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01x15 - The Eggpire Strikes Back

Posted: 06/15/23 06:08
by bunniefuu
Gotta Blast!

♪ Into the stars
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With a super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

And that concludes my report
on the pilgrims--

America's first fashion victims.

( class cheering )

Good report, Libby,

but next time leave off
the headphones.

I've been asking you
to wrap it up

for the last 20 minutes.


I said, next time you can...


I said sit down!

Now, class,

time to hand back
last week's chemistry test.


You got the best grade
in the whole class.


Pack it in, Neutron.

Your best years are be.

I got an A+ to your lowly...

Read it and weep, Vortex.


Miss Fowl, you said
I got the best grade in class.

I meant except for Jimmy.

Do I really need
to say that every time?

( sighs )

A burp-powered jetpack?

Oh, I don't know,

Trust me, Carl.

I personally designed r

to run on the carbon-dioxide
content of the average burp.

Well, how come Sheen
never has to test

the dangerous

Because, burp boy,
I had the very
demanding job

of keeping up
Jimmy's morale.

Looking good, Jimmy.


Thank you.

Okay, Carl, drink
your Purple Flurp

and commence burping.


( gulping )

( burps )

Uh, nothing's happening, Jim.

( burps loudly )

( propeller whirs )

( burps )

( burps )

He's rising.

( burps )

Jimmy, I'm scared.

Just keep burping, Carl!

( burping loudly )

I'm flying!

( barking )

( burping freely )

He's like some
beautiful, majestic bird

with horrible gas.

( continues burping )

Okay, I finished
my soda, Jimmy.

Um, how do I get down?

Uh... down?


I'm not sure,

I never thought about
the landing!

Burp, Carl!

Burp for your life!

( panting )

( straining )

( farts )

Nothing's coming out!

I think I'm going to fall!

You know this
wouldn't happen

if you people would just wear
your Ultra Lord utility belts.

( Carl yelling )

( metal cracking )


Are you okay?

Speak to me.

Flying metal chicken.

Oh, no,
he's delusional.

Actually, Jimmy,

I've got to go with Carl
on this one.


( cooing ):
Who's a duck?

Who's a big, brave duck?

You are. Yes, you are.

Don't look at me like that.

Hugh, need anything
from the store?

You're going to the store?

I'll tell you what, Sugarbooger,
you go and get me the fixings,

and tonight I'll make you
and Jimbo

some of my famous spaghetti

à la Hugh-o.

( screams )

There's no need to be rude.

come quickly.

Heck's necklace!

It's a humongous
flying metal chicken!

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Yes, but even if we
could catch it,

what would we
cook it in?

( crowd gasps, then ex)

Get the children!

( gasps )

( toots whistle )

( horn honks, car crashes )

( people screaming )

Attention, Retroville!

This is the Neutron
Early-Alert System.

This is an emergency.

We're being invaded by.

All able-bodied citizens report
to the park immediately

to defend the town.

where are you going?

Jimbo said "able-bodied,"

and you can practically rent
ad space on that bunion of mine,

so I don't think...

( yelling angrily )

Jimmy, I'm scared.

Don't be scared,

They'll probably just
force us to be slaves

in their galactic
spice mines.

I'm allergic to paprika!

Sheen, what's the closest thing
in your Ultra Lord utility belt

to a ballistic
heat-seeking m*ssile?

Let's see, that would be
this tomato.

It will have to do.

Hand it over.

What are you doing, Jimmy?

Converting the jetpack

into a m*ssile

Happy landing!

( alarms beeping )

Direct hit!


( people screaming )

Jimmy saved us!

( crowd cheering )

Hold your ground, people.

They can still attack
at any moment.

( crowd gasps )


Good people
of Earth,

there's no cause
for alarm.

We come in peace.

Good, now go in peace!


Scram, you Martians!

Please, my friends,
we mean you no harm.


You're that King Goobot fellow

who tried to feed us
to a giant chicken.

Well, yes, that
happened, but I...

