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Passport (2022)

Posted: 06/12/23 17:48
by bunniefuu
- My man!

- Guys, hang on.

- Special toast, to the lady of my life.

- Okay.

- To the Queen of my heart. Okay?

- Hmm.

- It's my love's birthday today. Okay?

- Okay!!

- I want you guys to celebrate her.

- Mm-hm.

Listen, baby,

- you're the love of my life.

- Mm.

- It's been two years.

- Mm.

- Two years of peace, love and blessing.

- Mm.

I love you.

And I can't wait to let the world

know how wonderful you are.

- Guys, raise it up.

- Aww.

To my queen, alright?

- Happy birthday, Queen!

- Happy birthday to you, baby.

- Thank you!

- Happy birthday, Queen.

Yeah! Come on, let it flow!

- Bring it in!

- Let it flow!!

- Bring it in!

- Oscar of London!

-Let me have that.

-Let me get it.

- Woah, that's a nice one.

- Let me get this.

- Huh-huh.

- That's right.


-Oh, yeah.


Man, it's Oscar.

- Yeah.

- It's Oscar, it's your man. My n*gga.

- Okay. Wow.

- Hmm.

Sure you're not gonna take it?

Uh, I'll take it later.

- Okay.

- Wow.

Oh, thank you very much.


But, bro, you know

you're paying today, right?

I know.

Okay. You know I got you yesterday,

and I'm not as rich as you are.

I got this, okay?

- It's Oscar, right? It's Oscar, man!

- Okay. My man!

Oscar of London!

Oh, ah... Ooh!



Hey Tipsy, wanna slide over here?

To get pictures?

Yes, yeah.

- Ah, yeah!

- Yeah!

My man! You're the Oscar!

- Hey!

- My man!

- My man.

- Listen um,

can you cover me today? I'll send you

the money first thing tomorrow morning.

- Hey, Hey man, come on.

- What's funny? What's funny, yeah?

To be honest with you,

man, I'm completely out of...

Keep your voice down,

my girl's next to you, man.

Come on. How are you being so careless?

- Mm.

- See, the thing is um,

I'm out until next

two weeks when I get my salary.

Okay. Well then,

well this needs immediate

resolution, it's not a next week matter.

- Just ask Ahmed.

- But...

Ahmed paid for the table,

bro. Have you forgotten?

But you just got back.

Yeah, okay. So If you

knew what the situation was,

why did you guys order more drinks, hey?

- Bro, you just got back.

- My man! You're the man!

But, I mean, it's you, man.

Get the f*ck out of here,

you guys are full of shit.

You guys are full of shit.

- Tipsy!

- That's right, bro.




We got it going. Oh, shit!

- You're good, man?

- 100%.

- No big deal?

- I'm still on point.

- Yeah, let me know right now.

- Okay.

Listen, um, bladder overflowing.

Yeah, um... bathroom break.

Where the hell are you?

Listen, dude,

stop yelling, I can hear you.

I'm in a quiet section of the club.

Mate, be serious, please.

I'm in Lagos.


I needed you here at the meeting tomorrow.

Well, It looks like um,

I'll have to miss this one, sis.

Don't call me that,

after you've missed three meetings.

Listen, sis, you are good at this, okay?

I can't handle those boring meetings.

Finish what you started.

This is a family run business, Oscar!

Mom and I need you here!

Why do you have to bring her up now?

Because the 30-year-old,

who decides to run off on

a flight to Lagos for six hours,

is now refusing and ignoring

his recuperating mother.

When, perhaps, he should be here

planning for the next important meeting,

which is just around the corner.

Listen, can we not talk about this

now? Can we talk about it later?

What about that loan I asked for?

What loan?

The advance I asked you to give me.

Things are really wild in Lagos.

You know alcohol costs more than

any other city in the world, seriously.

Are you hearing yourself, Oscar?

You are asking me for

an advance after you acted like a truant.

Are you okay?!

So what? You're not

gonna to let me have it?

You're asking me for money.

- What's the big deal? Just...

- Do you know what?

- give me some...

- Just get off my line.

I can't... This is just absolute

rubbish. Just... I'm gone.


See, guys, I can never

relate to getting married now,

when I have an entire

lifetime of enjoyment ahead of me.

- Well, fair enough.

- Yeah.

Oh, wait a minute. If you guys

are here, who's with the girls?

That's the reason why I'm here.

We came to tell you that the love of you

life, Queen, she has sorted out the bill.

- Sorted out the bill? Why?

- Yeah.

What do you mean,

"why?" Guy, go and thank her.

That's my girlfriend, you numbskull.

What do you mean that's my...

She's your girl, but she helped

you out when you needed her help so,

- go and say thank you.

- Tipsy, just calm down.

What do you mean, calm down?

- No, man. What are you talking about?

- See,

our guy flew into Nigeria from london.

London guy. IJGB; I just got back. Innit?

He came in, came

to the club, ordered Azul.

He was served with all fanfare

He was screaming, all excited.

I didn't know he had no money.

- Think about it. And he wants to propose.

- Hey, no.

- Okay, that's enough.

- Don't talk to me like that.

- Wait, you all should calm down now.

- Why are you talking to me like that?

- Hey, Oscar.

- No, hold your boy.

- It's not that deep.

- I used to pay you boy's bill too.

- What's all this thing for?

- It's not that deep.

- You guys wanna play with me now?

- No now.

- Oscar. Wait, Tipsy.

- Let him get angry.

Let him get angry.

He's always quick to get angry.

- Let him get mad. If you spend money...

- Calm down. You are doing too much.

Bro, let's tell him the truth.

They ain't never been eye to

eye with Satan in the broad daylight.

What are you doing?

Marry me.

What is that?


- I said... I said to marry me.

- Wait...

No, not that. What is that?

It's a ring, Queen.

It is not the ring, Oscar!




please, don't tell me you were

going to propose to me with that thing?

My mom gave me this ring.

And her mom, before her, had this ring.

- This is a family heirloom.

- Jesus Christ.

Oscar, are you being serious?

You think this is what I deserve?

A piece of your family history.


Um, Oscar I'm just

going to put it out straight.

You are not the man I met.

Oscar, look at yourself.

You are miserable.

You have no direction, you have nothing!

How did you even think you

could marry me, not even anybody else!

You don't have to make excuses for me.

Yeah, I don't.

But, please, tell me how you

think you would marry me,

when you depend on

your mother and your sister.

You see, Queen I...

I was going to get my life together.

And I want you to be a part of it.

You did say you wanted to

get married or settle down, didn't you?

Oscar, not to you,

or now.

God. Jesus.


Alright, if it's like that, well,

there's no point being here, is there?

Oscar, where are you going?

I just want to go, okay?

But it's late!

What's the whole point of being here?

- What's the whole point?

- Oscar.

- What?

- Are...

Are you breaking up with me?

I just want to get my stuff.

God. Jesus Christ.

- Hey, 014 checking out. Oscar.

- Alright, sir.

- Hey Unc.

- Oscar.

I told you that girl isn't for you.

You see, what an old

man sees sitting down,

a young man like you may not see it

if you climb the highest

or tallest electric pole.

Look, Unc, not today. Okay? I'm...

I'm not 100% today. I can't handle it now.

I'm going through a lot, okay?

And you came to have fun with your friends

without having money in your pocket.

There's nothing wrong with it,

that's why we have cards.

Maybe your generation

doesn't know anything about it but,

it's a cashless society now.

Besides, I asked Sylvia

to sh**t me something.

Why should she do that?

Because I'm co-inheritor of the empire,

and some of that money is actually mine.

They just let her manage it because

they think she's the responsible one.

I know you are worried

about your money, but

as soon as I get to London,

I'll wire you your money, with interest.

- Very important. Please, do.

- Yes. I know it is. Yeah.

Check your phone. Your sister

has been trying to reach you.

I'll talk to her later.

I can't deal with her drama right now.

It is an urgent matter. It's your mom.

What's wrong with my mom?


The hospital?

- This morning.

- Oh, Jesus. I have to get to London.


Kopiko for Chairlady.

Are you sure your sister will win?

Why won't she win? Because she's a woman?

- Please, don't get me angry.

- With this kind of poster?

What's wrong with the poster?

Can't you see how

beautiful she is? Are you joking?

I'll deface this one.

Good. Stupid human being.

- I hate thi... Terminator will lose.

- His face looks like that of a thief.

Terminator will lose, I swear.

What has Terminator done for this

environment? What has he done?

Hospitals are unaffordable. Schools...

I hate this guy. Look at his glasses.

I hate him so much.

His face looks like that of a thief.

She has to win, it can't be only us.

Why won't she? You've started this again.

Please, whose side are you on?

Terminator's or ours? Let me know now.

So I'll know our enemies.

Whose side are you on?

Dude, speak up. Are you now dumb?

Don't raise your voice at me.

I'm on our side.

Better. You are smart.

Is he mad? I keep

seeing this guy's face everywhere.

- I hate him. See how hard his face is.

- Look at this guy's posters.

- Be quick. Don't let his people see you.

- Terminator, more like discriminator.

So the order of the...

The order of...

- Kopiko!

- Are you mad? You are insane.


Professor, stop shouting

"Kopiko" with your big mouth.

- Ah-ah.

- Kopiko, what's the matter?

What sort of meeting is this?

How will we be having a meeting

and the Chairman, Terminator, is absent.

