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01x19 - Paddington and the Fire Engine/Paddington Joins a Club

Posted: 06/14/23 17:48
by bunniefuu
♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 19

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington and the Fire Engine" 1 of 2

I had always thought that heroes
were brave, special people.

I never realised
they could also be just like us.

It all started quite by surprise.

Oh, what a nice idea it was
to have a picnic.

I'm curious, Mrs. Brown.
What makes it a "picnic"

and not just
"eating food in the garden?"

Well, that's easy, Paddington,
it's the… the… um…


I think it's the blanket.

- Yes! There we are. That's it.
- It's the blanket!

- Well, I like it very much.
- Yes.

Oh, it's a wonderful day.

Warm sunshine, great company,
and do you hear that noise?

- What noise, Mr. Brown?
- Exactly.

Nothing but peace and quiet.

I can smell burning.

Oh, my cakes!

I left them in the oven!

All safe now. Nothing to worry about.

You might want
to set a timer next time.

Oh! Yes, quite right.

Bit of an oversight.

Thank you so much, Miss…?


Wow! You're a hero!

- Just doing my job.
- What is your job?

I'm a firefighter. I fight fires.
Save lives. That kind of thing.

That's so brave!
I could never be as heroic as you.

A hero is just a good person
who gets the opportunity to show it.

So you're halfway there already.

Do you really slide down poles
at the fire station?

- We really do.
- Why do you slide down poles?

Because it's easier
than sliding up them.

No, seriously,

it is so we can get
to the emergency quicker.

What's the coolest thing
about your job?

Being a responsible and dedicated
public servant.


And also the fire engine.

- It's beautiful!
- Magnificent!

Literally love it.

Oh, it's your standard-issue
fire engine.

Retractable ladder,
a high-pressured independent hose.

Really powerful. Wanna try?

Are you asking
if we want to try the hose?

Yes! Yes, we wanna try the hose.

Now, be careful,
as it does have kind of a kick.

- Whoa!
- Awesome!



Told you it had a kick.

- Want to see more stuff?
- Yes, please!

Oxygen masks.



- The jaws of life.
- Wow!

- Traffic cone.
- My goodness.

Fully retractable,
remote-control ladder.


And if your clothes
catch on fire,

remember to…

Stop, drop and roll.

- Again.
- Stop, drop and roll.

And this is the best thing.

- What is it?
- Press it and find out.

Whoa! That's so loud!

There are so many things to remember.

And so much equipment to master.

I don't think I'm cut out
to be a firefighter like you.

Oh, with the proper training
and a bit of practice,

you'd get the hang of it.

Fire truck 65, this is base.

Come in, please. Over.

That's for me.

Make yourselves at home,
but maybe don't touch the hose.

This is fire truck 65. Over.

I think being a firefighter must be
the coolest job in the world.

She's really inspiring.

Kind of makes me
want to join the force myself.

Me too.

But I think you have to be a special
kind of hero to do a job like that.

And I don't think
I've got what it takes.

I have.

Sorry, kids, but duty calls.

That was despatch.
I'm needed for an emergency.

Oh! Okay, well, good luck.

Thanks, Judy, but remember,
with proper training and equipment,

you won't need luck.

So cool.

Thank you for everything.

It was a pleasure to meet you.

The pleasure was mine. Always happy
to meet some future firefighters.

My hat!

Oh, dear!

She really was amazing,
wasn't she, Paddington?


Hello! Zakira!

Oh! Hey!

Oh. Carry on!

Thank goodness you're here.

The Fire Department
are always ready to help.

Now, what's the emergency?

- It's up there!
- Miaow.

- Oh, I see.
- Miaow.

Well, I'll get her down in no time.

And don't worry.
We are prepared for everything.


What are you doing in there?

I'm terribly sorry, Zakira,

I just popped in to get my hat
and you closed the shutters.

But don't worry.
I won't get in the way.

That's okay, Paddington.
You can watch. But keep back.

That looks very high.

Yes, but I have my safety harness.

- Here, kitty.
- Miaow.

Here, kitty, kitty.


Not to worry.


She's very brave.


Okay, kitty, okay.


- Gotcha!
- Miaow.

Well done, Zakira!

All in a day's work.

- Miaow.
- Ah!

Zakira! Are you okay?

Oh! Oh! Oh, yes.

I'm fine.

Not ideal.

- Now, is anyone good at climbing?
- Paddington is.

I've seen him climb
all sorts of stuff.

Paddington, remember when I said
a hero is just a good person

who gets the chance to show it?

Oh, yes!

- But I still don't quite unders...
- Well, this is your opportunity.

It's time to be a hero.

Come up here and save this cat.

And… me.

Okay, Zakira.
If you think I can do it, then so do I.

Ooh! It's even higher than it looks.

What's happening?

Zakira tried to save the cat,

but she slipped,
so now Paddington is saving her.

Wow! That's pretty heroic.

Well done, Paddington.
Now, take the cat.

Um, is this a good time to mention
I'm allergic to cats?

- Miaow.
- Atchoo!

Terribly sorry. I think I've got
a handkerchief in here somewhere.

Best not to worry about that
right now.


Yes, of course. Silly me.

You're left here dangling and here's
me worrying about handkerchiefs.

I must learn about urgency,
because I can tend to get distracted

at the most inappropriate...


Oh! Did I do it again? Sorry.

You really are a rare sort of bear.


Oh, dear!

- Hurray!
- You did it, Paddington!


That was amazing, Paddington.

Were you scared?

Yes. A little bit.

But I thought to myself,
"You're not very allergic,

and you can always
blow your nose later."

And then it was okay.

You did a great job, Paddington.

If we get any more reports
of cats stuck in trees,

then you will be
the first bear we call.

