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04x12 - I, Maurice

Posted: 06/13/23 05:49
by bunniefuu
I'm okay!

♪ Party ♪

- ♪ Who's the king? ♪
- ♪ King Julien! ♪

- ♪ Who's the king? ♪
- ♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Get down for the get down ♪

- ♪ Everybody party with King who?
♪ - ♪ King Julien! ♪

- ♪ King who? ♪ - ♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Tonight will be forever ♪

♪ Let's do King Julien style ♪

♪ Woof! ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ Y'all tell me who's the king ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ All hail King Julien! ♪

Oh, no! It can't be real!

No! Maurice!


Your majesty, what's...


Don't come any closer.
You could be infected!


Yes! You could have
"Glandular Distrophy"

or... or "Pustualis

There's no cure for that one!

"The Encyclopedia of
Tropical Diseases:

Festering, Oozing, and
Constant Dripping Edition."

- Ugh.
- Did Doctor S give you that book?

No. Yes! He said it
was a picture book.

But he didn't say how gross
the pictures were, man.

- Check it out.
- These diseases are very rare.

I'm sure that there is no
way you could catch them.

Uh, have you seen how filthy
my people are, Clover?

Every one of them could be a patient zero
waiting to wipe out the whole kingdom!

Actually, a kingdom-wide hand-washing
program isn't a bad idea.

Didn't Mort find a tub of hand
sanitizer in junk harbor last week?


So luxurious.

That settles it.

Starting today, everyone in this
kingdom is getting a physical.

Look at them, Nurse Phantom.
So many test subjects.

And I don't even have
to dig any of them up.

I don't know why I'm here.
I'm in perfect health.

Not for long.


This body is my temple, demon. You
will not desecrate this temple!

Don't worry. The leeches take care
of all the desecration around here.

Leeches. That's a good one, Doc.

Oh, Morty. Have you
brought me a gift?

I got a busy schedule,
creepy snake doctor.

So I packed my organs
to speed things along.

Always such a team player.

Everyone present
and accounted for.

Uh, not everyone. Nurse Phantom!

- Hey!
- Wha...

Would either of you like
some caramel corn? Spumoni?

Good news, Mr. King Julien.

In my expert's opinion, as a
wildly discredited snake doctor

who operates... out of a cave...

your kingdom is healthy.

You see, Your Majesty?

Everything is fine.

Everything is not fine!

What are you on about?

Two of the results
were disturbing.

According to my tests,
Mort is only 40% lemur.

The other 60% is made up of

- bear, starfish, sand...
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

- Pot belly pig, cactus...
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

- And a spool of copper wire.
- Mm-hmm. Copper wire.

You forgot wood chips.

What? Oh, yes. Sorry.
And wood chips.

Wait, you said there were two?

Yes. The other disturbing
results belong to... Maurice!



I'm afraid, Maurice, as far as I can
tell, you're not a lemur at all.

You are, in fact, an... Aye-aye!

- Huh?
- Well, of course he's a... Wait. What?


He looks nothing
like an Aye-aye.

He doesn't even stink.

Hmm. I don't know about that.

Where are you hiding
that musk gland?

Who are you working for, stinky?

Mort! Get off him,
you raving imp!

Redo the test!

That would require me knowing
what I did the first time.

King Julien, I am
not an Aye-aye.

I'm sorry, Maurice.

But the crazy snake
doctor might be right.

- I am?
- You have lived here all your life,

but you were not born here.

It was a long time ago.
King Julien was just a baby

traveling with his parents
through the realm.

Late one night, just outside
the Aye-aye kingdom,

while Princess Julienne
and Prince Barty slept...

baby Prince Julien
heard a sound.

The Prince followed the
crying into a nearby field,

and there he found a baby.

An instant connection...

- was made between the pair.
- Hmm.

That's a beautiful story, Masikura.
But what happened to the baby?

Uh, the baby was Maurice.


Masikura, please come back.
I have more questions.

I always knew I was adopted, but
I never knew where I came from.

Was there anything left with me?
A clue to who I am?

Only the blanket
you were found in,

and this bell.


No, no, Your Majesty.