- True!

- What sort of a thing is that?

- Kopi... Order!

- Real talk!

Kopiko, you have no right to come to

this meeting and try to cause trouble.

- Insinuate...

- Do you think I'm scared of you?

Do you think your old-school

beard makes me scared?

- Will the sharp cut of your beard hurt me?

- Kopiko!

Kopi... Okay, if you must know,

our chairman, Terminator,

is handling his civic duties,

like the good citizen,

- Is this man unfortunate?

- doing what he's supposed to do.

- Terminator has...

- Terminator!


There's no mad person here,

better know what you're doing.

Forget whatever has happened.

Terminator is here!

Let every other thing... Thank you.

-Able Chairman!

-Thank you. Greetings!

Move away from there! Thank you!



You're the best!

On God.

- Is everything good, right?

- Everything is good!

Anybody who misbehaves will be dealt with.

Yes! On God.

By the power vested on me,

let the meeting officially begin.

And that's how it will be. Alright.

Thank you, my honorable chairman.

So, as I was discussing in your absence,

to these demographic creatures.

Trying to be...

Let's calm down. Let's relax.

As I was telling

them that everything is okay,

then Kopiko, chairman,

Kopiko started interfering,

- asking where you were. This Kopiko here.

- Is this man unfortunate?

But I told her to calm down, because

we all know why we are here today,

to pick somebody who will run for us.

So, on my files today,

if I'm not mistaken,

I would have to ask the audience,

who would like to run

for council chairman seat?

- Are you mad?

- After how many times?

- I want to contest.

- Order!


Is anyone else...

Does anyone else want

to run for council chairman?

- Anyone...

- I want to run for chairlady.

- Anyone from the back?

- What?! I want to contest.

- Kopiko! Order.

- I want to contest as chairlady.

I'll run.

- Calm down, the boss wants to talk.

- Calm down.

Hey, you, drama queen.

If you lack respect,

you should at least be fearful.

If you're not fearful,

- you should at least, be smart.

- I'm smart.

- I'm smart.

- What do you mean you want to contest?

Are we selling tomatoes here?

Is this a C.W.O meeting?

Why would you say you

want to contest where men are?

Terminator, you and the smelly man

that sells yam outside are the same.

Keep quiet!

Listen, chairman, I might

not look like it, but I'm smart.

Thank God you know you don't look

like it. That means you shouldn't be here.

Labor has given me hope. Labor

says even the upright would still fall.

May the gods k*ll you and Labor.

Are you crazy?

- Order! Kopiko, sit down. Order.

- Sit down!

What's wrong with you?

We are asking men to contest and you,

a woman, are raising your hand. For what?

- Order, Kopiko!

- Lagos is ruined.

Lagos is f*cked up.

Lagos is ruined.

Lagos is definitely ruined.

Lagos is f*cked up.

Someone who relocated from Kano to

Lagos and learned to speak Yoruba,

is here speaking boldly.

Forgetting he's an immigrant.

Are you mad? Unfortunate being.

- Order!

- You are insane.

- It won't be well with you.

- You are insane.

Listen here,

act properly. Do you understand?

So, in still this same

passage where I have to read to

the citizens of Brown Street is that,

whoever would like to contest

for the seat as well would have to pay

a form fee of 20,000.

- Get out of here. You're mad.

- Why?

- Sit down. Is it because I've been quiet?

- Why?

You all are crazy.

Anybody who wants to contest

will pay 25,000 or keep quiet.

You are doing all this so I won't contest?

The form is now 20,000 now.

Don't overestimate yourself.

Don't make me expose you

for wearing fake gold chains.

Hey, go take a seat.

What's the matter with you?

Listen, paupers don't

lead people, rich people do.

Like our chairman here

who is very comfortable.

- You, a poor person, yet you want to lead.

- Lagos is ruined.

Get out of here.

Lagos is ruined.

- That's what I'm saying.

- Order!

- Are you crazy? What order?

- Ah!

Because we've given you an

inch, you want to take a mile.

Provost, handle her.

This girl deserves suspension.

- Provost! Handle this.

- Yes. I'm here.

As the Provost of this honorable

organization, do you understand me?

Let me break it down, help you understand.

Believe it, you are suspended.

You are done for as it is.

- All this is so I don't run for office?

- Yes!

All this is so I don't run for office?

- Okay, no problem.

- Get out of here.

- No problem.

- Hey, you.

Come, come back. Yes.

- Pause.

- Unfortunate being.

- Are you mad?

- Why will you walk out when I'm talking?

You are insane.

Hey, listen,

Drama queen, the name Terminator,

it isn't a nickname,

I earned it.

-That's right. On God.

-Can you hear?

- Don't you understand?

- Better listen.

- Haven't you guys enjoyed my tenure?

- We have!

- Hasn't everything been working?

- It has!

I've subsidized a lot of

things, including marijuana.

Now, you, a woman, are saying

you want to contest against me.

Even if you are fearless,

you should be respectful.

Listen, politics isn't child's play.

Just be aware that, whoever

is contesting won't have it easy.

Anyone contesting for any

position will not have it easy.

So, get ready.

- Really? Okay.

- Yes!

- Order!

- Yes! What sort of... Listen...

How are you sure she will win?

Why won't she win when she

has my full support? Are you kidding?

Okay, go please. Go and bring the ball.

- Be patient.

- Go now.

Just take a look at the poster

of someone who wants to win.


Good morning, mummy.

Mummy, good morning.

Mummy, good morning.

Jesus, mummy,

your temperature is hot again.

Mummy, you are sick again.

Why didn't you say something?

- So I stood up.

- Yes?

- Then I looked at him.

- Yes?

Then I widened my nose and told him that,

I'll contest for

the position of chairlady.

And I'll win!


So, Kopiko, what did he say?

He was shocked,

but that was in my mind. He was shocked.

Then he looked at me and said,

"The form is 25,000."

Why? Why would he do that?

So I got angry.

Then I said, "Why?!"

- "For what?"

- Yes!

Then I said, "Don't do that!"

But that "Don't do that" was in my mind.

Because you know I was outnumbered.

So, I was being smart about it.

So, when I said, "Don't do that,"

in my mind, I said, "For what?"

Then I said, "Since you became

chairman, what have you done?"

- I don't know.

- We are yet to see.

-School children don't have books,

-I'm tired.

- no medicine.

- I'm tired.

Even my mom died from malaria.

And I was really angry.

I was there. I was there

when you mother died.

- I...

- You'll win, Kopiko!

- Don't worry.

- So I told him that, If I win,

I'd arrest him and his useless associates.

Especially the low budget

James Brown called Professor.

Kopiko will win!

- Kopiko!

- Kopiko...

I have told you, Kopiko, several times,

take your mother to a teaching hospital,

so they can take care of her very well.


If I take her to a teaching hospital,

how do I pay for the treatment?

They told me to pay 50,000

where do I get that amount?

I left there.

Please, help me give her some medicine.


Do you think medicine is all she needs?

Aren't you educated?

Don't you have a diploma?

Didn't you spend two years in school?

Come on.

I don't understand why you're

being unserious with your life. Why?

It's not so, things are tough out there.

Things are really tough. There's no money.

It's impossible to make

fast cash now, things are tough.

- Everybody is going through it.

- Ablumin is finished.

You see that,

we've run out of dr*gs.



I'll give her a temporary solution.

After then, Kopiko,

get a permanent solution.

Take her to a teaching hospital, please.


Take it easy.

Do you have any money?


blue agama with red neck.

You're shaking your head.

But you are working.

Don't you work too?

I don't have 50,000

I have about 10,000 in my account,

I'll send it and you'll add yours.

I don't have any money to add.

Can you hear me?

If you think there's something

in this bag because I'm carrying it,

it's an empty bag. Stop

thinking there's anything in it.

- The bag is empty.

- So, you don't have any money?

- I don't have.

- You don't have any money?

But you were at the bar with

those useless guys, drinking.

Hold up,

what's the correlation

between mom's sickness and drinking?

-I've been meaning to for a while,

-What do they have in common?

I'll just say it now,

you need to do better.

Mighty, you know me.

I work hard.

I work hard to make money.

I'm also working hard

to become the chairlady.

I'm doing all that

because I know if I win,

there'll be dr*gs in this hospital,

you'll be able return to school.

I work hard.

You say I need to do better.

I work hard.

Life dealt me this unfair card.

I work hard.

It's okay.

I work hard.

It's okay.

I'll go withdraw the 10,000 and bring it.


I work hard!

Mom, you're awake.

Wow, doctor, how is she.

She's definitely improving.

The signs are good,

but she needs to keep on

taking her dr*gs as prescribed,

drink a lot of water, and get some rest.

I'll be here tomorrow at the same time.

Thank you so much.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Thank you, doctor.

- Hey, mom.

- Sylvia.

Yes, mom.

Don't tell me you

didn't go for the meeting.


I did... You know... Mom, can we

not just talk about work right now.

But that's all you ever talk about.

Don't try to make me feel better.

Breaks my heart seeing you like this.

- Especially, on your birthday.

- Mm-hm.

Then imagine what it does to me?

Hang on.


Where is Oscar?


Oscar is out of town right now,

but he'll be back soon. Okay?




He better be.

He needs to come back

here to see his ailing mother,

so he can wish her a happy birthday.

It may just be my last.

Mom! God forbid!

