UltraLord," eh?

Oh, you must be
an aficionado.

Actually, I'm Mexican.

But UltraLord
is my main man.

The part of my main woman
is still available.

Can I get you boys
something to drink?


shaken, not stirred.

So what were you three
handsome boys doing

in the middle
of the Pacific Ocean?

We're spies.

Jimmy's a spy
and I'm a spy

and Sheen's a spy.

We even have
a theme song.

♪ We're spies ♪

♪ And that's no disguise... ♪


You're pretty young
to be spies.

Actually, I'm 22.

My parents held me
back... a lot.

Only twice.

Hey, Beautiful,
can you do this?

( creaking and grunting )

You all are so fascinating.

Too bad
I have to annihilate you.

( laughing )

Hey, wait a minute.

Annihilate us?

Is that good or bad?


I knew it.

Boys, it's time to say sayonara.

But I don't
speak Italian.

I'm too young to be

I've never kissed a girl.

I've never even done
a complete somersault.

What would Jet Fusion do?

Oh, excuse me, Ms. Gorgeous,
don't we get a last request?

How about a quick game
of spin-the-bottle?

Can I please take my watch off?

It's not waterproof.

Go ahead, you won't
be needing it anymore.


Darn, I wish
I'd seen that coming.

Agent Neutron
to Commander Baker.

We have apprehended
Beautiful Gorgeous.

Yeah, and her name
really suits her,

but hands off--
she's spoken for.

We'll leave Gorgeous
at this location

so you can pick her up

while we proceed
to rescue Agent X.

Good-bye, Beautiful.

This isn't over, Short Stuff.

You can bet
we'll meet again.

No, I don't think I'll be
visiting you in prison.

Oh, I will, I will!


Doesn't her hair
look beautiful

blowing in the breeze?

Hey, Jim,
there's a big metal fish

with a blinking red light
swimming really fast.

Pukin' Pluto,
it's a torpedo.

Adios, babe,
malevo pelicano!

Did you just call her
a "sticky pelican"?

Yeah, but don't steal it--
that's my line.

Okay, when she
gets out of jail,

I get to marry her.

Libby will be jealous,
but as the poet says,

"The heart wants
what the heart wants."

she liked me best

because I'm built
for comfort

and not for speed.

Come on, guys,
we have a job to do.

We're spies, remember?

Oh, yeah.

♪ We're spies ♪

♪ Three guys ♪

♪ We don't tell lies ♪

♪ Except Jim sometimes ♪

♪ We're going to Mt. Everest ♪

♪ The three of us
will never rest ♪

♪ And, uh, Jimmy is the,
uh, most smart, um... ♪

Stop singing!

Thank you, Sheen.

( wind whistling )

( struggling and panting )

Gee, I didn't know climbing

straight up the face
of a mountain at 10,000 feet

could be so exhausting.

Isn't there
a tram we could ride?


And the altitude's too high
for the hover craft.

Keep climbing.

♪ We're spies ♪

♪ And it's really cold ♪

♪ I wish I had
some hot chocolate... ♪

Carl, quiet.

You could cause
an avalanche.


( rumbling )

Oh, great.

It's all right,
I know what to do.

Hold your breath,
count to ten

and drink a cup
of warm water.

that's hiccups.

Oh... sorry.

( rumbling and cracking )

( screaming )

Hold on, guys!

Don't let go!

( screams )

Tell UltraLord I love him.

Tell your mother
I love her...

( screaming )

You know, we're falling
for a really long time.

We'll be okay, Carl.

We'll just land in
a big pile of soft snow.

Yeah, unless we land

on all those sharp, pointy,
jagged rocks at the bottom.

( both grunt )

We're alive!

And emotionally whole.

Where's Jimmy?

He's up there.

Up there?

Oh, no-- Jimmy!

He was too young!

( sobbing )

Cool out, Carl.

I meant up there
on the mountain.

You can see his hair.

