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01x16 - Maximum Hugh/Sleepless in Retroville

Posted: 06/15/23 06:11
by bunniefuu
Gotta Blast!

♪ from here to the stars,
fueled by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

Class, I hope
you're all planning

to participate in tomorrow's
parent-child picnic games,

though I'm sure

Cindy and her mom

will once again smear
the competition.

Come anyway to watch Neutron
and his klutzy dad.

( class laughing )

Vortex, you know darn well
we won a medal last year.

Yeah, for funniest



please, it's not polite to...

( stifling laugh )

That collision was hilarious.

It was

( class laughing )

What am I going to do?

My dad's all thumbs
and has two left feet.

Cool! If your mom
grows a beard,

we can start
our own circus.

Me and my dad just want
to go the distance

without breaking anything,
or twisting anything

or pulling something
or dislocating...

we get it.

Well, it's only
a game, right?

And who knows?

Maybe my dad will
surprise me this year.

Hey, boys!

Just going to the garage
to get... whoa!

Does your mom
got game?

Mom, could you please

pass the pork loaf?

Certainly, dear.


Nice pass, Mom.

Ever consider competing at
the amateur school picnic level?

Well, I...

That reminds me,

Aren't the parent-child
picnic games this Saturday?

I've been looking forward to it
all year long.

Hey, watch me shot-put
this potato!

Oh! Oh! Ohh...!


Be careful.

( glass breaking )

Ow! My eye!

Oh, if Dad competes,
we lose for sure.

Goddard-- options.

No... too mature.

I'm no quitter.

Hmm... cheating
would be dishonest,

but I'm far too blinded by my
desire to destroy Cindy to care.

To the lab!

All right, just one more...

Vox, display digital simulation
of Dad running.


Now introduce corrective
electromagnetic cranial strip.

You're going down,

Ah, isn't this
great, Jimbo?

You and me working
together as a team.

Now, remember, son--

there's no "I" in "team."

Should we sublimate
our individuality

for the good
of our combined effort?

No, I mean there's no
letter "I" in the word "team."

There's never a wrong time
for a spelling lesson, son.

You know, Dad, I know how
important professional gear is

to an athlete such
as yourself, so...

Oh, look!

A sweatband.

Thanks, Jimmy.

You know, once
I get going,

I sweat like
a dock worker
on the noon shift.

( headband buzzing faintly )

( shudders )

Um, Dad, shouldn't we
stretch or something?

Uh, sorry, Carl.

Can't risk it.

Might dislocate a valve.

Remember what happened
last year.

Oh, yeah.

That nurse was nice.

Uh, Coach Grubber,

my dad's out of town,
so I brought Max.

He collects cans
outside my dad's office.

No problem.

The picnic games rule book

that in the event
of an absent parent,

a vagrant may be substituted.

So, where's
the free grub?

Right this way,

I can't wait
to see the look
on Neutron's face

when we whip
his butt.

How about that klutzy
dad of his?

That man is engaged in
a lifelong battle with gravity.

May we have our ham back?

Teams, take the field
for the marshmallow toss.

Parents will stand
behind the line.

Kids will fire marshmallows
into their pie holes.

On your mark, get set...

I didn't say go.


( headband buzzing )

Dag nabbit, Carl,

throw one.

Ow, I'm hit!

Am I bleeding?


Time-- fall in
for a count.

What's the deal,

Last year, your dad couldn't
walk a straight line,

and now he's like something
out of a fancy French circus.

Je ne sais pas,

With a record 37 marshmallows,

Team Neutron wins
the first event.

Yes, indeedy dandy.

I'm on fire.

( hisses )

I'm watching you,

Fall in

for the piggyback
teacher hurdles.

Parents must vault over teachers

while lugging their offspring
on their backs.

Ready, set...

I did not say "go."

I said, "set."

Ready, set, not go.

Not go-- go!

( yells )

Don't hurt Mama.

Oh, dear, you're
wearing cleats?


Behind you.

Coming up.

And dig it!

We have a winner.

( cheering )

Team Neutron
is dominating
these games.

Who's hot?

We're hot.

Who's not?

They're not.

This can't be happening.

Hey, that's weird.

Headbands don't usually give off
electrostatic discharge.

Mr. N.,

may I offer you
a congratulatory Purple Flurp?

Why, thank you, Cindy.

My insides could
use a hose-down.

Dad... no!

Oh, no.

Oh, yes.

Say good-bye to
your medal, Neutron.

Aren't you forgetting?

There's only
one race left,

and we already
have two wins.

Aren't you forgetting
that the last event

is worth 90%
of your score?

( burps )... Boy,
that was refreshing.

I feel like doing
a one-handed double back flip.

I think I will.

Dad, wait.

About your headband,

See, I electronically
enhanced it

to make you better,
because I wanted to win.

Well, I'm sorry
to hear that, son.

