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02x11 - Fly Like a Mighty Eagle

Posted: 06/12/23 15:11
by bunniefuu

♪ Camp Splinterwood ♪

♪ Our summer home ♪

[driving rock music]

♪ For catapulting!
Slingshotting! Getting thrown! ♪

♪ Campers rocket through the trees ♪

♪ Cannonballing where they please ♪

♪ Zipping in the air ♪

♪ Crashing everywhere ♪

♪ Archery, dodge-bird, Borb tennis ♪

♪ It's absurd! ♪

♪ Here they come!
Red, Stella, b*mb, and Chuck ♪

♪ Flying fast!
Look out, duck! ♪

♪ All your life you'll be glad
You had this ♪

♪ Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪

[Red] Chuck, dude. Hurry up!
We're gonna be late for dodge-bird.

Seriously, what's going on in there?

I mean, it is the bathroom.

What else could possibly be going on in--

[power tool buzzing]

-[horn honks]

[gas passing]

-["ooga" horn]
-[gas squeaks]

We'll, uh, just meet you there.

[toilet flushing]


[bird caws]


Whoo hoo!







You were flying!

How were you flying?
I've never seen you flying!

-Birds can't fly!
-Eh, Eagles can.


What? No!
What? No!

What?! No-ho-ho!

Then how come
I've never seen you fly before?

Yeah, thing is, it takes, like, effort.

But it's the only way to reach this dude
who owes me money.

Teach me to fly, please!

Yeah, I don't know.

Besides, only eagles can fly,
Chucker, you know.

Just stick to what
you non-eagles do… crash.

Way less work. Way more fun.

Now that I've seen you fly,
the only thing I want in life

is to experience the glory
of unslung flight.

Birds come down, but I want to… not.

Well, now that I can see
this is a dream of yours,

let me impart this wisdom upon you.

Find another dream.

Mind if I borrow this? Thanks, bro.

Huh! Can't believe Chuck
was a no-show at dodge-bird.

I'm kind of worried now. I hope he's okay.

[Chuck shrieks]

Oh, hey, cheeple!

-Uh, Chuck, whatcha doing?
-Teaching myself to fly, obviously.

You know, only eagles can fly.

Am I the only bird who didn't know that?!




So close! You all saw it,
right before that epic crash.

You know you're not an eagle, right?

He just needs to get this
out of his system.

Chuck's gonna Chuck.

He'll be over this flying thing
by lunch time, guaranteed.

Whoo hoo hoo hoo!


Or not.

Okay, by dinner time, for sure.

[all munching]

-Whaah! Whoo hoo!

-[Chuck] So close!


[all munching]

[Chuck shrieking]

[glass shatters]

Whoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Oh, hey, cheeple! Check it out.
I think I'm starting to get it.

-[glass shatters]

This flying like an eagle craze seems
to be lasting a little bit longer

than Chuck's usual craze.

[propeller buzzing]





Whoo hoo! Hey, am I doing it?

It's working!

I can't believe it. It's really working!

It's work--



Whoo hoo hoo!

This is, like, the th activity
Chuck's missed this week.

And his flight attempts
are getting weirder and weirder.

Look at me! I'm an eagle! Watch me fly!



[Chuck grunting]


Yeah, this flying like an eagle
obsession has to stop.

Well, we do know one eagle.
Maybe he can help.

I'm sure he's fine
and y'all are totally overreacting.


[Chuck laughing]


[Mighty Eagle] Are those eagle wings?

Okay, cultural appropriation
is where I draw the line.

[Chuck cawing]


[munching loudly]

-Hey, bud.
-We have lift off!

A bit more fuel
and I'll be flying like an eagle!

[gas passing]

[Chuck munching]

Chuck, I can see how much you want this,
but you gotta trust me.

Flying comes at a cost,
and it's totally overrated.

-[gas passing]

Look, it's fine if you don't want
to help me with my dream,

but this magical fruit will.

So I'm not stopping
till I eat all the beans!

[munching loudly]


[Chuck screeching]

I'm flying! I'm fly--

Ohh! Ow.

Chuck, I'm sorry.
I can't teach you how to fly.

But I might know some dudes who can.

[gas passing]


Eagle flying is amazing! Do a swoopie.

Whoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Ha ha! Yes! I wanna do this so bad!

[dramatic music]

[Chuck] Ohh…

Uh, do they know we're here?

The Three…

Know all…

And everything.

Yeah… Nice to see you too.

Look, Chuck here wants to learn
how to fly like an eagle.

Like, really, really, really badly!

Thought you dudes might be able to help.

Also, you, uh, got my five bucks?

Money is but a construct.

Created for greed.

You know, a simple "I don't got it"
would suffice.

All right, I'm out of here.
Good luck, little dude.

So, uh, how's this work? Meditation?
Complete reconstructive surgery? Beans?

Don't say beans.
I already tried 'em, didn't work.

-[passes gas]
-Is that common crasher…

Speaking to the Three…

As though he is worthy…

[all] Of the Three speaking to him?

Yes! Because I really, really,
really wanna fly!

So, please, please, please,
can you help me?!

The Three have never gifted a crashy bird
with the secret of flight before.

And frankly,
they find the idea quite ludicrous.

What makes this crasher
believe himself worthy of eagle flight?

Birds come down, but I want to… not.


So monumentally profound!

This crashy bird
has the spirit of an eagle.

I-- I do?

[eagles whispering indistinctly]

[whispering continues]


It has been decided.
The Three shall bestow upon you…

[all] The secret of flight.



-No way.

-That sounds simple enough.

-[eagles whispering]
-And that?!

Still more, huh?
Wow, this is a lot of information.

Should I be writing this down?

It's happening! I'm actually flying!

This is amazing!

Whah hoo hoo hoo hoo!

This is the greatest moment of my life!

Ahem! Eagles are not so shouty.

[whispering] This is the greatest
moment of my life!


[gas passes]

[Red] There you are, ME.

So, what happened with Chuck?

Oh, yeah. I took him up to the eagle dudes
around to learn how to fly.

-He's up there now.

[Chuck whooping]

[Stella] Chuck's really flying!

Whoo hoo hoo hoo!

[Red] He did it!

He actually did it!

-Look at him go! And go! And… go.
-[Chuck whooping]

What if he never comes back down?

Thanks so much, guys!

Flying is everything
I thought it would be!

I gotta go tell my buddies!

You mean your crashy friends?

Look at me. I'm a dumb bird crasher.

Ouch. Crash. Da-da-doink!

[eagles laughing]

Yes, and I'm Mighty Eagle.

The dumbest "crashiest" bird ever.

He flew all the way up here
and never even got this!


Uh, you know, all my friends
are crashy birds.

Not anymore!

Now you fly with the eagles.

Well, maybe I don't wanna fly anymore.

Maybe I wanna crash
with my crashy bird friends.

You cannot go!

You do not crash like a dumb bird.

He has gone beyond the veil.

You can drop the act, Norm. He's gone.

[Chuck screeching joyfully]

[all cheering]



Ha ha! Did you guys see that?
Most epic crash ever!

You're back!

Yeah, the eagles taught me to fly,
which is pretty cool.

But I think the real lesson was
being a dumb crashy bird is way cooler.

But wait! You know the secret of flight?
[gasps] You've gotta tell us!

Totally! The secret is…

Uh… uh…

Huh. It was in there somewhere.

Now all I see is a bunch
of spinning stars. Oh well!

[all groan]

But I do remember something!

I didn't want you
to have to fly up there again.

Candy machine, here I come!

[gas passing]

[theme song playing]