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01x16 - Paddington and the Summer Games/Paddington Goes Camping

Posted: 06/14/23 17:45
by bunniefuu
♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 16

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington and the Summer Games" 1 of 2

this week, I learned that
it's not the winning,

it's the taking part that counts.

And I wasn't the only one
who had to learn that lesson.

Uh… No. No.


Found it!

- What is it, Jonathan?
- Our box of summer games.

Oh, I had forgotten all about these!

We all agreed to forget about them
after Dad got a bit carried away

last summer.

Carried away?

Yes! Winner!

Yes! Woohoo!

Winner! Winner! Winner!

He can get a little over competitive,

- I see.
- Jonathan!

- Oh, no!
- You've got the summer games!

Good man! Ho, ho! Remember last year?

We had a great time!

And, as "reigning champion"…

Remember, everyone,
it's the taking part that counts.

So, I'll be the referee this time,
just in case.

Right. Let's see
what we've got in here, then.

The cones!

My favourite!

Queen Gnomella, you shall have

the finest gnome castle in the land!

Strong, tall and built to last.

One desires turrets and a drawbridge.

Turrets and a drawbridge?
Of course! Let construction begin.

First up, it's the Dizzy Dash.

Put your cone on,
spin around it three times,

then run to the cone.

Oh, yes! I love this one!

Ready, steady…

- One…
- Two…



Come on…

Yes! Winner!


- Winner! Winner! Winner!
- Huh?

Aaah! Invasion! No! Shoo! Stop!

We're under attack!

This is a disgrace!

Terribly sorry, Your Majesty!

Dizzy Dash champion!

Winner! Winner! Winner!

We're all winners.

Because it is the taking part that counts.

Taking part was certainly lots of fun.

Yes, I think we can safely say
the summer games have begun.

Next game, boules.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Thanks, Mum.

Closest boule
to the middle of the ring wins.

Here we go.

Oh! Oh! Nice shot! My go.




Your go, Paddington.

Ooh! Huh?



Uh… Ah!

- Oh!
- Oh! So close!

It's a draw!

Ha! We'll see about that.



Ha, ha! Great shot! Did you see that?

Dad, stop showing off.

Can we just play the next game?

Let's have a slow-motion replay.


What sort of example
are you setting the children?

Um… A good one.

That they should always try their best.

- Off.
- What?

You cannot be serious!

Yes. No. You can. Very serious. Sorry.

Shall I… uh… the tree house?
For a little...

Yeah. Right you are.

Wow, Mum!

Well, I was Windsor Gardens'
under-twelve archery champion.

Your turn.


Yes, bull's-eye!

Oops! Sorry, Mum.

Whoa-hoo! Time for a new champion.

Your go, Judy.

Ooh! So close!

- Your turn, Paddington.
- Come on, Paddington!

Oh, my!




Oh, no!

Ahem! Mrs. Brown says
you can come back down,

as long as you play nicely.

Excellent! Oh, by the way,
good try, Paddington.

You just need to work on the aim.

- I must admit, I found it very fun.
- Oh, that's not fun.

No. Fun is when you are winning.

- There's no better feeling.
- Oh, I don't know about that.

Oh, come on! Let's be teammates. Hmm?

Then, if I win, you win, we win together!

Right. I'm off to my art class.
So, play nicely.

Of course. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Game on!

Great shot, Paddington!

This is fun.

Mine! Mine! Mine!

There. Finished.

May I present to you your castle,
Queen Gnomell… Aaah!

Oh, I'm so sorry! I forgot, Your Majesty!

We are not amused.

No. No, nor am I.

- Oh, almost!
- Yes!

- Oh!
- Mine!

- Block.
- Mine!

- Got it!
- Gah!

- Whoa!
- Oh! Badminton.

Yes, I love badminton too,
Your Majesty.




Just like a Curry smash, back in the day!

What a smash, Judy!

Well done. I didn't know you could
bounce it off the tree house.

Hang on. Hang on.

According to this, I'm afraid you can't.

"Hitting any part of the garden
with the shuttlecock is not allowed."

- The shot is out.
- But, Dad…

Play the point again.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey!
- Oh!


- Oh!
- Mine!

Yes! Great! Take that! Yeah!






Yes! Yes! Winner! Winner!

Whoo! How does it feel, champ?

Um… Not very good, Mr. Brown.

Not very good at all.

