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Maximum Truth (2023)

Posted: 06/13/23 06:21
by bunniefuu
(film clicks)

(train rustles)

(phone beeps)

You know.

My name is Rick Klingman.

I am an attorney and a

political consultant.

Some people might say, oh,

that guy is a con artist

or a fraud or a dirty trickster

or he can't name all three

branches of the government.

And they're wrong.

I am simply a truth provider.

This morning on

behalf of my client,

I filed a lawsuit with the

Tomkins County Courthouse

to stop production of the

new play, "Freeing Lincoln."

In this play,

producer, Seth Rogen,

alleges that Abraham Lincoln,

a great American and one

of our greatest presidents

was, in fact, a gay man.

I have asked Judge Ennington

for an immediate injunction

and I am awaiting her ruling.

Every once in a while,

someone will hire me

to get their truth out there

and when I hear

what they're about,

I think I don't know,

maybe that's not good.

But the more I think about it

and talk about it, I

start to believe it.

I start to believe their truth

and then it becomes the truth.

I see Jessica from "The Daily

Beast," hello, how are you?

- Hi, Rick, doing well.

Who are these people behind you?

Are they with you?

- Yes, yes.

I mean, this gentleman's sign

says Lincoln was straight.

That's what we're alleging.

- What about her?

- Yeah, no, I asked her

not to stand here with us,

but she won't leave.

She said no way.

But that's her right.

This is American,

First Amendment.

The man was shot

in the head, okay.

He's not here to defend himself.

I'm sorry, I don't

think it's right

that a Canadian based

in Hollywood gets

to tear down another

American idol.

- f*ck Rick Klingman.

This guys a f*ckin'

piece of shit.

I check Twitter every

day hoping he's gonna die

and when he does finally die,

I'm going to find out

where they buried him,

I'm gonna take a week

and I'm gonna eat nothing

but Taco Bell burritos

and P.F. Chang's.

And then I'm gonna

go to his grave

and I'm gonna spray

the worst diarrhea

anyone's ever had all

over his headstone.

(playful dramatic music)

- I see you.



It's good to see you.

I am an airport expert

and my best piece of

advice, take the shuttle.

Here he is right now, look.

Here comes our guy.

I've been waiting less than

10 minutes, here he is.

How are you, brother?

That's the wrong one.

I thought New York

was a huge success.

The judge threw out the

lawsuit, which we expected,

but I proved my point

and my clients are happy

and I think I'm gonna get a lot

of buzz out of this one, so.

Check the Twitter machine.

Let's see what folks are saying.

Rick Klingman is a pathetic worm

who should crawl back into

whatever sewer he came from.

What's up with Rick

Klingman's weird body?

Why does on suit fit him?

I got to give Rick

Klingman credit.

He actually has done

some impressive things

in his life considering the fact

that his brain is

made of monkey cum.

I think the nature of

what I do lends itself

to haters and trolls.

There's this one guy

named Sledge Whopper,

not his real name, and he

goes after me all the time,

man, and he, he

is telling people

I pranked this idiot

and I owned him.

No one owns Rick Klingman,

except City Second

National Bank,

which owns most

of my condominium.

Home sweet home.

I love coming home

after a long flight.

I like to relax, get a little-

- Hello.

- Oh, my God.

- What are you, why.

Excuse me, guys, one second.

What the hell was that?

- [Marco] I told you, I don't

want cameras in the house.

- [Rick] Here's the deal.

A, you live in my condo.

B, I am your boss.

So, as your boss, I am

ordering you to be cool.

Can you be cool?

Welcome to Casa Del

Klingman and Marco,

who not only is my

executive assistant,

he's also my roommate.

- Mm-hmm, hello.

- Been working together

for about three years now.

- Four years.

- He makes the greatest dish.

It's the uh, the chicken

and the rice one.

- Yeah, arroz con pollo.

It's very good.

- Is that what it's called?

The one, it's got like

the yellowish sauce?

- Yellow sauce on top

of rice and chicken?

It's arroz on pollo.

- Let me know if I have any

phone calls I need to roll.

- Absolutely, I will

let you know anything

that I have to tell you.

- So, this is it.

This is the humble abode.

I love Asia and I did some work

with some gentlemen

from Hong Kong,

who had a startup.

They were trying to, uh,

get canned dolphin exported

and people were furious,

but the reality is, is

dolphins are incredibly healthy

to eat and there really

are a lot of them.

Welcome to central command.

I miss my guys.

Miss my platoon.

- [Director] Oh, I

didn't realize you served.

- Well, I wanted to.

I wanted to serve,

but, unfortunately,

my left leg is about a quarter

of a millimeter shorter

than my right leg.

This is my friend Neil's

40th birthday, paintball.

This is, this is kind

of the central hub

of my office right here.

I was an onboard advisor

for Enchanted Cruise Lines,

I don't know if you guys

know them. Oh, my God.

They called me the Fet Boy,

'cause I was always the

first in line at the buffet.

Look at that crab.

Look how big that

frickin' crab is.

I worked for Enchanted

for six years

until I got real sick.

I ate some buffet

queso, we think.

It could've been

a lot of things.

But, uh, whatever it

was, it was tapeworm

and it gave me the tapeworm

and so I lost ton of weight.

All my chest hair fell out.

I was real sick.

I ended up suing the cruise line

and I settled out of

court, which was great.

And I, unfortunately,

ended up gaining

a lot of weight

back right there.

That's me at about 309, 310

right there, real unhealthy,

so I decided I was

going to sign up

with a oh, let's just call it

a certain famous

weight loss company.

That worked so well

that I ended up

with kidney failure.

Lost too much weight too fast.

So, I sued that weight

loss company and I won

and that is kind of what

really put me on the map.

And I learned that I

was put on this earth

to make a difference

and I can make money

making that difference.

So, I, uh, yeah, I started

my own consulting

firm, Maximum Truth.

That's for you, take it.

I got like two left.

- [Director] Who hires you?

- All kinds of people.

I mean, titans of

industry, CEOs.

Do you remember Tonya Harding?

Her brother.

So, I got a phone call

from my friend,

Mary Jo Nackerson,

who is a big activist

with some pretty deep pockets

and she wants to talk,

so we're going to Beverly Hills.

Don't even have to lock it.

Not in this neighborhood.

- There he is, Mr. Handsome.

- Where? Where?

(Mary Jo laughs)

- Ah, oh.

- You okay?

- Oh, the pain.

- What happened?

- Oh, honey, I just

got new choppers

and they're still

finding their grit, see.

Look good, though, huh?

- Oh, look at that.

- Look, look.

- Look at those,

they're beautiful.

- Yeah, I paid a lot

of money for them

I'll tell you that much.

- I got these on sale.

(Mary Jo laughs)

- Oh, come on in, come on in.

I'm fine, I'm fine, really.

My husband, Wilbur and I spent

a lot of time working on

this house, tiny details.

Oh, and there he is now.

Wilbur, my sweet Wilbur.

- Yes.

- Just a wonderful man.

Wilbur was a big shell

guy, natural gas, so.

- [Director] You mean fracking?

- Uh, I wouldn't

call it fracking.

- No, it's fracking and Wilbur

practically invented it.

- It's fracking. Wilbur

invented it and I love it.

- Let me ask, Rick,

what do you really want?

- I would love to

expand my operation

and maybe open up a

little office, you know,

Washington, DC, be bi-coastal.

- Rick, I had a job for you

and if you do it right,

all of that is possible.

- I'm listening.

- Mm-hmm.

Antonio Kelly-Zhang.

You know him?

- Yeah, I think I do.

Was he on "Below Deck?"

- He is running for Congress

right here in Los Angeles.

- Oh, yes, no, no,

I do know this guy.

He's very young and

very photogenic, hello.

- He is a disaster

for people like us

and I have evidence

that he may be a demon.

- Well, I think that is

definitely worth investigating.

It might be hard to prove.

If it's true, that's a big deal

and he's kind of in trouble,

but I think, yeah,

you can maybe, uh,

I think we can do a little

digging on this guy.

- Well, that's what

I want you to do.

If you can find something

to knock him out,

this is just the beginning.

- Mary Jo.

- Yes.

- I'm in.

- Oh, fantastic,

that's fantastic.

- [Rick] My pleasure.

- Ah, oh, God, oh.

- That's a big one.

- Will you go up to my room

and just get those pain pills.

They're on the nightstand table.

- Pain pills on the

nightstand table.

- Pills on the

nightstand table, oh.

- Got it, I'll be right back.

Mary Jo, just hang tight.

So, when Mary Jo

reached out yesterday,

I thought three words.

I need Simon.

How would I describe

Simon Tarnum?

One word.

LeBron James.

He led the boycott

of the Apple store

for not selling his app.

He led the boycott of Chipotle

when they started

serving soy riso.

This is a young man who

is just an up and comer

and did I mention

he's easy on the eyes?

I mean, if I was a woman,

he would be my boyfriend.

He said to meet him

in the backyard,

so, I think I can

guess what he's doing.

I was right.

- Yo, man.

- There he is.

- There he is.

- Come on.

- Oh.

- Look at that.

- Got the camera crew, huh?

(both grunt)

- I'm gonna try that.

- [Together] Hah!



- You don't have

to do the grunts.

I just got 20 more seconds.

- Whoo!

- Get this.

- Yeah, burn it out.

- Get there, Simon.

- That's good.

- It works a lot of

different muscle groups.

(Simon grunts)

- Come on, you f*ckin' p*ssy.

- Yeah.

- I had a very fun

lunch yesterday

with Mary Jo Nackerson

and she has a job for me

and I thought maybe it

could be a job for us.

