05x07 - Rogue

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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05x07 - Rogue

Post by bunniefuu »

Congratulations, Lieutenant.

You just helped blow
up your first army base.

This security is
a joke, General.

Your fence, for instance...

If you're not going to
post adequate sentries

get motion detectors,
surveillance cameras.

Speaking of sentries,
the ones you did have...

I've seen more animation
in a wax museum.

They need to move, be alert.

I've taken out a
supply depot, armory,

motor pool, barracks
without casualties.

You lost three
guards, three vehicles

and a barracks full of troops.

Where do you come from, Raglan?

I'm a former SEAL
commander. Retired.

A snake-eater.

Well, that figures.

All my men are former SEALs,

Force Recon or Delta.

Snake-eaters, one and all,

except for Lieutenant
Roberts, here.

I'm a JAG lawyer, sir.

I'm assigned to
observe and advise

Commander Raglan
on his missions.

Are you ready for my
recommendations, General?

Yeah. Write them up.

Leave them on my desk
by the end of the month.

With all due respect,
General, I don't think

you're taking me seriously.

Mr. Raglan, if the
Pentagon has a problem

with the way that
I run my command

they can contact me directly.

Now, I do not welcome
att*cks on my base

simulated or otherwise,

and I do not need
some washed-up squid

playing cowboys and Indians,
instructing me on security!

Is that clear?

That's very clear, sir.

By the way,

while you were, uh, ignoring

my findings...

my men abducted your wife.


I-I can see why
you're upset, General.

I understand that, but...

no, he knew nothing about it.

Of... Yes, of course, he would

have stopped it.

I agree...

I will look into it, General.

You bet. Bye-bye.

They took his wife
out of the shower?

Actually, sir, she was a
pretty good sport about it.

I imagine the, uh, general
is somewhat annoyed, sir.

Oh, he wants Raglan
prosecuted for kidnapping

and hanged from the
Washington Monument.

Admiral, can I assume

that my temporary duties with
Raglan are now terminated?

No, you may not, Lieutenant.

Legal observers are required
on all these security exercises

and since you're

the junior JAG lawyer

you get the honor.

Yes, sir.

Admiral, it's
Admiral Morris, sir.

Uh, that'll be all.

Uh, Lieutenant, a minute please?


Hang in there, Bud.

You'll make it.

Hell, I survived Raglan.

You'll look at it as w*r games.

Yes, sir.

It's just that sentries
carry live amm*nit*on

and I don't know if
they know it's a game.

He'll be all right.

Raglan's reckless,

but he takes care of his men.

Who are you trying to convince?

If it'll make you feel better

I'll give Raglan a call.

Oh, yes, it would make
me feel much better.

Harmon Rabb!

What brings you
here? Why, you old...!

How long has it been?

Been a few years, Jack.

Hey, Donna, get
this man a drink.

I'll have what he's having.

All right. Let's go over there.

Still driving an F-14?

Every chance I get.

Why don't you quit that
chicken-faced lawyer job

and come work for me?

All right?

We can have some real fun.

What? Uh, kidnapping
generals' wives?

I'll tell you what, you
persuade Osama Bin Laden

to lay off noncombatants,
and I will, too.

We've got enemies out there.

We get complacent

they can and they will hurt us.

Unless people
like General Flannik

start listening
to people like me

and take security seriously.

Generals who are
ticked off and humiliated

rarely listen to
recommendations, Jack.

But generals who are afraid do.

When I showed Flannik
his wife, I saw fear.

I got through.

You didn't come here

to discuss protocol.

What's up?

Lieutenant Roberts.

My legal attaché.

He's a friend of mine.

I will watch over your little

lawyer friend like
he was my own.

Let's drink up!

Bloody cheers!

Look, I can't stay.


You looking for this?

I lifted it during
our manly hug.

Now, I use your I.D.

to get me on a base.

You see what I'm
talking about? Security.

What I.D., Jack?

I got this drink.


Good to see you, Harm.

Oh, uh...

if you're paying, you
probably need your wallet.

Fake left, move right.

We played football
together, remember, Jack?

They've cut off

your funds, Raglan.

They say why, sir?

Budgetary constraints...

Inefficient use of
limited resources.

In other words,

I stepped on too many toes.