It wasn't our fault.

Poultra made us do
bad things.

She was evil.


Yes, she's, um,
no longer with us.

( whispers ):
Yes, that's it.

Likely story.

Why should we believe you?

People, settle.

We know that it may take months
or even years

to earn your friendship,
but in the meantime,

please accept these gifts
we've brought

as a gesture of our goodwill.

Nice try, outer spaceniks.

It's going to take a lot more
than a few shiny trinkets

to make us forget about...

Ooh, nice ducky.

Honey, look, it's signed
by the artist, and numbered.

An antigravity skateboard.

Thanks, creepy alien dudes.

Give me a break.

You can't possibly think
you can win us over

by handing out a bunch
of stupid gifts.

Oh, sorry, we weren't

We were petting
this adorable puppy.



Everyone, can't you see
what they're doing?

Remember who we're dealing with.

Gather around,

Our helpers have presents
for each and every one of you.

( crowd conversing )

Intergalactic Beat Jam!


Ultra Lord with
electron-spitting action.


Pleasant-smelling sachet!

A fluffy

Oh, isn't it wonderful, sir?

It's just like Christmas
on Yolkus,

only without all the v*olence.

( whispering )

Oh, curses!

What is it, Your Yolkiness?

It appears our
you-know-what machine

was damaged
in the landing.

No matter.

I'll just borrow one
from one of the Earthlings.

Well, that shouldn't be
too hard, sir.

They appear to be warming up
to us already.

Yes, I predict we'll soon feel

right at home here.

( both laughing )

What are you laughing about?


Uh, that wasn't

Oh, no, that's how we, um,
exchange nitrogen particles.


( both laughing )

Oh, that's good nitrogen.

That really hits
the spot.


I can't believe everyone's
buying the Yokians' lies.

Their lies
may be dirty,

but their gifts
are oh, so sweet.

( screams )

Don't feel bad,

I mean, no one
blames you

for being suspicious.

Hey, Neutron,

look at what the evil
Yokians did to me.

They gave me
a scooter.

Help me, Jimmy.

My hair is too soft
and manageable.

Stop them
before they're nice again.

( townspeople laughing )

( quacking )

Mom, Dad, you can't
honestly believe

the Yokians aren't
evil anymore

just 'cause they
brought us presents.

But such lovely
presents, dear.

Hugh, look at my new
diamond earrings again.

Still beautiful.

You see, Jim-Jim,
evil spaceniks

are people just like you and me,

and like people,
they deserve a second chance,

especially the ones
with huge bags of gifts.

Well, the sooner they
go back to Yolkus,

the better,
if you ask me.

( toilet flushes )

Hello, Neutrons.

How are my three favorite

humanoid life forms

Mom, what's he doing here?!

Didn't you tell him,

No, must have slipped my mind.

Jimbo, say hello to
our new houseguest--

King Goobot.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait!

Time out, here!

We're letting an evil alien
live in our house?

Now, Jimbo, don't be rude.

The Yokians are friendly now.

They've even offered
to fill in for all of us

at our humdrum jobs
for as long as we want.

Mom, say something!

How do you like
your steak cooked?


Oh, uh, I mean, however
you like it, my good woman.

( laughing )

Now, where was I?

I haven't even
given Goobie a tour.

Okay, let's start
with the telephone.

This little baby
lets us talk

to other Earthlings
clear across town!


Oh, yes.

This is the TV remote.

It lets us change

without even getting up.

Shut your mouth!

If I'm lying, I'm dying!

Well, my goodness!

If you have all these
technological marvels,

then I suppose you must
also have a...

tungsten-lined scan-ready
DNA regenerator?

Yeah... of course we do.

Goobie, old bean,
Jimmy has all the latest,

uh... thingamajiggies
in his lab.

Remember, I told you...


Oh, yes.

Jimmy's lab.

You simply must show me around

this lab of yours,
dear boy.

( Hugh blathering )

You can talk
to Jimbo later, Goobie.