- I'm listening.

- Okay.

- She wants us to

do a little dig

on one Antonio Kelly-Zhang.

- Creepy.

- Yeah, you know this guy?

- Hate his face.

- Yeah.

- Hate his face.

- Do you know who he is?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Who is he again?

- He's running for Congress.

- Okay.

- In LA.

- That's what it is.

- That's why I know him.

- On the east side.

- Oh, you know what it is?

I saw him on Natalie

Portman's Instagram one time

before she blocked

me, the coward.

- All we gotta do

is just kind of do

a little background

check on this guy.

You know, find out

where's he been,

what's his story.

Is he hiding anything.

- I see.

- You know?

- I see.

- You wanna get down

and dirty with it.

- Yeah, I mean,

that's the business.

This is all totally legal.

- Yep.

- You know, but it comes down

to me needing you, Simon.

I mean, this guy, he's

young, he's viral.

You're young, you're viral.

I need your expertise

and we've been looking to

do a collab for a while

and this kind of seems like

it's the perfect thing.

So, I'm here to ask

you, what do you think?

- What do I think?

Oh, God, it's gonna be tough.

Might need to sleep

on it, you know.

- [Rick] No, that's fine.

- I might need a couple days.

You know?

- No, I get it.

- I get it and it was, you know,

we're all working on things,

but I thought, this

could be just kind of-

- I'm kidding. I'm in.

Do a little zoom.

(Rick laughs)

Daddy's in.

Come on.

- Come on, now.

- Come on, now.

(Simon coughs)

- I, I thought you

were going, I'm sorry,

I thought you were

going for a fist bump

and I went way too long.

- Listen, I gotta,

I gotta ship out

some supplements, but-

- Oh.

- Instead of taking off,

why don't you come and check out

what I got working over here.

- You wanna see this

little mogul right here?

- In the garage.

I just got Wahlberg to cut in.

- You got Mark Wahlberg?

- Donnie. Donnie.

- Shut up.

- "Bluebloods."

- I met him and Jenny

McCarthy one time

and I took a picture with them.

- Whoa, welcome to the factory.

We got, oh, what

have we got here?

- Whoo!

- Oh, is that, is that the, uh,

highest quality

weightlifting supplement

on the market right now?

I think it is.

- Look at that.

- Check that out.

Shredded and you can get

this beautiful product


You just pop that right there

when I did that with the finger.

- [Director] We're

not doing that.

- You could pop a

link right there.

- It's all right, it's

all right, doesn't matter.

- And I love that you

guys only used one D.

It's kind of like skewing

a little bit, you know.

This ain't, this ain't

your daddy's chocolate

protein powder.

- Missed two Ds, one two.

- Oh, no, no, I

meant like, you know,

two Ds next to each other.

- That would be shre-ded.

I'm not gonna do that.

- No, no, no, look, normally

it would be two, that's good,

it's good.

- Shredded.

It's gotta be

shredded, get shredded.

- You have an opponent,

you find their weakness.

- Yeah.

- You investigate, you

expose, you exploit, IEE.

What about policies?

Because this guy

is pretty radical.

- You know, I think

we should just

avoid policy

altogether, you know.

It's not what the young

people are into, it's boring.

- Yeah, we think it's

boring, that's true.

- Doesn't make any sense.

- That's true, I get it.

- You know what, we'll pull

that off the board, policy.

- Yeah, yeah, make

space, former jobs.

What'd he do before this?

- Former jobs.

Command center activate.

- Oh, I'm feeling some

momentum now, baby, oh, yeah.

- Okay, well, he worked at

a community outreach program

for homeless folks.

- Mm, community outreach?

What does that even mean?

That's gotta be a front for

something, dive into that.

What'd he do before?

- I'm gonna mark that one.

Before that he-

- Give it to me.

- Oh, he worked at a

Lavashe, it's a restaurant.

I, I, I've been there.

- Beautiful.

- Put it on, put it

on an index card.

- What card? What color?

- Mm, green, get it green, yeah.

- Lavashe.

- But it looks like, uh,

looks like we might

have a first stop, huh?

- Yeah.

On the board baby.

- Put it on the board!

- Hello.

Welcome to Lavashe.

We're actually not

open for dinner yet.

- Uh, what is your name?

- Shannon.

- Shannon, up, there we go.

Rick Klingman, this

is Simon Tarnum.

- Hola, Shannon.

- Shannon, we're

making a documentary

about, uh, Antonio Kelly-Zhang

and we were wondering

if maybe you worked

with him and you could give us

a little information about him?

- I didn't, unfortunately.

- Uh, well, hold on, is

there anyone working now

who worked with Antonio

when he was here perhaps?

- Yeah, Gabriel's our manager.

- He worked with him, yeah.

- Gabriel?

- Let's, is he here right now?

- Mm-hmm, let me go

see if he's available.

- Oh, Shannon,

thank you so much.

- You're welcome.

- Thank you.

- What am I looking at here?

$42 for a steak.

I could buy a steak, I could

buy three bottles of wine,

potatoes, make it at home for

that price, this is insane.

- Bienvenue a Lavashe.

I'm Gabriel, the manager.

- We're actually making

a little documentary

and we wanted to know, you know,

just basically what kind

of employee Antonio was,

just kind of see what

he was all about.

- You're looking

for dirt on Antonio?

- [Simon] Si.

- [Rick] Is there any?

- Well, I worked

here with Antonio

for a couple of years

and I can tell you this.

He was employee de la semaine

four semaines in a row,

that's a month.

- What does that mean?

- He was a perfect employee.

Everyone loved him

and we all support

what he's doing now.

- Perhaps there were some folks

who worked here

while he was here

who might not think he was-

- How about I give

you 10 seconds

to turn off your cameras

and get out of my restaurant.

- Gabe.

- It's Gabriel.

- Gabriel.

- [Simon] Gabey, Gabey.

- Now, why don't

you get out of here

or I will drag you out

of here by your balls.

- Ah, f*ckin' threat,

that's a threat.

Say that one more time.

- It absolutely is,

now get the f*ck out.

Take your grandfather with you.

- Wow.

- Grandfather.

- Keep going, keep going,

this is all good stuff.

- Grandfather?

- Isn't he late for

Little League practice?

- He hasn't played Little

League in five years

and I'm only 12

years older tops.

You know what? It's fine.

I want you to know

something, my friend.

I am an attorney and I

can still practice law

in Nevada, in New

Mexico, in Arizona

and parts of Florida.

You blew it.

- Successful.

- You blew it.

- We gotta listen to the

back of that recording,

'cause we could have something.

- See, I don't think

there is anything.

- None of it?

- Excuse me.

- Because he didn't

say anything.

- He said it absolutely is.

- Excuse me.

- Excuse me, hi.

You dropped this.

- I don't think I did.

- No, I saw you drop

it a couple of times.

- No, I'm sorry.

- You did.

- You're thinking

of someone else.

- You're very careless, now.

- Didn't bring any napkins, so.

- What are-

- Don't be so careless.

(suspenseful music)

- What is that?

- Get in the car.

- Yeah.

- Get in the car.

- What's going on?

- Get in the car,

get in the car.

(door closes)

(suspenseful music)

- I did not drop this.

- Right.

- He wanted me to

have it, call me.

- Yeah, he wants to

go on a date with you.

- No, no, he, he wants,

he knows something.

He knows something.

- About Antonio?

- Yes.

- Jesus f*ckin' Christ.

- Come on.

- Whoo! This is huge.

- Okay, this is actually-

- I mean.

- Almond.

- Hello, hello, hi.

No, no, I'm sorry, this isn't a,

this isn't a ride share.

- Sorry.

- Sorry.

Get a big black car,

everyone thinks it's an Uber.

I have this very strange ability

where people who have a secret,

they can smell me or something.

They, they, they,

they smell me coming

and they're like this

is a guy I can trust.

- [Director] If they smell you,

it seems like they

have the ability.

- But, no, but it's,

I give off the smell.

It's like, who has more talent,

a person or a skunk?

A skunk.

He's the one making the smell.

Otherwise he's just

a, what is he? A cat.

Uh, can I get you

something to drink,

some OJ or coffee, maybe?

- Uh, I'll have a Jack and Coke.

- Sure. Have a seat.

Simon Tarnum, my associate.

This is Fred Zurtz.

- Hi.

- Yeah.

- How are you?

- It's good to see

you. All right.

- Have a seat there, Fred.

Let me get this.

That's for you.

- Oh (chuckles).

- [Rick] I got mixers handy.

- Not too much Coke.

- Okay, gotcha.

- This cinnamon

bread's really good.

Is it European?

- That is actually from

Vaughn's right down the street,

but it, it's really good.

They make a great roll.

Now, we didn't get

into it too much over

the phone, but you

said that you used

to work with

Antonio Kelly-Zhang?

- Yeah, for like three months.

- So, what, what was

your experience working

with Antonio from

your perspective?

- He was just always

making fun of me.

- That's your ass, man.

- Let me ask you a

question, and I apologize.

Was the harassment

ever sexual in nature?

- Yeah, it was.

- Jesus Christ.

- This is a safe space.

I need you to be as

specific as you can

about the nature of

the sexual harassment.

- Man, at first

it was just talk,

like, "Hey, Fred, you ever

think about doing your sister?

Admit it Fred, you

wanna do your sister.

You wanna do her and

you want me to watch.

That's what you

like, don't you?"

- And he was talking

about your sister?

- I mean, he was

obsessed with it

and I hated it

because I do not want

to have sex with my

sister, not at all.

- Did Antonio ever cross the

line with you physically?