You don't just step
on toes, Raglan.

You smash them
with steel-toed boots.

The Pentagon hired
you to test security,

not embarrass the military.

Aside from that, how am I doing?

Excuse me, Admiral.

Are you saying that there
won't be any more missions?

There'll be one more.

Against my advice,

Admiral Breston is
giving you one last shot.

If you succeed
with no infliction

of gratuitous humiliation
on ranking officers

we might... emphasize
"might"... Let you continue.

What's the mission, sir?

Sink a submarine.

He's with a political
action committee.

A lobbyist?

Lobbyist, not leper.

He's divorced, with a
ten-year-old little boy.


He's cute though,
and he's intelligent.

And he likes classical music

and walking in the rain.

I know, but, Harriet,
I'm not interested.

At least let me give
him your e-mail address.

It's a trash can, Gunny.

What difference does
it make where it sits?

Now, you see this?
"Classified material only."

Classified documents
go in here to be shredded.

It belongs in a secure area,

not out here in the open.

Yes, Gunnery Sergeant.

Somebody should
lighten up a little bit

don't you think, Colonel?


Oh, Colonel, I'm leaving
you my pending cases. Hi!

Hi. You may have to take
care of them while I'm gone.

I'll take care of
it, Lieutenant.

Any idea when you'll be back?

No, ma'am.

Where do I reach you

if I need to discuss
these with you?

I'm sorry, ma'am, but...

I know you have clearance.

Not a need to know.

I understand.

He won't even tell me, ma'am.

There's nothing to
be worried about.

It's, uh... it's like a game.

Right, Colonel?

Fun, fun, fun.

Get them up and
make them step, X.O.

All right, on your feet!

Next rest area five
miles up the strip!

Let's hoof it! Go! Hoo-hoo-hoo!

Get your butt

in gear, Lieutenant!

Come on, Come on!

Get your butt moving!

Hey, hey, hey, hey let's go!


Admiral, did I wake you?


My team is primed
and ready to go, sir.

Nine of the best submariners
the Navy ever produced.

It's all right, dear.

Go back to sleep.

Why are you calling me?

How did you get my number?

Are there any last-minute
instructions, sir?

No. You know
what you need to do.

Yes, sir.

I know exactly
what I need to do.

Go, go...

Don't move!

Stay where you are, squid!

Hey, what's going on?

All right, move it,
move it, move it!

You all right, Lieutenant?

I think I pulled
something in my knee.

Well, we'll put a brace on it.

Found this in the duty
officers' stateroom, Skipper.

Very well, X.O.

Fire her up. Fire what up?

Start up the reactor; put steam in
engine room; warm up main engines.

Start up reactor; put
steam in the engine room;

warm up main
engines. Aye! Reactor?

As soon as torpedo man
and Weaps are here, cast off.

Aye, aye, sir!

Cast off?

Skipper, found these
in the lockers. Ah, good.

Pass them out to the
crew. Aye, aye, sir.

We're supposed to pretend
to blow this boat up and leave.

What are we doing?

What does it look like
we're doing, Mr. Roberts?

We're stealing a submarine.

Harriet, uh, you remember
Lieutenant Singer?

Oh, sure. Hi. Good
morning, ma'am.


Lieutenant Singer's going to be
taking over some of Bud's cases.

Normally, I'd do the prep myself

but actually, I've
got a pretty full load.

I'm happy to help
you any way I can.

Great. To start
with, I need citations

on pretrial confinement.

U.S. v. Shapiro is
the most relevant.

Um, the hearing officer ruled

that the accused be confined
due to witness testimony

that he threatened
his leading chief.

Told you she was good.

I helped Bud...

um, Lieutenant Roberts,

do the research.

How's your husband doing?

He's okay. Why? Have
you heard something?

Just the usual scuttlebutt.

I-I'm sure he's fine.

Of course he is.

I'll just go get that citation.


What's this?

I put it there, Gunny.

Mind if I ask why, ma'am?

It's because we've
always kept it there

and it's convenient

and I see no reason
to move it now.

Well, to tell you
the truth, Lieutenant,

I ordered Tiner to
keep it in his office.

It's become a
matter of principle...

if you know what I mean, ma'am.

I know what you mean.

Leave it out here.

Yes, ma'am.

