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23x04 - Dressed to k*ll

Posted: 06/13/23 05:10
by bunniefuu
Five, six, seven, eight and zut.

Zut, zut...
And zee, zee...

and, come on, Evelyn.

Clomp those mammoth feet. Pose!

Okay, from the top.


Look at me!

Here's Nellyl!



Alright, ladies
keep your wigs on.

No! Forget it!

Two shakes of my tail feathers.

I'll be right with you.

Rehearsal's going well I see.

Such a "Karen."

Wonder whose calls
you're hiding?

Ooh, wondering what business
it is of yours!

Do you need some help,

or should we just give it up
as a bad joke?

Hmm! And just have your
dominoes tournament.

I don't think so.

And, anyway, it's for charity.

So what exactly
is your problem, Lois?

You. This.

Woman-facing just feels so
regressive, don't you think?

A man's idea of women
at their worst.

Says the woman

hovering like the Grim Reaper!

There! I've said it!

Maybe it plays with and disrupts
the gender norms,

ever thought of that?

Oh, and for the record,
I am a woman.

You could always redress
the balance, Lois,

come as a drag king?

Could work...

I'd rather stick dominoes
in my eyes.

Can be arranged.

Right then, from the top!

Bunch of big-haired,
false-faced losers!

Oh! Do you never give up?

I've said all I need to say.

Actions always have

-After you, sir,

Nothing... Oh.

The revered stage and screen
legend no less.

Who squandered his talent
on wine and women.

Oh, it's easily done.

I imagine.

We're not talking cryogenics,
I take it?

We are not.

Victim sustained a high...
impact blow

to the left side of her head.

Is that the cause of death?

Hard to say without getting
the body back to the lab.


Her name's Lois Springfield,

owned Suds, Zaps & Zips.'

It's a local dry cleaners
in the village,

does everything
from washing and ironing

to dry cleaning and alterations.

- Who found her?
- The landlady Gill Templeton.

And one of her staff,
Chantelle Dawlish.

There was a rehearsal going

on for the big event
tomorrow night.

The rest of the performers
are in the bar

awaiting to be interviewed.

Right. Lets start
with the landlady.

- Is she one of the Drag Queens?
- Course she's not.

Dress isn't on properly,

and she still has her day to day
clothes on underneath.

Whoever k*lled her,
dressed her post-mortem.

No self-respecting queen would
apply make-up like that.

I was once one half
of a drag double act.

Ava Hart-Byme.

Did a stonking version
of "Relight My Fire."

Ava Hart-Byrne and...

Morgan Donor.

Lovely bloke, Colin,
legs to die for.

Never seen a man
look so good in Lycra.

He could have gone all the way
but had other plans.

Why, what does he do now?

He's Chief Healthcare
Administrator for Scotland.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

Can I get you anything?

Can I get a glass of water?

DCI Barnaby, DS Winter.
Mrs. Templeton?


I just can't believe it.

It's so terrible.

I came in for my shift
at eleven.

That's when I found her.

And did you know
Ms. Springfield well?

Yes, er, erm.

She ran the dry cleaners
for years,

the hub of the village.

- Any family?
- No, only child.

Never married,
never had any children.

Why was Ms. Springfield here?

Setting up for her big domino
tournament tomorrow.

Has that got something
to do with the Charity Event?

Yes and no.

Every year the Parish Council,
led by Lois,

nominate a worthy charity
or cause

and then vote for an event
to fund raise for it.


this year they all very kindly
agreed to...

erm, urgently raise funds
to get my son Rocco to America.

- He has leukaemia.
- I'm very sorry to hear that.

The kindness has blown me away.

It's expensive but there's, erm,

a breakthrough treatment

at a specialist clinic
in Florida,

that's where we wanna send him.

So, Ms. Springfield agreed
to the charity event

even though it clashed with her
domino tournament?

When Rocco's need became urgent,

this was the earliest date

it just happened to clash
with the dominoes.

But Lois went along with it...

or she was outvoted.

I see.

Mrs. Templeton, do you and your
son live on the premises?

Then we'll need
to speak to Rocco as well.

Of course.
If he's feeling okay.

Is anybody else living here?


Mr. Templeton,
if that's who you mean?

That waste of space
is long gone.

I thought you had clinic today?

I do.

I had a cancellation
sol thought I'd get a run in.

Gonna be late tonight though.

Got a bit of business to sort,

so don't bother with dinner,

Don't tell me, another one of
your half-baked projects?

You know me,
I like to keep busy.


I know where you were
last night.

Flashy new racing bike of yours,
talk about mid-life crisis!

"Mid-life?" I'll have you know
I'm in my prime!

I'll be fit in no time.

Just don't make a habit of it.

Take up a proper hobby,
like golf or something.

Really, Nige?

Oh, don't get all triggered
on me.

- I'm drowning my sorrows.
- Don't pour me one.

- I'm not.
- So who's the second pint for?

I'm very, very upset.

Oh, please, you of all people
had zero time for Lois.

Don't pretend otherwise.

Oh, stand by your stilettos,
ladies! Here come da Feds.

Er, good afternoon,
let me introduce you.

Gay man.

Straight man.


And me, whatever the heck I am?

A rogue and vagabond minstrel,
a poor player

that struts and frets his hour
upon the stage.

We are such stuff as dreams
are made on,

and our little life is rounded
with a sleep.

Prospero. I'm a thesp.

Yes, I'm aware of your career.

Ophelia Crotchet.

Ah! Erm, DCI Barnaby.

DS Winter.

So, you were all here
when the incident occurred.

Erm, did you see Lois
Springfield at all?

She stuck her head in.

Oar in more like,
around .-ish,

she made her presence felt,
then left.

You clearly didn't like
Ms. Springfield?

Oh, very good, sir.

Is that some kind of
sixth sense intuition?

No, we overheard you talking
as we came in.

Actually, I think
you'll find it was Lois

that didn't like our vibe...
just saying.

What did you do after she left?

We carried on rehearsing.
Until the lights went out.

And how long
were the electrics out for'!

Uh, about half an hour.

Er, Shawn Dawlish,
local electrician.

Did anyone else leave the room?

Oh, I went to change the barrel.

So, you, you work here now,
do you?

Heaven forfend, no.

But I have become
more of a fixture

than the paintings on the wall.

Drag, dominoes, barrel changing,

I bestride all worlds
like a colossus.

And I went to check my phone.

