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01x12 - Paddington and the Lost Gerbil/Paddington Earns a Ranger Badge

Posted: 06/14/23 17:42
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington ♪

[All] ♪ Paddington ♪

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

[Children] ♪ Paddington ♪

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

[All] ♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 12 IMDB

[Paddington] Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington and The Lost Gerbil" 1 of 2

I had meant to write sooner,
but I've been very busy.

This weekend, I learnt about pets.

[Judy and Jonathan] Aw!

This is Lenny.
He's the gerbil from my school.

Pleasure to meet you, Lenny.
And what do you teach?

[Chuckles] Lenny's not a teacher.
He's our class pet.

A pet?

Pets are animals that people take care of.

They're a great way
of learning about responsibility.

Why is that rat at the table again?

It's not a rat! It's a gerbil.

A gerbil shouldn't be at the table.
It's unsanitary.

- Well, I'm going to play with Lenny.
- Oh, can I come?

- Can I get a pet gerbil?
- No.

But I want to learn about responsibility.

Oh, okay, I'll tell you what. Um, you can…

look after your football.


[Mr. Brown] That's your pet.

[Jonathan] I'll call him… Bally.

Dad, can we go to the park
with Bally later for a kick about?

Oh, you can't kick pets.


I'd love to go to the park,

but I've got a very busy day planned
while your mother's at her art class.

Oh! You told me
you were going to make a sandwich.

Not just any sandwich.

The king of sandwiches.

[Majestic music]


He's just sleeping.

[Paddington] Well, according to this book,

gerbils like to sleep a lot in the day.


But I wanted it to do loads of fun stuff,

like put little outfits on him

and then build a gerbil obstacle course,

then take him to the park with my friends.

This isn't what I had in mind.

I could always look after Lenny
if you want to meet your friends.

Though you'll probably want to stay here...

Great! Thanks, Paddington.

[Judy] See you later!

Well, Lenny,
looks like it's just you and me.


"It is important to feed
your gerbil regularly."

[Soft music]


Oh! Oh, dear.

Me again. I forgot my camera.

Oh! I was just about to feed Lenny.

Uh… Where is Lenny?

Oh, he must have popped out for a stroll.
He left the gate open.

Oh, no! I left the gate open
and now he's escaped!

The book says,

"A good owner never lets
their gerbil escape."


Don't worry, I've got a great idea
for getting Lenny back.

[Gasps] You do?

[Clears throat]


Oh! That worked
when I saw a magician do it.

What will Mum and Dad say?

Lenny was supposed to show
how responsible I could be.

Well, he can't have gone far.

We just need to find him.

- Here, Lenny!
- Lenny!

- Have you seen Lenny anywhere?
- No. Why?

- Er… No reason.
- Have you seen Bally anywhere?

No. Why?

No reason.

[Whispering] Here, Bally.

Here, Lenny.



[Gasps] Lenny! He's on the radio!

Really? What station?

[Judy] No!

On top of it.

[Paddington] Come on, Lenny!

- Oh!
- [fast music]


[Music picks up]

[Fast music]

What a jump!

Oh, yes. According to this book,

"Gerbils are excellent jumpers."

- Oh!
- [squeaking]

- In fact, they can jump over...
- We haven't got time! Come on!

[Soft music]


[Fast music]

Oh, no! He's in the hose.

"Gerbils are outstanding tunnellers."

[Judy] Wow, look at him go.

[Judy gasps] He's stuck!

Don't worry.
I saw Uncle Pestuso do this once.

[Judy] Nice shot!

They can climb trees?

Yes. It says here that gerbils
"love to climb trees."

[Judy] No, Lenny, not next door!

- That's Mr. Curry's…
- [squeaking]

[sigh of effort]


We'll just have to climb over and get him.

- Ooh!
- Shh!

[Suspenseful music]


- [Whispering] Lenny!
- Lenny!

- Lenny!
- Lenny!

[Screaming] Rat!

I've just seen a rat in my greenhouse!

Fierce it was. Big as a cat.
No, a dog. But a big dog.

A Great Dane!

Was this rat white with a black eye patch?

[Gasps] That's him!

Size of a horse, he was.

It sounds like this rat
looks very like Lenny.

Isn't that odd?

[Gasps] Wait. I think the rat is Lenny.

Well, there's only one thing for it.
I'll have to call pest control.

Oh, no!

- [Dial tone]
- [voice on other end]

- Hello? Pest control?
- Mr. Curry!

What are you two doing in here?

You can't call pest control!

- [Voice on other end]
- Oh! Good day to you.

- [Voice on other end]
- Yes, I need someone to catch a rat.

Please, Mr. Curry. It's not a rat.
It's my class gerbil.

And we have to find him.


Sorry, gerbils are still vermin
in my opinion.

