06x10 - Touch and Go

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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06x10 - Touch and Go

Post by bunniefuu »

Seaman William Powder:

disrespect toward a
noncommissioned officer.

Captain's mast.

Fireman Lance Magraine: as*ault.

The circumstances again?

He att*cked a
first-class petty officer

with his own guitar.

He thought he was taunting him.

(both chuckling)

With what, his singing?

It was his ex-wife's
favorite song, sir.

(both laughing)


Seaman Apprentice Brian Giddon.

This guy... (sighs)

What's the charge?

Jumping from vessel
into the water, sir.

There is such an article?

134, sir.

Apparently, it's not the
first time someone has tried

to get discharged this way.

Summary court-martial.

I want a piece of him

before we give
him what he wants.

Yes, sir.

That's it, sir.

That's it? Really?

That's a light month.

Testimony to your
leadership, sir.

Lieutenant, are
you flattering me?

(chuckling): Calling
it as I see it, sir.

(loud banging in cabin)

You are out of line!

ADMIRAL: I'm sorry. Kate...

Sir, please. The
less said, the better.

(hurried footsteps approach)

(object clatters on ground)

Your button, ma'am.

Thank you, Petty Officer.

You all right, ma'am?

Yes. I'm fine.

SIMS: Gunny?

Yes, ma'am.

My desk is really clean.

Yes, ma'am. I cleaned it.

Where is everything?

Filed and organized, ma'am.

I'm back to full duty now.

I'm aware of that, ma'am.

Which means I am capable
of organizing my own desk.

It won't happen again,
ma'am. Welcome back.

Gunny? Yes, ma'am?

Do you know why I'm back?

No, ma'am.

Because I wanted to be around
people who care about me.

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you. Yes, ma'am.

Are you sure you
want to do this, Harriet?

Oh, yes, ma'am.

I am now queen of
the long-term projects.

Come on. I'll
introduce you around.

Lieutenant Colonel
Sarah Mackenzie,

Lieutenant Harriet Sims,

this is Commander Caitlin Pike.

Kate is TDY from Naval Legal
Service Office in San Diego.

Well, it's a pleasure.

Nice to meet you.

You took the ring off.



You're engaged!

Oh, my gosh!


Well, when were
you going to tell us?

Um, I was waiting
for the right moment.

SIMS: Well, if this is it,

then I'll spread the word.

Excuse me.

Great news.

I'm sorry...

No, please. Congratulations.

Thanks. So how
long are you here?

About a week.

Code 20 JAG MIS revisions.

Oh, I worked on
that for a while.

I could not figure
out the software.

Computers are my specialty.

Fastest fingers in the navy.

And when did you
give up the title?


So, you two worked together?

I was at JAG for six months,

and went over to
NCIS for a while,

and have been on
the move ever since.

Upward. You two
have a lot in common...

Accelerated promotion.

Well, we should have
coffee or something.

Love to. You can tell
me if he's behaving.

(both chuckling)

Commander Pike, I,
uh... I got a full house here.

I'm going to have to set you
up in the conference room.

No problem, sir.

Things look a little
different around here

since you were at JAG last?

Commander Rabb is the
only person I recognize, sir.

Well, try not to
let that scare you.

I want you to think
about my offer.

I could use another
good trial lawyer.

I will, sir.


Yes, sir?

I just heard.

I'm very happy for you.

Thank you, sir.

(gasps): Sorry.


Kate! How are you?

Fine, sir.

Good to see you
picked up "commander."

Thank you, sir.

You've been at
Pearl, right, sir?

Pac Fleet, deputy commander...
That is, until two days ago.

I arrived here last night.

Do you have
business at JAG, sir?

A.J. Chegwidden and I attended
National w*r College together.

I was about to share
some good news with him.

In fact, you might
be interested as well.

I'm all ears, sir.

I've been selected to be
the new inspector general.

PIKE: All I could say
was "Congratulations."

Well, that's the
standard response.

Hollenbeck once
groped me at a briefing.

He was a captain
then, in command

an Amphibious Ready Group.

I was a staff judge advocate.

Did you report it?

I handled it.

He apologized, and it was over.

I put it behind me.

Apparently not.

Well, this came up... The
inspector general's office

monitors complaints
of sexual harassment.