Look, you just need to rest, and

focus on getting yourself better.

That's what you need to do. Okay?

Will do.

Thanks, love.

Just dey scam

Welcome oh

Welcome to Lasgidi.

Monkey dey work, baboon dey chop

Money eh, money eh.

Bring it up! Bring it up!

Oh, it's Sylvia.

Hi, are you okay?

When are you gonna get here?

Earliest flight out of here is 6 p.m.

That's so long, man.

That was the earliest

the shitty airline could get me.

I'm coming.

She wants to see you.

You shouldn't have

left without any warning.

How was I to know mom was gonna be ill?

But you knew it was her birthday.

Come on.

It's not my fault.

You forgot!

Is that your sister?

Yeah. Hey, Unc is saying hi.

My love to him too.


She can't just cut the phone on me.

Listen, Unc, I don't wanna talk about it.

Let's just go. Let me

board the flight and go.

- We will get there soon.

- I feel so guilty.

Oh, why is your car jerking though?

I don't know.

Why are you pulling over? No,

don't pull over, let's just keep going.

What are you saying? Can't you

hear that something is happening?

And the bloody heat in

this car is baking me for real.

Oh, it's this.

You know what, Oscar?

I'll go to the other street

there to get a spare tire. Okay?

Hold up a minute. You

don't have a spare, Unc?

This is Nigeria,

nobody carries an extra tire.

Extra tire for what?

I'm sure you know how to use a jack.

Why me?

Oscar, you heard me.

You'll remove this tire now.

Make yourself responsible, boy!

Not having a spare is irresponsible, Unc.

Really? You think so, Oscar?

Okay. Spending four million

naira on an overpriced liquor,

is more irresponsible, my dear.

- Oh, for real?

- Yeah.


I guess blood is thicker than water.

Because I heard about

you in your young days too.

- You did crazier stuff.

- Thank you.

Yeah, you were a hellraiser too.

- I'm just following the bloodline.

- Look at it.

That is the jack and the...

Get this tire removed.

Jack this thing right now.

I'm coming, let me get

a spare from the other street.

- JJC.

- He looks lost.

Let's go and help him,

Maybe he'll give us something afterwards.

- I'm not looking for just tips right now.

- Sir, well done.

- Fine boy.

- Hey, Area boys. What's going on?

Who's an Area boy? Do

I look like a boy to you?

- Or do you want to check to see?

- Hey! Why are you so aggressive?

What's wrong with you?

I just need a little help.

Can you guys help me change the tire?

I'll find you something.

- Yeah?

- Okay.

Alright then.

We'll need a stone to

guard the tire to stop it from rolling.

- Stone. He says we need a stone.

- Oh, okay.

Go and look for a stone.

- Stone.

- Alright.

Listen. so, the thing

is how to get this out.

When last did you change this tire?

What kind of a question is that?

Do I look like the kind of

dude that'll drive this jalopy?

I was just... Mighty!

- Where's the stone?

- I'm coming.


- Sir, this will cost some money.

- Did you find any stone?

- What?

- What we are about to do now,

- it will cost a lot of money.

- Here.


Let me give you a little

amount to start with. Okay?

- Go and bring it for motivation.

- And then when you finish...

What is he even

saying for crying out loud?


- Hey, my bag!

- Tobe!

- My bag. Hey! Wait!

- Run!

Run! Hold on tight to the bag!


Hey! Wait!

- My bag!

- Run!

- Hey!

- Hold on to the bag.

There you go!

This way, this way!


There is a meaning buried within the sound



my passport was in that bag.

Yes, can you identify

them if you see them?

I suppose I can.

Um, they call themselves,

um, Mighty and Tobe.

Mighty, I don't know why

she calls herself Mighty,

she's really petite.

Shred Jeans, big baggy

shred jeans, light-skin.

Real erratic like she's

on dr*gs or something.

And then, um...

um, Tobe,

on the other hand, stammers.

He's really light-skinned as well.

Smallish, really skinny.

I know both of them. I'm sure if I see...

I know them.

- You know them?

- Oh, yes.

First and foremost, I am happy

that you are all right and okay.

You see, all those things that are

lost, we will definitely recover them.

No, uncle, you don't understand.

The passport is in the bag.

Without the passport, I can't

fly. If I can't fly, I can't see mom,

and then they'll think

I'm up to my old antics again.

Oscar, will you allow me to handle this?

How are you going to

handle it if I can't do it better?

I mean, these guys

are criminals, they just robbed me.

I think we should be with the authorities

now. We should tell the authorities,

report them to the police.

Have them arrested,

and then get my passport.

And if they get my passport,

I can make the flight.

Oscar, this is not London.

This is Brown Area. Is that clear?

You don't know them.

I know them more than you do.

Of course.

First and foremost, you need to calm down.

Is that clear?


- Yes?

- Kopiko.

Bro, speak, I'm listening.

- Kopiko...

- I'm listening.

we are looking for Mighty.

How does that concern me?

Look for her then.

-How's that my business?


Kopiko, you need to calm down.

- Okay?

- Don't I look calm to you?

Ah-ah! Davido of Ogbomoso.

Who is this Davido lookalike?

Davido of Ogbomoso. Who is this?

- Kopiko.

- Yes?

- This is my nephew, Oscar.

- Eh?

This morning, at the junction,

Mighty stole his... um, took his things,

and they are very important things.


- Mighty?

- Yes.

Took his things?

What are the things Mighty took from you?

- Erm...

- Hold it, sir.

Allow him speak

for himself. Can't you talk?

Express yourself well, like a man.

You can't just be

a Davido lookalike for no reason.

Express yourself. Say what happened.

You just look like Davido

for no reason. Express yourself.

Why are you talking to

my uncle like that in the first place?

No, who's this?

Why are you allowing this girl that smells

like last week weed talk to you like that?

- Oscar! Let me handle this.

- Oh, for crying out loud, do something.

No. You better do

something about... Hey, yo. Listen,

you ugly-ass-looking thing. Listen,

go get your sister. Alright?

Get your sister real quick.

Because, If you don't,

trust me I'm going to call the cops.

When I call the cops, it's over.

Trust me, they'll arrest

everything that lives in that house,

including the fat-ass rats,

everything goes.

- Didn't you warn him?

- I'm telling you!

- Go get your sister.

- Is he threatening me with the police?

- You're threatening me with the police?

- I'm telling you what's gonna happen.

I've got this, uncle.

My neighbor here with the big nose

has about six sewing machines.

Do you know what she sews? Police

uniform. We're all involved in the making.

The badge, the beret, even the

boots. I took one for my personal use.

You are threatening me with the police?

Didn't you tell him this isn't America?

I schooled in America,

but I live in London now.

- That's facts for your ass.

- It's okay, Oscar.

- Straight up. You're not handling it.

- Oscar! It's okay, Oscar.

- Everybody can be ghetto, alright?

- Oscar!

Everybody's got the...

Listen, I've got gutter in me too.

Go get your sister.

If you don't get your sister, believe me,

I'm go... All hell will break loose here.

- Listen. Oscar!

- Trust me, you don't want to see me angry.

- You don't want to see me angry.

- Listen, sir...

- I'll get mad at you now.

- Uncle, I got this.

- Yo, got get your sis.

- I'll get mad at you now.

- Hey.

- Allow this man express himself.

Hey, you with

the roadblock face, go get your sis.

Get your sis, right now!

If you don't get your sis, trust me,

shit is about to happen right now.

- You're right. I'll get my sister.

- Go get your sis. I'm telling you.

Look at this fashion malfunction

talking about me. Go get your sis!

Go get your sister, right now!

Go get your ugly ass,

lil' crappy-looking sister,

because it's about to go down here.

It's about to go down. I'm telling you.

- Oscar, let's go.

- Don't let me show you the ghetto side.

No, I'm not going anywhere.

- No, we have to...

- You have a ghetto side?

- You have a ghetto side?

- Let me fight this girl.

- You have a ghetto side?

- This girl is crazy.

- This girl is crazy.

- Oscar.

- Let's fight. I'll hit you now.

- This girl is crazy.

- Do you take me for a joke?

- This girl is crazy.

Look, I surrender.

Stop doing these things.

Come off it.

What is it? Did we steal a kidney?

What really is the issue?

Did you see how that guy almost caught me.

So you know how to run?

What sort of pointless laughter is this?

See how you almost got caught

when you ran into that corner.

It should be dollars in this bag.

- You see this bag...

- So I can get a house in Banana island.

This bag is filled with dollars, I swear.


Do you know what I'll do first?

I'll pay my mother's hospital bill first.


I'll sponsor my sister's

chairmanship campaign.

You can spend money

on better posters because,

- You get it!

- these ones aren't good looking.

And then, we can

- This is making me laugh.

- contact my friend that does

- Canadian visa. So I can travel to Canada.

- You look like a Canadian already.

- You look like them, it will suit you.

- Exactly. I'll go there.

Alright, open the bag.

- Then we'll buy new clothes.

- Let's get the dollars and leave.

Let's do it quickly.

You like trouble.

Please, I like enjoyment, not trouble.

Here, you are the one who recognizes

quality watches. Help me vet this.

But I'm sure that guy

can't wear a fake watch.

This watch is good.

With the way he was speaking English.

He was speaking...

Take a look at this wallet.

Take a look at this wallet, bro.

Where are the dollars?

What's this?!

What's all this?


This was wasted effort.

