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Smile or Hug (2022)

Posted: 06/12/23 17:35
by bunniefuu
Ummm, okay, guys.

So did you see how I did this purple here?

It's a mix of blue and red.

Guys? Hello?

Okay, there should be no pets in class.

I've told you that before.

Miss Santos?

Hi, Gene. Hey.

I painted my Corgi.

Oh wow.

I really love that.

That's very lifelike.

He was peeing in the backyard.

Okay, nice.

Great job.

But, I'm out of paint.

Are you sure?

I'm out of paint, too.

Everyone, remember what I taught

you about light brushstrokes?

I just put big globs of paint.

Okay, so who else is out of paint here?

Oh, boy.

Okay, so I promise I'll

get everyone more paints.

But you have to make it last, okay?

Because we have another eight weeks to go.

Okay, so what are we?


That's right.

Okay, great job, everyone.

I'll see you tomorrow.


I made it, Trish.

I'm on, Spotify.

The Life and Times of Adrian Lee.

Play track one.

Later, babe. I'm just so starving,

and I still got to pick up paint.

It's important Trish. Please.

Okay, let's see.

Hey Girl, It's Adrian.

And I just want you to know.

I'm gonna fly.

- I'm flying so-oh-oh-oh-olo

- This is pretty smooth.

- I'm flying so-oh-oh-oh-olo

- I like it.

Girl, we've been together six long years

but I can't do this anymore. I gotta spread

my wings an fly. It's not you, it's me.

- I'm flyin so-oh-oh-oh-olo

- This song is about me.

Remember when we were in college?

How you'd stay up all night painting and

and I'd write songs and we'd drink Four

Lokos and then do it on the roof?

I need some of that artistic passion back.

I paint, like, all the time.

Yeah, with your students.

You haven't even touched the blank

canvases that my parents bought you.

I'm waiting for the right ideas.

No, Trish, I just can't

settle for an ordinary life.



I'm literally nurturing the creativity of the

next generation during a global shutdown

Don't use the kids as an excuse.

Look, Trish, your lack of ambition

is just messing with my Chi.

I can't do this anymore.

So that's it, then?

No. We still have our memories.

And I'll never forget the time

that we spent together.

Yeah, okay.

Wait, Trish.


Will you...

post about my album

on your social media?

That's a no.


"Would you take me with you, Seymour?"

"Oh, I couldn't very well

go without you, Audrey."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm in love with you, Audrey."

"I'm in love with you, too, Seymour."


"What did you say?"

"I was just kidding."

It's pellet time.

I'm busy, Mom.

Why didn't you answer my texts?

I thought you were kidnapped.

Adrian broke up with me.

Oh, that's a bastard.

Oh he's just like your father.

I don't want to talk about it.

Who, according to Facebook, is now dating

someone extremely age inappropriate.

MOM, I don't want to talk about it.

God, are you even listening?

That's it!

I know what I'm getting you for your 30th.

Nothing. Don't get me anything.

I want nothing.

I'm signing you up for a virtual

speed dating experience.

Hoho! I heard about it on the View. Girl,

everyone is doing it.

Mom, no.

No. Absolutely not. Uh uh.

Oooh, you can't stop me.

Hey, Gary.

Well howdy neighbor.

Back so soon?

Yeah, my kids used up all their paint again,

so I'm gona need, like, six more jugs.

Yeah, sorry Trish. No can do.

There's a nationwide paint shortage.

Yeah, everyone and their mother started

painting during the lockdown.

Distributors are dry.

No, no, Patches. If I don't get more paint,

then my students can't make art, which means.

That I can't teach.

And if I lose my job, well,

then I'll just be a total failure

which means that Adrian was right about me,

and that is just totally, totally


That's heavy.

You want a drink?

What kind?

I call it: Patches' Place.

It's a work in progress.

Is this legal?

You want a drink or not?

Yeah, just make it strong.

I think you're being too

hard on yourself, Trish.

Failure happens on the road to success.

Not this road.

This road just leads to me dying alone like

some old withered paintbrush

with dried-up, crusty bristles.


UGH. Whoa, that is not a cosmo.

Ya said "make it strong."

Yeah, it's a figure of speech.

I'm just gonna head home.

I think I have some more crying to do, so.

Hey, I just remembered someone

who may have paint for sale.

Dr. Hoffman Garcia.

