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04x03 - Who Arted?

Posted: 06/13/23 05:43
by bunniefuu
I'm okay!

♪ Party ♪

- ♪ Who's the king? ♪
- ♪ King Julien! ♪

- ♪ Who's the king? ♪
- ♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Get down for the get down ♪

- ♪ Everybody party with King who?
♪ - ♪ King Julien! ♪

- ♪ King who? ♪ - ♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Tonight will be forever ♪

♪ Let's do King Julien style ♪

♪ Woof! ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ Y'all tell me who's the king ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ All hail King Julien! ♪

Mort's art!

I k*lled Mort's art!

Please open this door.

I told you kind and
gentle is for babies.

- Hiya!
- Your Majesty, no!

Mort's art!

Remain calm, King Julien...

I can fix this.

What... say what? Mm.

Yeah, it's just
pomegranate juices.

The king's been eating
his feelings again.

I know it's hard, but sometimes, you've
got to accept things as they are.

How, Maurice? How?

For as long as I can remember,
I've wanted to be a great artiste.

You didn't even mention it until
we had that art show last week.

My memory is shot, Mark...
Mike... Manfred...

Whoever you are. See? Shot.


Oh, if only there were some way to
turn back the hands of the hourglass

so this obsession never started.

Whose brilliant idea was that stupid
art show in the first place, huh?

Having this art show was
definitely my brilliant idea.

All mine!

Well, it does seem
good for morale.

Mine! Mine-y mine-mine, mine!

And at the very least, it could
sedate the masses into ignoring

the cold, hard truths of
their sad, boring lives.

It's not working.

And some of it's
pretty good, too.

Who knew we had so many
creative types in the kingdom?

The body is the medium.

So, what do you think?


I take back what I said
about all creative types.

I literally want to injure
whoever is responsible for this.

You guys don't like
my self-portrait?


You really captured your...


I know, right?

I was totally on the fence
about whether the tentacles,

and also having a horse
body from the waist down,

would be too much, you know?

No, no!

Not at all. You nailed it.

So, you're saying you think I
have a future as an artiste!

Do you? Say yes. Don't
think, just say yes.

- Um...
- Future's a pretty loaded term.

- That really demonstrates skill...
- How about that?

I demand to know who made
me look so regal and wise,

and ready to party!

- I love it!
- Hi!

Mort, you painted this?


Sorry. I wish I had enough
time to make it good.

It was better than good.
It was crazy good.

The composition, the colors...

Mort's painting was a triumph
of the lemur spirit.

A work of divine inspiration.

I hated it immediately.

Eh... Just so we're clear,
everyone's impressed

at how awesome I look
in the painting, right?

You could argue the painting of you
looks better than the real thing.


Right, but I mean, without me,

it would just be some dumb canvas with
oil and color swatches and stuff.

Pretty bush league, really.

Pretty bush. Know
what I'm sayin'?

Who's with me?

In a sense, I mean, we
are definitely with you.

Mort! This is the
most exciting thing

to hit the kingdom's art
world in, well, ever.

Art world?

Well, it's pretty much just
me and Dorothy at the moment.

Oh, but we're very passionate.

Hey, Mort, how much you
want for this thing?


Mort, Xixi here.

How does it feel to be the
town's hottest new artist?


You heard it here first, folks.

This is one artist who is hungry
to make a name for himself.

What was happening?

How could I, the
king, be upstaged

by this vulgar little mutant?

Seriously, though. When's lunch?

I haven't eaten in,
like, a month.

I don't understand. I
poured my heart and soul,

and other body parts into this.

It was supposed to
be my masterpiece.

Hey, just because Mort's painting was
good doesn't mean yours was bad.

Maurice is right, Your Majesty.

You should be happy that Mort's
finally being recognized

for something he's good at.

And besides, this'll
blow over soon enough.

I don't know if you noticed,

but the citizens here
aren't exactly art snobs.

Hey, Abner, come take a look at
this thing I just coughed up.

She's a beaut.

But in the days that followed,
Mort's fame only grew,

blossoming like...

I don't know, something like,
something that blossoms?

You know, hives? Do they blo...
I don't know.

I'm real itchy right now. So...

Mort's fame only grew.

You know, I've always been
good at smearing stuff.

Wait, what did he say?

Somebody please tell
me why we're laughing.

Soon, Mort was having
parties with actual guests,

not just his collection of old
mannequins made from rotten mango cores.

Has the overnight
fame changed you?


If we wore pants,

I'd still put 'em over
my head one arm at time,

just like everybody else.

Isn't he a hoot, folks!

And the more popular
Mort became,

the more impossible it
became to do my own work.

Shirts and skins! We can't
print these fast enough.

Everybody's cuckoo for 'em.

Mort, we need you to sign
these so they're official.

Ooh! The ink is chilly.

As Mort's stardom rose,

I soon realized if I hoped
to be a great artiste...

I would need his blessing.

Explain again why you're
trying to impress Mort?

As Leonardo da Vinci once said,

"Art is all about who
you know, Clover."

I invite Mort over, wine
and dine him, and then...

Oo-yaka! Show him
my masterpiece.

