06x19 - Salvation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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06x19 - Salvation

Post by bunniefuu »

MAN: Get your hands in the air!

She's my wife!

I saw a vision of the padre

right in front of me, sir

and he led me to my wife

just in time to save her life.

MAN: Sergeant Major Jarvis
Krohn, United States Marine Corps,

this Court Martial finds you,

on the charge and specification
of attempted m*rder,


( indistinct prayer)


Padre, I knew you'd come back.

I knew you'd come
back and help me again.


BRUMBY: If I knew people

were going to send me presents

I would've got
married years ago.

Oh, really?

And who would you have married?

Oh, it depends on the
presents I would've got.

They're not for you, Mic.

They're for us.

Well, you can keep that one.

Who's it from?


Lieutenant Singer.


Well, it's too small

for our cremated remains.

Besides, we'd fall through
these little holes here.

It's for potpourri.

For what? You put
it in the bathroom.

It smells good.

( sniffs)

No, it smells like chalk.

The potpourri smells good.


What's this?

It's a flag case.

Admiral Hennessey
got one when he retired.

Oh, it's from Tiner.

Is the flag Australian

or American?

There's no flag.


that looks like blood.

MAN: I just thought

you'd like to know.

RABB: You want to help me?

You were so sure Sergeant
Major Krohn was guilty.

Commander, your client was found

standing over his
wife's nearly dead body

and claimed that
he was led there

by a miraculous vision

of a navy chaplain
that died 30 years ago.

What was I supposed to believe?

What's the new information?

We thought Sergeant Major
Krohn was copying, badly, the M.O.

of an actual carjacker to
throw the blame off himself.


Now it could be that
somebody's copying him.

A woman was grabbed
in a suburban parking lot

left in an alley in Baltimore

and hit with a blunt object.

Somebody's copying him, or...?

Or this is the guy that
assaulted Mrs. Krohn.

Detective, there is an innocent
man sitting in Leavenworth

and now you're telling me...

I'm not telling you anything.

I just thought you
might be interested.

And after that defense of yours

with the saint thing
an-and the priest

from the Vatican...

Here's the file.

CHEGWIDDEN: Lieutenant,
your security clearances

are current?

Yes, sir.

Good. Good.

You are considering volunteering

for a very special duty.

I am, sir?

You don't have anything
urgent going on, do you?

A motion for the Curran appeal.

A plea agreement for
Seaman Hammond.

That can wait a week.

Yes, sir.

While I do what, sir?

Carry a briefcase that
could k*ll half a billion people.

Someone'll call you.

Your messages, Admiral.

Thank you, Tiner.

Morning, Colonel.

Morning, Tiner.

Did you like it, ma'am?

It was very thoughtful, yes.

You can display any
flag you want, ma'am...

A-a JAG flag, or
an Australian flag

or a flag from the church
where you get married.

It'll be hard to choose.

Um, Tiner, do you
know what this is?

A-A knife, ma'am.


Is that blood?

Yeah, I think so.

It was inside the flag case.

It was?

Did you put it there?

No, ma'am.

I ordered the case by phone.

I had it shipped directly to you

from the wood
shop at Leavenworth.

Leavenworth? Yes, ma'am.

Their prison wood
shop is famous.

They made a bookcase
for Colin Powell.

( sighs)

ROBERTS: There's
a telephone inside of it

and two special antennas.

SIMS: When are you
going to be doing this?

Next week.

It has a thick book
with retaliatory options.

I guess it's like a menu.

Bud, you feeling
open-minded today?

Hi, Harriet.


Sir, actually, he's feeling

a little overwhelmed.

The Admiral volunteered
me to spend a week

carrying the nuclear football.

Congratulations, Bud.
You'll be at the right hand

of the President of
the United States.

Yeah, if he wants the launch
codes to start a nuclear w*r.

I don't think that's
going to happen, Bud.

Bud, I had a visit from
the detective who arrested

Sergeant Major Krohn.

There's a carjacker operating

who may have actually
assaulted Mrs. Krohn.

You still don't
think he did it, sir?

Bud, I never thought he did it.

If this thing pans out,
will you join me in a motion

for a new trial?

You're not going
to believe this.

Tiner just got me and Mic
a wedding gift. Already?

We haven't even started looking.

That's all right, Harriet.

Are you registered
somewhere, ma'am?

