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01x12 - Journey to the Center of Carl/Aaugh! Wilderness

Posted: 06/15/23 06:04
by bunniefuu
Got to blast!

♪ Into the stars
goin' by Candy Bar's ♪

♪ Rides a kid with a knack
for invention ♪

( gasps )

♪ With super-powered mind,
a mechanical canine ♪

( barks )

♪ He rescues the day
from sure destruction ♪


♪ This is the theme song ♪

( screams )

♪ For Jimmy Neutron. ♪

( mechanical whirring )

( barking )

( yells )

I know I've said this
a few times before,

but this is my greatest
invention ever!

( whining )

The Neutronic Sick Patch!

Guaranteed to get you
out of school for the day!

( coughing )

( sniffling )

( sneezes )

( sniffling, groans )

( barking )

Don't worry,

watch this!


Hurry up
or you'll be late for school!

( gasps )

Oh, Jimmy,
you poor baby.

You're sick as a dog.

( yaps )

You get into bed

this minute!

( stuffed up ):
Aw, but, Mom...!

I gotta go to...
( sneezes )school.

You're not going anywhere,
young man!

Will you be all right,
staying here by yourself today?

Well, I... I guess so.

( slurping )

( munching noisily )

It doesn't get
any better than this.

( belches )

( doorbell rings )

Here's today's
homework, Jimmy.

Gee, you look
really sick.


You look like you have
beriberi fever!

Have you been eating any berries
that were foaming at the mouth?

( sniffling ):
Actually, guys...

( coughs )

I'm not sick.

The Neutronic Sick Patch!

You're only sick
when you wear it.

So your parents
let you miss school!

When they're gone,
you take it off and...

The party begins!

I want one!

Patch me!
Patch me!

I want cholera!

( laughing ):
Step right up, gentlemen!


What about us, Neutron?

Sounds like you finally
invented something useful.

We want patches!

I'd like one to match my eyes.

( sighs ):
Okay, but don't
tell anybody else.

I want a sick patch!

No school for me!

Patch! Patch! Patch!

( all sneezing )

This is terrible!

Teaching is the only thing
that keeps me alive!

How do clouds create rain, Carl?

( imitating Carl ):
Uh, well, when the clouds
get very sad, they cry.

( normally ):
No, Carl.


( as Jimmy ):
Water vapor condenses

on a particle called
a condensation nucleus!

Gotta blast!

( in normal voice ):
Very good, Jimmy!

I miss them all so much...

( sobbing )

Except Sheen!

( phone ringing )

How's it going, guys?

Oh man, this is
so sweet!

I love you,

It doesn't get any better

Hi, Jimbo, how you feeling?

You know, you've missed
two days of school!

Now, I don't want your brain
to rot, so guess what?

I'm going to home-school you!

But... don't you
have to go to work?

Nope, I took the whole week off!

What'll we do first?

Oh, let's do Math!

No, too numbery!

Let's start with biology!

All right, now!

The heart goes beat, beat, beat

and the, red...
gooey stuff goes
into the...

You might want to
pay attention here.

You never know when
you're going to
be quizzed.

Relax, Cindy,
only 678 more
needles to go.

( laughing ):
This is the same plastic bubble

that my father put me in
for 14 happy years!

Hey, there, Bubble Boy!

Relax, baby,
it's only a little wasp!

Your great-great-great-
grandmother used wasps
to cure everything!

Then why don't you
dig her up

and let it sting her?!

( demurely ):
I'm sorry Mama.

All right-- the old
"pepper-up-the-nose cure"!

I love it,
bring it on!

♪ Hipbone's connected
to your... bone next to it ♪

♪ That bone's
connected to the... ♪

What's the bone in your knee?

This one, right here?

( whispering ):
I can't take it anymore.

It's time to get well.

Ha! Get down!

Bend the knee!

Bend the knee
and touch the sky! Ha!

( phone rings )

Your sick patch dissolved
into my skin, Nerdtron!

Jimmy, my patch
pulled a Houdini!

Cure me or face
the consequences!

I don't want to
be a Bubble Boy!

