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01x08 - Viva Mort

Posted: 06/11/23 16:05
by bunniefuu
[dance music playing]

♪ Party ♪

- ♪ Who's the King?
♪ - ♪ King Julien ♪

- ♪ Who's the King?
♪ - ♪ King Julien ♪

♪ Get down for the get down ♪

♪ Everybody party with King who? ♪

- ♪ King Julien ♪ - ♪ King who? ♪

♪ King Julien ♪

♪ Tonight will be forever ♪

♪ Let's do King Julien style ♪

♪ Woof ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Y'all tell me who's the king ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ All hail King Julien! ♪

♪ ♪

[Maurice] ♪ Everybody
groove now Everybody ♪

Everybody. Ooh.

Pump the base! Uh!

[scatting] Maurice. Maurice
gonna shake-a dat butt.

And a shake-a shake-a
shake-a his fur.

Mort, it is my kingly duty

to share this hilariousness
with the world!


Oh. Oh, wow.

Oh, very nimble for so
much junk in his trunk.

♪ Groove now, everybody ♪


♪ Everybody ♪



Uh, how long have
y'all been there?

Maurice, why do
you sound so mopey?

Do you not see how many
fanboys you have made today

by letting your freaky flag fly?

It's not funny!

I agree. It's not funny.

It's hilarious! [laughs]

Hey, look! I'm Maurice!
I'm smacking my butt cheek!



[both gasp]

I wonder what has
gotten into him.

Mmm? ♪ Everybody ♪

♪ Everybody ♪

♪ Everybody groove, now ♪


In memory of our fallen
leader, Banana Guy Mike,

we will liberate
all of the lemurs

from the tyranny of King Julien,

and continue to spread
the good word, "LALA."

Right! What's that
stand for again?

You remember! It's just like
what Banana Guy Mike said...

The Lemur Alliance
Liberation Army.

Or LALA for short.

[both sigh]

- Hello!
- [both yell]

If we stay real still, he
might think we're statues.

Whatcha doing?

Being a statue.

Shut up, Abner.

I like your art.

Oh... yeah... art! Right.

We're, uh, beautifyin'
the kingdom.

And definitely not trying
to brainwash anyone

into overthrowing the
government with us. Ugh!

Can I help?

Sidebar, Abner?

Sidebar, Becca.

What do you think?

You mean like my musings about
this crazy thing called life

or you talking more specific?

What the H-E-double C-K is that?

You painted that?

Yeah, you know. Just
a little doodle.

I think I feel a plan forming.

Sidebar, Abner? Sidebar, Becca.

You see how great that
painting he just did was?

I don't know about great.

Kinda gave me a lazy eye.

I'm thinking we could use an
artsy fartsy type like him,

to help us spread our message

of peace, love, and destroying
the corrupt monarchy.

It would be nice to
have a few more members

to join our noble rebellion.

We'd like to invite you to
check out our... art club.

Next meeting's this afternoon.

Snacks will be served.

Wow. Snacks are
my favorite food!

JULIEN: I still do not understand
why you have the angries, Maurice.

I "have the angries,"

because now everybody
in the kingdom

is talking and laughing
about my dancing.

What is the problem?

You're famous and everyone
thinks you're funny.


Can't be that bad.


This is happening
everywhere I go.

I can't even leave the
plane, and it's your fault!

- [clank]
- Eh?

Maurice? Mo-mo?

If we're going to be
fighting like this,

I should really be
standing in first class

and you in coach, but...

what can I do to make
whatever this is better?

You can apologize.

Eh, besides that.

One of the first lessons
Uncle King Julien taught me

is that a king must
never apologize.

Really? He never apologized?

He att*cked the wrong kingdom
once, did he apologize?

N-O. Because that would be like
recognizing he made a mistake.

Fell better now? Mm?

Masikura, back me up. [yells]

It is true, your uncle did
not apologize, howev...

[stammers] Thank you, Masikura.

You may disappear.

You're saying because
you're the king,

now you can't apologize
to your best friends?

Yes, exactly. [laughs]

I was so worried I was not
getting through to you.


It would be wise to
tell him you're sorry.

Apologies are the manure

that fertilizes the
flower of friendship.

Wow. Uh, way to
sell it, Masikura.

