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02x06 - Body Double

Posted: 06/12/23 16:13
by bunniefuu
Look how adorable that tiny little me is!

Oh hey, Mr. Crocodile.

- I don't sound like that.
- Glad we decided to meet

at this neutral location to sign the treaty

and ensure yet another year of peace
between the lemurs and the crocodiles.

King Julien! No!

I did not see that coming.


King Julien has been eaten!
And Maurice, too!

But my tears are only for King Julien!


I love this show!

I get it. Crocodiles are dangerous.

Make her stop, Maurice!
She's freaking me out!

Thank you, Clover, that's enough.

Don't eat me! Please! The horror.

We're all gonna die!

- Clover!
- Right, Sorry.

I'm taking every precaution to protect you,

but just wanted to remind you

that these things have not going smoothly in the past.

If they're so dangerous,
why do I have to go?

[imitates beeping]

News flash! I'm pretty important,

Because you're the king and it's your job.

Fuzzy math.

Plus, if you don't go,
the crocodiles will be majorly offended.

And we all know what happens
when crocodiles are offended.

Okay, here's the dilly.

I think we should send someone else in my place.

We can't.
The crocodiles know what you look like.

So just send someone who looks like me.

Like, a body double?

Wha-- Hoo!

Yes, a body double.

Sounds so naughty.

That's actually a great idea!

The body double could do all the dangerous

kingly duties('dju:ti) like --

- Clover said duties('du:ti).
- Oi.

Body double it is.

And I already have the perfect candidate!

Well, I'll be! They're identical!

This is Steve.

Actually, I prefer to go by

Magic Steve.

Prepare to be amazed!




Clover, why is "Magic Steve"

pulling fruit out of my ear?

Sorry, Your Majesty.
He's your new body double.


Oh, Clover,
if you're going to get me a body double,

at least get one that looks like me.

Frankly, it's embarrassing.

But he looks exactly like you.
He's perfect!

It's uncanny!

Not seeing it.

Magic Steve,
tell King Julien about how people think you're him.

Oh. It's true, King Julien.
I'm constantly being mistaken for you.

I will now levitate this knife!

With my mind!

Look, it's King Julien!

I'm not King Julien, all right?

I'm Magic Steve!

Never mind. It's not him. It's nobody!


I will now walk over these hot coals!

King Julien, can I get your autograph?

All right, I'm not King Julien.
I'm Magic Steve!

Forget it. It's nobody!

I'm coming, King Julien!

I'm not King Julien. I'm Magic Steve!

Don't worry, I know CPR!

Stay still!

I'm not King Julien!
I'm Magic Ste...

I hate magic!



Your pathetic story has shown me that there is,

only one lemur out there perfectly suited
to double this bodacious bod.

Why are you...

I see you.

Sage, why are you here?

What color is a smile?

That's not an answer --

It will be when you ask the right question.

He's here, Clover,
because I have hired Sage to be my body double.

Or B-Dubs for short.

But King Julien,
the whole point of a body double

is that people think it's you.

Yeah. Sage looks exactly like me!

Look at him. We're practically twins.

See, he has rippling muscles,
I have rippling muscles.

He has soft flowing hair,
I have soft flowing hair.

He has six-pack abs,
I have six-pack abs.

-But --
-Let him have this.

At least we're ready for the crocodile meeting tomorrow.

Not so fast, Clover!

Sage might have the outer me down,

but he still has a lot to learn
about the inner me.

There's far too much to cover in one day.

Reschedule the meeting.


The lemurs had to reschedule.

They're not coming today.


I've been preparing for weeks!

They didn't even give us 48 hours notice!

Can't you see I'm struggling here?
A little help would be nice!

I can't quite --

Just go!

Leave me! Go!

Pretend this is you pretending to be me

and not a small,
annoying lemur named Mort.

You are a memory that lives in the heel of a clown's shoe.

A clown desperate to find his own circus.


As my body double,
you will be responsible for waving...

-...and nodding.
-Yes. I agree.

...and, of course,
waving while nodding.


Peacocking our karma while we wait for that

beady-eyed executioner called destiny.

How's the training going?