What are you
going to do about it?

I don't know.

Well, his touching you...

Was it meant to
humiliate or control you?

No. It was lust.


Was he a good C.O.?


Think he learned his lesson?

My assumption at the time.

Did he ever try it again?

Not to me, anyway.

Well, they must have

investigated his past.

I mean, if there was a pattern,

it would have come out.


But, uh, that doesn't negate
the fact that it happened.

So if you want to report it,

I couldn't blame you.

No, you're right...
I'm going to drop it.

It was four years
ago... It's over.


I didn't meant to interrupt.

Sir, that file...

we discussed?

Oh, uh,

Lieutenant Singer,
this is Commander Pike.

The commander was
here five years ago.

You back now, ma'am?

The admiral's made me
an offer. I'm considering it.

Well, all the best,
then, ma'am...

Whatever your decision.


You think she heard anything?

Couldn't tell.

(whispering): Hey!


Meet your new boss yet?

Not only did I meet him,

but he said as
inspector general,

he had no interest in separating
a wife from her husband.

I get to stay on loan with JAG.


I know. Isn't that good?

That is so cool!

Excuse me, ma'am, sir.

I'm looking for
Lieutenant Roberts.

Corporal Antoon?

Yes, sir.

Excuse us. Okay.

Right this way.

I appreciate this, sir.

I know headquarters JAGs have
better things to do than fool with cases

from the legal
assistance office.

Oh... that's-that's
all right, Corporal.

We, uh, we often
handle their overload.

Um, please, sit down.

Ah! Pad...


(briefcase clatters on floor)

That can stay there.

Okay, so...?

Um, I'm the only
woman marine in a detail

attached to an LAV...

(pencil tip snaps)

training battalion, sir.

Uh, communications
intercept operator.

We're at Quantico,
and I enjoy it.

It's just that I've been wanting
to be an officer for a while now.

I went back to school part-time

and I just finished
my B.A. in January.

Oh! Hey, congratulations.

Thank you, sir.

The problem is, my C.O.
won't approve my OCS package.

Any dings in your record?

No, sir.

Well, what's the
basis of his decision?

My tattoo, sir.

I don't see a tattoo.

I'm sitting on it, sir.

(gasps softly)

RABB: I insisted
on a continuance...

Excuse me, sir.

Clayton Webb returned
your call from yesterday.

He said that the answers
to your questions were

"yes," "yes," "yes," and "no."

Is that about your brother?

Sergei's safe for the moment.

The weather in Chechnya's fine.

Negotiations for the release
of P.O.W.s are progressing

but no timetable
has been reached...

Three out of four.

Right over there.

Thank you.


How'd you pull that duty, Bud?

I don't know what
you're talking about, sir.

Come on, Lieutenant.

Uh... Ah!

She's just a client.

Oh, Bud, you don't have to walk
on eggshells with me anymore.

I totally trust you.

You... you think
I'm attracted to her?

She's a knockout, Bud.

Well, I think you're
prettier than she is.

Now you're making
me really nervous.


Hey, don't look at me.

I would've stopped
at "I trust you."

She's hot... admit it.

Well, I-I-I think that
she could be pretty.

Now I'm worried.

JAG Headquarters,
Lieutenant, J.G., Sims.

Commander Pike?

It's for you.

For me?

It's a reporter from
the Washington Globe.

What does he want?

He wants to confirm reports

that you were sexually harassed
by the new inspector general.

How did they get
an entire column

out of "No comment"?

Well, at least they didn't run

a photo with a bikini.

It's the photos without
the bikini I'm worried about.

(laughs nervously)

Are you always this
open with strangers?

Only when I want that
stranger to be open in return.

The girlfriend...


Oh, Renee is, um...


Code for obnoxious?

Harm likes her.

Are they serious?

Why do you want to know?


he and I have a history.

A weekend, actually.

Really. What happened?

It ended there.

I decided that Harm couldn't
handle a working partner

who knew the color
of his underwear.


How long did you two last?

We never started.

Oh, you'd already
found your man, huh?

Actually, Mic came later.


And nothing
happened before that?

No, it was the same story.

A close working relationship.

It just never seemed right.

Good thing to avoid in any case.

I got involved with a
senior officer in Okinawa.

Big mistake.