I... I need to be
alone for a while.

Give it some time.
It's a lot to take in.

Mo-Mo! Hey, buddy.

You up for some early morning
tramping and a shvitz? Hmm?

Dear King Julien,
since it is unclear

whether I am an Aye-aye,

I am going to their kingdom to
find your brother, Prince Brodney,

and get some answers.

Hmm. I wonder who this is from?

- It's from me.
- Hmm?

Don't do that!

I'd hoped to be gone
before you found it.

Found? Huh.

Is this about your "I was
abandoned in a baby patch

and I have no idea of my origins" thingy?
Buddy, nobody cares.

I cares! I don't know who I am!

Of course you do.

You're my best friend
and royal advisor.

But what if that's not my destiny?
Or yours?

We need to know.

Need to know what?

Who we would have been if
we'd never found each other.


Oh, uh, yeah, okay. I see.

King Julien...

No, I get it.

You think you would have
done better without me.

That is not what I'm saying.

Oh! Oh, no? 'Cause it
sure sounds like it.

It sounds kind of like,
"I could have done

better without King Julien.

Always have to clean up his
messes and his dumb ideas."

This is why I didn't wanna be
here when you read the letter.

Maurice? Where are you...

Let him go, Clover.

Maurice doesn't want
our kingdom anymore.

He wants his "own destiny."

- I don't think so, Maurice.
- Huh?

Take good care of him.

Destiny traitor!

- Hey, Maurice!
- Hmm?

Thanks for doing
me a huge favor!

Without you, I'm finally going to be able
to spray my ideas all over this kingdom

and you're never going to
be able to say no again.

Oh, yeah! This kingdom
is gonna be...



Excuse me, I'm trying to get to the
Aye-aye kingdom and I'm a bit lost.

- Good evening, Bricardos.
- Ted?

Welcome to the quinceañera

of Margherita Velasquez.

Um, I can smell those
flautas from here.

Get off the stage!

Ted? What are you doing here?
This isn't a birthday party.

It isn't? I warned Banana!

You're not the only fruit around
here that manages talent.

Consider yourself
on notice, Banana.

Good thing for these malcontents

I'm a professional.

The show must go on!

Who likes improv?

Someone give me a person,
place, or thing.

Ted! Who threw that?

- I did.
- Huh?

Name's Brosalind.

That's pronounced "B" plus
the sound "Rosalind."

What are you doin' in
my tavern, stranger?

Uh... Um, I'm looking
for my family.

I've come a long way now. I
need to see Prince Brodney.

And what do you need
the prince for?

I need to show him this.

- The bell!
- The bell!

- The bell!
- It's the prophecy! We're all gonna die!

Where did you get the bell?

I was found with it in a patch
of grass when I was a baby.

That's why I'm here.
To find out who I am.

It can't be!

It's him!

Uh, who? Who am I?

Someone who we thought was dead.

The Chosen One.

Is he gonna be all right?

I'm not a wizard, Clover, or a
real doctor, for that matter.

But I can tell you this. He will
never play the trombone... again!

He doesn't play
the trombone now.

Then why are we here?

Because the king is in a coma!

- Oh. Good to know.
- Maurice. Maurice.

Maurice is gone, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty?

We're losing him!

Nurse Phantom, the paddles!

Wait. That beeping isn't
coming from the machine.

Oh, sorry. I make that
sound when I'm nervous.

It's time for a "Come to
Frank" moment, everyone.

We need to accept that Mr.
King Julien's mind

has mostly likely been...

Or not. Hard to tell without
the proper equipment

I wouldn't know how
to use anyway.

What I'm trying to say is...

It's up to King Julien
to save his own mind.

I just wish we knew what
was going on in there.

King Julien, King
Julien, King Julien!

Can you hear me?

You don't need to
be on his chest.

Don't tell me what I can and can't
do with his chest, Rob McTodd.

I'm okay.

The acid broke my fall.

Rob? Huh, your face.

It's not all gross anymore.

You know me, Julie. Got some pureed
jellyfish injected into my brow.

Tightened things right up.

- Where's Maurice?
- Maurice who?

Not funny, Rob.

