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02x04 - Ambush

Posted: 06/15/23 05:25
by bunniefuu
Run, run!

Archers! They're
getting close, hurry up!

Let's attack now. They'll
be tired and wounded.

Come on! Bang those drums hard!

- Let them hear us, come on!
- Harder!

Harder! With determination!

Give the order and we'll fall on
them like an army out of hell.


Orduño is right. Do it.

Who cares if you're remembered
as the dishonorable king

who att*cked his own
brother by surprise?

And what happens if I don't?

I don't know.

But if you attack him, it will
be your fear deciding for you.

Or the grudge borne by others.

- Sancho, where is our brother?
- Defeated.

But alive.

Castile thanks you for letting us
pass through Leonese territory.

We had a deal. I
am a man of honor.

Sometimes, honor is the sickly
offspring of convenience.

More so in someone who has
what he doesn't deserve.

Has your thirst for blood not
been satisfied yet, Sancho?

The night is cold. Let us keep our
word and go back to the fireside.

- Looks like it was a tough battle.
- Our victory was epic.

Tell your men they
can bring García now.

- García was not part of the deal.
- I know.

But the journey to Burgos is a long one.
Let's spare our brother that ordeal.

- I will not talk to you about prisoners.
- Leave him in Leon.

- We'll keep him in custody on your behalf.
- Your Highness...

If Lady Urraca wants a charitable
gesture for her brother,

it is true that we could
spare him further hardship.

God willing, Ruy.

Castile has enough on its
plate after such a hard battle.

God indeed loves us greatly to let us
trifle with his name with impunity.

García will stay in León.

The Legend of El Cid.

- I know the price is high.
- I shouldn't have agreed.

- We were in no condition to fight.
- And how am I supposed to defend Galicia?

How long before Alfonso takes it from
me, now that my army is decimated?

And gather men.

As you command, My Lord.

I don't know if you
can understand me,

but you have no idea how
much I've missed you.

I have a message for
you tattooed on my skin.

You'll have to find it yourself.

What are you doing?

Who did you just make love to?

- You.
- No. Not to me.

You mounted me, but you were
looking at another woman.

I don't understand.

I have never lied to you.

I have an order to carry out.

You coward!

You're not afraid to die by the sword,
yet you daren't tell a woman the truth.


What's wrong?

It's your mother.

My son...

- Mother.
- My son.

I prayed to God

that he would allow me
to see you one last time.

Don't tire yourself.

Are you a knight now?

I am. I am.

You did it, Son.

I'm here to take care of you.

No, Rodrigo. Be happy.

Your father is waiting for me.

Mother, don't leave me alone.

Always let yourself be guided

by your inner strength.

What strength, mother?

The strength your eyes have now

as you look at me.



Now she rests
beside your father.

I hope one day you'll have a
woman like her at your side, Ruy.

Take care of her, Diego.

Soon I'll be joining you.

My time is running out.

I only ask God to let me
die with a sword in my hand.

Don't hate your enemies,

or you'll turn into the very
thing you fight against.

The Galician nobles have
sworn allegiance to Alfonso.


- Galicia belongs to Sancho.
- w*r is imminent, Ruy.

Because Alfonso is
taking what is not his.

The reasons don't matter, son.

I've seen it before.

The pups will fight
until only one remains.


If we go to battle...

I won't hesitate to k*ll you.

I was right. Sancho is weakened.


I need to talk to you.

He fooled us, Urraca.

Fooled who?

You knew.

I helped not so that
you could attack Sancho,

but so that he
wouldn't attack you.

He is gathering soldiers. Give
him time and he will recover.

Let's attack while he is weak.

What do you think, sister?

I will not turn my brothers
against each other.

Enough already.

You may leave.

The decision to engage
battle can't be delayed.

Sancho will gain enough support
and then we won't have time.

Orduño, the king
said you may leave.

Urraca, I am the Count of Leon.

To me, you will
always be a wry-mouth.

What is it, sister?

You can't accept the allegiance
of the Galician nobles.

I must.

If Sancho controls Galicia,
Leon will be between two fires.

- That decision will provoke w*r.
- Sancho was going to attack me anyway.

Mother and Father
didn't raise children.

They raised monsters.

Are you talking about
yourself, too, sister?

The only honest ones
are Elvira and García.


Where is he?

- I haven't seen him in days.
- I confined him to his bedchamber.


- Why?
- I can't allow him to go back to Galicia.

What are you going
to do with him?

I'm told you haven't
eaten for days.

If you think I want to
poison you, I guarantee...

I know that merciful
Alfonso wouldn't poison me.

Then why don't you eat?

I will starve to death.

Then you won't escape the rumor
that you k*lled your brother

while he was your prisoner.

What do you want, García?

I want to be released and
be given back what is mine!


Well, well...

He grew up.

- All of this is your fault.
- Of course!

Urraca, the villain.

You're so lucky you can
blame me for everything.

You've always poisoned
Sancho's mind.

I also talked your vassal
into invading Elvira's lands.

You fool.

You gave him the perfect excuse.

I only want what is mine.

What Father left to me!

- And you lost.
- But not to you!

