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01x04 - Paddington Makes Pancakes/Paddington Plays Football

Posted: 06/14/23 17:05
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington ♪

[All] ♪ Paddington ♪

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

[Children] ♪ Paddington ♪

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

[All] ♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 04 IMDB

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington Makes Pancakes" 1 of 2

today I learnt that sharing things
with friends... makes you closer friends.

It all started today,

a very special day, called…

Pancake Day!

Yay! It's Pancake Day!

- What's Pancake Day?
- Pancake Day! Woohoo!

What's Pancake Day?
It's only the best day in the world ever!

He's not even joking!

It's the one day
you can eat pancakes

for every single meal!

Oh! That sounds wonderful!

- What's a pancake?
- It's sort of a… a flat cake.

- Mrs. Bird makes them for us.
- No one makes better pancakes!

And you put lemon on them,
or raspberries, bananas,

or even marmalade!


[Children and Paddington] Pancake Day!
Pancake Day! Day…

What… what's going on?

Where are the pancakes?

Um, I'm afraid
there is some bad news.

Mrs. Bird had a little accident.

[Scottish accent] Ach, it's my own fault.

I never should've gone snowboarding.

And I never should have
attempted a triple back flip

with my eyes closed.

Oh, Mrs. Bird!

I do hope you're okay.

Ach, I'm fine wee bear, but sadly,

I cannot
make any pancakes today.


Does this mean
no pancakes on Pancake Day?

I'm sorry, Judy.

As much as we were
all looking forward

to Mrs. Bird's buttery,

fluffy, silky smooth,
delicious pancakes…

I'm afraid Pancake Day,

in the Brown house,
is cancel led.

[Deflated music]

Perhaps I was a little hasty

taking the day off.

How hard can it be
to make pancakes?

We could make them together!

There's no point!

- It's ruined!
- He's not even joking.

[Mrs. Brown] You see, Paddington,

no pancake any of us make

could ever live up
to Mrs. Bird's secret recipe.

But why can't Mrs. Bird
tell us the secret recipe?

- Because it's a secret.
- Oh, of course.

Now, we're all going
to have to be very grown up about this

and try not to be too sad…

I'd never seen the family
look so disappointed, Aunt Lucy.

[Sad music]

So I decided to plan
a surprise Pancake Day for everyone.

[Joyful music]




Jonathan said they were flat.





Now to serve.



[Grunting in pain]


It seemed
help had come from above.

A pancake recipe!

- [Boy] Grapes!
- [Judy] Sausages!

[Boy] Pancakes!

All I can think about
is pancakes!

Covered in yummy things,
like… like syrup.


[Male voice] And next up on Windsor FM
is the pancake news.

[Female voice]
The world's biggest pancake…


Right, we need to do things

to take our minds off pancakes.

Oh, great idea, darling!

[lively music]


"First, add eggs to the bowl."



Whoa! Whoa!


[lively music continues]




How much longer
do we have to pose for?

It'll take most of the day,

which is a good thing.

It'll keep us all occupied

and keep our minds off…

- [Screams]
- [children screaming]


[Joyful music]







Now I see why Pancake Day
is only once a year.

[Dial tone]

Hello, Emma, er, it's Mr. Brown.

Uh, I am just checking in
for some distractions.

Uh, I mean,
to see what's going on in the office.

Uh, important work, I presume?


Oh, you're…
you're eating pancakes.

- [Unintelligible]
- Woah!

And… what, uh…
what topping have you chosen?

Lemon and sugar.

[Muffled] Oh, yeah, yeah, no.

Thank you, Emma,
that'll be all.


Mr. Brown? Mr. Brown?

[Paddington] Hmm… Perfect.




- [Soft music]
- [groaning]


[Cheerful music]


Oh, no! Whoa!

- Whoa!
- [crash]

What manner of rumpus
is going on in here?





I'm dreadfully sorry, Mrs. Bird.

I tried to make pancakes
to cheer everyone up.

But now it seems
they'll have to wait another year.

It's not so long, I suppose.
Just 365 days.

Oh! Maybe abandoning
Pancake Day was hasty,

but only I know how to make
the special pancakes, wee bear.

It's always been my gift
to the family,

but I cannae make them
with these hands.