Major Bartz.

Index! Deploy them!

Aye, sir!

Lieutenant Roberts

from the judge advocate
general's office, sir.

You got 60 seconds, Lieutenant,

starting now.

Uh, it's concerning
Corporal Antoon's tattoo, sir.

She claims that it's the reason

that you refused to
recommend her to OCS.

Have you seen this
tattoo, Lieutenant?

Well, no, sir, it's
on her... backside.


Well, sir, the corporal gave

a written description
of it in her application...

"a heart surrounded
by winged doves."

How do you know
it's not a swastika

surrounded by expletives?

Sir, the officers accessions
procurement section

has determined that
written descriptions of tattoos

in private areas

are acceptable.

On a case-by-case basis;
and in this case, they are not.

But, sir...

Every OCS candidate

has provided a
photograph of their body art

with the exception
of Corporal Antoon.

Sir, isn't Corporal
Antoon the only

female in this battalion?

She is.

In that case, sir...
Time's up, Lieutenant.

I'm not processing
that application

unless she can prove to me
that body art is inoffensive.

Is there a way I can make
myself more clear on this matter?

Load 'em up!

Interesting reading, Lieutenant?

It's a book on
management technique, sir.

Oh, in preparation for your role

as the first female JAG?

You're not making fun of me

are you, Commander?
You told me that

that was your
goal... I believed you.

It still is, sir,

but I read up
on a lot of topics.


What do you think
of Commander Pike?

I don't know her, sir.

She's a good attorney.

You realize that if she
were to transfer here to JAG,

she'd move ahead of
you for case assignments?

May I ask why we're having
this discussion, Commander?

Are you aware of a past incident

between Commander Pike

and Admiral Hollenbeck?
Everyone is, sir.

It's in the paper.

Did you leak it?

Sir, I consider that
question offensive.

Answer it anyway.

How would I have
even known about it, sir?

You walked into my office

while we were
discussing it, Lieutenant.

You still think that I set
Colonel MacKenzie up

with that Mishap
Investigation Report.

I think that you are
ambitious, Lieutenant.

Sir, how could I
profit from this?

It would be one less female
officer between you and...


It's amazing how little
you know me, Commander.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have an appointment, sir.

Carry on.

Well, she didn't deny it.

(knocking on door)



Bad day?

I'm sorry, I promised
to make dinner,

but my heart wasn't in it.

It's no problem.

We'll order in.

This town is supposed
to be the promised land

for attorneys, Sarah.

I'm testament to that fact.

Yeah, and I'm an
ex-Australian naval officer

with an accent.

That didn't prevent you
from getting your last job.

That's because they had
shipping and defense clients.

I was the right fit.

Give it time.


I'd like to get something

locked in before we get married.

You will. Turn around.


Sorry, you got a knot
the size of a walnut.

You see the paper today?

Commander Pike is
working in our office.

We had coffee together.

I was thinking, why
would Hollenbeck risk it?

Then I realized, the
way I pursued you

could be considered
sexual harassment.

That's completely different.

See, you didn't touch
me until I let you.

No, I broke you down.

I was relentless.

I'd display my feathers...

You'd say no.

I'd invite myself
in, you'd say no.

There's no regulation
against redundancy, Mic.

You wanted nothing
to do with me.

Apparently I did.

Just watch where
you put your hands.


Left, right...

ANTOON: I won't do it, sir.

Well, then you won't get your
recommendation, Corporal.

Sir, this is not about
the major's rules.

He's trying to demean me.

Why would he do that?

I am a woman in
a fighting unit, sir.

The major had to do
a dance to get me in.

Now I want out, and
he is taking it personally.

Are you making an
accusation against Major Bartz?

I'm telling you
what I think, sir.

Because the major is asking you

to photograph a
private area of your body

which can be construed as either

gender discrimination
or sexual harassment.

Now, is that what you're saying,

and if so, which one is it?

I'm saying, sir,

that you don't go through
life looking like I do

without everything
eventually getting down

to one or the other.

How far do you want
to take this, Corporal?

Sir, I want to do whatever's
necessary to become an officer,

as long as I don't have
to embarrass myself

for the privilege.

Okay, how about this.

I'll help you file an Article
138 Complaint of Wrong.

