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02x03 - Bloody Knuckles

Posted: 06/13/23 17:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cruel Summer...

She does have a way of being
the center of attention.

Look, can you cut her some slack?



As soon as Principal Bowers
finds out it's me on the tape,

she's going to call U Dub

and they're going to
revoke my scholarship.

- I'm going to lose everything.
- What if she doesn't find out?

- STEVE: Is it the only tape?
- I think you should ask your number-one son.

- Oh, Dad, Luke...
- Is that the only tape?!

ISABELLA: People are gonna
start asking questions.

HAL: The coroner's report just came in.

There's an abrasion on his ear
just above the g*nsh*t wound.

I'm in trouble. I need your help.

BRENT: Luke didn't just drown.

- It's Luke.
- They think he was m*rder*d.



MEGAN: You know we're only
going for one night, right?

What if it gets cold? What if it rains?

What if we get stranded and
have to live off the land?

Uh, you know, I don't
know what Luke told you,

but this isn't like a romantic getaway.

It's hours of immature boys

running around with jock
straps on their head,

competing to see who
can fart the loudest.

I don't know if it's
really gonna be your scene.

ISABELLA: Sounds fun.

I mean, Luke would totally
understand if you wanted to bail.

- No way.
- Yeah, well, it's usually guys only, so...

Except for you.

Look, I can handle a sword fight or two.

So, consider myself warned.




You didn't think to warn me?

You just went ahead and you told my mom

that I was the one on
the sex tape with Luke.

- Megan, I'm sorry.
- No discussion?

No, "should I blurt out this
incredibly humiliating thing

that didn't even happen to me?"

She was looking at me
like I was a monster.

I couldn't stand her thinking that I

would actually betray you like that.

You're betraying me right now.

- It wasn't yours to tell!
- Megan!

You're the one who said that no one

outside of the three of us could know.

I know, but she's become
like a second mom to me, okay?

Except she's not your mom, she's mine.

- This whole thing was your idea.
- Yeah, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat

because that's what
"ride or die" means to me.

But the way that you've been leaning on

Luke instead of me these last few
days has really made me wonder.

If the tables were turned, would you

even consider doing the same for me?



Hi, Jack. Is everything all right?

JACK: I'm afraid not.

The ballistics came back
from the g*n that shot Luke.

It's registered to Steve Chambers.

I don't understand. Why are you here?

Because there are three pairs
of prints that were on the g*n.

Luke's, Isabella's...

and Megan's.


- Yes! Let's go! Let's go!
- Come on!

Yo, Chambers, your girlfriend's here.

- Whooo!
- Your girlfriend's here.

- Whoo! (LAUGHS)
- I'm not getting any sleep.

- You're looking good.

Uh... oooh-whee!

- Hi.
- Hi.

- FRIEND: Ooh. Mm-mm-mwah!
- Don't worry about them.

They'll get used to having
a girl around, probably.

- No offense, Megan.

None taken. Ever.

It's fine, Megan already warned me.

And you still came?

I don't scare that easily.

Wait till later when Jeff makes us watch

Boob Camp m*ssacre : the Underwire.

Wait, where is Jeff?

I don't know. I think...



(CREEPY VOICE) I tried to warn you.

Now none of you will make
it out of here aliiiive!

Protect me from the k*ller!

Don't worry, as soon as we fog
his lens, he'll turn to dust.


Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. I got these.

I brought a ton of scary movies.

- Even Halloween.
- Really?

- Yeah, I know it's one of your favorites.
- Yeah, thanks.

That's so nice of you.


BRENT: Princess Fart's here.


I would, y'know.

Would what?

Do the same for you.

Ride or die.

f*ck it. Taking the heat
for the tape is a huge deal,

and I appreciate it more than you know.


I get why you told my mom.

I sort of hoped that

she never had to find out
that it was me on the tape,

that it could just be like
it never happened, you know?

Yeah. Me too.

I'm really sorry.

