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01x10 - Paddington and the Meteor Shower/Paddington and the Talent Show

Posted: 06/14/23 17:41
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington ♪

[All] ♪ Paddington ♪

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

[Children] ♪ Paddington ♪

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

[All] ♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 10

[Paddington] Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington and the Meteor Shower" 1 of 2

sometimes the world feels ever so big,

and sometimes it feels ever so small.

This week, it felt as if it were both big
and small at the same time.

Toast, Mr. Brown?

Ah, thank you, Paddington.

Actually, I just read something
very exciting in the paper.

[Scottish accent]
Was it about the meteor shower?

Uh, thank you, Mrs. Bird!

If you'd just let me finish.
Now, in the paper…

Have you heard about the meteor shower?

- If I could get a word…
- A meteor shower! I know!

It's going to be amazing!


That does sound marvellous, Mr. Brown.

- [Paddington] Just one thing…
- Yes?

What is a meteor shower?
Because I do prefer a bath.

Ah! Let me explain.

It's a… Ih, well, it's a…
It's a… shower, um… of the…

Uh… As I… As I mean to say…

Well, it's very, very complicated.


A meteor shower
is when hundreds of space rocks

whizz through the Earth's atmosphere,

and get so hot
they glow like sh**ting stars!

- [Gasps]
- That's what I was going to say.

It's basically one of the coolest things
you can ever see.

It does sound rather beautiful.

[Paddington rummages through stuff]

Paddington, what are you doing?

I have an idea.

This meteor shower sounds so beautiful,

I want to share it with Aunt Lucy.


And if I can't watch it with her,

I can still take a photograph of it

and send that to her.

But why are you looking in there?

[Paddington] I am looking for one of…



Padding... Huh!

- Oh, dear. Let's try again.
- [Jonathan] No!

Ugh! Ugh!

Bleugh! Bleugh!



This must be a very special
sort of camera that…

Washes things
before it takes a picture of them.

- Oh!
- It's a joke camera.

But Judy has a real one. Let's ask her.

You want to use my camera?

Yes, please. I know it's very precious.

And only really experienced
photographers should use it.

I'll be very careful with it, Judy.

Promise you'll be very,
very careful with it.

I promise.


I think I've changed my mind.

I'm sorry, Paddington.
I just need to keep it safe.


Oh, no!

- Oh, dear!
- Can you fix it?


No. This is why
you have to be careful with it.

Mr. Gruber is good at fixing things.

[Gasps] Do you think he can fix my camera?

I'm sure he can!

- Hello, Mr. Curry!
- [screams]



No need to come down
on our account, Mr. Curry.

You look very busy.

- [Paddington] Is there a problem?
- Nuts!

I beg your pardon?



I'm afraid I don't follow you.

My garden has been invaded.

The squirrels eat
all the nuts I put out for the birds.

There's one now!
Oh, they give me the heebie-jeebies.

I am rigging up these floodlights
and alarms to scare them off.

The slightest movement… Ping! On they go.

Perhaps we'd better leave you to it.

- [Screams]
- [crash]

[Soft music]

[Mr. Gruber] Hmm…

[Paddington] Can you fix it, Mr. Gruber?

[Hungarian accent] Oh, yes.


Oh, that is good news!

Even better news,
it will only take me a week.

But the meteor shower is tonight

and I want to take a photo of it
for Aunt Lucy.

Oh, that does sound very important.

Perhaps I had better
wrack my brains for a moment

and see if I can come up
with another solution.

Wrack your brains? Does it hurt?

Not one smidgeon.

[Soft music]

Is he wracking his brains now?

I think so.


He's awfully still.

Perhaps he's gone to sleep.

- Of course!
- [all three scream]

I have a camera!

But I must warn you, it is rather old.

[Mr. Gruber] Oof…


Ah, yes.

[Jonathan] Wow!

That is really old. Does it even work?

Just because it is old,
doesn't mean it is no good.

I think it's wonderful, Mr. Gruber.

But you cannot take pictures willy-nilly.

The camera has only
three pictures left in it.

So be careful not to waste them.

How do you use it, Mr. Gruber?

[Mr. Gruber] Oh,
you simply press this button.

This button?

Oh! Now there are only two pictures left.

Don't worry, Mr. Gruber. I only need one.

This is the perfect place
to take a photo of the meteor shower.

I'm lowering the rope.

Tie it to the camera very tightly.

Will do!


[Paddington] Haul away.


Gosh, it's heavy.
Judy! Give me a hand, please.