All that running was for nothing.

- What is all this rubbish?

- Calm down.

What rubbish?

It's an empty bag, Tobe. Can't you see it?

- Calm down.

- You know I'm impatient.

- You're too quick to anger. sit down.

- Don't tell me to calm down, please.

Let's check what we have first.

- Stop acting like this.

- You're too calm.

How are you so calm right now? Let's

go beat that guy up. Show him who we are.

Don't be so quick

to get angry. You'll get beaten.

Take, count the money we have first.

Count it, come on.

Calm down. Just count what we have.

What's this? I brought one

out from here, where is it?

- It's inside. It's inside there.

- Has it been blown away?

You're not attentive. This is

something I don't like about you.

The money got

blown away and you didn't notice.

You're just light-skinned like...

What sort of tattered notes are these?

How much do we have there?

- How much?

- 5000.

Tobe, 5000.

- Calm down. That's something.

- This was a wasted effort.

Here's 2000 for you.

- Don't worry about it.

- Take it, come on!

Don't worry.

You need it more than I do. Okay?

Add it to your mom's

hospital bill. Alright?

We'll go sell these ones, get more

money and add it to what we have.

Stop being angry, okay?

Don't worry. Let's go.

Let's see if we can sell

these ones and add the money together.

Let's go.

Don't worry.


Good morning, Prof.

Prof, I'm greeting you. Good morning.

How are you?


You're a good person. Prof!

I swear, I hold you in high esteem.

I rate you highly, you just don't know it.


- Looking just like Lord Lugard.

- What?!

Prof, I don't mean it

like that. I can't say that about you.

You are always looking good.



Mighty, what do you want?

- Prof.

- What exactly do you want?


I brought business for you.

Brought business for me?

Listen, I hope it isn't the

rubbish you brought the last time?

A Sagem phone in

an iPhone 13 pro max casing.

Do you know how many

customers that stunt caused me?

Listen, Prof, forget about

that. Let bygones be bygones.

You'll love what I have here.

It's from London. Check it out.

- From London?

- Yes.


Take a look at it.

I told you.

Look at it.

Quality stuff.

All that is... it's...


Everything here is fake.

Addidas front, Rolex

back. What is wrong with you?

Come off it. What do you mean it's fake?

Normally, this watch

costs a million. Do you understand?

Ideally, I should sell

it to you for 700,000.

- 700,000?

- But because it's you, pay 300,000.

Do you get me?

Do you hear me?

These two, 50,000 each.

In total, 400,000.


and this,

- 50,000 each?

- 50,000 each.


and this,

and this too...


Everything here,

- 5000, how?

- 5000, final price.

Really? Are you pulling my legs?

- 5000!

- 5000? Are you kidding me?

5000 how? I'll take someplace else.

- What type of nonsense cheating is that?

- Mighty, take your stuff away.

Did I tell you to come to my shop?

Did I tell you to come to my shop?

Pack your things and leave, Mighty.

- That your...

- Prof.

Pay 250,000. Let's settle on that.

Give me 250,000.

It's because of your sister.

Do you understand?

Because of your sister,

I'll add 5000 and pay you 10,000.

Come on, Prof.

If you're taking it, take it.

- If you're not taking it, leave.

- Prof, look at the watch.

Mighty, leave if you don't

want the 10,000. I don't have time.

What's wrong with you?

Alright, bring it.

- I should bring it?

- Bring it.


Have it.

Take it from me!

Thank you.

It's always a pleasure

doing business wiith you.

It's never a pleasure

doing business with you.


My brother.


I have business for you.

This way, Officer.

That's her.

That's her.

She tried to k*ll me too.

Beat up my uncle.

Stole my stuff.

List goes on and on.

Arrest her.

Isn't it this nearby station?

Where I have a register?

- Fake 30 billion g*ng.

- Whatever.

- Davido of Nnewi.

- You still smell like weed.

- You still smell like weed.

- Fake. It's this nearby station, right?

- Get your... big ass going.

- No problem.

- Look at her, fashion malfunction.

- It's not a problem.

Fashion su1c1de.

Look at her.

You didn't come with a car?

Are we trekking to the station?

- You look horrible.

- Are we walking down there?

Well, it's way out of my hands.

We will try our best to...

to recover your possessions.


we have to release her,

or you charge her to court.

I can't press charges right now.

There's just too much at stake, Officer.

I can't do that. I can't press charges.

Well, I'm sorry.

that's the best we can do.

You see, technically, you don't have

evidence to back up your claims.

So, she's innocent,

until proven otherwise by the court.

I can't do a court proceeding now,

it takes way too long.

I have to leave for London immediately.

I have too much at stake.

He understands what I'm saying.

This is a personal matter. Family matter.

There has to be another way, uncle.

Well, I'm sorry.

That's all I can do.


Okay. Listen.

How about if I see her?

Can I speak to her personally?

- Of course.

- I can appeal to her better nature.

I don't know.

Of course, you can. Of course.

Um, please, go and get her.

Have you finished?

Finished what?

Sizing me up.

You have been sizing me up.

Officer, please, take me back to my cell.

I told my friends I won't take long.

- Listen.

- My friends are waiting for me.

- They are waiting.

- Listen.

Your sister jacked me,

took my stuff.

I just want my stuff back,

I don't want any trouble.


Am I my sister?

Am I my sister?

Have you met me before?

Have you seen Kopiko before?

Have you met me before?


Kapiko, or slingshot,

or catapult, whatever they call you.

I just want my stuff.

Give me my stuff and I promise you, you're

not going to rot in jail, right here.

Because, I can make a big

case out of this. I promise you.

- That passport means the world to me!

- He's threatening me.

He insulted me, and now he's

threatening me, in a police station.

And the officers are

just watching him while he threatens me.

Who's the victim here now?

Officer, take me back to my cell.

I miss the mosquitos there.

Take me back to my cell.

- God have mercy.

- Take me back to my cell, please.

- Officer, I miss the mosquitos in my...

- Listen, I promise you,

you can rot in jail for this.

- He's insulting me.

- Oh, for cryi...

- Too much familiarity, he's insulting me.

- Can I see you for a moment?

If not for the fact God

isn't the god of thunder,

people like this would

have gotten struck by lightning.

He's insulting me!

You will miss your flight.

Listen, uncle, don't be so pessimistic.

I think I have a drop on her. Okay?

All I'm saying is, just give

me a little more time with her.

I don't want to disappoint mom anymore.

You know she's ill. I just want

to fly out of here and go see her.

Then, stop trading words with Kopiko.

We still have time,

before your stuff goes far.

That is why we need her on our side.

Go far? What do you mean?

Where's my stuff going?

Look, listen, anything

stolen on Brown Street,

is sold at the motor parks.

And, we just have to move fast,

so that we know who it is sold to.





I think we started off on the wrong foot.

Let's readdress the situation

and you know, let's talk about it.

I'm listening.

Alright, I'm gonna to give you a reward,

all I want is, lead me to your

sister, and let me get my passport back.

- 500,000.

- What?!

- 500,000?!

- Naira.

It's not much.

I can smell...

your perfume from here, it's Dior.

I can smell it.

It's Dior, mixed with Gucci.

I recognize your scent,

500,000 isn't a large sum.

Where does this creature come from?

Have you ever seen 500,000

in your entire wretched existence?

He's insulting me again.

He's insulting me, Officer.

- That is what is so hurtful.

- Oh my God, she's back to it.

Who's the victim here?

The insults get to me, Officer,

this guy has gotten too familiar.

- Oh, my God!

- This guy has gotten too familiar.

Please, take me back to my cell.

- Take me back.

- Wait, listen. This is crazy!

I just want my stuff.

Alright. Okay, let's do this,

once I get back to the UK, I'll wire

you the money. I'll even add more.

Just give me my passport, please.

Even if you're the god of thunder,

is your mouth laced with dark magic?

Sir, I don't offer credit.

You either give me or you don't give me,

- so I'll know if I'm helping or not.

- Okay, listen...

- If you don't have it, talk to your uncle.

- I'll deposit.

You see that wasn't a big deal?

Don't shake hands. You don't

know where those hands have been.

You're welcome. Please, have a seat.

- There's some...

- My friend get out of that place!

Vacate that chair.

You're fooling yourself.

- I don't...

- Move.

We are on the same team, so...

- My chair is your chair.

- Chairman,

permission to sit.

- Exactly.

- Take this piece of junk away.

Yes. You're welcome.

Chairman, I have good news.

Merchandise that

will change it all for us.

But first, let me give

you your favorite drink,

Pasa bitters.

You think I've forgotten what you like?

Here, have it.

That's for you.

My brothers, today is a

very beautiful day for me.

Today, I've just been dreaming

of a vacation with my wife.

- Because, once this money comes out...

- Hold on,

where's the card?

Hold on. Yes.


Here's one.

And, here is two.

That's it.

Two of them

should have nothing less than...

My friend, keep quiet there. Idiot!

Are you stupid?

Why are you running your mouth?

I'll punch you in the mouth.


- Chairman, I'm only respecting you.

- Come here, basket-mouth, keep quiet.

Be quiet.

Is it working? What's the update?


I just checked the Nigerian card and,

the money in it is about 10,000.

It's small.

- 10,000?

- Yes. But, personally, I believe that,

this one is the foreign card,

the money in it will be huge.

It has happened again.

Come, basket-mouth...

shut it.

