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02x03 - Wind of w*r

Posted: 06/15/23 05:25
by bunniefuu
You have risen early
to speak with God.

I never forget my duty
to him, Monsignor.

Really? I didn't
see you praying.

And in your eyes I see not
devotion, but reproach.

I know.

We tend to blame God
for all our ills,

when they almost always
come from our own decisions.

And what happens when the
pain is someone else's fault?

In no way should we allow ourselves
to be dragged down by resentment.

Because not far away lies anger.

King Sancho is a clear example.

Only you can prevent this w*r.

- I'm afraid I can't.
- Can't or won't?

- This decision is not in my hands.
- You are wrong.

I am certain that you are the
one who can change things.

Isn't w*r a way to
change everything?

It is.

But it also carries a very high cost.
That's something you should never forget.

I have to go. Please excuse me.

Go with God, Ruy.

Only He can guide your path.

The Legend of El Cid.

I believe in one God,
the Father Almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

and of all things
visible and invisible.

God of God,

Light of Light.

Are you going to let
García get away with this?

I will not help you
with your quarrels.

I don't need your help, just your
permission to pass through León.

Those lands don't
interest him at all.

I'm just the first
step, and you know it.

If you do not let me pass, I will
consider you to be on his side

- and therefore also my enemy.
- Sancho, please!

You have my permission.


will there be salvation for me?

Come on. It's all right.

Velarde, arrange everything, we
are going to w*r with Galicia.

- My Lord, the queen mother did not want...
- Please, Velarde!

Ruy, go on ahead.

Get the army ready and
prepared for my arrival.

It will be done, My Lord.


Castile's men have my permission
to cross over to Galicia.

My Lord,

if Sancho is going to pass through here,
it's a chance to finish off an enemy.

- Defeating Sancho will not be easy.
- Why?

Because your
grandson is with him?

- My Lord, I agree with the bishop.
- I will not attack my brother.

- I have given him my word.
- What if he att*cks León?

He will pass through
here with all his troops.

No. Sancho would not do that.

I agree, Your Highness.

Not even if he returns
victorious from Galicia?

The taste of blood makes
the wolf more ferocious.

If only I were the wind.

To caress your hair.

If only I were water.

To refresh your face.

If only I were a
servant Of your heart.

And your thoughts.

And if only I were deaf, I
wouldn't have to listen to you.

You're jealous that he
has the ladies' attention.

I liked you better before
you went to Galicia.

Yeah, I know that.

Lisardo, why don't you
let Ermesinda play?

Her voice is a gift to the ears.

- Young Álvar, you still remember.
- I'd never forget the voice of an angel.

That's poetry, and
not what you do.

Shut up.


Let's go.


I am so sorry.

- Why is everything so complicated?
- My lady...

I must follow an order
from King Sancho. At once.

This is not a tavern. Get out.

I wish it were.

We return to Burgos.

Castile is going to
w*r with Galicia.

What do you mean,
w*r with Galicia?

- And Nuño? Ruy, you...
- That decision is not up to us.

All this is over my lands.

Ruy, you can stop this.
Sancho listens to you.

This time he won't, my lady.

Don't return to Galicia. We don't
have to stand against each other.

I can't abandon García now.

You know that
better than anyone.

I was looking for
you, Monsignor.

Here is the payment for
the master stonemason.

You have been very
generous in funding

the construction of the
statue of your late mother.

She would be proud.

Come with me and you can see
the final result of the work.

- No, I'm in a hurry.
- You look tired.

Do you have worries?

Talking to God in
confession always helps.

My brothers are preparing
for a w*r, Monsignor.

Keep praying.

Maybe that way the sculptor won't
have to make any more statues.

My father always came
up here to think.

But I can't do so clearly.

My Lord, may I speak frankly?

Orduño, you are the Count of
León and the first of my knights.

If you cannot do so, nobody can.

I think we should attack Sancho
when he passes through León.

Our army is greater in number.

Summon the council, Orduño.
And send for Urraca.

My Lord, I must make a request.

It is my intention to marry Jimena
if Your Highness will allow me.

You think now is a good
time to marry, Orduño?

For God's sake, we are
on the verge of w*r!

- My Lord, I...
- Enough!

Do as I have commanded.

Yes, My Lord.

- They are ready, My Lord.
- Good.

As soon as I've rested,
we will leave for León.

I don't like the
look in Ruy's eyes.

It reminds me of a man
I served with years ago.

A man who ended up badly.

His father, right, master?

You must stay close to him. He needs
you, even if he doesn't know it.

King Sancho, I am your advisor,
as I was for your father.

