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01x21 - Dunes Day

Posted: 06/11/23 11:21
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena: sometimes
in the fight against tyranny,

We find friends
in the most unlikely places.

Manic: dude, talk
about the middle of nowhere.

Couldn't we have
just sent these guys a card?

it may not look like much,

But the nomads out here

Have been fighting buttnik
for years.

Legend has it
the tribe's chief, iffucan,

Was captured by buttnik,
but escaped.

The resistance needs anyone

Who can get away
from buttnik.

Sonia: but how can anyone
live out here?

There's no water, no shade,

No air-conditioned malls,

And you go through
an awful lot of sunscreen.

Sonic: whoa! It is toasty.

I'm having a meltdown.



Manic: so is the engine.

Sonic: uh, sonia?

How much of that sunscreen
did you bring?

Manic: it's no good.

I don't have
the tools to fix it.

Sonic: looks like
we're walking.

Manic: great. A million
square miles of beach

And no ocean.

Show me the city.

I can't stand
all this wide open space.

Show me the city!

Sonic: get over it, bro.

Nobody said
being in the resistance

Was a walk in the park.

Manic: yeah. But it
wasn't supposed to be a hike

Through the desert, either.

What good could a bunch of
nomads who live in a sandbox

Be to the freedom fighters?

[Sonia coughs]

Sonia: oh, I don't know.

It's not all bad.

A girl could
get used to this place.

All: aah!

Sonia: hey!


Sonic: swat-bots!

It's juice and jam time.

Stand back! I wouldn't want
anyone to get hurt.


Sonia: sonic!

Sonic: aah! Aah!

Manic: uhh! Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!

[Sonic coughs]

Sonic: is it just me,

Or are those swat-butts' aim
getting better?

Manic: I think
we're gonna find out.


[All gasp]

[All gasp]

Manic: whoa!
These guys are good.

Iffucan: fortunately for you,
we came along.

I am iffucan, chieftain
of the azcan tribe.

These are my bodyguards,

Amir and jamal.

Manic: whoa, like,
this guy needs bodyguards.

Iffucan: come,
we must go quickly,

Before robotnik
sends another patrol.

Sonic: uh, iffucan?

Think you could give us a hand
with our van?

Iffucan: certainly.

Manic: I got to hand it
to you guys.

This ride's pretty smooth,

And the fuel mileage
is rocking.

Iffucan: what brings you here
to this dangerous desert?

Sonic: we've heard
that your tribe has
no love for robotnik.

Iffucan: 'tis true.

Robotnik and his swat-bots
are our sworn enemies!

Sonic: well,
we're freedom fighters,

And the resistance needs
your help against robotnik.

Iffucan: if you are
truly an enemy of robotnik,

You must still prove yourself
worthy to be an ally.

One of you
must join our tribe.

Sonic: where do I sign up?

something about iffucan

Gives me the creeps.

I don't trust anybody who hides
his face all the time.

Sonic: get your eyes
checked, bro!

Did you see
how he blasted those bots?

Iffucan: sonic the hedgehog
wishes to join our tribe.


But first, he must pass
the initiation test!

[Sonic gulps]

Sonic: test?

Wait a mobius minute there!

Nobody said anything
about a test.

[Sonia gasps]

Manic: oh, man!

Iffucan: to join the tribe,

You must defeat the kar-lac!


Sonic: why did I know
you were gonna say that?


[Sonia gasps]

Back in a sonic second!

[Kar-lac snarling]

Sonic: whoa! Now I know
how a chili dog feels.

Uhh! Uhh! Aah!

[Sonia gasps]

[Kar-lac roars]


Sonic: hey! No biggie.


Iffucan: sonic the hedgehog,

You are now a member
of the azcan tribe.


Sonic: thanks, I'm honored.

Nomad: cheers for sonic.

Second nomad:
congratulations, sonic.

Sonic: I think this calls
for a serious jam.

♪ You never know ♪

♪ Where you might make ♪

♪ Some brand-new friends ♪

♪ Don't shut them out ♪

♪ With a closed mind ♪

♪ Let them come in ♪

♪ 'Cause there's nothing ♪

♪ Like a true,
true-blue friend ♪

♪ Nothing like
a true-blue friend ♪

♪ When your world
is crashing down ♪

♪ And there's
trouble all around ♪

♪ Nothing like
a true-blue friend ♪

♪ Nothing like a true ♪

♪ True-blue friend ♪

♪ Nothing
like a true-blue friend ♪

♪ In the quicksand
of doubt ♪

♪ It's a friend
who pulls you out ♪

♪ Nothing like
a true-blue friend ♪

♪ There's nothing,
nothing, nothing ♪

♪ Like a true-blue friend ♪

I still don't trust iffucan.

First he hides his face,

And then he didn't dance
when we played.

Sonic: you worry
too much, bro!

give it a rest, manic.

If I don't get
a good night's sleep,

My eyes will get puffy.

Manic: you sleep
if you want to,

But I've got a chief
to check out.

Ok, iffucan,

Let's see
who you really are.



Oh, no!

I've got to warn--

[Muffled yelling]

Sonic: manic!

Sonia: manic!

Any sign of him?

Sonic: not even a drumstick,

And I've been all over camp.

Manic said
he was gonna check out iffucan.

Maybe we better talk
to the chief.

Have you seen manic?

We've looked
all over camp for him.

Iffucan: I have not seen
your brother.

Perhaps he went for a walk
and became lost.

Sonic: we'd better
go look for him.

Iffucan: no.
My people will search.

