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03x09 - Fast Food Lemur Nation

Posted: 06/13/23 05:38
by bunniefuu
-[Mort] I'm okay!

[theme song playing]

♪ Party ♪

-♪ Who's the king? ♪
-♪ King Julien! ♪

-♪ Who's the king? ♪
-♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Get down for the get down ♪

-♪ Everybody party with King who? ♪
-♪ King Julien! ♪

-♪ King who? ♪
-♪ King Julien! ♪

♪ Tonight will be forever ♪

♪ Let's do King Julien style ♪

♪ Woof! ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ Y'all tell me who's the king ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ All hail King Julien! ♪

[Julien screaming]

[Julien] Maurice!

[Julien screaming]

What is it, Your Majesty?

[screams] There's something
growling in my stomach!

It's like some alien life form
has laid an egg into me

and now it's hatched
and looking for its mommy!

Here, listen.
[imitating baby] Mommy! Mommy!

[grunts] You're just hungry.
We go through this every morning.

Come on, let me just
fix you some breakfast.


What would you like, Your Majesty?
A mango parfait?

Ooh, my world famous pok pok waffles?

[sighs] Those meals could take minutes!

The king doesn't have
that much time to waste!

Let me see what I can
throw together real quick.


Your Majest--

I hate all this waiting, Mo-Mo!

[mimics robot]

[robotic voice] I am a breakfast robot.

Your Majesty, I'm not that fast!

[mimics electronic noises]

[robotic voice] Must destroy breakfasts
that take forever to make.

A good breakfast takes time to prepare.

Wait. That's it, Maurice! I've got it!
How about a great breakfast in no time!


Food... that's fast! Fast food!


You gonna tell me what
the crazy little Julien in your head

came up with this time?

Yes, Maurice! I'm going to
give my peoples a great gift.

Food, that's fast!

[laughs] Picture it.
Lemurs eating on the go.

Eating while water sliding.

Whoa! Hang ten, buddy.

Eating while dancing!

Oh, yeah!

Eating while... eating!

Eating what exactly?

Hmm. I don't know yet, Mo-Mo.

But that's exactly what...

idea contests are for!

Alright, Ted. What's your fast food idea?

This, Your Majesty, is an escargot soufflé
with a side of truffled scallops

and braised veal shanks!
You can't even eat it.

It's just for looking!

How special is that?

Hmm. Not fast. Clover!

Sorry, Ted. Clover slam!

Gimme the pitch.

You won't find a faster dog food eater
in the whole kingdom, Your Majesty!



This isn't a dog food
eating contest, Becca.

Hmm. Not fast. Also wrong contest.


Clover slam!

Yet another weak performance from Willie.


Clover slam!

Oh, sheesh.

Um, it's just mud.

Hmm. Fast, but not technically food.


I ain't got time for this. I gotta put
food on the dinner table, man.

See, Mo-Mo, Butterfish is so busy

he doesn't even have time
to come up with an idea.

This is exactly why my peoples
need fast food!


[Julien sighing]

How will I ever get my people
the fast food they need?

[groans] I'm probably gonna
regret saying this,

but there's still one lemur
you haven't seen yet.

Okay, here we go. Now don't
sweat too much, keep eye contact.

This is your shot, Mort.

Always be closing.

ABC. ABC. [grunts]

Alright, Mort. Let's see it.
I'm desperate enough.




[Clover gags]

-It's looking at me!
-What is that?

That's not right!

What? It's all natural. See?



Eating it is not helping, Mort.

Trust me, it's food. I'll show you.

Anyways, I was born
like five years premature

and my grammy left me
this giant barrel of healthy food

because she wanted me
to grow up big and strong!

Obviously, it worked.


The beach is that-a-way!

As king, I will get to the bottom of
whether or not this is, in fact, edible.

Yeah. I'm not watching this.


Well, it's strong on the nose,

hint of fruit. A bit lactic.

Kinda curdy. Probably barrel-aged.

Protein, fiber. Hmm.

Well, it's definitely food, Your Majesty!

Gimme that!

This... is delicious!


This is it! I've done it!


I've invented fast food!


Hooray! I knew you could do it!

Hello, my people! I'd like you to be the
first lemurs to try my new invention,

fast food!