I stayed here
to work on my costume,

which is gonna be a dream.

Er, dream on sweet cheeks.

Speaking of, I really should get
back to it, inspector.

Did anyone see
or hear anything untoward?

Oh, I did.

I saw that the stock in
the cellar was alarmingly low.


I'm sorry, madam.

What the merry hell
is going on here then? Hmm?

There'd better not be a problem
with the dominoes tomorrow.


Yeah. That'll be mother.

She'll be wanting her pint.

Bit of a problem,
I'm afraid. May I?

Coming mother!

You shouldn't be out of bed.

What's going on?

- Have you taken your meds?
- Mum, what's going on?

there's been an incident.

It's Lois...

she's been k*lled.

Does that mean tomorrow night
will be cancelled?

No, of course it doesn't,

so stop worrying
that little head of yours.

Ms. Springfield's body
was found wearing

something crudely
resembling drag.

Does that mean anything to you?

Hell no! Crude? And drag?

In the same sentence,
surely not.

Joking! I dread to think what
that would even looked like.

Makes no sense to me at all.

Unless someone's trying
to point the finger.

k*ller Queens and all that.
Wouldn't be the first lime.

- Meaning?
- I'm being trolled.

So is Evelyn.

And I don't mean by a freakish,
ugly creature

living under a bridge.

How long has this been going on?

Ever since we started
working the event.

We'll need access
to your social media accounts

so we can trace
whoever's trolling you.

Be my guest.

Sometimes I wonder
why I ever left London?

A broken heart before you ask.

Hotshot lawyer... well liked.

Too well liked as it turns out.

So, I came here to, erm...
lick my wounds.

Moved in with Evelyn.

Not in the biblical sense
you understand.

I do.

She's practically theatrical
royalty, you know?

Dad's an impresario in London.

Sadly, he's not into drag.

And were you welcomed here
with open arms?

When you dress like I do,

you learn not to expect
a warm welcome.

And the temperature
with Lois Springfield?

Below freezing.

Anyone else here have
a problem with her?

Maybe Richard, Dickie Dent.

He's a local physio.

Rival domino nut.

At it like cats and dogs
they were.

Rowing, that is.

Clinic's just across the road.

Evelyn} Confused?

- Female drag queen and all that?
- No, not at all.

One of my best friends is a,
was a female drag queen.

AFAB queen, kin queen,
diva queen, hex, hyper.

It's a sore point
between me and Malik

but, I identify
as a cisgender woman

and it's my right as a woman
to do drag.

Drag is a high art.

And Lois Springfield
didn't think so?

At least Lois was honest.

Lived as her
most authentic self,

happily upsetting everyone
in her wake.

No secrets
where she was concerned.

Here are no secrets in life,

just hidden truths
beneath the surface."

It's-ifs something
my dad used to say.

And what's your hidden truth?

Some people just can't hide
what they feel.

Malik was just as bad as Lois,
giving as good as he got.

In what way?

He suggested
she consider dragging up.

She countered saying she'd
rather stick dominoes

in her eyes and he said...

"Can be arranged."

But I'm sure he didn't mean it.

Has anyone ever told you, you
have perfect bone structure?

And buttocks like coconuts.

I sneaked a peak earlier.

You'd make a gorgeous Queen.

Ah, would now be a good time
to speak with Rocco?

Actually he's sleeping.

Maybe when he wakes,
if that's okay'?

Sorry I'm late.

Or are you early?

You need to do more stretches
by the looks of things.

Tight glutes. Getting up,

you were clearly
having some difficulty.

No, no. No difficulty.

- Richard Dent?
- Prefer Dickie.

I've taken up cycling,
you should give it a go.

DCI Barnaby. I need to talk
to you about Lois Springfield.

Oh, God!

What's the old harlot
gone and done now?


Or rather someones k*lled her.

Earlier this morning.

Can you account
for your movements today?

Course. A patient cancelled
so, I went for a run.

Shower, changed, then here.

So. Between :
and say : you were...

Out running.

Did you get along with Lois?

You wouldn't be asking
that question

if you didn't already know
the answer.

I didn't. Made no bones
about it either.

She locked horns with everyone.

- Me, the parish council...
- Drag Queens?

Yeah, well, that's
a whole other bit of drama.

So, what did you fall out
with her over?

Dominoes, the sport of kings.

I thought that was horse racing.

Not round here,
it's a really big deal.

Me, Lois, Norinda Bellamy
run rival teams,

we've all been honing our skills
for years.

Your feud with Lois,
just dominoes, nothing else?

That's right. I wasn't happy
with the seedings.

Lois made her team The Scrubbers
number one seeds

over and above my Spotted Dicks
and Norinda's Boneshufflers.

Did she now?

Ill or not,
we'll need to talk to

Rocco Templeton
as soon as we can.

- But, erm, tread gently.
- Yeah, will do.

Oh, and the erm, clinic in
Florida checks out by the way.

It's an absolute pioneer
in its field, apparently.

Why would the k*ller
dress her up as a drag queen?

Trying to point the finger?

Or to make a statement.

You know men have been, erm,

dressing as women
for generations.

Pantomime dames, Les Dawson,
Paul O'Grady...

Ru Paul.


Aside from Lois Springfield's
dislike of drag

and her rivalry
with Dickie Dent,

what else do we know about her?

Erm, well, financials
are all in order,

laundry and dry cleaning
business doing well.

Chair of the parish council.

Ah, let's check the minutes
of recent Council meetings,

see if there are
any unsavoury alternations.

Usually are.

You know, any of these
people rehearsing

had the opportunity to k*ll her.

Malik Payne threatened to put
dominoes in her eyes

which implicates him.

Or one of the others if they
wanted us to think it was him.


And what were the comments like
on Malik Payne's social media?


And, not just from our troll.

Mr. Payne was getting it
from several directions.

From blind prejudice to people
feeling that,

"Drag Queens mock the
heterosexual narrative

and demean the feminine."

I mean the troller, however,
goes by the name


Tech are contacting service

see if we can trace who sent
them and where from.

- Anything else?
- Ooh, yes!

Actually, sir.
About my annual review...

So, nothing pressing? Good.

Right, well, let's see
where Fleur's at with this.

So inconsiderate of Lois.

I was going to have it out
with her about the seedings.

But mother, she's dead.

Hmm, any excuse, that woman.

Oh, nearly forgot.
This came for you.

Don't tell me, Ava Hart-Byrne's
making a comeback.