I shouldn't have to
prove my loyalty to you.

- And I do not doubt it, Velarde.
- Get out!

I must urge you not to
march against your brother.

I do not doubt your
good intentions.

But justice is more
important than blood.

But not more so than God. You
swore an oath before your father!

And so did García!

So did García, and he broke it.

My Lord,

- I too beg you not to go to w*r.
- What the hell is going on?

Why won't you
support me in this?

Ruy, are you going to
turn your back on me too?

Your Highness was granted the
kingdoms of León and Galicia.

And when they were taken from you,
you accepted your father's will.

They also plotted against my king
to take the taxes of Zaragoza

and other loyalties that
were rightfully yours.

I bear witness. If we do
not move against Galicia,

how long before Alfonso
and García ally themselves

and come after us?

- That might never happen.
- But if it happens,

it may be too late for Castile.

I will follow my king to
w*r if that is his will.

- Jimena!
- My lady.

- Where were you?
- Talking to Orduño.

When are you getting married?

The king has decided that
this is not the time.

They decide, Jimena. They
decide for us. I've had enough!

Is it any use worrying about
things that are beyond our control?

At least you know
that sooner or later

you will marry Orduño, but what do
I have to look forward to, Jimena?

My father condemned me
to be single for life.

Be patient, my lady.

- Perhaps...
- Perhaps what?

Jimena, perhaps what?

I'm going to renounce Toro.

- But you inherited that estate.
- No.

I inherited a convent that I'm
locked up in. I don't want it.

I will give Toro to my brother
and ask him to let me get married.

If that is what you want,

I hope with all my heart
that the king will accept.

Jimena, I'm going to ask
him to let me marry Ruy.

- Ruy?
- Can you think of anyone better than him?

You left without
saying a word to me.

I had to fulfill a
command from the king.

You should fulfill the
commands of my heart.

It never wants you
to part with it.

What happened in León...

Our bodies spoke
an ancient language

that only the soul hears.

I thought I would never
belong to anyone, but...

I didn't know you.

You have turned my pride
into a sl*ve to your love.

Amina, I don't...



My king.

What are you doing?

I can hit.

You cannot accompany
me into battle.

- Sweet Mother of God.
- Shit.

Me with you, Sancho.

By the nails of Christ! Is there
no one to make her understand?

Ruy! Do something or I'll
have to chain my wife up.

- I think she wants to protect you.
- Damn it! I'm the king of Castile!

Do I need my wife to protect me?

I think she would do very well.

- Velarde! No.
- Sancho!

- Sancho!
- I said no!

- Go back inside!
- Sons of b*tches! Swine! Damn it!

Damn it! Sons of b*tches!

Sounds like the queen has
mastered our language.

She's a strong woman.

That's exactly what I'm...

She's stronger than me, Ruy.

We fight and... And
she can beat me!

- And that has me...
- Confused.

No! No.

I like it.

And that's strange, it has to be.
I don't know. What do you think?

I think that the children you
have will grow up strong as bulls.

Do you think Telmo has
his father's broadsword?

No. He's not that big.

Well, just give it time. We've
all grown up since we were pages.


You think about that too?

- About what? Screwing? Every day.
- No, Álvar.

About Nuño.

What happens if we run into
him on the b*ttlefield?

What happens? Nothing
happens, Lisardo.

We avoid it. You go fight
someone else and ignore him.

But what if one of our
own tries to k*ll him?

Enough, Lisardo, please.

I want to k*ll myself on the first attack
so I don't have to live through it.

- What about him?
- Him, what?

Do you think he will
want to k*ll us?


I beg you, my lady,
to watch over me

and spare me from having
to k*ll my friends

and from having my
friends k*ll me.

I should pray too.

- Any news from Badajoz?
- Modáfar sends us gold,

but not troops.

My Lord, we don't have
enough men to face Castile.

I know, Nuño. I know that.

What would I do without you?

Why didn't you come
to the council?

León's affairs are
no longer my concern.

Where is the Urraca that
has always been by my side?

Mother's death affected me too.

Stop complaining
like a housemaid.

You have the strongest kingdom.

The nobles are with you,
what more do you want?

I want you.

I don't know if
I've made a mistake.

You know that Sancho won't stop until
he gets back what he considers his.

Are you afraid that he will attack you
if you let his army pass through León?

What should I do, Urraca?

What's the matter with you?

Tell me.

I only bring bad luck to
those who are by my side.

I'd better go back to Zamora.

You can't go to Zamora. Not now.

The council thinks I should attack
Sancho when he comes through León.

Don't do it. He will
have his entire army

and with their hunger
for battle intact.

