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02x05 - Gimme Gimme Gimme: The Game

Posted: 06/12/23 16:13
by bunniefuu
Gimme Gimme Gimme: The Game

Let her rip, Mort!


I designed it myself.

Look how King Julien stares right at you.

Uh... Yeah. I got that.

By putting this poster of me in each and every household.

I will bring happiness to all of my peeps!

Um, you sure everyone wants that in their bedrooms,
Your Majesty?

Ted, I can't sleep with him staring at me like that.

I know. Me, neither!

It's just so exciting to have the King right here in our boudoir.


Hm, you're right, Clover.
The bedroom is good.

But what are the peoples going to look at in the bathroom?

We will need posters for every room of every house!

That will bring happiness I to the entire kingdom.

Mart, how's that coming along?

We should have enough posters for everyone in...

Let me see, five days, plus three minutes,
hold the one, eight hours...

Fifteen years!

Fifteen years!?

Wait! That's too long.
Now the peoples will be unhappy.

And if they are unhappy,
I am unhappy!

No, King Julien is unhappy.
I must help him in his time of crisis.

Hail King Julien!

What? What? What?

Okay, bye! See ya.

I found something!

"Gimme Gimme Gimme, The Game"!

A game will King Julien happy!

King Julien!
King Julien!


King Julien, look at this.
Look at this!

Mort, if you are having a fit,
take it outside like always.

Come on, little fella.
You know the rules.

No, wait! King Julien,
I have brought you something. A game.

This will cure your unhappiness.

What's this?
A cure for unhappiness?

It says here this is a game about money.

You're supposed to use money to buy stuff and obtain happiness.

Look at that
guy. He's got a lot of stuff and happiness. Let's play!

I don't know.
This game's got a lot of rules.

Great! Because I hate games,
but I love rules.

Let me see that.


First person to have everything wins.

It's clicking! It's clicking!

"You are a handsome model." True.

"Strut your stuff and receive $1,000
from each of the other player".

Oh, yeah! Strutting it.@
Oh, there's a thousand.

-Yeah! Work the feet!
-Pay up, people!

Come on, make it rain.

Maurice! I'm feeling a drought up in here.

-Better make it rain, buddy.

"Go to prison.
Go directly to prison. "

"Give the person to your left all of your money."

That so wrong in so many ways.

Prisons aren't gonna fill themselves, Maurice.

Those are the rules.
Gotta play by the rules.

Hm. "Sell this card to the person across from your twice it value."

Here you go, Your Majesty.

Oh, This little card was worthless

and now it's worth twice as much."

I love this game!

Hurry, Mort, I want to keep playing.
Your turn, your turn, Move it!

So... pretty!


You have the opportunity to buy a candy store."
I love candy!

Oh, I love candy, too!

A candy store!
Just think of what I could do with a candy store!

-Mort, I want that candy store.
- Okay.

Stop there, Mort!
Can't just give it to him.

But I want to.

It's against the rules.
You have to play by the rules!

-It's all right there! Memorize it!

I should've known it would've gone down like this.
It always goes down like this.

Everybody starts, "Oh, Clover,
I'll play by the rules. I'm so innocent.

Me and Maurice would never cheat."
But they do! They always cheat!

Then it's a slippery slope into total game anarchy!

-Nobody wants to play fair. Nobody!

And if you lot aren't going to play by the rules,

then I am done. I'm out!

What? She's out.

Wait. That's it!
I know what we must do.

I will bring the happiness of this game to the peoples!


-Huh? What is that?
-Pure happiness; Maurice.

I've learned from playing the game
that money does buy you happiness.

And now I'm giving that same happiness
to all of my peeps. .

Here's some happiness for you! And you!

And you.!
And you...

Here, Willie, have some happiness.

What is it?

Something new called "the money".

No, new things scare me.
Get it away.

Me, too.

We're all gonna die!

Willie! Again with the dying!
What is wrong with you. man?

Hold on to-- Yes,
someday we will die, okay? But not now.

So please,
you don't have anything to fear.

Money has never caused any harm
to anyone ever!

Okay, has an equal amount of the money.

So, we can let the happiness begin!

Oh, I love this money even more!

It has King Julien's face on it.

I love you. I love you.

Oh, I love this game so much.

Mort, stop it.
It's a little creepy.

Well, Mort's having fun...

but I'm confused. I don't feel happy.

Me, neither.

I don't understand.
Why isn't it working, Maurice?

Did we cook up a bad batch of the money?

Come on, money, bring the happy.
Bring it!

Pretty please?

You can't rub it all over yourself and expect it to work,
Your Majesty.

You gotta buy stuff, remember?

Maurice, you're right.@
Just Ike the game.

We have to commence with the buying of the stuff!

