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01x09 - Paddington Plans a Party/Paddington Learns the Violin

Posted: 06/14/23 17:40
by bunniefuu
♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 09 IMDB

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington Plans a Party" 1 of 2

it's been a day full of surprises,

because today was Mrs. Brown's birthday.

Which, in bear, means
"Happy birthday to you."

- Would you like me to sing the rest?
- Oh! Ha, ha!

Oh, no. It's quite all right.

Thank you, Paddington.

This is from both of us.
Although it was my idea.

No, it was my idea.

I was the one who said,

"Mum would love a new mug."


Well, let's see what it is.

Oh! Ha, ha! It's a new mug.

Thank you. It's beautiful.

We made it in ceramics class at school.

This is from my clan
in the highlands of Scotland.

A noble breed of warrior women
feared across the border lands.

- And they also made a mean porridge.
- Wow! Thank you!


Happy birthday, Mrs. Bird.

No? Um…

Judy! Jonathan!

No. Uh… Paddington?

Oh! Mary! Mary! Of course!

Of cour… Happy birthday, darling!

What's for breakfast, then?

Porridge! Oh, I do love porridge.

Yummy, creamy,
birthday porridge.

Kids, Paddington, can I have a quick word?

You forgot Mum's birthday?

- Dad, you're toast.
- Mmm… Toast.

There's no time for toast.
I need your help. What should I do?

- Run.
- Jonathan, don't be silly.

- Just hide.
- Oh, yes.


- Hide where?
- Somewhere very safe.

I'm in so much trouble.

We could throw a surprise party
for Mrs. Brown.

I used to do one
every single year for Aunt Lucy

and she was surprised every time.

Great idea, Paddington.

The problem is,
you have to arrive at a surprise party

and Mum's already here.

How about I take her out for an hour,

then you can prepare the house?

- Hmm. An hour's not very long.
- Well, there's no time to waste.

Oh! Why are we going out?

It's such a nice morning!

We could go for a walk in the park.



First thing we need
for a party is decorations.

How lovely!

Now, how do these work?



I'm so sorry.

Okay, let's put them up again.


This is more difficult
than I thought.

Come on. You can do it.

Looks like you need an expert.

Someone who's been blowing
on bagpipes for 25 years.

Oh, yes. Do you know anyone like that?

Do you know how to tie a knot?

Yes, Mrs. Bird.

I used to tie knots
to make rope bridges in Peru.

Fantastic. I'm on blowing duty,
you're on knot duty.


Well done, Mrs. Bird.

Now, to pin them up.


Oh, dear.

Maybe I should just tidy up
in here for now.


Hello. Browns' residence.


how's everything going
with the surprise party?

Well, I think
the less you know the better.

- Don't want to ruin the surprise.
- Are you finished setting up?

Um… To be honest, we're a little behind.

- We need some more time.
- Oh!

But we have fed the ducks so many times

they're turning their noses up.

How rude!

Mr. Brown,

I can only suggest you find
another way to distract Mrs. Brown.


Everything all right at work?

- Work?
- Um, you just phoned them?

Um… Yes! Quite right!

Yes, everything is going fine at work.

Yes. Busy, busy,
just like any other… Sunday.

- Should we get some lunch?
- At ten in the morning?

Did I say lunch? I meant morning meal.

- Oh! Like brunch?
- Yes, like brunch.

I'm still full from breakfast,
so I can wait till lunch.

Right! Right, well, then, let's, um…

Walk this way and see what happens.

What else do we need for a party?

Party games!

- What are party games?
- Games you play at a party.

Oh! Ha, ha, ha!
I suppose I should have guessed that.

There's loads!

There's Pass the Parcel and Musical Bumps,

and… Oh! Grandmother's Footsteps!

Yeah! Grandmother's Footsteps!

It certainly sounds like fun,
but I'm afraid I don't know how to play.

It's easy. You're the grandma

and you look this way,
and we all have to try and get you,

but if you turn around, we have to freeze.

And if you catch us moving,
we have to start again.

And when do we start?

Jonathan? Judy?


- We've already started.
- Ha, ha! You moved.

You moved too!

Start again.

Can I turn around any time I like?

- Can I?
- Yes, Paddington.

- You moved.
- So did you!