You haven't shed a drop of
blood and you've kept Galicia.

Am I to blame if the Galician nobles
want a strong king to protect them?

My only consolation

is that Sancho will come, and
he will rip your balls off!

He has already fought two
battles and won them both.

And he has Ruy.

And you...

You still haven't tasted death.

I don't want you in Leon. Go
whine like a puppy somewhere else.

If you're still in
my kingdom tomorrow,

I'll have you
thrown in a dungeon.

Forget about Galicia.

What do you want it for?
So you can die for it?

It's good to have you back, Ruy.

I know I haven't been
the best friend lately.

We were worried.

- Forgive me.
- Forgiveness

is neither asked for nor given.

It's felt.


Shut up, Lisardo.

I didn't tell you, but pelts
look really good on you.

What did they do?

They tried to run away.


Come here.

For the love of God.

Hey. You're safe now.

You're already dead.

Come with me and at
least die with honor.

- My Lord, are you the Champion?
- Yes.

Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar.

In that case,

it will be an honor
to die at your side.

Free these men!

From now on, they are part
of the Castilian army.

In the w*r against Galicia,
we took all capable men.

This is what's left now.

We won't win a w*r like this.

You don't know how sorry I am.

My Lord...

What is it, Ruy?

The Galician nobles have
sworn allegiance to Alfonso.

My grandfather told me.

Son of a bitch!

Alfonso smelled my
weakness and played me!

How's the gathering going?

- Do we have enough men to face Leon?
- From what I saw in the yard, we don't.


- God knows our cause is just!
- Wars are not won by God, My Lord!

- They are won by prepared armies!
- Ruy!

- We don't have one.
- But we are better! And you know it!

I do.

But we can't win on our own.

Let's wait, My Lord.

Given enough time,

I will turn those
farmers into a real army.

If Alfonso notices our vulnerability,
he will attack us. Wouldn't you attack?

Let's make use of our
right of vassalage.

- My Lord, you are thinking...
- Zaragoza!

Do you think they
will send troops?

We won't allow otherwise.

You will get them!

It's a bad spring you predict, if
you're this far from your olive tree.

I don't even know where mine is.

I am sorry for your loss.

I'm sorry, too.

You were right.

I am a coward.

You're leaving again?

What do you need from
me, My Lord Count?

We want Zaragoza to be
under Leon's protection.

Why should we do that?

Leon is the strongest kingdom.

Zaragoza would pay extra,

but would gain nothing.

Leon would be
generous to Zaragoza.

And to Al-Muqtadir's
advisor as well.

An envoy from Castile
is approaching Zaragoza.

An army?

Just one man.


Take our guest outside the city.

Lord Count.

We pay for their protection

and now they want us to
help them in their battle?

The w*r between Leon and
Castile is none of our business.

It doesn't matter to
whom we pay our tributes.

I beg your pardon, My Lord,

but Castile has
proven their loyalty.

Leon hasn't.

We have good friends in Leon.

Nevertheless, they have always
supported our main enemy.


If we pay our
tributes to Alfonso,

Toledo won't be any trouble.

Why don't we wait for
the outcome of the w*r

and deal with whoever
is victorious?

That is the best idea.

If we don't help Sancho and
he comes out victorious,

he won't trust us and
will request more gold.

Without our support,
he will never make it.

Let's switch our horse.
And let Alfonso know.

He will treat us
better afterwards.

Your Highness, I think
there's something

we haven't thought through
the way we should've.

Ruy's destiny is to
achieve glorious things.

If we are by his side, his
baraka will be by ours.

Ask Ruy in.


I hope you won't support the person
who took your daughter from you.


I have made my
decision, young Ruy.

I am sure it is a wise decision.

My son, you will go with
Ruy and the Syrian Vanguard.

Show them your valor.

King Sancho would be pleased
to have Sádaba's presence.

Only Sancho?

Sádaba is too valuable to
me. He will stay with me.

I only demand one condition.

- Your Highness?
- Amina must return home.

My Lord...


I bring you the Syrian
Vanguard, My Lord.

And the best man they
have to lead them.

Dear Mundir! Welcome, brother.

Sit next to me.

Tell me, how's the health
of His Highness, the Emir?

He is under Abu Bakr's care.

Abu Bakr?

Is your father no longer
amongst the living?

You look joyful, Sancho.

Is Castile treating you well?


You know, every time
you go to Zaragoza,

- I have the feeling you won't come back.
- Hey, Ruy.

- Do the women miss me over there?
- Sure.

And so do their husbands.

I am grateful for your support.

Do you trust the Moor?

He's capable of abandoning us
in the middle of the battle.

We need him more
than he needs us.

How did you get him to come?

Say what you have to say.

You're going back to Zaragoza.

I can't believe it. You sold me!

Your father demanded
your return.

You made a deal with
something that's not yours!

- There was nothing else I could do.
- My brother wants me dead!

Your brother won't
lay a finger on you.

I promise.

And when I'm back in Zaragoza? Will
you be there to protect me too?

Your betrayal is more painful
than my brother's sword.

- You're leaving tomorrow.
- Wait!

May you eat and
never be satisfied.


I'm in grave danger.

I need your help.