Don't chuck a fit, Gunny.

It's only a trash can, mate.

Yes, sir.

Sir, Admiral Kly on line two.

Tom, A.J.! How the hell are you?

Not so good, a.J.

We have a bit of
a situation here.

It appears someone has
taken one of my submarines.

Captain, bridge.

Go ahead, bridge.

Another contact from COMSUBLINT.

They want us to pretty
please bring back their boat.

No reply.

Maintain radio silence.

What's our position?

We've cleared Fisher's Island

and are entering
Block Island Sound.

Let's take her down.

I'm on my way.

You tell me now
where we're going?

Well, I know this great
submarine chop shop

down in the Bahamas.

I'm ordering you to
turn this boat around.

Ordering? Yes, as a
commissioned officer

of the United States Navy...

Your job is to observe
and advise... that's all.

You stick to your
job, Mr. Roberts

or you're going to
wait out this exercise

locked up in a yeoman's shack.

Periscope depth, X.O.

Steer a course to Block Island.

Aye, aye, sir.
Rig ship for dive!

Helm, steer course 1-1-0.

Come left, steer
course 1-1-0, aye.

Submerge the ship!

Submerge, aye.

Dive! Dive!

At 0400 this morning

a Los Angeles class
attack submarine

was stolen from
New London Harbor.

How do you steal
a submarine, sir?

Well, if the reactor's
in hot standby,

all you need is a key to
withdraw the control rods

to generate heat
and create steam.

Any casualties among
the watch crew, sir?

No. They locked the crew

in a maintenance
shed on the pier.

Apparently, the
attackers' weapons

were loaded with blanks.


Prime suspect.

Well, he normally
assembles a crew.

For the mission, he
obviously put together

a team of former submariners.

Bud's with them.

This is just an
exercise, isn't it, sir?

That's debatable... Raglan
was supposed to sneak on board

and set dummy charges,
not steal the damn boat.

Look, in five minutes,
I'm boarding a helo

to Atlantic Fleet Command.

Rabb, you're with me.

You know Raglan and his tactics.

Go get your
stuff. Aye, aye, sir.

Mac, you're in charge here.

Any questions?

May I tell Harriet, sir?


I'll leave that up
to your discretion.

Tom, I'm pretty certain
that one of my JAG officers

is aboard that submarine.

A rather ineffectual JAG officer

by the looks of it.

I take full responsibility

for the competency
of my people, Admiral.

All right, A.J.

There'll be time enough

for casting stones
when this is over...

if any of us are still around.

Commander, I understand
you've worked with Raglan.

Yes, sir.

I read this as a temper tantrum

because I pulled
the plug on him.

What do you think?

Well, Admiral, I think
it's more than that, sir.

I think he's out to prove you've
made a mistake. Prove how?

I don't know, but it'll be
big and out in the open, sir.

As I'm sure you're aware

public humiliation is

one of the tools
of Raglan's trade.

He won't respond to our calls.

I suppose he's afraid

we'll get a fix on his position.

Sir, would you mind if I tried?

See any signs of
pursuit, Lieutenant?


Would you tell me if you did?


Jack, transmission coming in

from Lieutenant Commander Rabb.

You want to talk to him?

Yes, I do.

Well, good. Here's
what you're going to say.

I'm not reading this.

All right.

All right, I'll do it.

External speakers, X.O.

This is Lieutenant Roberts.

Bud, it's Harm.

I'm here with Admiral
Chegwidden and Admiral Kly.

You want to tell
us what's going on?

"We are prepared to
attack a civilian target

"unless the United States
government pays us...

"$100 million.

"We will die rather
than surrender.

You have 12 hours to comply."

Roberts, is this
some kind of joke?

I'm not sure, sir.

I'm dead serious, gentlemen.


Admiral Kly. Enough is enough.

Bring the San Pedro back.

This extortion baloney
is not part of your detail.

It's not extortion, Admiral.

It's severance pay.

Get us out of here, X.O.

Fast. Aye, aye, sir.

We have no choice but
to assume hostile intent.

Sir, I don't believe

Raglan would attack
a civilian target.

You don't believe? No, sir.

Well, I'll tell you what I know.

Raglan's got mark 48 torpedoes

and a new harpoon
m*ssile we're testing.