You know, I thought
I'd taught you

that winning
isn't important.

What's important

is the healthy
fellowship of sport.

I'm sorry, Dad.

I guess my need to win

got the better of me.

( inhaling deeply )

Smell that, Cindy.

That's the stench of loserdom.

Oh, yeah?

Bring it on!

When we're done with you,

you'll be sucking loser
soup through a straw.

But Dad, what happened
to the fellowship of sport?

Sport, shmort.

Losing blows eggwater.

Now, let's kick
some Vortex hiney.

Take your marks

for the blindfolded
chariot race.

Get set...

( growls )


( growling )

I didn't say go.

I didn't say go.

Not yet, not yet, not yet.

( blows horn )

To the left.

Dad, to the left!

Cone at 2:00.

Execute left turn now.

Okay, a little to the right.

No, look... ( screams )


No... stop!

( screams )

Onward to victory.

Dad, lemonade stand!

Dad, stop!

Oh, for Pete's sake.

( crowd cheering )

Did we win?

( sighs )

No, but I don't think
we're finished just yet.

And for the third year in a row,

the winner of the picnic games
is Team Vortex.

( crowd cheering )

Hold that trophy.

This woman is an impostor.


This is my mom.


The probabilities
of you and your mom

having different eye color,
foot size and earlobe length

are 270 million to one.

You think just because
your stupid data says that,

it's true?

That, and the fact

that she has a zipper
on the back of her neck.

( gasping )

Aunt Suzy?

Yes, it's me.

Olympic champion and buff chick
magazine fold-out Suzy Vortex.

Cheaters, cheaters.

That means we win.

Oh, goody, goody.

Give me that prize.

Dad, we can't accept that.

We cheated, too.

Oh, but Jimbo, it's so shiny,

and there's an "I" in "shiny."

Team Neutron is disqualified,
which means Team DeCarlo wins.

Sorry, we cheated, too.

Greased the wheels
on the wagon.

Okay, then.

Team Simkins?

We cheated on
the hurdle thing.

Team Jenson?



Played fair...

( cheering )

Then cheated.

( booing )

You people are a disgrace!

Isn't there anybody
who did not cheat?

Take it easy, Dad.

Now, go!

Wait, hold it!

( yelling )

We have a winner.

First prize goes
to Team Wheezer.


( all cheering )

You hear that, son?

We won.

And not
a single injury.

Ow, my foot!

Ow, my neck!

Oh, my head.
Oh, my head.

Oh, I think I have
a bone spur.

Oh, leg cramp.

My kidneys are on fire.

( footsteps )

( screams )

Hi, Mr. Neutron.

We're here.

Are you ready for us?

Sleeping bags?


You're moving in!

Oh, no!

Two more mouths to feed,
braces, college.


Calm down, Hugh.

They're just here
for Jimmy's sleepover.

Oh, well, that's
not nearly as bad.

Oh, I remember
my first sleepover--

the games and
the practical jokes,

the crying for my mommy.

Hugh, that was
our honeymoon.

Yeah, I know.

Gentlemen, welcome
to what I expect to be

the greatest sleepover
in history.


I baked galactic
marshmallow balls

from the Ultra Lord
Recipe Book.

( crash )

And I brought a video

of Larry
the Lovesick Llama.

You know,
I think I have something

you guys'll enjoy even more.

Behold the Slumbertron 9000,

designed to throw
the ultimate sleepover party.

It provides the world's
greatest made-to-order pizza,

tells superscary stories,

and supplies the perfect pillows
for ultimate pillow fights.

Turn it on, turn it on.

Pizza, pillows, scary stories!

Hey, hey-- easy, Sheen.

One thing at a time.

This is the Slumbertron's
maiden voyage.

I suggest we begin
with the pillow fight.

( electronic beeping )

These are perfect.

Yeah, totally state-of-the-art.

( chuckles )

( as macho man ):
Time to take out the trash!

( laughing )

( boys laughing and yelling )

( laughing and shouting
from other room )

( Hugh groans )

Two, three,
touch my knee.

Hugh, tell the boys
to quiet down.

No, Sugar Booger,
let them have their fun.

Eight, nine, bend my spine.

( spine cracks )

That's what I'm talking about.

( boys panting )

I'm tired.

I'm hungry.

How about some pizza?

You read my stomach.

I want pepperoni and garlic
and onions and anchovies...

And peanut butter
and clams and hot fudge.

Don't knock it till you try it.

Okay, okay, one ultimate
pizza coming up.

( Slumbertron whirring )

( dings )

( boys oohing )

let the gorging begin!

( boys moaning and groaning )

Oh, stomach full, room spinning.

I will eat no more...

( burps )


Mom sent me down
to tell you boys it's time to...

Give me a piece of pizza.

Ooh-hoo, fudge anchovy,
my favorite.