So we can just kick back here,
talk about girls,

and wait till
Jimmy solves everything.

( screams, thud )

Um, can we talk
about llamas, too?

( gasps )

( chanting in ominous,
low tones )

( both whimpering )

( screaming )



Who are you?

Jimmy Neutron.

Who are you?

Jet... Fusion?

You're Jet Fusion!

That's what it says on my
secret agent union card.

So you're a secret
agent and an actor.

It's a long story and I know
you'll want to hear it.

It all started after I graduated

from MIT, Caltech and Harvard.

I got into extreme sports
as part of a research project.

An agent spotted me
and put me in the movies.

Impressed by my amazing stunt
work-- who wouldn't be--

the B.T.S.O. tracked me down
and asked me to join the team.

Being a movie action star
turned out to be

the perfect cover
for a secret agent.

But I've said too much.

If this was one of
my movies, they'd say,

"Cut! Too much dialog."

So, kid,
what are you doing here?

I was sent by B.T.S.O.
to find you.


They sent a kid to get me?


Wait, wait, wait.

Is there a hidden camera

Are the boys at B.T.S.O.
pulling a fast one?

I'm on to you,
Dino in accounting.

Uh, sorry,
Mr. Fusion.

They really sent me.

They sent a punk kid

to save the greatest
secret agent ever?

Actually I'm not just some kid.

My name's Jimmy Neutron,
and I have an IQ of...

Save it for the chess club, kid.

Now I have to escape
from here, save you,

and stop the destruction
of the world.

But I have a plan.

Whoa, whoa, whoa--
time out.

Let's get this straight.

I am the secret agent.

You're the adorable kid.

Yeah, sorry.

I was tracking
a notorious villain

who was about to unleash
a diabolical plan.

His name
is Professor...


We meet again, Jimmy Neutron.

Can I get you anything?

A pillow?

Fuzzy slippers?

A cappuccino?

Wait a minute, you could never
finish anything.

You're completing
your sentences.


I took a
self-help class.

That and a little shock therapy.

It's whole new me.

Who still plans
to destroy the world.

( chuckling ):

Now, who's up
for spaghetti
and Tater Tots?

Strange, hooded,
mysterious monks

beckoning us to join them
and go who knows where.

I bet they're taking us to
a horrible place to t*rture us.


Or maybe they're taking us

to a beautiful, happy,
peaceful place

where llamas run
wild and free.

Carl, you really need
to get over this llama fixation.

Hey, I was born a llama boy,
and I'll die a llama boy!

That may be sooner
than you think.

So, uh, you two
know each other?

I stopped him from
destroying my town.

So what's your crazy plan this
time, Professor Calamitous?

So glad you asked.

I had the boys in the back room
whip up a little presentation.

In a world where evil
is spelled E-V-I-L...

one villain stands apart.

Professor Calamitous presents
another sinister plan:

"Operation Meltdown."

I'm going to melt the snow
off Mt. Everest,

thereby flooding the world.

And then...


Well, I haven't really worked
out what happens after that.

I knew it-- you still can't
finish anything.

Ha! Those self-help classes
didn't change a thing.

They did, too.

I just missed the last class.

I can make it up on the
Internet, but I've been so busy.

Okay, enough!

You'd better
let us go right now

or face serious

( sarcastically ):
Oh, I'm so scared.

I might wet my pants.

Big rough and tough Jet Fusion
is terrifying me.

( growls )

In case you
hadn't noticed,

you're chained
to a chair

and you're
my prisoner.

For the time being.

Yeah! Who's going to save you?

A little boy with an
outrageously large head

and puny arms?

Hey, I beat you last time.

Beginner's luck.

( music begins )

♪ I'm so glad we had
this time together... ♪

But I must leave
and begin

Operation Meltdown!

( whispers ):
Now's when we make
our escape.

And don't think about escaping.

My assistant will be here
to keep an eye on you.

I said...

( loudly ):
my assistant
will be here

to keep
an eye on you!

That's your cue!