Looks like something a demon squeezed out.

Demon food!

Keep away from us, servant of darkness!


[all screaming]

Horst, old buddy.

Interested in trying some fast food?

New things scare me!


Nope. Not doing this.

Oh, Maurice!

I don't understand it! Why don't
my peoples want these bars?

Uh, I dunno.

Cause they kinda look like boom-boom?

Well, you're not wrong,

but that's not it.

But something is... missing... Hmm.

[gasps] These bars need a name!


What do my people love about me?

It's my tushy, Maurice!
I'll call them booty doodles!

Booty doodle what now?

Booty Doodles! But they're
gonna need a little extra stank.

A little magic sauce.

A mascot!

Why you looking at me like that?

I feel like I've aged ten years
since I put my food order in!

This is taking forever!

Hey, lemurs! Guess what? I got the
fastest food in town for you guys.

Booty Doodles!


Hey, kids. Your booty will go badonkers
for Booty Doodles.


Everybody say "hi" to Booty McBooterson!

The mascot for Booty Doodles!

I ain't ever seen a lemur clown before.

That's funny, man.

Here you go! Here you go! Here you go!
Here! Heyo, check it!

Watch as I shake my booty!

Juggle these balls!

Sign these important kingly documents.

Ah, yes, very important stuff, right away!

As I wash these dishes with my tail...

Get you clean, you dirty,
you so dirty. I'll talk to you later.

All while I'm eating a Booty Doodle!

Come on, Booty McBooterson,
shake your clowny tushy!

If a silly clown likes Booty Doodles,
they've gotta be good! Right?

You know, we could all learn
a thing or two from that clown.

I'll take three!

He had me at... "booty."

Hey, Clo-Clo. Can I interest you
in one of my tasty bars?

You could be twice the lemur, Clo!

Twice the security guard!

No, thanks, Your Majesty.
My body is a temple.

And I will treat it--

Ahh! Your Majesty! That is--

[romantic song playing]

Mazel Tov!

Hey! Me likey!

Got to get some more!


[both grunt]


[Julien exclaiming]

This must be what joy tastes like!

So delicious!


[humming circus music]



[Clover] Stop! Thief!


On it!

[all laughing]


Booty Doodles! Too good to be true?
You bet your booty they are--

Cut! Who cast Maggie the Unwashed?

I specifically said the mouth has
to make the lemurs want to eat more.


I'm not sorry.


Still not.


Hi, everyone. Welcome to King Julien's
Big Booty Surprise.

[all] Booty! Booty! Booty!

Yes! Cheer louder for me!


I hate my life.

Bup, bup-- Mo-Mo! Reveal the trees!


I turned all of our mango trees...
into Booty Doodle trees!

I also did the same thing
for every other fruit tree.

And plant.

All the food's been replaced
with Booty Doodles!

[all cheering]

Afraid to ask, Your Majesty, but...

what'd you do with the entire
kingdom's supply of food?

Don't worry, Mo-Mo.

I just had Hector throw all the food

into that giant fiery pit of lava
over there on that hill.

That darn idiot king's
finally gonna k*ll us all.

Bunch a ding dongs.

What are we gonna do when
we run out of Booty Doodles?

Ha! Oh, Mo-Mo, that is never gonna happen!

Man, this is working great!

It's wonderful having the geckos help out.

It's cost effective 'cause
they work for praise!

Great job, guys!



It's time to take my Booty Doodles
to all of Madagascar,

then to the world and then to...

outer space!


[coughs] Whoo!

Um, Your Majesty? Ted here. You know
that thing you did with the Booty Doodles?

How you replaced all the food
in the kingdom with the bars?

Wow, what a hit!

People will remember that for years!

Well, they're gone. They're gone!
All of 'em are gone.

We're out of Booty Doodles!

We're starving and we're all gonna d--

Save it, Willie!

Relax, my peoples! I gotcha covered.
We could feed you guys, like, forevs.

Got mountains of Booty Doodles
stored up in our supply room...


[all] Huh?

[Clover] You! You did this to me,
Your Majesty!

And it can't be undone!

Shut the door! Get me more Booty Doodles!

Don't look at me! Don't look at me!

Okay, so, Clover's not here right now...