In the meantime,
come on back

and I'll show you
my pie-eating trophies.

There's a disgusting story
for each and every one of them.


Yes, sirree,
I think this

is the beginning
of a beautiful

MAN ( over speaker ):
Three, two, one.

Morning, Goddard.

( pants and barks )

( Jimmy screams )

What are you doing here?

I live here, remember?

Well, move it.

I got to get ready for school.

Who's going to make me?


All right,
all right.

Big grumpus.

( grumbling )


I'm going!

The Yokians gave me
a sippy chicken.

They gave me
a home tattooing kit.

Hey, Neutron,
what'd the Yokians give you?

Well, that's
hard to say, Nick,

since I don't
accept gifts

from evil space aliens!

Want to play with
my sippy chicken?

Good morning, children.

Starting today, I'm taking
an indefinite holiday,

so hello to your
substitute teacher--



Thank you, old one.

Thank you
for the motorcycle.


Well, won't this be fun?

I just know we're going to have
a wonderful time

getting to know each other.

Um, Mr. Ooblar,
may I go to the bathroom?


So you can plot
a rebellion

by passing notes
through the sewers

and rally the town
to battle?

Uh... forget I said that.

( laughs nervously )

I meant,
of course you may.

Actually, I kind of
don't have to go anymore.

Right, well, let's get started
then, shall we?

Keldar, textbooks!

Favorite Yokian Desserts?

Yes, we're all
going to spend the day

making yummy taste treats while
I watch over you like a hawk!

Excuse me, but I'd hardly call
dessert making

an educational activity.

Oh, here we go:
Professor Pointy-head

needs everyone to know
what a genius he is.

I'm sure you'd love
to make desserts

to keep the cotton candy
in your head company!

You're one to talk,
Mr. Chocolate Whippy-Dip Head.

Hey, don't call me
Mr. Whippy-Dip Head.

Do they fight like
this all the time?

Yeah, but deep down
they really hate each other.

Children, pipe down!

I suppose I could massage

a little history
in today's lesson.

Uh, let's see.

What year did Pembloke the Scaly
conquer the Jupitarians?

You're all right!

They never did!

Now, who wants
dilithium fudge balls?

I would like
a couple of those.

Make it fast, Neutron.

These are peak bullying hours.

Good covering, Butch,
they might be listening.

Now, how are we going
to stop the Yokians?

Uh, dude, what
are you talking about?

You know, stopping the.

From perpetrating

their evil conspiracy!

Their conspiracy
to be incredibly generous?

He means the conspiracy
to not give us any homework.

Come on, guys--
first the Yokians

try to win our trust with gifts,

then they infiltrate
our homes and schools.

Can't you see
they're up to something?!

Yeah, they're "up"
to being totally cool.

And now you want to go
and mess things up.

Come on, you guys,
let's go.

What is his problem?

Now I'll never meet
my bullying quota.

Hey, Jimmy, what
if we keep accepting
the Yokians' gifts

and then
in a few years,

when they
run out of stuff,

we ask them nicely
to leave?

( sighs disgustedly )

( gasps )

Here she comes.

Oh, Cindy Vortex.

What a coincidence!

This is the student

I was telling you
about, sir.

Oh, you were right,

those curious eyes,
the well-shaped cranium.

You win!

Uh, what the heck
is going on here?

I suppose
we should explain.

Ooblar and I had a bet.

I said Jimmy Neutron

was the smartest
child in town,

and he said you were.


Don't be modest, dear.

It was obvious from
the minute I saw you.

( laughing ):
Well, thanks, but...

I mean, Neutron does get
better grades than I do.


( Yokians laughing )

Of course
his grades are better
than yours, dear.

His laboratory gives him
a tremendous advantage.

Well, that is how
he aces all those
chemistry tests.

Of course!

And I think
it's terribly unfair.

Ooh, ooh, ohh, ooh!

What is it, Ooblar?

I have the most
wonderful idea, sir.

Why don't we build Cindy
a lab of her very own?


Oh, you don't have to do that.