They're non-nuclear, thank God,

but he can still blow up
anything within 60 miles.


one of my officers
is aboard that vessel.

I'm aware of that, A.J.

I don't want to lose him

or a $600-million submarine.

Can you say, with
absolute certainty

Raglan won't
carry out his threat?

No, sir, not with
absolute certainty.

Then we have to interdict.


We have his position.
Good, put it up on the screen.

Yes, sir. They've triangulated
on the radio signal.

We have his last position.

Get two S-3's to the area, ASAP.

Now, what assets are nearby?

The Ellyson, sir. Get it down
there... all possible speed.

The frigate Ellyson is on
an exercise near Nantucket.

I'm sending it after
the San Pedro.

Sir, I know the skipper
aboard the Ellyson...

Commander Wallace
Burke... He was a witness

in the Nelson court-martial.

Right, right.

Tom, may I suggest
Commander Rabb

join the search
aboard the Ellyson?

Well, he's not doing any
good standing around here.

Permission granted.

Aye, aye, sir.

Commander Rabb?


Catch that son of a bitch.

Yes, sir.

Ellyson, this is Breecher
87-niner, requesting approach.

Breecher 87-niner,

this is Ellyson, cleared
for straight-in approach.

Do you have the package?

That's an affirmative.

Raglan isn't a
submariner, is he?

No, but he has
submariners with him.

Who? I want to know
who I'm up against.

Well, I can't say exactly, sir.

So far, you're not
much help, Commander.

Oh, well, I'll try to do better.


A possibility, skipper.

There it is again, sir.

Bearing? 2-2-0.

The signature looks right.

What are you thinking, skipper?

Let's find out.

Bridge, C.I.C.,
this is the Captain.

Make your course 2-2-0.

Reduce speed to one-third.

2-2-0. One-third, aye.

I want you to launch those helos

dipping sonar and a
sonobuoy track pattern.

Aye, aye, sir.

If it's Raglan, he's ours.

I wouldn't underestimate him.

I never underestimate
an opponent, Rabb.

You of all people
should know that.

They spot our scope on
radar, Jack, we're dead.

I hate being blind.

Well, we may be blind

but we have the
best ears in the world.

Want to step away

from that radio,
please, Lieutenant?

This is a nuclear-powered
boat, Mr. Roberts.

You touch the wrong
switch and boom.

Conn, sonar. I have contact.

Designate as Sierra-one.

A surface warship,
Perry-class frigate

closing at 22 knots
bearing 0-4-0 degrees.

What'll it be, skipper?


fight... or hide?

Or surrender.


for now.

There's a
thermocline at 90 feet.

Helm, make your
depth 1-5-0 feet.

Reduce your speed to four knots.

Depth, 1-5-0, aye.

Speed, four knots, aye.

Is he gone?

Oh, no. He's down there.

Captain, the temperature profile

from the X.P.T indicates
a thermocline at 90 feet.

It's a temperature
difference in the water.

It confuses the sonar.

Lower the array to 1-5-0.

Have the helos dip
at that depth as well.

Lower array and dipping
sonar to 1-5-0 feet, aye.

If they so much as
breathe too hard,

I want to hear them.

I think I heard something, sir.

Just waiting and listening

isn't your style of
warfare, is it, Commander?

No, sir.

It isn't Raglan's, either.

He doesn't like to sit and hide.

He's the sudden-attack,
rapid-retreat sort.

Good. Let him show himself.

Meanwhile, we wait.

Captain! Outer doors opening!

Launch transient.

Torpedo in the water!

Torpedo in the water!

General quarters!

General quarters!

All hands, man
your battle stations.

Hard right rudder.
All engines ahead full!

Right rudder, ahead full, aye.

Captain, decoys deployed.

Very well.

Sonar, bearing
and time to impact?

I'm trying to get a fix, sir.

Should have remained
hidden or snuck away.

It's a stupid move.

He's not a submariner,

He doesn't know what
he's supposed to do.

God save me from amateurs.

Do you have a fix?

No, sir, I...

It's gone, Captain.


It was never there, sir.

He fooled us... fooled me.

It's a water slug?

Yes, sir.

I'm sorry, sir.

"Water slug"?

He opened

the torpedo tube doors...

fired a cylinder of water.