Okay, okay, settle down!

I can fix it.

Carl, Sheen, sneak out and meet
me in the you-know-what.

Now, the sick patches

dissolved into
our bloodstream.

We'll be sick forever

unless I can
extract some

from the virus
and make a vaccine.

To do that, two of us will
have to shrink to microbe size

and travel inside
one of you guys.

I volunteer...

Carl to be the person
we go inside of.

I second the...

Hey, wait a minute.

Uh, Jimmy, is this legal?

In some states.

Depends what you mean
by "legal."

Let's go!

( sneezes )

Goddard, activate
shrink ray

and commence


( coughs )

We are so small!

Let us begin our fantastic
journey to the center of Carl.

Um, if you guys find anything
neat inside me,

would you bring it back
so I could see it?

( yodeling )


Hey, Carl, you need to do
some excavating in here!

( giggling )

Hey, guys, that tickles!


CARL( voice echoing ):
Ah... ah...

Carl, do not sneeze!

I repeat:
Do not sneeze!


( monitor beeping )

Look, there's
Carl's brain!

Where? I don't see it.

Is it behind that
walnut on a stick?

Um... well...


( Carl's singing voice echoing )

♪ I got people inside me ♪

♪ And they're walking
in my brain. ♪

Hey, Jimmy, look!

It's that thing
you see in cartoons

that people always punch
like a punching bag!

I'm going to take a whack at it!

No, No, No, Sheen!

If you touch Carl's
uvula, he'll throw up!

Whew! Thanks, Jim,
I owe you one.

So, where do we go...


( both yelling )

Hey, you guys taste pretty good!

( Jimmy and Sheen yelling )

( splashing )

We've reached
our destination...

the stomach!

Man, Carl eats
a lot of junk, doesn't he?

Hey, Carl, you're supposed
to play with the toys

in The Silly Meals,
not eat 'em!

I know, but they always look
so colorful and chewy!

That germ has to be around here

Be careful
of those gas bubbles, Sheen,

you don't want to get
trapped in one of...

Hey, get me outta here!

There's a germ!

I have to extract
the mitochondria

before it gets away!

( germ shrieking )

I have a very bad feeling
about this.

( germs growling )

Germ attack!

I saw that movie!

The special effects
were third rate,

but the acting was better
than expected.

I gave it a thumbs-up.

Sheen, you have to distract
the other germs

while I get
the mitochondria out!

Okay, but I better get
some kind of award for this!

Hey, germs, over here!

Looky, looky!

( germs stop growling abruptly )

( germs resume growling )

It's not working!

Do something else!

How about some impressions?



( in normal voice ):
I'll be back!

Here's Johnny!

You dirty rat!

That's all, folks!

Um, do you do anything...
besides impressions?

I used to dance
in my younger days.

Then dance!

Shake it, Sheen, shake it.

But don't break it, Sheen.
Ooh! Ooh!

Try something else!

What am I, a three-ring circus?!

That's all I got!

Wait, I have an idea.

Germs are attracted to saline,
which exists in tears.

Sheen, start crying!

How am I supposed
to cry right now?

I don't cry, I'm a man!

Pretend Ultra Lord
just got canceled!

( bawling )

Why is the world so cruel?

I got the mitochondria!

Let's blow this pop stand!

How do we get out of here?

Through the
nearest exit!

Uh, do you have
a plan "B" perhaps?

Well, we could always
pull a "Pinocchio."

We're going to turn
into puppets?


No, but if we
had something to
make Carl sneeze

like the whale
in Pinocchio,
we'd get out.

Like my dad always says,

"When in doubt,
break out the pepper!"

Ah... ah...

Prepare for bodily ejection
at Hyper-Sneeze Speed!

Jimmy told me not to sneeze!

Must... fight it!

Fight it!

Ah... ah... Losing!

( emits tremendous sneeze )

( Sheen and Jimmy yelling )

Did you guys
bring me a souvenir?

Now I can cure

and we can
go back to school!

Uh, can I take
a shower first?

I can't believe
I'm saying this,

but I'm glad to
be back in school.

I'm never getting sick again!