Bloomingdale's and


It's a flag case
made by prisoners

in the wood shop at Leavenworth.

President Clinton has a
desk from there, ma'am.

It arrived with a
bloody knife in it.

I just talked to the warden.

An inmate was
stabbed two weeks ago.

They've been looking
for the w*apon.

They smuggled it out
in your wedding gift?

We were just talking about
an inmate at Leavenworth...

Sergeant Major Krohn.

Baltimore police have a lead

on the guy who actually
assaulted Mrs. Krohn.

Actually assaulted
Mrs. Krohn, maybe, sir.

Bud, if it pans
out, will you join me

in a motion for a new trial?

Well, if I haven't helped
blow up the world, sir.

The Lieutenant's carrying
the nuclear football

next week. Cool.

Hey, are you going

to Leavenworth?

I'm thinking about it. Why?

Good. Then, you can
tell Sergeant Major Krohn

there's a new lead in his case.

I got to stay here and follow
up on the carjacker thing.

I mean, you want to return
the gift, right? Thanks.

MAN: We run a tight
operation here, Colonel.

Assaults are pretty damn rare.

Who was the
stabbing victim, sir?

Paul Weston, former
Air Force captain

doing eight years for
selling stolen weapons.

Do you know why
he was assaulted?

He says he doesn't know.

Sometimes it happens
because somebody gets

more mashed potatoes
than somebody else

in the chow line.

Finding that knife's
our first break.

Uh, I'm sorry it ruined
your wedding gift.

The flag case is nice, sir.

Well, they do very
good work here.

Did you know that Colin Powell

has one of our bookcases?

Yes, sir.


Thank you.

Uh, there's Krohn.

He works in the wood shop?

Yes, he's a model inmate.

Moved up to medium
security in record time.

Um, if you'll excuse me? Sure.

Please, go ahead.

Thank you, sir.

So, let's take a look.

Sergeant Major Krohn?

I'm not a sergeant
major in here, Ma'am.

I'm Lieutenant
Colonel MacKenzie.

I work with Commander Rabb.

How is the commander?

He's fine. How are you?

Um... is there
someplace we can talk?

Yes, ma'am.

Clark, you want to finish this?

Sure thing, Jarvis.

Colonel MacKenzie.

It's nice to see you again.

RABB: Clark Palmer.

Clark Palmer works in the wood
shop with Sergeant Major Krohn?

Apparently they're friends.

They met in the Assaultive
Offenders Therapy Group.

Sergeant Major Krohn is a
devout Catholic and innocent.

Palmer is a sociopath
and a homicidal maniac.

Well, now he goes to chapel
with the sergeant major.

Palmer goes to chapel?

And Bible study...
Three times a week.

Did you tell Sergeant Major
Krohn about the carjacking?


What was his reaction?

He was excited.

Harm, there's something else.


That knife was the
first real clue they have

in the stabbing here.


They checked
it for fingerprints.

They found one
set... A perfect match

with Sergeant Major Krohn.

I'm on my way there.

Look, it wouldn't
be the first time

we were fooled by an inmate.

RABB: Sir, I know
Sergeant Major Krohn.

I cannot believe he
would s*ab anybody.

I understand you don't believe

he attempted to
k*ll his wife, either.

No, sir, and neither does she.

Which means he was
led to the crime scene

by a vision of a navy chaplain

who was k*lled in Vietnam?

That's right, Colonel.

The Vatican took it
seriously, Colonel.

Chaplain Wiggins is a
candidate to be declared a saint.

What about Krohn's
fingerprints on the knife?

What does the Pope
have to say about that?

Colonel, there could be

an other-than-supernatural
explanation for that.

The man who was stabbed
was in the same wing as Krohn.

Earlier that day, he was
seen arguing with Krohn.

What about Clark Palmer, sir?

What about him?

Clark Palmer's capable

of arranging this entire thing

just to mess with me, sir.

He knows I want to get Sergeant
Major Krohn out of prison.

Palmer would s*ab someone
at random just to mess with you?

Colonel, you'd be surprised

the lengths to which
Clark Palmer has gone

just to mess with me.

I'm his obsession.

Seems to me,
Commander, like he's yours.

Palmer is an extremely
dangerous man, Colonel.

( sighs)

Palmer's cell is
in a different wing

than the man who was stabbed.

He didn't have access.

So he got the knife from
somebody who did, sir.

You figured all this
out on the plane ride?