Oh! Start again.

And what happens if you get to me?

Please, I just need to know the rules.

If we get to you, we swap places.

Ha! You moved!


Hello. Browns' residence.

Paddington, is everything ready?

- Very much so, Mr. Brown.
- Great!

I can't wait to see Mrs. Brown's face
when she sees the cake.


We don't have a cake!

We need more time, Mr. Brown. Goodbye!

Um… oh… right!

Right! So, uh, what shall we do now?

We could go home and digest
the eight different dishes

you insisted we order for lunch.

Or… time to catch a show

in London's glittering West End.

When was the last time
we went to the theatre?

When you had a ponytail.

That was a very cool look, back then.

Not saying anything.

- Here you go.
- It looks excellent, Mrs. Bird.

Simple, but effective.

It's not been decorated yet.

Oh, you can do that,
while I warm up my bagpipes.

Ho, ho! It's not a party without bagpipes.

- What is that?
- An icing bag.

You use it for decorating.

- Right. My go.
- But I'm not finished!

- But you're taking ages!
- I'm doing it carefully!

Don't make a mess.

- I want to make it perfect.
- No, I want to make it perfect.

You wouldn't believe
what happened next, Aunt Lucy.

Surprise! Oh!

I'm so sorry, Mum.

We were trying to arrange
a surprise party for you.

We're very sorry
to have ruined your birthday.

It's my fault.
I forgot about your birthday.

And I was trying to improvise.

And I'm sorry.
It's been a really terrible day.

It wasn't terrible.
It was a wonderful day out,

full of surprises
I could never have predicted.

Mr. Brown even took me to the theatre.

- Can you believe that?
- It's not that far-fetched, is it?

- Yes!
- Out of this world, even.

Perhaps you should come
and see the living room.

Oh, wow!

You did this all for me?

Happy birthday!

This is the most special birthday ever!

And this cake is delicious.

Although it wasn't the surprise
we all intended,

at least Mrs. Brown saw the funny side.

And I'm sure she will remember
this birthday forever!

I know I will.

Love from Paddington.

Next ----> 2 of 2

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington Learns the violin" 2 of 2

today I discovered musical instruments.

A musical instrument can make
a horrible noise one moment,

and then a wonderful tune the next.

Let me start at the beginning.

Woohoo! It's Saturday!

So it is. Why are you celebrating?

No school today or tomorrow!
So it's the best day of the week!

Well, I'm rather partial to a Wednesday.

What are you going to do
with your Saturday?

Dad and I are going to put
Old Betty in the lake!

Goodness! Can old Betty swim?

Paddington, Old Betty is the model boat
Jonathan and I have been building.


I bet that could make it
all the way to Peru!

Ha, ha! Come on, Jonathan,
or we'll miss the regatta.

Aye-aye, Captain!

What are you planning to do?

Your mother and I are off to zumba,
my dear.

Looking this good
takes a lot of work at my age!

Um… What's "zumba", Mrs. Bird?

Hmm. What's best way to describe it?

Funky music...

It's a spot of light exercise.

That leaves you and me, Paddington.
Let's build a sofa fort!

What's a sofa fort?

A hiding place for us
made out of cushions!

You'll remember in letter 362, Aunt Lucy,

that I explained to you how a sofa works.


Well, it turns out
they have other uses too!

Sofa fort! Cushions off!

Design! Let's go igloo!

No, tepee!

No, impenetrable fortress!


Oh! I'm afraid you need to stop
playing sofa fort.

Miss Potts is coming over
to give you your violin lesson.


Oh, yeah. Great.

Thanks, Mum. Just can't wait!

Lovely. Miss Potts will be here soon.
See you later!

Judy, can I ask? What is a violin?

It's a silly instrument
which I find boring!

But you told Mrs. Brown that you were
looking forward to your lesson.

- That was a little white lie.
- A little white lie?

It's a very small lie that you tell

when you don't want
to hurt someone's feelings.

- I'll get it, shall I?
- Stop!

We're not going to answer it.
We'll pretend no one is here!

- But we are here.
- It's another little white lie.

So we don't hurt Miss Potts' feelings.


Judy, I'm not sure about this.

Aunt Lucy says you should never lie.

But this isn't a lie,
it's a little white lie.

