04x24 - Goodbyes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JAG". Aired: September 23, 1995 – April 29, 2005.*
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Follows the exploits of the "judge advocates" in the Department of the Navy's Office of the Judge Advocate General, based in the Washington metropolitan area.
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04x24 - Goodbyes

Post by bunniefuu »

Master Chief Calloway?

The Navy was my life.

You took that away from me.

Stand down, Lynch.

Too late for that.

All you had to do was
give me a second chance.

Whoa-ho, ho, ho! Whoo!

Blacksburg UNICOM, this is
Stearman November Romeo 1-5-3

for a straight-in
approach on runaway 2-4.

Blacksburg UNICOM...

Winds out of the southeast

about five knots.

Click twice for runway lights.

Roger. Thank you.


you really kissed that one on.


What's in the box?

Mmm... stuff that
dreams are made of.

Oh, well, that
certainly clears that up.

Come on, who's it
for? There's no tag.

Excuse me, Commander, but
the Admiral wants to see you, sir.

He said it was urgent.

Thank you.

Can you put this on my desk? Mm!

And, uh, this and this?

Uh, yeah, you're welcome.

You want a hand
with that, Major?

Uh, it's nothing I can't handle.

I tried calling you at
your home last night.

I'm sorry, sir. I was flying.

Oh? How'd that go?

Well... Admiral, I
tried landing at night

about a month ago... I
damn near k*lled myself.

Last night, I aced it.

Uh, you didn't
leave a message, sir.

Well, I wanted to
talk face-to-face.

The SECNAV's willing to approve

the change of your
designator to 13-10.

Well, that is the option

you wanted, correct?
To be a naval aviator?

Yes, sir.

I just didn't think it
would happen this quickly.

Commander, have
you fully considered

what you're giving up here...

A very promising career in JAG,

with contacts on Capitol
Hill, the Pentagon?

Well, sir, I've been...

I've been thinking a
lot about that lately, yes.

Do more good for the Navy
and yourself as a lawyer.

Point well taken, Admiral.

I've spent a lot
of sleepless nights

trying to figure it all out.

On the one hand,

flying was my life until
retinal scarring took that away,

but on the other hand,
my life here at JAG, sir,

has turned out
a whole lot better

than I had any right
to hope it would.

Only it's not enough.

Excuse me, Admiral.

There's an Agent
Holland from NCIS,

to see Commander Rabb, sir.

Better see what she wants.

I'll expect your decision
by the end of the week.


Aye, aye, sir.

Thank you.

We have a lead on Charles Lynch.

He k*lled two women in a hotel

in Wilmington, Delaware,
three nights ago...

Angela Dalla Valle,
the owner of the hotel,

and Marjorie Lewis.

Dar-lin and Annie's aunt.


He stomped her to death.

Just like he did to Annie.

Yeah, there was no attempt

to conceal the
bodies, Commander,

no effort to clean
up the crime scene.

It was a spontaneous...
unorganized homicide.

He's out of control.

Give me ten bucks of regular.

How you doing, Master Chief?

You were in the Navy?

Machinist's mate, second
class on the Patrick Henry.

You miss it? Hell, yes.

With all this action
in the Balkans

I'm thinking about going back.

I left once.

Going back now's the
smartest thing I ever did.

Where you headed?

Trying to get back
the rest of what I lost.

He looks just like you, Harriet.

You think so?

Everybody keeps telling
me he looks like Bud.

Aw, he has your eyes.

Thank you.

What do you think, Major?

I think he's just gorgeous.

I want to hold him.

Okay. Come here.

I think AJ is more handsome

than he is gorgeous, Major.

"AJ," As in... as
in "Albert Jethro"?

No, "AJ" as in "AJ."

The Admiral doesn't
need to know.

Well, how you going to
handle the christening?

The Admiral will be there.

Yeah, what if he
calls him "Al" or...?

We'll think of something.

Oh, we're hungry.

Are you hungry, sweetheart?

Come here.

It's time for some
dinner... okay.

It's okay, it's okay, come on.

Hey, uh, why don't we
open the present, Bud?

Aw, sir, you didn't have to.

I wanted little AJ
to have something

to remember me by.

Oh, wow!

It's die-cast!

It's got an operating
headlight, smoke, a whistle...

Thank you, sir.