Forget the sexual
component for now,

and we'll just concentrate
on how your position

is in compliance with
Marine Corps regulations.

Who would judge
the complaint, sir?

The commanding
general of Quantico.

That would be Major
General Claudia Haskins, sir.

MAN (over intercom): Admiral
Hollenbeck is here to see you, sir.

CHEGWIDDEN: Send him in.

MAN: Right through
here, Admiral.


Now, I realize that you
have to remain neutral,

so I will refrain from asking

any compromising questions.

Have a seat.


It's a tough
environment now, A.J.

This Tailhook...

It's fostered a reaction

that makes any kind of
inter-gender contact suspect.

I had a terrific assistant
when I was at Pearl.

And the day she left,
we threw her a party.

And as she was leaving,

I gave her a hug.

You could feel the energy
in the whole room change.

I looked around, suddenly
everyone is uncomfortable.

I was saying good-bye.

Admiral Paley is convening
an Article 32 hearing.

He had to; the Globe
forced his hand.

I appreciate you delivering
the news instead of the system.

Well, the statute of
limitations was about to run out.

It'll be a fast-track case.

I'm going to fight
this to the end, A.J.

Curt, you will get a full
and vigorous defense.

I promise that.

I'll need a bulldog.


You know, this could be worse.

I could have a wife.


A word, Commander?


At ease.

Who told them, Kate?

Sir, this is inappropriate.

Was it you?

No... sir.

But I will be the
prosecution's chief witness.



Then we have
something in common.

Whatever happens,
please keep in mind,

we're not enemies.

We're victims of
the same process.

I don't consider myself
to be a victim, sir.

Still, you have
to deal with this.

I'm sorry for that.

Are you apologizing
for the incident

or its aftermath, sir?

Good luck.



You wanted to see us, sir?

Yes, this is concerning

Admiral Hollenbeck's Article 32.

Commander, I want you to
represent the government.

Yes, sir.

This man's a friend of mine.

I know that, sir.

Don't let that influence you.

No, sir. Colonel, I'd like you

to defend Admiral Hollenbeck.

Sir, may I decline?


I had a conversation
with Commander Pike

prior to the announcement
of proceedings.


She revealed some things to me.

What kind of things?

The commander indicated prior

relationships with
senior officers.

Well, Colonel, there's
no legal constraint.

You can use the
information as you will.

That's not the issue, sir.

The male officers in question...

Are jackasses, so nail them.

I know one of them, sir.


I see.

All right, I'll assign
someone else.

Sir, perhaps you should
consider replacing me as well.

I'm sorry?

Complicating personal
circumstances, Admiral.

When the hell did
they get complicated?

Sir... Commander,

would these circumstances
affect your ability to prosecute?

No, sir.

Then we don't have a
problem. That'll be all.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.


Dismissed, Commander.

Aye, aye, sir.

Bud, do you have a minute?


I just want you to know

that I really meant what I said
about you and other women.

Sometimes I think you're
still reacting to the old me.

Where is this coming from?

Well, I'm really working on me.

I'm working on myself.

I'm trying to be
wiser and stronger.

Honey, I don't know
anyone stronger than you.

Sometimes I feel like you
can't be yourself around me.

And that's not fair to you,
and it doesn't feel good to me.



So what'd you think
of Corporal Antoon?

She's pretty.

She's pretty.


Sexy, yeah.


Come on, Bud.

This is just a test.

She... makes my ears sweat.


Good. That's a healthy response.

(chuckling): See?

Can I go back to work now?

Oh, absolutely.

Colonel... I owe you one.

Why is that, Commander?

I'm going to be defending
Admiral Hollenbeck.

The lieutenant's
sitting second chair.

Should be fascinating.
Have a party.

Colonel, why'd you give it up?

Personal reasons.

What does that mean?

Have you and Commander Pike

become friends?

Good day, Counselor.

Lieutenant, you're
good at digging up dirt.

I'm a good investigator,
sir, if that's what you mean.

Commander Pike, from
birth till yesterday, everything.

(knocks on door)



No. Uh, come on in.

Commander Pike, this is Renee.


Hi. And it's Kate.


Um... Kate and I...

Go back a ways.

Uh-huh. Mmm.

I've heard nice
things about you.

From him?

No. He never says anything nice.

