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01x19 - Sorry, Wrong Era

Posted: 06/15/23 06:13
by bunniefuu
Gotta Blast!

♪ Into the stars
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )


I love the smell of banana
in the morning.

Go long, Goddard!

( barks )

Hey, don't forget the sherbet.

( vacuum whirring )

( vacuum whirring )

Now we add ice cubes
and... frappe!

( blender whirring )

( gulps )


Excellent smoothie,

Now to lay
our little trap.

Would you like that
to be fun?

Yeah, right.

Free smoothies?

It's got to be
a trick.


Remember the big
hamster giveaway?

Aw... look, Libby.

Someone's giving away
an adorable hamster.

Hi there, little guy.

You are just
the cutest little thing.

( hamster growling )

This has "Neutron"
written all over it.

How gullible does
he think we are?

free smoothies.

Maybe just a sip.

( both slurping )

Sheen, Carl--


Go to plan B!

( buzzing; Sheen screams )

( buzzing )

I don't understand it.

You were so supposed to laugh.

I had it all planned out


( snickering )

( laughing )

( coughing )


You jerk!

You made smoothie
come out our noses.

Sorry, ladies,

but I needed test subjects
for my new Quantum Replay 9000.

Observe what happens
when I press "rewind."

( rewinding;
laughter, slurping )


And now "fast-forward."

( fast-forwarding )

Neutron, cut it out!

( laughing )

You were
right, Jimmy.

It's even better
the second time.


Hey, I wonder
if it'd still be as
sweet the 106th time.

Let's find out.


( rewinding )


And forward.

( fast-forwarding )

When I tell
your parents...

And rewind.

( rewinding )

You're going
to be so...

And forward.

( fast-forwarding )


Wow, Jimbo!

I love your new gadget.

Let me try.

Come on, come on.


Sure, Dad.

( rewinding )

Notice how
it only affects

the objects
you point at,

thus preserving
the integrity

of the space-time


It makes everything
all time-loopy.

Might I suggest the
frame-by-frame function?

( running in slow-forward )

Oh, I could do this
for hours!

Mr. Neutron, please!

You're giving us
massive brain freeze.

Oh, sorry, girls.

Uh, son, how
do I... you know.

I'll just set it
for five-minute
a*t*matic rewind.

That should place
them back home.

( rewinding )

Oh, this thing
is amazing, Jim-Jim!

It could be the new fun craze.

Let me make sure
I get this straight.

I want to go back,

let's say, oh,
two minutes.

So I set this thingy

for 2-0-0.

Dad, no, no, wait...

Then I press this
big blue button.


Yee... whoa!

I love the blinding
strobe effect.

Jimbo, how do you...



Here, Jimmy,
Jimmy, Jimmy.

Ah, well, they must have
headed back to the lab.

Looks like that means
I got this baby all to myself.

( barking, whining )



I feel sick
and disorientated.

Can we do that

Um, Jimmy,

why is it so
unseasonably humid?

Oh, no.

It can't be.

Abundant megaflora...

CO2-heated atmosphere...

Leaping leptons!

My dad didn't send us back
two minutes;

he sent us back
200 million years!

What did you say?

He sent us back
200 million years!

That's what
I thought you said.

Without the Quantum Replay,

we're trapped in
the late Cretaceous period.

( dinosaur roaring )


Did they have mommies
who make it go away

in the late
Cretaceous era?

Hey, Sugarbooger,
guess what I've got.

Careful, honey.

I was making a pie

and I spilled

all over my nice
clean floor.

Well, no need to get your
curlers in a quandary, honey.


( rewinding )


Where did you get that?

Oh, it's Jimbo's
latest invention.

He calls it the... the...


I'm the first dad
on my block

who controls
time and space.

Hugh Neutron.

I will not
have you tampering

with the laws of physics.

Oh, come on.

Now, you march
right back

and give that back
to Jimmy immediate...

( rewinding )

This is better than pie.

( pterodactyl squawking )


I'm a-scared.

Can't you build another one
of those replay gizmos?

Well, I can try.

In the meantime,
don't touch anything.

It could catastrophically
alter the future.

Hey, guys.

How you like your eggs?

Poached or smiley faces?

( cracking )

Or scrambled.

Sheen, no!

You're messing up
the timeline.

You don't even know

what kind of creature
laid those eggs.

Jimmy, please.

With our superior
human intellect,

we could easily outwit
anything we run into.

( dinosaur snarling )

( roaring )

Go ahead, Jimmy,
outwit him.

( roaring )

( growling )

( sniffing )

Don't move, Carl.

It can't see you
if you don't move.

Sheen, that theory's
been discredited.

Run, Carl, run!

( screaming )

( all screaming )


( begins to sneeze )

Carl, no.