Stranger things have happened.

- But no.
- Stiletto the cause of death?

No. Used to incapacitate.

Size nine, slim fit, handmade.

No prints, unfortunately.

Actual cause of death
was asphyxiation

from the corset,
pulled ever tighter.

The victim literally had
the breath squeezed out of her.

Hmm, symbolic maybe?

Someone trying to silence her?

Dominoes... bog standard,
nothing special.

There's something else.

I found this strip of cloth
on a damaged windowpane

between the pub
and the living quarters.

Maybe belonging
to one our Drag Queens?

But why would any of them need

to climb through a window
at the pub?

- Over to you on that one.
- Thanks.

Sir, the dry cleaners has been
broken into and trashed.

Well, let's go over there,
take a look.

Er, do you actually need me?

Because I could do with getting
some prep done.

- You know, fail to prepare.
- Indeed, yes. Yes.

Prepare to fail.


I didn't think
you'd be open today

after what happened to Lois.

Oh, the show must go on, babes.

Besides charity events
don't pay the bills.

Mind you, neither does
this really.

I'm ahead of my time
around here.

Lois could have never seen
this coming,

that's for sure.

Typical of that tricky mare,

trying to steal my thunder
at the twelfth hour...

bad enough with Nigel.

Mr. Payne?

You were heard threatening
Lois Springfield this morning.

Care to explain?

Handbags at ten paces.

My tongue's my only w*apon,

The chances of me actually
k*lling someone? Way loo messy.

Far too much chance of me
messing up my nails.


And this is the box office,
I take it?

Yes. Er, Olivia Dent.

Treasurer on the village

drama teacher, bookworm.

- Awful news about Lois.
- Indeed.

Erm, would you be related
to Dickie Dent by any chance?

He's my husband.

Are you one of
the Spotted Dicks?

God no. Dominoes leave me cold,
I'm afraid.

Erm, your husband said that he
went for a jog this morning

between about :
and :-ish.

Is that correct?

He certainly came back sweating.

Is this set text
for your students?

Actually, I'm hoping
to put on a play.

It's early stages,
but maybe next year.

Now I've finally managed
to persuade Nigel

to revive his Romeo.

Nigel Bellamy? As Romeo?

I've always,
always wanted to do it

and when Nigel returned
to the village

we got chatting tn the pub.

I think this could be the start
of Nigel's comeback.

God help us.

And be careful what
you wish for, girlfriend.

The dizzying heights of stardom,

not all they're cracked up
to be.

Trust me.

As a drama teacher,
are you involved in, erm

putting on the drag event?

Only as front of house.
I leave the important stuff

to the pros here.

Less of the pros.

Oh, erm, one more thing,
what shoe size are you?

Is that a leading question,

- Nine. Does that help?
- It does.

Erm, do you own a sparkly,
pink size nine stiletto?

Hmm, (herds a pair
in the props box,

they've been there
all week at the pub.

Oh, they're yours
if that's why you're asking.

It's not, as a matter of fact,

a pink stiletto was used to
incapacitate Lois Springfield.

Oh... No.

Pink shoes aren't for me,
I'm afraid.

Far too tacky.

Sorry, ifs just, am I next?

Why would you think
you'd be next'?

I don't know.
I'm one of the Queens.

I... I worked here with Lois
a few times a week,

but I only came in to fix
my outfit for tomorrow.

How did that work
with Ms. Springfield?

We understood that she had
little time for the Queens.

True, she also had little staff,

so she tolerates me
because it suited her.

But believe me,
I never heard the last of it.

Is there any CCTV?

Lois didn't believe in it.

Said she had all the security
she needed.

She had this uncanny knack of
knowing more about people

than they knew themselves.

Do you know why someone would
write "Thief" on the floor?

I don't know.

Lois had a bit of a bad

forgoing through people's

She sort of knew everyone's
dirty laundry. Literally.

Anyone in particular?

Suspenseful music

Does this mean anything to you?

Chan? You there?


You're joking, right?

Are you seriously
going to do this?

You know I support
your cross-dressing,

but why would you want to put
yourself out there

for the whole world to see?

- Why do Thai?
- Because, why wouldn't I?

For Gill and for Rocco
and for me.

What about me'? Don't I count?

Not this again, Chan.

It's not about you,
it's about me.

- I thought you're okay with it?
- I am.

Here, at home.

But not in public?

I'm not ashamed Chan,
and I don't want you to be.

Er, Winter, I want you to check
for any CCTV

in the streets surrounding
the launderette.

Another job to add to your list.

Er, will do, sir, tech traced
the trotter to a phone account.

Rocco Templeton.

He's been trolling the people
that are raising money

for his treatment.

Game faces back on!
We've got rehearsal.

Triple espresso
while you're at it.

In fact, make it a quadruple,
will you?

How are you holding up, Nigel?

Ah! Never better,
my dear old Liv.

Right, are you raring to go?

I'm having second thoughts.
I'm done!

- We must cancel!
- Cancel? Cancel!

If you cancel,

I will do such things,

what they are, yet I...

what they... what is it?

Yet I know not, but they shall
be the terrors of the earth.

There you go!
What she said!

Oh, we're doing this for Rocco.

Did Olivier cancel?
No, he did not.

He performed
all through the Blitz.

Gielgud gave his Hamlet

three days after
an appendectomy.

- Yes, but they were legends.
- So am I.

I'll have you know my Aguecheek
was compared to O'Toole.

- O'Toole... or a tool?
- Woah!

And I seemed to recall you were
banned from the West End.

That's why you came back here
last year.

Yes, yes, yes, but think of
what we can achieve here.

Do you really want lo risk
your professional reputation?

At least I have one,
sweet cheeks.

Why I ought a...

- Oh, no, please, mister, don't!
- Nigel...

Maybe we can grab a coffee later
and go through some ideas?

Soon, soon, promise.
But I best go.

I'll see you over there.
Tout suite.

I'm not getting
in that pile of junk.

I'm not an old man!

No, but you are a sick boy,
and you need some fresh air.

I'm, I'm not a boy!

Excuse me.

We won't keep you but obviously
you were in the building

when Lois Springfield
was kilted earlier.

Did you see or hear anything
unusual or untoward?

No. I had my headphones on
to drown out the rehearsal.

The people that are helping you,
the Drag Queens,

are you comfortable with who
they are and what they're doing?

Of course, he is.
Why wouldn't he be?

