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01x31 - Country Crisis

Posted: 06/11/23 11:36
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena:
I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena: sometimes,
there are problems

Even among
the freedom fighters,

And robotnik is always
ready to exploit them.

Sonia: and in ...!


Manic: are you sure you
activated those fuses?

Sonia: oh!

Sonic: hmm.

I can't remember.

Do you want me to
go back and check?

Manic: [laughs]
yeah, you do that.

Sonia: nice work guys.

Sonic and manic: yeah!

Sonic: swat-bots!

Let's jam.

Are we good or are we good?

Manic: oh, we're good!

Sonia: are your arms
getting tired

From all
that congratulating?

Sonic: no.

Manic: nah, never tired,
no, uh-uh, no.

Sonia: wait!
The pebbles!

They've been moved.

Manic: so somebody's...

Been here.

Sonic: or still is.

Sonia: a note...

From mother!

"Robotnik's building
a hydroelectric dam

"In southern mobius,

"And he's getting away
with it

"Because of a feud between
the freedom fighters

In the mountains
and the valley."

"If they don't
join forces to stop him,

The whole area will be

Mother wants us to go
make peace between them.

Manic: I forget how
beautiful it can be

Away from robotropolis.

Sonia: not for long,
if robuttnik--[yawns]--

Gets his way.

Sonic: well, he won't.

We'll see to that.

Manic: heads up.


[Horse whinnies]

Sonic: chill out.
The good guys have arrived.

Zeb: you just turn around
and tell your boss

We ain't letting no more
of you polecats in here.

Sonic: huh?

Sonia: no, really, we're...

Zeb: robotnik's g*ons
come to finish the dam.

Sonia: ugh.

Sonic: yo, bud!

You got it all wrong.

Manic: we're the sonic

Zeb: huh?

Manic: and he's sonic.

Zeb: well, if you're
the real sonic,

You ought to almost be able
to keep up with jarod here.

He's the fastest boy
in these here parts.

Sonic: how about
a little race?

Zeb: race to that there
piney tree and back.

And grab a pine cone
while yer there, too.

We'll see if'n yer
the real sonic.

Jarod: don't mind zeb.

Good luck.

Zeb: go!

Sonic: ahh. Kicking scent.

Zeb: I guess yer
friend's afraid

To run against jarod, hmm?

Sonic: ahh.

Manic: uh, sonic, the race?

Sonic: no biggie, bro.

Zeb: what the heck?

Sonic: psst!

Zeb: I ain't never seen
nothing like that before.

[Jarod breathing heavily]

Zeb: yer the real mccoy,
all right.

Jarod: real pleased
to meet ya, sonic.

Sonia: ahem! Ahem!

Sonic and jarod: huh?

Sonia: if the sonic fan club
can adjourn,

We've got a dam to dump.

Sonic: right, sis.

Let's scan, then plan.

Jarod: I'll show
y'all around.

Ya don't want
to run into any

Robot patrols
or mountain folk.

Sleet: oooh.

Sleet: what have we here?

This is it!

Our chance to get
big money from robotnik!

Dingo: uh, I'll go get him.

Sleet: no!

Not yet.

Dingo: but you just said--

Sleet: listen,

First we nab the hedgehogs
and hide them.

Then, we tell robotnik and
make him pay a lot of money!

Dingo: retire?

Sleet: yes, retire.

You can spend
the rest of your life

Waiting on me
hand and foot.

Dingo: oh boy!



Manic: so you
valley dudes...

Used to be buds
with the mountain dudes, eh?

Jarod: yep.

Sonia: and you said
this feud started

Because of our mother?

Jarod: yep.

The way it happened was
when yer ma visited here,

She gave us these purty

So's we could always
prove the land was ours.

Jeb: we was having
a big-time hoedown...

[Country music playing]

Jeb: the mountain folks
lost their medallion.

Granny: you took it!

Zeb: no, I didn't!

Jarod: they said
us valley folks took it

So we could steal their
land and they swore

They wouldn't play
another lick of music...

Granny: [raspberry]

Jarod: till we give it back.

