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02x14 - Pranks a Lot

Posted: 06/12/23 15:13
by bunniefuu

♪ Camp Splinterwood
Our summer home ♪

[driving rock music]

♪ For catapulting!
Slingshotting! Getting thrown! ♪

♪ Campers rocket through the trees ♪

♪ Cannonballing where they please ♪

♪ Zipping in the air ♪

♪ Crashing everywhere ♪

♪ Archery, dodge-bird, Borb tennis ♪

♪ It's absurd! ♪

♪ Here they come!
Red, Stella, b*mb, and Chuck ♪

♪ Flying fast
Look out, duck! ♪

♪ All your life you'll be glad
You had this ♪

♪ Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪

-[b*mb] Behold!
-[all gasp]

I found this under my bed!

A paperweight bust
of President Theodore Rooster-velt,

sculpted from congealed gravy.

It doesn't smell very congenial.

Mmm! Just like Grandma used to make.

Super gross!

Let's see how far it goes!

[Red] Not bad.

Chuck, what did you find under your bunk?

This weird stick my uncle from Auk-stralia
sent me for my ninth birthday!


It's the gift that keeps on giving.

I found this under my bunk,
my old Tattling Trudy doll.


-You're in so much trouble!
-[Stella groans]

I'm gonna tell your mom!

Who's in trouble now, huh?

Okay, prepare to feel the wrath of my…

-baby photo album!
-[Chuck] Ooh!

Angry, angry, angry.

Ooh, happy!

Angry, angry, angry.

How come you want to get rid of this?

Neiderflyer keeps stealing pictures

of my baby butt,
and putting them up around camp!



[grunts] Eww!

[campers laughing]

Bye-bye, baby butt!

[b*mb and Stella] Whoa!

Winner, yes! Ha ha!

[campers snoring]

[campers scream and shout]

-Ew! What's this?
-What am I stuck to?

-What's going on?
-[b*mb mumbling]

Someone put glue on everything!

Run for your lives!


What is going on?
My hair feathers and I demand answers!

-Yes, dear?

Find out who did this!

Look, pig tracks!

I knew your piggy little bunk mate
couldn't be trusted!

No way it was Penley.

He's been in the camp
sweat lodge all week!

[Might Eagle sniffs]

Mmm! Man, all of a sudden, I'm really
craving some hash browns and ba--

-Baked goods.
-[snorts happily]


[gasps] It wasn't just one pig!

The pigs from Pig Camp
must have done this!

[campers gasp and groan]

Are we gonna sit here and take this?

-[campers] Huh?
-The pigs can't prank us

anytime they feel like it!

I say we send them a message!

On it.

"Dearest pig friends--"


A message that says,

"If it's a prank w*r you want,
it's a prank w*r you'll get!"

"And we shall be victorious
or die trying."

Now, who's coming with me to Pig Camp?

[cricket chirping]

Meh. We're good, buddy.

Eh. Fine by me.
More action for us!

Are you sure this is a good idea?

I say we talk it through and hug it out.

My brother got involved in a prank w*r.
He never made it back home!

Wow, what happened to him?

He went off to college.

Great story, b*mb.

I say we sneak into Pig Camp tonight

and prank 'em so hard, they won't
even think about pranking us again!

[suspenseful music plays]

Okay, we need a prank
that the pigs are all gonna notice.

Let's have a little fun with that.

It's Hermione Swinehouse,
founder of the Pig Camp.

Aw, she reminds me of my gam gam,
especially the snout.

What are you gonna do?

Chuck, give me the stuff!

b*mb, maybe you should
look away for this part.


[Red, Stella, and Chuck laugh]

[campers chatter and laugh]

Last one on the slide is a rotten ham!

[Stella and Chuck giggle]

Swan dive! Unh!

Cannonball! Unh!

-Funny dive name!
-[all grunt]

-[b*mb] Belly flop!
-[all scream]

[Red groans]

Hey, uh, does the lake seem
different to anyone else?

Well, dam!

Boy, the pigs got us really, really
good. Better than we got them.

Okay, pigs, you've won this battle.

But it is on!

This is the Pig Camp.

The pigs have retaliated,
and now we must re-retaliate!


With a prank so big, they'll be squealing
for their mommies all summer!

Ooh! Maybe we invite them out
for a smoothie and never show up.

I told you this was gonna happen!

Red, you have to put a stop to this.

Me? They started it!

Then I'm sorry, but I'm out.

Pranking only begets more pranking,

and more pranking,
until you go off to college,

and you never even call anymore.


if you really want to put an end to this,
you gotta hit 'em hard!

One hundred percent pure prune juice.

One sip, and a trip
to the bathroom is guaranteed.

Let me see that.

You sure this is gonna…

[Chuck groaning and farting]

Whoa, that's messed up. I love it!

[farting continues]

[Stella] As soon as this hits
their bellies,

they'll all rush to the bathroom.

So next, we sneak
into all their restrooms,

then we wire these fireworks
to all the toilet handles in camp.

When the pigs flush their toilets,


And the award
for greatest prankster ever goes to…

[gasps] Can I have your autograph?
Big, big fan of your work!

Those piggies are in for a rude awakening.

I don't know. Maybe it didn't work.

I mean, have you seen what they eat?

-[fireworks exploding]
-[pigs squealing]

Okay, it worked.

[victorious music plays]

Now, where's b*mb?
So I can tell him, "I told you so."

Speaking of "where's b*mb,"
where's our bunk?

Where are all the bunks?

-[Stella] Where is everything?

Huh? Aah!

The pigs took it all!

Also, where's b*mb?!

They bird-napped him!

Okay, now they've gone too far!

Everybody, listen up!
The pigs took our cabins!

-[all gasp]
-They took our catapults!

-[gasps continue]
-They took our dining hall!

Eh, I'm fine with that.

They even took Harold's eyebrows!

I can't even tell if he's upset or not.


-And worst of all, they took b*mb!
-[all gasp]

The pigs may have started this,
but we're gonna end it. Who's with me?

[campers shouting]

[camper] Me! Let's go!

[pigs grunting]

[Stella and Chuck grunt]

First, you glue everything.
Then you steal our stuff!

Then you take my friend?

This ends now!

Oh, hey, Red! They didn't bird-nap me.

-[all gasp]
- No! What?

It was just a mistake!
I was in the bunk when they took it.

[pigs grunt in agreement]


But they still
totally did all that other stuff!

And they're marching
on our camp right now!

[campers shouting angrily]

They were just walking me back!
They're actually really nice.

Look, we had a chat and we all agreed
that this silly prank w*r needs to end.

[pigs oinking]


No way! They started all this.
And now, they're gonna pay!

Pigs will pay!

[all] Pigs will pay!
Pigs will pay!

-We didn't start it! You did!

-[snaps fingers]

Our camp founder was minding
her own business, having tea and biscuits,

when pow!

She was nailed in the head with this!

A photo album
of grumpy baby-bird pictures!

Hey, Red. That cute,
little baby bird looks just like you!

-Oh, wait.
-[campers growling]


Well, [chuckles]…
like I always say,

let's talk it through and hug it out?

-[campers growling]
-Probably a good time to start running.

[Red yelping]

[b*mb sipping loudly]

Ahh! It's a real shame
what happened to Red.

I'm just glad he saw it my way in the end.

Yeah, he really needs
to do something about his short fuse.

Not to mention
his overdeveloped sense of justice.

[Stella and b*mb] Mm-hmm!

[Hermione] Hey, prank boy. Nice butt!

[pigs laughing and snorting]

[Red sighs]

[theme music playing]