How's it going?

What's going on? Is it working?

I'm coming, Chairman.

- I've accessed it.

- Confirm.

- It has happened again!

- How much is on the card?

- Chairman.

- Yes.

- The money here is ten pounds.

- Sorry?

Ten pounds.

Like, ten billion pounds or ten pounds?

Chairman, I mean ten pounds.

Ten pounds.

One, two, three, seven, eight, nine, ten.

What rubbish ten pounds?

Are foreigners poor?

Are you sure?

How will a foreigner have ten pounds

on his card? How much is it in Naira?

By my calculation, it's like 7000.

That foreigner will get struck by thunder.

He'll taste the wrath of the gods.

- Wasted effort.

- Wrong number.

- Wasted effort.

- It wasn't worth it.

No problem. Hey, you,

where's the other stuff?

Chairman, I'm sorry about...

See, dude, I'll get mad at you.

Where's the other stuff?

I'm bringing it! Please, don't be angry.

Here are the phones.

Here are the phones.


Here are the phones.

How many phones are here?

Chairman, it's 12.

Chairman, let me... Let me

put this inside here for you.

This bag is fine.

It will look good on your girlfriend.

I was going to keep it...


We are mad at you.

Can you hear me?

We are mad at you.

I'll hit you, idiot.

- Chairman!

- Chairlady.

Where's my phone?


Mighty, or what's your name?

Mighty, come over to my office.

Then we'll retrieve my passport,

and my phone, and I'm out.

I mean, you're just busy

stuffing your face every second.

- Are you following me?

- I'm not following you!

You are not my father,

I'm not following you.

What's all that?

You want to boss me around

over 100,000 Naira you want to pay me,

money that you are yet to pay.

You and Unc had me

arrested, put me in a cell.

I haven't eaten anything since then.

My throat is dry.

Now that I'm trying to put food

in my stomach and be satisfied and

you rear your head again,

to disturb me with your own problems.

Not my mom's, not my sister's,

your own personal problem.

You want to choke me with it.

It's alright. It's okay.

Eat your food.

Listen, um...

Koboko, I promise you, if I don't make

that flight, you're not seeing a dime.

For sure.

- Really?

- Yeah, for sure.

Did you hear what he called me?

Did you hear what Davido

of Ogbomoso is calling me.

- 30 billion g*ng of Ibadan.

- But you hear what she calls me?

Okay, no problem.

Let me ask you something,

"Don't get on that flight"

that you keep saying,

What are you in such a hurry to go do?

What are you going there to do?

What's the problem?

It's above your paygrade

and it's none of your business.

Can you hear him?

He's started insulting me again.

It's the same thing he did at the

police station that hurt my feelings,

and two police officers

stood there with g*ns.

No, because... It got to me.

It's belittling.

Such things hurt me deeply.

Do you understand? So...

I want to make a decree.

My decree is that,

for this journey

we're embarking on, there only one boss.

One boss. There can't

be two masters in one ship.

Or, is it two ships with one master?

It's the other way round.

Alright. You know what?

No questions asked, okay?

We're not contesting it. You're the boss.

- Yes.

- Okay? You are the boss.

Alright. Now the thing is

how am I gonna get my shit?


What did I... What?

- What?

- Are you okay?

- It's the drama. Unc.

- I don't like his character.

I don't like his character.

It's not like I'm eating rice.

I'm eating eba and he's taking about shit.


I'm eating and he's talking about shit.

Oh, lord.

I'm also tired of you.

Look at me too, oh Lord.

I'm tired.

Anyway, end point.

From here, we'll go look for my sister.

She'll take us to

the place she sold the bag.

Pray the bag is still with them

so I'll be free from your problem.

If the bag isn't with them

and has been resold, you are on your own.

But that's exactly what I just said, Unc.

- Exactly. Same word. Verbatim.

- It's okay.

So where do we begin, our great leader?

Uncle, don't ask me. Ask him.

Since you intend to undermine my

authority, personality, power and prowess,

take us to where my sister sold the bag.

I'm sorry. I'm not underm...

I know you are the bo... I'm just

- I'm just tir... Every word I say...

- You are the leader.

For crying out loud, just eat

your mountain of food and let's go.

Sorry, ma.

She's getting better.

Is the money complete?

It seems Kopiko is back.

Let me check if the money is with her.

- What's going on?

- Hey! Don't move.

Don't move. Just remain there.

Maintain the same energy. Move here.

Don't move, just remain there.

Why are you acting this way?

Why are you acting this way?

Jonah wasn't this badly

behaved before the fish swallowed him.

The Bible said the fish ate him.

After you do something bad,

even before that's dealt with

you'll do another one.

Why do you like causing me problems?

What's wrong with you?

Good afternoon, sister.

Who is she greeting?

Am I your father?

I said... You can't talk again?

Do you know this man or not?

You can't talk again?

No, I don't know him.


Listen, just give me

a second with her, okay?

I'm going to make her say the truth.

You don't know me?

You little monkey,

you just robbed me a moment ago.

Hey, please, I beg your pardon.

Please, don't insult her.

Don't call her a monkey.

I beg you in God's name.

That's how you

insulted me at the station too.

If you look at her and call her a monkey,

you'll start looking around

for someone related to her,

and that person would be me,

and you'll call me a chimpanzee.

The sister of a monkey

is a monkey. My mother too.

The mother of a monkey is a monkey.

Please, don't call her a monkey. I'm

the only one with the right to abuse her.


Final chance.

I want your final answer now.

Do you know this man or not?


Do I look like I'm joking?

That wasn't necessary.

This is a company and

I just gave her a factory reset.

Her brain will cool down now,

the medulla oblongata will return

to its right position, which is here.

It will reset her brain.

Didn't we both watch Prison break?

Didn't you see my shoe on the show?

If I step on you,

you'll not look like yourself anymore.

Goodness gracious.

We are moving on to punching now.

- Please recognize me.

- She knows my character.

She sees me training at Surulere

National theatre very well. She knows.

We'll start punching now.

Do you know this man or not?

I know him.

Did you take his bag or not?

I took it.


- Why?

- You know why.

- Where's my bag?

- Where is it?

It's at Prof's.

What did you do with

my passport in the bag?

- What passport?

- It's...

I didn't see any passport.

I gave the bag

to Prof with everything in it.

What's the cost of taking a passport?

Eight copies cost 200 Naira.

- Maybe you should go take another one.

- Have you lost your mind?

- Maybe it's still inside the bag.

- Have you lost your mind?

Hey, albino,

leave for your mother's house.

You, we'll continue this discussion later.

Do you hear me?

Don't worry.

How much did you pawn

my bag and passport for?

It doesn't concern you.

She's right.

I'm running for public office,

What you just asked

now doesn't concern you.

How much she sold the

bag doesn't concern you, truly.

Let's go.

If you run, I'll slap you.

Come here.

You stole from him.

Do you know what he's put

me through at the police station?


This is where you'll go through.

We're right behind you.

He's insulting me again,

that's what hurts my feelings.

I said we are right behind you!

I didn't even hear him properly.

If you run!

If you run!

Um... Hello.


How can I help,

you lady and gentlemen.

Are you buying or selling?

Please, Professor, we don't

have time. We're in a hurry.

I just want to ask you,

did you buy anything from my sister today?

Hey, Kopiko, am I hearing a bone

of contention in what you are saying,

- because... because I'm not...

- Yes.

Because what you bought

from her is a stolen property.


Please, I do not buy stolen property.

I am not a thief nor a criminal.

I'm a legit businessman. I have

my papers here. So, I do not do that.

And, please, I can see you

people have no business for me,

so If you can, kindly, leave my

shop before Terminator comes here.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth,

is that who Terminator is?

Is Terminator's hand a machine g*n?

- I'm not scared of Terminator.

- Who's that? Is that someone's name?

Yes, he's the chairman of this park.

Look, Kopiko, you'll never

be chairman of this park.

I'll be chairlady.

- You can never be chairman of this park.

- I'll be chairlady.

I'm not scared of you!

- With your beards, I'm not scared of you!

- So you think I'm scared of you?


Listen both of you.

Hey, wait, Kopiko, wait,

you guys are in my way right now.

And because I don't have time,

I'll let this one go. Okay?

I would not be playing along,

trust me, I would not be playing along

if you guys didn't have me by the balls.

- Balls.

- Have you lost your mind?

You're shouting.

Alright, let's move forward.

What do you want? How much do you want?

Just 50,000.

- Why didn't you ask for 50 million?

- Because I am not a greedy man.

I told you I'm a businessman.

And, plus, I want this

bargaining thing to be over,

because you people are

bringing heat into my shop.

Please, so let's just quickly finish it.

50,000 is my final price.

Take it or leave it.

Take it or leave it?!

Are you taking it or leaving it?

There are customers coming.

The man that brought this typewriter is

coming back to collect it this afternoon.

Alright, we will be back.

Kopiko, you!

It's me against you in this town.

- Kopiko, watch yourself.

- Don't push me.

- Kopiko, watch yourself. Kopiko!

- I'll slap you.


Don't try me.

What's wrong with you?

Didn't you say someone

was waiting for you there?

If someone is waiting for you,

the person will grow old waiting,

because your case, your case is serious.

Listen, lady, I'm trying to think.

I don't know why

everytime you're around me,

you clog every

thinking pore in me, man. Just

give me a break. I have

a lot going on in my head now.