I hate having you mad
at me. It feels horrible.

Can you forgive me?

It's already done.


I seriously couldn't get
through this without you.

You won't have to.

You and Luke take the bed. We'll
have a great view from the floor.

Nah, you and Eric can take it.

That way you two can
finally consummate your love.

- Heard that.
- Yeah, I'll film it for you as a keepsake.


Hey! Who wants my wood?

called. They want their joke back.

Hey, what the hell are you doing here?

Chillax, asswipe.
Dad wanted me to come, okay?

He doesn't want you stealing
any more of Ned's firewood.

He's afraid you're gonna catch
a b*llet in your bony ass.

That nut-job gets trigger happy
if a bird craps on his porch.

Yeah, well, congratulations,
mission accomplished.

- Uh, you can go now.
- Don't worry, okay?

I'm not gonna crash your
pathetic little sleepover.

You can wet the bed in private.

But my girl and I, we do deserve a
little something for our troubles.

So, Fredo, hey, beer me.

- Incoming.
- Yep.

- Wait, Brent.

You said we weren't gonna stay long.

We're not.



Hey. How you holding up?

I've had better weeks.

I have no doubt. Look,
you're a good kid.

You made a mistake, and you'll
find a way to make it right.

Thank you. That means a lot.

Trust me, I've made my share
of mistakes, and apologies.

Just trust your heart,
you'll do fine, all right?




... but a toxicology report revealed
Luke had narcotics in his system

at the time of his death, leading
authorities to suspect foul play.

I picked the wrong time
to vacation here, huh?

Plus the coffee's terrible.

... a stray b*llet found in a
wall, leading investigators...

Did you and Luke grow up together?

- Excuse me?
- Luke Chambers.

The, um... the dead boy.

Oh, you two were dating, right?

How did you know...

This is Jenna Raush,
reporting live from Chatham.

Thanks, Jenna. And now
in other breaking news...

Megan. The world wants to
hear your side of the story.

Let me help you share it.

You're right. The
coffee here is terrible.


I should've figured my
parents would send you.

You know they'd be here
themselves if they could.

We've never played
games before, Rebecca.

Let's not start now.

You look well.

Circumstances aside.

I didn't think I'd be
seeing you again so soon.

That makes two of us.

Let's start with your
fingerprints on the g*n.

Megan and I both used the g*n
last summer for target practice.

Luke was with us.

All right.

I understand there's a sex tape.

Yeah, but it wasn't me
on it, okay, it was Megan.

I just... I took the blame

so that she wouldn't
lose her scholarship.

Awfully generous of you.

It felt right at the time.

Now it just seems kind of pointless.

Only a few people know that
it was Megan on the tape.

But the tape still hurts
her more than me, right?

I mean, she's the "wronged party,"

the one with an axe to
grind where Luke's concerned.

It stands to hurt both of you.

But a town like this will always
look harder at the outsider.


Haven't seen too many friendly
faces around here lately.

There's another angle I'm
sure the police will pursue,

you and Megan working together.

We need to control the optics.

I told you, we haven't spoken in months.

It won't matter.

Just keep contact with Megan and
Debbie to an absolute minimum.

Why don't we just claim diplomatic
immunity and get on a plane?

I'm afraid that would look very bad.

Especially after what happened
in St. Bart's last winter.

BRENT: You know what they
say about sharp sh**t.

JEFF: What?

Soft boners!

Parker didn't complain last night.

- PARKER: You wish.
- Ooh!

C'mere, douchebag.

Is this what you want, buddy?
If this is what you want, fine.

- You ready?
- Right.

Ooh, I've never actually
held one of these before.

- It's kind of heavy...
- Okay, whoa, whoa!

First thing is, never wave
a loaded g*n around, okay?

Keep it pointed towards the
ground till you're ready to sh**t.

- Okay.
- All right?


Or you could blow somebody's head off.

I mean, I have diplomatic immunity.

