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03x11 - Revenge of the Prom

Posted: 06/13/23 05:39
by bunniefuu
-[Mort chuckles]

-[Mort] I'm okay!

[theme music playing]

♪ Party ♪

-♪ Who's the king? ♪
-♪ King Julien! ♪

-♪ Who's the king? ♪
-♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Get down for the get down ♪

-♪ Everybody party with King who? ♪
-♪ King Julien! ♪

-♪ King who? ♪
-♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Tonight will be forever ♪

♪ Let's do King Julien style ♪

♪ Woof! ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ Y'all tell me who's the king ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ All hail King Julien! ♪


It still fits!

You see, Maurice, it is possible
to maintain your figure

after Lemur School.


Must have shrunk in the wash.

-What's with the formal wear?
-Oh, nothing.

Just getting ready
for my Lemur School reunion.

Gonna be some party.

The theme is prom, which means
I'll be crowned prom king.

Again! [laughs]

But, you're already king-king,
so why does prom king matter?

Oh, Maurice.

Being prom king is way more important
than being a regular old king.

Everybody knows that.

Yeah, Maurice. Everybody knows that.

Ah, prom sounds fun.

I had a great time
at my prom at the academy. [laughs] Yeah.

[announcer] Okay, everybody,
please find your partner for...

Pugilistic Ruckus of Mayhem!

[all whimpering]


[all grunting]

Eh, that wasn't a prom, Clover.

Yeah, it was.

Pugilistic Ruckus of Mayhem. Prom.


Okay, weirdo. I remember my prom.

Grammy planned it, on account of the fact
that I was home-schooled.

Oh, it was perfect.

-[jazz music playing]

And I'm the weird one?

Anyway. I don't know why you're not
more excited about the reunion, Maurice.

This is your chance
to relive my glory days.

When I was the most popular lemur
in school...

Star of the football team.

-Captain of the Debate Team.
-[all cheering]

Mathematically created the world's
best milkshake in chemistry class.

Made wings for all the lemurs
in shop class so they could fly.


Separated conjoined twins in biology.


Was crowned prom king, of course.

Obvious choice.

And you're clearly forgetting

that Lemur School is when I met
a very special person.

I think you know who I'm talking about.

-Thanks, Your-- Huh?

Right, Karen.

Who's Karen?

Karen was Julien's
Lemur School girlfriend.

Hey, Karen. 'Sup?

New glove? Nice. Bump it.


Prince Julien talked to me!

He noticed my glove!

I will never wash this gloved hand again!

Never! Oh, Prince Julien!


Karen was the one that got away.

From me, but not from the foosa
who ate her on prom night.

May she rest in peace.

[hums, kisses]

Okay, good moment. That's over. Let's go.

Lots to do before reunion!


What year is this?

Okay, everybody.
Step right up and get your nametags.

That's right. Here you go, Pancho.

And... Outta the way, Horst!

Big man on campus coming through.

[all cheering]

It's exactly the way I remember
Lemur School.

Some things never change.

Rob! Sup, buddy?

He put himself in a medically induced
coma again.


Coming to a reunion in a coma.

That's so Rob!


-Hello, Julien.

What are you doing here, Karl?

Don't you remember?

I went to your school.
I was in all your classes.

[laughs] I think I'd remember...

Hi, Julien.

Eh, Maurice, did you hear something?

Hi, Julien.

Eh, Maurice, did you hear something?

Hi, Julien.

Eh, Maurice, did you hear something?

Eh... Mm.

I got nothing.

You didn't see me,
but I was there the whole time.

Enjoy the party.

I know I intend to.


Is it me, or did Karl
seem a little hostile?

Uh-huh. And he's definitely
got an axe to grind

with the whole
"you not noticing him in school" thing.

[coughs] Just one more reason
this reunion was a bad idea.

Don't worry, Your Majesty.

I'll keep an eye on Karl.

If my tail twitch is correct,
he's up to something,

and I'm gonna find out what it is.

-[upbeat music playing]

DJ Glitterbunz, it's prom,
you sn-sn-sn-snitches!


I'm watching you, Karl.

Whatever you say, weirdo. [slurping]

Why does everybody keep calling me that?


[cheering] Go! Julien!

[chanting] Go, Julien!


-She's back.

It can't be.

Karen was eaten by a foosa.

May she rest in peace.

No, it's me, Julien.

Karen! You're really alive!

It's good to see you.

You know, it's good to see you too.

And hey, listen,
I am sorry about prom night.

About you getting eaten--

After you stood me up?

I stood you up?


Oh, no need to apologize.

That was a long time ago, Julien.

I mean, King Julien.

Besides, I'm sure you had a really
good reason for standing me up.

The tie's gotta be exactly right.

This is prom, man! Do it again, Ted.

Of course, Prince Julien.

Oh, look at you, growing up so fast.

You're gonna be prom king,

and I'm gonna be alone, in the corner,
all alone forever.


Ted, you got tears on my tie.

Again. Not cool, man!

Oh, golly, I'm so sorry, Your Majesty.