- Well, when I was

marrying the ketchups

and Antonio walked out, up to me

and he grabbed my d*ck

and snapped it back.

- What?

- Um.

- How, uh, describe the-

- Yeah, describe-

- How that went.

- Well, he grabbed my d*ck

and I said, "What the f*ck?"

And then he snapped it back.

- Just so I can

have like a picture,

were you like nude at work?

- No, it was under the pants.

- Were you wearing

like sweat pants?

Like the elastic-

- What?

- I'm trying to

think how does he-

- It doesn't matter.

This is a harassment.

- It is, it is.

- This is total harassment.

- Oh, no, no, no.

- Don't eat off the floor.

- Don't worry about that.

- [Rick] Don't eat

off the floor, oh.

Okay, okay, it's

fine, it's fine.

- You were harassed, okay.

I want you to know that.

- Okay.

- That's unacceptable

what happened to you.

You get that, right?

- This is, these are kind

of tearing through me now.

I, can I use your john?

- Yeah, of course, yeah, no, no,

it's right over

there on the, uh,

right in that door.

Yeah, yeah, sure,

it's right over there.

Got soap and stuff,

whatever you need.

Take your time.

- Okay.

- Smoking g*n.

- When he leaves, we make calls.

- Absolutely.

- All right.

- Are you familiar with

the congressional candidate,

Antonio Kelly-Zhang?

- Are you a journalist or

are you not a journalist?

Well, I'm telling you, bro,

this is the real deal.

The real hizzy, baby.

- This press conference

will be, I think, viral.

- Of course we have evidence.

Why wouldn't we, why would

we call a press conference

and not have evidence.

I thought George

was the last name?

Then I don't know

who I'm calling.

- Yes, yes, I want

to get, I want to see

if you want.

- What happened, you

reached for the water?

Yeah, no, sorry,

that was my dog.

- You have a

journalistic obligation-

- I'll jump through

this f*ckin' phone

and I'll knock you the

f*ck out right now, pal.

- The press needs

me and I need them,

so it's a Cibian relationship.

Talk to me, buddy,

what do we got?

- All right, just got off

with "DC Insider" man.

- Okay, he's good.

- Not just that, though.

- Yeah.

- Elliott Pegsley.

- Oh, yeah.

- Marie Hootzahausen is

the correct pronunciation.

- I don't know her.

- Yeah.

- I got us Jessica Hall

from "The Daily Beast."

- Ooh, no, ew, fake news bitch.

- Well, that bitch can

be a man or a woman.

Men call me bitch, men call

women b*tches, doesn't matter.

But she does have reach.

She has a lot of reach.

- Yeah, all right.

- I'm trying to broad

the operation a little.

- Yep.

- So.

- Cool.

- It's out there,

we are looking good.

Oh, here he is, hey, Marco.

You remember Simon.

- What up Marco.

- [Rick] What's in the bags?

- Groceries for me.

(Rick sighs)

- Take your time,

take your time.

- What's going on with Marco?

- He's fine, don't

worry about him.

What we need to worry

about is something else

because we have a problem.

- Why?

- Where the heck we're gonna

celebrate tonight, baby,

'cause I'm thinking

BJ's Brewhouse.

- I love BJ's.

Why are we celebrating?

What are we doing?

- 'Cause we booked

a press conference.

This is happening.

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- It's in the water, come

on, man, we're doing it.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, can you

make a little more noise?

- Are you asking me to

make some more noise?

- I know, that-

- Am I being irritating?

- I was being facetious

because you were,

it was like a construction

site over there.

So, uh, BJ's was a disaster

I think was the right word.

They told me it would

be a two-hour wait,

which is insane

because I'm there, oh,

200 times a year.

I've spent every birthday

there for six years.

But there was a new hostess

and she was feeling herself

and she said, "Sir, it's

not gonna happen tonight,"

and I said, "Wait till I call

Carl, who is your manager."

Agh, doesn't matter,

doesn't matter.

We're home, we brought

the party home style.

I think that's the caviar.

Hope you guys are hungry.

- There we go.

How about pizza

pies, Italian music

What do we got?

Mischa, can I get you

some Ranch or something?

- It's Misa and, yeah, duh.

- Yeah, Misa.

That's a beautiful name,

is that, uh, perhaps,

you're from Europe, maybe?

- It's from Tampa Bay

is where I'm from.

- Top three cities in America,

Tampa Bay, number two.

Love it, great BJ's Brewhouse

there by the airport.

(upbeat music)

I'm gonna run over there.

(upbeat techno music)

(phone rings)

Hello? Yeah.

Oh my gosh.

Wait, you're here?

You're here right now?

Oh, okay, I'm coming down.

So, he's not going to jail?

- Well, I filed a report

and there will be a fine,

but no, we're releasing him

on his own recognizance.

- [Rick] But why did

you bring him here?

- Because he gave

us this address

and said you were a friend.

- No, I met him for the

first time yesterday.

I don't know this man.

- Well, that's your problem.

- No, officer, officer,

officer, officer.

I backed the blue.

- Have a nice night.

Thanks for your donation.

- I wanna know why

you were masturbating

in your car in front

of the Salvation Army.

- Well, that's not

actually accurate.

I mean, I was with

a lady friend.

- Uh-huh and where is she?

I mean, did she get

arrested, as well?

- No, she had to go shopping.

- That's bonkers.

Absolutely bonkers.

No one will believe that story.

Fred, you couldn't have waited?

You couldn't have

waited until we did

what we're trying

to do, you know?

This is bigger than you, man.

(Rick sighs)

- Can we, uh, can we

stop at Chick-Fil-A?

- I want you to

answer me right now.

Did Antonio Kelly-Zhang

sexually harass you or not?

- Yeah, you know, I can't

actually remember if it was him.

It could've been

an array of people.

I just have that kind of thing

that people wanna,

you know, do that to.

But someone did snap my d*ck.

- Hey.

- Hey, morning.

- What the f*ck is

going on? It's leg day.

- Yeah, no, I know,

I did my legs, too.

Um, I don't think we can

go with the Fred angle.

- What are you talking

about? Why? Why not?

- I don't know, man.

I think he, himself,

might be a sex criminal

and the minute they Google him,

this is all over.

- f*ck, okay, so, we can't

use like any of the story or?

- Maybe as like

a backup, backup.

If we find nothing else.

- Yeah.

- Which we will.

- Absolutely.

- I mean, we have merely

scratched the surface.

- Just gotta reset, recharge.

- He's hiding something

and we're gonna find it.

- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. How?

- Maybe it's time we

let him know that?

- I feel like you're getting

that idea face, I love it.

- We're gonna go to his house

and let him know we know.

- Let just our eyes and our

presence bring it out in him.

- Once he sees us there

and let him know, hey, bud,

we know what's going on,

he's gonna go oh, shit.

- Yeah.

- And he's gonna freak out.

- Just f*ckin' stare

at him, beautiful.

- There's only one

problem. It's too perfect.

In this business, you

have to become an expert

and special ops,

recon, stakeouts.

I one time sat in my car

in front of Ed Begley

Jr.'s house for three days.

So the other camera's

ready to go right there?

- [Director] He will come

out when we get out of the car.

- It's like a proper ambush.

- Official, wow.

- Yeah.

- You know, this is all

totally legally, by the way.

You're allowed to, you know,

park in front of

someone's house and yeah,

this his all legal.

- Not doing anything right now.

- Oh, my God, there

they are, they're there.

Go, go, go, move,

move, you're clear.

Here we go, we're live.

Here we go.

Gentlemen, good morning.

Mr. Kelly-Zhang.

- Oh!

- Mr. Kelly-Zhang, hello, hello.

- Hey, guys, good to

see you, how are you?

- Hey.

- Good morning.

- How are you?

- I got to get my

daughter to school, so.

- You know who we are.

- If we can just keep it light.

- How can we help you guys?

- Uh, well, we just wanted

to let you guys know,

very simply, we know.

- Okay, we're not interested in-

- We know?

- Whatever stunt.

- What do we know?

- Yeah.

- What do we know, Kev?

- I think you know what we know.

I think you know what we know.

- I don't know.

- Okay, I'm gonna handle this,

so why don't you

just get in the car.

- Okay.

I will, uh, I'll leave you

and Kevin's capable hands,

but thank you for coming

out and appreciate it.

- Thank you.

- We appreciate you.

- Thank you, appreciate it.

- Thank you so much.

- [Simon] Appreciate

the political politics,

politics talking.

- We know.

- Um, yeah, you guys are idiots.

- Oh, I'm sorry, did

you just call me,

did you just call me an idiot?

I have that on camera.

- Yes, you are one of two.

- What is it that you do, sir,

if you don't mind me asking?

- I am Kevin Soo, I am Mr.

Kelly-Zhang's press secretary.

- You're a secretary?

- I am.

- Cock.

- Okay, okay, okay.

- Uh.

- Mr. Soo.

- That's great.

- Very simply, I want

you to know we know

and we wanna give you a

chance to comment on this

before everybody knows,

'cause it's out there.

- Kev?

- Yeah.

- Let's go.

- Two seconds.

- So, we're gonna go.

Have a good day, gentlemen,

I hope that you find

something to do today

because this is really stupid.

- [Rick] This is stupid,

we actually have to go,

we have to go to the 7th Street-

- [Simon] Yeah, we

got big plans today.

- Soup Kitchen, we're

heading there now,

so we have to go.

- [Simon] We should probably

get running, the traffic.

- You're going to the

7th Street Soup Kitchen.

- Yes, sir.

- Yeah, yeah.

- That's where we're going.

- I heard that,

thank you for making

your campaign schedule public.

- What?