[Paddington] Oh!

[Soft music]


[Both screaming]


[Paddington] I'm all right!

Now we've only got one photograph left.

- It is a beautiful night.
- Mmm.

Just right for watching a meteor shower.

I'll get the camera ready.

- [Gasps] Oh, no!
- [gasps] The lens!

[Fast music]

[Music stops]


[Mr. Curry] Ha, ha!
Caught in the act, you squirrel!



What are you doing creeping about?

I was looking for my lens.

Your what?

Mr. Curry, do you think
you could turn these lights off?

It's far too bright
to see the meteor shower.

No can do. They're on a timer.

I can't override it without a code,

and I've forgotten it.

Well, how long are they on for?

They are due to go off in, um…

I've forgotten that too.

What on Earth is going on out here?

Mrs. Bird, I want to take
a photograph of the meteor shower

to send to Aunt Lucy!

And now we only have one photograph left
and we're running out of time.

Then we had better get you to the park.

There'll be a smashing view from the hill.

Paddington, grab the camera.
You two meet us there!

[Paddington] Oh, thank you!

I feel so much more relaxed
knowing you're here.

- [Engine purr]
- Whoa!


[Fast music]


I can't see any meteors, Mrs. Bird.
Perhaps we've missed it.

You're looking in the wrong direction.
You need to follow the constellations.


Groups of stars that make pictures.

See? That's the Bull.

Oh, wow!

Look, that one there is Ursa Major.

[Paddington] Ursa Major?

[Mrs. Bird] It means Great Bear.

[Paddington] Oh!

[Mrs. Bird] Which means that one there
is Ursa Minor.

Little Bear.

Like me?

Just like you.

Now, look between the two bears.

[Mrs. Bird] Right… there!

- [Whimsical music]
- [Paddington] Oh!

It's beautiful!

- Not too late, are we?
- Not at all.

Look, everyone.

[Paddington] I've never seen
anything like it!

Oh! Goodness!

- That's incredible!
- Oh, look!

- Amazing!
- Wow!

Oh, my!

- Look at that one!
- [all] Wow!

Oh, I think it's over.

Oh, no! It was so beautiful
I forgot to take the photo!

I'm such a silly bear!

Now Aunt Lucy will never get to see it.

That's just not true.

Aunt Lucy will be able to see
the meteor shower from where she is.

- But Peru is so very far away.
- So it is.

But the night sky is so very, very big

it can be seen from all over the world.

So, Aunt Lucy can see
the very same stars that I can?

Her night time will be
at a slightly different time,

but otherwise, you're right.


Wow! Even though Aunt Lucy
is so very, very far away,

that makes her feel very, very close.


It connects us all.

The night sky
is wrapping round us like a blanket.

[Paddington] That sounds wonderful!

So, thank you very much, Aunt Lucy,

for sending me the photograph
you took of the meteor shower from Peru.

It looks just like it did
from here in London.

Tonight, when it gets dark,

look up in the sky for the Little Bear.

And I will look up for the Great Bear.

And that way, in the night sky at least,

we shall be together.

Love from Paddington.

Next ----> 2 of 2

[Paddington] Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington and the Talent Sow" 2 of 2

Today I learned that there is
nothing to fear but fear itself!

It all started this morning,

before the family were awake.

[Clock ticking]

[Rock music]

- [Music stops]
- [gulps]

Perhaps we could both just pretend
you didn't see anything.

I think we both know
that's impossible, Mr. Brown.

Well, yes, I suppose that's true.

But I would at least ask
that we never talk about it.

To anyone.


I've never seen such grace, such poise.

It was beautiful, Mr. Brown.

There's no other word for it. Beautiful.

Yes, all the same, I…

But you have talent, Mr. Brown.

You need to share it with the world.

[Paddington] Miss Potts' talent show,
at the town hall tonight!

You should go there and dance!

Oh, no, no. I couldn't possibly.

No. You see, Paddington,

I get stage fright.

What's that?


[Dancing music]

[Mr. Brown] Stage fright is…

When everyone
is staring at you, expecting…

And your heart starts pounding,

and your knees tremble,

and your mouth goes dry.

And you are supposed to lift
your dance partner high into the air,

but you're too scared to move
and she runs towards you anyway and…

- [Crash]
- [audience gasps]


Well, I still think
you should dance at the show.

Uh… Um, no, no, no, I can't.

I'm… no. I'm sorry, Paddington,
I really don't think I can.


Thank you for posing, Mrs. Bird.