So, uh, how much time you
have left on your family leave, Bud?

Uh, my two weeks are up tomorrow

but, uh, Commander
Brumby has me working

on the Dawkins
case. It's a real doozy.

I'm surprised that
you gave it up.

I didn't give it up. The
Admiral gave it to Brumby.

Charles Lynch has resurfaced.

What do you need, sir?

Chaser with a beer back?

I'm tapped out.

On me.

Bad week?

Had to take care of a couple of
things that were bothering me.

It's behind me now.

Ever wish your life
had turned out different?

Pretty much every day.

You ever think, "What if I could
go back, straighten things out?"

Say you're sorry to
the people you hurt...

Stuff like that?

Done that.

What about the
people that hurt you?

What if you could
even up the score,

start with a clean slate?

Whatever it is, let it go.

Can't do that.

That's the only way you're ever
going to move past your anger.

What do you do if
anger's all you have?

I wonder what it's like

to be as happy as
Bud and Harriet?

They're working 12-hour shifts.

They're up all
night with a baby.

They don't have
time to be happy.

They don't have to find time.

They just are.

Don't you want that at all?

There's a lot of time
for stuff like that, Mac.

Yeah, don't be so sure.

When was the last
time you saw Jordan?

Couple weeks ago.

She told me to give her a call

when I decided if
I was leaving JAG.

Have you?

I keep thinking
what it would be like

to go back and see
what I've missed,

start with a clean slate.

Um, you have anything
but a clean slate.

Look, I'm-I'm interested
in the future, too, Harm.

More and more, I want a
life that is simple and good...

A great career, a good man...

And comfortable shoes...
Lots and lots of them.

Yeah, yeah.

Naval Criminal
Investigative Service.

This is Harold Broky
with the Wilmington Police.

I need to speak with
the agent in charge

of the double homicide
at the New Eden Hotel.

Please hold.

This is Agent Holland.

Who am I speaking to?

You're wasting your time
looking for Charlie Lynch.

He died two hours ago.

I reached three people
that served with Lynch, sir.

It helps to fill out
his service record.

As you know,

he was a gunner's mate
first class on the Sterett.

His first offense was a
bar fight with some locals

in Wilmington.

He received Captain's mast.

Yeah, but there
were eyewitnesses

testifying that two
men jumped him,

so his punishment was suspended.

His second offense
was four months later,

where he assaulted a
shipmate in the same bar...

A place called Boomer's.

He was busted down to
Petty Officer Third Class.

Then he missed ship's
movement by design.

Now, he was in custody on
base pending transfer to his ship,

when Master Chief
George Calloway,

Chief Master-At-Arms,
attempted to help Lynch.

He and Lynch got
into a shoving match,

and according to
his administrative

separation paperwork:

"His pattern of misconduct
indicates he is unable

"or unwilling to
change his violent ways,

"despite his best efforts

and the efforts of
others on his behalf."


when you have a
moment, Dawkins awaits.

I'll be right there, sir.

I asked the Lieutenant
to give me a hand.

I'm sorry, Mic.

Right-o. Not a problem, Harm.

All for a good cause, I'm sure.


What? When?

Keep me informed.


That was Agent Holland.

She just got a tip

that Charlie Lynch
had been k*lled.

Was it for real?

The k*lling was real.

It wasn't Lynch.

The victim was Master
Chief Calloway...

Shot twice at close range
with hollow-point rounds.

Where are you headed, sir?


Lynch hid out there
for three months.

That's where he
k*lled Marjorie Lewis

and that's evidently where
he used to hang out...

At Boomer's Bar.

What's on your mind, Major?

It's about Commander Rabb, sir.

I know that he still
hasn't made up his mind.

I was wondering if there
was anything you could do

to make him stay.

If he wants to go, Major,
nothing I want to do about it.

Have a seat.

I don't want any man
or woman working for me

that doesn't want to be here...

That this isn't their
highest priority.

I expect the best
undivided attention

of everyone here.

Anything less is unacceptable.

Have you tried to
talk him out of it, sir?

Twice. I think I may have
gotten through to him.

Do you ever get
used to it, Admiral?

Losing people?

Moving on is a fact
of military life, Major.

I know that, sir,

and it's always been
fine with me until now.

It's a mistake to get
comfortable with billet

or with personnel.