Because abusive messages
have been sent

to Malik Payne and Evelyn Hardy
from your mobile phone.

I-I-I lost my phone weeks ago.
Someone must have stolen it.

That's a new one I got him
with a new number.

To reduce the amount of people
who can contact Rocco.

I need to control that.

He needs his rest.

Will you raise enough from
ticket sales

to get Rocco to America?

Not quite. We'll also be relying
on donations on the night.

Nigel donated
a ton of memorabilia

for people to bid on,
so hopefully that will help.

And this, er, clinic in Florida.
Is it the only one?

Or are there other clinics like
it elsewhere in the world?

No. It's unique.
The only one of its kind.

Oh, er, one more thing.

Do you have any idea
why someone might accuse

Lois Springfield of being
a thief?

No. None at all.

Thank you.

Right, come on then, get in.

Do you think Rocco's telling
the truth about his phone?

Possibly, I'm more concerned
about the extent

to which his mother controls
access to him.

She's just worried about him,
isn't she? Because he's ill.

There's worried and then
there's off-the-scale worried.

Just seems a little OTT perhaps.

So.“ which one
are you gonna wear?

Never mind her, what number are
you going to do?

"Are Friends Electric,"

Or how about "Electric Avenue?"

Or "AC/DC," "High Voltage?"

I don't think so.
You know I can't sing, right?

It's never stopped me.
You can lip sync if you want.

Suddenly slipping into
something velour

with some cheesy snacks and
the telly seems very tempting.

- Oh, wow!
- Yes! Finally!

Merry Christmas!

Good with electrics, are you?

Shawn helped.

Here for fittings, darling?

Hmm, I hope so!

Do you recognize this?

Anyone got an item of clothing
that's ripped?

Suspenseful music

Mr. Dawlish?


What do you want, Chantelle?

Ah, Chantelle.

We found this torn scrap
of fabric earlier.

It was caught on a window here.

According to your father,
it matches one of his shirts

that he says you wear.

Can you care to explain?

I had nothing to do with Lois,
I swear.

She was coming to see me.

Why on earth was she doing that?

Mrs. Templeton, please.

Em, because.

Er, because we're seeing
each other.

Oh, no, no, no, you're not.

Since when?
You're not well, Rocco.

What were you thinking?

You're too sick
to be involved with anyone.

I'm sick but I'm not dead...

This is exactly
why we didn't tell you.

Knew you would react like this.

- Knew she wouldn't approve.
- Approve! Of course not.

- Why would I?
- We've done nothing wrong.

This still doesn't explain
why you break in.

You work here, so you must have
access to all areas?

Ask Mrs. Cranky here.

I do what I have to do for
Rocco, young lady.

You'd do well to remember that.
Both of you would.

How can we forget?

It's for your own good.
What if something happened?

The priority is to get
him to Florida,

get him well,
nothing else, nothing.

You know that.

The reason why I have to break
in is because she locks him in.

Keeps him barricaded in that
sick hole all day, every day.

Right, that's enough.

I want you to leave! For good.

- Are you sacking me?
- Yes.

Now get out of my sight!

And stay away from my pub,
and stay away from my son.

No, don't drive her away
like you did dad!

Just because you were jealous
of Lois.

Truth hurts, does it?


See! Go away!
And stay away!!

I'm fine, I'm fine.

I'm fine, I'm fine.

I'm-I'm fine.
Leave me alone!


You're clearly very talented.

Wouldn't know it
to look at me now.

That's enough of that.

Y-you'll be fighting fit again
before you know it.

Do you really lock your son up,
Mrs. Templeton?

I don't lock him up at all.

It's nonsense.

It's ridiculous teen drama,
that's all.

And what did Rocco mean about
you being jealous of Lois?

His father walked out on us.

There had been rumours.

About your husband
and Lois Springfield?

Did you believe them?


I don't know.

I confronted him.
He denied it but left anyway.

Why didn't you mention this

Why would I?

Water under the bridge.

Lois and me buried the hatchet
a long time ago.

And yet I noticed
that the pub's laundry

is done by a firm
in Great Auburn.

Even though Lois' business
is around the corner.

We have rooms.

Linen, bedsheets, duvets.

Too much for Lois' shop
to deal with.

Now, if you'll excuse me.
Business to run.

Are you coming in
to rehearse or what'!

I've never seen you hesitate
outside a pub before.

Are you okay?

Not really.

I've received a letter.

Sir, would now be a good time
to talk...

Showstoppers and torch songs.

Excuse me, sir?

Our homework for tonight

to find out all we can
about our Drag Queens,

their recent shows, followers.

Think of it as research.


Hmm, something
you need to tell me?


Erm, I forgot to ask.
How did it go with Jamie?

How did what go?

You were supposed to give him
his annual assessment.

He's been worried about it.

Me too, you know I dread
that managerial stuff.

Oh, John, ifs important.

- I've been busy.
- I know!

Well, social butterfly
that I am,

I shall be at the Kings Arms
later tonight too.


I bumped into a very excited
Olivia Dem.

She was telling me all about
doing a play

with Nigel Bellamy next year.

Really? I didn't know
she was a friend of yours.

Well, I wouldn't call her
a friend exactly,

our paths have crossed.

In fact, she applied
to be school head as well.

She was very gracious
when I got it and she didn't.

Still, not everything's
a competition.

Isn't it?

Suspenseful music


You dropped this.

All set for tonight?

Can't wait!
To the victor the spoils!

Coat, check.
Bag, check. Keys, check.

Right, let's get this show
on the road shall we, team?

Well, you don't look too happy
about it, do we?

Your strategic team building
going's well then I see.

Ah, Jamie, we were just

how John needs to adopt
a more open door policy.

My door is clearly always open.

With safe boundaries,
dear communication

and transparency at all times,
wouldn't you agree?

As Sarah pointed out,
a team works best

when we have the freedom try,
the freedom to succeed...

- And the freedom to fail.
- But most of all...

Oh, you need to be able
to communicate

and make your voice heard...

Someone tried to k*ll
Malik Payne.

Well, why didn't you say so,
instead of standing there

blathering away? Come on!

Thank you.

Thank you.

Did you see or recognize
the vehicle that drove at you?


It was black and battered and...

Sorry, it all happened
so fast, that's all I know.

Not really a car,
car kind of a guy.

What about the driver?
Male? Female?

Gender fluid, I'm afraid.

I didn't see anyone.