- 'Cause we're

gonna see you there.

And then we're gonna see

you at the next place.

- I'm gonna handle it.

- And the next place.

We're gonna be up in your grill.

- Yeah, we're outta here.

Um, I will just have my

office reach out on Monday

- Fantastic.

- To let you guys know that, um,

you're total f*ckin' losers.

- Oh, we're total

f*ckin' losers.

- Yeah, have your

office tell us.

We need your office to tell us.

- Like that hasn't been

said to me a million times.

- We're gonna see you

guys in a little bit.

Don't hit anyone.

- You need help backing out?

You need help reversing,

reversing's top.

- See you at the soup kitchen.

- Good luck.

- We know.

- Hey, we know.


- We should go, we should go.

Keep movin', movin'.

(suspenseful music)

- [Simon] You gotta open

my side, it's locked.

- No, no, no, no, no.

I locked my keys in the car.

- What?

- [Simon] How,

how, how, how, why?

- I was distracted

and then I think,

I think I hit the lock button.

- But I don't even

think that's possible,

like manufacturers

stop doing that.

- No, no, no, no,

no, you can play

with it in the

settings and change it.

- Why would you change

it, though, 'cause we-

- That doesn't matter.

They're on the road.

- Let's call a car,

let's call an Uber.

Let's call an Uber.

- How does that work?

- I don't know.

I gotta get it in the app store.

- App store, app store?

- Yeah.

- You must connect to wifi

or a cellular data network-

- I don't have any cellular.

- To access the store.

- Yeah, okay.

- Uh, so today was not the best.

By the time we got

to the soup kitchen,

we found out that they had

gone to another location,

so we took another Uber

to where we thought

they were, but they

just ended up shuffling

their schedule around

and with the cost

of all the Ubers and the guy

who had to come and

break my windows

so that I could

get my car keys out

and the parking ticket I got

because of the street cleaning,

I am down roughly

500 bucks on the day.

So, that's not great.

But, I am, uh, not gonna

let it ruin the night.

It is someone's birthday

and I'm making their favorite

dish, coconut shrimps.

- It's my birthday.

- [Rick] This recipe

is Chef Ted Allen.

- [Marco] Yeah.

- [Rick] Who you might

know from "Chopped."

- [Simon] Yo, yo, yo!

- Who is it?

- It's Simon.

- Oh, hey.

- What the f*ck?

- Wow, what a surprise.

- I've been texting you.

- Oh, God, sorry, you know,

my phone charger,

the tape on it broke

and what's up?

- I just got a signal hit.

About an hour ago.

- Okay.

- From a source who's

got some dirt on our guy.

- Are you serious?

Okay, here we go.

Talk to me.

- There's apparently a

bachelor party video,

clear as day, Antonio

doing lines of cocaine.

- God bless cocaine.

Oh, my gosh, have

you seen the tape?

- I haven't, no.

- Okay.

- But it's there, it's real.

- You know, I got a

message from the guy.

He wants to Skype

with us tonight.

- He's gonna Skype

with us tonight?

- Yeah, he wants

to Skype with us.

- Is this really happening?

- It's really happening.

I'm just waiting on a text now.

- My man did it.

- Come on.

- Hit me.

- Oh, God, I think you

just broke my hand.

- Yeah, so a mid workout,

mid workout, right.

- [Rick] Jesus, wow.

- Also, I got something planned.

Can I, can I crashed

here for a few days,

just 'cause I got in kind

of a fight with my mom.

- Oh, oh, yeah, oh, you

can crash here, oh, yeah.

- For five, that's cool.

- No, no, no,

yeah, yeah, I mean,

we're gonna be working on

this around the clock, so.

It makes sense if

you're just here.

Uh, great, yeah,

no, no, no, for sure

and, uh, yeah, that's awesome.

- I'm sorry, hello.

Are you even turning the shrimp?

- Nobody survives being caught

on tape doing hard dr*gs.

- No.

- You're done.

- If anybody ever

offered me cocaine,

I'd say no, thank you, you know.

- Yeah, same here.

- Nope.

- Yeah, it's not good.

- You're saying you've

never done cocaine?

Is that what you're saying?

- Marco, please, what are you,

what are you doing?

- We were supposed to

have dinner together.

It's my birthday dinner

and all I had were three

little shit shrimps.

- It's your birthday?

- Look, you, here

have some more rice.

- I don't want-

- Try-

- Marco, shut the f*ck up.

- What?

- It's him, he texted.

- What'd he say, what'd he say?

- He said he'll

send a Skype link,

but only for using the computer

and an internet cafe.

- And internet cafe.

It's like where you go when-

- Okay, he says we gotta go now.

- There's one on Walnut Street.

Go, go, go, go.

- Looks like we're mobile.

- Looks like we're mobile.

- [Marco] Hello? I haven't

even had my cake yet.

- Okay, we're logging on.

- We're logged, there he is.

- Oh, my God.

- Shit.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Are you alone?

- Yes, pretty much.

- Do you have the tape?

- Yes, and I will

show it to you now.

But you should know,

this tape is just

the tip of the iceberg.

Are you ready to

open Pandora's Box?

- Yes, we are.

Thank you so much.

- I will now who you the first

10 seconds of this video.

- [Rick] All right, all right.

- This is it.

- Give it to us.

(tortoises croaking)

- Um, okay, Source, we're

seeing tortoises having sex,

so I don't think-

- It's a prank.

- It's a prank, it's a prank.

It's a prank.

- This is not-

- Is that you, is that

you Sludge Whopper?

- Yes, it is. Suck it, Klingman.

- Rat shit, shit.

- Great job.

- So how long did this take you

to set up, this little scam?

- I don't know,

like eight minutes

and I made you drive

to an internet cafe.

- Wasn't even that far, it

was like around the corner.

- Four-minute drive,

so jokes on you.

- [Sludge] Eat my ass,

you f*ckin' clown.

- You want to eat your ass, oh,

I'll eat it. I'll eat it up.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,

chill out. Go on, he got us.

I knew that little

rat was gonna,

I knew he was gonna get me.

- Yeah, sometimes someone

who approaches you

with information turns

out to be a bust.

What are you gonna do?

Are you just gonna cry into

your bowl of ice cream?

Yes, but you keep going.

You don't stop.

Stasis is death.

But, uh, I checked

in with Mary Jo.

She's, she's very excited

and we have our presser

on Friday, so, yeah,

we've moving in the

right direction.

- [Director] Why don't you

cancel the press conference?

- No, you never, ever

cancel the presser.

Okay, once you do that,

the mainstream media,

they smell blood in the water

and that's when they

really go after you

and they say that you're

just a loser scam artist

who doesn't have anything.

- [Director] But you

don't have anything.

- Well, not yet, but we have

plenty of time for discovery.

You know, we're hitting it,

the pavement pretty

hard right now

and we have the

fundraiser tonight,

which is gonna be pretty

enlightening, I think,

and we are definitely

in the all g*ns

pointing forward mode,

so we're feeling good,

feeling good, right?

I think that we need

to take a bigger look

at the big C.

- Ooh, cancer, I don't know,

that helps him, I

think, if we do that,

if he has cancer.

- No, college, I don't know

why I phrased it like that.

I wanna know more about

Antonio in college.

Should've probably done

this when we first started.

Antonio Kelly-Zhang.

- What kind of

college boy was he?

- Let's figure that out.

- Let's ask Google.

- Boom. UCLA class of 2008.

- I knew he was a UCLA brat.

- Okay, okay, how many

people do you think were

in his class at UCLA?

- Seven, eight.

- [Rick] No, I mean,

in like his that year?

- Oh, oh, hundreds of thousands.

- Not that many, but a lot.

- A lot.

- A lot.

And my point is every single one

of those people

might have a story

to tell about Antonio.

- Right.

- So, I think it's time

we got the worms in.

- And you know what? I

think I have a little idea

on how to track some

of these guys down.

Facebook alt accounts.

Get on there, reach

out to anybody

who graduated '08, UCLA,

see if we get anything.

- Do you know how to do that?

- Yeah, it's easy.

- Friggin' Jason

Bourne over here.


Look at that, so fast.

Oh, here we go, whoo!

Back in the Benz, early hills.

Oh, my Lord, that

was a long one.

- Long time in the car.

- [Director] What's

tonight all about?

- The Benjis.

- [Together] Benjamins.

It's about money.

We're having a little

bit of a fundraiser

because what we're doing

requires money, you know,

it adds up and Mary

Jo was kind enough

to offer up her beautiful home

as long as we were out by eight

and she would not buy the food,

so we picked up the food.

- Yeah, f*ckin' had to go

to Arcadia for the catering.

- The money we saved, though.

- Disgusting place.

- It will make up-

(tins crash)

- No, no, no, no, no.

- Uh, pick it up, pick

it up, pick it up.

Pick it up, it's fine, five

second rule, five second rule.

- You're not, are you

still gonna serve these?

- We're still gonna serve 'em,

we're gonna dust them off,

we're gonna dust them all off.

(Simon blows)

You gotta stop, stop it, you

got a good onion in my eye.

Thumbs up to camera.

Let's do it.

You guys want a hamburger?

- Okay, how's this angle for you

because this isn't

working for me.

- Yeah, I just need to get

the r*fle in a little more.

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,

yeah, yep, yep, yep, yep.

- Yeah.

- Okay, ready?

- Yeah.

- Let's go.

- That's what I'm

saying, big guy.

It might be too late for you,

but this guy, we could really

turn his life around, huh?

- Listen, if I get

you on a podcast,

I could show you some statistics

that's really back all this up.

- Yeah, I wanna, let me,

I wanna look into that

a little bit more.