Sorry, Jimmy.

I'm allergic
to mushrooms.

It's all in your mind, Carl.

Just pretend that instead
of hiding behind a mushroom,

you're at the Candy Bar,

and Sam is serving you a triple
deluxe chocolate fudge sundae.

Oh, yeah...

And it has nuts
and butterscotch sauce

and whipped cream

Wait a minute.

Oh, no!

What's Sam doing?

He's putting something
on top of it.

No, it can't be!


It's a giant mushroom!

( sneezes loudly )

Hey! Prehistoric breath!

Down here.

( sneezes loudly )

Ew... yuck!

( sneezing )

That's right, run,
you stupid lizard

with your
silly little arms

and your peanut-sized
brain and your...

Uh, Sheen,

you might hold off
on the taunting

just a few
more minutes.

How come, Jim?

Because we're
still being hunted.

( low growling )

( slurping )

Oh, Sam.

I could eat your ice cream
all day long.

So I think I will.

( rewinding )

That's disgusting!


You've been re-eating
the same ice cream
for hours!

It's disgusting--
you're out of here!

You're right, Sam.

Mustn't overdo
a good thing.

Well, I'll
just be going.

Just let me finish
my Purple Flurp.

( belching )

( belching repeating )


Sweet mercy.

( snarling )

Watch out for
its retractable claws.

Unless it spits venom,

then watch out for
having your eyes dissolved.

How can I watch
if my eyes are dissolved?

No, watch before
they're dissolved.

Watch my eyes?

That doesn't make
any sense.

Guys, please!


Where'd it go?

( all screaming )

Get it off!
Get it off!

Calm down.

He's harmless.

( giggling )

What the heck is it?


It's an actual

one of the very
first mammals
to evolve.

( laughing )

( laughing )

Oh, he's adorable.


all he wanted was
Carl's Kaboom bar.


Who's evolved?

Who's a cute little

uh... lalulule...

You know, I'm just
going to call him "Leppy."

Hey, let me
hold him.

No way.

He's my lep...

Give him to me.

Guys, no.

We can't interact with
any of the native fauna.

It could horribly
alter the timeline.

Now, let's focus.

We have to find
food and shelter.

And I've got to build
a duplicate Quantum Replay;

it's our only hope of
getting back to our own time.

Hey, I think Leppy's trying
to tell us something.

What is it, boy?


Space worms?

Oh, I love this game!

How many syllables?

Okay, sounds like...

Oh. Wait. I know!

( pterodactyl screeching )

Oh, Sheen!


Come back, Sheen!

There's no way we can
follow them on foot.

Sheen's gone.

Jimmy, help!

I'm afraid of heights.

Oh, and I'm also
afraid of pterodactyls!

( screaming,
pterodactyl screeching )

( pterodactyl screeching )

Jimmy, we can't just
let that horrible
thing take Sheen.

But they're
miles away by now.

Sheen's only hope
is for me to construct

a duplicate
Quantum Replay.

Then we can rewind

to right before
the pterodactyl grabbed him.

( whining )

Yeah, I know.

I'm sorry, Leppy,

but Jimmy says
I can't interact with you.

No, wait
a minute, Carl.

Early protomammals were
experts at survival.

Maybe Leppy can lead us

to food and shelter.

( squealing )

I think he wants us
to follow him.

No telling what this
will do to the timeline,

but it's our
only chance.

Come on, Carl.

Most dinosaurs think
kids taste like chicken,

but it's more of
a pasty, livery flavor.

Trust me, you'd hate it.

I love what you've done
with the place.

Ooh, guano-- nice touch.

Hey, hey, wait.

Where are you going?

Don't leave me alone.

Do you have any magazines?!

( chirping )

Hi, guys.

I'm a friend of your mom's.

Nice lady.

Look, I'm going to...

Hey, hey, stay back.

Don't mess with me!

I'm from the future!

No! Aah!


Okay, just realign
the quantum modulation,

adjust for relativity

Hey, Jimmy.

Still busy, huh?

Almost there, Carl.

How's your work coming?

Well, me and Leppy put
a lot of thought into it,

and I think we finally
have something.


Show me what you've got.


On the downbeat.

♪ Now, when I first came
to the Cretaceous era ♪

♪ I experienced
fright and terror ♪

♪ And then I met a friend
who helped me to survive ♪

♪ His blood
is warm ♪

♪ His young
are born alive ♪

♪ Hey, oh ♪

♪ Aha ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, oh. ♪


You were supposed to look
for food and shelter.

We were, but then
I started singing,

and Leppy picked up
the steps so quickly.

Never mind.

I'm almost finished constructing
a duplicate Quantum Replay.

I have to complete
the last circuit relay,

and for that I'll need about
four grams of pure diamond.