- [Voice on other end]
- Yes. As soon as you can, please.

[Paddington] Well, Aunt Lucy,
that left me no choice

but to give Mr. Curry a hard stare.

The address is… [gasps]

- [Suspenseful music]
- …is…

[Paddington] I'd never realised just how
effective my hard stares could be.

- Oh, my!
- [voice on other end]

[Paddington] But it certainly
made Mr. Curry think twice.

[Trembling] Oh… Please. I'm sorry!

I didn't mean it. Please.
I'll… I'll hang up.

- [Ominous music]
- [screaming]

[Screaming] Oh!

I'm sorry I had to do that,

but sometimes a bear has no choice.

[Judy] It's Lenny!

[Cheerful music]

Lenny, come back!

Don't worry. I'll get him.


Maybe we should use the door.

- Lenny!
- Lenny!

- Lenny!
- Lenny!

Where do we look now?
He could be anywhere!


What if, instead of finding him,
we let Lenny come to us?

We can tempt him with food.

What food?

[Mr. Brown] The king of sandwiches.

The finest cured ham.

Extra strong French mustard.

Tomatoes. Mmm.

Ah. [Gasps]

My sandwich!
Where's… Where is my sandwich?

What's the matter, Dad?

My king of sandwiches. It's gone.

Really, Dad, you need to take care
of your things and be more responsible.


I'll tell you what.

Why don't we go back
to him being a football?

Come on.
Let's go to the park for that game.

But I thought you were busy today.

I'm never too busy to have a kick about.

How will Lenny know the sandwich is here?

It says in this book that gerbils
have a very keen sense of smell,

so he'll be able
to smell it from far away.

All we have to do…

Is wait.

All this waiting is making me hungry.

[Soft music]

I wish I'd taken better care of Lenny.

He's the best gerbil in the world.

I mean,
look at everything he's done today.

He's escaped, tunnel led, climbed trees,

scared Mr. Curry.


But he's still missing

and it's all my fault.

I'm sure he'll turn up.


Paddington, it's not funny.

I'm sorry, but it tickles.


Oh! Oh! It's scratching.


I think I know where Lenny is.



You're back!

You gave us such a fright.
Please don't ever run away again.

Come on, Paddington,
let's put him safely back in his cage.

Oh, Lenny, I'd really like
another of those head rubs.

[Cheerful music]

Oh! My sandwich!

- [Crash]
- [Mr. Brown] Ow!

[Paddington] Pets can be amazing
and lots of fun.

But I learnt, Aunt Lucy,

that they're only fun
if you look after them properly.

Otherwise they can escape
and that's no fun at all.

Love from Paddington.

Look at him sleeping.
Probably dreaming about his adventures.

Isn't he amazing?

Next ----> 2 of 2

[Paddington] Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington Earns a Ranger Badge" 2 of 2

this week I learned
that everybody's good at something,

even if it takes a little time to find it.

It all started with a Ranger challenge.

Oh! Oh, dear!



Hello, Jonathan. Did you have
a good time at your Ranger's meeting?


Miss Potts says if I earn
the last three Ranger badges,

then I become an Eagle Ranger!
The best of the best!

Then I'd like to be your Ranger helper.
Shall we check your badge book?

First things first, Ranger helper.

Rangers love exploring.
Rangers love this song.

[Both] ♪ If Rangers always try their best
They can do no wrong ♪

- Come on!
- [chuckles]

[Jonathan] Here they are.
The last three that I need.

The Ranger Boat Challenge badge,
Communicator badge and…

- [Paddington] Clean a doll's house badge?
- [Jonathan laughs]

Not quite. Help a Neighbour.

Help Mr. Curry?

Challenge accepted.

Hello, Mr. Curry.
Need any help with anything today?

Hmm. All for a badge, is it?

Yes. I'm a Ranger, you see, and...

Oh, I know all about Rangers.
No, thank you.

I'm sure we can help with something,
Mr. Curry.

Huh! I'm painting a new gnome.

And only highly-trained experts
can do that.

[Groans] Oh, I suppose the kitchen
could do with a tidy.

But everything must be put away properly.

And I need complete silence
to concentrate!

[Jonathan] You won't even know
that we're here.

- A Ranger's word is as good as...
- Shush, shush, shush, shush.

[Soft music]

Oh, my!

[Flies buzzing]

[Sighs] Rangers!

Now, where were we, Captain Gnomey?

[Cheerful music]


- [Cuckoo clock]
- [screams]



Right, Rangers, time's up.

- [Gasp]
- Quick.


[Fast music]

- Oh.
- [screams]


There. All done, Mr. Curry.



Help a Neighbour badge complete?

Hmm. Yes. Very well.
I suppose you've tried.

That's great. Thanks!

