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02x07 - Election

Posted: 06/12/23 16:14
by bunniefuu
Welcome everyone to
"Gorch Watch"!

That dreaded time of year dating all the way back

to the days of King Julian the terrible ,

when we feed the Gorch to prevent it from crawling out of the hole,

tearing up the pieces, and feasting on our meaty parts.

Gorch, anything you'd like to say to the fearful public?

You heard it here first, folks.

That can only mean one thing.
It's feeding time.

Here comes King Julien now!

It is my honor to present our one and only fearless leader,

appeaser of the Gorch,
master of the entire universe--

Did you write this?

Yeah, really good, right? Keep going!

And bringer of all that is good and awesome.

King Julien!

He will now commens the feeding by throwing out the first fruit.

I will thought the Gorch was a made-up jungle legend

like Bigfoot or the Golden mango,
or childhood dreams that don't end in tears.

Did you practice your throwing,
like I suggested, Your Majesty.

Ah Maurice, please. No practice needed.
I've got mad skills. Fruit me, Clover.

That mango was defective.

And now it's upset the Gorch.


Are all of these fruits defective?

I find you the perfect fruit.

Got it!

Good throw, King Julien!

Ha! In your face, Maurice!
Where's all your "practice" talk now?

Your Majesty, you just fed Mort to the Gorch!

We gotta save him!

Don't be so hasty, Clo-Clo.

A wise king must consider all... options.

Breaking news.

All eyes are on King Julien, urging him to action.

Will he or won't he risk life and limb to save Mort,

one of our own who's fallin?


Let's go.


Oh? Hey, Clover.
Why is the floor, like, crunchy?

Thousands of creepy crawly stingy thingies!

On it!

Maurice, get off of me, you big baby.


Quick, give hera cookie, Maurice!

Did we hold the bridge, Lieutenant?
Wait, what? How long was I out?

Eh, let's just keep moving.

Uh... Huh?

We're getting close to the Gorch!

King Julien! Maurice! Come quick!

Howdy, folks.

Whoever that is, stop screaming!

Oh, that was me.

Okay, I'm done now.

It's all right, King Jullien.
It's just a really old lemur.

What brings you 'round these parts?

Uh, buddy, you might want to rethink
your living situation.

Didn't anyone tell you,
the Gorch lives down here?

What's a Gorch?

A monster.

No monsters in here.

Just little ol' me.
Friends call me Doc Sugarfoot.


What are you doing down here?

Long time back,
I hid in this here cave during a foosa attack,

but I got my tail pinned under this rock.

Been hollerin' for help ever since,
but I guess no one heard me.

-Oh, my-- He is the Gorch!

It was him the whole time!

How long have you been in here?

Decades, I reckon.

Luckily, someone's been throwing fruit down.

Kept me alive and gave me just enough strength to try to

hack off my own tail with a sharpened rock.

But dang it if don't have a tough tail.

Built up a real big scar, though.

-Wanna see?
-No, thanks.

-Yeah .

Respect, old guy. Respeck.

Well, my grandma always said,
"You gotta make hay while the sun shines."

That reminds me,
is that little guy with you?

Must eat something!
The hunger...

The hunger!

Mort, you've been down here for ten minutes.

Your tail isn't even trapped under a rock.

Now, I don't want to brag,

but I went down into a deep, dark, scary hole

to save one lemur and ended up saving two!

Allow me to introduce,
the Gorch.

We're all gonna die for sure!

Now. now. friends.
No need to be afraid.

After al‚Œ, if you keep going the way you're headed,

pretty soon you're gonna get there.

That's good point!

My name's Doc Sugarfoot.

It feels good to be back.

Been away long time.
My old friends are all gone now.

I look out at you,
and all I see is strangers.

But Mama always said,
"A stranger is just a friend wearing a raincoat."

And I'd like you all to take off your raincaets

and step under my umbrella.

-So true! -How wise!
-He must have a big umbrella!

Wlht do you think of Doc Sugarfoot?

He's so old.
And old peaple know stuff, yeah.

He smeils dusty.
So, he's gotta be really wise.

Think of all the great stuff he's seen by not being dead.
I mean, wow.

He's got great hair.
Makes me want hug the heck right out of him!

Oh, He is just so huggable. Aha!

Mm-hmn... Ha.


The people are really loving Doc Sugalfoot.

I wish they'd show me that much adoration.

Oh! Oh!

I think I'm... Yes, I'm having an idea!

To increage adoration for me,
I'll exploit the goodwill toward Doc Sugarfoot

and make him my royal adviser.

But, but... I'm your royal adviser.

And you will continue to be, Mo-Mo.
You'll just have a little folksy help now.

Attention. peoples!
I have an announcement.

Doc Sugarfoot is going to be part of my royal counsel.

So I said to Dorothy,
''l have pottery lessons on Tuesday

and improv on Thursday.
Why could n't Wednesday he taco night?"

Mm... Good point, Ted.

