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01x18 - A Beautiful Mine

Posted: 06/15/23 06:12
by bunniefuu
Gotta Blast!

♪ Into the stars
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

( Cindy shouting
martial arts calls )

( punching bag squeaking )

That all you got?

Is that all you got?!

( squeaks )

Okay, I think we're done.

( Cindy panting )

Thanks for coaching me,

These sessions with
the Neutron punching bag

have really helped
with my rage issues.

( object crashes explosively )

( both gasp )


It's an actual
deep-space meteor.

Poke it, Libby,
poke it.

Uh-uh. Something gross
might pop out.

( rattles )

( both scream )

( gasps )

What are they?

I don't know,
but they're amazing.

a scientific marvel.

Well, they're, they're...

They're a fashion

( girls laughing )

( crowd gasps )

Oh, my gosh.

Those gems are so gorgeous.

Back off, Britney.

You're fogging
the merchandise.

Man, girls are
so lame.

A few shiny bobbles

and they go
all googly-eyed.

Ooh, sparkly.

Aah, Carl, you've been hanging
out with your mom too much.

Hey, guys.


How's everybody d-d-d-d...

Those jewels are incredible!

Am I the only real man left?

If by "man" you mean "dufus."

Back off, Freaktron.

For once I discovered
something before you.

But if you'd like to examine
them more closely,

we could pencil you in
for, um, say... never.

( laughing )

You don't understand.

Those don't even
come from Earth.

They're aster-rubies--

the most priceless
substance in the universe.


Yes, and there are probably more
where these came from.

Anyone who traces these
to the mother lode

would become the richest kid
in the galaxy.

Girls. Hah!

A few incredibly priceless
gems and they go all...

In the galaxy?

What are we doing
standing around?

To the lab!

Okay, to
the hover car,
then the lab.

So, you supply me

with the meteor's trajectory
and time of impact.

I'll rocket up
to get them

and cut you in for,
say, three percent.

( mimics buzzer )


How about this?

We let you
take us there.

Once we're rich,

you'll get
a modest finder's fee.

Aah, no way.

I don't need you.

Carl and Sheen are
all the help I need.

That's right.

Space travel is only

for experienced adventurers,
like us.

( yelps )

Right, Carl?


Will there be cookies
and lemonade there?

You don't get it,

You don't take us,
we don't give you
the coordinates.

( grumbles )

All right, I guess
I don't have a choice.

An even five-way split?


To the lab!

Okay, to Jimmy's front yard,
then the lab.

Uh, sorry, Sheen,

but I keep my new
redesigned rocket

here in the garage.

It can fit
all five of us,
plus Goddard,

and it gets over
26 light-years
per gallon.

I hope
it's got air bags.

HUGH ( calling ):
Jimbo, you out there, son?

Oh, no, we forgot.

It's not like
our parents

are actually
going to let us

go on an extended
space trip.

Hey, don't worry.

I've got it covered.

Initiating holographic
camouflage program.

what's going on here?

And who's this?

Oh, this is Chip,
our camp councilor.

Do not worry,

I'll be sending you

a totally excellent
report on your son
and/or daughter's

various camp activities.

Yeah, well,
thanks, uh, dude.

I must have signed up
Jimjim for camp

while you were out shopping.

Darn memory black-outs.

Well, got to go,
be back in two weeks.

Love you,
mean it, bye.

We love you, too.

Have a good time
at camp.

Stay away
from bears.

I think that bus
needs a new muffler.

Camouflage program, deactivate.

My little ruse worked,

and I've programmed Chip
to send camp reports

back to all our parents
while we're gone.

Totally awesome.

And now if you'll be good enough
to tell us where we're going.

Aah, keep your cowlick curled.

The meteor came
from that direction:

32 degrees north, 60 degrees
west, at 7:10 last night.

Fasten your seat belts, g*ng.

We're headed deep inside
the asteroid belt.

There goes Mars.

Hah! Look at those
lame, little moons.

( teasingly ):
Mars has tiny moons.

( teasingly ):
Ours is bigger.

Sheen, stop teasing
the planets.

Those moons are actually
captured asteroids.

We'll see more of them
in just a few minutes.

This is it, g*ng--
the asteroid belt.

Cindy, Libby, place
your gems on the scanner.

The meteor
probably broke off

from one of these
larger asteroids.