Bye! Have a lovely day!

Right, what say you to a glass
of fresh milk, Captain Gnomey?

[Cry of rage]

[Mr. Curry] Rangers!

What is Mr. Curry's problem with rangers?

I've no idea.
Especially when you've been so helpful.

[Soft music]

[Jonathan] Communicator Badge!

"Deliver a clear message
to someone far away from you."


Shall we just shout at each other?

Hold on! I've got another idea.


No, walkie-talkies.

Switch them on like this,
then squeeze the big button to talk.



- I think this one's broken.
- [Jonathan] Oh!

Maybe there's another.

- Yes! Try this one.
- Oh!

[Suspenseful music]

- Testing!
- Oh! It works!

Great! Go to the kitchen
and I'll order a snack from here.

If you make it right,
then we communicated correctly!

Will do, Ranger Jonathan.

[Joyful music]


I'm so sorry about that Ranger boy,
Captain Gnomey.

[Mr. Curry] Let me introduce you
to some new friends.

[Jonathan] Hello? Can you hear me?


- [Jonathan] Hello, can you hear me?
- [Mr. Curry gasps]

Yes. Yes!

I can hear you!

Oh, Captain Gnomey,
I knew that you were listening all along!

Staying quiet in front of
that boy and bear, eh? Very smart.

They'd only ask questions.
Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

[Jonathan] I'd like a snack, please.

A snack?

Of course! Such hungry work
being painted all morning and...

[Jonathan] Marmalade sandwich,

orange juice

and one scoop

of ice cream.

Marmalade sandwich,
orange juice, ice cream. Got it.

Marmalade sandwich,
orange juice, ice cream. Got it.

[Cheerful music]

On my way!

On my way, Captain Gnomey. Oh!

Oh, I'm so sorry, Captain Gnomey!

[Jonathan] It's delicious. Thank you!

It is? Oh, I'm so pleased.

[Jonathan] The perfect snack
before model boating!

Of course, Captain Gnomey.
What a brilliant idea!

Communicator badge complete.

Just the Boating badge to go.

[Cheerful music]

Okay, Jonathan, are you ready
for the Ranger Boat Challenge?

Many have tried, but many have failed.

You must go around the ducks,
under the bridge,

through the tunnel to the windmill
and back.

[Miss Potts] Oh, and watch out
for that crocodile.

Aye, aye, Captain!

Hello, Mr. Curry,
giving the Ranger Boat Challenge a try?

Certainly not. Captain Gnomey
said he wanted to go boating.


Quite right, Captain.
Let's keep this to ourselves.

Let the challenge begin!

[Blows whistle]

[Engine starting]

[Miss Potts] Very good, Ranger Jonathan!

[Snarkily] "Very good, Ranger Jonathan."

Let's show this Ranger
how fast our boat is, Captain Gnomey.

Full speed ahead!

[Engine starting]

Mr. Curry, what are you doing?

[Fast music]

- Hey!
- [cackles]


I think you'll find
this is Captain Gnomey's pond.

Now that's not very good manners.

No way. These are Ranger waters.

And neither is that.


- [Jonathan] Out of my way!
- [Mr. Curry] Out of my way!

Look out!

[Miss Potts] Crocodile!

My boat!

Captain Gnomey!
I didn't paint him a life jacket!

[Mr. Curry] Gnome overboard!

[Blows whistle]

Mr. Curry, there's quite enough space
on this pond for two boats.

Can't you see you're spoiling
our Ranger challenge?

Your silly Ranger badges
have spoilt everything!

They always spoil everything.

- Mr. Curry!
- [crying]

I'm sorry,

but "Rangers keep on trying"?

Well, when I was a Ranger
I tried and tried,

and I never got a single badge!

I wasn't any good at anything!


[Sad music]

[Paddington] Not good at anything?

Well, I'm not sure Captain Gnomey
would agree with you there.

[Soft music]

You have earned all of your badges.

Congratulations, Eagle Ranger Jonathan.


And now, I have three
very special badges to give out.

For a rare sort of bear that helped
Jonathan every step of the way,

[Miss Potts] Ranger Paddington
earns a Golden Paw badge.

Thank you, Miss Potts.

[Miss Potts] And Mr. Curry,

I'm sorry you've never
won a Ranger badge before,

but you have now.

The Garden Gnome badge,
for expert painting

and enthusiastic boating
with Captain Gnomey.

Thank you.

[Blows whistle]

♪ Rangers love exploring
Rangers love this song ♪

♪ If Rangers always try their best
They can do no wrong ♪

[Paddington] So, you see, Aunt Lucy,
everybody's good at something,

even Mr. Curry.

He was very pleased
to get his first Ranger badge,

and I know just how he feels.

Love from Paddington.

Soft rock music...

[All] ♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