Oh, it's
a splendid idea.

You simply must let us.

After all, you might
end up curing disease,

the energy crisis...

Deflating that
big head of Jimmy's.

I'm in.

All we need from you

is some way to gain
access to Jimmy's lab

so we can build you
an even better one.


Uh, that won't
be a problem,
will it?

pretty secretive

when it comes
to his lab.

I don't really know
how to get in it.

But I know two people who do.

Sheen, you can't

with a lizard.

Can too.

I learned it from
the Ultra Lord Handbook.



Hey, guys, what's up?

Ah! Talking lizard!

Hey, ow, you're...

Ah, what is that...

( giggling )


Hey, Cindy, I met a lizard
who sounds just like you.

( laughing )

You guys... are so funny...
and interesting.

It's too bad we don't get
to hang out more often.

Don't hit me!

I'm not going
to hit you, silly.

I think what Carl's
trying to say is...

don't you hate us?

Whatever gave you that idea?

Because of the way you're
always yelling at us,

giving us nasty looks
and saying you hate us.

Well, that's just because...

Hey, why don't
I treat you guys

to a snack
at the Candy Bar

this afternoon,
say around 4:00?

Uh, would you
excuse us for a sec?

( whispering ):
Why is she being so nice to us?

Isn't it obvious?

Cindy's gone completel.

Oh... You think we should
tell her parents?


No, I think we should ride
the Loony Express

all the way to the Candy Bar.

4:00 it is.

See you at 4:00.

The woman of the house
is nice enough,

but somebody needs to beam
the dad a clue.

I'm home!

Hold on, I hear something.

Hey, boy, come on.

Time to go to the lab.

It looks like we won't need
this Cindy of yours after all.

The mystery of the lab
is about to be solved.

( screams )

Well, there you are,

Goobs, old man.

Come on down to the kitchen.

There's a whittlin' stick
with your name on it.

No thanks.

Whittling's not really
my game, I...

anybody can whittle.

Just watch me
and do what I do...

except for the
cutting yourself
and bleeding part.

But... but... I...

Hey, we'll take
the express route.

( whines, barks )

Don't worry,
I fixed all the bugs.

( wind howling )

( screams )

( Goddard yelping )

Still a few bugs.

Now, let's see...

There ought to be
something here.



X-ray specs?


Cheese Ray.

Never got that one to work.

( crackling )

( sleepily ):
Time machine microwave...
invisible pills.

Oh, what's the point of having
a state-of-the-art laboratory

if it won't help you prove
Yokians are evil?!

( whimpering )

GOOBLOT ( on recording ):
Good people of Earth,

there's no cause of alarm.

We come in peace.

Hey, good idea, Goddard.

If we scan Gooblot's words
through your lie-detector drive,

we can see
if he's telling the truth.

Hit it, boy!

GOOBLOT ( on recording ):
There's no cause for alarm.

We come in peace.

We come in peace...

( detector beeping )

Oh, no!

They're just as evil as ever!

Only this time they've
come down to get us.

Come on, we've got
to warn the others.

What's this?

"Dear Jimmy, we went to the park
to see the giant egg.

Love, Mom and Dad."

"Giant egg"?

( gasps )


Come closer, humanoids.

That's right, don't be shy.

We've got a wonderful
surprise for you.

Oh, yes, quite
a surprise, indeed.

Get back! It's a trick!

The Yokians are still evil.

I can prove it!

Get back, everyone!

( tremendous banging )

( crowd exclaims )

( cracking )

( crowd exclaiming )

It's Poultra!
get back!

The Yokians are more evil
than ever!

Run for your lives!

( shell cracking, rumbling )

( crowd exclaims )

Oh, it's terrible!

There's hundreds
of them,

all small
and white squares!

( crowd exclaims )

They're invitations,

( crowd exclaims )

Don't touch them,

( crowd gasps )

They might try
and suck out your brain

with their horrible


I... I don't understand.

"You are hereby invited
to a Yokian picnic

on this spot tomorrow
at 3:00 p.m."