Anyway, if, if he
does choose to leave

he can always come back, right?

Not necessarily.

You chose to resign once, Major.

Damn lucky I took you back.

Thought long and
hard before I did.

Aren't we past that, Admiral?

Forgiven, but not forgotten.

Thank you, sir.


this has been truly...



Here you go. Thanks.

We don't open for another
hour, but can I get you something?

Actually, ma'am, I'm
here on official business.

Uh, there was a m*rder
not too far from here

in a hotel room.

Two women were k*lled.

I'm aiding the investigation.

I need to know

if you've seen this man.

Hmm. What'd he do?

He has a history of
v*olence towards women.

You're kidding.

He treated me great.

When was he here?

Last night.

We had a nice talk.

He was thinking about
starting over in life; a fresh start.

What else did
you two talk about?

He did have some anger
issues, but I told him

what I learned in my
12-step program: let it go.

Did he happen to tell you
which way he was headed?

South, he said.

To even up old scores.

Social Services.

Yes. This is Agent Holland,

Naval Criminal
Investigative Service.

I'm working on the
m*rder of Annie Lewis.

I need to speak
with the social worker

who handled the family.

Hold on, sir.

Yeah, this is Ms. Rawlings.



We're going to find
you a nice family

to live with real soon, Dar-lin.

Jordan, why can't I go
back to my real home?

Dar-lin, there's no one in
the house on Evers Road.

What about Aunt Marjorie?

If Charlie went away

why can't I stay with her?

Charlie k*ll her, too?


Charlie will never
hurt you again, Dar-lin.

I promise you that.

Sweetheart, I need to
ask you a few questions.

When you were living with
your Aunt Marjorie and Charlie,

did he ever blame
you for anything?

I mean, did he ever tell you
that something was your fault?

He said it was 'cause of us

he didn't find no
job or nothing.

He said it was your fault?


That's why he hit us.

And then what happened?

He'd always say
he's sorry and hug us.

You mind if I give you a hug?

Excuse me, ma'am.

I'm looking for Ms. Rawlings.

That's me... I'm a
little bit busy right now.

It'll just take a second, ma'am.

My name's Harry Lewis.

I'm looking for
my sister's kids.

I went out to the
house on Evers Road

but there was nobody home.

You're Wanda Lewis's brother?

Stepbrother, actually.

The family's all broken up.

We only got close just
before she died in '96.

And why exactly are you here?

I've been out of
the country, ma'am.

Chief Master-At-Arms
on the Coral Sea.

I heard Grandma Lewis passed

and I was wondering
what happened to...

Annie and Dar-lin.

Annie's dead.

Excuse me?



Three months ago.

What about Dar-lin?

Mr. Lewis?

Master Chief... Lewis.

Who is Dar-lin?

Annie's twin.

Social Services has no record
of a twin sister for Annie Lewis.

The family didn't like to
talk about it a lot, ma'am.

The little girl
wasn't quite right.

She had a birth defect.

She was institutionalized
till she was six.

She only came to
live with the family

four or five months ago, ma'am.

I would have known about this.

Families have secrets, ma'am.

That's one thing I've
learned over the years.

Uh... why don't you come
back tomorrow, Chief?

I'll have some information...

Master Chief.

And today would be better.

That's not going to happen.

Thank you for all
your help, ma'am.

I'll be in touch.

You're right.

Lynch blames the people
around him for his problems.

Right now, he's
going after anyone

he thinks did
something to hurt him.

Charlie blames Dar-lin

for screwing up
his life, Jordan.

He'll come after her.

I'm gonna make arrangements
to have her moved.

She's on a Navy base.

How much safer can she get?

Charlie k*lled Annie
on a Navy base, Jordan.

Dar-lin is a remarkably
resilient child

and she's making
excellent progress in therapy

but in order to heal, she
needs a stable environment.

Every time you move
her, it sets her back.

Sometimes I get the
impression she doesn't like me.

You remind her of how vulnerable
she was when you saved her life.

How vulnerable she still is.

She's learning how not

to be that easy to hurt again.

She's growing a thicker skin.

But she needs to separate
herself from you, Harm.

That's how she's
going to survive.

How much is this going to cost?

250 bucks.

Unless you're handicapped.

What's the badge?


That like a cop?

Security, discipline,
enforcement, investigation.


We take care of the bad guys.