Colonel, there's new
information on the Krohn case.

With your permission,
I would like to stay here

participate in the
investigation of the stabbing.

Colonel Mackenzie will go back
and work with Detective Carlton

to find the man who actually
assaulted Mrs. Krohn...

If you can spare the time.

Just don't expect any miracles.

KROHN: Sir, if I had
stabbed somebody

I'd have wiped my
fingerprints off the knife

before mailing it
to a JAG officer.

Colonel Warren says
that you were seen

arguing with the victim.

For one minute.

He was hogging the shower.

Nothing to it.

You argued over a shower, huh?

This place doesn't

bring out the best in
people, Commander.

I live in a six-
by-ten-foot cubicle.

I'm counted or searched
half a dozen times a day.

If I keep my nose clean, one
day I will be able to go to the head

without a guard on my rear.

We will find the man

who assaulted your
wife, Sergeant Major.

After the trial, I thought
that would just, uh...

sort itself out.

I've already had one miracle.

Maybe that was my full ration.

Do you have any idea
who stabbed Paul Weston?

Clark Palmer, maybe?

Not the Clark Palmer I know.

Clark Palmer has a vicious
history, Sergeant Major...

Assassination, arms dealing.

He and some other rogue agents

from the Defense
Security Division

sold nerve gas that is
responsible for the deaths

of 41 U.N. peacekeepers,
including four Marines.

I'm sure all that's
true, Commander

but the man I know has
been confessing his sins.

He's been seeking the
Lord's forgiveness and begging

for the help to heal
what's evil in his heart.

He's even helped
me keep my faith.

Clark Palmer's a con man.

Well then, sir, he's
conned me, too,

and from what
I've seen in chapel

he's done a damn
fine job of conning God.



This is the Bloomingdale
wedding registry.

Order the, uh,
items I have circled.

Have them sent over

to Colonel MacKenzie's
residence. Aye, sir.

"Egyptian cotton
sheets and pillow cases."

Oh, sir, those have
already been purchased.

Well, I just printed this
thing out ten minutes ago.

Yes, sir, and I just bought
them five minutes ago.

I'm sorry, sir.

Give me that.

You left me with
pieces of things.

One dinner place setting

two towels, a... a gravy boat.

Maybe you can put them
together in some creative way, sir.

You know, like

you could, um, suggest
they invite guests over

for dinner and...

A bath.

Would you like to peruse

the Combat-Gear-on-the-Web list




night vision scopes
are still available.

Oh, that's more of a "he" gift

than a "they" gift, though, sir.

Money's always appreciated, sir.

Too impersonal, Tiner.

Shows laziness.

Give them something they want

or something I know
they'd appreciate.

Well, what would
you appreciate, sir?

Tiner... order season tickets
under the name of Brumby

for the Folger Library Theatre.

I'll give them a season
of Shakespeare.

Aye, Sir.

The colonel will love it.

And Brumby, sir?

( sighs)

How much money?

WOMAN: It was the most
terrible thing I've ever seen.

She had two grocery
bags in her arms.

Uh, her car keys
were in her hand.

He knocked down the bags.

There were cans rolling
all over the parking lot.

You told the other officer
you got a look at him.

White man... young.

Uh, pale hair.

Very pale.

He hit her with a hammer.

Do you remember
anything else about him?

Was he in the Marines?

Not that we know, ma'am

but one of our people
is involved in the case.

He had a beard.

Uh, wispy... thin.

If you catch him,
would I have to testify?

Too soon to tell, ma'am.

Thank you for your cooperation.


I'll pass this on to
Commander Rabb.

Do you have anything else?

No... but if we see
him, we'll know him.

He drove off in
the victim's car.

Do you know how
he got to the market?

No. We're looking for
a 2000 Lexus; silver.

And Mrs. Krohn's car.

And Mrs. Krohn's car.

1994 Chevrolet Impala
sedan; lime green.

Dent in the left rear fender.

Maybe he stole it
from his grandmother.

RABB: I've forgotten, Palmer.

How many times
did you try to k*ll me?

Two? Three?

You should hate me, Commander

and condemn me

and I don't expect
anything I say to change that

but I did those things
in a different lifetime.

Yeah, I understand
you found God.

There's no
accomplishment in that.

He's right there for
anyone who looks.

Well, you've made a positive
impression on Jarvis Krohn.

I can only hope
that that's true.