Yes, it's our way of saying
thanks ever so much

to the people of Retroville
for giving us a second chance.

Will there be ham?

Yes, Carl, and cake
and candy, too.

Can I help with
the entertainment?

Of course, Libby.

Get jiggy with it.

Will Ultra Lord
be there

and offer to make me
his crime-fighting buddy?

Uh, yes.

Of course, if Jimmy doesn't
want us to throw you a picnic...

( crowd yelling )

No, we don't
want to stay

if we're not

Nice going, kid.

Your cruel words hurt
the Yokians' feelings.

Yeah, you're
an emotional bully.

That's the worst kind.

But the polygraph test.

Aw, who cares?

Give it a rest.

( crowd yelling )

Hold on, Goobie,
I'm sure Jimbo
didn't mean it.

Now, Jimmy, I want
you to apologize
to our alien friends.

How about it, Jimmy?

Let's shake hands
and be wonderful friends, eh?


( crowd booing )

Keep walking, kid!

( crowd yelling derisively )

Now, now, don't
be mad at Jimmy.

( sinisterly ):
He'll come to respect me
soon enough.

There you go, boys--
two more fudge ripple

All right!

Thanks, Cindy.

This is awesome!


Hey, have you guys noticed

that Yokians have pretty much
taken over the town?


See for yourself.

♪ We used to be quite evil ♪

♪ But now we're really nice,
we swear ♪

♪ Without our pesky, evil
chicken god ♪

♪ We hug, we love, we share. ♪

( solo ):
♪ We used to worship Poultra. ♪

♪ That was one
sadistic bird. ♪

♪ Now that she's gone,
we're oh, so nice again ♪

♪ We give you our word. ♪

That's incredible!

I can hardly
believe it!

Double-sided tape
is half-price at
the stationery store.

What were you
saying, Carl?

I'm sorry.

Never mind.

( clears throat )

So, now that we're
all close friends,

what do you want
to talk about?

Oh, I know--
how about Jimmy's lab?

Mmm, I'm sorry, Cindy,

but Jimmy doesn't
really like us to talk
about his lab.

Yeah, it's totally
high security.

It even goes off
if it smells a girl.


Chill out, Carl,
I didn't say anything

about how Jimmy gets in.

By the way, are
you going to eat
your DNA scanner?

( shouts ):
Oh, I mean "cherry"!

Not DNA scanner!

So, he uses a DNA scanner
to get in?


I mean, yes.
I mean...

Curse you, refined sugar!

Once again you have
unhinged my tongue.

Don't worry, guys.

I'm not going to tell anybody.

So, um, how does Jimmy activate
this scanner thing?

Boy, where does
the time go?

Come on, Sheen,
it's time to go to the...
( stammering )

important thing.

Waiter, one
Atomic Choco Blast!

Atomic Choco Blast.

That's the most expensive
thing on the menu.


I can't help it.

She's not playing fair!

Come on, let's go, Sheen.

Well, doesn't that
look delicious?

And it's all yours
as soon as someone tells me

how Jimmy gets into his lab.

Jimmy plucks a hair and holds
it up to the DNA scanner

next to the clubhouse door.

His computer's name is Vox.

( slurping )

I am deeply ashamed
of you, Carl.

And quit eating
all the nuts.

Thanks, boys, let's do
this again sometime.


How's next week
for you?

I'm good Tuesday.

You're going to like golf,

the wind in your face;

the harsh, unforgiving
sand traps;

the thrilling
200-foot drops.

And that's just driving
the cart around.

Well, as I say,
I really can't stay very long.

I have a previous...

Now, to golf with the big boys,
you've got to attack the ball.

I like to pretend it's
a tiny, dimpled pie thief.

Here, watch.

Psst, Goobot.

So we meet again,
eh, thief of pies?

Still up to your larcenous ways?

Well, have a nice,
hot slice of heat.

( groans )

Goobie, no!
Are you hurt?