- Sure, I understand.

- Before I can, you

know, it's a hot topic.

- Of course, of course.

You know what, give me

your email and I will-

- Excuse me, I'm sorry.

- Okay, I will.

- Mary Jo, hi.

- Ricky, hey.

- How are you?

- What are you doing here?

Oh, your party.

- It's going on right now.

I'm gonna get you upstairs.

- Have you got some money?

- We are working on it.

Take your time, take

your time, my love.

- Whoa!

Here we go, I got you.

- There you go.

- Ooh, I squatted,

did you see that?

- You got down, I saw.

- I got a squat.

- Uh, Mary Jo's great.

I think she took one

too many pain pills,

so she's having a nap.

And I see Amy Klort.


- Hey, Rick.

Thank, thanks for having me.

- Thank you for coming here.

YouTube queen.

- Oh, and the podcast.

- And the podcast,

podcast, YouTube queen.

Go to my Facebook page and

there's a little donate link,

button, you can hit that

and it's usually the fourth

or fifth Rick Klingman

that comes up in the Facebook,

so look for this face.

Ah, Hartlynn, can I just

thank you for coming tonight

and supporting us.

- Oh, my God, of course.

- Look, this Antonio

guy is the worst.

- [Rick] Yes.

- If it were up to him,

I wouldn't be doing this.

- Piece of shit.

- He's the bad guy, yeah.

- And I gotta tell you,

this is quite the piece.

- You like it? Yeah.

- Yeah, what are we

working with here?

- No, this is an MK-46.

- MK-46, I thought

it was something-

- Troops in Afghanistan use this

to take out supply tracks.

- Ooh, that's, hey,

support our troops.

- Yeah, and my dad got it

for me for my 18th birthday.

- Oh.

- So, sweet.

- Your parents are awesome.

- They really are.

- My dad's a d*ck.

- What a magnificent piece of-

- a*tillery.

- Death machine.

- Death.

- Yeah, that's good.

- Do you wanna hold it?

- Whoa.

- Yes, I do and I want you

to take a picture of me.

- I'm on my way there.

- Post is on Facebook.

- Let's do it, here we go.

- It is really heavy, I

don't know if you're strong.

- Ah! I am.

- He's got it.

- Whoo!

- He's got it.

- Yeah. If we can get

real just for a second,

the most important thing

when you're dealing

with g*ns is safety

and the first thing you

gotta do is check the safety.

(g*n blasts)

- Oh, no!

- What are you doing?

- It's okay, it's okay,

it's okay, I'm so sorry.

- What the-

- I was checking the safety.

- I was checking the safety.

- By pulling the trigger?

What is wrong with you?

- I thought you

had the safety on.

- [Hartlynn] Dude.

- That is my bad, guys.

I'm 95% sure that Mary

Jo did not get hit,

but I wanna go check.

- Give it a check,

give it a little check.

So, hey, why don't we-

- Fundraising is key.

Cash, check, credit

card, bitcoin.

Once got paid in Czechenzachers.

Good luck finding

a currency exchange

that will take that, by the way.

Literally looks

like Monopoly money.

- What a great

group of patriots,

all assembly for a

righteous cause, am I right?

- That's right, that is

right. (guests applaud)

- Oh, man, I also just

wanna say I have taken it

upon myself to get you all in

on the ground floor

exclusive opportunity

to make some real money, huh?

Everyone one in this room

has been pre-approved

to be a regional sales executive

for Shredded Muscle Supplements.

That's right,

clipboard's right there.

There's a few pens.

I'm gonna need you all

when you have time,

just full name, date of birth,

Social Security,

that's important-

- And I can tell you guys,

and I can tell you guys, and

I can tell you guys firsthand

how great Shredded is

and we're gonna talk

about that later on,

but right now I would

be a little remiss

if we didn't talk

about why we're here.

We're all here because

we love this country.

- [Guest] Amen.

- And when we see someone

like Antonio Kelly-Zhang

attacking it from the

inside, what happens?

What do we do?

- Get a rope.

- Hang that f*ckin' traitor.

- No, no, we're not gonna hang,

we're not gonna hang anyone.

But what we do is

we work together

and we identify our enemy

and then we take 'em out.

- With v*olence.

- Not with v*olence,

not with v*olence,

I didn't mean that.

What I'm saying

is, is our w*apon,

it's not a g*n, it's not a knife

or a rope, it's the truth

and the truth is we need money

because if you wanna

fix the country,

that ain't cheap,

it all adds up,

the research, the

hotel, the man hours,

those little tiny corn dogs.

We need you guys' money.

- Yeah.

- And there's all different

ways you can donate.

You can go on my Facebook page,

you can check him

out on social media.

- Take cash.

- We have a little form.

- We have different-

- Venmo.

- Donor levels.

- Yeah.

- Okay, we have bald

eagle, Uncle Sam,

Lady Liberty and little

stars and stripes.

- We named them to make it fun.

- And little stars

and stripes is $2.

And you get a fun little

pencil in the mail

and you think in $2, what are

these guys gonna do with $2?

A lot. So, what do you

say, can you help us out?

Can you help us out

and get some money?

- Get the energy back, whoo!


(phone rings)

You all are wonderful

and I have to take this.

Uh, I want you to

enjoy yourself.

There's a couple of cupcakes

and maybe half a

bottle of wine left.

- Yep.

- So, have some fun.

- We gotta be outta here in

about five minutes or so,

so thank you guys, we love you

and we will see you on Friday.

It's Jessica from

"The Daily Beast."

Jessica, so sorry about

that, how are you?

- [Jessica] I saw

that you still have

the press conference

booked for Friday

and I just wanted

to see if you wanted

to give me the exclusive?

- I can't do that, Jessica?

- [Jessica] Rick, can

I be honest with you?

- I don't know, you're

a journalist, can you?

- [Jessica] I think

you're flailing.

You got owned yesterday

by Sludge Whopper

and I don't think

you have anything

and you're freaking out.

- No, no, you're

absolutely wrong.

I am in the hills of Beverly

with some of the most powerful

and influential people west

of the Mason Dixon line.

- [Jessica] Rick, look, we've

known each other a minute.

Don't do this.

You've got nothing and you're

just gonna end up having

a bunch of people

laugh at you again.

- Jessica, I'm gonna let you go

because we have things to do,

but I'm gonna see you on Friday

and you're gonna be shocked at

how expl*sive this is, okay?

- [Jessica] Rick, I'm-

- Salivating.

You saw that, she

wanted the exclusive.

I was like no way.

How's it going out there?

- Uh, no one's

donating anything.

- Okay.

- Yep.

- I think they're all broke.

- Yes.

- So, we should

just get outta here.

Let's pack up the

catering supplies

because if we get them

back to Arcadia by 10,

full deposit back.

Oh, God.

- I like that.

- Hi, how are you?

- I'm good, man, I'm real good.

- Enjoying your night?

- Yeah, big time.

It's an event.

- Yes.

- I don't judge people.

I won't do it, 'cause

you never know.

You don't know.

Someone might be coming

to you with information

and, yes, they might

smell really bad

or, or have just like a,

like a crazy looking face

and I don't say get

outta here, you freak.

I say, "Tell me what you know."

I don't think we've

met, I'm Rick Klingman.

- Original Patriot.

- Original Patriot.

- You reposted some

of my YouTube videos.

- I knew I knew

you from somewhere.

I, I, I, I, think you did

one about may family court.

- That's right.

- Yeah, it was good.

- That's right.

- I don't even have kids and

that judge sounds nuts, so.

- What I'd like to

do is introduce you

to my cousin.

- Who's your cousin?

- Arliss.

- Okay, but-

- No, I think he's saying why

should we meet your cousin?

- Well, because I saw

that the cocaine tape

was some bullshit.

- Now, does he have photos

of Antonio doing cocaine?

Because that is really-

- That'd be great.

- What we would,

what we would love.

- If you just come

out, it's your card.

- Call him.

- It has been an

insane 12 hours.

We returned all the

catering equipment

and got our full

deposit back, nice.

Much more importantly,

we spoke to one Arliss.

- Yes.

- And he does not have a

tape of Antonio doing dr*gs.

- Big bummer, big bummer.

- He's got a sex tape.

- Even better.

- [Simon] We got a sex tape.

- If this tape is real-

- Sex tape.

- Which is what we're gonna

go find out right now.

- Gotta go confirm-

- Confirm information.

- [Rick] Make sure the

information is good.

- Is solid, concrete.

Anywhere from just being

passable to pretty wonderful.

- If it's real-

- It's game over.

- That's it, it's game,

it's swish, swish.

He's a little nervous about

maybe showing his face,

so I made sure

that we would agree

to blur his face out.

- [Director] Rick, I

said I wouldn't do that.

- If it comes up, go to the

bathroom or something, dude.

- [Director] You

do background checks

on all your sources, right?

- Background check,

you're gonna do

a background check on every

single person you meet?

Did you do a

background check on me?

- [Director] We did.

- Did you really?

So, we're meeting our

contact at Chang Du,

but we're a little bit early,

so we're gonna grab a juice.

- Juice it up.

- What is better

than a mini mall?

- A bigger mall, definitely.

- Oh, no, see a bigger

mall is too big.

It's got too much stuff.

Like what more do you

need than like a salon,

a Chinese place, there's

a vape shop, I think.

It's perfect.

- Anything else would be good.

- Oh, my God.

- What?

- I know you guys.

- Oh, really.

- Yeah, you were protesting

that Seth Rogen play, right?

- That was us, it was

mostly me, though.

- Eat shit, you f*ckin' hogs.