What's a mind painter?

I think you should ask him that.

He's got a nice little

studio out in the woods.

Well, that definitely

sounds like a m*rder*r, so.

Nah, he's cool.

I met him in prison art class.

He changed my life.


Thanks, Patches.


No sleeping in Patch's place, man.

Buy a drink or get out.



Anybody here?


Excuse me?

Ah, excuse me? Sir?

I'm here to buy some paint.


Excuse me!

WHOA! Patches sent me.



Patches, I love that dude.

Yeah, he said you mixed your own paint?

Hell Yeah! Come on.

Come on over here.

Don't worry about this.

I was just paint-bashing my feelings.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.


Thank you so much.

You're a total lifesaver.

Painters need paint.

Well, it's not actually for me.

It's for my students.

I'm an art teacher.

You are whatever you think you are.



So how much do I owe you?

Let's see...

Will Forty bucks do it, or?

Wow, you're really

living the dream out here, huh?


By the way, what's a mind painter?

A mind painter is a person

who creates their own reality.


Can you elaborate?


Have you ever shown

your work in a gallery?

I always wanted to show my work in a

gallery, but it's probably too late now.

Time is only an illusion.

Well, it feels pretty real

when you're turning 30.

Am I right?

See this beauty?

I started this three years ago.

Wow. I love it.

It's beautiful.



You can always start over.

Is it something I said?

What's all this?

This is the way of the mind painter.

Oh. Okay.

And who's Annie?

It is time for the birthday girl's present.

Happy birthday to you!

I think we're good on that, Nico.

"I think we're good with that Nico"

I thought it was beautiful.

Thank you.

Happy birthday, Trish.

They're extra magic.

Try one.

Oh, okay.

Slow down, girl.

Wait, how strong are those?

5 grams per brownie.

No biggie.

Okay, it's time for mine.

You're gonna love it.

What's this?

Is it a pillow?

No, it's better.

It's a boyfriend pillow.



You don't like it?

No, I love it.

It's interesting.

Okay, I got it when

Jay and I broke up

and it was a life saver.

She spritzed it with Drakkar Noir

and pretended it was Drake.

And it worked like a charm.

She really wore that thing out.

You nasty

Thank you both. Really.

This is such a weird time to turn 30.

And having you both here

makes me feel less alone.

I think it's about that time.

Is it that time?

Time to get funky on the dance floor.

We're dancing? Get your ass up.

"What Kind of World" plays

OK Girl. Our Uber's here.

If you need anything, call us.

No I'm good, I'm good.

Never better.

Trish, you need to stop this.

It's easy for you to say.

Being a rabbit is no hop in the park.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

How do I do that?

You could start by listening to

Dr. Garcia's tapes.

Wait, you think I really should?

Anything's better than this pity party.

Don't do it, Trish.

He might be trying to hypnotize you.

Yeah, good point.

Good point?

You're going to take advice from a rabbit?

You're a rabbit, too.

Yeah, good point.

Wait, guys, just tell me,

what should I do?

Listen to the tapes.

Don't listen to the tapes.

"The Way of the Mind Painter,

by Doc Garcia"

Hola, Mija.

With these tapes, I'm going to teach you

by guiding you on a journey

through your mind.

So, if you're ready-

Cough Cough

Sigh. If you are ready-

Cough Cough

Aw shit.

I'll just edit this later.

Now take a deep breath and exhale. Ahhhhhh

Next breath inhale


Let your environment dissolve around you.

Imagine someplace that scares you.

My abuelito taught me to face my fears

when I was five.

He took me to a Tijuana graveyard on

Dia de los Muertos.

He made me sleep

on a tombstone all by myself.

I was terrified.

But the next morning,

I was cured of my fear.

So if you want to evolve,

look straight into the darkness.



Oh my God.

Don't be afraid.

It's only scary if you give it power.

Okay, stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.

I want this to end right now.


Thanks a lot, guys.

We'll definitely discuss this later.

Alarm clock beeping

Happy birthday.

Happy official birthday.

Um, one time for the birthday bish

Two time for the birthday bish

Okay, I love you so much.

Do all the birthday girl things.

Oh, and just don't go look

on your Facebook right now, okay?

I love you.

Have a good day.


Happy birthday boo.

Rise and shine.

Five more minutes, please.

I know you're deep into your 20s, so I

went on and I wrote you a birthday song.