He's a fine person.

You know I'm trying
to get him out of here.

And I hope you succeed.

Well, in that different
lifetime of yours, Palmer

it would've given
you great satisfaction

to prevent me from succeeding

just for the thrill of
messing with me.

You, and a few other people,
sent me a pretty loud message

that I wasn't doing
the right thing in life

and after a few years in here,
I couldn't help but consider

that perhaps you're
on to something.




I have your fingerprints.

I guess.

That's how you got
Jarvis Krohn's fingerprints

on the knife handle...

In the wood shop one
day, "Here, uh, Jarvis.

Oh, wait, I still need it"...

And then you took
the piece of doweling

and you attached the blade

and you sent it in the box
intended for Colonel MacKenzie.

I could understand why
you'd think that, Commander.

But I'm sorry that you do

and I'm sorry if
this whole thing

has cast any sort of shadow

over Colonel
MacKenzie's wedding.

I really do wish her the ver...



( groans)

( Palmer gasps)



TINER: I guess you
have to be an officer

right, Lieutenant?

ROBERTS: That's right.

I just think it would
be so neat, sir

carrying those codes,
all those launch options...

SLBMs and ICBMs or
SMART cruise missiles...

slick-ems and glick-ems...

or SLCMs and... and slick-ems.

Make it an all-navy job.

Tiner, it's not a video game.

Oh, I know, sir.

It's got to be one of the most

awesome responsibilities

any member of the
service can bear.

Thanks, Tiner.

I mean, to k*ll... what?
50, 100 million people, sir.

That's just right away

not counting radiation
sickness, cancers...


I remember reading, sir

some Harvard professor said

that to make the
President really appreciate

what he's about to do, the
launch code shouldn't be

in that briefcase
you're going to carry.

Where did he say they should be?

Surgically implanted
in your chest, Lieutenant

and the briefcase would
have a big butcher knife

and if the President wanted
to launch nuclear weapons

and k*ll all those
faceless, nameless people

first he'd have to
take out that knife

and personally hack you open.


It's not looking
good, Commander.

Apparently he suffered a
massive intracerebral hemorrhage.

Just like that?

He's 36.

Could've been caused

by a congenital
vascular malformation.

Did it start with a headache?

I don't know, doctor.

He... just collapsed.

As soon as he's stable

we'll transport him to
Kansas City for a CAT scan

to see whether the site
of the bleed is operable

but it's a real question

of whether it's worth going in

and destroying even
more of his brain.

He's already suffered damage?

If he lives, sir, it's not clear
how much function he'll regain.

How's he doing, sir?

Not doing good.

No matter what we do, there's
a greater than 50% chance

he'll be dead by the weekend.

How'd it happen, sir?

We were discussing how
he framed you with the knife.

He said he did it?


Well, that hardly seems
important now, sir.

It still seems important to me.

First things first.

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women

and blessed is the
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of
God, pray for us sinners

now and at the hour
of our death. Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women

and blessed is the
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Pray for us sinners, now and
at the hour of our death, amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women

and blessed is the
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Blessed art thou among women

and blessed is the
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of
God, pray for us sinners,

now and at the
hour of our death.

( praying indistinctly)

If they tell me he's dead

I'll drive a stake
through his heart.

How's Baltimore?

Well, still looking for the
wispy beard driving a Lexus.

How's the sergeant major?

He's been praying at
Palmer's bedside all night.

He's still there.

What'd you get out of
Palmer before he dropped?

Told me he'd changed his
life, partly thanks to my urging.

You're not that persuasive.

Well, depends on the
circumstances, really.

( chuckles)

( praying indistinctly)


Harm? I'll call you back.


Where am I?

You've been in the hospital.

You're all right.

Palmer... how do you feel?

I feel fine.

This isn't possible.

PALMER: I saw Padre Wiggins


just like you did.

He told me what really
happened to your wife...

and he told me how to prove it.

PALMER: The Padre looked
just like you said, Jarvis.

He had on his
pack and his helmet

like he just stepped
off a battle field.

But it was so beautiful
and so peaceful.

I'd swear it was a
vision of heaven.

The doctor said you
were going to die, Clark.

Then I must have been
sent back for a reason.

To help you.

What did the Padre say?

You know, he
didn't actually speak

but I understood
everything he meant.

You're innocent, Jarvis.

I know.

The man who
att*cked your wife...