What were you doing
out there anyway?

You were quite far out
of the village.

After a nightmare day,
I needed some air!

Not to be nearly taken out
by a silent assassin.

Well, maybe they weren't trying
to k*ll you,

maybe they were just trying
to warn you.

About what?
And whatever happened

to having a conversation?

This is clearly about the show.

Someone's trying to stop it
from happening,

maybe one of the dominoes lot.

If so, we Queens
need to stand firm.

-"We Queens?“
-Yes! We Queens. You know it!

Uh, don't worry, this is just
what we're like all the time,

it's just playful bantz.

This is not realty
about the Queens, is it?

Well, it would fit
with the trolling.

Never mind the trolling,
this is different.

L-I mean I've always
been trolled.

I was trolled before trolls

were trolling,
and it was even a thing.

Ii this is about something
different, what could that be?

Suspenseful music

I really have no idea.

I think Mr. Payne
is lying to us.

Let's find out everything
we can about him,

past and present.

We might have something
on the dry cleaners.

CCTV on a passing bus caught
the moment on camera

when the shop was broken into.

Well, well, well. I'll go
and talk lo Mrs. Bellamy.

Was it just pants?

No! Long johns, nip slips
and reg grundies.

Every time I took
anything into that place,

something mysteriously

I had to go commando
more than once.

Too much information, mother!

So, you broke in, turned
the place upside down,

and wrote on the floor.

Could you not have just,
erm, had a quiet word?

I'm not a "quiet word"
kind of a person.

Besides, it's the principle.

It's also breaking and entering.

When mother gets a bee in
her bustier, stand back.

And how well did you gel on
generally with Ms. Springfield?

Hm, so so. I wasn't happy
when she didn't ask me

to be one of her Scrubbers.

Oh, her domino team, yes?

Had to start my own instead.

Norinda's Boneshufflers.

Well, before we
play any more games,

we will have to charge you.

Oh, you can do
whatever you want.

As long as I'm back
before the tournament.

Over here everyone.

Free secco chop-ch...
Oh, here they are!

Come on! Grab a drink!

The event is bottomless!
As it very much were!

So much sass!

Ah, and here comes the ass!

Domino Dickie,

or is it Dominatrix Dickie?

Drink, darling?

Your mouth will get you into
trouble one of these days.

Trouble? You'd know all about
that, wouldn't you?

The tricky Dickie little
life you lead, eh?

Mmm, mmm...

Ah, Mr. Detective!

Please tell me you've
changed your mind

and you're joining us on stage.

- Sadly not.
- Shame.

You're wasted on this job,
I tell you.

- Wasted. Isn't he?
- Oh, clearly.

Mind if I put those
lovely hands of his

to good use while he's prowling.

- I mean, patrolling the room?
- By all means.

You better make
yourself useful then,

Winter, unless you'd
rather, erm...

No, happy to leave
the dominoes to you, sir.

Oh, very well. Eyes peeled.


- Oh, I'm really sorry!
- No, It's my fault.

- I've got it. Are you okay?
- It's fine. I'm fine, yeah.

Rocco, you're not ready.

Come on, get a wiggle on!

- I'm not going.
- You have to.

This is all about you.

No, this is all about you.
You made this all about me.

I never get a say. One minute
too sick to go anywhere,

do anything, and now, now
I'm well enough to go to this.

What if I got
Chantelle down here?

Would you go then?

Let me try. Get ready.

I'll text her now.

Okay, ladies... Electra Dreams
presents to you...

Oh! My goodness.

I've seen some
slippery suckers in my time

but really that is a...

Bloody marvellous.

Bring it in girls!
Come on, Davina!

We are gonna give this lot
such a night to remember!

We're almost ready out there.

Once more unto
the breach, as they say.


- Ready for the show?
- As I'll ever be.

- Where's Jamie?
- In the function room.

On bucket duty. Don't ask.

Fleur, I didn't know
you were coming.

- Wouldn't miss it for the world.
- Hi!

It's right up my boulevard.

Sarah. Ophelia Crotchet...

- Hi.
- He's very forward, isn't he?

- Pleasure's all mine, Sarah.
- And mine!

- Ava Hart-Byrne!
- Oh, my kind of woman!

Please... Enjoy the show, gals!


Welcome, please follow me.

k*ll me now.

Cheers, girls, cheers!

- They're gonna eat us alive.
- I do hope so.

Gird your loins,
girls. We're up.

Oh, that includes you,
Dee-Dee De Winter.

Fancy a spot of shimmy shaking?

Still time to join us,
do a little number.

- I Fought the Law?
- I Shot the Sheriff?

I think I'll just, erm,
stick to my bucket, thanks.

I'm just here to keep
an eye on things.

You look fantastic, by the way.

Are you not going to
tell me to break-a-leg?


My distinguished guests,

not meaning to misgender
anyone, obviously.

Welcome all to this
very special night.

Now, I know what
you're thinking,

you're thinking this
stage is a bit mank!

But never fear, I can work
wonders on a shoddy erection.

Isn't that right, sergeant?

Oh, and I don't
mind telling you,

just in case you were wondering,

these bags under my eyes,
they're designer, darling,

oversized, high-end,
very expensive.

Oh, I'm so nervous!
Can you tell I'm nervous?

But then just one look
at you Winter Woo,

and everything's alright again.

♪ If love is a loser's game ♪

I I'm the winner once more I

♪ If you're not mine then ♪

♪ I'm the sinner item before ♪

♪ All I wanted was ♪

♪ A dream come true ♪

All I wanted was
a man called you ♪

♪ You can be up ♪

♪ But I'm going down ♪

♪ Everybody's fool ♪

♪ And nobody's clown ♪

♪ Time waits for no man ♪

♪ But I'll stay true ♪

♪ 'Cause all I wanted ♪

♪ Was a man ♪

♪ Called you ♪

Get in!

The Spotted Dicks take the lead.

Never fear!
Nelly's here!

Right! Plenty of time
for a comeback.

I'm not back on for minutes,
no-one beats my mother.

Double or quits?
Winner lake all?

- Deal.
- Shuffle your bones, Dickie.

That's my boy!

And now, for one night

and one night only,
or maybe not,

please give a warm welcome to

Davina Delish.

Well, that's got to be a first,

never that quick paying a bill.

Come on, Shawnie, don't be shy.
Show us your legs!

Such a shame when alcoholics
don't remain anonymous!