- It's in my eye,

hey, it's in my eye.

Oh, my God, oh, my God.

- Oh, it's so cold, it's

so cold, it's so cold.

- Let's, hey, hey,

hey, be cool, be cool.

I think someone

might be filming.

Someone might be filming.

- We gotta cancel the meeting.

- We gotta cancel the meeting.

- No, no, no, no.

- Nope, I'm going home.

- Hey-

- I'm not doing

meetings like this.

I'm going home.

- Stop, stop.

- Always keep an

extra suit handy.

- No.

- A-K-E-S.

- No.

- H, hey, you gotta do it.

- It's never gonna fit me.

That is never gonna fit me.

- Okay.

- I'm too lean.

- It's the only option.

- No.

- Listen to me, listen to me.

- I'll look like an idiot.

- Take it off, I have a

shirt, I have a shirt.

You take it off.

We can't go home, he's

waiting, he's probably waiting-

- Fine, fine, fine.

- Do it.

- And this is a great suit.

This is Burmese.

(shirt rips)

Burmese rayon, oh,

you're wasting-

Hi, how are you?

Good to see you.

We're, uh-

- f*ckin' zoot suit, right?

- Just, chill, just-

- Okay.

- He's right there.

- Don't-

- He's right there, that's him.

That's him right over there.

- All right, let's

go, get ready.

- We're gonna speak to

those guys, all business.

You are the gentleman we're

looking for, I believe?

- They're gonna

blur my face, right?

- The two cameras,

they're gonna both blur

your face out, so

you can relax, okay?

- Shall we.

- Not my suit, by the way,

so just wanted to, uh-

- Looks great.

- Before we even get started,

why don't you go ahead and

order whatever you want

on the menu on us.

- Get a couple menus.

- No, no, I already ate, yeah.

- Okay.

- Been here like an hour.

Got here early.

- We apologize.

We had an incident

outside, might be ANTIFA,

we don't know.

- Mm-hmm.

- I think you know

why we're here.

We need to see the tape.

- And I wanna show it to you.

- Great.

- I wanna show it to you, but-

- That's great.

- We need to talk.


- Absolutely.

- Absolutely.

- Yeah.

- Tell us what you had in mind?

- $10,000.

- That's what you want?

From us?

- I mean, I'm putting

myself out on the line here.

- Honest, I don't have

$10,000 in assets.

- What do you mean you

don't have $10,000.

- You should look

at that, seriously.

- Here's the deal.

You show me the tape,

there's an ATM right there.

I will walk out,

withdraw 60 bucks,

that's my limit, we

wait a few hours,

I'll get the next 40.

You're home by five with

100 bucks in your pocket.

- All right, all

right, all right.

- That's how it's

done on Wall Street.

- Yeah, no, it's

actually really massive.

- I have so many questions

as to how you got this,

but I'm not gonna ask because-

- All right, check

out this f*ck fest.

- [Simon] Yeah, gives us

the fucky, fucky, fucky.

- Yeah, look at that.

Look at that naughty boy.

That's your guy, right?

- Is this it?

- That's it, that's it.

- That's not it, that's not him.

- That's him, that's his face.

- That is his face.

That's the guy you're looking-

- It's it face, but it's like-

- He's floating around on-

- It's like in South Park-

- Yes.

- With S*ddam Hussein

where he's ah, ah.

- Right, yes, yeah.

f*ck me Satan.

- Yeah, that-

- It's a weird angle.

Guys, this is loaded.

- A weird angle?

- It's what, it's low budget.

This is a Gonzo style

porno, this will pass.

- I can't believe you wanted

$10,000 for this crap.

Are you insane?

- sh**t for the stars.

- Are you insane?

- Hey, can you calm down, now.

- We're almost done, Sunil,

give me a second, you owe me.

- [Sunil] No, no, no.

Get out of here.

- Get out of here?

- [Sunil] Come on, get,

I don't want you here.

Come on, get out.

- [Arliss] Why

don't we pause it.

- Okay, if I get out,

I'm never coming back.

I won't be here Thursday,

I won't be here Sunday.

I won't be here

Christmas Eve with you.

- [Sunil] Come on.

- All right, you know, actually

he's right, this sucks.

We're outta here.

- Excuse me, excuse me,

you just broke my laptop.

- Uh-huh, okay, sue me.

I'm a lawyer, I'll

see you in court.

- I will be billing you.

- What a waste of time,

what a waste of time.

Sunil, are placing

a to go order.

- It will pass.

- I am a little stressed.

I have a press

conference in 36 hours,

I have no idea

what I'm gonna say

and I have Mary Jo calling

every 10 minutes saying,

the election's soon, when's

the update, what's happening?

And I don't know

what to tell her,

so I'm feeling the pressure,

but got a sugar boost.

Got my man on the

keys right there.


- No, no, no.

- I am not doing his laundry.

- Okay, Marco, can

you just relax?

It's all in the same basket.

- How about I relax like this.

- Whoa, whoa,

whoa, Marco, Marco.

Are you serious?

- I'm serious. I'm done

dealing with this shit.

Just eat your ice cream.

- Come back here right now.

(Marco speaks Spanish)

- English!

(Marcos speaks Spanish)

- English, English.


He's probably fire after

throwing something at me.

He can't do that.

He can't do that!

- [Simon] I got it?

- [Rick] Got what?

- I f*ckin' got it!

- This is a legitimate

hail Mary situation.

Okay, this genius, his

Facebook plan worked.

- Yep.

Heard from one of

Antonio's old classmates

from UCLA who, guess

what, hates the guy.

- No, no, no, no,

doesn't just hate him,

says she has

career-ending evidence,

those are the words she used.

- Yep, vice versa.

- We're gonna go talk

to her right now.

You are gonna get kissed.

Not by me.

- Don't touch me.

(Rick laughs)

- Hi!

- How are you?

- Can I help you?

- Yes, we are looking

for Carol Weiston.

- Wishspoon, wishpoon.

- No, Ouistablufin.

- Yes. That's the one.

Hey, Carol's my wife.

- I wanna get to why we're here.

Now, Carol, you were classmates

with Antonio at

UCLA, is that right?

- Yes.

We were in the same dorm.

- And what was your, uh,

what was your

impression of Antonio?

- Well, he was Mister Popular

and everybody loved him.

- Mm-hmm.

- Yep.

- But, to me, he was

just, I don't know,

he was like an

attention seeking phony.

- I hate that type.

- Hate it.

- Hate 'em all.

- The worst.

- I didn't really mind it,

but well, see, we

had this professor,

Professor Allen Silverstein,

but this one night a bunch

of the students were

drinking in the dorms

and Antonio just went

off on Mr. Silverstein,

just called him all

sorts of names, you know,

'cause he's Jewish.

And I said,

"Antonio, stop that."

He just kept saying such

hurtful, mean r*cist things.

Jews are a race, right?

- Yes.

- Technically a

religion, but yes, yes.

It's all good.

- It's just not right, you know.

- No, it's not.

It's not, it's okay.

- It's wrong is what it is.

- You didn't do anything wrong.

Here, this is clean.

- I'm sorry to get

emotional, it's just-

- No, no, don't you apologize.

- f*cked up is what it is.

- This has been in my

pocket, but it's clean.

(Carol blows nose)

(Carol cries)

- Take your time.

- Hey, hey, hey.

You are a hero-

- But-

- There's one more

thing I need you to do.

Carol, if there's a way

for you to say exactly

what you said to us,

just right now at our

press conference tomorrow,

forget about it.

- I bet people are gonna

say really mean things

about me in the press and

on Facebook and stuff.

- Can I be real with you?

Can I get real

with you right now?

They will.

All I can promise you is

that we will stand next

to you and behind you

and also in front of you

with everything we got.

- Okay, I'll do it.

- My hands are a little

sweaty, I apologize.

- All right, is

everything okay in here.

- [Rick] It was until

about three seconds ago.

- She saw your face.

- [Rick] She got upset.

- No, no, it wasn't that.

Here, Carol, do you

need a glass of wine.

- Goldmine, goldmine.

- This is happening.

- He's f*cked.

- Bye-bye.

- He's f*cked.

You can't say anything

about the Jewish people.

- No.

- That is a no go.

- Nor should you.

I got cat dander on me.

- Yeah, you do.

- Worth it.

Oh, what is?

Hey, I'm sorry, Marco, what

is, are you moving out?

- This is all your shit.

I'm doing sharing

this space with you.

- What the f*ck?

Your assistant's

kicking you out.

- No, no, no.

- Assistant.

- Hey, I wanna talk

to you over there.

Come with me.

- Oh, my God, no.

- I'm not chasing you.


- Just gonna work

it out really quick.

- [Rick] You can't

do this, Marco.

- [Marco] I am sick of this.

I'm sick of the cameras,

I'm sick of that boy.

I'm sick of all of that.

- [Rick] No, no,

no, I don't care.

You literally cannot do

this, this is my condo.

- [Marco] You cannot

sleep here tonight.

- Oh, here we are, hotel style

where the presser's

is gonna be tomorrow,

just a few floors downstairs,

but we're here, we're

maxin' and relaxin'.

- Two kings just

resting before battle.

- Thank God I did not cancel

that press conference.

They wanted me to

cancel it and I said no

and this is why.

You and I, my friend, are

gonna be in high demand.

They're gonna want

us on all the shows.

- Oh, yeah.

- This is time to kind of chill.

(Rick snores)

- Should I wake him?

He sounds like

he's f*ckin' dyin'.

What do we do?

- [Cameraman] Yeah, I

don't think he's breathing.

- I should probably wake him.

- Yeah.