He's a drug user, a young guy

and he's got light
hair and a beard

and he's still in Maryland.

He's turned his
face away from God.

This vision had a lot

to say, Palmer.

He told me what he
needed to, Commander.

Yeah, did he tell you
where to find this man?

No, but he said that he would.

If we go there,
he'll lead me to him

just like he led
you to your wife.

Oh, you want us to
let you out of prison

put you on a bus
to Maryland, huh?

Why don't I give
you a blank passport

and a couple credit
cards while we're at it?

I'm not asking for
anything for myself.

No, just a bus ride
around Baltimore.

A lot of people in here
would k*ll for a little fresh air.

Yes, I'd get some air, Commander

but deny me that, and
we give up an opportunity

to get this innocent
man out of here forever.

As your commanding
officer, I'm required to review

your orders from the
White House Military Office

concerning your
responsibilities for the briefcase.

I'm... I'm pretty clear

about those, Admiral.

I... looked at them
last night... all night.

All night?

Yes, sir.

Yeah, you do look like hell.

Lieutenant... do you have a
problem with this assignment?

Sir, as a member of
the United States Navy

we train and prepare
to k*ll the enemies

who confront us.

Actually, as lawyers, we...

we train and prepare to
overcome their objections.

But to k*ll so many
people so far away

people that you don't even
know what they look like...

who they are.

Lieutenant, our nuclear weapons

are not pointed at
random locations.

They're aimed at specific
enemy military targets.

Yes, sir.

And they haven't been fired
at anyone at all since 1945.

I know that, sir.

And they haven't
needed to be fired

because they're
ready to be fired

and our enemies have
always known that.

I understand, sir.

So, Bud... in a sense

you're not just
carrying a briefcase.

You're carrying a...

a paradox.

A paradox, sir?

If you're there
with the briefcase

you won't be needed.

The only chance that
you would be needed

is if you weren't there.

Yes, sir.

So be there.

In case the President needs you.

So he won't.

Yes, sir.

And don't lose it.

The paradox, sir?

The briefcase.

Yes, sir.

( indistinct PA announcment)

Care for a ride, Padre?

Free of charge.

Commander Rabb,
as I live and breathe.

Father O'Rourke.

How'd you know I was coming?

Sergeant Major Krohn told me.

Let me.

But I thought you were all set.

You had the two
miracles you needed

to make Chaplain
Wiggins a saint.

Well, one confirmed.

The other still being evaluated.

Wouldn't hurt to have
something else in me pocket.

I hope you didn't come
all the way from Rome.

We're here.

No. Missoula, Montana.

There's a dead nun up there

who might be up to some good.

And I thought I had a weird job.

Well, we're always looking for
a few good men, Commander

if you fancy a
change in uniform.

Well, thanks. I'll
keep that in mind.

But I think you're wasting
your time on this one, Father.

You kidding? It's a
possible double-header.

No smoking in the car.

WARREN: As I've explained
to Archbishop Philips

and General Hightower

we usually don't send
inmates out on field trips.

I don't know what religion

you are, Colonel,
but I think you'd agree

we've got a rather
special case here.

That's an understatement.

Colonel, I know Clark Palmer.

I don't trust him
or believe him.

Even when he's come
back from the dead?

He wasn't dead.

Supposed to be.

He's faked his death
before, Sergeant Major.

Can you tell me how
he's fooled our doctor?

Not yet, sir.

Unless he didn't fool anyone.

I understand you prayed
for him, Sergeant Major.

I asked Chaplain Wiggins
to intercede with God

just the way I did that night

he led me to my wife
and saved her life.

WARREN: Father, are you

investigating this as
a possible miracle?

An otherwise
inexplicable recovery.

Now, our experts will want

Mr. Palmer's complete
medical records

if you'll release them.

It's not Palmer's records
I'm worried about releasing.

Father, do you really believe

that if we all traipse
off to Baltimore

Padre Wiggins will appear again

in another miraculous
vision on cue?

I don't know.

But I'd certainly like to
find out, wouldn't you?

Sir, at my trial, you argued

that this same sort of
miracle could happen.

To you, Sergeant
Major, not Clark Palmer.

Well, sir, you seem to accept
part of my religion, and...

the very core of my religion

is that any man can be
redeemed if he wants to be.

I understand Mr. Palmer
provided a partial

description of the carjacker
you're looking for, Commander.