A blank?


I mean, it sounds like
a real torpedo firing.

We take evasive
action, he scoots away.

Not bad for an amateur.

Conn, sonar.

They're moving away.

They'll be back.

No doubt, but we have

a schedule to keep... let's go.

Helm, all ahead full!

Steer course 1-8-5.

Get a good trim at 1-7-0 feet.

Depth 1-7-0, aye!

Course 1-8-5...

all ahead full, aye!

They'll hear us cavitating.

I don't care.

How are you doing, Lieutenant?

How's that knee?

As you can see, I'm a
bit shorthanded here.

I can't spare
someone to guard you.

So, you have three choices...

I can lock you up

you can leave the boat

or you can promise to behave.

What'll it be?

Okay, you've proven that
you can steal a submarine

and... evade pursuit.

Can we please go home now?

Not till I get my $100 million.

They're not going to
give you the money.

Then I'll keep the submarine.

I bet I can get $100
million for it on eBay.

Is this all a big joke to you?

As a matter of fact,
it's deadly serious.

You'd k*ll innocent people?

I don't buy it.

You don't?

What would it take
to convince you...

A m*ssile to Brooklyn...

or Kennedy Airport?

How about a real
torpedo at the Ellyson?


Prepare tube four to
fire... this time for real!

Prepare tube four to fire, aye!

All right...

I believe you.

It's imperative that you do...

because you may
have to convince them.

Working late, Lieutenant?

What? Oh, no. I'm just, uh,
finishing up this... thing here.

Paper towel requisition.

Yeah, I can see why you'd want

to rush that through.

I guess I'm just a little
distracted, that's all.


but is it fair to take
it out on others?

What others, Commander?

The Gunny's only
doing his job, Harriet,

and he is right about
the receptacle, you know.

I'm heading out to dinner.

Come along... my treat.

Oh, no. Thank you. I'm fine.

How about going to a
bar and getting drunk?

No, thanks.

Then good night, Lieutenant.

Night, sir.

Ma'am, just made a fresh pot.

Would you like a cup?

Thank you, Gunny.

That would be nice.


about the trash can...

it belongs in Tiner's office.

You were right.

I didn't mean to step
on your authority.

I'll get that cup now.

Captain, one of the S-3s
picked up a MAD signal

five miles south
of Block Island.

No good... that's a
sunken U-boat down there.

That's what the magnetic
anomaly detectors are picking up.

It'd be a great place
to hide, Captain.

It's where I'd go.

That's exactly why
Raglan wouldn't go there,

Lieutenant, because you would.

What's your idea?

He'll circle Montauk...

head west down the
long island coastline.

I'd sail east,
towards Nantucket.

There're lots of capes
and inlets for cover.

Better targets West, sir...

New York, Norfolk,
Atlantic City...


he just passed

through our sonobuoy trap.

He's making a run for the east.

Bridge, Captain.

Steer course 0-9-0,
all engines ahead flank.

0-9-0, all engines
ahead flank, aye.


send your coordinates
to the helos.

Tell them to arm
their SUS bombs.

Aye, aye, sir.

You're going to
try and sink them?

That water slug
was a dirty trick.

This is payback.

You can't do that, Commander.

Actually, I can.

Captain, the helos
are approaching target.

Tell them to drop their bombs

as soon as they're in position.

Aye, aye, sir.

Hawk one, weapons armed.

You are clear to drop.

Roger, Ellyson.

Nominal sonar contact.
I am making my run now.

"Bang, you're dead.

"Game over.

Return to base."

You might have told me they
were low-energy expl*sives.

The way I see
it, I still owe you

for that cross-examination
you put me through

during the Nelson court-martial.

Well, if it's all right
with you, Commander,

I'll consider us even.

Raglan's done.

He's got to know it.

Even he's not dumb
enough to want to continue.

You sound like
you're disappointed.

We don't get too many chances

to chase down real enemies.

Guess we've
chased them all away.

Captain, we have

a response, sir.

Excuse me.

"You blew up a decoy.

You return to base."

The Ellyson went after a decoy,

and Raglan's still
on the loose, yes.

The S.S.N. was designed
for stealth, Mr. Secretary.

Yes, sir, we're,
uh, tracking him.