Spectral analysis should be able
to tell us which one.


We've got a match.

Prepare for approach.

Take a look,

We're the first humans
to set foot on an asteroid.

Wow, fascinating.

Okay, I'm bored.

I'm getting a reading
in this direction.

Come on.

( scanner beeping )

The scanner's going crazy.

This must be it!

Start digging.

( kids grunting )

( groaning )

( panting )

( barks )

Your power is weak, Gorloth.

My ultra shovel will defeat you.

Oh, no, it won't.

Oh, yes, it will.

Oh, no, it won't.

Yes, it will!

I found one.

I found one!

I found four.

Let me see,
let me see!

All right,
we're rich!

Let me see.

Well, Neutron,
say something.

Aah! Our rubies!

These aren't
real aster-rubies.

They're fool's rubies.

Fool's rubies?

almost identical
to aster-rubies.

The scanner mistook them
for the real thing.

Looks like we came
all this way for nothing.


Can I keep playing
with my shovel?

( bell dings )

Thanks, Goddard.

Maybe my homemade burritos
will cheer everyone up.

How could you misread
your own readings?

Neutron, I'll bet there are
more rocks in your big head

than there are
in this stupid asteroid.

What do we do now?

I don't know.

We could spend years
searching the belt.

We'd just be wasting our time.

Hey, look on the bright side,

At least we still have
our health.


Carl, what did you put
in this burrito?


Just some rice from the galley

and some beans I found
growing in the ground.

W-Wait a minute.

Carl, take us
to where you found
these beans.

Right now!

I dug them up
right here.

What's wrong?

Aren't they
in season?


All the beans we need.

Tonight we feast!

We did it!

We struck aster-rubies.

( laughing )

will you stop

making an idiot
of yourself?

Why are we...

( Jimmy laughs maniacally )

Carl, may I have
this happy, giggly
prospectors' dance?

I'd be delighted.

( laughing )

What a bunch
of adorable, happy children.

It's a shame
they'll have to be vaporized.

( laughing )

( phone rings )

Sweetie, could
you get that?


I'm busy making
camp-themed cookies

for Jimmy's
care package.

Oh, but I'm busy
pressing jerky

for Jimmy's care package.

Oh, all right.


MAN ( on phone ):
This is Counselor Chip.

Your child...


Is having a totally
awesome time at camp.

He does request, however,
that you send more socks,

so he can keep his feet warm
on the chilly mountain

and/or coastal nights.



drop those cookies.

We've got to get
to the sock outlet, pronto.

( phone dialing )

( phone ringing )


Vortex residence.

S'up, dude?

Your child...


Is having a totally
awesome time at camp.

( barks )

Lunch break, everybody!

Boy, that vein
goes on forever.

We're going to be
so rich.

What are you
going to do

with your money,

Nothing fancy.

I plan to live
a simple, modest lifestyle.

( squealing with delight )

That's cool.

How about you?

Me? I'm going
to establish

the free nation
of Kickitopia,

where under
my queenship,

the people's right
to party

shall not perish
from this earth.

That's a good one,

but you know what
I'm going to do?

I'm going to retire
to South America,

where I'll become a world-
champion llama breeder.

Oh, me!

Pick me!

Just tell us!


I'll use
my great wealth

to combat crime.

Let all evildoers

the wrath
of Dingleman.

( barks, then howls )

That's not bad,

As for me,
there's one thing

I've always dreamed
of possessing.

And now it'll be mine.

All mine!

I'm glad being
fabulously wealthy
won't change us.

( all agree )

( expl*si*n )

What was that?

Disrupter blast.

Take cover!

( everybody yells )

( distant laughing )

Who's out there?

Oh, gee, sorry, kids.

My darn blaster
must have misfired.

Who are you


Why, uh, we're, um...

We're, uh, asteroid

Yeah, that's it.

We're asteroid inspectors.

this stinks.

If you're asteroid

then let's see
your badges.

( blast )

Uh, Libby,

I don't think they need
no stinking badges.

By the way, thanks ever so much

for mining these
aster-rubies for us.


In your dreams.

Those are
our rubies,

you rotten


That kind of talk hurts,
little girl.

hurts bad.

Besides, you don't really
want these rubies.

Haven't you heard
of ruby madness?

Ruby madness?

I'm glad you asked.

Anyone who finds a vein
of aster-rubies

becomes consumed
with horrible greed.