- Yo, yo, yo.

- Oh, oh, hey, hey, I'm here.

Did I fall asleep?

(groans) Sorry about that.

Oh, it's all about

the press conference.

Yeah, that's the coupe de gras,

where it's me in my element.

I'm up there, I am

controlling the room.

I am playing them all

like a little fiddle.

(playful suspenseful music)

So, here's what

we're looking at.

Breakfast is on the way.

- Break it down.

- It's 9:11 right now.

Carol's gonna be here at 10.

Bring her up here, we'll

prep her for a little bit.

- [Simon] Yeah.

- Secure us the late checkout.

We'll meet in the lobby at 1:45.

Presser starts at 2 o'clock.

Loud buzz online.

- Oh, yeah.

- I don't know if you've

been seeing what's happening.

- Oh, I saw, I saw.

They think it's a sex

tape, bunch of perverts.

- They're gonna be floored

when they find out

it's about the Jews.

Oh, God, sounds harsh.

Jewish, Jewish folks,

our Jewish friends.

When they find out it's

about our Jewish friends.

My friend, Juan,

come on in, buddy.

- You scared me.

- Come on in, yeah, we're

making a little documentary.

You weren't here last

night, they weren't here.

He served us a delicious

hot fudge sundae last night,

wonderful man right

here, wonderful man.

- Hope y'all had a nice night.

- I slept like a log, my friend.

- Yeah, I slept like

shit next to this log,

'cause he snores.

- I forgot my CPAP machine

and he has not let

me forget about it.

- Right.

- I almost died, by the way.

- I slept like, I look terrible,

I got bags under my eyes.

- Yeah, well, I couldn't breathe

for an hour and a half.

- [Director] So, what

time is it right now?

- Uh, 10, three-four, so

Carol's a little bit late.

Not a big deal.

Traffic, LA, yeah.

- [Simon] Yeah, no

biggie whatsoever.

- She's in or out as we say.

- It's the standard,

standard LA time,

everyone runs late.

You're not cool if you

ain't late, you know.

That's what they say, so.

Maybe we should call her.

- I'm gonna call her

just because, you know,

maybe, hi, Carol, Rick

Klingman here with Simon.

10:35, just wondering,

you know, where you're at.

Um, we're here and we'll

see you in a few hopefully.

Thanks, Carol, bye.

- How did it go?

What did she say?

- Oh, it was a voicemail.

Carol, it's Rick. It's 11:33.

What Antonio said was despicable

and you have an obligation

to tell people what happened

and we're here to help you.

And I promise you-

- [Voicemail] If

you are satisfied

with your message, press one.

- Son of a g*n.

- What'd she say?

- It was a voicemail.

Okay, um, I'm

officially worried.

- Should we, do we need to

go get her or something, huh?

- Well, no, she's

90 minutes away,

we won't make it back in time.

- We need to put some new

kind of plan into action.

- Yeah.

I think the move here-

- Yeah.

- Is wait.

(shower runs)

He worked out again.

- [Director] The press

conference is in 30 minutes.

What's going through

your mind right now?

- What's going through

my mind right now is

that Carol is

nowhere to be seen,

which means I think she

bailed on this whole thing

and I can't believe that,

so I'm trying to come up

with an alternative plan.

Right, now here's the deal.

I want her to sit here.

Look at me, I want you-

(Jessica knocks)


I want you to sit,

like stand right here.

- Stand over, okay.

- Here we go, all right?

- Like a lamp.

- I got this.

- Hey, Rick.

- How are you?

- Doing well.

- Good to see you.

- You remember our little crew?

- Yep, hi, guys.

- From New York.

If you wanna grab a seat

right there, you know-

- Oh, yes, thank you.

- Simon, of course.

- Ooh, Jessica, yes, hey.

- Hey, Simon.

- Thank you for coming

here and joining us.

- Can you not stand there?

- Yeah, I don't need to.

- It's insane.

- Yeah, yeah. You can

just go over there.

- Sit over here.

- Yeah, he doesn't need to.

Oh, can I get you

something from the minibar?

You want a little-

- [Jessica] Oh,

I'm good, thanks.

- You sure?

(ice bin clanks)

You okay?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

All right.

- So?

- So-

- What's going on?

- What's going on?

We're like what's not going on.

Here's what's going on.

We wanna give you the exclusive.

We talked about it and we think

that you are kind of

the only person we trust

to tell you this story

to put it out there

to the world.

- Get posting, get typing.

- Are you serious?

- You're welcome.

- The press conference

is in 10 minutes.

How is that an exclusive?

- I mean, because you would have

the story 10 minutes

before everyone else.

- Well, I don't

think my colleagues

that are waiting for

the press conference

you promised them would

appreciate that very much.

- This is earth shattering stuff

and we're giving it

all to you, all to you.

No one else.

What do you say?

- I have always been up

front with you, Rick,

and you, Simon.

I think that you

guys are con artists,

but I write about you because

I find it entertaining

and frankly I have the duty

to expose your bullshit,

but if you're gonna

call a presser

and have a bunch of

reporters come all

the way over here and

then not talk to them,

then I'm done with you for real.

And so is everyone else.

(Rick sighs)

Rick, Rick, you don't

have to keep doing

this stuff, you know.

There are other ways

to make a living.

It's not about the money, okay,

it's not why I do what I do.

I want people to know the truth

and I just, I feel good

when I'm standing up there

and I'm telling them this.

It makes me feel good,

it gives me purpose.

And I just, it gets

harder and harder to do

with people just,

they go after you

and they just make fun of you

and I'm tired of it and

I don't know, I just,

maybe you're right,

you know-

- Yeah.

- Maybe I need to not-

(phone dings)

- [Simon] Holy shit.

- [Jessica] Go towards the real-

- Carol's here,

she's downstairs.

- Shut, shut up, shut up.

- Go time.

- Whoo!

- Go time.

- f*ckin' blew it, Jessica.

- Move, move.

- This way?

- Yep.

- Left or right, left or right?

- Left.

- Yep.

- Right, right,

right, right, right.

No, no, step only, step

only, come on, come on.

Here we go and no, no, no, no.

- What, what?

- It's the pool, it's

the pool, the pool.

- Jesus Christ.

(Simon grunts)

- Thank you for coming.

You are four hours late.

- I know.

- Man.

- I'm sorry.

- We thought you had

some kind of change

of heart or something and-

- No, I, I wanna tell the truth.

- Angels.

- You're an angel.

- All right.

- Okay.

- You been drinking?

- No, just a glass of

wine to calm my nerves.

- Okay, that's fine,

that's good, no, it's fine

to have a glass.

They say one glass

a day's healthy.

All right, you start

live streaming.

- We're live, baby.

- Everyone settle,

we're going live.

You go first, you come with me,

you're the caboose.

There we go.

Hello, everyone, right in here.

You guys can go ahead, Carol,

we got seats for you

and you can take

the one that's kind

of further towards the window.

What is, when did

you put up this?

- It's nice, right?

I put it up this morning.

- Yeah, I think it's great.

I think we should take it down.

- No can do, no can do,

it's free publicity.

- No, but I want you

to hear me right now.

This is the most important

moment of my life.

- Our life.

- Our life.

- And I want this

taken down right now.

- Changes.

Don't tear it, don't tear it.

- Yep, yep, yep.

- [Simon] I'm just gonna let-

- You can fold

that up over there.

(Rick clears throat)

Good afternoon.

My name is Rick Klingman.

This, of course,

is Simon Tarnum.

We are here today to talk

about Antonio Kelly-Zhang,

who is running for

Congress right here

in California's 40th district.

And I, I wanna be clear.

When Simon and I began

this investigation,

we, uh, we went into

it with an open mind

and we were not prepared

to find out what we did.

Now, without any further ado,

I'm gonna introduce

Carol Ouistablufen

and she has a story

to tell, Carol.

- Thank you, thank you.

(cameras click)

- Hi.

I'm Carol, um-

- Speak up, speak up.

- Sorry.

From 2005 to 2008,

I was classmates

with Antonio Kelly-Zhang.

One night in our dorm,

there were some

antisemitic references made

in regard to humanities

professor, Allen Silverstein.

They were hateful

and deeply insulting

to Professor Silverstein,

his religion and his culture.

These antisemitic

comments were made by me.

(cameras click)

Yeah, I did them.

I said the words that

were anti the Jews.

I think I'm not a happy person.

I have a, I have a little

bit of a drinking problem.

I spend 16 hours

a day on Facebook

and just sit around

all day glugging wine

and talking shit.

I think I'm just angry about

how my life turned out.

I want to apologize to all

of you, especially Antonio.

That felt good, thanks.

Where's my phone, I

should check Facebook.

- [Rick] You guys are

just gonna leave now?

Yeah, go ahead.

- We are.

- Thank you guys.

- Thanks for having us.

- Thank you so much.

At this point, we would like

to open it up to any

questions you might have.

- Yeah, yeah, what was that?

Because it seems like Mr.

Kelly-Zhang hasn't done

anything bad at all

and you all are just, in

fact, desperate for attention.

- I mean, look, look, you

know what the thing is,

this is not even the only thing.

There was, this is,

it's part of a mosaic.

- One of a hundred

we got for you today.

- Yeah, this guy-

- Just scratchin'

the surface, people.

- Yeah, what are the other ones?

- We have heard that allegedly

he molested a co-worker.

- Okay, who's

accusing him of this?

- His name is Fred Zurtz.

- Don't say his last name.

- He said that he, he got

his penis snapped back.

- What does that mean?

- By Antonio, he said exactly-

- Here's, here's-

- Let me clarify.

- Why was he naked at work?