But, Jimmy, jewelry stores won't
be invented for several years.

That's why we need to search for
deposits of alluvial sediment,

where diamonds
are usually found.

And I think that
Leppy can help us.

On a downbeat!

Not by
dancing calypso!

He can help by sniffing
for a large sedimentary deposit.

Do you think you can do it?

Here's a small sample
I found.

He's good at sniffing.

How about it,

We need diamonds--
shiny things,

a girl's best friend.

( exclaims )

I think
it's working, Jimmy.

I think he found
the scent.

Let's hope so.

Come on!

( pterodactyl chicks
screeching )

( squealing )
( squealing )

( imitating squealing )

( chicks squealing
affectionately )

Aw, thanks for accepting me
into your nest, guys.

I know it sounds all corny,
but I never had brothers before.

I promise to be
the best sibling ever.

Hey, it's Mom.

Get out of my way.

Feed me!

Feed me!

What, no lizards?!

( cackles )

( screeching )

( chirping )

( screeching )

Okay... I really don't like
where this is going.

Wait! Stop!

You call yourself a parent?

I want to live with Dad.

No! No!

( yelling )



For the love
of Mike, mister.

When you signed up
for parachute school,

I assumed you'd use a parachute.


I don't need
no stinking parachute.

I'm Hugh Neutron,
master of time and space.


( breathing heavily )

Jimmy, I think

my blood sugar is
dangerously low.

We've been searching
for hours.

Maybe I overestimated
Leppy's intelligence.

( exclaiming )

Alluvial sediment.

Good going,

There's sure
to be diamonds

around here somewhere.

Okay, let's lay out
a grid search.

Uh, Jimmy.

Holy Heisenberg!

Way to go, Leppy!

It's enormous!

But how do I break off
a small piece

of incredibly hard

Hey, I'm all over it, Jim.

Just sit back

and let your good friend Carl
take care of things.

Uh, Carl, I don't think
that a coconut...

( breathing heavily )

Relax, Jimmy.

Underneath this hefty exterior
is a solid wall of muscle.

( Carl breathing heavily )

( breathing heavily )

I need oxygen!

Don't worry, Carl.

I need to find
something stronger
than a coconut

to strike the diamond
with force.

( roaring )

( screams )


Carl, no!

( roaring )

( groans )

( roars )

Down, my brother, down!

( cackling )


Flap for our lives!

( roars )

( cries )

There must be
something I can do.





Brain blast!

T. rex's skull plate
is as hard as steel.

With the right forward momentum,
he can crack the diamond.

( growling )

( moans )

Hey, dorkasaurus!

Over here!

( roars )

If I can position myself
just right...

( roaring )

( roaring )

( diamonds shattering,
dinosaur moaning )

( all exclaim )

We've got diamonds!

Diamonds for

Personally I prefer
flowers and candy,

but diamonds are nice.

The circuit's complete.

Now we just need a few seconds
for the unit to charge.

( grumbles )

( growls )

Keep charging
your thingy, Jimmy.

I'll handle this.


( whistles )

Hey, up here, ugly.

Take that.

( growls )

Ha! Got you, you smelly iguana.

Jimmy, hurry!

Just a few
more seconds.

( beeps )

Fast-forward the volcano

to a point in its future
where it'll finally...

( loud rumbling )

Bye, my brothers.

Good luck with evolving.

Prepare for extreme
quantum fast-forward!

( crowd shouting )

Hi, Sugarbooger.

Remember how
I promised

I'd never be brought home
by an angry mob again?

He disgusted
all my customers, yeah.

He gave us brain freeze.

He made me experience
the miracle of birth

again and again and again.

Yeah, yeah,

( mob yelling )

All right, everyone.

I'll handle things from here.

Somebody give me
a ride home.

I know it looks

like I may have
misused the power

to control
time and space

for my own advantage, but
on the positive side...


Ow! Honey,
that's my ear.

I use it
to listen with.


you did it.

We're home!

All right!

( barks )

Hey, boy, hi.

( sniffing )

What a relief.

All the changes we made

don't seem to have altered
the timeline.

Mom, Dad, I'm back!

Oh, no!

We did alter
the timeline.

We created a world
where human males

are slaves to a race
of female warriors.

Oh, no!

Have mercy, mighty overlords.

Spare us,
and we shall serve you well.

Sweetie, relax.

I just put your
father in there

to keep him from annoying
the townspeople.

Now, you were
saying, Hugh.

I'm sorry, honey.

( rewinding )

I'm sorry, honey.

( rewinding )

I'm sorry, honey.

( rewinding )

( rewinding )

( sighs )

I love the smell of banana
in the morning.

Go long, Goddard!

Whoa, déjà vu.