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04x10 - The Wrath of Morticus Khan

Posted: 06/13/23 05:48
by bunniefuu
I'm okay!

♪ Party! ♪

- ♪ Who's the king? ♪
- ♪ King Julien! ♪

- ♪ Who's the king? ♪
- ♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Get down for the get down ♪

- ♪ Everybody party with King Who?
♪ - ♪ King Julien! ♪

- ♪ King Who? ♪ - ♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Tonight will be forever ♪

♪ Let's do King Julien Style ♪

♪ Woof! ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ Y'all tell me who's the king ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ All hail King Julien! ♪

So, why did you
have Timo build you

- a cloning machine exactly?
- Wow!

We need more me's.

- But...
- Ah-ah. King's spoken, case closed.

It's a law. Shaboom.

Clone it up here, boss.

'Sup, fools?

♪ I am he! ♪

♪ I am King Julien! ♪

- Uh...
- Uh...

♪ King Julien ♪



I ate the bug!

This is so great!

Oh, excuse me, I'm sorry.

- Uh, Julien, Julien. Julien, Julien.
- Me! Me! Me! Me!

- Julien, Julien. Julien, Julien.
- Me! Me! Me-e-e-e!

Julien, Julien. Julien, Julien.

Uh, I think we got it covered.

Oh, feet.

So many perfect... feet!


All the Juliens in the house,
crank those booties to the floor!

King Julien!

Do it again!

- King Julien!
- Yeah! Ha-ha!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Um,

Logic police here.

But isn't it strange that
there are five King Juliens

on the dance-floor
at the same time?

Yeah! I mean...

I don't know! I mean,
tell me the answer!

Tell me, Ted! Please!

Who cares where they
all come from, baby?

They here now.

Just dance it out.


My brazillient plan of making more
me's has been a huge success.


Please don't make any
more, Your Majesty.

I am exhausted trying
to keep them all safe.

I found the dumb one
eatin' out of the toilet.

Again! Oh, God,
I'm just gonna...

Your clones are crazy!

Crazy amazing. Am I right?
Am I right?

Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!

Which is why I think
it is time to...

Hmm, let me think, make more!



And who do we have here?

Ooh! Grr.


Enchanté, Mr. Handsome Pants.

♪ Boy meets girl, girl meets boy-a Girl
got a face beat Helen o' Troy-a! ♪

Uh... mmm.


Ugh. What? Is it...

Is that a female King Julien?

It is and it's so wrong!

That hussy better keep her paws
off my King Julien or she...

Oh! Her feet, they're
so perfect, too!

I can't take it anymore!
I can't take it!

I need a King Julien
of my very own!

To cuddle and bathe and feed,

- while he's strapped in a highchair!
- No, Mort!

The machine's not
calibrated for...


- Uh.
- Huh?





Mort, did you break
my cloning machine?

I don't know.

- Something...
- Oh!

Something's coming through!

Everybody back! Get
behind me, Your Majesty.

And you, too, female King...


- Huh.
- It.




Come forth!

Mort! Mort! Mort!

Oh! All my nightmares have come true!
I've come to annihilate me!

So many Morts. I won't let
them take you alive, my love.

Turn off the machine, Timo!

Gladly, Your Majesty.

Away with you, worm-eater.

On it.


Where are they?
Where did they go?


Mort! Mort!

It's horrible! There are...

- Morts everywhere!
- Eh?

Thousands of them!

- Ugh!
- Eating!

They're just eating everything!

I smell your fear!

Oh, golly, sorry about that.

It was enchilada night
at the old homestead.

I am Morticus Khan,

Supreme Leader of
the Mort-verse!

All Hail Morticus Khan!

Look upon all my
Morts and despair.

Your world is ours.

The Mort Horde will not stop

until we have consumed all.

You and your world
shall be exterminated!

An army of Morts?

Could there be anything worse?


Only to be deprived
of your company.

Ooh, sugarkins!



Thank Frank you're alive!

You have to tell us
what's going on.

How did this happen?


Listen, Timo, we are
in deep doo-doo here.

You see them?

Who's the king?

We're the king!

Wait, what's the question?

I really should be trying
to save my kingdom,

but I just can't stop
looking into your eyes.

Rawr! Rawr!

And, worse than that...

If you can believe
there's anything worse,

there are thousands of Morts eating
their way across the kingdom.


