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01x07 - Paddington and the Wardrobe / Paddington Helps With Homework

Posted: 06/14/23 17:07
by bunniefuu
♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 07

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington and the Wardrobe" 1 of 2

today, I learned about
being a good neighbour.

Mrs. Brown says

good neighbours
should always help each other.

Hello, Mr. Curry!

- £4.65, please.
- I hope you don't mind change.

- One, two…
- Let me help you with those bags.

No, thank you. I'm fine.

Oh, I insist.

- It's the neighbourly thing to do.
- Ten, twenty…


Oh! Don't want to make a mess.



Oh, dear!

£3.15. £3.16. £3.17. £3.18.


Oh! That's made it worse.



Oh, this really isn't good.

- £4.66.
- Thank you very much.

My one pence change, please.



What's going on?


Sorry, Mr. Curry.

I'm afraid I've made a bit of a mess.


- Out!
- I really am very sorry.

- I was only trying to help you.
- You have.

You've helped destroy my house.

Never darken my doorstep again!

I completely understand.
Is that just the doorstep?

- Can I still visit the house?
- No!

I don't want you
near any part of my house!

Oh! Okay, then.



Then he told me I wasn't allowed
into his house any more.

I was only trying to be helpful.

You're a very helpful bear, Paddington.

Why, only yesterday
you fixed my coat stand for me.

No matter.

Why don't I make us
a nice pot of tea to cheer you up?

Thank you, Mr. Gruber,
a cup of tea would be lovely.

Maybe I should take
Mr. Curry some tea to say sorry.

I think it's probably best
to give Mr. Curry some space.

You look after the shop
while I pop the kettle on.


Oh, dear.
Someone's written their name on this.

There. That's better.

Oh! Inside is even dustier!




Hello? Excuse me? Hello?

Here you go.

A nice cup of...

Hmm. Paddington.


Oh! Ho, ho! I see!

You're playing hide-and-seek.

Okay! Ready or not, here I come.

Ooh! I say! Excuse me!

It's rather bumpy in here!

I thought it might be an earthquake,
Aunt Lucy,

so I assumed the safety position.

Oh! Ow!


Mr. Gruber?

Oh! The shop looks very different.

Have you sold everything?

Wait. This isn't a shop.

Wow! Whoever lives here
must really like Mr. Curry.

Yes. Thank you. Goodbye.


It seemed, Aunt Lucy,

I had been delivered
to Mr. Curry by mistake.

And the last thing I wanted to do
was upset him anymore.

So I had to get out without him seeing me.


Ha, ha, ha!

So much space!

Oh, what a beautiful wardrobe!

Oh, look at the back!


Ah, oil!

That'll stop the squeaking.




What was that?

Who's there?



Towels, towels.

How ridiculous!

Thank you.


I'm sure somebody…





There's only one person I know
who eats marmalade sandwiches.

That bear's been here!

Come out, Paddington, wherever you are.

This is private property
and you are a trespassing bear!


Paddington! I told you not to bother me!


My nose!


What was that?

You can't hide from me.

Oh, no!


Oh, of course.

The wardrobe.

I know you're in there, Paddington.

Come out!


Oh! Oh, no!

- Oh!
- Help me!

Somebody help!

It's dark in here!

I know Mr. Curry said
he didn't want me in his house,

but, like Mrs. Brown says,

good neighbours
should always help each other.

I think there might be a spider in here!

- Mr. Curry? Where are you?
- Here!

- Where?
- In here!


- I can't see you.
- In the wardrobe!

- I'm stuck in here!
- Oh! Don't worry!

I'll get you out!

We bears see a friend in trouble,
we can summon up super strength.

On second thoughts, I'll get Mr. Brown.

Mr. Brown and I managed
to lift the wardrobe up together.

Mr. Curry was very grateful.

It was so dark in there.

That was definitely a spider as well.
Big as a house it was!

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I'm sorry I was in your house, Mr. Curry.
It was a mistake.

It doesn't matter.

You rescued me.

Thank you, Paddington.

Mr. Brown and I
were very pleased to have helped,

because being a good neighbour

really does make you feel warm inside.

And, sometimes,
if you're a good neighbour to someone,

they'll be the same to you.

So, it looks like
everything turned out okay in the end.

Love from…



Oh! Oh, no! Gosh!
He really is good at hide-and-seek!

Next -----> 2 of 2

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington Helps With Homework" 2 of 2

I had a wonderful day today
helping Judy with her homework.

It's extra work teachers give
children to do at home after school.

Something I thought
sounded rather generous.

How lovely!

Kids, I have announcement! As it's Sunday,

and the weather is sunny,
I've got you something.

Come and have a look.

Swing ball!

- Amazing!
- Wow!

- Have you both done your homework?
- I did mine after school.


What's the matter?
You look like you've seen a ghost.

It's even worse than that.

I've forgotten to do my homework.

Don't worry, you've got
the whole afternoon to finish it.

And then you can play
as much swing ball as you like.

I have to finish it before it gets dark!