I've seen it happen dozens...
hundreds... thousands of times.

If I could only reach
the crane controls.


defensive plan delta.

( barks )

Aw, look, they've got
a cute little robot doggie.

I pity that dog.

( barking, growling )

Get those kids!

Mmm, it's delicious,
but so spicy.


One more step
and you're space toast.

All right, all right,
you win this round, kid.

But remember what I said
about ruby madness.

It won't be long until you're
all at each other's throats.

And we'll be waiting.

( engines rumbling )

Uh, do you think he
was telling the truth

about ruby madness?

Oh, please,

like we'd really turn
against each other.

that one's mine!

Give it to me.

With those bandits around,

we should probably keep
the rubies somewhere safe.

Good point.

The vault back at the rocket
is the best place.

How come you get
to hold the rubies?

In a safe that only you
know the combination to?

Ruby madness!

Ruby madness!

It's tearing
us apart!

Carl, easy!

There is no such thing
as ruby madness.

If it makes you feel better,
let's divide each day's take.

Everyone can be responsible
for their share.



CHIP ( on phone ):
Your child...


Has made some totally excellent
macaroni sculpture,

but he does request that
you send more Tick B Gone.

Forget the snake
antivenin, Mother.

Our little boy
is being swarmed by ticks.

♪ And Bingo was his name-o ♪

♪ B-I-T-Z ♪

♪ B-T-S-T-E ♪

♪ D-L-M-N-E ♪

♪ And Bingo was his name-o! ♪

I'll give you
three seconds

to get away
from my stash.

What are you
talking about?

I was just going
to the little
miner's room.

Like you had no idea
these were here.

Hey, sweet hiding place.

My rubies are over there
by that strange rock formation.

You made me tell!

You want my rubies,
you jewel thief!

Gem stealer!

Ruby madness!

Ruby madness!

Will you stop
shouting that?

He tried to raid
my ruby stash.

You told me your stash
was by the rocket.

You lied.

I know you lied
about your hiding place.



Ruby madness.

Be quiet!

What's wrong
with you guys?

You've been fighting since
we got rid of those bandits.

Are we going to let
a few priceless gems

turn us into savages?

( barking, growling )

Goddard, no!

Bad dog!

Hey, Jimmy had
his rubies hidden

Jimmy's a jewel

I'll bet he's got
secret stashes

all over the asteroid.

Maybe we can find them
by using the mining crane.

( all exclaim )

Guys... Goddard!

What have I done?

Hey, let go.

I discovered them.

What?! I saw them first.

( yelling )


( yelling )



Aah! Guys, stop!

You can't just
blast away like that.

The asteroid might implode!

( grunting )


( everybody yelling )

Okay, that's my bad.

This entire asteroid
is going to collapse.

We've got to get
to the rocket!

But the... my rubies!

Engaging primary ignition...



We made it.

Keep on them, boys.

( firing )

It's the bandits.

They'll get our rubies.

I might be able
to lose them

by using
a hyperthrust,

but it could dangerously
deplete our fuel.

Just do it!


For the love of nebula.

( expl*si*n )

That was awesome,
I swear.

Hush your mouth,

Our rubies are safe!

not quite.

We've drifted too close
to Jupiter

and are being sucked in
by its gravity,

and the hyperthrust
exhausted all our fuel.

Uh, in English, please.

We're doomed.

Oh, thank you.

We do have one chance.

If I convert the charged photons

in the aster-rubies
into emergency fuel,

we can slingshot around Jupiter,
using its gravity.

Use my rubies as fuel?


we have to.

It's your rubies
or your life.


What?! I'm thinking.

Oh, all right.

Fasten your
seat belts, people.

This could get
a little bumpy.

( engine roars )

( kids yelling )

( yelling )

Look, Sugarbooger,
Jimbo's home from camp.

( kids moaning )

Sweetie, you're
home so soon.

We haven't
even finished

the white-water
sculling canoe

we were going
to send you.

Um, well,
that's okay, Mom.

Thanks, anyway.

( gasps )

the fuel t*nk.

See if any of
the aster-rubies made it.


Don't worry, guys.

Maybe we're
still wealthy.

You mean you saved
some rubies?!

No, but we survived

by learning
to help each other,

and that's what makes us rich--
rich in friendship.

( all exclaim angrily )