So, I could k*ll all of
you and get away with it.

Okay. Let's maybe not test that theory.

- All right.
- All right?

Okay, so...

you want a tight grip, not too tight.

- Okay.
- Keep your finger off the trigger

till you're ready to sh**t, okay?

Now what?

- Now you aim.
- Mm-hmm.

And fire.



I'm terrible.

No. No, you just need some more lessons.

Can't wait.

I'll be back, okay?

You gonna show me how to do it too?

You guys, like, together now?

- Sorry, translation please?

Like, are you seeing each other?

You guys have been hanging out a lot.

Yeah, it's super serious.

We brought promise rings and everything.

Uhh... Shut up, I
know. Labels are stupid.

But as your best friend
and her, like, landlord,

I just wanted to know what was going on.

What did I miss?

Uh... nothing.

Damn, Megan, remind me
to stay on your good side.

♪ ♪

Let's go, yes! Start
backing up the money truck.

I got this one in the bag.


I'll call you back.


Pretty sure it's supposed
to be the other way around.

No more casseroles for me.

I could open a store.

How're you holding up?

A bit of a blur.


Nights are worse...

Well, I just don't think I'm gonna sleep

again until I find out who k*lled him.

Um... Jack told me about
the fingerprints on the g*n.

You can't really think that the girls...

No. No, no. The girls were with Luke

up at the cabin last summer.

Probably been playing
around with the g*n.

I'm sure that's all it was.

Uh, there is one strange thing, though.

Jack said the cabin
was cleaned recently.

I haven't been there in
months. Neither has Brent.

So who cleaned it?


- We should get him to try tonight.
- I bet he would do it.

(DRAMATIC VOICE) Megan Landry,
top of her class, model citizen.

What dark secrets lurk
beneath her friendly surface?

Is that novel a harmless hobby

or research for her next twisted k*ll?

Okay, c'mon, stop, you
know I hate that thing.

You might hate it, but it loves you.

- Hey, hey!

Pope, auteur or voyeur?

All right, cut it out.

It's kind of nice to see
you without your camera.

You're always hiding behind it.

Is that how it seems?


I like how it lets me be a part
of things but also separate.

After a while, people
forget that you're there.

You end up seeing a lot
more than you would have.

Yeah. I get that.

And what have you learned?

Don't let a girl touch your camera...

no matter how cute she is.

You need to get a lawyer.

DEBBIE: I've known Jack
Myer for almost years.

I'm sure he'll sort it all out.

Sheriff Myer isn't your
friend, Debbie, he's a cop.

You seem to know a lot
about dealing with the law.

Just get a lawyer.


A really, really good one.

Aww, Laundry, you shouldn't have!

Nah-ah. Not a chance, penis breath.

Penis breath?

- And that's one of my faves.
- Thank you.

- Well, I was taught by the master, so...
- Mm-hmm.


So, is Luke gonna close the
deal with the import or...?

Eww. Don't call her that.

This whole "bros gone wild"
thing is getting kind of tired.

I miss the semi-decent
guy I used to know.

- Only semi?
- No one's perfect. Especially not you.

(SCOFFS) Yeah, well...

I'm just saying, if you want
her gone, I've got your back.

(LAUGHS) Okay, thanks.

But I think I got
everything under control.

- Hmm.
- Now get lost

and let us have our lame
overnight to ourselves.


(MOUTH FULL) Yo, Parker!

Come on, we're outie , !


Hi. Your lobster club,
extra chips. Enjoy.


What are you doing here?

I wanted to see you. Are you okay?

I'm just like an animal in a zoo.

What are you doing? You're
just gonna make things worse.

Let 'em talk. I took care of the tapes.

Everything's gonna be okay.

These all the tapes?

STEVE: Think hard about your answer.

You've had trouble with it before.

Uh... Th-That's all of them.

I swear.


This is a criminal matter, Brent.

Some of these kids are underage...