-I'm gonna be rich!
-Keep it to youself, Mort!

Listen up, my peoples!
A little update happening here.

Money does bring happiness when you "buy stuff" with it.


I'll give you $100 for that coconut.

What coconut?

Here you go, Your Majesty.

Do you see?
Buyung stuff is fun!

Look at me! I have this coconut now and I'm so much happier.

Oh. And I have money now, too.

And I am so happy now, too.

But why should we use money to buy things that are already free?

Like coconuts!

Clearly you do not understand the concept of happiness,

Big surprise.

Horst, I'll give you $500 for that mango.

Willie, I'll give you $600 for that mango.

Year, I'll buy that mango for $700!

Wow! Money is amazing.

You got that right, baby!

-I'll give you $800 for that banana.
-Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, give it to me!
Give it to me! I got $100!

-You want to a watermelon?
-Look at this cash.

Anybody want a book?

I'll take six of those and I'll sell you four of those.

-How much?
-Yeah. yeah. yeah.

I bought this fancy protective gear to keep me safe.

It works! I'm alive!

I think you've actually done it,
Your Majesty.

-They look happy.
-Of course, Maurice.

Money plus buying stuff equals happiness.

It's the circle of life!

ô Banana ô

King Julien, Can I buy your stool
for a million dollars? I need it.

You know you're not suppose to be touching the Kingly stool!

Two million.

It's perfect!

My butt will never touch another stool again.

Wow. Two mil.
What are you gonna do now, King Julien?

I'm going to moneyland and spend
until my soul is full of happiness!

We used to pick the mangoes off the tree if we were hungry.

Now we can buy them instead!

Maybe with enough money my dream vacation
is finally going to become a reality.

That sounds great!
Where are we going, Ted?

Oh. Are you coming? All right.

Whee! Whee! Whee! Whee!

Mort, what's with the rope?

That's the VIP section.
For very important people only.

I'm a very important person.
I should be back there.

Don't see how it's much different than over here.

That's exactly what someone unimportant would say.

Pay the man, Maurice.

$10,000 each.

Best night of my life! Woo-hoo!

Where did I --
Oh, no. I'm out of money.

How am I gonna buy a mango?

Well, I'm out, too.

What are we gonna do, Willie?

Oh, perfect!

I can help you.

-I'll give you $500.

Oooh. Look at this amazing book.
So beautiful!

I could never part with it,

but I'll sell it to you for $10,000.

Oh, you are so right.
l just gotta have it!

Uh... can I owe you? Just, you know,
maybe write it down somewhere?

Sure. We'll work something out.

Don't you just love these?
I spent my last eight grand on 'em.

-You sure they're worth it?

Because I use them to see something
I want to buy even more!

I must own this.

I call it a "Rear View Mirror".

Because I can view
my rear with it.

Quick, give me twenty grand!

Sorry, Your Majesty, I'm all out.


I need to make some money.
What do I have that I can sell?

Think. Think.

Um, Your Majesty,
why are you looking at me?

Clover, stand right here.
I'd like to open the bidding at $100!

King Julien, you can't auction me off.
I'm not your property.

Oh, Clover, don't be silly.

Okay! Who'll give me $450? $500!

Give me five! Give me five! Give me five!
You in the back! Six!

-$600 for the aggressive lady lemur.

$800 and a really big hug.


Sold to the little mousy lemur!

How could -- You mean I have to --

Oh, hello.
Where have you been all my life?

l was sitting on you earlier.

Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

Oh, you saucy thing.

I'm poor!

Welcome to The Super Fabulous Life of the Filthy Rich.

And there's nobody richer or filthier than --

Me! I'm the filthiest!

Filthy rich!
Filthy dirty rich! Yeah!

do you ever feel like you have too much money?

That's a good question, Xixi.

-Um, no!
-Please, Mort, I have no money.

Take my baby and raise her.

Give her a better life than I can.


Don't worry, everybody!
I'm a-gonna raise your babies right!

Whether it's raising
other people 's babies

or relaxing atop pill of money on his yacht, the S.S. Peepee pants...

You said, "Pants"!

...he is a true inspiration for us all.

Thank you, Xixi.

By the way, how much do you want
for that beak, huh?

I really need a new angle for this thing.

Oh, that's much worse.

Maurice, I need more money
to buy something new to make me happy.

Can't, Your Majesty.
The money's gone. All of it!

Everybody spent it.

What? No more money?

It's all in the hands the top 1%
of the population, namely Mort.

So hungry!

We're starving.

My insides are eating themselves.

Oh. drama!
You can't be starving.

There's a mango tree right there full of mangoes!

Mort owns all the mango trees.

And we don't have any money.

Plus, Clover's standing guard.

Poor Todd.

You look so hungry.

l think maybe you can have a mango.

