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01x01 - Paddington Finds a Pigeon/Paddington and the Chores List

Posted: 06/14/23 17:01
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington ♪

[All] ♪ Paddington ♪

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ Paddington ♪

[children] ♪ Paddington ♪

[Male voice] ♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru ♪

♪ To be with me and you ♪

[All] ♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N ♪

♪ Paddington Bear ♪
The Adventures of PADDINGTON BEAR

Season 01 Episode 01

[Boy voice] Dear Aunt Lucy,
Episode Title: "Paddington Finds a Pigeon" 1 of 2

I learnt a very important lesson today.

One I suspect
you may have learnt long ago.

It started,
as things often do with me,

in the most unexpected of ways.

- [Boy] Nine, ten, eleven, twelve.
- [girl] Cheater!

- No, I rolled a double six!
- We're only using one dice!

- [Rattling noise]
- Oh!

[Rattling noise]

- Whatever is that noise?
- It's coming from the chimney.

It's Santa!

I wasn't cheating, honest!

[Male voice] Everyone, get back!

Whatever it is,
it's… it's coming down!

Please be Santa.

[Suspenseful music]



[Whimsical music]


[Girl] Oh, he's so cute!

[All] Aw!

Hmm. Yes.
Very… very cute indeed.

Oh, not this again, darling.

- I am not fond of pigeons.
- [chuckles] Not fond?

[Scottish accent] You're scared of them.

Don't be, er… ridiculous!

I am not scared of pigeons.

But let's not encourage it.

I think it's, er,
time for him to go home.

Shoo! Ah!

- [Screaming]
- Oh, don't scare the poor thing.

Poor thing?
It tried to attack me!

You all saw!

[Melancholic music]

- Hello, little fellow.
- [cooing]

I think it might have hurt its wing.

What do you think we should do?

Well, Paddington.
I'm sorry to say that,

under the circumstances,

the kindest thing
we could do is...

To call a vet.

A vet, Mrs. Brown?

An animal doctor, Paddington,

who'll make this pigeon better.

No need for all that bother.

I once ran
a tropical bird sanctuary in Borneo.

A sanctuary?

Think of it like a home
for retired birds.

I can nurse him
back to health in no time.

Oh, really, Mrs. Bird?
That's wonderful news!

Do you think I could help?

[Male voice] Now, Paddington, um,

looking after someone
is a big responsibility.

Oh, I know that, Mr. Brown.

You see,
I was once all alone and in need,

until a loving family
came to my rescue.

And I suppose I'd like to do
the same for someone else.

Well, I don't think
we can argue with that.

I suppose
you are going to need a name.

How about Mr. Pigeon?

- Or Mr. Bird!
- [grunts]

Mr. Scary?

Stop it.

[Playful music]


How about… Pigeonton?


[All] Aw!

You can call him what you like,
but he's still just a pigeon!

Now, if you don't mind,
I have some very urgent things to do.

- Oh…
- Oh!

I thought you had
some very urgent things to do?

I do. I do.
And I'm off to do them. Urgently.

[Suspenseful music]

Actually, um, they're upstairs.



Aye, it's a bruised wing,
all right.

Nothing serious,

but he cannae fly till it's mended.

How do we mend it, Mrs. Bird?

Food and rest should do the trick.

And a spot of tender, loving care.

Well, I can give him plenty of that.

Oh, he looks sleepy already.

I'll rustle up some grub

and you can make
the wee fellow a nest.

Leave it to me!



[Gentle music]










[Playful music]




Hold on, Pigeonton.
Almost there.


[lively music]

Oh, Paddington,
how's the nest building coming along?

Finished, Mrs. Bird.

Here you go, Pigeonton.
Make yourself at home.


[Mrs. Bird] He seems
to have taken a liking to your nest,

young Paddington.

And I have taken a liking to him,
Mrs. Bird.

[Soft music]

- [Cooing]
- Good morning, Pigeonton.



now this is how
you brush your teeth.