I estimate we've got
about twelve hours

before they get to the
village and the Baobab tree.

We need a way to stop them.

Okay, something clearly went
wrong with my calculations.

There's only one lemur smart enough
to help solve this conundrum.

Please, Timo, we're all friends
here, you can just say me.

I'm, like, totally
smart and stuff.

No hard sell needed here,
my butterscotch unicorn.

- Grr!
- Ooh!

- Rawr!
- Meow!

Uh, I actually had
another lemur in mind.

Uh, Smart Mort.

Mortimer, you drink this coffee
right now and become Smart Mort.

Never! I don't like it when I'm smart.
It's icky!

Come on, this is desperate, man.


- I'll let you file my toenails.
- Ooh! Ooh!

And mine, you
little elfin freak.

Oh... Okay!

Got him!

- Okay, would you... Just drink the...
- No!

Drink the coffee, Mort. It's
for the good of the kingdom.



We need Smart Mort!

No! I... I don't...

Quickly. There's not
a moment to lose.

To the Cove of Wonders!

You've completely missed the point
that every single quantum possibility

inherent in the quantum wave
function becomes a real possibility

in some reality.

You make a point...

Quantum. Quantum. Quantum.

- Ooh!
- Oy vey.

Of course, that's why they're
all slightly different!

Yes, quite. You see, this isn't
a cloning machine at all.

It's not?

No, it's actually a
dimensional doorway

that pulled all the
various Juliens

from different universes
in the multiverse.

Uh, logic police here, come
out with your hands up.

See? I had a little badge
made and everything.

But seriously, Smart Mort,
what's the multiverse?

Well, I happen to have a friend
that can explain it all to you.

Take it away, Pineapple!

Hey, kids. Pineapple here.

I'd like to have a special friend
of mine explain the multiverse.

Doctor Watermelon Bawking.

Yo, what is up, my homies?

I am here to drop some
knowledge on you fools.

In theory, the multiverse is a set of
infinite or finite possible universes.

I am talking worlds
upon worlds here, dawg.

This is our universe.

Well, hello there!

Many parallel

- or alternate universes...
- Yoo-woo-hoo!

Coexist with our own in
every variation imaginable.

I should know.

I owe a lot of money

to fruits and vegetables across
several different universes.


Actually, I wasn't joking.


Golly, the logic police
can't argue with that.

Case closed.

- Now do you grasp the concept?
- Pst.


I call him "Chunky
Thighs McSnoogletush."

- I like to draw!
- Humph.

Please, Your Majesty-sti-stieses...
This is important!

Yes, Chunky Thighs

It is far worse
than you imagine.

When, I, in my usual
state of ignorance,

touched the controls
with my buttocks...



I allowed the machinery
to open to a universe

populated with only hungry
and destructive Morts.

Mort! Mort!

We got twelve hours
before they eat their way

to the heart of the
kingdom, Smart Mort.

What do we do?

We must send them back
where they belong!

Aw, snap! I was just
going to say that.

I... I totally was.

Handsome and smart!

I know, right?


- Meow, kitten.
- Ah!

Clover, you must raise an army and
engage the Mort Horde in battle.

Buy us as much time as you can.

On it!

Meanwhile, we will create
a new dimensional portal

and find a way to get all the
Morts back where they belong.

But how? How will we
corral all those Morts?

I'm ashamed to admit it

but one thing unites all the
Morts across the multiverse.

The feet. The thought of all
those perfect piggies, those...

Oh, no, no! No!

The feet! So many feet!


Thank you.

Pardoning the pun,
the feet are our...

"Achilles heel," if you will.

Which will lend itself
nicely to our purpose.

Now, let us to work.

We all have much to do.

We are going up against
a cunning foe.

And, I don't want any of you to hold
back just because the Morts are...

kind of cute.

Yeah, cute my toot.
Forget those apples.

I've been looking forward to
beating Mort with a stick for...


Ah, me too. And
now's our chance.

I'm gonna use Horst's bolos.
Anyone else?


Hey, look, everybody.
I got bolos here.

Bolos are cool!


I blow! I blow!

Mort! Mort!

Those Morts are never
gonna know what hit them.

- Shabooya!
- Oh, look at us.

Finishing each other's...

- Sandwiches?
- That's what I was gonna say,

my little kitten muffin.