Let me think.

Who are you speaking English to?

So you don't know what

I'm asking is for your own good?

I'm asking because

it will help my investigation.

What are you investigating?

Seriously, come to

think of it. Are you a cop?

Or you belong to some

security agency out there?


The only reason we're hanging with you and

trying to resolve this is

because you are local

and this shit happened locally.

That's it.

So I'm a nobody?

I'm a local champion?

Me? A local champion?

If you know I'm a local investigator,

or local entity,

why did you come to me for help?

Because your sticky-fingered

sister over there,

stole my shit,

and the apple doesn't

fall far from the tree.

So, I'm begining to think, maybe

you had a hand in me losing my shit.

Don't try it.

Don't try calling me

or my mom thieves, because

I'm not a thief like your mother.

In fact, now I'm angry.

Pay me the money you agreed to pay.

When I get my passport,

get back to London,

I'll transfer your money and

your services will be paid for. Period.

I said no. Give me my money now.

- Wow.

- I'm not working again.

- Wow.

- What do you mean by that?

You think your dressing and

grammar means something?

Give me my money now.

I don't care about you again.

Can you hear me?

If you want my service, you'll pay for it.

But I've told you

I'll pay you later, not now.

I said no!

What sort of talk is that?

I said no. Give me my money now.

You know what?

f*ck you.

That's right.

- f*ck you.

- Two.

- f*ck your annoying face.

- Three.

- f*ck your sticky fingered sister.

- Four.

- f*ck you whole generation.

- Five.

- f*ck your generation before you.

- Six.

- f*ck, your next generation is going too.

- Seven.

- f*ck you too.

- Eight.

- f*ck any other thing you're trying to do.

- Nine.

- I think you should f*ck off. I'm done.

- Ten.

- That's right, f*ck off!

- Eleven.

- That's the extra on it. f*ck off!

- Twelve!

A dozen fucks for me.

What have I done to you?

You looked at me and

gave me a dozen "f*ck yous"

- You deserve it.

- What have I done to you?

What sort of talk is that?

Davido of Ogbomoso, I don't blame you.

Don't worry.

It's your parents I blame.

They didn't raise you properly.

Hold up a minute.

You're still talking about my parents?

Should I be scared of you?

Do your worst and see what will happen.

- What do you want to do?

- Nah.

- What do you want to do? Let's fight!

- Look, that body...

I can't deal with that body odor right now

- You don't have to take your shirt off.

- Let's fight.

Put your shirt back

on, for crying out loud.

- Let's fight.

- Fight who?

You are already k*lling

me with your body odor.

Let's fight.

When you said my sister is

an apple that fell from the tree,

you think I didn't know

you meant my mom is the tree,

and that this badly

behaved person, she is the apple?

Let's fight. Draw a circle, let's fight.

- Let's see who will make it out.

- Nobody's gonna fight with you.

Wait, let me say something.

Let me psychoanalyze you for a second.

Why are you so mad?

Why are you so mad?

You wake up and you sleep mad,

that must be exhausting.

Seriously, why are you so mad?

Oh, I get it.

You're mad because

nothing is happening in your life.

Your life is at a standstill.

You have to deal with that

creature every day of your life, right?

Okay, you're mad at me because,

hey, I'm livin' da loca. That's it!

I'm living the good life.

I'm balling everyday.

- I'm privileged.

- That's why I'm mad.

You're nothing, you're nobody.

Yes, that's why I'm mad!

I'm mad because I don't have

the basic things I need as a human being.

I'm mad because I grew up in the gutter.

I'm mad. Yes.

Abuse me.

I'm mad.

- I didn't mean it that way.

- But I'm better than you,

who doesn't know how to

respect others and you're senseless.

That's why I'm mad.

As it stands, I've signed out.

Since you're a ghost,

go find your passport yourself.

- I'm sorry. I didn't meant that.

- Hey! Crazy person.

Let's go.

I didn't mean that.

Hey! Take your eye off that money,

it's not your father's money. Let's go.

- The money he wants to give us...

- What foolish money?

Did your father keep any money with him?

- Mom's...

- Are you her only daughter?

Let's head out in this direction.

- Seems like you are crazy.

- Better don't steal nothing close to me.

You've insulted me too much. I'm leaving.

You're still here?

So, what happened?

She started it, Unc. I'm telling you.

She was just saying crazy stuff,

I had to say it back to her.


Now, you've suceeded in

sending away the last person,

the only person that can help you.

No, Unc. What we suceeded in

doing is sending away our problems.

Those two are our problems.

- Your problem, not my problem!

- No. This is our problem, Unc, alright?

I'm not trying to be disrespectful,

but it's time you come to terms with it.


You know what?

We need to put on our big boy pants

and go and handle this thing ourselves.

- That's what we need... Yeah.

- I see.

- You're set for that? Okay.

- That's what we are gonna do.

- After you.

- You know the locality, so, after you.

Oh, so you don't even know anywhere,

and you're still running your mouth.

I don't kn... I don't. Yo, Unc.

Unc. Listen, Unc.

My brothers.

My two best friends.

It's a pleasure to see you, I must say.

How is it?

For the bag.

Smells complete.

So, can I have my bag now, please?

Did you leave a bag?

- The bag.

- Yeah.

What about the bag?

He just gave you your money.

- My bag, please.

- Sorry, I almost forgot.

Please, don't be mad at me.

Terminator actually came into this office,

he came in with some thugs,

started bullying me and beating me.

Basically, he took the bag and ran away.

If you go after him right now,

him and his boys just left now.

He's wearing one a blue jacket.

If you go after them,

you can catch up with them.

What nonsense are you saying?

Why did you take our money?

Yeah, why did you take the money?

Information is not free now.

What were you expecting? That

I'll just open my mouth and be spilling?

Information is not free.

You have to pay something.

So, it not really my fault when they

came in here with thugs and hoodlums.

They came in here to harass

you and you're still looking like this?

- I tried to fight them off. What's wrong?

- Fight who off?

- You look like you fought anybody?

- He was too strong.

- I couldn't do anything.

- Unc...

Give me my money.

- Oscar!

- You better go and meet them!

Look, we can come back for this,

let's run after Terminator.


-Leave me alone!

You are wasting precious time.

I tell you, you're going to hell.

We'll be back for that money.

Run after him!

He must have used a tricycle or something.

He's the chairman of this

motorpark and he controls this area.

So well, that makes him a criminal, right?

Look. I suggest... Hey, come.


- Look... Wait a minute.

- We need to move.

I suggest you be careful with

the way you speak about him here.

- This is part of his territory.

- What is he? Some kind of god?

Unc, come on, we can't keep doing this.

I need to go see this guy.

I need to find him.

You can't just go

to his place like that, Oscar.


You should listen to

people with real experience,

- living in this neighborhood.

- Unc, what I need to do is, get over there

see this guy, talk to

him about my passport.

Okay, well, man on man.

Look, you can't

just go in there like that.

Alright, Unc, I'm gonna

ask you, straight away,

are you coming with me

or not to go see this guy?

- What did you say?

- I said are you coming with me to go see

this Terminator X guy?

You know I am an old man,

and I wouldn't want to go and

- erm, put myself in danger.

- Oh, okay.

- Okay. That's how it is? Okay.

- Going to Terminator's den?

That's how it is.

So I take it you're not coming?

I'm not.


- Alright.

- I don't want you to go either.

No! Where is he? Point at his building.

- You want to go there?

- Just point at the building!

- There.

- Okay. Everybody is gangster.

Which one is his building?

The next one.

Both teams will score in this game.

Forget it. Do you know

how long I've been betting?

You weren't there when I started betting.

This one likes

to act like he's knowledgeable.

On God. I know...

Hey, what's wrong with you?

Get out of here! Step back. Who are...

Who are you,

what are you looking for here?

Any of you gentlemen Mr. Terminator?

What's the matter? Why the big grammar?

What's wrong with this man?

Who is gentleman? Bro, what's up with you?

What's your name?


My name is Oscar.


My name is Oscar.

- Should we be scared?

- Oscar.

No worries,

with your body, I want to win an Oscar.

You just walked in here

feeling like you're important.

You don't have respect.

You don't have guts.

- You think you're the only traveled one?

- Let him know!

- You dreaming, m*therf*cker.

- What's wrong with you?

Um, so, um, any of you Mr. Terminator?

Listen, dude, the big

grammar needs to stop.

- What up with you?

- Listen, I was born in Bristol.

- Let him know! On God.

- Aren't you feeling the drip?

No problem.

It's Terminator you want to see, right?

Alright, let me help you check... Let's

check for Terminator, and watch it unfold.

You're just speaking big grammar.

Did you attend any good schools?

You're pompous.

- There's someone here asking to see you.

- You're pompous. We'll humble you here.

Dude, stop the big grammar.

This is him.

The person that wants to see you.

Thank you.

Leave him alone.

Hi, are you Mr. Terminator?

Who are you?

My name is Oscar.

I came to do some business.


Hey you,

- give me my drink.

- It's right here, sir.

No issues.

Where's it?

Hurry it up.

You can finish it, I sipped a bit.

This is my favorite drink.

If you take it before sexual intercourse,

you'll go multiple rounds.

Do you care for?

No, I don't like cheap liquor.

But I know somebody

that likes it a lot, though.

Who's that?

Her name is Kopiko.