What if we change all Tuesdays into Wednesdays?

Hm... I guess that could work.

Ted, when I was alone in that hole,

I found comfort in the fact

that it's easier to stew,
than stay cool.

I know exactly what you mean. Doc Sugarfoot.

What? Hold up, Ted.
You understood that?

Of couse!

Uh, Okay, one quick thing,

I know you're fresh out of a hole,

but the king usually does the talking.

Oh, sure thing, Julien.

Sony abut that.@
I got carried away.

Horst! What up, homeslice.

Some kids keep stealing my beverage cup.

I want you to arrest them
and have them fed to the foosa.

Sounds comp
etely reasonable-

But, you know, Horst, back in my day
we had a saying,

''If you butter your biscuit on the bottom,
all you get is soggy paw"

Gee, I didn't think of it like that.
Thanks, Doc sugarfoot!

Well, I say real life is when you chew on the truth biscuit

and it tells you a yam or two.


I love yarn.

Yeah. So yarny, right King Julian?

Uh, call me crazy,
but I thought real life

was what I see in front of my face!

Not in some biscuit full of string.


I don't care!
Eat whatever you want!

You'll have to pardon my dusty old wisdom.

You see when I was all alone in the bottom of that hole --

Okay, I've had it up to here with you and your hole!

I have two royal advisers, you know.

-I'm right here, Your Majesty.

Oh, I didn't' see you there.
Have you always been this short?

Somehow I thought you were taller.

Anyway, tell Doc Sugarfoot here

how I've had just about all I need
of his dusty old wisdoms.

Now, now, no need to get your hackles up,
young Julian.

This isn't a popularity contest.

Unless that's what you want.

Mort! Stop that!
Go practice your organ someplace else!

A popularity contest?

Why would you shy that?

You think I wouldn't win?

Who thinks King Julien is the most popular?

Just out of curiosity.

Me! I do! Love that guy!

So popular it makes me sick!

See? The public has spoken.

No. I'm talking about an election.

Most popular lemur gets to wear the crown.

Fine! Let's do this "election" thing

and prove once and for all that my people love me

and everything I do for them!

Your Majesty, this is not a good idea.

Don't worry, Maulice. I'm king.
I can't lose.

It's what they call
"political correctness."

King Julien, that's not how an election works.

If you lose, you're not king anymore.
Doc Sugarfoot is.

Faster, Mort! It helps me think.

Oh, King Julien, look!
Tomorrow's newspaper.

They went ahead and printed the headline to save time.

King Julien, please tell me you have a plan.


Even better, Maurice.

I have three plans.

First, I need campaign posters.

Something that shows what a people person I am.

Mort, get started.
-On it.

Two. Xixi,
I will do an interview on your show.

Let tha people see exactly why it is that they love me.

On it.

What can I do King julien?
Put me to work!

I'm leaving you two in charge of,

super top secret emergency plan C.

What is it?

Dig up dirt on Doc Sugarfoot to ruin his reputation

and make evelyone hate him so they'll vote for me.

On it!

My next guest is the King of Madagascar,

the Prince of Parties,

the Archduke of Good Times,
the Comptroller of--

Okay! They get it, Xixi!

Er, um, please welcome King Julien!

King Julien, we're all dying to know,

is the jungle a better place
with you on the throne?

Glad you asked, Xixi.
In a word, yes.

Think of all the parties and good times we've had

since I squashed Uncle King Julien's reign of fear

and saved you all from the foosa.

And what will you do if elected?

Oh, you know, more of the same
awesome stuff I've been doing.

More parties. More water-slides. More fun!

And now, word from our sponsor.

I'm just an old-fashioned lemur.

I've got a homey accent
and this here rocking chair.

But my opponent is one of those fancy types,

He's got a funny way of taking like he had lots of schooling.

And he doesn't even own a rocking chair.

But don't take my word for it.

He's out of touch with regular lemurs.

He abandoned all 20 of his children!

What? That just crazy!
Those aren't my babies!

They look nothing like me.

Are these paid actors?

Probably. Are their stories true?

Who knows?
But imagine if they were.

So, vote for me, Doc Sugarfoot.

A strong leader who will
unite all lemurs under one total power, me.

And remember, King Julien,
out of touch. child abandoner.

educated, no rocking chair.

I'm Doc Sugafoot
and I approve this message.

Doc Sugalfoot has made some startling accusations.

Your response?

It's not true, Xixi.

I do own a rocking chair.

And trust me, I know how to rock it.

My eye!

-Trying to k*ll us with his fake rocking chail!
-What a phony!

I'm not a phony.

I am real-ie!

Doc Sygarfoofs the phony
and I'll prove it.

Doc Sugarfoot, I challenge you to a...


Challenge accepted.

Come on, Hector.
You're the oldest lemur around.

You've gotta know
about Doc Sugarfoot.

I just want to be left alone.

I'm grabbing my nuts and getting
as far away from here as possible.


Look, I don't have time

to be talking to the likes of you.
So, buzz off!