But we didn't take it!

Shh! Quiet now.

There 'tis.

Sonic: let's see what
that bot's made of.


Manic: double whoa!

Sonia: we're going to need
a little help with this one.

Can you take us to
the mountain folks?

Jarod: I can take ya
most of the way,

But we ain't really
welcome up there.

Jarod: just follow
that path.

Sonic: thanks, bud.

Manic: yo, these mountain
dudes better wise up

And see how bad it'll be
when buttnik's dam gets built.

[Bushes rustle]

[Sonic gasps]

Sonic: shh!

[Sonia gasps]

Sonic: whoever it is,
I'll grab 'em.




Saro: oh!

Sonic: huh?

Manic: cool, man.

Very cool.

Sonic: I meant to do that.

Saro: you must be them freedom
fighters come to help

Jarod--uh, the valley folks
stop the dam.

Sonic: right
on the first guess.

Saro: I'm saro.

Nobody does nothing up here

Without talking
to granny first.

I'll take ya to her.

Sonia: how'd she know
who we were?

Sonic: so when buttnik
takes the valley,

Your land is next!

Granny: I don't care,

Long as them valley folks
is gone.

Manic: but when they're
gone, it'll be too late!

Saro: granny, we used to
work together with 'em.

We can do it again.

Granny: don't see how.

Them valley folks stole
our medallion.

Sonia: you'll lose
a lot more

If you don't join forces
with the valley folk!

Granny: whatcha mean?

Sonia: if you don't help us
destroy the dam,

This whole area
will be under water!

Including your place.

Granny: that so?

Well, I guess talking with
them varmints couldn't hurt.

But I ain't making up!

[Horse whinnies]

Sonic: it's settled then?

You'll work together
until the dam is down?

Granny: yeah, reckon so.

We'll try it,
but no promises.

Saro: thank goodness!

Granny: you
and that valley boy?

Ain't no way!

I knew something funny
was going on.

The deal's off!
[g*ns cock]

Saro: oh, no!

Sonic: stop!

Oh, this is mondo uncool.

Zeb: mondo?

What in tarnation
is "mondo?"

Sonia: he means fighting's
not the way to settle this.

Sonic: I do?

Oh, yeah! I do!

Granny: now, feudin'
is what we do!

The only way we settle this
is with a fight!

Sonia: but you don't have
to fight, right, sonic?

Sonic: uh, right.

You could, uh,
uh, uh, uh, uh...

Sonia: you could
settle it with music.

Sonic: yeah!

What she said.

Crowd: hmmm, maybe so.

Yeah, all right.

Y'all think so?

Granny: well, we ain't
played no music for awhile,

So, uh, I pick sonic hedgehog
here to do our playing.

Sonic: huh?

Zeb: then sonia'll
play for us.

Sonic: no way.

Sonia: we really...

Saro: please.

Otherwise, they'll just
start fighting again.

Manic: I vote for music.

Sonic: no problemo,
but I gotta warn ya,

When it comes to getting down,
I'm the main hedgehog.

Sonia: oh, well, I guess

We'll just have to see
about that, won't we?

Sonic: exactamundo!

Manic: let's rip it!

[Playing country music]

Sonic: ♪ I can run
a mile and back ♪

♪ Before you even try ♪

Sonia: ♪ I'm smarter
than a fox or you ♪

♪ And that's no lie ♪

Sonic: ♪ but I can eat
more chili dogs ♪

♪ Than anyone alive ♪

Sonia: ♪ but you
can't hold a candle ♪

♪ To my
fashionable designs ♪

Sonic: ♪ hey, we should
try to beat robotnik ♪

♪ Not each other ♪

Sonic and sonia: ♪ we worry
too much about winning ♪

♪ And that's a shame ♪

♪ It's not who
wins or loses ♪

♪ It's how we
play the game ♪

♪ Working as a team ♪

♪ We've got so much
on the ball ♪

♪ I know that we can
surely beat them all ♪

♪ It's not who
wins or loses ♪

♪ It's how you
play the game ♪

Sonia: yee-haw!