I cannot wait for
this to be over.


You go no further!

An army?

Determined to face me?

Finally, a world
worth destroying.

Sound the horn!

Call the Morts to battle.


Oh, I am finally looking forward to
facing an enemy we can actually beat.

I know, right?

They're just Morts.
How hard can it be?

Mort! Mort!

♪ We come to fight
We come to k*ll ♪

♪ Today you die
You surely will ♪

♪ We are the Morts
We are your doom ♪

♪ We are the Morts
We are the gloom ♪

♪ We are the Morts We'll
put you in your tomb! ♪


Aahu! Aahu! Aahu! Aahu!

We are the Morts!

We take no prisoners!

We leave no survivors!

Tonight, we dine upon the
tears of our enemies!


Lemur power!

Mort! Mort!

Mort! Mort! Mort!

These are really
aggressive Morts!

There are Morts in my beverage!

No! No!

Little help, please?

Got Morts all over me, man.

Morts! Mort!

No! No!


I would like to bet
on the Mort Horde.

They're clearly going to win.

I will take that
bet, you big loser.



Oh, you guys are
just so adorable.

Really. So cute. Just
couldn't possibly fight you.

The portal is finished.

Engage the ignition
sequence, Timo.

Signal the Juliens to
unleash the secret w*apon.

♪ Unleash! ♪

♪ Unleash the beast! ♪


We're gonna mess them little
boogers up with this sick chariot.


If this is to be
our final ride...

I am glad to be at your side.


That ain't so tough. Watch this.

I'm really hoping that the
Mort Horde just kills me.

- Mort! Mort!
- Come on, Julien, where are you?

All will bow before me!

♪ Push, Mo-Mo! ♪

♪ Push, Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo! ♪

♪ Unleash! ♪

♪ Unleash the beast! ♪


Yeah, that's right. I shouted
your name really long.

For no real reason other
than to let you know,

in my kingdom, we
bow to no Mort!

Unleash the foot!

Feet! Feet!

Feet! Feet!

♪ We come to love
We love the feet ♪

♪ With the feet
We are complete ♪

♪ The feet are neat
So very sweet ♪

♪ Meeting the feet
is such a treat! ♪

No! Do not follow the feet!

- Be strong like me!
- Feet! We love the feet!

- I can resist the feet! Stop!
- Feet! Feet!

Feet. Feet, feet, feet, feet.

♪ We come to love,
we love the feet ♪

♪ With the feet We are complete! ♪


Ah, I smell the unwashed masses of my kind.
Here they come!

Feet! Feet!

Jump for it, King Juliens!

Feet! Feet!

Feet! Feet!

Am I right? Am I right?

To the last! I grapple
with the feet!

The feet shall not defeat me!

Now, you die, Julien.

I shall wear your
feet as a necklace!

I will prove that I am the Khan!

Hmm? Uh?

Do not fret, King
Julien, I have you!

We did it, Your Majest...



If you will allow
me, King Julien,

we must return the other Juliens
to their correct dimensions,

in order to maintain the delicate
balance of the multiverse.

Ah! Man!

It's gonna hurt seeing my
me-bros go, can't lie.

But then again, who am I to deny a
vast majority of the multiverse

the hotness that is me.

Uh, yes, quite, as you say.

Please make your
goodbyes, good sir.

♪ Farewell to all
And all of you ♪

♪ We love, we leave
We live a new... ♪

I ate a bug!


I know you gotta go, but...

I don't know if I
can say goodbye.

I just don't know...

Do not fret, my
little love donkey.


I will always have you with me,

whenever I look in the mirror.

Bye now. Bye.

I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I just
couldn't let you kiss her, man.

That's something I
could never unsee.

Well, it is finished.
All is as it should be.

Well, almost. I fear,
I, too, must leave you.

There is a balance in our universe
as well, and it dictates one thing.

- Hmm?
- Hmm?

Mort must simply be an idiot.

And not smart.

I bid you all farewell.


So, what'd I miss?

You lost the bet.

I'll gladly pay you, but I seem
to have misplaced my, uh...


I am sick of your welching.

I cannot go anywhere with you.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

- Liar. Liar.
- Hey!

- Liar.
- Hey.

Pay up. Pay up.

- Pay up.
- Okay!

- Pay up.
- That's enough.

I will have my revenge
upon King Julien

and all of Madagascar!