Can it wait till after coffee?

It cannot.

We're flying together

And we're going to make it rain

BABE! I love you, but all

I want for my birthday is to sleep in.


I'm sorry

I was just up all night

working on my syllabus.

I just need some coffee and then

we can hang out all day.

What do you think?

Oh, I think you got morning breath.

That's what I think.

No I don't.

It's okay, though.

No, it's fine.

No I don't! OK now I'm up and I want a kiss

No, it's okay.

It's my birthday.

Morning, everyone.


Are you okay, Miss Santos?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I had a birthday last night.

Did everyone get their paint?

Are you sure you're okay, Ms.


You don't look so good.

You look sad.

Guys, be honest.

Is there something wrong with me?

No, you're my favorite teacher.

I just feel like I'm doomed, you know?

Like, I just turned 30 and I

still have a ton of student debt.

And my greatest accomplishment so far has

been having a YouTube video that went

kind of viral, like three years ago now.

By the way, it's just like, how am I

supposed to meet someone during lockdown?

Maybe you could go on a Minecraft server.

I don't play minecraft.

Then maybe animal crossing.

Yeah, Animal Crossing

one hundred percent

Guys, I don't play any video

games at all, okay?

Miss Santos? Sometimes when I'm sad,

I take a walk.


Thanks, Gene.

You know, that's actually

a really good idea.

I think I'll try that.

Okay, everyone, can you just

get out your paintbrushes?

We're going to do some free

painting time now, okay?

All right, everyone, just go for it.

See you around.

Clouds need friends too.

We all need a friend.

Now with a clean, dry brush.

And I have several of them here, I'm

going to just blend this out a little.

Not touching the top at all yet.

Phone Buzzing

Hi, mom.

It's time for your present.

You're not serious.

I am serious, and it's

a non-refundable Groupon.

So you're doing it.

Mom, I'm not ready to speed date.

I mean, honestly, I'm not even ready

to change out of these sweatpants.

You just have to get back on the horse.

It's the best cure for heartbreak.

Mom, I'm not doing a speed date.

It's non refundable.

Besides, I'm already on thin ice

with Groupon after that Catalina

wine mixer went off the rails.

Okay, fine.

Let's do this, Okay?


Now go get some makeup on that pretty

little face of yours,

and let's get us a man.

Hi, I'm here for the virtual speed date.

Hey, me, too.

Hi, I'm Trish.

Then I just got done talking to big-STATIC-

I can't hear you.

Nasty, and-STATIC

Sorry, what?

I can't hear you.

STATIC - no eyebrows.

What's good, my dude?

Uhhhhhhh - chuckles

Hi, I'm Trish.


How's your night going?


OK, for some reason, I feel like this

just maybe isn't a good time.

We got flanked by two sn*pers.

Well, I actually wanted

to be Trini as a kid.

I was not expecting you to be

a Ranger fan.

Not as much as you,

I don't think-

Yeah, it's Just something I do for fun.

But, you know, maybe sometime you could

come take a look at my command center.


I'm talking about my penis.



What's your blood type?


Oh, hello.


You know what?

I have to go.

Oh, great. It's great to meet you.

Have a lovely day.

Okay, bye.

Now look.

See it?

Seventy-two, Topps.

I honestly don't know anything

about baseball-

Watch this.

Look at his finger.

Uh huh?

Middle finger.

Hahahahah. Billy.

Still the king.

Hey, nice to meet you, Trish.

How's your night going?


Yeah, I appreciate the honesty.

Everyone on here is so fake.

God, there are so many

weirdos, too.

Right? What is wrong with people?

I think everyone's maybe just, like,

going crazy because we're all just

stuck in our fish bowls?

Hahaha right. Yeah, their fish bowls.

I know, right?


Wow, you have amazing skin.

Oh, thank you.

My mom actually says I

have great -

Question: Have you ever wanted to make

an extra 20 to 60 grand a year?


Because I have an opportunity for you

that I think you're going to like-

Okay, does this opportunity involve

buying stuff from you

and selling it to other people?

Well, that's a bit simplistic.

It's Moonbeam Organic skin cream.

There's something about you

that just really creeps me out.

There we go.

That is way less threatening.

No, I'm not going to finish the tape.

I really don't feel like it.

The pillow is right, Trish.

You're afraid to be a painter.