What's going on, Clover?

Are you not playing by the rules?

Of course I am, boss.

I was just offering Todd a mango so I could do this!

-You want a mango?

Well, tough. Go get a job and earn enough money to buy one!

Listen, Todd, sorry about that.
Those are the rules.

Don't make 'em. Just enforce 'em.

We're all gonna die!

According to the contract,
you owe me your soul now.

Are you really good with that?



This is so wrong.

I should own the kingdom's souls,
not Mort!

The little guy's good with money.

No offense, King Julien, but this all
kind of happened because of you.

Roar, hiss, Maurice.
Just roar, hiss!

Oh, King Julien!

Do you want to sell me your soul?

It's a dream come true.

No, Mort.
I like my soul right where it is, thank you very much!

It's right -- It --
Well, it's in here somewhere!

Anyway, Mort, listen.

The peoples,
they are starving for happiness.

And they're also starving!

We need some money.

And I thought we could, you know,
work something out.

I can't!
The rules say that...

Wait! I've got it!

I could give you money if you did favors for me.

Mort! Are you trying to corrupt the King?


Now, now, Maurice,
let's not be too hasty.

What kind of favors exactly?

Oh, I can't tell you how I've dreamed of this moment.

You, me, together!

No, Mort, no, too much!

Come on, foot, we're outta here.

Mort, I've had it!

I am putting my feet down!


I demand you turn all the money over to me.

Now! I demend it as your king.

Gimme the money.
Give it here this instant. All of it!

But that would be cheating.

King Julien is cheating!


Clover, help me out here.

Sony, I can't hear you.
You auctioned me off, remember?

I work for Mort now.

People! People!
Good news!

We're not gonna starve?!

Uh, okay, I got confused there.
I meant to say...

terrible news!

Mort won't give us the money back and
you're all going to starve.

But I have a new plan.

Come on, peoples!

If we really pull together and gather up

everything we have left,

maybe we can trade it to Mort for some food.

Here, take my beverage.

Use our wedding rings.
They were my mother's.

Here's my teeth.

I'm not using them to eat anyway.
I can't afford it.

Hm? Hm!

King Julian!

Mort, I'm desperate.

I've come with the very last possessions
of everybody in the kingdom,

all in the hopes
that I could trade it for some food.

Sure, you could trade it for food.

Or you could trade it for this.

It's extra amazing and guaranteed to bring happiness.

But the peoples and their hungriness!

Don't worry about it.

The people are gonna love this.


Great news, everybody!

You got us some food?

Ah... oh. Food. Well, no.

I didn't actually get any food.

But I did get something pretty amazing

to help make you all feel a lot happier!

it's some kind of jumping bean.

See? It's a bean and it jumps!

Isn't it great? Come on, jump!

Dorothy, hold my head up

so I can give one last "Oh, no, you didn't."

Oh, no, you didn't.

But Mort said you would love it.

It jumps! See?

Jumping... bean.

This isn't bringing happiness.
Oh! Mort tricked me!

King Julien, you just sold
every last possession for a jumping bean.

Your people are starving!
You gotta fix this!

That's exactly what I'll do.

I'll be strong!
I'll be forceful!

I'll stand my ground
like the king that I am!

Please, Mort, please!

I'm really, really desperate now.

I was wrong.

There is no happiness in this...


Everyone is starving!

Please, Mort, please!

What will end this madness?

What do you want from me?

What do you got?

You have it all, Mort.
All I have left is my...

The crown is the last thing I have.

The very last thing in all the kingdom.

Here, it is yours.

Just give the peoples back their stuff.

and their money...

'and their souls.

Take it!

Take it all!

Now you have everything!

You have everything, okay?

You win, Mort!

You win!

What? I win? Really?


l won! l won! l won!

I won! Oh, yeah!

So filthy dirty rich!

Filthy dirty!

I have everything!

I won! I won it all!

Yes! Yes! Yes

Ah. that was fun.

Okay, everybody, game's over!

You can have your stuff back!

Here you go. Here's your stuff back.
Game's over.

OK we don't need money anymore.
I'm putting it all away.

No more money.
Game's over. I won.

See, King Julien?

Playing that game made everybody happy.

Wait a minute.

Mort, have you been playing
the game this entire time?

Uh... Wasn't everybody?

Phew! Well, thank the gods,
that's over!

I second that emotion.

Over? Oh, no, no, no.

Do either of you realize what this means?

That, life is more important than money and buying stuff?

That, you shouldn't auction off your friends and colleagues?

Don't be silly, you two.

It means Mort just beat me

at a board game!

A board game!

Mort, stop.

Best two out of three, buddy?

Yes! Yes!
A thousand times yes!

Okay. Just as long as I don't have to go back to prison.