It still feels mean.
Miss Potts has come all this way.

- Hello?
- Come on!

Judy? Judy, are you in there?
Your mother has paid for your lesson!

That should do it.

Oh, this seems rather naughty.

Ha! Now I know you're in there!

Windows don't close by themselves,
you know.

- What should we do?
- There's only one thing to do.

Paddington, is that you?

What on earth is going on, Paddington?

I'm very sorry, Miss Potts,
but a little white lie got out of hand.

Judy is ready for her violin lesson now.

Uh… Judy?

I'm a busy lady, you know.
There's no time to waste.


Miss Potts, I would love
to take the lesson, please.

I see. You are aware
I am teaching grade six violin?

This is not a class for beginners.

And because I didn't want
to hurt her feelings, Aunt Lucy,

I told a little white lie of my own.

Yes, in fact I am a grade…

- 100.
- 100?

But there are only eight grades!

Miss Potts, in Peru,
we take the violin very seriously.

Well, then, we better get started!
Please put up the stand.

Of course! Right away.





Now, if you will, Paddington,
please read this piece of music.

Reading! Of course, Miss Potts.
I can definitely do that.



Come on, Paddington,
I haven't got all day.


Oh, my!

We begin with five lines
with several different squiggles on them.

- Paddington, do it properly!
- Of course.

I'm so sorry.


"Squiggle, squiggle, squiggle, dot."

"Double squiggle, dot,
squiggle, squiggle, squiggle."

Stop being so silly!

Paddington, here is your violin and bow.


At that moment, Aunt Lucy,
I had to use my wits.

But, sadly, my wits failed me.

No, no, no.

- The other way around.
- Oh! Of course! Silly me.

No, I meant the violin and bow.

Correct. I was testing you.

Oh, that's better.

Is someone in here?


I don't mean to be rude,

but there must be
something wrong with this violin.

Paddington, in all my years
as a violin teacher,

I have never witnessed
anything quite so strange.

That is how you hold a violin.

Grade 100!

Of course, Miss Potts.
Obviously, I knew that all along

and was just testing you.

Now, to play…


Oh, Paddington…


Paddington! Please, please stop!

Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Potts.
I think I got a little… carried away.

I wish someone would carry me away.

Hello, Miss Potts.

Paddington? Sorry, what's going on?
Where's Judy?

And why is Paddington learning violin?

Learning is a strong word, Mrs. Brown.

Perhaps you should explain, Paddington.

Right. Well, what happened was…

At that very moment, Aunt Lucy,

I tried my very best to tell a white lie.

But I found it rather difficult.

- There was a crocodile!
- A crocodile?

Yes. And it asked Judy to… to…
go on holiday.

A talking crocodile took Judy on holiday?

Yes. To, uh… Whitstable… I believe and…

Oh! I can't do this.

Mum, I'm sorry.

I hid from Miss Potts
and poor Paddington had to lie for me,

because the truth is,
I don't like playing the violin.

And I don't want any more lessons.

- Darling, why didn't you tell me?
- Or me?

I didn't want to hurt your feelings.

So I told a little white lie
and pretended I liked violin.

Oh, darling, you don't have
to play violin if you don't want to.

I've just always thought it would be
such a wonderful instrument to learn.

Which it is, when played properly.

You see, when I was your age,
I dreamt of playing the violin,

and I just wanted you to have
what I couldn't have.

Oh, Mum, I am sorry.

I really should have asked you first,
Judy. I'm sorry too.

- Ah!
- Thanks.

My pleasure.

The truth is, I've always
rather fancied playing the drums.

- Drums? Gosh!
- Oh, please, no.

Shame we've got 20 violin lessons
booked that'll go to waste!

Well, it's never too late
to learn, Mrs. Brown.

And Miss Potts is such a good teacher.

I'm sorry I was just a little
out of tune, Miss Potts.

And I have no idea what I'm doing!

It's a good thing you've already paid
for 20 lessons, Mrs. Brown,

because you're going to need
at least 20 more.

So, Aunt Lucy, I learnt today
that a little white lie,

even if meant well,
is still a lie like any other.

And although
I'm not a natural at the violin,

it is a beautiful instrument.

Love from Paddington.

Soft rock music...

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