I'm sorry, Julie. I
don't know any Maurice.

Mort, you know a Maurice?

Never heard of him!

There is a Maurice and he was my
best friend and royal advisor.

Julie, I'm your best
friend and royal advisor.

Wha... Since when?

Since I jumped out of that
cake on your uncle's birthday

and scared him to death.

But he survived that.

No. I was there.

Totally dead.

I made a dreamcatcher
out of his hair.



What's with my kingdom?

Looks like Monday to me.

Monday? Why isn't anyone working?
Who is picking the mangoes?

Monday is a holiday. Just like Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,

Sunday, and Second Sunday.

Second Sunday?

You added an eighth day because you
said seven days off wasn't enough.

I tried to make that change
years ago, but Maurice...

Once again, Maurice who?

Look, buddy, because of me,
what King Julien wants,

King Julien g-g-g-g-gets.

Public transportation? Check!

Laugh track inside toilet hut?


You know I can never
say no to you.

And neither can anyone
else in the kingdom.

It's the law. Just remember
who the handsome one is.

Okay, then.


Okay, Julien, check it.

This is clearly a dream
where your kingdom

is the most off the hizzy
party kingdom ever

because no one ever
says no to you.

Wow. This is a good dream.

No, this is a bad dream!
A horrible dream!

There should always be
someone to say no to you.

You know how dangerous you are
when you're left unattended.

How did this happen?


This is what my destiny would
have been without him.

We got to figure out something
to snap you out of this dream

so you can find Maurice.

Good times!

I got it!

You need to find
someone to punch you.

Uh, hold up, little me.

How will someone punching me
get me out of this dream?

It'll jolt you back
to reality, I think.

I don't know, it's dream logic.

You're talking to a miniature version of
yourself who's standing on your brain.

Go with it.

But, I'm king.

Who would dare punch the king?


Are you in there?

I need some
discipline right now!



You're all swollen.
What happened?

What happened? You happened!

- Whoa!
- You said security concerns

interfered with you
dropping booty.

- Whoa!
- So you had Rob fire me.

Legally, I cannot be held responsible
because Maurice should have stopped Rob.

Who's Maurice?


It's cake o'clock.
Excuse me for a moment.

I love cake o'clock.

Take one bite and I'll
tear your arm off!

That's better.

Clover, this may sound strange,
but this is a dream, a bad dream.

- I need you to hit me and wake me up...
- Huh?

So the bad dream will be over

and you won't be all
bloated and gross anymore.

- Okay.
- Really?

No questions? Kind
of a weird request.



Hold on for a sec.

Just a little bit hot in here.

Yeah. Clo-Clo, maybe it would just
be better if I ran into your fist.

On it.

Nurse Phantom! You're
all gross again.

- And Clover, you've deflated.
- Hmm?

And Mort, you're still a freak.

Yay! He remembers me!

He's okay!

King Julien, you fell out of a tree
and you hit your head pretty hard.

It was more than that, Clover.

I saw what life would have
been like without Maurice.

I don't care if he wants
to find his destiny

because finding him in that
baby patch was my destiny.

He made me the king I am.

We have to find him.

Why are you really here?

Is the Aye-aye
kingdom in danger?

Is something coming?

I told you, I don't know.

All right. Back-off, you meanies!
Maurice is a friend of mine.

Thanks, Ted.

I say we deliver him to the
old bell gods right now,

like the prophecy demands,

- and throw the other one in as a bonus!
- Huh?

Oh! Actually, I barely know him.

Who are you, mister?
Ew, go away!

Come with me if you wanna live.

Why are you helping us?

I need to know how you're still
alive and what it means.

Wait a minute, hold the conch shell.
You know Maurice?

Of course I do.

A sister always knows her...


There is a belief among our...
people that every millennia,

a beautiful Aye-aye
child is born.

We call that child
the Chosen One.

And you think that's me?
I'm the beautiful child?

Oh, she's messing
with you, Maurice.

Or not. Go on.

But how can I be an Aye-aye
if I can't even...

The proper clench and release to
activate your musk gland is simple.

It's the belief you could
do it that is hard.