You know what, you can
keep your poopy flowers

I will come up
with a better plan.

Ugh. I already do not
like where this is going.

What is this thing
supposed to be again?

I call it my "Shame Spiral."

I know what you are thinking.

How does he do it?
[laughs, snorts]

How do you create shame?

Well, taking a cue
from my mother,

who was the shame ninja
of ten rec guilt...

Cut to the chase, Schizard.

What? Oh, uh, long story short,

I use humiliating experiences
from my own childhood

to build a state of
the art apparatus

that will run King Julien

through a gauntlet of
classic slapstick pratfalls,

inducing laughter
among observers.

Making me, King Julien,
look like a big dumb idiot

so Maurice will forgive me.

Heh, I'd love to see
how this turns out,

but I should go, um...
secure the perimeter.

Not 'cause I'm trying to get away from...
whatever this is.

But because duty and...

On it!

So glad you could make it.

Here, come talk with me,

while I stand on this
completely random spot.

What's everybody doing here?

[laughs] You're so funny.
Who's to say?

Maybe they are here
to see me embarrassed

in front of the whole kingdom.


Ahem. I said, embarrassed in
front of the whole kingdom!

Uh, King Julien?

Ah, here's the problem.




[groans, grunting]

Come on!

[grunting continues]




- [Maurice grunting]
- [crowd laughing]



Shh. No! Everyone stop
laughing right now.

Maurice is very sensitive...

[stifled laughter]
This is not funny!

[laughs] Okay, it's
a little funny.


Oh, man! I'm glad
that wasn't me!

Look at his face!

Look at... He's a clown!

He's a lemur clown!


JULIEN: And the honey!
It's a sweet mess.



Yes! Something to investigate!

I mean, sure, I'd prefer
aggravated as*ault,

but beggars can't be choosers.


Dang, that's pretty good!

A fist raised in
defiance of tyranny.

How'd ya come up with
such a powerful image?

I have funny fruit dreams.
That's a banana hand.

I just wish Banana Guy
Mike were here to see this.

Yeah, RIP, BGM.


Ahem. I was promised snacks.

Right on. Almost forgot.


Ah. Ooh!

[loud eating]

You guys don't have fruit?

[gulps] You want fruit?

We're up to our ears in
these stupid pok-pok berries.

Got a big tree
outside that provides

all the nutrition
we'd ever need.

It's awful!

Ew! Nutrition! Gross.

they're delicious.


That don't mean we
shouldn't be free to eat

random garbage food that
washes up on the beach.

The man wants to mind control us

by making us eat food
the government says

is safe and probably
won't k*ll us.

Uh-uh. That ain't right!

No, it ain't. We
eat what we want.

And what we want is, well,

looks like it's either dog
food or food made out of dog.

Either way, it's our sky-god's
given right to eat it.

And we're sticking
it to the government

by shoving it in our pie holes.

Yay! Fight the power!

[gobbles] Mmm!

Savory. Complex.
With a smoky finish.

[loud eating]

That little fella's
hungry for freedom.

And possibly dog meat.

I think he's ready
for the truth.



- Mort!
- [yells]

We gotta come clean.

Despite our worldly

we ain't really an art club.

We're revolutionaries.

Fighting the man, over
throwing the government.

You interested?

Yes! I hate the man already.

Then welcome aboard, son.

You know, Abner?

I'm feeling a big ol'
brainstorm a-brewing.

Swirling like a dang tornado.

Well, let it out before
you hurt yourself!

We take this...

Mm, I like where this is headed.


And make it bigger!

Big enough for everybody to see

and be motivated to action.

Heck, I'm motivated already
just hearing about it.

What do you think, Mort?

I've always wanted to
share my beauty with the...


Oh, I ate too much dog meat.

JULIEN: I do not know what
I should do about Maurice.

It would be easy to
tell him I'm sorry.

But would it be kingly?

C'mon, drop some
knowledge on me.

I really miss hanging
with my best bud.

I thought of a funny noise today

and didn't have anyone
to annoy with it.

You want to hear it?
Here it go...

[loud noises]

Maybe I should just
tell him I'm sorry...

No, you're right.

A great king cannot let
his squishy inner feelings

get in the way.

Oh, Amelia, so glad
we had this talk

before I did something stupid,

like make things right
with my best friend.