And, anyway, these legs are way
too good for the likes of you.

Hello? Er, yeah,
hang on, hang on...

Come on..

- Yes!
- Damn!

You cheeky so and so!

And remember, folks, stop being
a drag and always be a queen!

And can I get an amen?


That's my dad!

I see, thanks...

Stay calm, everyone.
Please, everyone, stay calm!

Did anyone leave the function
room before the lights went out?

I'm not sure. I took a call
about Malik Payne.

- He's been lying to us.
- Okay.

- Where are Sarah and Fleur?
- They must still be inside.

Why am I even here?

We're talking to everyone,
but you were in the wings

and you had time after
the lights went out.

Apart from the performers,
who else could have

entered he dressing room?

Pretty much anyone.

There's access around the back.

Look, we're the ones
being trolled.

We're clearly the targets here.

Lois was made up to look like
some kind of grotesque Queen.

Evelynmis dead.

- Evelyn who you disapproved of.
- Seriously?

We had a love-hate relationship.

That doesn't make me
a psycho m*rder*r.

Do I really look like someone
who'd k*ll over a frock!

Okay, don't answer that.

Look, my point is... yes,
we had our differences,

but, but unlike someone
out there we embrace,

accept and live
with our differences.

- We don't k*ll over them.
- Fine sentiments, Mr. Payne.

Then why don't you believe me?

Because you haven't been
entirely honest with us.

You never satisfactorily
explained where you were going

when someone tried
to run you over.

And more to the point,
you didn't leave London

because of heartbreak.

You left London because
your former housemate

and lover accused you
of theft and as*ault.

We tracked down
the court papers.

Still pending I believe.

So, the truth, please.

There are two sides
to every story.

I'm not proud of what I did or-
or didn't do for that matter,


but now I'm being
blackmailed over it.

Someone found out about
it and they threatened

to tell everyone here.

- Unless?
- I don't know.

I went to meet them
down by the meadow.

I was on my way there
when the van ran me down.

And how are you
sent these messages?

Not through your
social media accounts,

we, we looked into those.

By text on my phone.

Well, we need to check.

Why didn't you tell us
about this before?

Because I'm ashamed
of what I did.

I've started again here.
I like it.

I finally feel as though I fit,
like I have something

to stick around for...

maybe even get my
happy ever after.

So, do you want to
take Mr. Payne in?

No, I think we can let him go.

And I checked the phone that
was sending the messages.

Pay as you go.

The question is, is the
blackmailer also our k*ller'!

What I don't understand is, if
someone was blackmailing him,

why would they try
to run him over?

They wouldn't.

You head back to CID.
See if we can find out

who owns this van
and who might be targeting

our Drag Queens.

Who are you going to
interview next?

that this too,
too solid flesh would melt,

thaw and resolve
itself into a dew.

Her fight has dimmed too
soon and all our yesterdays.

Yes, yes, I, er, understand
that you're upset.

And yet, I'm confused' I saw you
yesterday clearly having

an altercation with Ms. Hardy.

What sort of feral, sullen
and misshapen wretch am I?

A rather florid one,
Mr. Bellamy.

Plain English would
be appreciated, please.

Yes, yes.

I've been a pariah in
the business for years.

Decades even.

Evelyn convinced me
to get back out there.

We... we were planning a touring
production of Romeo & Juliet.

Ah, yes, I know,
I'm no spring chicken,

hardly right for Romeo.

But McKellen played
Hamlet in his s.

And where were you touring to?

Major cities around
the world by any chance?

- Rome? Milan? Paris?
- Not that I know of.

London had been
mentioned as a start,

but none of those places.


And why the argument?

I received a letter
from her father.

Evelyn had put us in touch,
he was prepared to fund us.

I choked. It freaked me out

I told Evelyn I couldn't do it.

I was too scared, shot to
pieces, a busted flush.

And Ms. Hardy,
what was she saying?

She was trying to
convince me otherwise.

She was telling me how good
I was, that she'd support me

because that's the kind of
person she is... was.

So, you were arguing
because she believed in you?

Yes! She stuck her neck out
for me. It meant so much.

Look at me, sir.
I am an open book.

I couldn't hide
anything if I wanted to.

We've raised enough money,
more than enough.

So I can go ahead
and book the flights.

Not long now.

We can't go,
not after what happened.

Of course, we can.
All the more reason.

Everyone said so.

We can't let what
happened stop the cause

Evelyn and everyone else
was working for.

We have to go. For them.

I want to see Chantelle.

Where's my phone?
I can't find it.

No idea. But now's not the time.

Anything in the council
meeting minutes?

Well, a dog fouled on the
pavement outside the butchers

and there is a general shortage
of crab apples this year.

- But apart from that...
- Keep looking.

What about the van?
Anything there?

Well, possibly.

The tyre tracks are distinctive

and consistent with
a Mark transit.

Now, no second-hand dealers

lay claim to one,
but a junkyard might.

- So, checking that out now.
- Can't be many of those around.

Hmm. But there is
something else though.

I asked Tech to check out
the social media

accounts of everyone
in the village.

Now our troller consistently
misspells h*m*,

he or she says that
it's misunderstood.


Well, in a message claiming
to support the Queens,

Chantelle Dawlish
misspells it the same way.

Okay, okay'
You did good last night.

Is this about Evelyn?

More specifically
H's about trolling.

And the messages
we think you sent

to Malik Payne and Evelyn Hardy?

I don't know what you're
talking about.

Try talking to the button-upped

codgers floating around
the village.

Believe me, my daughter
is not h*m*.

She's not great at
spelling either.

Chantelle, this might be
better if it comes from you.


- It was me, dad.
- Why? I don't understand.

You were okay with it
last night.

But I wasn't before.

I didn't want you
associating with them.

I wanted to stop
the event, put it off,

make them think twice
about going ahead,

so you wouldn't get any more

get too close.

The event was
raising money to send

your boyfriend to Florida.

Why jeopardize that,
why steal his phone

I didn't think it through,
I panicked.

I saw a chance and took it.

Never thought anyone would
actually trace the messages.

It's not just about the Queens.

It never really was about them.

You wouldn't understand...

Perhaps I understand
more than you think.

Your username "Superman-n-me,"

this is about your father,
isn't it?

I didn't want him up there
for all the world to see.

I didn't want to hear all
the snarky comments afterwards.

I didn't want people laughing
saying he's a cross-dresser

and no wonder mum left,
because that's why she did.