You said there's no better feeling
than winning.

But, right now,
I don't think I've ever felt worse.

Mr. Brown! I hope you're happy, champ.

All your winning has done
is upset your family,

broken my fence
and ruined Queen Gnomella's castle.

You're right.
You're absolutely right.

Winning has only made me…
a bit of a loser.

But maybe one more game will help.

And then I saw it. It was huge!

Jonathan, Judy, Paddington,
I am sorry I got carried away.

Um… Can we play one last game?

- We don't want to play anymore.
- Please?


There is just one rule, I'm afraid.

It's all just for fun!

Welcome to Queen Gnomella's royal race!

- Yay!
- Dad!

And they're off!
That's it. Get spinning!

- Woohoo!
- Oh, brilliant job, Jonathan.

Good shot, Paddington!

Come on, Judy!


Move, move, move! Yeah!

Great shot!

Getting there! Come on!

Quick! Time is running out!


- Yay!
- Woohoo!

Ahem! Please rise
for Her Majesty, Queen Gnomella!

In the end, Aunt Lucy,
we had the most fun as one, big team.

And Mr. Brown learned
that winning doesn't feel good

when it makes others sad.

It's much better just taking part.

Love from Paddington.

Next ----> 2 of 2

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington Goes Camping" 2 of 2

this week Mrs. Brown
gave us the most wonderful surprise.


Is the surprise behind the van?

Oh, no, Paddington.

The surprise… is… hang on…

Is the van!

I saw her for sale and I couldn't resist.

Oh, she's called Bessie

and you're all going
to love her like I do.

Uh… Well, at least if she's second-hand,

she couldn't have been too expensive.

Oh, she's not second-hand. She's vintage.

Which means she was really expensive.

That word has cost this family a fortune.

I think it's awesome.

Oh, when I was your age, we used
to have such wonderful camping holidays!

And I always wanted
to take you all on one.

- And now I can.
- That sounds wonderful, Mrs. Brown!

- What is a camping holiday?
- Um…

It's when you go to the countryside
and sleep in a tent.

A tent? Wow!

What's a tent?

It's a sort of very small house
that you can carry on your back.

- Like a snail?
- No, not like a snail.

- Well, kind of like a snail.
- Oh, there's more to it than that.

Everyone spends time together,
and eats together,

and enjoys each other's company.

Oh, so it's like being at home.

Well, no, it's different, because…

Because you're in a tent.

Well, if I'm honest, Mrs. Brown,
I'm not sure I understand.

But your enthusiasm is infectious

and I'm brimming with excitement.

Oh, brilliant!
Because I already packed our bags.

Our first ever camping holiday starts now.

Oh, this is just what I remember.

Is everyone having fun?

Undoubtably, Mrs. Brown. When do we eat?

- When we get there.
- And when do we camp?

- When we get there.
- When is that?

When we get there.

Ah! I see.

- Do we start having fun then?
- We're already having fun.

Aren't we?

It's just because
we haven't played any games.

When I was a girl, we always played games

and the hours flew by.


What shall we play?

Well, we always used to play
the Animal Game.

What's that?

First, you have to think of an animal.

I've got one! It's a pig.

No, Paddington, don't tell us what it is.

- We have to guess it.
- Oh, of course.

Start again. I've got one.

- Is it a pig?
- Yes. Wonderful guess, Jonathan.

- My, this is fun.
- How long is the drive again?

Yeah, bit of bad news on that front.

We're actually still on our road.

I'm sure it'll clear up.

Let's see what the traffic report says.

Windsor Gardens
is at a standstill,

with no sign of the traffic clearing.


I could take the shortcut
through the park. All in favour?

- Aye!
- Motion carried.

Shortcut it is!

The first left!

Oops! Ha, ha! Round we go!


Hey, hey! There's no traffic here!

We'll be at the campsite in no time.



I don't understand. The check engine
light didn't even come on.

Oh… Yeah. They said that was broken.

I see.

- Hmm. Hmm.
- Can you fix her?

Aye. She'll live.

But I'll be needing my tools.

Ah. I didn't pack them.

Luckily, we're only a short walk
from the house,

so sit tight and I'll be back in a jiffy.

Thank you, Mrs. Bird.

Now, I know this isn't exactly
what I promised you,

and, sure, we've had a minor hiccup,
but we've got Bessie,

and Bessie has a kitchen,
so how about I rustle up a few snacks

on the stove
and get the holiday started early?