I'm coming--
keep your toupee on.

( chuckles )

Uh... she's kidding, of course.

She likes to tease.

( whirring )

Beautiful Gorgeous?

And I'm not your assistant.

I'm vice president in charge
of Evil Development.

Now, now.

Let's not bicker
in front of the
guests, dear.

Hello, Jimmy.

It's time to die.




I haven't
had the pleasure.

The name's Jet Fusion.

Oh, yes...
the movie star

and part-time
secret agent.

I've heard about you.


So, what are you doing later,

Sorry, she'll
be busy--

eliminating you.


While you get to do
all the cool stuff!

What are you
blathering about?

( sighs )


Go melt your snow.

( growling )

Ah, that blowhard thinks
he can order me around.

( whispering ):
Don't worry, kid.

I'll simply use the
old Jet Fusion charm

and we'll be out of
here in Jet time.

So, Beautiful,
what's an attractive,

sophisticated woman
like you

doing with an evil dirt bag
like Professor Calamitous?

He's my father.


So, let's you and me
get out of here

and grab dinner
and a movie.

Interesting offer,

but Daddy says
I have to eliminate you.

And how do you propose
to do that?

Didn't see that
coming in.

I had to bring it
up the mountain

all by myself.

No help from dear old Dad.

You have issues
with your father.

He always wanted me
to be a villainess,

but I wanted to be a...

Never mind.

I don't want to talk about it.


( machinery begins whirring )


A modern variation
of the Catherine Wheel,

named after Saint
Catherine of Alexandria.

You certainly know

your medieval
t*rture devices, kid.

( bleeping )

Come on, Gorgeous.

Why don't you join us?

Fight on the good side--
you'll sleep better at night,

and we B.T.S.O. agents
get free donuts on Mondays.

It's too late for me--
I was born bad.

( softly ):
And donuts go right to my hips.

( softly ):
Jet-- the spinning rotation
of this device

is off by 17 centimeters.

At 13 rotations per minute,

the lasers will slice our ropes
and we can escape.

( whispering ):
Got a calculator in that hair?

No, just a big brain.

No whispering.

So what did you want to be
instead of a villainess?

I'll tell you, since you're
about to be eliminated.

I always wanted to be a...




( making karate yells )

( making karate yells )

Just so you know--

I've mastered 112
different martial arts.

So have I.

Then this will be interesting.

( both making karate yells )

( groans )

You're good,

You're not so bad
yourself, Fusion.

( yelling and grunting )

Wow! This is so cool.

it's like watching
a Jet Fusion movie in person.

I know this must be...

( thwacking )

exciting for you, kid....

but she's pretty good.

I may need some... help.

( Jet groaning )

If I can just jerry-rig
a hypnobeam

using titanium
to refract a rotating coil.

Hey, Gorgeous?

Time for your
beauty sleep.

( growls )

I always thought
hypnotism was
a load of junk.

It is-- but lesser minds
are always susceptible

to cheap theatrics.

Nice work.

What's your name?

Neutron-- James Neutron.

You look more like
a "Jimmy" to me.

Let's go.

Wait-- aren't you
going to say it?

Say what?

Your catchphrase.

I don't say it
when I'm a real spy.

Ah... please?

Oh, okay.

Got to jet.

They've taken us
to the ledge of death.

Now they'll toss us over

and we'll fall
on the pointy rocks

we missed earlier.

Or not.

So long, Carl.

I'm sorry I occasionally
made fun of llamas.

Deep down I think
they're quite adorable.

Sheen... look.

( Carl gasps )

I haven't died,
but I've gone to heaven.

Welcome to

Doing bad things,

doing bad things.

Five minutes to meltdown.

Mt. Everest shall
flood the earth.

Then the world will sit up
and take notice

of Professor Calamitous!

And now to make sure my guests
have met their untimely demise.

But first a trip
to the little villain's room.

Shall we try a
hypercode enabler

using the Van Dam

to stop the machine?