I honestly have no idea.

You'll also be asked to stand around and
look pretty and

sometimes sign pieces of paper
to prevent wars and stuff.

w*r is a burlesque nourished by apes.

Yep. Couldn't agree more, B-Dubs.

Well, That concludes the classroom portion of your training.

I love being your puppet.

That is enough, Mort!


Now for your final,
and most important lesson!

Repeat after me.

Okay, B-Duds.

Your turn!

Oh, no!

How can someone so beautiful be so bad at water-sliding?

How you do? B-Dubs?

He looks terrible, Maurice!
Is it his brain?

No, his brain is fine.
Sage refused pain medication.

He's gone deep in his mind
when the pain can't ouch him.

More tea, handsome?

It'll be okay, buddy.

Sorry, bro.

Light of Sage's injury,

I've rescheduled the crocodile meeting
one last time.

I'm sorry sir,
but the lemurs have rescheduled again.

Don't they know how hard I've worked?

Everything ruined!

Just throw it away!

-But, sir-
-Throw it away!

And as your adviser,
I advise you not to reschedule again.

But without the body double,

that means
I have to go to the crocodile meeting myself!

Did you not see what
Clover did to those puppets, Maurice?

Then I urge you to pick a substitute body double. stat.

Way I see it, there's only one choice.

No, Clover.

We don't even know if he can waterslide.

Magic Steve!

Not bad...

for nobody.

Okay, fine, you're hired.

And as you can see,

my reign continues out over the ocean
and into space.

So I know I went over that quickly.
Any questions, Steve?

Magic Steve.

Yes, thank you for bringing that up.

Magic Steve has to go.

What? But... why?

Because it's the worst name
I've ever heard in my whole life

And even though you were my second choice,
this is only a temporary position,

and you're still gonna need a better name.

-And that name shall be...

-...Soy Sauce.

Soy Sauce?

But I don't like that name.

Trust me, it's good.

Well, now that that's settled-

Wait. I do have one question.

sh**t, Soy Sauce.

If I push you off this cliff right now,

I could go back to the kingdom and

pretend to be you and
nobody'd know the difference, right?

Yeah, I guess that's true.

And who could blame you, really?

I wouldn't want your job either.
I mean, magic is so la-

Something's not right.
They've been gone for too long!

Hello there.

There you are, King Julien.
Where's Steve?

Unfortunately, I lost Magic Steve.

Which is too bad, because
I really like them he had a cool name.

You lost him?

Who will we send to the meeting?
That was the point of the double!

Clover, you must go and find him.

Don't come back till he's found,
do you hear me?

Loud and clear, Your Majesty.
On it!

Too bad you'll never find him.

What did you say, King Julien?

Uh... I said...

Please gather all my uh...

peeps, from the kingly kingdom,

I have a...
super awesome announcement to mark.

Did King Julien just say "please"?

In honor of Magic Steve,

who is tragically no longer with us,

I will be putting on a magic show

Ew. A magic show?

Yes! Everyone will watch my magic show

and you will like it!

Because magic is awesome!

- I don't think magic is awesome.
- Magic k*lled my brother.

And one more thing!

From this day forward,

I will be known as the Magic King!

Magic King?

Yeah, pretty cool, right?

Now, can I get a volunteer to be apprentice?

Me, me,
please pick me! I love magic!

Yes, Mort!

Come on up, buddy.

I won't let you down,
King Julien!

It is only fitting that
my new best friend Mort,

- will be my apprentice.
- Best friend?

I bow down to you, oh,
mighty Magic King!

I love this guy!

Everybody be like Mort!

Wait, you're not King Julien.

- You're --
- Nobody? Wrong!

I'm King Julien now and
nobody can stop me.

And for my big trick,
I will saw Maurice in half!

Prepare to be amazed!

Back in a bit!

-King Julien?



Hello! Earth to Clovers eyeballs!
I am King Julien!

Turn around and show me your butt.

What? I--

Oh, Clover.
We don't have time for--

Yep, that's the scar.
But I don't understand.

If you're here, who's backs-


What did he do?

For starters,
he pushed me off a cliff,

and then --

He what?