You know, Karen,
all the time we dated in Lemur School,

I never did see under your glove.

♪ Got your groovy glove ♪

♪ Got your groovy love, baby ♪

♪ Got your groovy love ♪

♪ Got your groovy glove, baby, yeah ♪

♪ Groove glove, glove ♪

King Julien, all you ever had to do
was ask.

[dance music playing]

[gasps] They're playing our song!

Remember the dance routine we created?

Do I remember?

I was in traction for, like, six weeks.

I'll never forget.

I'm keeping my eyes on you, Karl.

What you up to? Huh?


[announcer] The horses are at the gate.
And, they're off!

It's Gadget Rainlight out in front.

Followed by Liberty Danger
and Daddy's Combover coming on strong.

-Come on, Daddy's Combover! Come on!
-Gadget Rainlight. Liberty Danger.

Daddy's Combover pulling up
on the inside of the rail.

They're in the stretch!

Daddy's Combover...

Clever Karl.

-[music playing]
-[cannons firing]

Aww, this is nice.

Almost exactly the way I pictured it.

Did you really mean it earlier?

Can I see what's under the glove?

Sure, silly. I'd love to show you.

Whoa! Oh! Karen...

[retches] I'm so sorry...

I had no idea.

Sometimes I glue a little hair on it
so I feel more normal.

You are normal, Karen, mostly.

You should probably
put the glove back on now.

[narrator] King Julien was the most
popular lemur in school. Loved by all.

Ooh. A special tribute video to me.

Or was he? The truth is,
everyone in King Julien's class

was only nice to him
because he was the prince.

No one will know it's me, right?

[narrator] King Julien's friends
were only pretending to be his friends

because he was a prince and they had to.

They pretended to laugh
at King Julien's jokes.

And then I said,
but I don't even like lettuce.



[narrator] They let Julien win everything.

They let him win football games.


They let him win debate tournaments.

And then I said,
but I don't even like lettuce.

In rebuttal, I say to you, sir--


[narrator] King Julien never created
the world's best milkshake,

-it was actually poison.

King Julien never made lemurs fly.


Many never walked again.

King Julien never separated
conjoined twins.

He actually stitched us
together by mistake.

And when Ted was voted prom king,

he was forced to give up the crown
to King Julien.

Okay, Karl.

Ha-ha. Funny joke.

You almost got me there for a second.

-Sorry, King Julien. Karl's not here.

He gave me the slip down the toilet.

Everybody just go back to dancing now.

[narrator] Even King Julien's
most trusted friend, Maurice,

was paid to be Julien's friend
by none other than Uncle King Julien.



-Clover! Turn it off! Turn it off!
-On it!


Were you paid to be my friend?

[Mort giggles]

Nobody ever paid me
to be your friend, King Julien.

Quiet, Mort! You didn't even
go to our school!

[Mort grunts]

Well, Maurice? Is it true?

King Julien, let me explain.

It may have started as a job,
but it turned into real friendship.

No! I don't want to hear
any more lies, Maurice.

Am I even really a king?
Am I even a lemur?

Or was I created in a lab somewhere?

Some freak cyborg just now becoming
sentient. Whatever that means.

My whole academic life has been a lie.

I'm leaving now.
And nobody better follow me!


Hup-- Oh-- I--

Why don't you let me
go talk to him, Maurice.

Yeah, he probably doesn't
want to see me right now.


And now we're hugging. That's great.

-Yeah. Hah.
-[continues bawling]

Ted, handle this.

There is no shame in crying.

-I cry all the time. Just ask Dorothy.
-I want him...

King Julien, wait!

King Julien?


Really? No one followed me?

I guess it's true.
They really don't love me.

[sing-song] Chauncey!

Come out, wherever you are.
It's time for us to celebrate.

What are you celebrating, Karl?

Could it be humiliating me,

and proving that everyone
who ever loved me

was only pretending to love me,

thus destroying everything I am
or ever will be?

I don't know what
you're talking about, Julien.

Don't play dumb, Karl.

I'm sorry I didn't notice
you in lemur school,

but that's no reason
to make a video like that!

That hurt, man.


A video? Please.

I don't do videos.

Far too simple for my tastes.

Besides, I actually have to thank you,

If it weren't for you ignoring me,

I never would have met my best friend.


[Karl crying]

I just wish Julien would pay
attention to me!


[gasps] Huh?

Thank you.


[Karl] Chauncey.

That was the beginning of a beautiful life
together, wasn't it, Chauncey?


Let's go, Chauncey.

Even Karl has his creepy cockroach friend,

but I have no one.

[Karen] Um, King Julien?

Go away, Karen. [cries]

I don't want to bother you,
but I thought you could use a friend.

[scoffs] Didn't you hear?

I don't have any friends.

Besides, you were probably paid to be
my friend just like the rest of them.

Oh, that's not true.

Nobody had to pay me to be your friend.

I always thought
you were the coolest, sweetest,

most handsome lemur in our school.

I still do.

I know what'll make you feel better.