Yes, I will.

Good-bye, sir.

The White House asks

about evacuating
coastal communities.

I mean, how do you
evacuate New York City?

You don't!

Hell, don't you remember
the Florida gridlock

during Hurricane Floyd?

They really want to
go public with this?

Oh, not if they can help it.

Rabb thinks he'll head south

along the eastern
seaboard. I agree.

That green line is

the dead line, 60
miles from shore.

If Raglan crosses

that line...

Look, Tom, you could play along

and say you're going to
pay me $100 million dollars

and end the exercise...

if it is an exercise.

Damn it, A.J.! This farce
has gone on long enough.

I want him stopped!

Do you want him destroyed?


Have Rabb talk to him.

Tell him it's not United
States Navy policy

to pay ransom money
to t*rrorists, but tell him

if he returns now,
if no one is injured

we'll consider his actions...

a misinterpretation
of my orders.

Have Rabb tell him that.


My daughter and
grandchildren live

in New York City.

We have him, Captain.

Stay with him, Lieutenant.

You informed Raglan
there's no money?

Contact with the sub
was made, Commander.

There was no response.

My guess is they're
maintaining radio silence.

This will be over soon,
one way or the other.

How are you holding up?

A little stiff, Lieutenant

but I've got a few
more watches left in me.

It's just too bad

you guys aren't going
to get the money.

If Jack says we will, we will.

You heard Commander
Rabb's message...

Navy doesn't pay off t*rrorists.

Even if we don't get the money,

we're still making history.

This beats flipping burgers
eight hours a day, right, Jimmy?

Best I could do after my
dishonorable discharge, sir.

Come here.

Stay away from my men.

Why... are you afraid
that they'll realize

that you're insane?

Hell, they know I'm insane.

That's why they follow me.

Raglan, your program
is over and so are you.

I'll bet you one
thing, Lieutenant.

What's that?

Nobody will ever be able

to steal a U.S. submarine again.

Skipper, we're 80 miles
from New York Harbor.

Weaps, ready harpoon for launch.

Target coordinates, 40 degrees,

41 minutes north,

74 degrees 3 minutes west.

Are you sure, skipper?

Yeah. Why? You got
a problem with that?

That's a negative, sir.

No problem.


I'll be in the skipper's cabin.

Call me when you're

in position for launch.

Statue of Liberty?

An S-3 picked them up

ten minutes ago, Captain.

He's almost within
range of New York Harbor.

This is not making any sense.

What doesn't?

Well, what Raglan is doing.

He would never approach
a target openly like this.

If he's trying to convince
me that he's a suicidal t*rror1st

he's succeeding, and that's
how I intend to treat him

if he crosses the
60-mile deadline.

Message to Admiral Kly

request permission to
destroy the San Pedro.

Aye, aye, sir.

He scares you, too, doesn't he?

Go back to your
seat, Lieutenant.

If he orders you to launch
a m*ssile at the statue,

will you do it? It
won't come to that.

But will you do it?

You want to be gagged again?

Go back to your seat.
We have to stop him.

You know that.

He's my C.O.

I can't go against my C.O.

You don't have to do anything.

Just let me talk on the
radio for one minute.

No. But if I can
convince the navy

that Raglan isn't bluffing,

they might change their
mind about the money.

They're not going
to change their mind.

But maybe they'll
negotiate, buy us some time.

You don't want to blow
up the Statue of Liberty.

You've got one minute.

Take a break, weaps.

I'll take over.

You, too, helm. I got it.

Thanks. I could use
a trip to the head.

Flash from CINC-PAC, sir.

I've been authorized
to take him out.

Sir, we have radio contact

with the San Pedro;
it's Lieutenant Roberts.

Put it on the speaker.

Lieutenant Roberts?

This is Commander Burke.

What's your situation?

Sir, I haven't much time.

Raglan's target is
the Statue of Liberty.

You must evacuate.

Raglan isn't bluffing, sir.

Can you pay the money?

That's not an
option, Lieutenant.

Bud, Raglan can't do this alone.

Can you get to any of the crew?

I don't know, sir.

Some of them might come over

but I can't tell.

Bud, we can't let Raglan

get within 60 miles
of New York Harbor.

Then you must destroy
the submarine, sir.