Oh, that sounds splendid, Mrs. Brown.

- There's been another hiccup.
- Yeah.

Maybe we should just go back
with Mrs. Bird.

No! We are having a camping holiday
because camping holidays are fun.

I know, but we can almost see the house,

so we could just go back there
for a little while,

till we fix the van.

- Bessie.
- Till we fix Bessie.

Come on, Judy.

Mrs. Bird will be back soon.

And I, for one, would like to have
the holiday Mrs. Brown wants us to.

- So I vote we stay here.
- Thank you, Paddington.

- That's the spirit!
- After all, we're all together.

And the park
is sort of like the countryside.

It's like we're on holiday already.

Yes. Of course, we wouldn't normally
go on holiday with Mr. Curry.

It's a public park!

Quite right, Mr. Curry. Carry on.

Ooh! Mrs. Bird. You're back quick.

Forgot my keys. Back in a jiffy.

If we were at the campsite right now,
what would we be doing?

Well, first we'd get out
all the camping chairs

and set them up for a nice sit-down.

So, then, let's do that.

Oh… I forgot the chairs.

Mrs. Bird eventually returned
and set to work on fixing the engine,

while we all entertained ourselves.

- I've thought of an animal.
- Is it a pig?


Are you saying that
because it actually was a pig

and every time you've thought
of an animal it's been a pig?

And now you're quickly trying
to think of another animal?

- Yes.
- Shall we stop playing this game?

Oh, but I'm really enjoying it.
Ask me another question.

Does it have a curly tail?

Yes, Mr. Brown.
It does have a curly tail.


These sticks are
just as good as tennis rackets

and this makes a perfectly good ball.



Okay. Almost.

- Why don't you serve?
- Spider!

Don't fuss, Judy.
I'm sure it's just a tiny...

Oh, my gosh! It's huge!

- Shake it off! Shake it off!
- Aaah!

- Finished.
- Oh, great!

- We can get back on the road.
- No.

I meant I've finished
taking the engine apart.

Now I need to clean all the parts
and put it back together.

How long will that take?

- Hmm.
- Oh, no. Not the air suck.

- I know what the air suck means.
- It won't be finished today.

That's okay. We can camp here,
can't we, Mrs. Brown?

Or at our house, which is just over there.

Well, at least one of us
will have to stay here, with the van.

I mean, um… Brenda.


We can't split up, Mr. Brown.

What kind of family holiday would it be?

We can all camp here.
Shall we set up the tents?

I forgot the tents.

Oh, dear.

- We don't need tents, Mum.
- Jonathan's an Eagle Ranger.

He can build us a shelter.

And it'll be even better than camping.

- It'll be like the real thing.
- Right, everyone, get some sticks.

I'll have this up in no time.


Oh, what a lucky mum I am
to have kids like you.

This is lovely!

Not lovely, Mrs. Brown. Perfect.


Into the van!


Mrs. Brown, what's the matter?

I'm sorry. It's all my fault.

I wanted you all
to have a wonderful camping holiday,

just like the ones
I had when I was a girl.

- But I bought this silly van.
- Bessie.

Not Bessie. It's just a van.

And this isn't a camp site.
It's just a park.

And I didn't even bring any chairs
or tents, and we're soaking wet,

and… and the whole holiday
is ruined. I'm so sorry.

- I don't think it's ruined.
- No?

As I understand it, Mrs. Brown,

on a camping holiday
you're supposed to spend time together,

eat together
and enjoy each other's company.

And I'm certainly enjoying your company.

Oh, you and your emergency
marmalade sandwiches.

I know you want to recreate
your old memories,

but it seems to me
that we're making new ones instead.

And if we stay out here,
we might miss them.

who would want to sleep in a tent,

when we have this wonderful camper van?



- Having fun?
- This is the funnest holiday ever!

It's past my bedtime and I'm still awake!

Uh, there is one thing we've forgotten.

Ooh! What's that?

Isn't it customary
to have a good old sing-song?

Ooh! Yes! Yes, it is!

♪ Ninety-nine jars of marmalade
Hanging on the wall ♪


So, Mrs. Brown did give us all a surprise.

But she surprised herself most of all,

because, sometimes,
when things don't go the way you planned,

they can end up being even better.

Love from Paddington.

Soft rock music...

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington bear ♪