Can you please stay out of this?


I'm gonna finish the tape.

Is everyone happy?

Doc Garcia: Like I was saying,

stare into the darkness.

If you run, it'll keep chasing you

But if you stop and face it,

you'll become stronger than ever.

Fear crumbles when we face

it with a smile or a hug.

Please insert the next

cassette to continue.

Good morning.

Morning, everyone. Morning.


How's everyone's paintings coming along?


I don't know what to paint.

Neither do I.

Yeah, I already painted

everything that I could think of.

You know what?

Actually, I have a really great

solution to unlock your creativity.

Has anyone ever visualized before?

Okay, so I want everyone to close their

eyes and I want you to picture

something really scary.

Like spider fingers?

Yeah, spider fingers will work.

Just whatever terrifies you personally.

Okay, let's all take an inhale

and then exhale.

And you're in your bedroom at night,

but there's nobody else around,

and it's pitch black.

You walk down the hallway and you

notice that there's fog everywhere.

Very mysterious and very spooky.

You can't see where you're going.

And then all of a sudden you hear

a crackly, screechy,

scary noise in the corner.

And all of a sudden,

it's coming closer and closer to you.

And you try to stop and turn around,

but all of a sudden,

your feet are rooted to the ground.

And you try to scream but you can't get

a scream out, and it's coming closer.

Oh, ok, guys, this is just make believe.

We're about to get to the good part so-

I'm scared!

Does anyone want to watch

some funny cartoons?


Dr. Garcia: Tell you what.

Life is freaking short.

If you spend your time trying to please

other people, when are you

going to please yourself?

In fact, screw it.

Why please anyone?

People can accept you.

Or not, but either way, not your problem.

That's it!

Mija, You need to have

the cojones to be disliked.

I wasted years doing shit I thought would

make me look cool in my homies' eyes.

But I got two words for you:

f*ck that.

I don't do shit to please other people.

And neither should you.



Trish, you all right?

You want a Popsicle or something?

No, I just came here

to tell you something.

I'm over you.

Okay, cool.

No, I'm really really over you.

Yeah, I'm glad. That's awesome.

Good because I am.

Is that all, or?

Ugh. "Is that all?"

See, that's the kind of condescending crap

that I don't even have

to put up with anymore.

Uh, look, I got to finish this

Popsicle before it melts so-

See this?

A painting?

No, it's not just a painting, Adrian.

It's my painting.

Because I'm painting again.

You want me to call my friend?

Because I'm an artist and I'm facing

my fears because this old guy in the woods

has been helping me and it's just-

You want me to call my friend who

works at an art gallery?

In other words, I don't need you.


Um. What was the last part again?

My friend Emily. She works at a gallery.

She might want to rep your stuff.

Uhhh, sure.

Yeah, I guess that would be okay.

Okay, cool.

Thank you.



Anything else?

No, think that'll do it.

Good day to you, sir.

She came crawling back to me.

But she will never get

to lick my Popsicle.

Damn, that's good.

Oh my God. Oh my GOD.


Trish speaking.

Miss Santos, it's Principal Baker.

Oh, my gosh.


Is everything okay?

Some parents called and they said that you

terrified the students

with some kind of witchcraft.

No, it's nothing like that.

We were just doing visualizations to help

the kids access their creativity.

Shush, I don't care.

Your job is to stick to the syllabus

and keep the parents happy.

Okey Dokey?

Yep. Okey Dokey.

The school board is always looking for any

excuse to trim the budget.

And right now, the art department,

it's looking like a hunk of fat.


It won't happen again.

Better not. Thank you.

Oh, my God.

What are you staring at?

Hey, mom.

How were the speed dates?

They were fine, but-Actually,

no, they really sucked.

But that's not why I'm calling.

I'm super worried about my job.

I just got this this call-

You gotta put yourself out there hon.

You can't expect Mr. Fabulous

to waltz right in and sweep you

off your feet

Mom are you even listening?

That's not what I'm talking about.

Still, dating at my age,

honey, it is not easy-

Welcome back.

This time I want you

to imagine a desert oasis.

Anxiety dries up creativity faster

than vomit on Venice Boardwalk.

Your mind must become still.

Ms. Santos? It's Principal Baker.

Ms. Santos? Ms. Santos?

Agh! Oh my God.

Happy birthday honey!