"Oh, King Julien! I love it!
I love it!

Please be my art partner.
I will tell the art world

how great you are!"

Yadda, yadda, yadda. Boom!

I'm the new hotness
of the art world.

Where's the new painting?

Right this way.

I should warn you, it's the kind
of daring artistic statement

that could change you,
like, profoundly.

I know, Mo-mo.

Your Majesty,

you are really great
at loads of things.

Oh? Interesting. Like what?

Like... Maurice?

I should really check on
the kumquat fritters.

My King Julien has
invited me to dinner.

My dreams are all coming true.

No, no. You have to stay cool in there
if you really want the king's approval.

Make him work for it.

But, the feet!

It's just simple science, everyone
wants what they can't have.

I want to be a lady dolphin, saved
from the tuna net of my own ego

by a handsome marine
biologist with kind eyes.

If you think I should hide my
true feelings from King Julien,

I will.


Mortimer! My main man!

Okay, Mort. Be cool, man.
Be cool.

But his fur looks so soft.

Is he using a new conditioner?

Ow! I said be cool!

I'm sorry! I just
like him so much!

This ain't no time to
be catchin' feelings.

Eh, Mort?

- Cool.
- 'Sup. Brought my crew.

Let me take your coats.

Mo-Mo, appeteasers, now!

Three-day weekend!


Offer Mort your seat, Clover.

It's the gentlemanly
thing to do.

I'm not sitting, Your Majesty.

Stop making excuses. We
have special guests.

I am so sorry.

They're usually more
on the ball than this.

Oh, that's okay...

We talked about this.

I mean... Yeesh! But what can you do?
You know?

The way things are.
Pretty disappointing.

We really whipped up
something special.

Great golly, it's working.

Xixi, what are you doing
hanging out with Mort?

Aren't you supposed to be a
journalist or something?

I'm a TV personality.

And that reminds me, Sage,

do I have a green light to
take a run at that or no?

You don't have to answer now.

So, I figured maybe
we'd get our eat on,

and then go in the other room so
I can unveil my latest painting.

Uh, the usual.

I cannot wait!

Oh, dusty moccasins!
What time is it?

Hate to eat and run, King,

but we've got that big exclusive
gallery opening tonight.

But King Julien can come, right?

I warned you, man! I hate
when you make me do this!

I mean, sorry, but I
only got a plus-four.

So, Sage, how tall are you?

What was that? You two blew it.

Us? Mort's art friends
were the ones being jerks.

Uh, 'cause they're
creative, Maurice.

And creative types
are all jerks.

And those jerks didn't even
get to see my new painting.

They'll have other
opportunities to see it.

Oh, yes they will,
Clover, they will.

They will see it tonight
at the gallery.

We'll secretly place
it among Mort's art.

The critics and art lovers will be
awed by this daring new direction.

And just as the excitement
can't grow any bigger,

I expose myself as
the true artiste!

"Expose yourself"?

For while King Julien
may not have a ticket

to the big gallery opening...

uh, Chair Lemur-Table does.

How's it goin'?

Chair Lemur-Table does not have a ticket
to the big gallery opening either.

Oh, uh, I didn't realize.
Guess we're breaking in then.


What do you think?
Pretty sweet, huh?

Oh, yeah, it's like the artist has
deconstructed the very notion of fruit,

forcing us to examine
it as a symbol,

rather than a tangible
source of nourishment.

I was gonna say it
looked nice and...


Where did you learn about art?

Well, I used to be a...

Let's just say "freelance
art collector."

I love it, but I
don't understand it.

Which makes me
love it even more!

What does it mean, Mort?

Mm. I just thought it would be fun to eat
fruit off a pedestal instead of a table.

Mind blown!

You all know the plan, right?

Maurice and I create a
diversion and then we...

We create a diversion while
you sneak around the back...

and plant the painting.


And if you get caught, deny any
knowledge of Chair Lemur-Table.


Somebody's gonna spot him.

Attention, the
fellow art lovers!


Over here. This is great.

I have an announcement to make.

- Who are you?
- Me?

Oh, I am a big fancy art critic,

yeah, here to look
at the lovely work

that is at this end of the room.

Yeah. Over here is where all
the good stuff is, you see.

Fancy art critics, huh?
What are your names?

Me? I'm... Mango...

Painting... Loser. Yeah!

Mango Painting-Loser.
That's my real name.

And I'm Chaz Bondurant, you see.

International Master of
Seduction, now you see.

- Really?
- Oh, like yours was so much better.

Oh, my stars!

What is that masterpiece
on the wall over there?

I didn't notice it before.

As greatest critic of all
time, I, Chair Lemur-Table,

declare this to be the
work of a true visionary.

Ew trey!

It's horrible!

I so wish I was blind!

Well, hold on.

We should hear what
Mort thinks about it.

His opinion is the
most important thing.

Pretty cool...

This is a lot of force.

I think I ate too much art.


- That's amazing.
- This is a game changer.

- Daring work.
- Look it!

I get it. But does it get me?

Oh, my stars! That painting was
just awful and uninspired before,

but Mort made it magical!

Oh, I've got the tingles!