[Song ends]

Crowd: whoo-ee! Wowee!

Granny: well, maybe we
can works together,

Leastways, long enough
to stop this dam.

Sonia: well, now that we have
them working together...

Sonic: time to take out
the big guy.

Sonia: you know the plan.

When sonic lures
the guardian-bot away,

We strike.

Manic: go, bro!

Sonic: hey,


Ok, hot shot,
now it's personal!




This bad boy's
got some real juice!

Sonia: let's go!

[All cheering and taunting]

Granny: go on!
Get outta here!

Jeb: yeah. Move it!

Zeb: yeah, move it on out!

Granny: you cowards!

You git, now!

Sonia: it's not over yet!

Let's bring this dam down!

How about a drumroll, manic?

Manic: one down beat
coming up!

Crowd: watch out!

Here it comes!


[All shouting]

Sleet: they must have
destroyed the guardian-bot.

Now we'll destroy them!

[Evil laughter]

Jarod and saro: aah!

Manic: oh, man!

Talk about snatching defeat
from the jaws of victory.

Saro: wish we had a robot
to fight them fellers with.

Sonia: that's an idea!

If only I could get
a message to sonic.

Jarod: it won't
be hard to find him.

Sonia: that's for sure.

Saro: no, jarod!

It's too dangerous.

Jarod: and this isn't?

What do I tell sonic?

Sonic: man, buttnik's
outdone himself

With this mean machine.



Jarod: it's me, sonic!

Sonia's got a plan.

Sonic: yo, bud!

Head's up!

Jarod: she wants ya to bring
that thing back to the dam!

Sonic: what!?

Dingo: uh...

It looks like they're gone!

Sleet: wait a minute.

Dingo: sonia!

It's sonia!

Sleet: don't start!

She's the enemy.


Dingo: yeah. Ok.

Sleet: time to stun

Sleet and dingo: whoa!

Dingo: uh-oh!

What was that?!

must protect dam.

Dingo: hey, doesn't he know
we're on his side?!

Sleet: does it look like he
knows we're on his side?!

Time for plan "b."

Dingo: isn't there
a plan "c"?


Saro: yoo-hoo,
we did it, wow!

Sonia: yay, all right,
we did it!

Sonia, granny, zeb, saro:
yeah, yeah!

Saro: thank goodness
you're safe.

Jarod: no problemo!

Sonic: now
you're talking bud.

Manic: just one
more riff to play.

Dance to this beat, bot!

Sonic: push it, bro!

target identified.


Sonia: great performance,

Granny: not bad fer
a bunch of yokels, eh, zeb?

Zeb: yeee-haw!

Let's have us a wingding!

Granny: yeah.

A wedding wingding!

Crowd: whoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!

Granny: hey there, sonic!

You and your kinfolk come
on over here, wouldja?

Sonic: what's up, granny?

Granny: I wants to thank
y'all for what you've done,

And since y'all likes
music so much...

Saro: she ain't
touched that thing

Since the feud started!

Granny: I want you
to have my music jug.


What's in my jug?


Hooch my possum!

Saro: [gasps] the medallion!

Granny: well,
for goodness sake.

The medallion!

[Gasps] I remembers now!

I put the medallion into my
music jug for safekeeping.

But my mind wasn't really
on the medallion that night.

I reckon I owes you
an apology, zeb.

I'm awful sorry.

Zeb: don't you worry
none about it, granny.

Ya think maybe we's could
pick up where's we left off?

Sonic: well, I think
our work here is done!

Granny: I'm thinking this
oughta go to you young'uns.

You helped us save
our homes

And something
even more important.

Sonic: gee, granny,
i--i don't know.

Zeb: granny's right.
These're from your maw.

You oughta have 'em.

Sonia: i...

I don't know what to say.

Sonic: hey, sis, look!

Manic: it's a map!

Sonic: well, I guess we know
where we're heading next!

Zeb: it looks like everybody
got what they wanted.

This calls fer a hoedown!

[Fiddle playing]

Sonic: wanna dance?

Sonia: delighted.

Sonic: maybe next time, sis.

Sonia: huh?