Wait minutes Clover,
I'm not done telling my story.

Kind of strange

that there'd be a trampoline out here.

No one will disturb
our trampoline dance practice out here.

You ready, Dorothy?

That's not important right now, Clover!

can I please finish my story?

And so I did that for about 6 hours

until I got bored and then,
I guess you know, stopped bouncing.

The story's over now Clover
you may resume your shock and awe.

Permission to be outraged, sir!

Permission granted.

Wait till I get a hold of that Magic Steve!

I'm gonna do him in!

I hate Magic Steve!

I'm gonna do him in!e

Okay, let wrap it up, Clover.

I'm good.

Well, not good, but--

B-Dubs! Where have you been?

I've been sending out the super top secret
body double distress signal for a while now.

You have a super top secret body double distress signal?

Yeah sage and I came up with it.

it's genius. listen to this. It goes--
Wait, it goes like this.


Well, that's...


Sorry. I got lost in my calm place.

Been there.

Fortunately, my spirit animal...

...was able to find me.

Help me, Sage Moon_dancer.

You're my only hope!

-King Julien appeared to you in a vision?
-That's just how I roll.

Hold, please.

it's time for my feeding.

Namaste, old friend.

My body double eats hawk vomit No big deal.

Says Steve is posing as King Julien.

And has taken over the kingdom and plans to cut Maurice in half.

-Mo-Mo! Hurry! We have to save him!

Who wants a ride?

Me! Yes I want!


For my first trick,
I will pull a rabbit out of my hat!

Ziggity bobbity boo!


Don't get it.


Who dares boo...

...the Magic king?

What I meat to say was...

More magic!
More magic!

That's better.

Okay, for my next trick, I will...

eat this basket of deadly scorpions!

Ooh-wee... Yeah.

Anyone gonna got that lobster?

Stood up again?

This is beyond the pale!

I even made him a cake. A cake!
This ends now!

As you can see here,

we have just a regular box...

and here we have -

so sharp.

Ohh... Ahh...

Please, Steve. I don't want to die!

For the last time, it's Magic Steve!


Now prepare yourself for
something you've never seen.

A feat so miraculous--

I must return to my calm place to heal.

Remember, you are the fire in
the dragon's droppings.

Goodbye, Clover.

Hey! Sage! Wake up!

This guy is an imposter.

I am King Julien.

Get him, Clover!

Wake up! Wake up right now

- Where'd she go?
- Don't listen to him.

If I weren't King Julien.
could I do this?

And whoosh, I'm gone!

Where'd I go?
OK nobody knows.

I don't sound like that.
And we can still see you.

Seriously, Soy Sauce,
you are so terrible at magic.

That's not my name!

Oh, boy!

Wait, who ate we rooting for?

No idea. I can't tell them apart.

King Julien!

The saw!




Listen, Magic Steve,
I'm sorry I made fun of you name

and your talents and
also your passion.

Not my fault
you can't take a little criticism.

But do you have to saw Maurice in half?

And you most certainly
didn't have to push me off a cliff, did you?

l can do whatever l want.

I am King Julien!

But you look nothing like me!
And that voice is ridiculous!

But you look nothing like me!
And that voice is ridiculous!

Stop that!

Stop that!

Yeah still can't tell them apart.

Which feet are the feet?

No! I can't tell! I can't tell!

Everything lever believed in is a lie!

Which one of you is King Julien?

Oh, no! The crocodiles!

Look at the teeth!

We're gonna die!

I am King Ju-

Good day.

Is King Julien dead?

That worked out, well.

King Julien. You're alive!

Of course I am, Clover.

But the crocodile -

I saw that the crocodile look angry.

So I let Steve do his job, you know,
Stand in for me.

I mean, duh!

We all know what happens when
crocodiles are offended! Right?

How do we know it's really you?

Turn around and show me your -

Can l still be your apprentice.
King Julien?

Get off of me, Mort!
You annoying little barnacle!

Yep, that's King Julien.

Hey, Sage. What you doing?

Can you hear me? Sage!

Up here, buddy. I'm in the moon.

Are you meditating?

I'll meditate with you.

That's how it works, light?