I'll get you some iodine
and a bandage.

And maybe some pie for me.

Ooh, pie and ice cream.

I hope we have those s.

You wait here--
I'll be right back.

Honey, what kind
of ice cream
do we have?

Bo Peep to Papa Bear,
Bo Peep to Papa Bear.

Oh, just spit it out.

Okay, here's
the skinny.

Jimmy's lab is
under his clubhouse.

You need a hair
of his to get in.

Just hold it up
to the DNA scanner
on the door

and you're in.


Now about my lab.

What do you think
about blue

for the main work area?

Not a gaudy blue-- more
of a teal or maybe an azure,

or... or you can surprise me!

Maybe I'm wrong, Goddard.

I mean, I know
the odds are slim...

Okay, really slim,
but still possible.

I mean, maybe lie detectors
don't work on aliens.

Maybe the Yokians
really have evolved

into good, kind-hearted souls.

( gasps )

Or maybe they're still
evil alien jerks!

Activate hologram projector.


Stop it!

Get off me, I say!

He's a sound sleeper.

It's a Yokian freighter,
all right.

Let's get a closer look.

Poultra's water dish?

( humming )

What's wrong, Sugarbooger?

Eh, eh, eh, eh, don't deny it.

Mr. Breakfast Face never lies.

I'm worried about Jimmy, Hugh.

He's alienated everyonn

with all this talk
of evil Yokians.

Oh, you know boys.

It's probably just a phase,

like... collecting bugs
or eating soup with your hands.

I'm sure Jimbo's over this whole
"evil Yokian" thing by now.

Mom! Dad!

The Yokians are planning
on feeding

the entire town to Poultra
at today's picnic!

( spitting )

I stand corrected.

What are you
talking about,

They're transporting
Poultra's water dish
down from deep space.

That means Poultra's
not far behind.

Whatever you do, don't
go to the picnic today.

We're still going,

Wouldn't miss it.

Oh, honey, look.

It's the boy
who cried "Poultra."

Kid, let me guess--

blah, blah, blah,
evil Yokians,

blah, blah, blah.

( both laughing )

Going somewhere, Jimmy?

I saw the freighter,

I'm going to tell

about your plan
to feed us to Poultra

and take over the town.

My, my, someone's
a morning person.

nobody trusts you anymore.

It's all part
of the master plan.

To take over Earth?

Oh, please, I don't care

about your scrubby
little planet!

I'm out to destroy you!



Yes, you--

the boy who made me
the laughingstock

of the entire galaxy.

Well, who's being
laughed at now, hmm?

Fine, you got your revenge.

Now leave us alone.

Oh, but your humiliation
has just begun.

You'll spend the rest
of the morning

warning people to stay
away from the picnic,

but no one will listen.

All your pleas
will get you

is a front row seat
to watch Poultra

( yelling ):
devour everyone
you care about!

And do you know
what I'll do then?

I'll just laugh
and laugh and laugh!

( laughs insanely )

How you boys getting along?



Your plan will never work,

My friends will believe me
if I tell them to, you'll see.

( rocket blasts )

Carl, Sheen!

Don't go to the picnic!

Oh, right, Jimmy.

Like I'm
really going
to pass up

a chance to meet
Ultra Lord.

And like I'm going
to miss free ham.

Guys, as a friend, trust me.

If you go, there will be
dire consequences.

Let's see-- Ultra Lord,
dire consequences,

Ultra Lord,
dire consequences.

See you at the picnic,

I'll save you some ham.

Nick, don't go
to the picnic today.

Okay, I will.

( girls laughing )

Cindy, Libby!

Oh, look, Libby--
Peutron's soliciting money

for the "I'm a big,
fat loser" fund.

Would you like
a donation,
little boy?

Actually, I just wanted
to make sure

you ladies were going
to the picnic today.

The police.

Maybe they'll believe me.

( screams )

That does it.

Time to call in the army.

( rocket blasts )

( screams )

DNA match, confirmed.

( barks )

( panting )

Goddard, it looks
like it's up to us.