I'm gonna take care of
his punishment, Jack,

and believe me, it's
gonna have real impact.

JACK: This is a police matter.

It's also a judgment call.

Like when your roof was leaking

and the county didn't have
a new one in the budget.

And I took care of it, I put a new
one on, I kept you safe and dry.

- Yeah, you did.
- Or when Bonnie was...

what, like, six months
in arrears on her rent?

We worked out a payment plan that...

if we're being honest, was an amnesty.

- Steve.
- Or when I scraped you off the floor of my bar

after you lost a big bet

and made sure that you
got home in one piece.

- That's a judgment call.
- And I appreciate all of that, I do.

- I'm just trying to do my job.
- And I get that.

But when I tell you that
something is taken care of,

you can rest easy because
my word means something,

so you get rid of the
tapes, I take care of Brent,

and the story ends here.

Myer looked like he was
gonna piss his pants.

- You told me there was one tape,

which would be bad
enough, but there were six?

- Dad!
- What is wrong with you?!

You know, I thought I didn't
have to worry about you,

that you were on a good path,
that you were squared away.

Your mother would be horrified.

You know, I was this close

to letting the sheriff
throw the book at you.

You understand me?

Don't make me regret that.

- You understand me?
- Yeah.

- Do you understand me?
- Yes!


All right, let's play
Two Truths and a Lie.

It'll help me get some
dirt in case I need

to blackmail any of you in the future.

- Yeah, great idea. I'll start.

Nice initiative, Mr. Chambers.

Thank you. Um...

Okay, uh, my mom wanted
to name me Xerxes,

but my dad said no.

I've had a pen pal in San Diego
since, like, the third grade.

And I've been to

three out of seven of
the Wonders of the World.

Legoland doesn't count, dude.


- Wait, Xerxes is true?!
- Yeah.

I really need to thank your
dad the next time I see him.

- JEFF: Okay, my turn.

Um, raw chicken legs freak me out.

I dislocated my shoulder
once, and if I try really hard,

I can pop it back out of joint.

And... when I was a little
kid, I was in a commercial.

Chicken legs? Really?

- Commercial's bogus.
- Yeah, you would've mentioned that, like,

a million times by now, dude.

- Okay, you got me.

You can dislocate your shoulder?

If you ask me nicely.

ISABELLA: Okay, my turn.


Let's see, I saw NSYNC at
a tiny club in Barcelona

before they got famous.

I broke my leg in three places
while skiing in the Swiss Alps.

And... I have severe somnambulism.

- S-So... what?

I sleepwalk like crazy. I
do some really weird stuff.

I mean, a couple nights ago,

Debbie found me in the
backyard practically naked.

- Ohh!
- FREDDY: Tonight just got a lot more interesting.

Right, Megan? You saw me out there.

Uh... Yeah, yeah, totally.

She was, uh, in her underwear,
watering the flowers.

- Ooh, show the porno!

FREDDY: Dudes, we have to go to Europe.

The sex tape gives them
a juicy motive that they can sell.

"Megan Landry, jilted lover."

Bingo. That, with the fingerprints,

and the fact that you were
the last one to see Luke...

it starts to tell a story.


I'm sorry, I need to take this.
It's a grand jury selection.

Hey, Bill, what have you got for me?

(SOFTLY) He seems really good.

Yeah. And expensive.

Where'd you get the money? Steve?

What? What are you not telling me?

I've never asked him
for anything in years.

- Are you serious?
- He's your father.

- Oh, my God!
- He owes you.

You said that we didn't need him,
that we'd never ask him for anything.

I know, but I'm not gonna let my pride

stand in the way of getting
you the best possible defense.

It is too important.

I'm gonna pay him back.

Every cent.

- Tell him that.
- TOM: We should go.

They're expecting us
down at the station.

JEFF: They wanted to make a documentary

about a witch that lived in the woods.

They spent a week out there
and all of them vanished.

Someone found the footage
and cut it together.

I heard that it's terrifying.