Professional courtesy.

Thank you.

You know, I was sent up

to get some background
on Annie Lewis.

Yeah, terrible what happened.

The whole department pitched in.

All five of us.
We're a small town.

Who from the navy did your
deputies talk to about the case?

Some lawyer.

Is she under protective custody?

I hear they're keeping her
at the Washington Navy yard.

This Navy lawyer have a name?

He's got a funny name: Rabb.

Harmon Rabb.

That's the kind of
name you'd remember.

Commander Rabb.

It's Skates, sir.

Lieutenant Elizabeth
Hawkes, RIO on the Seahawk.

What brings you to JAG?

You in some kind of
trouble, Lieutenant?

I came to see you, sir.

That's as much
trouble as I need.

F-14 flight manual,

weapons systems handbook...

NATOPS checklist.


Why don't we step into
my office, Lieutenant.

Where are you stationed now?

Just finished LSO School

and report to NAS
Oceana next week.

You still in F-14s?

Is there any other way to go?

My squadron's deploying

to the med on the Patrick Henry.

I included the open-book exams

for all three manuals.

How'd you know I
might need these?

My fiancé works
for SECNAV's office.

He was telling me
about this aging retread...

"Aging retread"?

Those were his words, sir.


Your name came up, and I figured

these would come in handy.

Well, thank you.

Maybe we'll get to
fly together some day.

Maybe you'll be my RIO.

If you're lucky, sir.

Well, that's something
to look forward to.

Hang on a second.


Commander, Agent Holland.

Agent Holland, could you
hang on one second, please?


Uh, this is going
to take a while.

No problem, sir.

I got to meet my guy for lunch.

Maybe I'll see you at Oceana.

Excuse me, Commander.

Agent Holland, Lieutenant
Commander Parker

has just stepped in.

Let me put you on
the speakerphone.

Got a call this morning
from Social Services

in North Mountain, Maryland.

A Navy Master Chief

claiming to be Dar-lin
Lewis's uncle showed up.

He was looking for Dar-lin.

He said he wanted to get
his family back together again.

Ms. Rawlings didn't give
him any information, did she?

Oh, no. Luckily,
she got suspicious

and called us first.

Social Services had
no record of Dar-lin.

Correct. The Master Chief
claims she'd been in an institution.

That's not true.

According to what we've learned,

Dar-lin's mother Wanda
was too strung out

to handle two babies.

Before Dar-lin went
to her grandmother's,

she was down South with cousins.

First knowledge of her
came when Harm found her

after Annie's death.

Well, we've faxed a
photograph of Charles Lynch

to Ms. Rawlings.

She identified him as
the man she spoke to

and we have established
a fugitive task force

to track him down.

Thanks for the
update, Agent Holland.

We'll be in touch.

The U.S. Attorney's Office has
arranged for Dar-Lin's transfer

to Yuma at 0800 tomorrow.

I'd like to talk to her
first, Harm; to prepare her.

Well, let's do it now.

We just received the
court's authorization

for the release

of Lynch's juvenile
and psychiatric records.

Lynch's mother
was beaten to death

by a drunken boyfriend.

Police found him
sitting next to the body.

He was placed in a foster home,

only to be moved to
another foster home

at the request of the family.

Problems with his temper?


What's tragic is he begged
to return to the foster family.

He loved it there.

All he ever wanted was a family.

He just couldn't get along.

Three juvenile hall placements.

Each time, Charlie got in
trouble for the same reason...

Uncontrollable temper directed
against someone close to him.

Don't tell me you're starting to
feel sorry for this guy, Jordan.

Everyone who's come
in contact with him

has said the same thing...

Let me guess:

Great guy to be around
until the last 20 seconds.

Charles Lynch was
brought up by no one.

He had no idea how
to live in this world.

Despite his best
efforts, he failed

at everything he did.

Well, he's mastered one skill.

Yeah, what's that?

Really good at k*lling people.


How are you feeling, Dar-lin?


Commander Rabb needs
to tell you something.

I didn't do anything wrong.

No, honey, Commander
Rabb is your friend.

Dar-lin, we need to move
you to another house.

Why? I've been good.

I know you've been good.

It's just a precaution.

We want you to be safe.

I don't want to go.

Help you, Master Chief?

I heard the prettiest Marines

in the entire Corps got
assigned to SECNAV.