Oh, good, I'm
glad it's not just me.






Renee's leaving.

I'll see you tonight.

RABB: I'll do my best.

Did he ever stand you up?

When duty called.

Great excuse, isn't it?


Well, it was nice meeting you.

You, too.



I'll come back later.

When they made you
commander, they gave you a harem?

(chuckling): Kate.

Yeah, I remember you

standing me up.

I think it was against the
wall of our motel room.

You want to discuss
your testimony,

or you just want to
make my life a living hell?



Yeah, at ease. Have a seat.

Um, General Haskins'
office called this morning.

The general wanted to get an
answer to us as soon as they could

so as to meet your
application deadline.

She's rejected your
Article 138 petition

on grounds that she
trusts your C.O.'s judgment.

Sir, she's a woman.
Doesn't she relate?

I think that's the problem.

I think she probably
feels too close to the issue

and doesn't want
to appear subjective.


Well... that's it, then.

Corporal, how badly do
you want to be an officer?

Badly enough to
swallow my pride, sir.

I will do the photo.

Thank you for your help, sir.

Uh, the photo should
be authenticated,

otherwise the major
might not accept it.

Actually, sir, I was
thinking of doing it myself...

You know, like with a timer.

Then how would the major
know if it was your anatomy?

Good question, sir.

You could use one of those
photo booths in the mall.

How would that work, sir?

Well, you get a
series of four sh*ts.

The first could be your face,

then you could take
your pants down...

SIMS: Or you could get
yourself over to sick bay

where I'm sure a female RN

would be happy to
snap a Polaroid. Sir.

Captain Hollenbeck
was heading up

an Amphibious Ready Group
aboard the USS Bladensburg.

I was his staff judge advocate.

How did the captain
treat you, Commander?

He seemed concerned
with my welfare,

often asking if I
needed anything.

Did you ever receive
gifts from the captain?

Twice. A coffee pot
and a jar of moisturizer.

He liked you.

Objection. Calls
for speculation.

JUDGE: Sustained.

Commander, would
you describe for the court

the events that took
place July 11, 1996?

We had just finished up a
briefing on personnel matters.

That's it, sir.


That's a light month.

Testament to
your leadership, sir.

Lieutenant, are
you flattering me?

(laughing): Calling
it as I see it, sir.


You are out of line!

I'm sorry. Kate...

Sir, please. The
less said the better.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to move on, sir.

I suggest you consider
yourself warned...

and do the same.

We were guarded with each
other for the rest of my tour.

Your witness.

Commander, why didn't
you come forward at the time?

I preferred to take care of
the situation then and there.

You didn't consider
it necessary.

Is that what you're saying?

I believed I had done
what was necessary.

Commander, have you ever
had an affair with a senior officer?

Objection. Commander Pike
is not on trial here, ma'am.

MATTONI: Your Honor,
Rule 608 allows us

to question the witness
regarding past conduct

for the purpose of
attacking credibility.

I'll allow it.

But tread carefully, Commander.

If you stray, you pay.

Yes, ma'am.

Commander, do you
know a JAG officer

named Commander Dennis Brockman?


Did you work with him?

Objection. Relevance.



Did you work with him?

Yes, in Okinawa.

And at the time,
were you a lieutenant?


Did you have an affair with him?


MATTONI: Was that
a wise thing to do?

It was a mistake.

So on the day of your briefing

with Admiral Hollenbeck,
were you looking

to have relations with
another senior officer?

Of course not.

Then couldn't that have affected

your perception
of what happened?

Let me help you, Commander.

Because you considered
your prior sexual intimacy

with a senior officer a mistake,

you reacted strongly and swiftly

to something that could
have been very different

than you perceived it to be.

No. That is not true.

Then why didn't
you come forward?


I-I didn't perceive the event
to... warrant punitive action.

Precisely, Commander.

No more questions, ma'am.


Commander, did you
expect Captain Hollenbeck

to touch you without
your permission?


Did Commander
Brockman ever do this?


So there is no connection

between what
Captain Hollenbeck did

and what transpired between
you and Commander Brockman?


Thank you.

Commander Pike,
considering your past conduct,

do you think you should be
making these accusations?

RABB: Commander Pike
has no comment at this time.