I'm going to Seattle to see
it next weekend, I can't wait.

You're a freak, dude.

Says the dude who ate a
bowl of dog food on a dare.


- LUKE: Oh, crap, is it raining?
- JEFF: sh**t.

Yo, let's get this stuff inside.

You got it? Come on, come on, come on.


Chill, bro.

- Whoo!


Thanks for the sleepwalking assist.

You nailed it.

Don't you wanna get inside?

I don't care.

Lisa and I once spent a
whole storm in the ocean.

I love the sound of rain underwater.

Me too.

Jeff is crushing on you... hard.

No. No way.

Those guys don't think of me like that.


You're smart, fun, and hot.

Okay, come on, that's,
like, the crush trifecta.

Maybe you used to be "one of the guys,"

but I think those days are over.



Hi, Tom Galvin. I'm
representing the Landrys.

We had an eleven o'clock appointment.




- , ...
- ISABELLA: What are they doing?

- Yes! Yes!
- MEGAN: I have no idea.


Do you want to get out of
here, sleep in actual beds,

far from the threat of
Freddy's hot dog farts?

- I'll race you to the car.
- Okay.

I'm so glad we left that sausage fest.

You and Luke seemed like
you were having fun, though.

Yeah, but if Freddy has
underwear on his head by now,

what's the next few hours gonna bring?

Cabin Slasher : The
Curse of Tim's Morning Wood.

Oh, God. (LAUGHS)

How'd you get Brent to leave?

You just have to know how to handle him.

He acts like a jerk, but he's
really just a stunted child.

I used to think he was really cool.

But that was, like, a
million years ago, before...

Before his mom died.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Kinda makes me feel bad for him.

Oh, no, he still totally sucks. (LAUGHS)

STEVE: Luke.

Come here.


When I was in the army,

we called guys like your
brother "Delta Sierras."

Dip shits?

Close enough.

They'll probably have your
back push comes to shove,

but... in anything less than a crisis,

they tend to let you down.


But you...

you're straight up.

You're honest.

You wear your heart on your sleeve.

Along with your size Converse.

I mean, I know you
dropped off those tapes.

- Dad, I...
- Okay, so your brother is Delta Sierra.

He's a dip shit.

And what he did is reprehensible.

But he would never

intentionally humiliate
our family like you did.

I just... I wanted to
see him get punished...

Our business is private.

You don't litigate it in public.




If it isn't our leading ladies.

What's up, Isabella? You
wanna hang out tonight,

or are you only into
guys with girlfriends?

- What's he talking about?
- I just hear a lot of stupid noise.

MEGAN: Come on!

My little sister's here, you moron.

What do you say we get back at
Luke, make a movie of our own?

Yeah, I'll hold the camera.

Does this make you feel better?

Actually, it kinda does.

You chose the wrong guy.

I never would've done that to you.

The tape cut out before we
got a good look at the heroine.

But I'd know that laugh anywhere.

Used to be one of my
favorite things about you.

I don't know what the
hell you're talking about.

Yeah, okay. Whatever.

When did you first
learn Luke was missing?

Same as everyone else.
The day after the party.

And you had no contact
with him after that point?


We weren't that close then.

Can you explain to me why
your fingerprints were on the g*n?

Luke showed me how to sh**t.

I'd never held a g*n before.

I used the g*n last summer.

A bunch of us went out to the cabin.

Why aren't their prints on the g*n?

You don't have to answer that.

Were you angry at Luke
after the Christmas party?

No comment.

Did you want revenge on
him for betraying you?

REBECCA: No comment.

For breaking your heart?

TOM: No comment.

You little bitch.

Ratting me out to your
little Sheriff daddy?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Somebody gave the cops my tapes.

- It wasn't me, but good.
- Hmm.

You shouldn't get away with that.

Well, Dad didn't give a shit.

- Wh-What?
- Yeah.

Bitch-slapped Myer,
flexed on him super hard.