What's going on? Guys?

Don't worry, everybody!
We'll just make more bars!

Alright, you geckos! You got this!

Looking great, Marty! I mean, really--

Kathy, your eyes, fabulous!

Jonathan, you've got a great...

Yeah! Nothing can stop you!


[laughs] Uh... Hmm?

Okay so, we're having some technical
difficulties here,

just go back to your normal lemur lives

and we'll bring you some more
doodles a bit later. Okay, thanks!

-Oh, this is great.
-Bye-bye now. Bye, we'll see you.


We need a refill.
What kinda stuff was in that barrel?

I dunno. Grammy never told me!

Think, Mort! Think!

Oh! I can't remember!
That was like fifty years ago!

Okay, first, how old are you?

Second, figure it out. Pronto!

Oh! Come on, Mortdecai,
your king needs you!

Grammy, you gotta help me!
What was in those bars?

I'll never tell!


Come on, Grammy! It's for my king!

Check the wishing well.
That's where the secrets are buried!



Just tell me, you crazy old woman!

-Mort! Get it together!

I will find the ingredients, Your Majesty!

I promise!


This looks okay, right?

Oh! These should work!

[Mort grunts]

[Mort shouting]


[Mort moaning]

I did it... my king.

Oh, yeah! Back in business!


[Mort grunting]

Our Booty Doodles are back
and King Julien saved us all!



[all grunt]




Did you feel that, Dorothy?

Todd! Baby, what happened? Come to mama!

Hold on tight, my little babies!

Come on, man!


Todd! I'm comin', baby!




Huh! I didn't know Willie could fly.
Did ya see? Mo!

Booty Doodles really
doin' wonders for him.

Your Majesty?
Willie's not the only one flyin'!


-Oh, hey, Jeffrey!

Where are they goin' in such a hurry?

The lemurs are getting
sucked to that giant ball!

We gotta get outta here,
Your Majesty! Run!


I'm trying, Mo-Mo! It's so strong!

I don't know what's happening
right now, Maurice,

but this seems like your fault!



Thanks for sacrificing yourself
to save me, Mo-Mo!



[Timo] In the shower! No clothes!

[Timo screaming]

What in Frank's name was in that
new batch of ingredients, Mort?

That was in it! [laughs]
"M-A-G-N-E-T-S." Candy!

That wasn't candy, Mort!
Those are magnets!

Twigs and berries! Incoming!

Not in the money maker!

Oh, my!

It appears all of the lemurs
have been magnetized

and are now stuck to
all of this metal junk!

[mocking] "Oh, yes, it appears,
magnetized..." Can you fix it?

[straining] Um, no.

[sobbing] It's over!

I dunno, this doesn't seem so bad.
It's kinda cozy, really!

Grandma's fanny pack, that was close!

My peoples...

what have I done?

[Julien sobbing]

[Julien] What have I done?

[Julien's voice echoing]

Hold on, Your Majesty! I'll save you!


[panting, babbling, straining]



What's happening?


Why am I not sticking...

Whoa! you guys?

Clover! Save us!

I'm trying, Your Majesty!

Oh, look at Clover. She's built up an
equal but opposite negative charge!

If only she could build up
enough velocity...

She could slam into us and nullify
the magnetic effect, man.

Break us all apart and whatnot.

Do what they said, Clover! Hurry!




What-- What's happening?

Oh, no! Now we're getting sucked
into the moon's gravitational pull!

I didn't think any of this
was scientifically possible!

Whoa! Whoa!

What have I done?


I've let myself down...

and worse...

I've let my king down.

Come on, Clover!

Don't be a wimp!

Move it, soldier!


Move it!

For my king!

One step...

at a... time.



[Julien] Goodbye, my peoples!

I want you all to know

that I have not learned
from this experience at all!

On it!



I'm coming, Your Majesty!

Clover Slam!

[Julien screaming]


[Maurice screaming]

-[Mort screaming]
-[Clover grunts]

Well, that wasn't so bad.

-Who's hungry?
-Here we go again.

I suppose a little snack
might do me right.

[lemurs screaming]

Sweet gherkins! We survived!


That Clover, she funny, man.
Just like that lemur clown.


[retro music playing]