Young man...

light hair, beard.

Does that match the
police information?

What do the witnesses say?

Pale hair, wispy beard.

Sir... how would
Palmer know that?

(indistinct talking)

Mr. President, a photo with
you and the senator, please!

Mr. President! Can we get
a shot of your, please, sir?

( indistinct talking)

Excuse me.

( indistinct PA announcement)

Commander, I see you
brought the whole damn circus.

You started this.

You came to see me.

No, I told you we had
a lead on a carjacker.

I didn't tell you to bring
out the God Squad.

I'd have thunk you'd be grateful

for all the help you
can get, Detective.

Father, you plan
on using dead saints

to solve crimes
on a regular basis?

I thought we'd try it
once, see how it goes.

And this must be Mr. Palmer.

How you feeling?

Fine. Thank you.

That'd be thanks to
you there, eh, Mr. Krohn?

I don't know,
Detective. I just pray.

And after that, it's
out of my hands.


Now what?

Ask him.

Is this where the last
victim was carjacked, sir?

Yeah. Car was parked over there.

She came out with her
groceries, pulled out her keys...

Well, then he must
have been over there.

Yeah, he was.

So what are you
expecting to see exactly?

Some sort of vision?


And that's going to
lead us to the carjacker?

Look, I got to tell you.

If this guy leads us to
somebody's front door

I'm not sure I'm going to
be able to convince a judge

I had probably
cause to go busting in.

Unless some
giant, flaming finger

comes pointing out of the sky.

You expecting to see that?

I'm trying to keep an open mind.

He saw the Padre,
Detective, the other night

when he was
supposed to be dying.

Just like I saw the Padre

the night he led me to my wife.

And he also knew things
about the carjacking

that nobody in Leavenworth knew

except Commander Rabb here.

All right, fine.

I'm open-minded, too.

Just... give me a sign.

(indistinct radio transmissions)

Is this going to happen?

I don't know.

Let's find out.



We need to give it more time.

Well, unfortunately,
we don't have more time.

We can't keep these officers on

for another shift.

I can't control that.

I'm, I'm not the
one running this.

You've given it this long.

KROHN: Sir, these
things don't happen on cue.

Well, when do they happen?

When they need to, sir.

Well, this one needed to happen

about two hours
ago, Sergeant Major.

Sir, it's my only chance.

I'm sorry.

I wanted to believe.

I really did.

Go home.

I owe you one.

Wrap it up!

Take us to the
airport, Sergeant.

I'm sorry, Jarvis.

It's not your fault.

Father, how can this happen?

I saw the Padre, and
he said I'd see him again.

Nobody owes us any miracles.

PALMER: What are you going

to do, Jarvis?

Go back to jail.

PRESIDENT: I expect that every
member of this administration

to stay well within the
boundaries that define

legal and ethical conduct.

This means avoiding even
the appearance of problems.

This means checking and
if need be, double-checking

that the rules have been obeyed.

You and I and the Vice President

share the same
goals for our country...

(indistinct conversations)

That's right, Colonel. Nothing.

I've rescheduled
the flight, sir.

We should arrive about midnight.

Aye, sir.

Would it k*ll you to
stay over one more night

try again tomorrow?

The logistics would, Father.

Security for two
prisoners, travel vouchers...

Sergeant Major Krohn

shouldn't be going back
to prison, you know it.

Look, I believe I've been
more than reasonable, Father

taking these two
halfway across the country

on the basis of
Palmer's alleged vision.

He saw what I saw, Commander.

Well, the panel at your trial

didn't even believe
you, Sergeant Major.

You did.

The only defense you had.

And you thought it was a lie?

I didn't know.

I still don't.



He's there.

The Padre?

I see him.

We're going the wrong way.

He says we've
got to turn around.

We're not turning around.

We'll miss the flight.

Commander, for God's sake.

( sighs)

Turn around, Sergeant.

Ah, c'étiez pas vous
avec le Président?

Yes, yes. Where is he?

Ah, il est parti. Je m'excuse.



PALMER: Turn right here.

RABB: You're sure?


It's what he's telling me.

You know, I think we're
going around in circles.

No, we haven't been here before.

I don't know.
This is ridiculous.

This doesn't feel right to me.

Sir, this is what
we came here for.

I don't think it's much farther.

Palmer, I have never in my
life given a damn what you think.

Can't you accept it, Rabb?