So what do I do? Urraca...

If you want me to help you,

I will.

If García were to win, it
would ease the situation

and you would be the only one
to keep your promise to Father.

I doubt that García has an
army like that of Castile.

Sancho's strength lies in Ruy.

Divide them and García will win.

If he doesn't, you will
have weakened Sancho.

But Ruy is loyal to Sancho.

He will never abandon him,
no matter how much I offer.

There's always a way.


My Lord?

Sancho will pass
through León tomorrow.

- Have the army ready.
- I will prepare it right now, My Lord.

Do you plan to
attack our brother?

Attack? Sancho is
the one who att*cks.

I'm not the one who
started a w*r with García.

- You can't do that...
- Elvira!

Don't talk about things
you don't understand.

My lady.


Haven't we suffered enough with
the death of Mother and Father?

Let Alfonso do what he has to
do. It's the best for everyone.

When Sancho confronts García,

Alfonso's troops will
attack Sancho's from behind.

That's treachery.

You don't understand.

The order is to k*ll
Ruy, not our brother.

Without Ruy, it
will all be over.

You're talking
about k*lling Ruy.

I'm talking about
saving your brothers.

Blood is most important
above all else.

I told you that we could
not trust my brothers.

If García att*cks from the front and
Alfonso from the rear, we are lost.

What do we do?

We can't get caught between
a rock and a hard place.

- Let's go back to Castile.
- I will not back down!

That's a sign of weakness
that I'm not willing to show.

- It would buy us some time.
- I said no!

By my sainted mother, tomorrow we
shall be walking on Galician soil!

- I have an idea.
- Well, then let's hear it.

We divide the army.

Two leagues ago, we
passed through a ravine.

If we ambush León's
army at this point

we'll be able to stop them.

You want to attack García
with half of the army?

Why not, Velarde?

Half an army is more than enough to
defeat García and conquer Galicia.

Your Highness, give the order,

I will stop the Leónese
in that ravine myself.

Velarde, the Leónese
want my head.

Your Highness, let me
be the one they find.


Make Alfonso regret
his betrayal.

I shall. I'll leave immediately.

Come on.

I need men. We leave at once.

Wait. I still have to
win my chain mail back.

My sword. I bet my sword.

What are you doing here?

I was waiting for
the nobles, My Lord.

I was also thinking.

Do you want to share your
thoughts with the king?

This time tomorrow

we may be with our God.

Are you afraid of death?


The only thing that torments me
is having to face my friends.

I am more afraid of
k*lling them than of dying.

I am sorry that your loyalty
forces you to such a horrible duty.

I would rather die at your side

than live on the side
of those who attack you.

I do fear death.

That's why I want to
tell you something, Nuño.

Anything, My Lord.

I love you more than a brother.

My Lords...

That's enough.

Don't you hear it? Don't you hear
that pounding that never ends?

I can't hear anything, my lady.

Lie down. This will do you good.

- Have the troops left yet?
- What troops do you speak of?

The army to attack Sancho.

There is no army, my lady.

King Alfonso is on a
hunting trip with Orduño.

How could you?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, my lady, but you are
not allowed to leave the castle.

King's orders.

Step aside, Vellido,
I'm the Lady of Toro.

And your brother is
the king of León.

Look at that idiot.
He's still drunk!

Damn it. Damn it! My clothes.

My weapons. Telmo,
where are my weapons?

Where are my weapons?

You lost them gambling, along with
your reputation as a good soldier.

My Lord!

Give me clothing and weapons. I swear I
will fight with the strength of ten men!

Telmo, my horse.

Let's go!

There is not enough
to buy troops.

No, but there is
enough to pay for ours.

You promised that the Emir of
Badajoz would send us an army.

What kind of king cannot
dominate a Moorish vassal?

The kind of king who will punish
you if you don't show respect.

I always considered the Galician
knights of Ribadavia to be brave.

Brave, but not stupid.

If Sancho appears with his army,
he will have twice our number.

Numbers don't matter if God
is with us, you cowards!

Nuño, no.

Nuño, be calm.

Calm down, Nuño!

Then meet with God!




The Virgin heard me.

She heard me.


He has not brought
all his troops.

We outnumber them, My Lord.

So what? This is just a
quarrel between brothers.

But the blood that
will be shed is ours.

Move aside!

What are you doing here?

Defending my kingdom.

Yes, flee like rats!

God looked upon you favorably,

and only He knows why.
He gave you a king!

A king is a king, damn it.

You, Sancho, what do we care?
Why should we fight for you?

Because I am your
king. Yours alone!

You are all I have,

and I am your only hope of
being a kingdom, you bastards!