You think that's why
your mum left.

- Because I cross-dress?
- Yes! No!

I dunno, dad, you never
talked about it, ever.

It's-it's not why she left.

She left for another man.

L-I didn't want you
to know that,

I didn't want you to think
bad of her or blame her.

So, you let me think
it was because of you?

I didn't realise you did.

It'll be up to Mr. Payne whether
he wants to press charges.

It's okay, Rocco.
You'll be fine.

Yes, I need an ambulance
urgently, Elverton-Cum-Latterly.

Where's your mum?
Is she in the pub?

The village green. The sick
teenager. It's an emergency.

Rocco, your mum, where is she?
Rocco, can you tell me?

We need to get Gill.

Liv, it's, er,
it's not what you think.

It's Rocco, he's collapsed on
the green, he needs you now!

- It's not what it seems.
- It's everything it seems.

Dickie by name,
Dickie by nature.

Rocco, what happened?

What happened?

What are you doing here?

- Who called the ambulance?
- I did.

What the hell did you
do that for?

How could you be so stupid?

Mrs. Templeton, your son
clearly needs help.

He needs nothing of the sort.

I look after him. No one else!

Leave my son alone.

I said leave him alone.

I'll take it from here.

Mrs. Templeton,
at the very least

he needs someone to
check him over.

He doesn't.

They'll only make him worse,
so would a hospital.

I have his meds. He just needs
rest before we go to Florida.

The clinic's on standby.

I've known about their affair
for ages, I'm not stupid.

He always had some project
going on,

some reason to be elsewhere.

Still, I guess like all of us

he deserves his shot
at happiness.

Nigel Bellamy and Evelyn Hardy

were also manning a production
of Romeo & Juliet.

- Did you know?
- Yes.

- Didn't you mind?
- Not really.

Me and Nigel were just chatting,
throwing ideas about, you know,

and if he ended up doing it
with Evelyn and her father,

that's fine by me.

Oh, when she told me,
she was so excited,

it was lovely to see.

I'm just delighted
Nigel's getting

back out there where he belongs.


Located the scrapyard
that sold the van.

Cash buyer, apparently.

Used a false name and said that
he wanted the van for parts.

Meet me at the Dent's house.

I want to talk to a man
about a project.

We're here about your van.

I waited for Malik to leave
the house and I followed him.

- Because?
- I don't like Drag Queens.

And I'd had enough. I know
it's not politically correct

to say that but it's the truth.

They're sorry excuses
for masculinity.

Not in Evelyn Hardy's case.

Clearly, you have no time
for Malik or the others.

I don't and I'm not
ashamed to admit it.

No wishy-washy wokeness from me.

I think the event
was a disgrace.

Thankfully, not everyone
shares your opinion.

I have to spend my days
massaging clients,

listening to almost
everyone banging on

about how wonderful
that lot are!

Does that in dude
Gill Templeton?

What happens in my private life
has nothing to do with you.

She must think the Drag Queens
are wonderful,

given their fund raising
for her son.

You were out running when your
domino rival Ms. Springfield

was m*rder*d, and you were
at the Kings Arms

last night when the
lights went out.

Did you k*ll Lois Springfield
or Evelyn Hardy?

No! I didn't k*ll anyone!
I just had a pop at Malik.

You drove at van at him,
Mr. Dent.

What is this?!
I told you what I know!

- Please sit down, Mr. Dent.
- I told you!

This has nothing to do with me!

I bought the van so I could use
it as an excuse with Olivia,

pretend I was doing it up, okay?

Malik knew how to wind me up.

I think he sensed how much
I despised him,

and I played up to it.

I followed him and thought
I could get my own back.

It was an "in the moment"
thing, it wasn't planned.

I just wanted to scare him!
That's all, I swear.

Earlier you said almost everyone
thinks that Drag Queens

are wonderful, who else
shared your dislike of them?

Lois, obviously. But, erm,
mainly Norinda Bellamy.

Take Mr. Dent down to
the station and charge him.

I'll talk to Mrs. Bellamy.

I just want to check
something first.


So, have you liberated
my tighty-whitey?

I can't say I have.

What I have done is,
I've read some court papers

from Malik Payne's time
in London.

It turns out I'm not alone.
You also accessed them.

- Why'!
- Oh, no, what have you done now?

Another bee in your
bustier, perhaps?

Does your mother have
a pay as you go phone?

She does. Why?

It would seem she's been using
it to blackmail Mr. Payne.

Well, what of it?

My son is worth
way more than this.

Look at him. Film premieres.

Red carpet. First nights.

And now he's reduced to doing
drag in the back room

of a boozer in

Is that a problem for you?

- No!
- Yes. Ifs humiliating.

He's a star!

And you blame Mr. Payne for
the state of your son's career

so you blackmailed him?

Well, I just wanted him to stop

and leave my boy alone,
and not just professionally.

- What?!
- Oh, stop it!

That lad is soft on you.

It's obvious to anyone with eyes
in their head apart from you.

As soon as the event was over,
I just wanted Malik to pack up

and leave and take all that
silly drag stuff with him,

so my boy could concentrate
on his real career.

And if he didn't?

Then I would tell the whole
world his guilty secret.

Oh, Nigel...

you We worth more

than some poxy backroom event.

That's just where
you're wrong, mother.

I was an actor too broken
to do what I do best.

That silly drag stuff
as you put it,

has given me back my life.

But you should be
getting back out there,

living your dream
before it's too late.

I am! I was!

Evelyn's father was investing.

I was making a comeback!

I'm just on hold with
the clinic in Florida

chasing up Rocco's
medical records.

They're resisting because
of patient confidentiality.

- Keep pressing.
- I did find this though.

Lois Springfield,
chair of the village committee,

voted for the drag event.

But she hated drag,
why would she do that?

Maybe there was too much
local pressure to veto it.

- Maybe.
- Evelyn Hardy's autopsy report.

Ah, I think I know
cause of death.

High voltage electric
shock presumably?

Electric shock, yes.
Voltage, no.

It's the amperage that makes
all the difference.

Something came up
about the dress.

The heels were held together
by knicker elastic.

Kind sometimes used
by a mature woman.

Maybe Mrs. Bellamy was right
about her clothes being stolen.

Okay, thank you.

The clinic in Florida
has never heard

of Rocco or Gill Templeton.

He's not booked in for
any medical treatments

or consultations, nothing.

Why lie about your
son's illness?