I wanted to see if it's true.

Seriously, Corporal, I'm in the
recruiting office in Des Moines.

I was wondering if I can
get an autographed picture

of the Secretary of the Navy

to hang on my wall back there.

We generally respond
to requests in writing.

I was passing through DC,

and thought I'd
save you the trouble

of sending a letter back.

Could I get that signed

"Thanks for the
hard work, Charlie"?

Wait one minute, and
I'll take it in to him now.

Thanks so much.

I appreciate it.

And they're right about
the prettiest Marines.

Jordan, I want you to know

I couldn't have done any
of this without your help.

And I appreciate

how difficult this must
have been for you,

considering our circumstances.

This isn't about me, Harm.

I, uh, heard the
Lieutenant tell you

she might see you
down at Oceana.

The SECNAV has approved
my change of designator.

Then you've decided?

Look, Jordan, I'm not going
anywhere until I get this guy.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Actually, you'll see
me later this afternoon.

Bud and Harriet invited me

to AJ's christening.

I understand you and
Mac are the godparents.

Baptism marks and celebrates

the gracious, transforming
work of God within us,

not just in the moment
of baptism itself,

but throughout
the whole of life.

I.D., sir.

I have a letter for Lieutenant
Commander Harmon Rabb...


Park in lot B.

There'll be a guard there.

Show him the
letter and your I.D.,

and he'll take you
to the quarters.


Bud and Harriet,

will you be responsible
and loving toward AJ,

remaining faithful to him,
whatever the future may bring,

respecting him
wherever he may go,

and remembering always
that he is a child of God?

We will.

We will.


Advance and be recognized.

Flowing water is the
central symbol of baptism,

of cleansing and new beginnings,

of God's Holy Spirit poured
out on all who belong to God.



Dar-lin, I know you're here!


Where are you?!

AJ Roberts, I baptize you

in the name of God,
your living Creator,

in the name of Jesus,
your Redeemer,

and in the name
of the Holy Spirit,

the Giver of Life.

Receive this child...

embrace him with love,

be happy together.


Think you can be real good?


That's my girl.

I don't want you to be
afraid of me, Dar-lin.

Give me your hand.

All that matters now

is that we're together...

We're family.

I underestimated him, Jordan.

There's one good sign.

He didn't k*ll Dar-lin.

If all he wanted was revenge
for some imagined crime,

he would've m*rder*d
her on the spot.

But he planned this.

He took her with him.

What does he want with her?

He has a pattern, Harm.

First, he loses his temper
and hurts those close to him

and then, once he
realizes what he's done

he begs for forgiveness
and a chance to start over.

The bartender in
Wilmington told me

that he wanted to
make a fresh start.

Well, his psychological
profile suggests

that all he ever
wanted was a family.

I think Dar-lin's going to
be safe for the short term.

Yeah, until she does
something to set him off.

The FBI is checking the
house on Evers Road.

He won't be there.

Well, where else would
Charlie call home?

The Navy's the only
place he ever called home.

He fought to stay
in the service.

Said it was his life.

I got your favorite...
Pepperoni and extra cheese.

Go on, eat.


I'm sorry.

Everybody spills, sweetheart.


Now, I have something
I want to show you.

You want to see it?

This is the Secretary
of the Navy.

He's a very important man,
and he signed it personally:

"Thanks for all the
hard work, Charlie."

It pays to be good, Dar-lin.

Play by the book.

Annie never learned that.

She never did what she was told.

Don't make that mistake.


Bud, it's Harm.
Sorry to wake you.

Oh, no, it's no problem, sir.

I was already
awake with baby AJ.

Tell me again the ships
that Charles Lynch served on.

He served on the
Sterett, the Bunker Hill,

and the Seabridge, sir.

They are all guided-m*ssile
cruisers, right?

The first two are;
the Seabridge is

an aviation logistics ship.

Where are they based?

Well, the Sterett
is decommissioned.

The Bunker Hill is in WestPac,

and the Seabridge is in the
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.


Go back to sleep.

This is an aviation logistics
support ship, Dar-lin.

It provides maintenance
and logistics support

for Marine Corps
tactical aircraft.

Is this your boat?



Yes, it was.

The Seabridge.

We went very far away from here

to the Persian Gulf.

I was only a seaman
apprentice then.