Oh God, not you-

I said SHUT UP!

Girl, we've been dating for six long years-

Oh my God! Help! HELP!

It's quicksand, help!



Hey! HEY!

You still with me or what?

Stop listening to all the voices in your

head - you got to float above them.

Sink or float, mija.

It's up to you.


Why did you hang up on me?

Sorry, mom.

I just got a little frustrated earlier.

But I'm free to listen now.

Okay, who is this and what

did you do with my daughter?

Haha. Very funny.

I'm just trying to relax.

It's no biggie.

Okay, well, I just wanted to check

and make sure that you were good.

We're good, mom. Great.

Because yesterday I got

into a fight with my neighbor.

He keeps watering my plants

and he won't stop.

And I told him, look,

don't do that right now.

We're not talking.

We passed each other

in the freaking hallway.

No idea.

Got this whole cold

shoulder thing going on.

It's kind of funny.

You have no idea.

And I told her I am not giving up sugar.

I can't give up sugar what are you, crazy?

Sugar is life!

I thought the second date would be okay,

but then he started

talking about Bitcoin.


You have no idea.

No idea.

Okay, honey.

Well, you know what?

I've kept you too long.

All right.

I love you.

Love you, too. Bye.

I know you're asking yourself: Doc G,

why bother making these tapes. Haha. Ready?

I'm making them because

I don't want you to suffer

the same lessons I did.



Looks like business is booming.

Living the dream.

Did you get your paint?

I did, yeah,

man, it is the best paint I've ever used.

Right on.

All right, catch you later.

Bye Gary.

Come on Gary, I believe

you can do it, buddy.

Come on.

Hey, I think I saw you the other day.

Oh, yeah!

Yeah, I think I saw you, too.




All right, well, I'll see you around.

Yeah, see you around.



This next one is a frickin doozy.

When you focus on good shit, your

world becomes full of more good shit.

When you focus on negative shit, well,

you get that, too.

Even when things are bad,

you got to imagine a better future.

Even if it seems impossible

because one snowflake

can lead to a blizzard.


That was heavy.

I feel so bad for Steve.

Miranda is such a hater.

Like, if the dude is happy being

a bartender, stop trying to change him.

Uh huh.

I need to stop rewatching that damn show.


Can you not move so much, please?

You are pretty serious about this.

I haven't seen you this

focused since college.

Actually, let's take five.


Dang, that's really good. Thanks.


Yeah, I feel like I've been

on kind of a roll lately.

Well, that makes one of us.

I haven't been able to accomplish

anything for, like, months.

I can't even get motivated

to watch a new show.

Actually, I have something

that I think is going to help.



Oh, so you're making mixtapes now?

Uh, no, they're guided visualizations.

So I know this sounds crazy,

but I've been listening to them every day

and I swear to God, they really

get the creative juices flowing.

Like, I think they're going to help you.

Where did you get these?

Just a friend of a friend.

But you're totally welcome to borrow them.

Okay, sure.


Trish, I'm serious.

It's like my life is

freaking Groundhog's Day.

I need a change. Right.

So I think that you

should try something new.

Okay. So you're going to want

to start with this one.

It's kind of scary when you first start.

Trish, enough with the tapes, okay?

I feel like you aren't

even listening to me.

Oh, my God.

Of course I'm listening.

Okay, then what did I just say?

Um, that you're...

rewatching Groundhog's Day?

Okay, I'm going to go and I'll

see you later, all right?

Sloan, don't go.

What about the painting?

All right, it's a big day.

It's time for our positive vibes art show.

Who wants to go first?

Let's see what you guys painted.

All right, Gene, what have you got for us?

I painted a monster that I saw

in my scary visualization.

Oh, I love it.

What's going on with the

green sky back there?

That's a fart storm.


Hey, guys.

I want to say sorry about the last class.

I think that visualization

was just way too scary.

So today I just want to talk

about things that make us smile.

Okay, so what kind of things

make you guys smile?

Minecraft. Sims. Mario Maker.

I like dog man.

I like 3D printing.

I really like Hide and seek.

Does anyone like doing things outside?

I mostly just stare at a screen all day.

How does that make you feel?

Very bored.

I forgot what it's like to be outside.

I think I missed about, like,

I got to see my friends at recess.

I kind of missed I missed that. Yeah.

I mean, why are we stuck

inside all the time, right?