Unless you want this whole place smothered in nut-butter,
tell us what you know.

Do you worst!

I'm a lot more scared of him
than I an of you.

He was in that cave for a reason!

I've said too much.

The cave!

Bring it in, Mort. Bling it in.

Okay, let me see.

This isn't what I asked for!

But, look how big you are!

l'm trying to seem more relatable.
to the little guy.

Why would you draw me literally stomping on the little guy?

But look, the little buy's smiling.

'Cause he getting stomped on by your giant,

oh, so-beautiful feet.

Uh, come here you!

You can have it, Mort.

Where is Xixi?

There you are!
Time's a-ticking.

Bring the debate questions?
I need to practice!

Yes. But...

Won't going over them with you first give you an unfair advantage?

Advantage, yes. Unfair?

This is politics, grow up!

King Julien?

What happens if doc Sugarfoot wins the debate

Then we go to emergency plan C.

Maurice, look! There's a message
carved on the back of the rock.

Do not lift rock.
This is the worst lemur ever.

He must stay here.
Don't believe us? Look up.

King Julien the Terrible!

Who's King Julien the Terrible?

The worst lemur ever.

Many years ago,
he ruled with fear and intimidation.

Nearly drove the entire kingdom
to extinction.

Until the people fought back.

According to these cave paintings,

they stopped him, tied him up,

and put him here under this rock.

So that means, Doc Sugarfoot is -

King Julien the Terrible!

We gotta warn everybody!

No. That won't be happening.

Like my papa always used to say,

"A hound dog that sticks his nose
where it doesn't belong

ends up getting crushed by a boulder."

Go on without me, Clover!

Hi-ya! We can make it.


Clover, I got a confession to make.
I can't swim. Or dive. I hate heights.

And seafood gives me the squirts.

Well, folks, it's election day!

It's been a heated competition between
two of the kingdom's most electable bachelors.

Before the kingdom votes, let's hear
some final remarks from each candidate.

Doc Sugarfoot?

I'll make this nice and short.
Back porch. Overalls. Huckleberry.

Seriously, you gu‚™s?

He just said three random words.

I can do that!
Karate. Sasquatch. Cabbage.

-What the heck ie he talking about?

Why does he do this?

-Thank you. King Julien.

Whoa-whoa! That...
that was totally not my real final remarks! Do-over?

Well, that's not normally allowed
under the election rules,

but since I'm making them up as I go,
I'll allow it.

King Julien,
your final, final remarks, please.

Where are Clover and Maurice
with the dirt?

I don't know.
I live in my own world.

I don't have all of the answers.

To be honest, I've failed as much
as I've succeeded.

But I love my kingdom.

And if I'm elected,
I will work tirelessly to keep you safe

and inspire you to live each day to the fullest.

Help me help you!

And one more thing...

Emergency Plan D!


[imitiiteg reeord scratching]

I think we've all heard ehough.
Let's vote.

Oh Really?
Because you havenet heard -

[cackling and howling]

(exclaiming) This is my favorite.

It goes a little something like -




It's clear the king is stalling.


That's ridiculous!

I'm taking requests.

Anybody want a long song
I can play a bunch of times in a row?

If you're waiting for help to arrive,
you're gonna be waiting a long time.

Or not!

Everybody listen!

Doc Sugalfoo!
He's none other than...

who is...

No! Doc sugarfoot!
He's King Julien the Terrible!

That cave was his prison cell
an and we let him out!

King Julien the Terrible.
What an exciting new development.

According to legend,
he was quite the monster.

He used to baby lemurs for breakfast
his teeth with their eyebrows!

We're all really gonna die!

Did I forget to mention that?
Calm down, everyone. It's all true.

I'm King Julien the Terrible.
I'm not denying it.

A catfish can't deny
his breathing underwater.

He's right. They have gills.

Now maybe I was responsible for
a few thousand lemur deaths. But,

Should I apologize for being strong?


Do you want a feeble ruler
who just wants to be loved by everyone?

Or do you want a doer?
A decided.

Yeah! So what if he's a vicious dictator?
He knows what he wants!

He nearly wiped out our people!

I never admitted he was wrong.
and that's strong leadership!

A strong leader sounds great!

I still wanna hug him!

Yeaf, me, too!

...He realIy wse...

Oh, that's it. Fine!

Ah! just... Ah!
I am so done with this.

Do you want good King Julien
who iust wants everybody to be happy?

Or do you want a king who literally
has the word "terrible" in his name?

The gods and the peoples have spoken.

At last. I'm king again.

Ooh! Lightning.

I want each of you to look to the lemur
to your left, then to your right.

By this time next week one of you will be dead!

Not me, though, right? I'm safe?

The jungle's gonna burn.

The weak shall perish.

And all will bow down before me.


You think a little lightning's
gonna stop me?

I think he's dead, Your Majesty.


Democracy in action!

Well, looks like I'm king again.
All hail me!

Ha-ha! Dead guy!