( chewing ):
Mmm... carry on with...
your crazy... sleepover thing.

I believe the time has come

for scary stories.

Okay, but, um...
not too scary, Jimmy,

because remember
what happened

( whispers ):
the last time when
I got too scared.

Did you bring
your rubber sleeping bag?

( softly ):

Then what's the problem?

Make it scream-your-
head-off scary.

One scream-your-head-off
scary story coming up.

( electronic beeping )

It's just a story,

it's just a story,
it's just a story.

Good evening.

I am Dr. Dark,

teller of terrible tales.

Hold up.

Do you mean terrible
like lousy,

or terrible
like scary?


Got it.

Once there was a monster

who only appeared
at night at sleepovers

and he was called
the Sleepover Monster.

( teeth chattering )

He only came out at night

because the sun
was his mortal enemy.

And he liked to eat children--

boy children,
just about your age.

Uh... m-m-maybe it'd be better

if we listened to
the story in the morning?

Yeah-- not that I'm scared.

I just don't want to wear out
Jimmy's new machine.

Turn it off, turn it off,
turn it off!

( electronic beeping )

( all sigh deeply )

Good night, guys.

Good night,

This is the best
sleepover ever.

Wait a minute.

Who said anything
about going to sleep?

What are we, a bunch of babies?

Come on, I'm going
to stay up all night.

Party! Party! Par...

( snoring loudly )

( dog barking outside )

( all three snoring )

( snoring and murmuring )

Somebody's hungry.

Hey, Jim,
how about some more pizza?



Uh, I bet I could make
one of those pizzas.

( typing ):
I want pizza.

Love, Carl.

( machine beeps )


Maybe if I just push everything.

( buttons beeping )

( machine shudders )

( yelps )

Jimmy! Jimmy!!

Uh, breakfast time?

( yelps )

Carl, what did you do?!

I don't know.

My tummy woke me up--
it was hungry.

I pressed all the buttons
and... and...

Bad tummy, bad tummy!

( screams )

Hey, I made a giant pizza.

Let's eat.

( screams )

The Slumbertron
must have combined

the pizza
and scary story programs

to create...

a pizza monster!

( growls )

I can't delete the pizza.

The screen's frozen.

Time for
my dinner!

( screaming )

We're being chased
by a monster!

Tell those boys
to go to sleep now.

Oh, Booger Sugar,
they're just playing

Help, I'm Being Chased
by a Monster.

Well, my tasty

the tables are turned.

Now it looks like I get
to eat you!

Let's split up.

Whoever the pizza monster isn't
chasing can go for help.

One, two, three!


( cackling )

( screams )

( screaming )


( growls )

( screams )

Hugh Neutron.

Go downstairs
this instant

and tell those boys
to settle down.

Okay, sure, fine...

( mumbles )

Hate to be a party pooper, boys,

but can you keep it down?


Thank you.

What's going on out there?

Oh, nothing.

The boys are just
being chased

by giant slices
of flying pizza.

do something.

Nice pillows.

Now, stay-- stay!

Don't do anything evil.

( parents screaming )

( boys screaming )


All right,
this is it, guys.

( voice trembling ):
A pleasure knowing you.

Think, think, think.

( expl*si*n )

Brain blast!

Hey, hey-- remember the story?

The sun is the monster's
mortal enemy.

Good, Jimmy.

Go get the sun.

Gas planet!

Sunrise is still
eight minutes away.

Maybe I can make the monster
think the sun is coming up.

Carl, I need your glasses.


We can't just stand here
doing nothing, Carl.

We've got
to help Jimmy.

Good morning,

It's 6:00 a.m., 72 degrees.

We got a beautiful
sunrise out.

We've also got

a jackknifed tractor
trailer on the 101.

Marshmallows everywhere.

♪ Good morning to you ♪

♪ Good morning to you ♪

♪ We're all in our places
with sunshiny faces. ♪

( screams )

( grunt )

( grunts )

( birds chirping )

( screaming )

Mission accomplished.

If only he'd used
his anchovies for good
instead of evil.

I'm starving.

Let's eat.

( scream )


Haven't you ever
heard of sequels?

( screaming )

( screams )

( snoring )

It was only a nightmare.

An anchovy-, clam-, and peanut
butter-induced nightmare.

( parents screaming )

( Hugh screaming )

( yelling and moaning )

( panting )

Whew, that was a doozy.


Help, help!


( screaming )

Bad dream, bad dream!

( Sheen
screaming )

( screaming )

( screams )


I guess it was all just a dream.

Hey, Carl, I...

( screams )

( screams )

( screams )

Honey, oh,
what is it?

Oh, I had the most
horrible dream.

There were three
terrible children--

a tubby one, a manic one,
and one with a giant head.

I told you, dear,
there's no such thing
as children.

Now, go back to sleep.

( cat meows )