Clover! Great timing.

I just wrapped up a meeting.

I found this on perimeter duty.

Someone's been using it to
deface government property.


It means vandalize.

- Vande...
- They're painting on stuff.

Painting on stuff? That sounds...

Okay, yeah. I'm outraged!

I don't know what
it all means yet,

but I've been seeing
"LALA" everywhere.

"LALA"? LALA! Huh,
that's pretty fun to say!

- Your majesty, I...

Try it, Clover.
Rolls off the tongue.


Come with me.

I think this may be part
of something larger...


What was that?

[crowd chanting] LALA! LALA!

CLOVER: Stop right there!


- Run away!
- Hi, Clover!


[all yelling]


[all panting]

We ain't gonna lose her.
Into those bushes! Quick!



[stifled yell]

[both yelling]

Ow! Ow! Ow!




[laughs] That was fun.

Let's do it again.

[sniffs] Mmm...

[grunts] Maurice?
What're you doing here?

It was the only place I could
go without being laughed at.

Oh, my, wow, it's the
silly dancing man again.

So this is where
you've been hiding.


- [grunts]
- [gasps]

And I'm wrong.

Look, I know I have a reputation

as someone who's not always warm

or easy to talk to.

But if you ever need
someone to open up to,

release all those feelings
bottled up inside,

you can talk to me.

Really? Thanks, Clover.

Y'know, dealing
with this situation

has brought up some
painful memories...

Oh, man up, Maurice!

- I think I've found a clue.
- [groans]

I don't know what these
brown smudges are.

[shudders] Or if I even want to know.
But these seem to be...

- Pok-pok!
- Huh?

There's a pok-pok
tree a little deeper

in the jungle not too far from here.
On it!


- [growls]
- [moans]

You sure this will do the trick?

If the trick is sting the king

with the most poisonous
scorpion in the jungle,

then... yep.

- [scorpion chitters]
- [Abner shudders]

Now we just need to figure out

who's gonna deliver
this to the tyrant.

♪ Everybody groove,
now Everybody ♪


Oooh! Is that a present for me?

Nope, for the king.

I'll give it to him.

You sure about this, Mort?

Yeah, I'm really
gonna give it to him.


'Cause there ain't
no turning back.

[laughs] He'll
never see it coming.

It'll be a big surprise.

Masikura, What would you...


You did not even let
me finish my question.

- Apologize!
- Bup, bup, bup.

Shut it up.

Now, Masikura,

what would you do if you were me

to make things right with
Maurice, other than...


Ah! Masikura! Ah!

I... I... Ah! All over you!

Why does such a simple
concept escape you?

It may come as a
surprise to you,

but I have not yet perfected
this whole being king thing.

I had not noticed.

Sometimes I do not even
know what I am doing.

I try to ask myself.

"What would Uncle King Julien do

in this particular situation?"

Or you know,

W.W.U.K.J.D.I.T.P.S. for short.

You think because your uncle

did not ever tell
anyone he was sorry,

that must be the
right thing to do?

Uncle King Julien left me
with big socks to fill, baby.

Sometimes I think I'll
never be as great as he was.

Your uncle was not great.

In fact, he was a very bad king.

Possibly the worst ever.

But no one ever
complained about him.

They were afraid to.

He got rid of any lemur
who dared cross him.

Well, he was pretty
good at the exiling.

Oh, he had the funniest
catchphrase, uh,

"Go die alone in the jungle!"

If I remember correctly.

I will miss his wit most of all.

Your Majesty,

the measure of a king

is that he does what
he thinks is right.

Do not try to be your uncle.
Strive to be better than him.

Ok, so you are saying
if I choose my own path,

I could be the
greatest king ever!

Oh, Masikura, you are
a very wise tree frog.

[Masikura grunts]

I am a chameleon.

Yes, yes, you can be
anything you want to

if you dream hard enough.

No, I am definitely a...

I will tell Maurice I am sorry.

And that unselfish
act will prove to him

and everyone else that I am
the best king of all times!

[loud banging]

Got you a little something.


A present?

Even though it is
not my birthday,

my half-birthday

or my bi-monthly
birthday anniversary?

Wait. My brain is
making an idea.

While I am proving
I am the greatest,

most humble king ever,

I could give this
gift to Maurice.