I was thinking more
the Swedish variation

of the Turing device

with some random
erratic numbers.

I concur.

I think I can destroy
the device

without harming
the Tibetan ecosystem.

Just blow it up--
don't try to save the whales.

Okay, here goes.

I press this button

and either it
disables the machine

or we have to erase
Mt. Everest off the map.

( machine bleeping )

Operation Meltdown aborted.

Well, Jimmy, looks like
you saved the world.

Operation Destroy Lab initiated.

Or not.

We've only got
two minutes

to get out of here.

Got to jet!


Hey, if this works,

you can use my catchphrase
anytime you like.

Who's the bestest super-villain
in the whole wide world?

Professor Calamitous,
that's who!

( chuckles )


Daughter, dear!

Have we rid the world
of Jet and Jimmy?

Oh, crumpets.

Why didn't I have sons?

Wake up, you
worthless sidekick!

They're gone!

( yawns contentedly )

How on earth did they escape?

Well, let's see.

The kid's got an IQ of 210,

the other one's a top spy.

Oh, I wonder!

Don't you take
that tone of voice

with me, young lady.

I'm over 18,
I can do what I want.

You're not
the boss of me.

You mind your father
for once.

After them!

( blows raspberry )

We've only got two minutes

to jet down this mountain
before it blows.

If I only had my nail clippers

that turn into
a solar-powered snowboard.

If I only had my Neutron
skate and snowboard combo.

Looks like we're up Everest
without a snowboard.

Wait-- I can make a snowboard.

Yank that door!

Now give it some
well-placed karate chops

here and here
at a 45-degree angle.




After this blows over,
we should go

into the snowboard
design business--

open a shop maybe.

Huh, sure...

But let's get
out of here first.

( alarm buzzing )

Can't you run
any faster,
old man?

Excuse me, Blunderwoman.

I don't have time
to go to the gym

and spa and masseuse every day.

Some of us care about
our personal appearance.

Try obsess.

You're just like
your mother.

Got to jet!
Got to jet!

( panting )

There they...

Hey, what happened
to the door

that used to be here?

After them!

No, let's just sit here
and watch them escape.

Are you being sarcastic again?

This board is wicked decent.

They're getting away.


We'll take the snow jet.

We can't.

You never fixed
the steering wheel,
Professor Lazy!

Take the helicopter.

There's no gas.

Miss Beautiful Forgetful
forgot to fill it up.

Well, Professor

forgot to give me
his credit card!

At this speed and rate
of snow friction,

we should get down to the bottom
in approximately...

76 seconds.


No, not excellent.

That building's going
to blow up

in five, four,
three, two...!

( thunderous expl*si*n )

( Calamitous and Beautiful
screaming )

( both grunting
as they bounce )

Whoa... ah...!

( shouting )

Well, isn't this fun?

Way to go, Daddy dearest.

I'm getting very dizzy.


Jet, there's a giant
snowball chasing us.

Let's see if we can lose it
Jet-Fusion style.

If you'd let me do

what I wanted
with my life,

we wouldn't be
rolling down

Mount Everest in
a giant snowball.

Are you talking about

your silly
childhood dream?

Oh, give it up.

No, I won't give it up!

I want to be a...

It's catching up.

The circumference to snow-
friction rate is amazing.

If only we could
increase our velocity.

We can.

Your jet shoes.

If we can increase
our speed,

we can jet ahead
of the snowball.

Kid, you are one smart...
uh... kid.

Got to jet!

( switch clicking )

Batteries are dead.

You happen to have
27 double-A batteries?

No, but I might have
a better idea.

If I can get to my backpack,
we can use it

to blast out of here.

Got it-- enough said.

Say no more.

I'm on it.

Initiating jet pack.

I'm getting nauseous.

I think I'm going
to throw up.

Not inside here,
you're not.

( Calamitous and Beautiful
screaming )

Well, Professor Calamitous
has met a calamitous ending,

and I'll bet Beautiful Gorgeous

isn't too beautiful
or gorgeous anymore.