So if I'm this Chosen One,
does that mean I'm royalty?

Do I have, like, special powers?

Not... not exactly.

Upon the birth of
the Chosen One,

a festival is thrown
to celebrate.

The Chosen One is carried
through the square

to the far end of the kingdom,
where it is left to be sacrificed

to the bell gods in the
center of the Earth.

Wait. Sacrificed?

How else are we to achieve peace and
prosperity other than sacrificing

one of our own to sentient bells who
live in the center of the Earth?

Look at us. We need all
the help we can get.

You know, maybe the reason the Aye-aye
aren't known for their looks, you know,

is because you sacrifice your most...
beautiful child!

Sentient bells?

Uh, we believe in sky gods, Ted.

Well, sure, but the
sky gods are real.

Did I even have a name before
you left me there to die?

It was Bricky.

"B" plus the sound "Ricky."

I wish you could have known our
parents, Brodger and Brachel,

but we lost them
in a foosa attack.

Now it makes sense why
they were so freaked out

at the tavern. If I
wasn't sacrificed...

It's only a matter of time

before the bell gods retaliate.

False gods...

are the least of your problems.

Oh, my. Are those the bell gods?

No. Worse! Mountain lemurs.

How come they tied
you up in sacks?

It keeps us from using our
musk glands for defense.

Stink gets trapped in the bag.

Gonna have to remember that one.

I've been suffering
from IBS my whole life.

Poor Dorothy, she's been
trapped under the bed sheets

more than once with my funk.

She calls it the Madagascar Oven.
It's awful.

Hurry it up, you skrogs.

We regroup with the
Master at sunrise.

We come back without supplies for
the raid, he'll have our skins.

What about them?

Let me cut off their paws,
so Master can use them

to scratch his evil itchy bits.

- Huh?
- Quiet, Benson!

The Master's itchy bits
are off limits to you.

I thought mountain lemurs
had been wiped out.

Hardly. In fact, reports have
their numbers... growing.

Ted, if the mountain lemurs
continue moving west,

our kingdom, and the Aye-aye
kingdom could be in danger.

We have to do something.

I am doing something,
fear tinkling.

- Ew.
- Fear tinkle.

Guess it's up to the Chosen
One aka The Sacrifice.

Bricky, there's
too many of them!

I'm not planning
on beatin' them.

Ted, get my sister and the others free and
warn our kingdoms about what's coming.

- Uh...
- I'll distract them as long as I can.

Tell King Julien, I'm
sorry, I was wrong.

If he hadn't rescued me
from that baby patch,

my life would have been nothing
more than a sacrifice.

My destiny was to
be found by him.


Get him off me!

Wow. Go Maurice!

He's actually beating them.


- And now, they're beating him. Darn.
- Stop your gawking and untie us!

But they're gonna k*ll him!

It should have happened
a long time ago.

No! Any prophecy that would
sacrifice a child is wrong.

I'm not losing my brother again.

Bricky! There's a
way to stop them!

Use your musk gland!

Are you crazy, woman? I don't
even know if I'm an Aye-aye!

Just go! Save yourself!

You are an Aye-aye!

All you have to do is
clench and believe.

I don't care what you are.
You die.

Forget the mission!

He is the Chosen One.

All right, you lot. Freeze!

Run away!

King Julien!


You are never allowed to leave
again, and that's an order.

You are my advisor,
and I need you,

- like, real bad, Mo-Mo.
- Mmm.

I mean, I had this nightmare, dude.
It really freaked me out, man.

Don't you worry, Your Majesty. I'm
not going anywhere ever again.

Oh, dude, is that you?

Ugh. Get some air
freshener, man.

It's like a pair of crabs in a sauna
fighting over a wedge of feta cheese.

Prince Brodney, the
kingdom is in danger.

Those mountain lemurs were
talking about a raid.

If it's true, King Julien,

the lemur kingdom could
be in danger as well.

Mmm. Uh...


There is news from
our spies above.

Maurice, the Chosen
One, has returned.

If this is true, the
prophecy foretold

by the Great Jingle-Jangle

has come to pass!

You mean...

Yes, Dingbert.

The w*r of the beasts has begun!