Let's see how many people
Poultra can eat

if she's only two feet tall.

( disco music playing )

What the heck's going on?

Better scan for viruses.

"Praise Yolkus"?

Vox, identify last person
in lab before me.

Jimmy Neutron, 7:40 AM.


Screen footage of last entry.

Leapin' leptons!

Wait a minute!

You must also have a...

tungsten-lined scan-ready
DNA regenerator.

My regenerator!

It's gone!

Let the games begin.


The sacred toenail, Ooblar.

All that remains
of the late, great Poultra.

Yes, it seems
like just yesterday

she abandoned us out of shame

to be the chicken god
of some other planet.

( clears throat )

No time for reminiscing.

We've got work to do.

Commence reanimation!

( electricity crackling )

( regenerator whirring )

( squawks )

Welcome to your new planet,
O Great One.

Your meal awaits.

Wait for us!

They've used my regenerator
to make a brand-new Poultra.

( Poultra screeches )

I've got to warn everybody.

Come on, boy.

♪ Bust out the jams ♪

♪ Don't stop
until the party's blazing ♪

♪ Bust out the jams ♪

♪ Gonna crank the audio ♪

♪ Bust out the jams ♪

♪ Can't stop,
this party's so amazing ♪

♪ Bust out the jams ♪

♪ There's no other way to go ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ I ain't lyin' ♪

♪ This ain't no jive ♪

♪ Just set your soul ♪

♪ On overdrive... ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ Bust out the jams ♪

♪ Don't stop until
this party's blazing... ♪

Hey, Carl.

Isn't this the most
awesome picnic ever?

Oh, yeah.

I'm totally nauseous,

but I feel so alive!

♪ ...No other way to go ♪

♪ Bust out the jams! ♪

All right!

Everybody give it up
for the Yokians!

You guys were awesome.

( crowd applauds and )

( panting ):
Everyone, get out of the park!

Poultra is headed this way.

Not you again.

You're a "constantly warning
about Poultra" bully,

and that's the worst kind.

Get off the stage, Jimmy.

Please, you've got
to believe me.

My other warnings
didn't come true

because the Yokians
wanted you to think

I'm some sort of paran.

Well, it worked.

But this time
the danger is real.

They stole my regenerator
to make a new Poultra,

and she's coming this way!

That's impossible, Jimbo.

Everyone knows you keep

all your techno-thingama-
booblies in your lab.

There's no way
the Yokians could have
ever gotten in there.

( gasps )

Well, I... I haven't really
figured that out yet.

Nonetheless, I think that...

Okay, that concludes

the boring and annoying
portion of the program.

Our next act...


I think Jimmy's
telling the truth.

You do?


While I have no idea
how the Yokians

could possibly have gotten
into Jimmy's lab...

well, the point is,
we owe Jimmy.

Who saved us when hosts

were running amok
in the streets?

Who repelled the giant flaming
meteor headed straight for town?

Who risked his life to shrink
Miss Fowl down to size

when she was 50 feet tall?

Okay, I know.

All those things were Neutron's
fault in the first place,

but he still risked his life
to save us.

The least we owe him
is our trust.

You know, the annoying
blond girl has a point.

And she usually
hates Jimmy.

Well, Jimmy did save me
from being a giant freak woman.

Give it up
for Jimmy.

( crowd cheering )

We believe
in you, Jimmy.

Just tell us
what to do.

Now wait just a minute.

I'm not believing
a word Jimmy says

until I have some decent
credible evidence.

( Poultra roars )

Works for me.

( crowd screaming )

Sweet muffins, we're trapped.

Hey, look,
Jimmy's wrong again.

The nice Yokians built
us a swimming pool.

Hugh, that's
Poultra's water dish.


( screams ):

Guys, what are you all
so worried about?

Ultra Lord's going
to be here any minute.

Ultra Lord's not coming,
you ding-dong.

The Yokians lied to you.


Then they have awakened
the wrath of Sheen.