I'm not so sure about that.

( grunting )

( serenely ):
Welcome to Shangri-Llama.

( harshly ):
You're under arrest.

( softly ):
My monk police force
will take you into custody.

Police force?

I thought you were
all about peace and love?

Those are the Peace and Love
Monks across the valley.

We're the Law and Order Monks.

( jets approaching )

Good-bye, Professor

I'll get you,
Jimmy Neutron.

Maybe not today
or tomorrow

or next week.

Maybe not even next year.

Possibly not even
the year after...

All right, we get it!

Can you get me
out of this, Jet--

for old time's sake?

Sure I can...

if we'd had some old times.

Save it for your cell mates.

Take her away, boys.

( clears throat )

Excuse me?

Sorry, I just assumed
you were all guys.

I never wanted
this life of crime.

Do you know what
I really wanted to be?

No, and I don't care.

You know, Jimmy,
this reminds me

of what my old
Phys. Ed teacher,

Carl Sheenster,
used to say...

Carl, Sheen--
what happened to them?

Last time I saw them, they were
caught in the avalanche.

Jimmy, you helped me escape.

I'll help you
find your friends

if takes me
the rest of my life.



That was fast.

Man, I'm good.

Hey, Jimmy.

Some friendly monks
found us

and brought us here.

And they made me master
of the llamas.

( singing out of tune ):
♪ I'm master of the llamas ♪

♪ I wish I had my pajamas! ♪

♪ I've never been
to the Bahamas... ♪

Please stop him.



Where's Sheen?


Oh, you mean...
the Chosen One.

The Chosen One?

MONKS ( chanting ):
Hare Ultra, Hare Ultra,


Hare Ultra.

Will someone explain
to me what's going on?

That would be my job.

For centuries, our people
have waited for the legendary


We grew tired of waiting...
so we settled for your friend.

Do as I do.

Follow me.

Beautiful Gorgeous!

Hey, it's me, Sheen!

We were engaged,

you shot
torpedoes at us?

( straining ):
Where you going?

( grunting )


This is one strange place.

Carl, you'd better
round up Sheen.

We got to go home.

( whistles )

Giddy-up, Sparky!

( llama brays )

Can I hitch a ride
back to headquarters,

Agent Neutron?

No problem--
my hover car

is waiting
down at base camp.

Let's jet.

Congratulations, Jimmy.

Job well done.

Thank you, sir.

And we may be calling
on you again someday.

See? I told you I was a spy.

Sure you are, Son.

Just like your old man.

( giggles )

Kids and their imaginations.

( both laughing )

How do we know
he's not

just pretending to
have an imagination?

Agent Neutron--

let's jet.

I'm right behind you.

You know, Jimmy,
we make a pretty good team.

Hey, maybe I could
quit school

and be your
full-time partner.

We could do
a buddy movie.

Let's not get carried away.

But maybe someday
if you play your cards right,

you'll be in
your very own movie.

Oh, that'll be the day.

( spy movie
theme music playing )

♪ Jimmy Neutron is a spy
with brains and brawn ♪

♪ Shall I go on? ♪

( woman screaming )

♪ He's Jimmy Neutron ♪

♪ His gadgets are better
than Bond ♪

♪ Oh, and how about this song? ♪

♪ Jimmy Neutron ♪

♪ There's no spy
with so much style ♪

♪ And no girl can resist
his smile ♪

♪ If you know what he got
on his SAT score ♪

♪ You'd be jealous of him
more and more. ♪

Well, Betty--
shall we blast?

Oh, James.

♪ He's Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( music fades )

A kid can dream, can't he?

Captioning sponsored by THE


♪ Shall I go on? ♪

♪ He's Jimmy Neutron ♪

♪ He's Jimmy Neutron ♪

♪ Oh... yeah ♪

♪ Jimmy Neutron ♪

♪ He's Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( sax wailing to close )

( song ends )