We're meant to breathe fresh

air and play in the sun.

Okay, you know what?

I think that today we should all take

a few minutes to go play outside.


I love art class.

Okay, everyone.

So have fun.

Just take a few minutes,

and I want you to come right back

and want you to paint what you feel.





Principal Baker. Hi.

Did you tell your students that they could

leave class and go outside and play?

Well, not in so many words,

but essentially, yes.

Ohhh right. You're fired.

Wait, what?

Trish, you had one job.

Keep the kids indoors.

Safe at a computer.

Okay, look, I'm really sorry, but I was

honestly just trying to inspire them.

It's an online art class.

It's not Dead Poet's Society.

Oh, come on.

That movie's a classic.

HR will be in contact with you.




You know what I found?

After all these years?

Most of our problems stem

from the fear of being alone.

And I mean really alone.

Like a used VHS copy of Jerry Maguire

in a sea of Nutty Professor DVDs.

Sometimes you have to go to the ends

of the earth to be alone,

because that's where the magic happens.


Trish Santos?


Hold for Emily.

Who's Emily?

Trish, it's Emily Figueroa.


You're one of the parents, right?

Okay, look, I can explain everything.

No, I'm the curator at the Leoni Gallery.

Adrian brought your work to my attention.

Can we talk?




I'm looking to showcase an undiscovered

artist for our grand reopening.

Oh, my gosh.


The show will go live

by virtual event next Friday.

Please bring at least 25 of

your best pieces by then.

Wait, did you say 25?

That won't be a problem, will it?

No, that sounds good.

Look, Trish, this could

really blow up your scene.

You're lucky to have a

friend like Adrian. Thanks.

Talk soon.

And also, you're welcome.


Guess what, Buns?

They're going to show my work

in the Leoni Gallery.

Are you proud of me?

Do you believe it?

This is a miracle.

Are you excited for me?

Hey, mom.

Hey, honey.

Everything okay?

I cannot believe it.

Honey, I'm sorry,

but Mommy's on a little date.

Don't worry.

He can't hear you.

He's on mute. Hello.

Okay, well, I just wanted to tell

you something real quick.

You know what? A date's a date.

And he's kinda hot.

So I'm tryin to work my way in there.

Ew. Whatever. Bye.

I can finish 25 pieces, right?

You're supposed to be supportive.

Trish, to what do you owe this pleasure?

Got any more of those magic brownies?

Unfortunately, no.

My roommate ate them all

on accident.

My life has become a stoner cliche.

Wait, you sound

uncharacteristically chipper.

Okay, so the Leoni Gallery

wants to show my paintings.

Oh, my God.

Congrats, Trish.

That's amazing.

My God, I'm, like, still in disbelief.


At least one of us is thriving.

Well, I mean, you could be thriving,

too, if you really wanted.

Trish, I don't want to listen

to your weird ass tapes.


They're not weird.

What did Sloan tell you?

Look, I watched a documentary on cults,

and your tapes sound like the last step

before the "doctor" has

you chuggin the Koolaid.

They've actually helped me a lot.

Okay, but what works for you might not

work for me or Sloan or anyone else.

Okay, well, you know what

doesn't work for me?

Knowing my friends are talking shit about

me and my choices behind my back.


Oh, my God.

This is why I don't date women.

What are you staring at?

I'm sorry.

I feel like I don't have any friends.

Do you want to dance?


Don't worry.

I just want to talk to him.


Hey, I can't talk right now.

Oh, hey.

Yeah, no worries.

I just want to say thank you so much

for connecting me with Emily and all.


Glad it worked out.

Adrian, get back in here.

Who's that?

No one. I gotta bounce.

Is there a girl there?

I gotta go.

OK. It's ok.

It's over.

He can do whatever he wants. Right.

So yeah, congrats.

And I'll see you around?

Yeah. I guess... hug?

I don't know.

Is that weird?


Oh my god! What the hell?

This is so so SO not cool.

Trish, were you spying on it?

Do not turn this around on me.

What are you doing here with him?

Don't be mad, Trish.

It was just two old

friends exchanging energy.

Oh, between your lips?

It was not like that.

I think it is like that, Sloan.

Okay, ladies, I'll just give

you some breathing room.

And just make sure you keep it down

because I have neighbors, okay?

You know what? SHHH.

How could you do this to me?