Yes. A peace offering
would be a nice touch.

- [stammers]
- [scorpion chitters]

Whoa. Sounds like
something really good.

I'm jealous.

BECCA: I think we have
some really solid ideas

for what to do after we've
overthrown King Julien.

Yep. Next order of business.

Who's gonna be the new king?

The whole thing
of this revolution

was that we don't need a king.

Well, yeah, but that was before

we figured one of
us could be king.

Then I vote for myself.

Now hold on.

At least give me a
chance to win your vote.

Hate to break it to you.

You two are so busted.

Busted for what now?

I found pok-pok residue
at a crime scene today.

The residue was on a mural

that looked exactly
like that one.

Add that to the fact
that your clubhouse

is under the
biggest pok-pok tree

on this side of the island.

Not to mention your
little calling card

in the middle of the jungle.

Boom. So busted.


What're you doing?

Destroying the evidence.

Uh, there's other evidence
in here, you idiot.


You're gonna tell me everything.

No, I ain't! [Yells]

We're liberating all the
lemurs in the kingdom

from the tyranny of King Julien.

Well, golly!

Why don't you just give
her your life story, Abner!

It ain't right to hit a lady.

[both growl]

[battle cry]


Now, tell me everything.

We sent King Julien
a special package

that will be the last special
package he ever receives

because our special package
has a poisonous scorpion in it.

It's real dang special.

I can stop this.

Then I think you've
got a decision to make.

Save the king or put an
end to our revolution.


Then I choose save the king.

I think. Yeah, yeah.
I choose save the king.

Although... No, no, no.

Saving King Julien is
definitely the right call.

It would be pretty cool to
stop a rebellion though.

Though it's not really
a rebellion, is it?

Oh, yes it is.

Well, no, not really.

It is too.

- Not.
- [both] Is!

- Not.
- [both] Is!

- Is!
- [both] Not!

Is not a rebellion, precisely.

[both] Huh?

That settles it then.

I'm off to save King Julien.

[both] Uh...


Oh. She's good.

You wanna make fun
of me some more?

No, I want to tell
you with my own mouth,

that I am very, very...
bad at apologizing.

[grunts, groans]

But you have been my best
buddy for many years.

And I know it must be
difficult to live in the shadow

of a truly great lemur like me.

Difficult is a good word here.

I should have listened to you
and thought of your feelings.

And for that, I am s...

I am s... [stammers]

Uh, I am s...



I'm sorry.

And I will do whatever
I can to make it better.

Just hearing you say it was
all I needed, your majesty.


And to help us bury the axe,

I offer you this gift.

Picked it out myself, very
special, hope you like it.

Hyah! [Grunting]

Is this another prank?
Stomping on my present?

No. Maurice, I promise you.

I would never do that

even though it
sounds pretty fun.


Clover! Stop mashing
my peace offering!

It's... empty. Huh.

[scorpion chitters]

Uh... false alarm.

Crisis over.

It's a good thing
nothing was damaged.

Maurice, I hope you like it.

Remember, it's my
thoughts that count.

- Carry on.
- Wait.

Why would you give me a...

- [shrieks]
- [chitters]


Get it off! Get it off!
Get it off! Ah! Ah!

[shrieks] My back!

Your Majesty, you're safe now.



Freaking out over nothing?

[all laughing]


Y'all see that?

All that screaming over
an itty-bitty nothing.


Yeah, that was my big surprise
twist ending of my apology.

Hey, everybody, remember
that time I pretended

I was so scared of that
stupid little nothing bug? Ah!



MAURICE: Y'all see that?

JULIEN: So let me
get this straight:

There's a guy out
there called The Man

who is keeping everybody down?

MORT: Mm-hmm!

JULIEN: We should find this
The Man and overthrow him.

Your Majesty, are we sure that

you're not The Man?

Uh, I think I would
know if I was The Man.


Okay, no. You need to go.

Nobody is laughing at
my friend any more.

Uh, King Julien,

I think he was laughing at you.

Me? Don't be ridiculous.

The tone of that laugh was
clearly directed at you.

Yeah... I don't know.

Of course you do. Scene over.

Hit me with that
dope beat, Mort!

[dance music plays]

♪ Everybody ♪

♪ Everybody Everybody
groove now ♪