That wasp sting really hurt!

One little sting?

Try 678 needles

and then talk to me
about pain!

No more leeches, Mama.

No more leeches, Mama.

No more leeches, Mama.

It's so good
to have you all back!

Now, I'd like you
to meet a new student.

Please give a nice,
warm, friendly welcome

to Yentl Marmelstein.

Hi, I... ( sniffles )

( sneezes )

Oh, sorry.

I have a cold.


Keep her away from us!

Unclean! Unclean!


Run for your life!

( all screaming )

I think they like you!

( sighs deeply )

The great outdoors.

Now, this is
what it's all about.

( inhales )

Fresh air, clean dirt,

nothing to depend on
but your own sweat and toil.

Uh, honey, come on,
put your back into it.

( grunts )

Okay, dear, all packed.

Sugar Booger.

Oh, this is
going to be

the best camping
trip ever.

Boys, are you ready
to move out?

Um, Jimmy?

Not that no TV and ticks
in your sleeping bag isn't fun,

but... why do we have
to go camping with you?

If you don't, I'll be forced

to publish these photos
of you guys

playing with Pomona Beach
Debbie dolls.

Pomona Beach Debbie is
an action figure!

She possesses
supermutant powers

which can defeat
any adversary...

Except for Ultra Lord.

I like the pretty
bathing suits.

What is this? Insect repellent?

A compass? Toilet paper?

These frilly luxuries
will just weigh us down.

Hugh, are you sure
you know what you're doing?

Of course, I do-- don't forget
I was an Acorn Lad.

I remember everything
I've ever learned.

Like the song
that we used to sing.

♪ We are the Acorn Lads... ♪

♪ Something, something,
the Acorn Lads! ♪

Come on, Goddard!

( barks )

No, no, no.

No technology at all
on this trip.

Today we pit
our Neutron hardihood

against the savage wild.

Man-- and boy-- against nature.

Come on, boys, sing it with me.

♪ We are Acorn Lads... ♪

♪ Something,
something... ♪


( cheers )

Alone at last.

Let's break out the cookie dough

and watch gladiator movies.

( Goddard barks )

♪ And forever,
we'll be... something. ♪

Well, look it.

Here we are!

Dad, this isn't the campground.

Campgrounds are
for tenderfoots, Jimbo,

what with their fancy
running water,

and first aid kits,
and adequate lighting.

Oh, no, we're headed
deep into the untamed wild.


Your dad is beginning
to scare me.

Don't worry, guys.

I worked all last night

on a very special invention.

We won't be roughing it
on this camping trip.

Come on, boys, follow me
into this mosquito-infested bog!

( buzzing )

( buzzing )

( yelps )

( slurping )

( screaming )

Hey, wait a minute.

This is the fourth time
we've been through this bog.

Dad, I think we're lost.

( laughs )

Lost, are we?

Uh... no.

( sniffs )

This is my old secret campsite.

Or close enough--
it's got trees and rocks.

Yeah, you boys set up camp.

I go bring back fire.

See you later, bye-bye.

( whistling )

When he gets back, Carl,

hit him over the head
with a coconut,

and I'll go for his legs.

No need, Sheen.

I told you, we're not going
to rough it on this trip.

Behold the remarkable simplicity
that is...

the Neutron Camp-in-a-Box.

Well, how are we going
to fit in there?

It's every convenience
you could wish for

in a stark wilderness setting.


( device beeping )

( expl*si*n )



( grunts happily )

All right!

Good evening, sir.

May I bring you something?

Who's that?

Oh, that's just

He's a holographic butler
I programmed into the campsite.

May I suggest for the young
masters a '72 purple Flurp

with a plate of hot wings
and a video game?

Are these outdoors great,
or what?



( voice trembling ):
I've never felt more
at one with nature.

Come on, come on.

Spark, will you?

Must make fire.

Oh, it's no use.

I've tried everything,

even this highly
combustible dirt.

I just...

( expl*si*n )

...can't get anything to spark.

Maybe my backwoods skills aren't
what they used to be, I...

( video games
playing )

Wait a minute.

What's all the hubbub?