Listen, Nico is always stoned,

and you're busy painting, like,

at least Adrian, listens.

You're being a huge

Miranda right now, okay?

So if I'm being a Miranda, you're

being a real Carrie.


I take that as a compliment.

Well you shouldn't.

Carrie is super selfish and makes

everything about herself.

She is the star of the show.

Because she's a narcissist.

Of course you would think that, Miranda.

Trish, I'm barely hanging on by a thread.

Well, you should have said something.

I tried.

But all you did was

offer me some old tapes.

Because I

was trying to help you.

Again, none of this justifies

why you're here with my ex.

You're right.

You're always right.

So I am going to go and watch some crappy

TV show for the millionth time by myself.

So I'll see you later.

Life is weird.

Now that's the truth.

How's Patches Place?

Not great, honestly.

It's hard to stay motivated.

Gary passed on this morning.

Oh Patches. I'm so sorry.

She was only 80 years old.

Not even in her prime.

Could I get another?

That was fast.

You doing okay?

Yeah, I'm doing great.

Never better.

Of course, my life's been amazing

since I started listening to

Dr. Garcia's tapes.

Dr. Garcia's what now?

His visualizations?

You said they changed your life.

No, I said his art class changed my life.

He taught me how to oil paint.

What did he give you, Trish?


Look, Doc. G is one hell of a painter.

But I would not take life

advice from that guy.

- Okay. Yeah.

- Blah blah blah.

Hit me seor.

I think it's about closing

time for Patches' Place.

Oh, come on.

I live down the street.

I can walk.

Good night, Trish.

Is that any way to treat

a loyal customer?

What about these guys?

Why do they get to stay?

Hey, I got a season pass.

Me, too.

BEEP! Trish, I'm trying to reach

you... again... for the third time.

I need you to bring all your paintings

to the gallery by this afternoon.

Call me back. Toodles.

Drunk singing: I'm painting a painting...

I'm screwed.

What the hell?

Seriously, though,

why did you agree to this?

Twenty-five paintings?


We can do this.

We can do this.

This is a huge opportunity.

Is that a gray hair? Are you kidding me?

What am I going to do?

Already listened.

Listened to that.



It's empty.

It's empty.


The final tape is missing.

Nothing is ever missing.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means what it means.

Oh, God, please stop with the

Mr. Miyagi mumbo jumbo.

I am not your Miyagi.

Who's Annie?

Annie was my mija.

But we haven't spoken in over 30 years.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Maybe one day she'll hear my voice.

Well, people change and they can forgive.

Yeah, maybe one day she will.

Hey, the final tape.

Yeah, but it's not what you think.

I'm sure it's going to be great.

Thank you.

By the way, are you a real doctor?

What kind of r*cist-ass question is that?

I'm sorry.

I don't even know why I asked you.


I got you.

Just kidding.

Doc was a nickname they

gave me in the pen.

All right, well, thank you for the tape

and I'll return them all

when I finish my paintings.


Visualize a place you feel safe.

A place you feel inspired.


It took me a long time to realize

that life is a canvas

and the mind is a paint brush.



This is stupid.

You're never going to hear these.

I don't know why I thought

this was a good idea.

No, keep going.

This is good.

Annie, I know you hate me.

How could a few tapes make up

for all those years I was gone?

Okay, this is not helpful.

I really hurt you.

I see that now.

You don't need to listen to me.

Mija, just listen to the silence

until you can hear yourself.

I love you.


- Dr.

- Garcia?


OK, I would really, really like for this

visualization to end now.

No no no this is all wrong.

Oh my God, what is happening?


Oh my God.

I'm stuck inside myself.

I'm going crazy.

No, no, I'm ok.

It's all too much. But I'm ok.

Everything's going to be okay.

You're fine.

You're fine.

You're okay.

You're OK.


Hey, it's me, Trish.

Listen, I can get it out of here.

Close your eyes and follow my voice.

I mean, your voice.

I mean ours.


You get it.

I'm always here to guide you.

And remember, you can always start over.

Listen, I think I need some space.

It's not you, it's me.

But seriously, thank you for everything.

I'm okay being alone for a while.

Hey, Emily?

Hi. It's Trish Santos.

Listen, I'm sorry,

but I don't think I have enough

paintings to fill the gallery show.

However, if you're open to it,

I do have another idea.