So I'm clear.

But if it wasn't you,

then it must've been
your little side skank.

Guess I'll have to give
her what's coming to her.

♪ And there'll be no complications... ♪

What the hell?

DEBBIE: Megan!


DEBBIE: Megan, come back!

MEGAN: I can't believe this.

I can't believe she would do this to us.

Who is that guy?

My dad.

His name is Keith, he's a musician.

Plays guitar in some old rock band.


I never really called him dad.

They weren't married or anything,

but he was around a
bunch when I was little.

For, like, birthdays and holidays.

I remember him dressing up
as the Easter Bunny once.

Sorry, this is probably so boring.

No. No, not even a little bit.

He always had really long hair.

Slept in late.

He used to make up these funny songs

about brushing your
teeth or doing laundry.

He sounds cool.


Yeah, he does.

Uh, when my mom got pregnant with Lily,

they started fighting a
lot, and he was away more.

And then, by the time Lily was
born, he pretty much disappeared.

Most of the time I
forget he even exists.

I'm so sorry.

That sucks.

I always used to catch my
mom listening to his music.

But it's been years.

Why would she want to bring
him back into her life?

I mean, I know that she
always sees the best in people,

but all he's ever done is hurt us.

You could ask her.

Or maybe you'd rather stay
pissed for several days.

I'm super supportive of that as well.

So, what's all this about?

Whatever you think
you heard on that tape,

you can't prove it.

Says you.

I, on the other hand,
have plenty of proof

about how you pay for all
that fancy camera equipment.

Unless you want us spilling
your dirty little secret,

you're gonna keep your mouth shut.

- You swore you'd never tell...
- I don't want to.

I had a great time with you last summer.

I don't want to ruin
that now by getting messy.

So, basically, it's blackmail.

More like mutual destruction.

Choose your own adventure...

or don't.

MEGAN: Are you and your dad close?


He's older, serious.

We don't really talk that much.

He and my mom are, like,
obsessed with their jobs.

My aunt says they're like co-pilots...

all they care about
is landing the plane,

and I'm just some passenger in the back.

- Really?
- Yeah. For sure.

I'm more of an
inconvenience if anything.

They just throw their money
at me to hide their guilt.

I mean, I'm sure that they love you.


They just have a really lousy
way of showing it, though.

I know Debbie's not perfect, but...

at least she listens to
you when you talk to her.

You know, I don't think that my parents

have heard a word that I've
said in like five years.

Headline... adults suck sometimes.

I'm glad you're here.

Me too.

But this candy's awful.

- It sucks.

- It's so bad.
- I'm sorry.

I wanted you to try
something from Europe.

It was a very... it
was a very nice thought.

(LAUGHING) But it's so bad.

You're right. Yeah, I know.

JACK: Tell me about the
last time you saw Luke.

I've already told you like ten times.

Just once more. Please.

Then we're done.

Luke and I left the
party just after midnight.

We parked near the beach, and then I

dropped him back home
a couple hours later.

Eyewitnesses confirm seeing
you leave the party together.

As far as you dropping
Luke back at home...

This is security footage
from the Chambers' driveway,

from midnight till a. m.


No sign of either your car or
Luke coming home at any point.

My client is exhausted. We'll
have to pick this up another time.

Just one more thing.

You say you haven't been to
the cabin since last summer?

That's right.

REBECCA: You sure you
told me everything?

ISABELLA: Yes, I swear.

Then can you explain to
me why we found your bag

stashed in the crawl space
at the Chambers' cabin,

the scene of Luke's m*rder?

And what is all this money for?

Is there anything about that
night you haven't told me?

We cannot afford any more surprises.

- He knows about our lie.
- Which one?

I am not going to let Megan go down

for a crime she didn't commit.

You sound so sure of that.

Haven't given up on our friendship,

you really expect me to believe that?

How far do I need to go
to prove my loyalty to you?

Do you need me to k*ll for you?