[dance music playing]

Hear that?

No, Karen. I don't feel like dancing.

But it's our song.

You can't resist our song.

Huh? Huh?

Hmm. I'm not sure.

But my booty is interested.

[Karen] Come on.

We've been walking for a while.


Do you know where we are?

Hmm. Dunno. Probably some random
and totally insignificant

part of the jungle?

[sing-song] Wrong.

This is the exact spot where we
were supposed to meet on prom night.

Oh... Oh, yeah.


Karen? I seem to have triggered
some sort of trap.

Oh, no!

I hope a foosa doesn't hear you
and try to eat you.

Wait. Yes, I do.

Ah, you! You made the video!

That's right, Julien. It was me.

I planned this entire reunion.

All so I could humiliate you,
the way you humiliated me.

What about all that stuff
you said earlier,

about being my friend
and thinking I'm the coolest,

sweetest, handsomest lemur ever?

I lied. Didn't mean any of it.

I was never your friend.

I was just using you so that I could be
the most popular girl in school.

So that I could be prom queen.

And then marry you
and become Queen of Madagascar.

And then destroy you
and become Queen of the World.

And then, the Universe!

But you ruined it!

Help! Somebody help me! [screams]

I've been trapped by a crazy lady!

Oh, I'm not crazy, Julien.

I'm angry. And now, I'm getting even.

I'm going to leave you here
to be eaten by a foosa,

just like you left me
when you stood me up on prom night.

What are you doing?

Prepare to be eaten, Julien.

The foosa should be here any minute.


[blows whistle]


Okay, Ted. That'll do.

You don't have to play the hero with me.

Let Ted in. Let Dr. Ted heal you.

That'll do, Ted!

Uh, Maurice? What do we do now?

I don't know.

I thought surely Clover could convince
King Julien to come back by now.


Clover! We can't understand
what you're saying!

There's a gag in your mouth!

Give me that.

What happened? Where's King Julien?

Karen! This whole thing!

It was... it was Karen!

You like that?

Wanna see it again?

Oh. Actually it's not--

Oh. How do you like the hand now, Julien?

How do you like it now?

Thumb wrestle? Patty-cake?

No? Oh!

What time is it? Can you see?

Looks like two clumps of hair
past a freckle.

Some hedge trimmers.

Time for you to die!

Here they come, Julien!


Let him go, Karen.


Oh, Clover.

Thank Frank, you're here.
Also, what took so long?

Don't worry, King Julien.

You're safe now.


What are you going to do?

Take on a whole pack of hungry foosa

I won't have to.


No! Go away! I don't want your help!
You're all a bunch of phonies.

You're probably only here because
someone's paying you to!

No, King Julien!

We're all here because we care about you.

We love you!


[Hector] I do not!

Quit it with the sappy stuff, Maurice,
and get me down from here!

[all cheering]

We're doing this!

We're all gonna fight!


[all scream]

Run away!

[all grunting]



Your hand is freakishly strong.

Too bad I can't say that
for the rest of...

What happened to us girls
sticking together, Clover?

We can't allow guys like Julien
to treat us this way!

Listen, I admit, what King Julien did
was yeah, little bit wrong,

but that's no reason to k*ll him!



[Karl] You can't k*ll King Julien!

This has nothing to do with you,
guy with a cockroach for a best friend!

This has everything to do with me!

Julien and I are locked in an epic battle
of light and dark!

He is my nemesis, and I am his.

And I can't have you
and your pedestrian little

"rope trap and a pack of foosa plan"

get in the way of that!

You see, Julien's fate belongs to me!

Not you!



Don't run away.
You're supposed to eat King Julien.

Eat him! Talk to the hand!


[gasps] Karen!

May she rest in peace.

Thanks for coming to rescue me, everybody.

I guess this means you really do love me.

Of course we love you.

[Hector] I do not.

But I love you the most!

Okay, Mort. Take the love down a notch.

[Mort] You're my everything!

And Karl? You came too.

Does this mean we're... friends now?

We're not friends. We are eternal enemies.

And no one will have the pleasure
of destroying you

except me.

And trust me, I will destroy you.

When you least expect it.


Well, okay then.


[dance music playing]

[all cheering]

I'm sorry I never told you about the whole
"being hired to be your friend" thing.

Aw, that's okay, Maurice.

You'll always be my best friend.

No matter what sordid details
about your past come to light.

Don't get a big head
about it or anything.

I won't, Your Majesty.

Well, it looks like everything
turned out okay,

and all is right with the world.

All except for one thing.

By the power vested in me,

I now pronounce that our prom king is...


[gasps] Really?

[gasps] Oh, King Julien, are you sure?

Yes, Ted.

This is the way it should have been
all those years ago.


Oh, I...

I'm so excited I just can't breathe!

I just might joy tinkle.

Oops. I already did.

[all cheering]

Dreams really do come true!

I'd like to thank Frank
for making me an artist.

There's just so much--

Less talking, more dancing, Ted!

Best prom ever!

-[all cheering]

[dance music playing]