Animal, place or thing?

She's a manly looking woman.

Dyed hair.

- Mad woman.

- Yeah.

So, what's up?

Well, her sister stole my bag.

Hey, listen,

I'm not a fan of English.

Slow down. Not everybody understands.

-Calm down, let me hear what you're saying


Okay. Yeah, I get it.

I just wanna do business.

I just want my bag.

- You want this bag?

- Yeah.

No problem.

How much will you pay me

to release the bag for you?

Well, seeing that you're an expert in...

these kind of underground dealings,

I was wondering,

how much do you want for it?

You will give me 500,000.

Oh, 500?

- Man, that is...

- Are you mad?

Are you trying to insult me?

- I thought you said 500?

- I'm very dangerous when I'm angry.

- What rubbish?

- No, I'm sorry.

- I thought you said 500 Naira.

- 500,000, sir, don't provoke me.

Look around, this is an empire.

What do you mean 500?

I don't see

the empire but, I mean, 500 is...

500,000 is a lot of money.

You know, I mean, I've been

extorted on every turn since I got here.

Kopiko and her crew

have been taking money from me,

I don't have a lot of money anymore.

It's this grammar you're speaking

that's putting you in more trouble.

You're speaking grammar

but you don't have 500,000.

Don't you know too

much English without money is a sin?

Big offense. Speaking grammar

but you don't have 500,000.

Look here, don't waste my time.

500,000 Naira,

else, you won't see this bag again.

Your time is up.

Alright, listen, Mr. Terminator.

Thank you for

seeing me on such short notice.

Appreciate it. You're a good man.


give me a little time, I'm gonna

make a call, I'll be right back. Okay?


I'll bring the money.

Just give me a litte time.

- Please.

- Whatever.

I swear, I've staked a huge

amount on it that it should...

Hope your business was profitable?

Go get a peppermint.

- Get out! What's up with you?

- The stupid suit you bought in the market.

You're here acting like...


Hi, sis.

Why are you calling me that?

Listen, um,

I need your help.

I told you, I'm not

helping you until I see you.

Are you not coming back?

I was coming back.

Someone mugged me on the way,

and stole my passport.

Are you joking?

Someone stole my passport,

Unc has been trying to help me get

my passport back. You can ask him.


I can't believe that

you'll tell such a lie,

just to avoid coming back.

Like, is this some kind of sick joke?

She is sick.

- She wants to see you...

- Sis!

I'm not lying.

Okay, the people that mugged me

and took my passport want

some money. You can ask Unc.

He's been trying to

help me get my passport back.

Can you send me 500,000? I'll resolve it,

I'll be on the next flight back home.

- Goodbye, Oscar.

- Sis.





I said it, I was suspecting this man.


This man is a criminal.

Terminator, let me deal with him.

Look at that,

the rich kid comes to steal in the hood.

You are gutsy.

You'll feel the wrath of the gods.

Drop my bag first.

Drop the bag! Are you mad?!

- Do you want to die?

- Are you mad?

Let me leave, please.

I'll bring the money.

I promise you, I'll bring the money.

Keep quiet.

You know what will happen now, right?

Seeing how he was bold

enough to come steal in the ghetto.

If he defeats me,

he will take his bag.

- Are you crazy? I said fight me.

- But we just started.

Okay, you're waiting for a referee?

Fight me! Are you crazy?

- Master at ducking punches.

- Invisible Terminator.

-Terminator, your life will be great!

-Are you crazy?

Am I the one you're

speaking all this grammar too?

I don't like English.

I'm not a fan of English,

you came here and you were speak...

Are they crazy?



Get him.

I will catch up with you.

-Hurry up.

-Don't worry, I will catch up.

Hold him, hold him right there.

So you come here to spy?

You come here to spy?

If I catch that guy

that nearly injured me.

Hey, you, go inside.

- Go inside.

- Did you catch that guy?

Go inside.

- He nearly injured me.

- Go inside.

Go inside now, idiot.

You're crazy.

Move! Are you mad? Move.

-I swear, you're crazy. Are you okay?

-You're in trouble now.

You are misbehaving.

Who is this albino?

Er, Chairman,

this man is a spy.

I know that

useless woman, Kopiko sent him.

Isn't it so?

-They asked who is he, and you're hitting.

-Why are you slapping him? Are you crazy?

Are you a spy?


You came to spy on my empire?

Unfortunate being,

look at him shaking out of fear.

You're not a spy?

So, what are you?

This boy here,

he's dating Kopiko's younger sister.

The little one.

- Exactly.

- You're shaking your head.

Aren't you dating Kopiko's younger sister?

Hey! Calm down.

- My blood is boiling.

- I said calm down. Be quiet.

What's the matter with you?

He said you should get up.

Search yourself.

Search yourself.

If I hear you say anything...

If I slap you, your skin color

will change. Are you crazy?

Unfortunate being,

you're the one that took this.

- Is it a visa?

- It's a passport. I swear.

- Is it a visa?

- I don't even know what...

It's a passport for traveling abroad.

- It looks like a visa.

- I swear.

What country's visa is this?

I don't know what country uses red but,

- It seems... I swear.

- It's a visa.

Lodge him in 204 for now.

- Alright, come here.

- Move it! Look at him.

Room 204! Room 2...

Hey, what's up with you?

I said room 204,

that's what the boss said.

- Prof, I want to tell you something.

- I hope nothing is wrong with you?

- The boss said room 204.

- You're always acting stupidly.


Oh my God.

What is it?

Take water, take.


I think we need to get out of here.

Your sister will have

been trying to reach you.

She'll be so worried.

Maybe you should call her.

I don't think it's necessary now, Unc.

We should be thinking of a way forward.

Of course, you know the way forward.

Go back to Kopiko.

That's not gonna happen.

Do you have any other plan?


I have what Terminator

wants here, he'll come for it.

So, how do you get what you want?

Oscar, if you get to Terminator,

I'm sure he's going to chew you like suya.


I admit I have no plans immediately,

but it's totally out of the

equation to go back to Kopiko.

I'm not going back to that low-life.

Why do you call her a low-life?

She is a low-life, uncle.

Oh, because she lives here in Brown Area?

Or she doesn't speak

Queen's English like your sister?



That you are so fortunate,

to be exposed to social life does

not mean you are better than others.


Don't ever think that

everyone is under you.

No. That is not it.

The only solution now

is, go back to Kopiko,

apologize to her and

ask for her help. That's all.

That's outrageous, uncle.

There is nothing outrageous in there.

In fact, that is the most sensibe

thing you will have done today,

because it is the way to go.

- Hi.

- What are you doing here?

- Who redesigned your clothes this way?

- Get away from here.

What are you doing here?

I said, what are you guys doing here?

I just want to...

I came by to...

I just want to apologize for

speaking out of turn earlier.

You said?

I didn't hear you.

I came to say...

to apologize for

speaking out of turn earlier.

Do you want to punch me?

Who did this to you?

Terminator and his boys.

Please, my heart

is hurting, I can't laugh.

They've dealt with you?

Well, I mean, It's not...

I mean, one on one,

man to man, I'll take him.

But you know, he jumped me

with his boys so, I was outnumbered.

You're still running your mouth.

This side...

This side looks like

it will be swollen by tomorrow.

They've dealt with him.

They've dealt with him.


we need your help now.

You are the only one that

can challenge Terminator.


So now you know you need my help?

Please, I don't want to get angry. Both

of you should leave. I can't help you.

If it is because of the money,

I have it here.

Everything you asked for.

- Take it.

- I don't want it.

Wasn't it because of this

money he was belittling me?

- He was insulting me.

- No, it's complete.

I can't help you, leave now.

I don't want to get angry.

See my shoe, it was on Prison Break,

if I step on anyone with it,

if I step on anyone with it...

Listen, I'm sorry about what happened.

The truth is, I mean, this is

your fault directly or indirectly.

If your funny weird sister didn't rob me,

there's no how

I'll be here, begging you all day.

- See what he says that hurts my feelings?

- I just want to get

- back to my mom.

- You can see what...

This is a case of

pride going before a fall.

- You see they've dealt with him now.

- Oh my God.

That place looks like

it'll be swollen tomorrow.

He's still insulting me.

And you are here just looking at him.

He's insulting me.

No, I'm not insul... I just

want to go back to my mom.

Indeed, a leopard can't

change its spots. he's still insulting me.

- Oscar.

- I can't help you.

- It's alright.

- If God allows it,

where you got punched won't heal,

tomorrow it will be swollen.

- Please.

- I can't help you.

- Take the money.

- It's hurting me.

It's mom.

Her temperature has shot

up again and she's shaking.

What's wrong?


What just happened?

Just calm down, you'll be okay.

Don't do this to your body.

- Attend to the leg.

- I'll do it.

Under the feet.

Come inside.


What's going on here?


They said it's high blood pressure.

So why don't you take

her to the hospital then?

You think everyone

is rich like you, right?

Attend to the leg, under the leg.

Unc, you need to go get

your car round front, okay?

Just keep it running,

we're gonna bring her down.

- We're taking her to a hospital right now.

- Yes.

Thank you so much for bringing us here.

That's right, thank you.

It's okay.

Listen, moms,

they're a strong breed. Okay?

Don't worry about it.

They're very resilient.

She's going to be fine.

Stop with the long face, smile a bit.



- I should go stay with mummy.

- Yes, go stay with mummy.