Am I not Galician
enough for you?

Wait till you meet my brother.

Do I not love this kingdom
enough? I'm willing to die for it!

Am I not man enough for you?

Are you, you cowards?

Today is the day to prove it!

You call yourselves
lords, nobles, knights.

By what right do you rule over what
you are not prepared to defend?

Do you want to remain the
backyard of Castile forever?


Were you born servants?


Then follow me! And spill
your blood along with mine.

Because if you don't, you will remember
me as the last king of Galicia.

- Hail to the king!
- Hail!

- Hail Galicia!
- Hail!

- Hail to the king!
- Hail!

- Hail Galicia!
- Hail!

Hail Galicia!

Ruy, shouldn't they
be here by now?

They should.

One of Alfonso's soldiers.

k*ll him before he sees
us and raises the alarm.

It's not a soldier.
That's a woman's cloak!

Who are you?

Jimena. What are you doing here?

I bring an urgent message
from my lady Elvira.

What message?

You have been deceived.

Alfonso isn't bringing an army, he
wanted to divide Sancho's forces.

- What?
- Elvira was tricked.

And now she fears that
Sancho's life is in danger.

Why did you come to tell me?

Because they wouldn't
let her leave the court.

Of course, but...

Why did you do it?

Out of loyalty to my lady.

You also owe that to Orduño.

You didn't come
just out of loyalty.

Do you mistake me for
your Moorish woman?





Damn it!

To the hill!

Blessed is the day I gave
you weapons to fight!

My Lord! We have only
delayed our fate!

They are beating us!


Everyone to the hill!

Stand fast! For Castile!


- They will k*ll us, My Lord!
- I will not surrender!

Then let's die!

My Lord, look!


The king of Galicia has fallen!





The king has fallen!

Your father was always
very proud of you, Sancho.

And so am I.

My sword.

May God judge me

and forgive my sins.

This is the price of victory.

For someone to win a land or a
state, good men must always die.

My Lord. Forgive me.

What do we do with this man?

He has served me
with honor in battle.

His only crime was
to follow a king

who tried to defend his
father's inheritance.


As the new King of Galicia...

I hope to have your vassalage
just as my brother counted on it.

Do I have your loyalty?


My Lord...

What of Nuño?

I don't see him among
the living or the dead.

He died serving me.

You don't need to
know anything else.

He was the first of my men

and the best of them.

Our men have confirmed it.
Sancho has won the battle.

What about García? Is he alive?

Your brother is alive, but was
taken to Burgos as a prisoner.

What happened?

Ruy's troops arrived
at the last moment.

How is that possible?

Don't underestimate Ruy.
He's smarter than you think.

- How many casualties?
- They say it was a slaughter.

We must attack now.

Attacking without
declaring w*r is a crime.

My Lord, this is our chance.

Equip the army. Be prepared.

You've changed.

You're not the same
since Mother's death.

I'm trying to make up for the
mistakes I made when Mother was alive.

We swore before her and before
Father not to harm each other.

You certainly have changed.

Leave me. I want to think.

You've been making that
face since you were little.

You know it doesn't impress me.

You tricked me.

- And you betrayed your brother Alfonso.
- Sancho is my brother too.

You didn't do it for
Sancho and we both know it.

And you?

What are you thinking about?

Warning Ruy?

I always knew there was a hawk hiding
behind those frightened fawn eyes.

I want to renounce Toro.

And what are you going to do?

Will you give it to Sancho
so he will let you marry Ruy?

Do you really believe that any of
your brothers would allow you to?

None of them would.

Not even Sancho would want to have
a rival like Ruy for the throne.

I don't understand how
you made it back in time.

We still have
friends left in León.

Alfonso deceived us,
do you realize that?

It is impossible to
trust my brothers' word.

My Lord, we have a problem.

Alfonso has got what he wanted.

We are decimated and we still
have to pass through León.

Do you think he'll attack us?

Wouldn't Your Highness
do the same in his place?

León is close, but
night is upon us.

We'd better make camp to gain
time. We will cross tomorrow.

In our state it is better
to cross León at night.

And what do you propose? That we
cross in secret, like outlaws?

On the contrary. I
want them to see us.

Shit! Where are the others?

Wake up, warriors!

We need more men on the wall!

Come on! To the south tower!

To the south tower, fast!

Archers, to your positions!

Two torches for each man!

Pray to God that this works.

My Lord, from that far away,

they'll think we have
twice as many soldiers.

That doesn't look
like a defeated army.

My Lord, it can't be. My men assured
me that half the army had fallen.

Your Highness, shall I
give the order to attack?