Can you make them
with these paws?

Oh, I'm not sure, Paddington.

The family have
very high pancake standards.

Get this wrong and they will be
even more disappointed.

But get it right…

It could be
the best Pancake Day ever!

let's make Pancakes!

[lively music]


And now
for the secret ingredient,

passed down in my family
from generation to generation.

Oh! Don't worry, Mrs. Bird,
I won't look!

Paddington, because of you,

Pancake Day is now happening.

I think you've earned the right

to know the secret ingredient,
wee bear!

Oh! Wow!

I never thought
the secret ingredient would be...

[whispering] Shh! Paddington,
it's supposed to be secret.

Oh, sorry!

Let's hope this works!

Oh, I can't stop thinking
about pancakes!

- Maybe we should go for a walk.
- That is a great idea!

[Celestial choir]


[Engine starting]



- [Sizzling]
- Oh!

I can almost
hear pancakes sizzling.

- And I can smell them cooking.
- [sniffing]

[suspenseful music]


- Happy Pancake Day!
- Happy Pancake Day!


[Joyful music]

These are breathtaking!

Oh, pancakes
how I've missed you!

Maybe just one more.

You have outdone yourself again,
Mrs. Bird.

How ever did you manage it
with those hands?

I didn't do it on my own.

Paddington made these.

And Mrs. Bird very kindly told me
the secret ingredient,

which is…

- [Gasp]
- [gasps] Go on!

Remaining a secret.

Truth be told,
I'm pleased to have passed it on.

eat your pancake you messy cub!

- Try one with banana!
- This one has marmalade.

I'm full up.

In the end, Aunt Lucy,

I think Mrs. Bird rather enjoyed
sharing her secret recipe.

And we became
even greater friends through it.

That's the thing about friends,

the more you share with them,
the greater friends you become.

Love from Paddington.

Soft music...

Next ---->

Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington Plays Football" 2 of 2

summer in Windsor Gardens
is a very peaceful affair.

[Boy] Goal!

Well, most of the time.

Yesterday, I was introduced

to the most wonderful
round object.

It's a football, Paddington.

A "Football-Paddington"?

No, just a "football", Paddington.

- That's what I said.
- Do you want to play?

It's really fun.

Oh, I'm afraid I don't know how.

Don't worry. It's easy.
You just kick it.

[Soft music]

Oh, my, that was rather fun.
Thank you, Jonathan.

What shall we do now?

You don't just kick it once,

Look, I'll show you.

You can only
use your feet, right?

You can't use your hands…

You must kick the ball
in the other person's goal.

You can kick it
with your left foot…

- [Bang]
- Hmm.

- [Jonathan] Or your right foot…
- Ah!

Or you can header it.

Or you can chest it.

And you definitely
can't use your hands…

- [Bang]
- Ah!

- [Bang]
- [groans]

…unless you're in goal!

- And that's a tackle.
- Um…

- And that's a slide tackle.
- Oh!

And that's a scorpion kick.
Sort of.

But you can't do a foul
or you get a penalty.

Oh I can't
take any more of this!

I can't believe
they're using my fence

as a football pitch!

How ridiculous!

And when you score,
you celebrate like this.


Whoop, whoop! Yeah!


Got it?

If I'm honest, Jonathan, not really.

You'll get the hang of it.

[Jonathan] And Jonathan has the ball.

He passes it to Jonathan.

He scores!

It's a perfect touch

with his foot.
Another goal!

A lovely through-ball
and Jonathan sh**t!

That's a hat trick!

Oh! Ah!

What happens now?

Goal kick.
So just drop the ball and kick it.

Right, sounds easy enough.

Oh. Let me try again.

- No.
- [cheerful music]


OK, this is the one!


Maybe just kick it on the ground.

Ah, yes,
I would much prefer that.

[Suspenseful music]

You can do it, Paddington.


[lively music]


Mr. Curry gets grumpy
when my ball goes in his garden,

so, just let me
do the talking, OK?

What is it?

Paddington wants
to ask you something.


Oh, um…

Sorry to disturb you Mr. Curry,

but it seems I accidentally

kicked our football
into your garden

and we wondered,

if it's not too much trouble,

if we might be able
to come and get it?


That's great, thanks.

Hang on. No?