Beginning with the front teeth.

[Muffled] But you mustn't forget
the ones at the back,

because they need to be clean too.


[Unintelligible by now]


Now it's your turn.

- [lively music]
- [cooing]


Oh! Don't worry.
That happened to me the first time.

Let's get another one.


[Joyful music]

Now, this is called cereal.

I'm guessing
you don't normally eat this.

I was the same
when I first moved in.

The only thing I ate
was marmalade.

But now I eat everything…
with marmalade.




[Soft music]



You are scared of pigeons,
Mr. Brown!

No. I am not.

[Gentle music]

[Paddington] I brought all these things
with me from Peru.

They help me feel at home here.

Don't worry,
it's supposed to do that.

Have a look!

- [Cooing]
- What is it?

There you go!

[Paddington] Hello, Mr. Curry!

Lovely day for it!



- One, two…
- Let's find somewhere to hide.

Three, four…

- Five…
- [gasps] Over here!

- Dad?
- [yelps]

What are you doing here?

Are you hiding from Pigeonton?

No. No. I am…
checking to see…

How close this tree is…

To this fence.


Yep. Just as I thought.

[Paddington] Ready or not, here we come!


Come on, Pigeonton,
it's time to find our friends.

[Melancholic music]


Goodnight, my friend.


Good morning, Pigeonton.


Oh! Pigeonton?

[Suspenseful music]



- Have you seen, Pigeonton?
- I'm afraid not, my wee cub.

But don't panic,
he can't have gone far.

- [Rattling]
- [Mr. Brown] Help! Help!

He's… he's in there!


Oh, there you are!
I was so worried!

Come on, let's get you back
into your nest

for some more rest.

- [Cooing]
- [sad music]

[Mrs. Bird] I don't think he needs

any more rest.

Well, what does he need?

I think he needs to be set free.

But he's my friend.

If we let him go,
then I won't see him any more.

And if he goes away, I'll miss him.

I know it's hard, cub,

but he's a bird, and birds need to fly.

It's the right thing to do.

But I love him.

And that's why
you have to do

what's best for him,

not what's best for you.

It's been great
getting to know you, Pigeonton.

You can come back
and visit any time.

And… be careful out there.

- [Gentle music]
- [cooing]

And then Pigeonton was gone.

I already miss him,
very, very much.

But it's like Mrs. Bird says.

If you love someone,

then you should always do
what's best for them,

even if that makes you
a little sad.

But I suppose you already know that,
Aunt Lucy,

or you wouldn't have sent me
to London in the first place.

- Love from…
- [Mr. Brown] Paddington?

Look who I found
pecking at my window.


Very brave of you to carry him,
Mr. Brown.

How could I be scared
of someone you love?

- [Soft music]
- [cooing]

Goodbye, Pigeonton!

Don't worry, Paddington.

I have a feeling he'll be back.

Next --->
Episode Title: "Paddington and the Chores List" 2 of 2

Dear Aunt Lucy, something most
peculiar happened to me today.

I was having afternoon tea
with the Browns…

Who wants jam
and who wants cream?

- Me! Me!
- Yes, please, both!

Allow me.
You have done quite enough already.

[Soft music]

Terribly sorry! Let me get that.

- Wow, yummy!
- Woohoo!

Oh, dear.


Perhaps I can help?

Not with that!

Quite right.

How silly. We wouldn't want
to waste that cream.

Actually, um…
I'll go and do the washing up.

[Water flowing]

[Muffled steps]


Can I help with
the washing up, Mr. Brown?

No, no, no, no.
No, it's all right, Paddington.

You sit, er, there and, er…
Well, just sit there.

Well, at least let me clear away.

- Oh…
- Wah!

That was my mother's!

Listen, Paddington, um,
washing up is on my chores list.

Um, what's a chore, Mr. Brown?

A chore is, er, a small job
you have to do around the home.

Like, er, laundry,
or the cleaning.