Did you like it?

It was the best time of my life.

At night, on the open ocean,

the sky is so clear you
can see the Milky Way...

Like a ribbon,

woven with stars.


Anything you want, Dar-lin.

All you have to do is ask.

You want to go on board?


This is Lieutenant
Commander Rabb.

I found what looks to be
the Master Chief's sedan...

Pier-side at the
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.

Good work.

Don't do anything until I
have all the teams in place.

The last thing I need is
a lawyer getting shot up.

LYNCH: This is the loader room

for a five-inch, .54-caliber...

We can reload that
magazine while the g*n is firing

without having to stop sh**ting.

The mount above us

can stow up to 20 rounds
of ready service amm*nit*on

to be fired by one
person in this room.


Stay with me.

Put down the w*apon,
and let Dar-lin walk away.

I can't do that.

I don't want her to be
hurt in any way, Charlie.

Never would, sir.

I respect that.

I know you care
deeply for the little girl.

Oh, you're damn right I do.

She's the only family you have.

So you're going to take
good care of her, aren't you?

I know that's your intention.

Tell him, Dar-lin,

about our pizza...

Pepperoni and double cheese.

Well, that shows concern.

I gave her my coat.

What the hell else do
you want me to do?!

I want you to let her go...

That's what's best
for her, Charlie.

Right now, that's
all I care about.

She loves me.

Why don't we make it her choice?

What do you want to do, Dar-lin?

Stay with Charlie?

Put your w*apon down, Commander.

I'll do that.

You do the same.

Dar-lin, step through the hatch,

and wait for me outside.

Stay right here, Dar-lin.

He just wants to
put you in a home

where nobody will love you.


Do as you're told!

Run, Dar-lin!

Hold it! Drop it!

Then what?!

Then we walk out of here.

I walk out of here now.


Charlie, there's
something I need to know.

Why'd you k*ll Annie?

I told her not to get
on that school bus.

She just wanted to be
with kids her own age.

She disrespected me.

And for that, you
beat her to death?

You have a problem with that?

Yeah, I got a problem with that.

A man comes at you with an ax,

you have no choice,
do you, Commander?

None at all, ma'am.

Excuse me.

You're going to be
okay now, Dar-lin.

They're going to take
good care of you, okay?

You don't have
anything to worry about.


Oh... I almost forgot.

Come with me.

All right.

Sure I will, sweetie.


we need your statement.

That's going to have
to wait, Agent Holland.

I have something a little
more important to do right now.

Commander Rabb to see you, sir.

Send him in.

Nice work last night, Commander.

Well, thank you, sir.

How's the little girl?

She's with Commander
Parker at the moment, sir.

Now that this
problem is resolved,

she can be taken out
of protective custody

and put up for adoption.

Good. Good.

I, uh, I had these sent over
from Bureau of Personnel.

Orders to report to
Pensacola in 48 hours.

Say the word and
they will be canceled.

You understand, sir,

this is something
that I have to do?

What I understand, Commander,

is that you're throwing
away a brilliant career,

and taking a giant
step backwards.

Sorry to leave you
short-handed, sir.

No problem.

Commander Brumby
will replace you here.


His exchange
program's been extended.

He's a good man;
gets along with people.

Major seems to like him.

Admiral, it has been a pleasure
serving under your command, sir.

And if...

That'll be all, Commander.

Good luck.


Aye, aye, sir.


Did you tell him?


What the hell am I
going to do without you?

Uh, sorry for the language, sir.

Well, for starters, Bud,

you'll probably win
a few more cases.

Well, I'd rather lose to you
than beat anybody else in court.

Technically, you
haven't lost to me, Bud.

You'll do great.


Getting a look at
my new digs, mate.

Pleasure working with you, Harm.

Well, it's...

been something, Mic.

Did you think you'd sneak
away without saying good-bye?

Well, why "good-bye"
and not good luck?

Hmm, didn't I say
that to you once

when I was stupid
enough to leave JAG?

Yes, you did.

You said you were happy for me.

I was.

But that was different.

You were in love.

And you're not?

What does love have
to do with anything?


You want me to water your
plants while you're gone?

I don't have any plants.

Damn it.

I have so much I
want to say to you,

but I can't...

I can't find the words.

I know.

Damn you.

Why am I the only one crying?
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