(reporters shouting questions)

You told them.

Excuse me?

I saw you talking to the
defense... you sold me out.

In what way?

How else would they have known

about my affair in Okinawa?

Kate, I declined to
defend Admiral Hollenbeck

so I wouldn't be forced
to use that information.

Why would I slip it

to someone else? One less woman

standing between you
and what you want?

What do I want?

Harm. You're really reaching.

There's something
going on between you two.

I'm engaged.

To the man of your dreams?

That is none of your business.

You have a lot of nerve.

I wasn't with you five minutes

before you were telling
me your deepest secrets.

I couldn't be the only one
who knows about Okinawa.

You're indiscreet, Commander.
You have a big mouth.

So shut it

before you say something
else I shouldn't hear.

RABB: Calm down,
it's not that bad.

Harm, I admitted sexual
relations with a senior officer.

How do you think
that's going to play

at my next promotion board?

Kate, it was five years ago.

By the time you come
up for promotion again,

it'll be ancient history.

I got lucky once. It
won't happen again.

What do you mean?

When I broke up with
Commander Brockman,

he trashed me in
my fitness report.

After he forgave me,

he told me that he'd done
it in a moment of anger,

but by then, it was too late.

It's a matter of record.

So when you made
the early selection list...

I was surprised.

What do you think happened?

I don't know.

You weren't curious as
to how it got overlooked?

I was just thankful
I made it through.

I would have been curious.

Wait a minute. You're
accusing me of not questioning

my good fortune?


What would you have
preferred that I do?

Barge into SECNAV's office

and demand that the board
consider my unworthiness?

I would have made
some inquiries.

I didn't want to make inquiries.

I accepted my fate.

And assumed that my friends
wouldn't question my success.

Hey, I'm sorry.

Harm, I just need to know
that it's going to be okay.

It's going to be okay.

I promise.



What have you got for me?

I've spoken to six women

who served under
Admiral Hollenbeck, sir.

If they're burying something,
it's too deep for me to see.

Look, find out what you can

about Commander
Pike's promotion board.

That's privileged
information, sir.

They would have released
the names of the members.

It may lead us somewhere.

Aye, sir.

Admiral, would you please
tell us what happened

at the briefing between
you and Lieutenant Pike

on July 11 of 1996?

The lieutenant was catching me
up on some personnel matters...

That's it, sir.


That's a light month.

Testimony to leadership, sir.

Lieutenant, are
you flattering me?

Calling it as I see it, sir.


You are out of line!

I'm sorry. Kate...

Sir, please. The
less said the better.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to move on, sir.

I suggest you consider
yourself warned...

and do the same.

Your hand slipped?

Yes, and because my
weight was on it, I fell forward.

But the lieutenant

perceived it otherwise?

That's correct.

Did you try to explain?

I started to, but the
lieutenant cut me off,

and when she suggested
that we move on,

I chose not to say any more,
for fear of complicating things.

Thank you, sir.

Your witness.

So this was an
accident, Admiral?

A mistake in perception?

That's right.

How did you proceed
afterwards, sir?

I put it behind me.

You weren't concerned

that Lieutenant Pike might
bring this up at some later date?

No, I took her at her word.

Why did you promote her, sir?

I'm sorry?

Exhibit four, ma'am.

The report from
the fiscal year 1999,

JAG Commander Selection Board,

selecting Lieutenant
Commander Caitlin Pike

for promotion.

It's signed by
Admiral Hollenbeck,

president of that board,

who was sitting as the
designated line member.

Objection. Relevance?

I intend to establish a
link between this action

and the incident, ma'am.


Why was

Lieutenant Commander
Pike deep-selected

by the board, Admiral?

Objection. The deliberations

of selection boards
are privileged.

Ma'am, that privilege
has been waived

by the secretary of
the navy at my request

because of the importance
of these proceedings.

He has released the members

from their oaths
of confidentiality.

Overruled, Commander Mattoni.

Isn't it a fact, Admiral,

that Lieutenant Commander
Pike was a below-zone candidate?

That she received your
personal aggressive support

during this process, sir?

I felt she was deserving.

Did the junior members
concur, Admiral?

They had some concerns.

Did you review

her fitness reports, sir?

Of course.

That's part of the process.