Hey, Jimmy?

If your butler's
just a hologram,

how come he can make us
chocolate sundaes and stuff?

He's composed of specially
solidified photons.

You can pick them up
at any hardware store.

Well, his pork tartar is
out of this world.


What have you done?

Dad, you're back already.

I, I can explain.

No need, son,
I can see for myself.

You did a great job
setting up this campsite.

Uh... I did?

Well, a little flashy,
but it looks

like you got the old
wilderness genes after all.

Good evening, sir.

May I bring you something?

Jimbo, who's the
shimmery guy?

Um, gee, uh...

Park ranger.

He helped us set up.

I would suggest
you not poke me, sir.

You'll disrupt my phasing.

But, what the...

Wait a minute.

He's one of your
hologrammy thingies,
isn't he?

Oh... now I get it.

You set all this up
using technology.

Jimbo, I am very
disappointed in you.

But... You said
I could set up camp.

A Neutron doesn't need
fancy gadgets to survive
in the wild.

I'm sorry, son, but
this stuff is going
to have to go.

No, but, Dad...

No "buts", young man.

Now, how do I turn
all this stuff off?

You'd have to remove
the power pack, sir.

Just under the soda bar.

( crackling )

Dad, dad, wait.

The reactor...

Of course,
removing the power pack

while the core
is still active

will lead to a meltdown

in five, four, three...


( screaming )

Will you be needing
anything else, sir?

( expl*si*n )

Our camp, our equipment...

Everything's gone!

We're doomed!

All right, calm down.

I know what you're all thinking:

"This is Jimmy's fault."

But don't worry.

I can still use
my wilderness skills

to get all of us home safely.

But Dad, it's almost
too dark to see the trail.

A true camper doesn't
trust his eyes, Jimbo.

He goes by pure
animal instinct.

This way, lads.

( slurping )


Eeny, eeny, miny, mo.

You said "eeny"

Oh, it's no use!

We're done for,
and it's all my fault!

The truth is,
I'm a rotten camper!

There, I said it.

The other Acorn Lads used to
dunk my head in the bug juice.

I can't even make a stupid fire.

Oh, don't worry, Dad.

We'll find
a way out of this.

I don't care if you're
a mediocre camper,

I still think
you're a great dad.

Thanks, son, I...

I needed to hear that.

So you couldn't even
make a fire.

( growling )

Oh, no, it's starting.

The gnawing hunger.

Must resist desire
for human flesh!

Wait a minute, Carl.

That didn't sound
like your stomach.

( growling )

( growling )

( growling )


( growling )

( screaming )

( screaming )

( growling )

( chirping )

( screaming )

( growling )

( chirping )

( growling
softly )

( roars )

( scream )

It's a dead end!

We'll have to make a stand

right here, boys.

Who knew it would
end like this,

trapped between these
bright yellow rocks

and these clear,
sparkly ones?


Why, that's sulfur!

And this is phosphorus.

Dad, that's it!

We can still save ourselves
by making a fire

from the natural elements
around us.

Yeah, but Jimmy,
I can't, I don't know...

( growling )

Dad, you're the only one
who can save us.

We'll distract the bear.

Yeah... We will?

( boys calling to bear )

Come on, come on, come...

Oh, no.

Get back.

Back, back, give way,
for I,

Hugh Neutron,
have made fire.

Dad, you did it!

Behold, bear, I am man,

the pointy tip
of the food chain.

Gaze upon my opposable
thumbs and tremble.

Yeah, they hate it when
you mention the thumbs.

( yell )

( Goddard barking )

( screams )

( moaning )


Oh, there you are, boys.

Sugar Booger!

Mom? How did you know
to come save us?

Goddard detected the
high levels of radiation
from the expl*si*n.

Good thing I implanted
a homing chip under
your father's skin,

or I never would
have found you.

Oh, yeah, that darn thing
still itches me.

That was the best
camping trip ever.

It's just like
I intended.

Our little nature

has brought us all
closer together.

Yeah, we ought
to rough it more often.

Your diet Flurp, sir.

Ah, I love
the outdoors.