There. Paddington Brown,
honorary fire bear.



It was a wonderful adventure,
Aunt Lucy.

Although I still don't quite understand
what Zakira meant

by her words of wisdom.

What I think she meant is that,
in the end,

anyone can be a hero,
even a bear, like me.

Love from Paddington.

Next ----> 2 of 2

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington Joins a Club" 2 of 2

today, I joined a club,
which was so much fun.

But when it came
to setting some rules,

things got rather… complicated.

Okay. Hands up to join the club.

- Yes!
- Cool!

Oh, most definitely, Jonathan.

Um… What is a club?

Well, it's a special sort of group
where friends hang out together.

Oh! I know what ours should be about.

- Me too! Fossils.
- Space!

- Huh? Fossils?
- Space?

Maybe we can decide that later.

Let's make some club rules.

Oh, I know.

There must be a secret password
to get into the clubhouse.

Ah! There must be snacks.

It must always be fun.


I think fun
is my favourite rule of all.


Making a club, are they, with rules?

How silly.

I mean, it can't possibly
be as good as Gnome Club,

isn't that right, everyone?

And remember
the first rule of Gnome Club is…

Anyone? Lesley?

David? Bertram?

Gnomes and Currys only.

Nobody else allowed.

High five!

Oh! Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!



Jonathan will see
the best club's a fossil club.

Let's make fruit fossil cookies!

Dig for the raisins?

Judy will see
the best club is a space club.

Secret password.




Roller skate.




- Banana?
- No.

Oh! Lucky,
this is harder than I thought.


Of course! That's perfect.

Jonathan, how about this?

Yes! That's brilliant!

Jonathan, Paddington,

we've got snacks!

- Secret password, please.
- Oh, we don't know.

- What is it?
- I can't tell you.

- Why not?
- Duh!

It's a secret password.

- But we're in the club too.
- Yes, but you're outside the door.

Jonathan, have you ever tried
carrying cookies up a ladder?

- Let us in!
- Secret password, please.


I think we should tell them. It's…

A secret.

Rules are rules, Paddington.


That's a good point, I suppose.

But if rules are rules,

then there must be snacks
and it must always be fun.

Hmm. That's a good point.

Okay. You can come in.



- Roar! Roar!
- Judy? Mateo?

- Are you in there?
- Yes. In our new clubhouse.

But the tree house is our clubhouse.

Your clubhouse
and you wouldn't let us in.

So this one is ours.

Come on. There must be
more dinosaurs in here somewhere.

Can we come in?

- Secret password, please.
- Secret password, please.

Ha, ha. Very funny.

Come on, Paddington.
We're going back to our club.

Has everybody forgotten
rule number three?

This isn't much fun at all.

Mission control.
This is Space Ranger Jonathan.

I see their snacks. Over.

They appear to be unidentified,
flattened cookies.

What's the status of our supplies?

Oh, dear! Only half a marmalade
sandwich left to share.

We cannot survive on crumbs alone!

It's too bad those cookies
are in a galaxy far, far away.

- We're doomed!
- Well, it's only across the garden.

Time for a rescue mission!

You know,
space club looks a lot of fun.

Well, Fossil Club is more fun, Mateo.

Ugh! Where's my tool kit?

Right there,
just by that really big planet.

I've got to get into their clubhouse.

Go, go, go!

- Oh!
- Oh!


Lucky! Lucky!
It's not a ball, it's the Moon!

Stop! You're gonna break it!

Give it back! Lucky!


Lucky? Where have you gone?

Today's Gnome Club activities are…

Welly-boot brushing,

fishing-rod fixing

and "Beard of the Week" winner
announced later this afternoon.

Good luck to our current champion,

- What's the Moon doing here?
- Woof, woof!

Madness! No! Shoo! Stop!

We're under attack! Whoa!

- Edith!
- Woof, woof, woof!

Gone forever!


You're back!

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Woof, woof, woof!

One small step for man,

one giant leap for mankind.

How lovely.

There must be a way
into Fossil Club somehow.

Mr. Curry?

How did he get in?

He must know the secret password.

Stop right there.

Excuse me?

We need to take you in
for some questioning.

Um… please, Mr. Curry.

Thank you.

Mr. Curry, we need to know exactly

how you got into
the top-secret Fossil Club clubhouse.

You mean
that pile of old sheets over there?


I just knocked and they let me in.

Mr. Curry, did they ask you
for a secret password?


Oh, yes! Yes, they did.

They kept going on and on about it.

Said they couldn't
let me in without it.

But I didn't have a clue.


So why did they let you in?

I don't know.

I just said, "I've brought back
your dog, Lucky," and they let me in.

He just said "Lucky"
and they let him straight in.

"Lucky" and he goes in.
Just like that!

Um… yes.

That's it!


Can I go now?

Oh, yes. Of course, Mr. Curry.

Thank you. You've been very helpful.

- One small step for man…
- Whoa!

…one giant leap for mankind.

- Lucky!
- Lucky!

- How did you guess it?
- It's a long story.

Do you think we can all be
in one club again?

Maybe there are fossils in space.

But we don't know your password.

Yes, you do.
It's exactly the same as yours.

- Oh! Lucky!
- Oh! Lucky!

Woof, woof!

Woof, woof!

Mission complete.
The T-Rex has landed.

All engines are running
and we have liftoff.

Wait! Space pterodactyls on our tail.

Take evasive action!

Oh, no! They're gaining on us!

We're never gonna make it!
We need to refuel!

Meteor cookies, anyone?

So, in the end, Aunt Lucy,
we kept just one club rule,

'It must always be fun.'

When playing with good friends,
it's the only rule you need.

Love from Paddington.

Soft rock music...

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