That maybe there's something

your lawyer's mind can't
reduce to rational rules?

Or is it your pride
preventing you

from hearing anything
this man says?

You know, Father, I don't have
to take nonsense from anyone.

And to the unbeliever,
faith looks like nonsense.

He says it's there.

RABB: Where?

Just after the
railroad crossing.

What railroad crossing?

( warning bells dinging)

That railroad crossing.

It's just ahead.

He's signaling.

Sergeant Major, do
you see anything?


All right, move ahead.



KROHN: Thanks be to God.

It's Robin's car.

A lime-green Impala.

I don't believe it.

I mean, I believe it.


( a*t*matic g*nf*re)

( laughing)

( Palmer laughing)

Getting confused, God Boy?

You never saw the Padre.

Oh, sure I did.

Big, fat guy with a red
suit, sack full of toys, too.

Oh, wait a second.

That was Santa Claus.

( laughing)


It's just ahead.

He's signaling.


It's an ambush.

I saw it.

Padre showed it to me.

Please, let's go.

Shut up.

Carlton. Pull up. It's here.

If he opens his mouth
again, sh**t him.

( thunder crashing)

Don't move.

( g*n cocking)

RABB: Drop it.

Game's over.

CHEGWIDDEN: Lieutenant,
nobody's exactly blaming you.

The President was running
late for an Easter party

with some Cub Scouts and
had to cut his speech short.

I-I feel terrible about it, sir.

I ran all the way back
to the White House.

And they were glad to see you.

But they decided to move on

to the, uh, next
officer in rotation...

A... Coast Guard Commander.

Coast Guard, sir?

It's probably best
for all concerned.

Oh, I suppose so.

It was actually
kind of boring, sir.

Lieutenant, that's a good thing.

( knock at door)

Have a seat.

Got a call from
Leavenworth, Admiral.

They found the guilty
party in the stabbing.

He says he gave the
knife to Palmer to get rid of.

By putting it in your
wedding present?

His idea of fun, sir.

They're making it up to me

by sending a spice
rack, free of charge.

Hmm. I think Colin Powell's
got one of their desks.

Uh, that's Bill Clinton, sir.

ROBERTS: How did Palmer
fake that, uh, brain attack

or whatever it was?

A tiny dose of genetically
altered fugu toxin smuggled in

by the same people who were
waiting to free him in Baltimore.

They send it inside his April
issue of Christian Convict.

Commander Rabb
secured them, ma'am?

Two DSD assassins
we've been after for years.

To set their plan in motion,
they committed a carjacking

just like the carjacking of
Sergeant Major Krohn's wife.

They knew that would get
Commander Rabb's interest.

And then Palmer faked his vision

so the Commander would
take him to Baltimore.

So... they didn't
carjack Mrs. Krohn?

No, but to bait their trap, they
bought a hot lime-green Impala.

Turns out it actually
was Mrs. Krohn's car.

The police tracked it back to
the man who did carjack her.

Huh. That's quite a coincidence.

To say the least.

ROBERTS: If it checks out.

I'll ask the convening authority
to release the Sergeant Major

pending a joint request

that his findings and
sentencing be set aside, sir.

And we have another
miracle on our hands.

Some days I love this job.

( chuckles)


Good to have you
back, Sergeant Major.

It is outstanding
to be back, sir.


Precognition. A
vision of the future.

It's going to be a little
hard to write this one up.

Well, I don't write them,
Father, I just see them.

But, sir, it's your
vision I'm curious about.

You had that
backup all arranged.

You knew he was
leading us into a trap.

Sergeant Major, you asked me how

Clark Palmer could possibly know

what the carjacker looked like.

I never believed
he'd had a vision.

So I knew his
friends had set it up.

Well, if it isn't the
Father, the Son

and the Holier-
Than-Thou Attorney.

( chuckling)

Keep smiling, Palmer.

Adding conspiracy to
commit m*rder to your resumé

should tag another couple of
decades onto your sentence.

Well, maybe I can get
the sergeant major here

to testify for me as
a character witness.

You do believe in forgiving
everybody, don't you, Jarvis?

It's God who forgives
everybody, Clark.

But in your case, he
might make an exception.

Let's go.

PALMER: See you around, Harm.

He fooled me, sir.

He fooled a lot of
people, Sergeant Major.

Nobody can fool God.

Not even Clark Palmer.
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