Where are you
making this call from?

The control room, sir. Why?

Is Raglan there?

No, sir. I haven't seen him

in a couple hours.

I got to go.

Did he make the call?


Did they believe him?

Hell, I believed him.

All right. Your
tanks are charged.

Tube three is ready;
you'll be at 100 feet.

The trawler's in position

to pick you up one
mile due north. Ready?

Let's do it.

A b*mb scare has
forced the evacuation

of the Statue of
Liberty this morning.

Hundreds of tourists,
many of them schoolchildren

were taken off Liberty
Island by police boats.

Authorities would not comment
on where the scare originated.

It's possible the situation
could be a prank...

It's the submarine, isn't it?

They're going to sink it.

No, Harm's there;
they'll find a way.

Please, ma'am, don't.

They're going to sink it

with Bud on it.

I need to go home
and see my son now.

You'll call me if...?

I'll call you.


There's no traffic in the
area except a tanker, sir.

That's where he's hiding.

It's an old submariner trick...

Use a surface ship
to cover their sounds.

Sonar, go active on 56.
Going active. Aye, sir.

Got him. He's
under that tanker, sir.

Radio the tanker. Tell
him to stop all engines.

Aye, aye, sir.

Commander, you've
got to give me more time.

Lieutenant, vector the
helos to their location

arm the torpedoes, fire
on my command. Aye, sir.

Lieutenant, switch me up
their frequency. Switching.

San Pedro, this is
the U.S.S. Ellyson.

San Pedro, this is
the U.S.S. Ellyson.

Please respond.

Torpedoes ready to launch, sir.

Fire when ready.
Captain, he's surfacing.

Helos, stand by. Hold your fire.

Captain, radio transmission
from the submarine.

Pipe it in.

U.S.S. Ellyson, this
is the San Pedro.

We have concluded our exercise.

Repeat: we have
concluded our exercise.

We request permission
to return to New London.

That's not Raglan's
voice, Commander.

San Pedro, Ellyson,
maintain position.

Prepare to receive
boarding party.

San Pedro, put
Raglan on the horn.

No can do, sir.

Mr. Raglan is
otherwise occupied.

Bud, are you there?

Yes, sir, and it is
good to hear your voice.


Where is Raglan?

I don't know, sir.

I haven't seen him for hours.

Raglan is no longer on
that submarine, Commander.

When I showed Flannik
his wife, I saw fear.

I got through.

I'm going to need a helo, ASAP.

It's not nice

to disturb a lady
in the shower, Jack.

Damn it, Harm.

You nearly gave
me a heart attack.

Fake left, move right.

Let's have the w*apon.

It's loaded with blanks.

Would you gentlemen
take this outside, please?

Absolutely, Master Sergeant.

That is Master
Sergeant Jane Blakely

the marine
detachment in Norfolk.

She was kind enough
to stand in for Mrs. Kly

on this... exercise.

Let's go, Jack.

So after you left the sub,

how'd you get to Virginia?

There was a fishing
boat waiting for me

and then a private plane.

With all due respect, Admiral,

if I was a real t*rror1st

I could have blown
up New York City

and taken your wife.

If you were a real t*rror1st

you'd be dead, Raglan.

Instead, you'll be recalled to
active duty for a court-martial.

Uh, sir, that would
not be a wise move.

Why not?

Well, Admiral, it's
a legal minefield.

You were deceived and defeated

by a security exercise
you authorized, sir.

I told him to
infiltrate a submarine.

I did not order him
to steal it and thr*aten

- New York City.
- Sir, his mission

was to simulate a t*rror1st
attack, which he did.



do you really want
the public to know

that you were about to blow up

a 600-million-dollar submarine?

Forget about ever working
for the government again.

That's okay, Admiral.

If my action keeps real
t*rrorists from doing what I did

then I've served
my country, sir.

Just get the hell out of here.

Raglan played me, sir.

I let you down, and I'm sorry.

Uh, Mr. Roberts,

Raglan used your
bravery and sense of duty.

You didn't let anyone down.


Excuse me, sir.

What happened to your leg?

It's a long story.

I'll tell you later.

Don't you ever do this again.

I won't.

What about me? Don't
I get a hug? I helped.

Just as soon as I'm
done with my wife, sir.
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