One very simple reason. Money.

And if Lois Springfield
and Evelyn Hardy discovered

the truth, it might explain
why they were k*lled.

Do you think Rocco's in on it?

There's only one way
to find out.

I'll talk to Rocco. You keep an
eye on Mrs. Templeton.

It's locked!
I'm locked in!

Are you okay?

So your mother is
locking you in'?

Has something happened?

I just need to ask your mum

some questions about
your condition.

I'm ! Not a kid!
If it's about me, ask me.

When did your illness start?

We think about a year,
year and a half ago? Why?

What were the symptoms?


My heartbeat was all over
the place.

My tongue swelled up and that's
when they ran blood tests.

That's how I was diagnosed.

Who told you about the
diagnosis? A doctor?

No, mum did.

I was too sick to go to
the hospital with her.

And what about when you went
for scans? Follow-ups?

Mum didn't want me to
hear anything bad

so she always spoke to
the doctors privately.

W-Why are you asking?

Because the medications
you're on aren't for leukaemia.

In fact, if you have
any kind of blood disorder

they We to be avoided like,
nuts, chocolate and grapes,

or they can make things worse.

What's going on?
Is everything okay?

You had no right to talk to
Rocco without my permission.

In this instance,
we had every right.

We were concerned
for his safety.

I need to see my son.

We need to ask you
a few questions first.

He needs me.
He's desperately ill.

Desperate to talk to
someone else about

his condition would
be more accurate.

We've checked, your son
doesn't have leukaemia.

What he does have is a mother

who is deliberately
making him ill.


Get off!
Tell me what's going on?

I just wanted what's best.

How can this be what's
best for your son?

And you were never going
to any clinic

because there's no illness.

I was going to explain
when we got there.

Rocco's always dreamed
of America.

We were gonna go with his
father, but he-he left.


He said I was possessive
and jealous.

I've lost one love of my life,

I'm not going to lose the other!

I want Rocco's dream
to come true.

So, you happily accepted
the proceeds of a charity event

as a way to
get out of the country?

You have anaemia.
That's all.

You took dad leaving so badly,
I wanted to make it better.

You'll be fine
when we get there.

You've been poisoning me?

You-you-you made me think
I might be terminally ill?

It was only meant to be
for a short time, for a holiday.

But then the village
got carried away,

and the sicker Rocco seemed,
the more people supported us.

L-I got tempted... by a new life.

A fresh start.
Away from here.

Did Lois Springfield
know about this?

- Evelyn Hardy?
- No. No one knew.

Absolutely no one.

Oh, Rocco, I promise.

I wasn't trying to hurt you.

I'm sorry.

Mrs. Templeton, I have to ask
you about something else.

We've discovered that at
the parish council meeting,

Lois Springfield voted in
favour of the drag event,

even though she hated it.

We need to understand
why she would do that.

I'm not sure.

But because
of the voting process

it came down to either...

the Queens or Romeo and Juliet.

Why would Lois hate
Romeo and Juliet

more than the Drag Queens?

Olivia maybe.

There were rumours that Lois
and Dickie once had a thing.

And then Olivia infuriated Lois

by trying to take over
the parish council.

So Lois was getting back
at Olivia by voting

in favour of the drag event.

Yes. I guess.

I don't know.

Thank you, Mrs. Templeton.

An officer is waiting
to accompany you

to the station,
where you will be charged

for defrauding
members of the public...

and for what
you've done to your son.

Er, one last thing,
Mrs. Templeton.

Dickie Dent, where did he
fit into your plans?

He was planning on
coming with me.

I need you to check
on Nigel Bellamy.

I think he might be in danger.

Mrs. Bellamy said that
Nigel went for a walk.

- Did she say where?
- To the meadow.

Ready for your final curtain?

- What is this all about?
- Us. It's all about us.

- It was always about us.
- Until he let you down.

- Another in a long line.
- You know nothing about me.

Oh, I know more than
you realise.

Your life has just been a chain
of disappointments, hasn't it?

Like a, a domino effect.

I wasn't asking for much.

I wanted to be a head teacher,
not a drama teacher.

A chair, not a treasurer.

I wanted someone who would
love me and stay with me,

not a marriage to
a lowlife serial Lothario!

And then Nigel turns up
and you fell in love

with him, didn't you?

And what better way to win him

than putting on
Romeo & Juliet together.

But Lois vetoed the performance
in favour of the Drag Queens.

To spite me.

She also found your ever so
ambitious tour list, didn't she?

She ripped it in two,
teased me about it,

said I was a fantasist to
even dream of Nigel, said

she was going to tell everyone,
and I couldn't have that.

I needed my chance to show Nigel
that we were meant to be!

And Evelyn Hardy?

Told me about her father
financing their play and tour.

My Play and tour!

Was that at the charity event
when you dropped the glasses?

She said I should have known
Nigel was leading me on,

that's what he does.

But she took my idea, my dream,

and most of all my Nigel.

But I never was your Nigel.

- You flirted with me.
- I-I flirt with everyone.

You talked with me,

took away all my past hurts
and disappointments,

and you buried them forever.

- You unlocked my heart, Nigel.
- Olivia.

I followed every second
of your career.

Every triumph, every disaster,
and then you were here.

You offered me something better

and then you took it away,
like everyone else.

- You betrayed me!
- I don't understand.

Can't you see?
You gave me hope!

That's all I had.

And then you took it from me...

and now I want the pain to stop!

- No!
- But, soft!

What light from yonder
window breaks?

It is the east
and Juliet is the sun.

Arise, fair sun,

and k*ll the envious moon

who is already sick and pale
with grief that thou her maid

art far more fair than she.

It is my lady.

O, it is my love!

Ah, erm, sit down,
please, Winter.

I have something to tell you.

I gather you might be looking
for someone to play Juliet.

Indeed, I might.

You do know that essentially
I'm straight, right'?

I think.

No one's perfect.

Good to know all the money
raised for Rocco's trip

will be returned to
the community.

Yeah. Sure.

- How was the assessment?
- Erm, I don't know what to say.

- That good, eh?
- Glowing assessment.

Flawless performance.

Of course, it's all
about the training.

Which I think deserves
a round of drinks, don't you?

It'll be my pleasure.

Before you go, Sarah
and I were just talking.


Police Federation Annual Bash.

- Mm..
- What do you think?

Is Ava Hart-Byrne looking
at the new Morgan Donor?


Yeah, why not?