Admiral, this is a report

filed by Commander
Dennis Brockman in 1995.

The commander
was Lieutenant Pike's

reporting senior at the time.

Please read the
highlighted portion, sir.

"Lieutenant Pike continues to
struggle with personal issues

"that thr*aten her
good judgment.

"I have serious questions

about her future
as a naval officer."

Thank you, sir.

Exhibit six.

Why did you ignore

these comments, Admiral?

One man's opinion
does not a career make.

Isn't it because you
assumed she would learn

you were responsible
for her selection, sir?

I have given you my reason.

Didn't you want her to know
that you had done her a favor,

Admiral, so that she
would feel in your debt?

Weren't you placating her, sir?

Making nice?

Objection, Your Honor.

Or were you afraid that
if you didn't promote her,

she might use it
against you at some

critical moment in your career?

Argumentative and compound.

Both beg the same question,
Admiral. Your Honor...

Why would you care?

That's enough, Commander.

I have no further
questions, ma'am.

Major Bartz?

Good morning, sir.

At ease, Corporal.

My OCS app, sir

complete with a photo
of the tattoo in question.

You never intended to
look at it, did you, Major?

Do you believe you require
special treatment, Corporal?

Not anymore, sir.

Then as an officer,

I expect you won't ask for it.

Never, sir.

I'll forward your
application this afternoon,

along with my
recommendation for approval.

We're all just marines here.

I understand, sir.
Thank you, sir.

No, Corporal, thank you...

for proving to be the person

I fought to bring
in this company.

JUDGE: I thank both
counsel for their arguments.

Although the selection-board
issue does raise questions

about Admiral
Hollenbeck's objectivity,

I find, based on
insufficiency of the evidence,

that reasonable grounds
do not exist to prove

he sexually harassed
Lieutenant Pike.

Accordingly, I will
be recommending

to the convening authority

that the charges not be
referred to court-martial.

This hearing is adjourned.

(reporters shouting questions)


Are you okay?

Ask me when my
head stops spinning.

You took a beating in there.

I'm sorry. I landed
a few blows myself.

It was a good tactic, Harm.

Well, if it's any consolation,

the fact that you
admitted your mistakes

speaks more highly of you

than it does of
Admiral Hollenbeck.

Admiral, there'll
be no trial, sir.

SECNAV just informed me
that Admiral Hollenbeck's orders

to be inspector general
have been canceled.

The billet's going
to someone else.

The promotion-board
matter tipped it.

Excuse me.

REPORTER: Specifically, why
do you think the judge ruled...

Curt, can I see you a minute?

Curt, um, I just heard
from the SECNAV

that your appointment's
been canceled.

RABB: Well, there's
your vindication, Kate.

I'm not staying in
Washington, Harm.

I know.

Thanks for this honor.

It's not often I'm
asked to make a toast.

Colonel... Mic.

A man once said that
"Weddings are destiny,

hangings are likewise."

He was a idiot. (laughter)

The only gift greater
than the air in your lungs

is the hand you hold.

To companionship.

ALL: Companionship.

In the Australian navy,
these would be lagers.

Well, maybe that's why your
ships run aground so often.



Yes, sir?

Excuse me, Admiral, I just
wanted to say good-bye.

Good luck to you, Commander.

Thank you, sir.

I hope there are no hard
feelings, Commander.

It wasn't personal, ma'am.

Then let me make it personal.

The difference between
you and your client

is that he never
meant to hurt me.

He gets my forgiveness.

You... get my contempt.


It's been a rough
week, Commander.

Let's leave it at that.

This is my fiance, Mic Brumby.


I'm one lucky bloke, Commander.

Have a safe trip.



Caitlin, let me walk
you to the door.

I'll be right back.

Good, because
I'll be right here.

She's actually a lot of fun.

I'm sure.


Well, stay in touch.

Bad choice of words.



It would have been
nice having you around.

Harm, the last thing you need is

a third female to
complicate your life.

Where do you get three?

Renee, me and Mac.

I'm not involved with Mac.


BRUMBY: Thank you
so much for coming.

Congratulations to you two.

This is exciting.

How's it going with
the wedding plans?

Do you guys have anything set?

A date?

BRUMBY: Early. Very early.

RENEE: Well, it's never early
enough when two people are in love.
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