Woman to woman.

Who is that beauty?

- My lady wishes to ride.
- Now?

- There's a full moon.
- I have orders to not let any horses out.


- Where is she?
- You don't know?

Did you do something to her?

She left.

Looks like you couldn't
tame her either.

Our pact is broken.

If your father
sent you to help us

- it wasn't because of Amina.
- Give me a reason not to leave.

We fought together
once, and we won.

What glory is there in
returning to Zaragoza?

Vanity is not my weak spot.

Greed is.

I want Zaragoza to pay no
tributes for a whole year.

I will speak to Sancho.

I need you to arrange a reading
tomorrow at : in the evening.

- The same people as last week may come.
- Urraca!

Are you coming with
us to St. Isidore?

We're going to pray to God
for there not to be a w*r.

- You should pray to your brothers instead.
- My lady.

- My lady, this woman says...
- Lady Urraca.

I am here to see you.

An odd moment you've chosen
for a courtesy visit.

Or have you learned that the love
of men is as changeable as the wind?

- Castile is no place for me.
- Ruy no longer wants you in his bed?

I am the one who left.

Tell me, how can I help?

My lady,

I was the bargaining chip to get my
father to send the Syrian Vanguard

to fight against Leon.

I request your protection so I
don't have to return to Zaragoza.

You have it.


Prepare her a bedchamber.

Why did you do that?

I like a woman who doesn't
just accept her fate.

- That woman is not to be trusted, my lady.
- Why? Because she's Moorish?

Ruy trusted her.

Isn't that enough for you?

The Syrian Vanguard.

How did you find out?

Does that matter now?

Orduño, didn't you say
Zaragoza would not help him?

- Our friends in Zaragoza said...
- Then we should change friends.

Give Galicia back to Sancho.

- He'll want Leon next.
- If not, he could come and take it all.

My Lord, don't let Sancho
recover his strength. Attack now.

Since when do you think your
opinion matters to the king, Orduño?

- Nobody loves Leon more than me.
- Nobody hates Ruy more than you.

Are you going to let his
hate decide for you, brother?

He won't stop.

Not until he takes from
me what Father left me.

If you give him back what you
took from him, maybe he will.


Urraca, I trust you
more than anyone.

Swear on our parent's
memory that he won't.

You know I can't swear that

because it's not up to me.

"I, Alfonso, king
of Leon and Galicia,

"by the grace of God and under the
dedication of Mary, forever our lady,

"I address to the people of
my kingdom the following.

"For the knowledge of anyone
who may read this letter,

"being aware of the danger that
looms over my kingdom in Galicia,

"and in order to protect as well as
keep what is mine by right as your king,

"I hereby call to arms
all of my vassals,"

"all nobles, knights, men
of goodwill and hidalgos,"

"for the defense
of these kingdoms."

I still don't understand how
I let my wife convince me.

- If something happens to her...
- I'll protect her with my life.

Or maybe she'll protect me.

You know that my lord
Sancho, King of Castile,

claims the kingdom of Galicia.

Then know that my lord Alfonso,
King of Leon and Galicia,

will not give away
what is rightfully his.

w*r it is, then.

Tomorrow at the pass.

Too soon for you?

Your luck ends
tomorrow, Champion.

- Tomorrow in Llantada.
- A good place to win a kingdom.


Alfonso, traitor! Ambush!


Get in formation on either
side of the column! Protect it!

Come on, follow me. Come on.

The damn Moors are
fleeing! Cowards!

Defensive formation!

Hold, Castilians!


Hold on!


Alfonso, traitor!

Come here, boy!

Everything is lost, Ruy!

We must save the king!






My Lord!


Lisardo, up!

My Lord, they're fleeing!

The field is ours.

- But, My Lord, if we follow them...
- It's okay!

My brother has nowhere to hide.

- They'll flee to Zaragoza.
- No.

Sancho is going to hole up in
Burgos. And we'll drag him out.

Breathe, Count, and
celebrate. We've won.

Have the physician
stitch that up, Rodrigo.

Wounds are infected
by the devil.

Don't worry, Your Highness.

The devil has already
done his job with me.

Hang in there, Saturio.
Hang in there! Come on.

Come on.

Damn Leonese. They betrayed us.

You can take refuge in Zaragoza.

You'll be under my
father's protection.

- It's not a bad idea, My Lord.
- No.

We will hold out in our kingdom.

- God will decide our fate.
- Then I will stay with you.

I have not accomplished what
my father entrusted me with.

And now I have much
blood to avenge.

This is not your w*r, Mundir.

Return now to Zaragoza
and deliver our gratitude.

We will never forget what
you have done for us.

We must return to Burgos
if we are to resist.

- That would be delaying the inevitable!
- We have no men to even defend the wall.


They've broken the
rules of honor.

If God has allowed it,

he will also allow
us to save our lives

by any means necessary.

Orduño, your column will
attack the south wall.

Your division, Rodrigo,
will take the north.

And I will attack
Burgos from the west.


- That one's mine.
- Hey!

It was me who k*lled
your father, imbecile.


Damn it, Ruy!

Thank you, Rodrigo.

It's over!

It's over