This will be
the perfect painting for the show.

Do you want me to help you
practise for tonight?

Ach, no, Mrs. Brown,

I don't need to practise.

It's in my bones.

Sorry to disturb you, Mrs. Brown,

but did you know
that Mr. Brown could dance?

Oh, he was a wonderful dancer, Paddington.

- The best in all of London.
- [Mrs. Bird] Aye!

The boy had some moves.

Oh, it was such a shame
he never got to show the world.

All because of his stage fright.

There must be something we can do.

In my experience, the best thing to do
if you are scared of something

is to face your fear.

So, if you were scared of heights,
you should jump off a cliff?

No, Paddington,
you should never jump off a cliff.

I want to be very clear about that.

But you might try jumping off the top
diving board at the swimming pool.

Because if you do, you might
just learn there's nothing to fear

but fear itself.


I rather hoped Mr. Brown
would enter the talent show tonight,

but he says he's far too scared.

Then maybe all he needs
is a little encouragement.






I'm trying to practise
and I can't hear myself.

Sorry, Jonathan.
But I need to practise for tonight too.

But I was here first.
Can't you practise somewhere else?

Um, not really.

Well, can you turn them down?


Because they're drums.


Hello? Miss Potts?

One moment, Paddington. We are rehearsing.

And are you sure this is safe?


The volunteer, that's you, stands here.

The blindfold goes here.

The arrow goes here.

[Mr. Curry] And I hit the apple
every time!

[Suspenseful music]

No! No way!

Goodbye, Mr. Curry.


Great. Now we're one act short.

Perhaps I can help, Miss Potts.


[Agent voice] Do I have an act for you!

I don't know. Do you?

- Yes.
- [Miss Potts] Well, it better be good.

Mr. Curry was supposed
to be the grand finale.

I need a real show stopper
to take his place.

I can promise you, Miss Potts.

It is the greatest act you will ever see.

One, two, three, four…

- [Very loud recorder]
- What?

[Judy] What are you doing?

Giving you a taste of your own medicine!


[Drums and recorder]

[Recorder even louder]

[Drums stops]


[Recorder and drums]


That was amazing!

We should do that tonight!

[Show music]

[Miss Potts] Thank you, Mr. Harrison
and his performing pigeons!

And next up
in the Windsor Gardens Talent Show,

the mighty Mrs. Bird…

- [Applause]
- Mwah! Mwah!

[Drum roll]


[Cheering and applause]

- [Crack]
- [audience gasps]


Oh, perhaps I should have
practised after all.

Let's hear it for Mrs. Bird, everyone!

Who I'm sure is… fine.

- She's going to be fine.
- [applause]


I just want to say, I am so very,
very proud of you. Break a leg.

Mr. Brown! That's not very nice.

[Judy] It's an expression.

It's how you say good luck in the theatre.

Oh! Well, in that case,
I hope you break all your legs.

- Well, no, you see…
- We get the idea.

And now let's welcome to the stage

a jubilant Jonathan and Judy duet!

One, two, three, four!

[Recorder and drums]

This is what they call music nowadays?

Oh! Just sounds like a load of old noise.

[Chuckles] Then why is your foot tapping?

It isn't!


Look at them, Paddington.
They are so brave.

I could never do that.

Yes. And about that, Mr. Brown.

I'm terribly sorry to spring this on you…

[Paddington] You're on next.


No, wait. No! I'm jolly well not.

Come on, Mr. Brown, you're a natural.

As soon as that music starts,
your body will take over

and everyone will see
how talented you are.

Look, I appreciate
what you're trying to do,

but you don't understand.
I will get stage fright.

I'm sorry, Paddington.


Oh, dear.

Wasn't that wonderful?

Now, ladies and gentlemen,
for the big finale.

The greatest act anyone has ever seen.

[Dancing music]

- What's going on? Where's the act?
- I'm afraid he just left.

Well, someone has to go on!
The music's already started!

Don't worry, Miss Potts. Leave it to me.

[Mr. Brown] Stage fright.

Everyone's staring at you.

Heart pounding.

Knees trembling.

Mouth dry.

You can't move.

Oh, no!





[Dancing music]

[Cheering and applause]


[Both] Wow!

[Cheering and applause]


[Romantic music]

[Paddington] So, you see, Aunt Lucy,
once you face your fears,

you realise
there was nothing to fear at all.

And you can't imagine why you were
ever scared in the first place.

Love from Paddington.

Soft rock music...

[All] ♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