Been saying it all along, don't ya know.
Mort is a genius.

Surprise! It is me!

The co-creator of this piece!

King Julien!

With a single geyser of stomach
acid and chunks of fruit,

Mort had once again upstaged me.

Okay, I see that crazy
look in your eyes.


Relax. Chill, dude. I'm fine.

I mean, it's me we're
talking about here.

Let's not do anything like...

By the power invested
in me by the sky gods

and also my uncle when
he tried to k*ll me,

I royally decree all
art is now illegal!

Like that.

Everyone must turn in any
art to me for safekeeping.

I promise this is for your own good
and not 'cause I'm jealous of Mort.

So, we had a fun little
reverse art show.

Instead of selling art,
we were taking it back

without fairly
compensating the owners.

Old school.

There's got to be another
way, Your Majesty.

Art hurts people's feelings.

I don't want any of my peoples to
ever be hurt by this art again.

So I'm putting it
somewhere safe.


This was the first time I was ever able
to look at King Julien as a normal lemur

and not a tyrant I
wanted to assassinate.

Your honesty is a breath
of fresh air, Becca.

- Next!
- There you go. Mind the gap.

King Julien, look at them.

This is hurting
everybody even worse.

Mort's devastated.

I just wanted everyone to see
King Julien the way I see him.

Ted, Dorothy, tell me
you have good news.

Oh, boy, do we!

Nearly all Mort's pieces
are accounted for.

And even better, the art we haven't
located has gone way up in value!

Not that we've been
reaping the benefits

of a bustling illegal
underground art trade.

You're telling me
that by banning art,

I've made it even more
popular and valuable?

Everybody wants what
they can't have.

Then I know what I must do.

Clover! Round up any
remaining pieces of art.

Kick down every door in the
kingdom if you have to.

Your Majesty, this
has gone far enough.

Do it, Clover! I'm not asking.

On it.

You know who would make
a decree like that?

Your uncle.

Well, that's actually a
compliment, Maurice,

because Uncle King Julien
has aged really well.

Still has most of
his hair and teeth.

So, thanks for the kindly words!


By outlawing art, I had
saved all of my peoples

from the heartache
that art causes.

At least that's
what I told myself.

Now Mort was taunting me...

Times infinity!

And his act of
civilized disobedience

was another reminder of how
"just-okay" I was at art.

I did something I
wasn't proud of.

Well, this is what happens
when you art all over town.

You basically arted
in everyone's faces.

King Julien, it wasn't me.

I would never do
anything to hurt you!

When it comes to arting,

it's the one who denies
it who supplies it.

You're on lock-down.

Clover, make sure
he stays inside.

Imprisoning my own lackey?

It wasn't me doing those things.

It was art.

Why did the sky gods give
Mort all the talent?

But in the days that followed,

I was haunted by dark dreams.

Your uncle... Your uncle...
Your uncle...

Ooh, booty!


I took a stroll to
clear my brainy-parts.

Perhaps I was too hard on Mort.

Maybe I should have given
him a second... What?

It's the poster!

It's a poster! It's
another poster!


Look at it! It's another one!

The posters taunted me,

like they were trying to get
me to confess something awful.

Then, I did.

I k*lled Mort's art!

I don't understand where all
those new posters came from

if Clover was watching Mort.

Well, perhaps someone else was putting
up the posters as an act of rebellion.

Often the more you try to silence
free expression, the more it pops up.

I wanted to be a great artiste.

This is the first time I've ever
wanted something I didn't get.

Good. Not getting what you
want builds character.

Yeah? Why does character-building
have to be so unpleasant?

It's okay, Your Majesty.

Mm. Mm.

Eh? Is someone stuck to me?

Must be the pomegranate juice
that's making your fur sticky.

I didn't get it on my back.


Wait a minute!

Mm-hmm. Paste.

And your face is
smudged with ink.

No, it's not.

Why is your paw sticky, Clover?
Huh? Why? Why?

You gonna tell me?
Why? Why? Why?

Is it paste? Is it? Why? Clover?

Why? Tell me. Why?
Why? Why? Why?

Yes! It was me, okay?

I hung the posters.

But what you were doing
to Mort wasn't right!

You broke a rule? Why?

I respect the law...

but I also think if
the law is unjust,

everyone has a responsibility
to fight against it. Get off!

I passed an unjust
law, didn't I?

I became a monster.

Worse, I became
Uncle King Julien.

Mort doesn't deserve that.

Art is the only thing that gives that
little trainwreck's life meaning.

What do I do?

Just tell him you're sorry.
He'll forgive you.

Go to him.



King Julien!

Mort. I've been a jerk.

And not one of those
cool, creative jerks.

I got jealous that you
were good at art.

I'm sorry. I'm making
art legal again.

Really? Oh, that
makes me so happy!

Yeah, any time you feel the
urge to art, you know what?

Let 'er rip, buddy.

All right, okay, bring it in.


I waited for you, the feet.

- Okay, yeah, soak it all in, buddy.
- Oh, yeah!

Yeah, get a good one in there.

Oh, Maurice, come on, man!

Your feet smell like a dirty
diaper filled with cabbage!

It's bad.