Sorry, Patches' Place is closed.

City shut me down.

Oh, I'm not here to drink.

I made you something.

It's Gary, and that's me.

I love it.

It's what Gary would have wanted.

Oh, and I have one more thing.

A companion pillow?

Yeah, I know how hard it is

to be alone sometimes.

Thanks, Trish.

You're the best.

Nice mustache.

Okay, either you're a stalker or

you have really good timing.

No, I just live in the area.

My name is Rain.

I'm Trish.

Air five.

Are you a painter?

I am.

Are you a mind reader?

Oh, right.

Well, I'm a painter - slash - art teacher,

and I'm actually between gigs right now.

But you get it.

That's dope. Very cool.

Do you want to grab a coffee sometime?

Thanks, but I'm just kind

of focusing on myself right now.


Actually, wait.

So I'm having an art show.

It's just virtual, but if

you're interested yeah, sure.


I'll see you around.


Oh hey! Biscuit?

You said there was an emergency.

Yeah, a friend emergency.


Come on.

I know how you feel about charcuterie.

I even got manchego for the lady.

I'll bite.


But once the cheese is

gone, I'm gone. Okay.


Yay for friendship.

Let's have a picnic.


Okay, I can't do this, Trish.

You got hot cheeto dust all in my hair.

I had to get a new weave.

Okay, I admit that wasn't my finest

moment, but you were there with my ex.

What was I supposed to do?

Hanging out, spending time with.

It was nothing more. Right.

Well, it sure looked like more.

Okay, bad girls club.

Let's dial it back.

We're talking.

We're listening.

Keep going.


You're right.


I don't want to fight with you.


I'm sorry. I thought I was over Adrian,

but seeing you there with him

just really triggered me.

You know?

Sloan, Trish just shared

something vulnerable.

Do you have anything to say in response?

I get that.

But we're just old friends, you know that.

Anyway, he talked about

his album the whole time.

But I saw you and you almost kissed.

And I'm sorry for that.

I guess we got caught up in the moment.

I don't know.

But, Trish, listen,

our friendship is way more important.


Of course.

Bitch, I love you.

I love you, too.

Hug, hug.

You got me ugly crying.

By the way, I'm also sorry

I called you Miranda.

It's okay.

But, like, realistically,

we know I'm more of a Charlotte.

Okay, that is true.

Very true.

Thank you.

All right.

As long as I'm not Stanford, we're good.


I'm not Stanford.

Are you kidding me?

Are you serious? Of all the characters.

No, you're more of a Samantha.

Thank you.

Hey, Trish, I took your suggestion.

I made something called a Face Base.

I found my daughter and apologized.

And more important, I listened to her.

She didn't need to hear my voice.

I needed to hear hers.

And guess what?

She forgave me.

So now I'm on my way to see

her and my grandson.

How about that?

Oh, and feel free to keep the tapes.

Or toss them.

Who cares?

Just live.


Your first gallery show.

Thanks to you, oddly.

I always knew you had it in ya.

Okay, well, I don't think they're going

to let you stay because

it's a virtual showing.

I know.

I came here to see you.


Because I think you just tried to hook up

with my best friend, like, a week ago.

I see your passion now,

and that's hella sexy.

Oh, you're being serious?



Thank you.

I feel like we could be,

like, a power couple.

Like Jay Z and Beyonce or Will and Jada

or like, Ike and Tina Turner

Well, not Ike and Tina Turner but

I really don't have time for this.

I'm super busy and I really

don't want any more drama.

Trish, I feel like we

could make this work.

I'm absolutely positive that we can't.

Singing: Can we make this work?

I just don't know.

And by the way, don't put me in any

more of your stupid little songs, okay?


Glad we had that talk.

You can go now.



I respect that.

I respect that.

Hey, everyone.

I'm Trish Santos.

Happy to see so many familiar faces.

First of all, I want to say thank you so

much to Emily for going

along with this idea.

And second of all, I want to say thank you

to you all for being here and for sharing

your super beautiful,

amazing artwork for this show.

Just like, wow.

I was lucky enough to have a teacher

who helped me accept where I am.

And I'm just really proud to share

this moment with all of you.

Thank you for being here.

You're still here.

It's over.

Go home.

They're probably already

at home, watching on

Their laptops or their phones.

Oh, yeah.

Good point. Goodbye.