When everyone does chores,
it makes the house run smoothly.

That's why everyone
in the family has a chores list.

Oh, how exciting!

I can't wait to read my chores list!

Oh, don't be silly, Paddington,

you don't need
to do family chores.


Oh, I see.

- Oh…
- [sad music]

What is it, Paddington?

Oh, I suppose it's silly,

but I rather thought
I was part of the family.

Oh, dear.

Okay, so we're going to write
a list of chores

just for Paddington.

And they must be things
that he can't get wrong.

- Any ideas?
- Umm…

Well, how about things
only Paddington can do?

Leaving fur on the sofa?

Yes, not exactly a chore.

How about
not leaving fur on the sofa?

Hmm, yes. I'd like them
to at least seem possible.

Why not play
to the wee cub's strengths?

Start by asking him
to make some more marmalade.

Perfect. Chore one. Marmalade.

[Cheerful music]

[Mr. Brown] There.

Paddington's list.

[Door closing]

[Suspenseful music]

[Mr. Brown] Um, Paddington.

Um, I am very sorry
about what I said.

I understand, Mr. Brown.

I think I've just got so used
to living here that…

Of course
you're part of the family.

And we've written you
a chores list.

It's on the fridge
with everybody else's.


So, get a good night's sleep,

because your work
begins tomorrow!

That night,
I could barely sleep for excitement.

An entire day of household jobs!
A dream come true!

[Whimsical music]



[Alarm goes off]



[Joyful music]


Ah! "Clean the bicycle."
Sounds very important.

- Bye-bye, Paddington.
- See you later.


This is Mr. Brown's bike.
Better not get this wrong.


[Rhythmic music]


This doesn't seem quite right.



[Joyful music]

Don't forget to wash
behind your pedals.

I couldn't remember

where a few of the bits went.

But they were only small,

so I can't imagine
they were very important.

Oh, I'm late! Late, late, late!

I don't… Oh! Uh…?


"Polish the hall floor."

There's rather a lot of it.






Whoa! Whoa!


[Joyful music]



The next chore simply said 'milk'.

So I drank all the milk.



Who finished all the... Ah!

That was close.


my last job seemed a lot easier.

'Wallpaper the spare room'.

[Joyful music]






[Soft music]

[Joyful music]




have you seen what's outside?

Oh, careful, dear.
The floor's rather slippery!

Mum, Dad, we're home!

- Whoa!
- Whoa!


So, whose chore was it
to polish the floor?

Ah, one more to go!

- [Humming]
- [creaking]





- What is going on in here?
- [Paddington, muffled] Mr. Brown!

[All] Paddington?

Mr. Brown!

Oh, thank you.
I'm awfully sorry, everyone.

I seem to have got myself
into a sticky situation.

What on earth were you doing,
wee cub?

[Paddington] Well,

I was trying
to wallpaper the spare room,

because it was the last thing
on my chores list.

Ah, you must have taken
the wrong list.

That's on my chores list.

Yes, and it's been on there
since last Christmas!

Because I had concerns
about the colour,

and now I can see I was right!

Shall we just get him down?

Well, that would be terribly nice.

[Paddington] Oh, dear.

I've made
a right mess of everything.

I only wanted to do my best

so I could be part of the family.

Oh, Paddington.
You were always part of the family.

You don't have
to finish chores to prove it.

Otherwise he would have been
kicked out six months ago.

I had concerns about the colour!

And, quite frankly, the pattern.

Everyone, look!

[Melancholic music]

- [Mr. Brown] My goodness!
- [Mrs. Brown] Oh, do you remember?

You two drew this years ago.
It's a picture of the family.

No, it isn't.

Now it's the whole family.

The Browns decided to never
wallpaper the room again.

There's an awful lot of chores
in the world, Aunt Lucy,

but being part of a family
isn't one of them.

Love from Paddington.

Soft rock music...

[All] ♪ P-A-D-D-I-N-G-T-O-N
Paddington Bear ♪