I'm guessing swing ball
must be a very good game indeed.

Oh, it is. It really is.

Excuse me! I can do this,
I can do this, I can do this.

- I just need no distractions.
- Fancy a quick game before you start?

- You know you want to.
- I really want to.

Then give in, Judy, give in to swing ball!

Oh… I love swing ball.

Maybe just once?

No, Mum's right.

I can play after I've done my homework.

Where's all my stuff?


Up here!

Thanks, Paddington.

Now, I really need to concentrate.

What is your homework about?

I have to write about a place on Earth
that I find interesting.

How about underneath the sofa?

That's a very interesting place!

I'm thinking more
like a country I don't know about!

Is there anything I can do to help?

That's kind of you, Paddington,

but I really have to do this alone.

I could tell Judy was just being polite,

and I was determined
to help her with her homework.

One super energy-boosting
marmalade sandwich coming up.




Oh, that's funny.

I wonder where it's all gone?

Oh, well. I'm going to have to find
some energy elsewhere.

- There.
- Paddington, what's this?

It's a super energy-boosting sandwich.

Or "sandwich" for short.

Thanks, but I really just need
to get this finished.

- Oh! Are you nearly finished?
- I haven't even started!

Ah! Well, then, I suggest you try
my energy-boosting sandwich.

- Did I mention its super strength?
- Yes.

- Thought so.
- What's in it?

- Bananas and peanut butter.
- Oh! My favourite!

- And egg.
- Egg?

Yes. And four or five sardines.


Aunt Lucy always said
that oily fish is brain food!

Uh… Thank you, Paddington.
But one bite is enough for me.

Nonsense, finish it up

and you'll be ready
to tackle that homework.

Um… I think I'm a little too tense
to eat right now.

Okay. Well, waste not, want not!

That… is incredible.



Oh, no!

When Judy said she was too tense,
that gave me another idea!

- What are you doing?
- Shh!

It's to help you relax.



Oh! That's disappointing.

Okay, I feel very relaxed now.

Um, don't take this the wrong way,
but why are you still in here?

I'm just waiting to see
if you need any more help.

It saves me coming in and out all day!

Ace! Ace! Ace!

Hey, Paddington, want to play?

Thank you, but I'm trying
to find a way to help Judy!

Okay. Maybe later, then.

That's what I call swing ball!

Jonathan! Please be quiet!


That's what I call swing ball.

Mrs. Bird, I wonder if you can help me?

Of course, wee bear.

In Peru, Aunt Lucy used to make me
a very special drink.

- Well, what was it?
- That's the thing.

I don't know what it was called.

- And was it hot or cold?
- Hot.

- And what did it taste like?
- Very chocolatey.

And you don't know what it was called?

I'm afraid not.

Hmm. A drink that is hot and chocolatey…

Well, it can only be one thing.


Oh, you've dropped
all these crumpled pieces of paper.

They're just ideas I've rejected.

But there's nothing written on them.

- Because I haven't had any ideas!
- Oh, drink this.

It will make you feel warm and calm.

Then I'm sure you'll have lots of ideas.

It doesn't have sardines in it, does it?

No, but I can get some, if you like.

Paddington, I know you are trying to help,

but actually you are making things harder.

The last thing I need
is you bringing me more yucky stuff!

Oh! Actually, it's not yucky.

We drink this in Peru.

It tastes like home.

I'm sorry, Paddington. I didn't mean it.

Thank you for the drink.
I do appreciate it.


Hot chocolate?
You drink hot chocolate in Peru?

- Oh, yes. We like it a lot.
- I never knew that.

I could tell you
lots of things about Peru.

Did you know there are
hidden cities in the jungle?

- And pumas that come out at night!
- Pumas?

Yes, but I know you need to be left alone.

And Jonathan really wants me
to play swing ball with him.

Hmm. Peru.

Ace! Ace! Ace!

Game! Set!

Match! Winner!

Okay, your serve.

Thank you, Jonathan.
So, I just hit it towards you

as hard as I can?

Yup. I can take it.

So lucky you got all your homework done
and can just play this all day.


I've just remembered!
I was given extra homework on Friday,

which I haven't done!

Oh, dear!

Paddington, can I talk to you, please?

Of course,
but I thought you were too busy.

But I know what I want to write about!
I want to write about Peru!

Oh, an excellent choice.

I had no idea you knew so much
about my home country.

I don't. That's why I need your help.

Well, then, we'd better get cracking!

Now, this is my memory box.

- I look through it every night.
- To check everything is still there?

Mostly to check
if everything is still here.

I don't want to forget
anything about my home.

Then tell me everything you remember!

That evening,
I shared all I knew about Peru.

How it's the third-largest
South American country.

And we make so much chocolate
we have to send it around the world.

And Judy was so interested,
she wrote about it all.

You could say it was
my first-ever homework, Aunt Lucy!

I rather liked it.
I hope Judy forgets to do it more often,

because I rather like
spending time with her, too.

Love from Paddington.

Finished! Thank you, Paddington.

You're welcome, Judy.

Soft rock music...

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