What are your orders, Jimmy?

Well... I... I don't know.

See, the Yokians sabotaged
my lab and I...

Neutron, if there
were ever a time

to put that big, freak brain
to work, it's now.

We're depending on you.

Okay, okay.

Think, think, think.

( cuckoo clock sounding )

( burps )

Burning blast.

Chickens can't burp.

Carl, gather up all the Sizzle
Rock candies you can find.

Sheen, fill Poultra's dish
with Flurp.

You heard the man.

Don't just stand
there, get moving!

I need you girls to bring me
a set of clothes--

pants, shirt, shoes and socks.

We're on it.

Oh, and...
and, Cindy--

uh, thanks.



Here are
the clothes, Jimmy.


I need you to sew a dummy

and fill it with
spicy Sizzle Rocks.

Goddard will help.

( Poultra roars )

Y-you might want
to put a rush on that.

Oh, what a fabu day
for a picnic, eh, Ooblar?

Absolutely, sir.

Oh, I'm glad
we brought Poultra.

It'd be rude to show up

( caws )

( panting ):


( roaring )

No worry, Sugarbooger,
I found your shoe.

It was over at the...

( screams )


Long time no see.

You know, this might be
a good time to tell you,

I taste awful.

I know I look quite delicious,
but I'm really kind of...

well, not gamy.

Have you ever
had rancid pork?

( roars )

( screams )

All right, Dad.

( clucking )

She's spotted the dummy.

That's it.

Come on.

Hey, you guys,
there's a whole ham left.


( squawks )

( squawking )

( coughing )

She's drinking it!

( sighs )

( stomach roiling )

Come on.

She's like some disgusting,
man-eating bird,

with horrible gas.

( whimpering, stomach bubbling )

I hate where
this is going.

( screams )

( expl*si*n )

We're saved.

Jimmy did it!

( crowd cheering )

Good job,

That's my boy.

Hey, the Yokians
are getting away.

Good-bye and good riddance.

And, by the way,
the gifts we gave you

are made from
Octavian weasel vomit.


Enjoy your stinky planet,
you stupid, stinking...

( grunts )

Nice shot, Sheen.


Good thing I got
the deluxe Ultra Lord
utility belt

with two tomatoes.

I'll get you someday,
Jimmy Neutron!

Well, that was
a close one.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I've got a lab to de-sabotage.

CINDY ( over P.A. system ):
( clears throat )

Would Jimmy Neutron
please come up on stage?

Get up here, Jimmy.

What's this all about?

I think the townspeople
have something

to say to you,


You were right
and we were wrong.

Aw, thanks, you guys, but
there's no need to apologize.

After all, a healthy skepticism
is the hallmark of...

Aw, who am I kidding?

Say it again!

You were right
and we were wrong.

Now say it in French.

Vous aviez raison
et nous avions tort.

Now Chinese.

( crowd mumbling in co)

Ah, just kidding.

Let's party!

( electronic music plays )

♪ About to bust a jam? ♪

♪ You gonna bust a jam? ♪

♪ All right, I'm almost ready,
girl, I'm almost ready. ♪

♪ I don't know ♪

♪ Whatever looks right... ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ Bust out the jams ♪

♪ Don't stop
until the party's blazing ♪

♪ Bust out the jams... ♪

You do realize
we'll be enemies
again tomorrow?

Of course,
and by the way,

the guys told me
about the Candy Bar.

I'm afraid I'll have to erase
your short-term memory.

Oh... oh, why?

I... I won't tell
anyone, honest.

I'll be as quiet
as a church mouse.

I... I... oh.

♪ Follow me, I'll take you
where it's happening, yo ♪

♪ No need for money... ♪

All right.

That's great, Wendy.

Shake that moneymaker.


( laughs )

Ultra Lord's dancing.





♪ Gonna crank the audio ♪

♪ Bust out the jams ♪

♪ Can't stop, this party's
so amazing ♪

♪ Bust out the jams ♪

♪ There's no other way
to go... ♪