- He wasn't naked.

- He wasn't.

- He wasn't.

- He was not naked.

- We asked the same thing.

- He was wearing sweatpants.

- Good question.

- He worked at Lavashe

Restaurant in Beverly Hills.

- So he had to go

under the waistband.

- He was wearing sweats at work

and he alleges that Antonio-

- Pulled the, pulled the

d*ck and snapped it back.

- There's no way that happened.

- He pulled the d*ck and

snapped it back, that's what-

- Is this the same Fred Zurtz,

who was picked up

for masturbating

in Hollywood on Tuesday?

(reporters laugh)

- It is a, it is

a, it was actually-

- I do not believe so, no.

- That is a different-

- What a waste of our time.

- It's not a waste of your time.

- That's number two, we've got

plenty, just wait, buckle up.

- There was a sex tape.

- Oh, my gosh.

- We don't have-

- Show it to us.

- We do not have-

- You wanna see it?

- We, we-

- Who else wants to see it?

- We don't have a sex tape.

- So, now you're accusing

someone of making a sex tape

and saying you have

it in your possession.

- No.

- Show it to us.

- Okay.

- Whoa, that's a

little loud, okay.

- He's gonna play it,

he's gonna play it.

- [Reporter] That's insane.

- Dude, that's not

even a deep fake,

it's just a fake.

- It's a deep real.

- You guys are clowns.

- We're clowns.

- You're a clown,

you're a clown.

- You're a f*cking clown.

- You're a clown, don't swear.

- You're a f*cking clown.

- You're a clown.

- Those glasses, you look

like a f*ckin' clown.

What's everybody laughing at.

No, you're all f*ckin' clowns.

Because we're doing

your job up here.

You think this is fun for us?

You think we like

doing this? No.

- What you're doing is wrong.

- But you know what what

you do is wrong, Jessica.

Every time I f*cking see you-

- Get out of my face.

- Jesus, come on, Jess.

- Oh!

- Are you okay?

Are you okay?

Are you okay?

(Simon grunts)

- Yes, I'm okay.

- It doesn't matter.

- You.

- Come on, guys.

- Didn't even hurt.

And I have to go to the

bathroom, and that's,

and it didn't hurt.

- Simon, Simon, wait.

This press conference

is over, Simon.

Simon, Simon, wait.

- No!

- Simon.

Simon, We're fine.

Simon, listen to me.

- [Simon] You know what,

we're f*ckin' losers.

- No, don't say that.

- No, no, no, no, oh, God.

(Rick grunts)

(playful suspenseful music)

- [Simon] I'm sorry,

I need my mom.

- Simon.



Enough of the f*ckin' movie.

(suspenseful music)

I know you, I know you.

Yeah, Antonio

Kelly-Zhang won by a lot.

Did I enjoy watching

him do a little skit

at the Oscars with

Jeremy Rinner,

my favorite Avenger, no.

I've been doing

so much reflection

and, and working

on myself so much

and trying to figure out

how I can still deliver

the truth to people and

luckily I figured out

the perfect way.

Podcast, I started

my own podcast.

- Welcome back to

"Maximum Truth Cast,"

the only podcast

where we discuss

what's actually going

on in our country.

We are streaming audio,

we are streaming video

and I'm going to beg

you to please subscribe

to my channel.

Okay, every time I put out

one of these videos, ah, shit.

- [Director] What happened?

- Damn power cord

finally gave out on me.

Does anyone feel like

going to Radio Shack?

Marco and I are actually not

working together anymore,

which is, uh, yeah,

sad to be honest.

He was a really great employee.

I mean, I still see him nonstop.

Literally refused to

move out, he squatted.

And financially we both realized

it made more sense to

stay roommates, you know.

And I gotta say,

Andre's a nice guy.

Have Simon and I been talking?

We have spoken, we have

texted, we've emailed, DMs,

but we have not seen each

other since the hotel,

since, uh, the incident.

When I, when I got

pushed on the stairs.

We are in Ontario Valley

minimum security prison.

I've spent a lot of times

in prisons, unfortunately.

'Cause of clients

and some friends

and, uh, one family member.

- So, basically what

happened was these guys

that I partnered up

with on Shredded,

put something in

one of the batches,

some kind of additive,

I think it was consistent

with methamphetamine,

I don't really know, but, uh,

yeah, a bunch of people got sick

and guess who got charged?

This guy. Seven months.

- There he is, my man.

- Hey.

- Come on, give me a hug.

- I'm not allowed to go

past the yellow line,

you gotta come here.

- Oh, oh, yeah,

okay, no problem.

Come on.

- What's going on, Rick.

- [Guard] No touching.

- Yeah.

- Sorry.

- Sorry about that.

- Sit down.

- Welcome.

- Huh?

- You look incredible.

- I know.

- Maybe I should go to prison.

- Hey, prison looks

good on some people.

- It does.

- You bring what I asked for?

- I did.

So, here's the deal.

- Yeah.

- It's in my left

sock and I think

you should start

sneezing or something

and then I can, when that

guard walks past us again

I'm gonna just do

a little hand off.

- Oh, there's literally

no need to do that.

It's a minimum security,

a detention center,

you can just pass it to me.

- Oh-

- You're allowed to

get stuff, right.

- Here we go.

This was unnecessary.

- Yeah, you wear your big socks.

- Big socks to bring

you chicken breasts

as requested right there.

- Those are, uh, those are

raw, those are pretty raw.

- Yeah.

- You didn't cook them?

- Did you want me to?

- Yeah, I can't

cook them in here.

What do you think I have

like a f*ckin' stove?

- Oh, my God.

- Olive oil.

- I am so sorry.

Okay, here's the deal. I'm

gonna put them back in my sock.

- No, no, no.

- I'll bring them back.

- Honestly, it's not worth it

and I'm kind of desperate. I'll,

I can put it in the toilet,

it might be cold

enough, they might keep.

Fine, I'll figure

it out, you know.

I actually wanna talk

to you about something

that I didn't really

wanna say over the phone,


- I'm listening.

- Yeah, yeah, it's just

kind of too important.

- [Rick] Yeah, go for it.

- So, I been doing

some thinking.

I met this guy in

here named Uri.

Used to be special

forces in Belarus, okay?

- Oh, Belarus.

- His brother-in-law,

this guy named Ivan

runs a bunch of tire

centers in the valley.

So, we're talking deep pockets.

- Oh, yeah, he's got tire money.

- Yeah, yeah. I'm thinking

he makes the perfect bank

when we set up our new shop.

- Oh, yeah.

- You know what I'm saying?

Dude, the day I get outta here,

we start our new outfit,

full scale

intelligence operation.

I'm talking like, like

a whole nother level.

These fucks are never gonna

know what hit 'em, huh?

- [Rick] Yes.

- We're gonna take

those dudes down.

Those fucks who

f*ckin' embarrassed us.

- No, no, no, no, hey, listen.

This sounds amazing.

- Revenge mission.

- You're doing a lot

of planning, huh?

- [Simon] Yeah, dude.

- Well, I'm, I'm down.

- Yeah?

- Of course, man.

We get to get the

team back together,

get the band back together.

- Get that band,

yeah, rock and roll.

- Not the team, the

band back together.

- All right, well,

listen, I got, uh,

I got pottery in about

five minutes, but, um-

- Oh, wow, pottery.

Sounds good.

- It was good to

see you, though.

Come on, come on,

give me a goodbye.

- Whoo!

- Why not.

- [Guard] No touching.

- Sorry.

- All right.

- That was our first good one.

- Be good.

- I miss you, don't

forget your chicken.

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Are you sure you

don't want me to cook it

and bring it back?

- No, this is better.

This'll be better.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- If one thing, I think raw,

it might be more protein.

I think cooking it

burns off the protein.

Let's try it.

- Cook that chicken.

(Rick sighs)

- [Director] How

was it seeing Simon?

- It was fine.

I just don't think

Simon's learned anything.

You know, I (sighs),

I hope he's okay.

It's a tough world out there

and he's just a kid.

I wish him the best.

- [Director] So, you're not

gonna work with him again?

- Oh, no, for sure I am, yeah.

No, I mean, you gotta

stay in the game.

You know, when you

stay in the game,

I'm working with great people

and you just keep talking

and if you talk long enough,

your message will get out.

- [Director] What

is your message?

- Whatever I'm

paid to say it is.

And I'll say it with pride.

(phone dings)

Oh, uh-oh.

I got a little pickup.

- [Director] How you you

been driving for Uber?

- Uh, three months.

I love it.

Love it, great company.

Only company I

will ever work for.

Where the hell am I?

Looking out the window

at a world on fire

It's plain to see

the end is near

Seen all the sights

Tired of the lights

So you can let

me off right here

This town's getting crowded

Truth's been shrouded

I think it's time to

change up the sound

Yeah, the wheels

keep turning

The flames gettin' higher

Another cycle goes around

Face in the mirror,

all skin and bones

Bloodshot eyes and

a heart of stone

Never again, I'd

rather be alone

Think I'm gonna

just stay home

And make art, not friends

I love saying no

to all the yes men

Just to see the

look on their face

I love how everybody

knows what's best

But nobody knows their place

Sucker every second,

stack 'em up to the sky

For every winner there's

a hundred that died

So you get yours

and stay outta mine

Here's to the memories,

where do I sign

Face in the mirror,

all skin and bones

Bloodshot eyes and

a heart of stone

Never again, I'd

rather be alone

Think I'm gonna

just stay home

(playful suspenseful music)

(playful suspenseful music)

(playful suspenseful music)

(playful suspenseful music)

(playful suspenseful music)

(playful suspenseful music)