No! I hate football.
I always have.

Ever since I was a boy
and no one asked me to play.

my garden is private property

and I take great pride in it,
especially my gnomes.

And I won't have
any snotty-nosed boys

or fur-shedding bears

trampling around
and ruining it.

- No need to be rude.
- [Mr. Curry] Yes, there is!

Told you he gets grumpy.

We should just climb over
that fence and get our ball back.

I don't think
that would be right.

It is his garden
and he's told us not to go in it.

What if we could get it back

without ever
leaving our garden?

Well, I suppose
that would be okay,

but I don't see how we can.

That tree is growing
in our garden, yeah?


And its branches hang
over Mr. Curry's garden, yeah?

Uh… yes.

So if we climbed
on those branches,

we'd still technically
be in our garden,

because it's our tree!

Well, technically, yes,

but I'm not sure that…

Huh? Jonathan?


Hurry up, Paddington!

- [Straining]
- [soft music]

I can't reach it.

You're going to have
to climb down me and grab it.

I think that sounds
like a bad idea.

But you're a bear.
You're great at climbing!

Well, I suppose that's true.



It's no good.
I can't reach.

Hang on.



Got it!

[Both] Whoa!

[Clock ticking]



Mr. Curry really does seem
to like gnomes.

Now what are we going to do?

Well, there's nothing for it.

We will have to tell Mr. Curry
what happened

and say we are very sorry.

- Come on, Jonathan.
- Wait!

Mr. Curry will be very upset

if he knows
we've been in his garden, won't he?

Uh… Yes.

And making someone upset
isn't very nice, is it?


But if he never found out,
then he wouldn't be upset at all.

I… I suppose that's true.

So, technically, not telling him
would be the right thing to do.

For Mr. Curry.

Er… That sounds right,
but somehow I…

- Mr. Curry!
- [chuckling]

And may I say
this fresh coat of paint

has made you look
absolutely fantastic!

[Gnome voice]
Not as fantastic as you, Mr. Curry.

You old charmer.

There you go.

Pride of place.

[Suspenseful music]

- He's gone.
- Oh! That was close!

We can climb up this trellis!

Jonathan, be careful.

You're right.
If we break his gnomes

we'll be in even more trouble.

And Mr. Curry
would be even more upset.

Yeah. That too.
Let's move them.

And if he asks
why his gnomes have moved,

we just say they wanted a picnic
or something.

Perhaps they do want a picnic.

[Cheerful music]


You're all being very polite,

but I would tuck in
if I were you.

- It's delicious.
- [Jonathan] Great!

Now let's get out of here.

- [Crack]
- Oh!

- [Slurping]
- [cracking]

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

[lively music]

- [Gasps]
- Oh, no!

My gnomes!

[Mr. Curry] Ah!


What in blazes
are you two doing in my garden?

I have half a mind
to call the police.

Please don't!
I don't want to go to prison!

Dad says
you go on the naughty list

and Santa never visits you again.

You should have thought of that

before you trespassed
on my property!

We're very sorry, Mr. Curry.

We didn't mean to break
your gnome. It was an accident.

We only wanted to get our ball
back and finish our game.

And you'd be more than welcome
to play with us,

if you wanted to.

You want
to play football with me?

Give me that ball.


stand in the corner
of the garden.


And you stand
in the other corner, Paddington.


And I'll go in goal.



[Rock music]

Let's play!





Yes! Ha, ha, ha!


Go, Paddington!



Oh, my knees!

Right! We're swapping.

[Mr. Curry] And Mr. Curry has the ball.
He passes to Mr. Curry.

It's the perfect pass.
Nothing can stop him now!

Mr. Curry lines up his shot, and…

[Suspenseful music]

- Not again!
- Oh!

Ahem. Can we have our ball back,

And they did give it back.

We all played football
for the whole afternoon.

Later, Mr. Curry said
that it was wrong of us

to climb in his garden
without permission.

But it was also wrong of him
not to have given our ball back

in the first place.

But then he said
he was glad he didn't,

because it meant we all had
a lovely game together

and that was more valuable
than a few garden gnomes.

I think I finally understand why
people love football so much.

- Love from Paddington.
- [soft music]


Good as new!

Soft rock music...

[All] ♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