You're right.

She's a good girl.

Hey, what's wrong with you?

You're slapping

my hand like it's smelling.

- I want to help you check it.

- Check what?

You don't know?

Pus. Do you know what it is?

Do you know what pus is?

If you have it here, or here,

or any other place, it doesn't heal up.

- What do you know about that?

- Here and here.

- What do you know about it?

- Look at that.

You are undermining me.

My sick mom up there,

she used to be a nurse.

I wanted to be like her.

I was learning, but life happened.

Life hindered my plans completely.

That's it.

Terminator doesn't help matters.

The hospital my mom

is in now doesn't have dr*gs.

They've ruined it.

- Is that why you want to be chairlady?

- Yes.

Because I know

if I win, things will get better.

I'll buy dr*gs, children will go

to school and they'll have books.

Things will be better.

There'll be water in the local government.

So, where is

your dad in all of this? I mean...

Dead. He is dead.

Please, don't ask about it.

I don't want to cry. My dad is dead.

What time is your flight again?

Very soon. Tonight, actually.

No problem.

Listen, I know you keep

asking me why I'm rushing,

well, I'm in

the same predicament like you.

My mom is very sick.

She was rushed to the

hospital this morning, in London,

and she's been asking of me. That's

why I want to rush down and see her.

Why didn't you tell me?

You should have told me that since.

I didn't want to tell you... Okay,

I wanted to tell you, but, you know,

you've been a nuisance since, really.

Just aggravating me at every turn.

- I'm sorry.

- You're not wrong.

You're not wrong. You don't

need to apologize. I'm a nuisance.

Everybody knows I'm a nuisance.

Okay, so, the big question is,

how am I going to get

my passport from Terminator?

Don't worry.

Hey, Unc is here.

Unc, please, come over.

Um, we are heading back to see Terminator.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Is she coming with us?

What sort of question is that, Unc?

I'm choosing to respect you,

I beat up elderly people.

- Ha.

- Do you want to leave me on the road?

- Am I not the leader of the mission?

- You are!

- You are the supreme leader.

- Right.

- Salute!

- Stand easy!

Stand easy.

- Stand easy!

- Alright. If that will make you happy.

- Okay, let's go, uncle.

- Alright.

Ladies first, then the man follows.

- Where's the lady?

- She's the leader of the g*ng.


Unc, I want you to hold on to this bag,

I'll let you know when you'll bring it.

- Oh, that's alright.

- Okay?

- I'll do that. I'll hold it.

- Okay.

But please, don't do

anything stupid. Right?

Remember that any man that fights

and runs, lives to fight another day.

Is that clear?

I'm done running.

Seriously, I am.

Take it easy.

Move, my friend!

Who is this? What the matter with you?

-Hey Kopiko!

-Hey, calm down.

-May God punish you.

-On God, I'll beat you.

-Unfortunate person.

-Don't get to...

If I punch you right now.


You should have told me you were

coming, I would have prepared a feast.

We would have loved that, but we are

here for peace talks. Do you understand?

He wants to exchange

his passport for your bag.

So if he gives you your bag now,

he'll collect his passport.

Everything will be settled.

Hey, listen.

What did he give you to make

you so particular about his case?

Have you fallen in love?

Is he paying by cash or by kind?

- What's going on?

- I'm not concerned about him.

So, why are you supporting

a foreigner suddenly, what's going on?

What's the matter?

Are you trying to thr*aten me?

Chill. We came here for business.

Can we do business and just go?

Look here, I don't like English.

I don't like English,

stop speaking it to me.

What's up? His passport for your bag.

You guys should exchange so we can leave.

- Life isn't that hard.

- Behave.

- You are insane.

- You'll be dealt with.

- I've solved it.

- Where's my stuff?

- Alright.

- I've solved it.

- Check to confirm.

- Where's my stuff?

You just keep speaking English everywhere.

Hey, Unc, bring the bag,

I have the passport.

- The case has been solved.

- Everyone should act right.

Confirm, on God.

Uncle, you have to act right,

elders aren't respected here.

They'll beat you and take

your glasses, you won't be able to leave.

We lack respect here.

It is intact.

Now, Kopiko, tell me,

why would you send someone to spy on my

empire? What's the cause of that nonsense?

You have the guts to send

someone to spy on my empire.

What's the cause of that nonsense?

It's like you're losing focus.

Hey you, bring that idiot in 204.

Terminator, the greatest of them all.

-Go and bring the albino.

-Get out of my way.


-We will beat you!

- Let's fight!

- Order!

Hey, extra large James Brown,

shut up and remain seated.

Hold on guys.

Weren't you the one

that sent him to spy on me?

- This is the idiot.

- Oh my God, there he goes. Just step back.

I was the one who dealt with him.

As it stands, passport or

no passport, bag or no bag, I don't care.

We are not leaving here

except I leave with him.

- Quiet!

- You are crazy.

Kopiko, I said you're crazy.

You are crazy.

- Why would you say that?

- Why are you blabbing in my empire?

Do you call the sh*ts here?

Whatever you do, I'm not scared of you.

-Hey, what is the matter with you?

-I won't die. What can you do?!

-Let's fight!

-In my office?!


Stop talking to her like that!

- What's wrong with you?

- Order!

-Stop talking to her.

-Put it up! Yeah, stop

- talking to her like that.

- In my office?


- sh**t the g*n.

- You all are mad.

- sh**t the g*n.

- In my office?

- Terminator!

- You are crazy!


Painful death!

- Kopiko, you brought this on yourself.

- Why did you sh**t her?

I'm out of here.

I'm out.

Hold him!

Oh my God!

Unc, help me.


- Kopiko!

- Yes?

- Are you crazy?

- Sorry.

My stomach is hurting.

You are awake. Kopiko, I'm happy.

Don't be angry.

All this happened because of me.

- Do you want to sit up?

- Of course.


- How's mom?

- She's okay. She's at home.

Hey, Kopiko.

- Wow, you're awake.

- Of course.

I thought you were gonna die.

You will never change.

You don't know how to be sensitive.

It's you that'll die, not me.

Really? Come on now.

I'm just excited you are okay.

- How is his mother?

- He didn't travel.

He has been here, he didn't travel.

- You didn't travel?

- I missed my flight.

Was I the reason you missed your flight?

Well, you know,

I figured, since I missed it,

I might as well come hang out

with you a bit, make sure you're fine.

My mom is going to be okay.

- Sorry.

- No it's okay. I wanted to. It's all good.

He paid all the hospital bill,

cleared everything.

- He paid everything?

- Well, yeah. Even your mom's.

- Everything is good, I've sorted that.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, uncle Oscar.

- When did he become your uncle?

- When did he become your uncle?

- Ah, come on.

What's wrong with you?

You need to chill out sometimes.

You know. But you are crazy, though.

I mean, how can you stand up

to those guys even when they had a g*n?

When those guys pointed the g*n

at you, I thought you were going to chill.

I thought the g*n was fake,

that was why I was acting brave.


- Hey. Hold on.

- Kopiko!

Hey, hold up a minute. What do you want?

Please, for God's sake,

just stay out of my way.

Stay out of my way!

I don't know what you are

still doing in this community.

Please, can you just pack your bag and go

back to where you're coming from. Please.

Please, can you just go back to... Kopiko!

Hey, stop showering me with your

saliva everytime you... What's all this?

- Kopiko, how are you?

- I can hear you.

- She doesn't want to talk to you.

- I'm alive. Why are you shouting?

- Kopiko!

- Yes? What is it?

I was sent by the Union

Development from Area Brown.

Okay. Well, as you can see,

she's not on her feet yet. When she gets...

Mr. Man, can you just watch your mouth

and do not speak to me. Kopiko...

I remember you said something

about wanting to be our chairman.

So? Didn't your big mouth

tell me I can't be chairlady?

Kopiko, I didn't say

you cannot be chairman.

And we never said you cannot be chairlady.

Because, since we had that pandemic,

that virus in

our community called Terminator,

bullying people all around,

we have not had peace.

We have not had peace.

Until you came to us, and rescued us.

Kopiko, everyone in the area

now is screaming your name.


The union is solidly behind you, Kopiko.

So, when you are ready,

we will back you up.

Professor, I'll think

about it and I'll come back.

- You will think?

- Yes.

It's okay.

- My chairlady!

- Yes?

Stand at ease.

Take it easy.

- Kopiko!

- Yes?

Hey, what is there to think about?

I thought you said you've

always wanted to be the chairlady.

I'm just tired. I wanted it,

but I'm not sure anymore.

I want to think about it.

Alright listen, do you

want to go away for a while,

to somewhere different?

- I'll take you.

- Where?

I know a lot of good places on earth.

Trust me, I can take you to one of them.

I'd love to go.

But, if you ask for my passport,

I'll bring a passport photograph.

No, listen, we have people in high places.

I can have your passport,

say, in two weeks,

I can have your visa in another

three weeks. Less than a month.

- I'll take care of it if you give me.

- Well. yeah.

As long as you don't lose

your passport on the day of travel.

- Don't want to be like you in the future.

- Like I did.

- Yeah, it's sorted babe. So...

- Thank you, I'll think about it, Oscar.

Stop thinking. Okay? Just do. Alright?

Let me take you somwhere nice.

At least, to say thank you

for everything you did for me.

You're already laughing.

You like things like this.

Come on, sweetheart. let's go.