The desert
is much too dangerous

For those
who do not know its ways.

Sonic: I've got
a bad feeling about this.

Manic wouldn't
just wander off.

He hates the desert.

Sonia: you're right.
It's not like him.

Maybe manic was right.

There may be more to iffucan
than appears.

Sonic: yeah.
I think we better find out

What he's hiding
under that hood.

Iffucan: you did what?!

Jamal: we had no choice.

We had to leave him
in the desert.

without food or water?!

Manic is the brother
of a member of the tribe,

Or did you forget that?

Jamal: but he saw you,

If he told the tribe
your secret

you would be an outcast.

Sonic: time to face
the music, iffucan!

Where's manic?

[Sonia gasps]

Sonic: roboticized!

I don't get it.

You're supposed to be
buttnik's enemy.

robotnik is my enemy.

The roboticizing process

I have my free will.

But robotnik's machine
left me changed.

Only jamal and amir
know my secret.

I fear the rest of the tribe

Would never accept
or trust me

If they knew the truth.

Amir and jamal were only
trying to protect me.

I'm sorry for what they
have done to your brother.

Sonic: hey! Sorry
doesn't chill the sauce,

Know what I mean?

We've gotta get manic back.

amir and jamal left him

In the sun's snare drum.

sun's snare drum?

At least he'll feel
right at home.

Iffucan: no! It is
the hottest part of the desert.

He will not
survive there for long.

I will show you the way.

We must go quickly!

Sonic: I'm waiting!

Uhh! Watch your feet!

You know
I could do this myself.

Iffucan: you would never
find him alone.

Besides, you are
a member of the tribe.

It is my duty.

Sonia: take this.
Sonic can't carry you
and manic both.

we'd better hurry.

The sun's snare drum
is no place to linger.

Sonic: no prob.
Hurry's my middle name.

Iffucan: aah!

[Manic sighs]

Oh, man! I've never seen
so much nothing.

I'm too cool to be hot.

Sleet: hedgehogs.

Find a smashed swat-bot

And hedgehogs
can't be far away.

[Dingo sniffs]


Dingo: look, sleet. Tracks!

Sleet: ah!

Look! Tracks!

They should lead us
straight to sonic.

Dingo: uh, that's
what I said, sleet.

Sleet: quiet, dingo!
I've got hedgehogs to catch.

how much farther, chief?

Iffucan: at this speed?
Not much!

Manic: I had a bad feeling
about this

From the beginning.

[Vulture squawks]

Manic: oh, beat it!


Dude, nobody
rang the dinner bell yet.

So thirsty.

Manic: lemonade!



Not fair, dude!

All I wanted
was a glass of lemonade!

Sleet: those hedgehogs!

I just knew it!

Dingo: gosh, sleet,
can I look through those?

Can i? Can i?

Sleet: maybe you'd like
to be turned into a sand flea.

Dingo: no!

Sleet: there's sonia.

But where is sonic?

Dingo: sonia?
Oh, let me see!

Sleet: sonia.

It's always
sonia this and sonia that.

Just get the swat-bots
into position.

Don't let anyone
get out of that camp!

Dingo: gee, sleet.

You got no sense of romance.


Sonic: manic!

Are you all right?

Manic: water...

Sonic: drink this, manic.

Manic: mmm!

That's the wettest water
I've ever tasted.

Thanks, bro.

Sonic: think you can ride
your hoverboard?

Manic: does a swat-bot
need oiling?


Maybe not.

Sonic: you'll have to try.

We gotta haul haunch
outta here!

Manic: hey, don't you
work for robotnik?

Sonic: he's on our side.

Always has been.

He led me out here
to save your sorry butt!

Now, unless you'd rather
be sand-blasted,

Let's haul!

Manic: whoa-ho!

Manic: what,
no reception committee?

Iffucan: amir? Jamal?
Where are my people?

Sonic: I don't like the looks
of this. Something's wrong.

[Sonic gasps]

[Sonia muffled screams]

Sonic: what happened?

[Sonia muffled speech]

Sonic: huh?

Sonia: it's a trap, sonic!
Sleet and dingo.

Sleet: did someone call?
Give up, sonic!

I can't believe
I've bagged you this time!

Sonic: no way, sleet!

Just watch my feet!

Sleet: huh?

Dingo: where'd they go?

Sleet: oh, shut up!

Iffucan: this way! Hurry!

Manic: whoa!

Sonic: all right!

Time to juice 'em
and reduce 'em!

Sonia: whoa!

I guess buttnik shoulda
sand-proofed ya!

Manic: take it easy, fellas!
Can't we just talk this over?!



Whew...that was close!


Guess I'm the dessert!




Sleet: see?

I told you
it was this way.

Dingo: uh, sleet?

Maybe we shoulda
stayed in the tent!

[Nomads hooting]

[Sleet and dingo

Manic: thanks, jamal.
That oughta do it.

Iffucan: sonic,
we want to thank you and
your siblings for your help.

After yesterday, robotnik
should not trouble us
for quite a while.

Sonic: hey, we couldn't
have done it withoutcha!

Iffucan: and I apologize
for the way your brother
was treated.

Manic: hey, chill, iffucan.
No harm done!

Iffucan: no!
I take responsibility.

I no longer deserve
to be chief.

I have deceived you.

By the tribe's law,

I will go now to wander
the desert as an outcast.

You must elect a new chief.

Sonic, as newest member
of the tribe,

You must cast
the first vote.

Sonic: I choose...iffucan.

Jamal and amir:
iffucan! Iffucan!

iffucan! Iffucan! Iffucan!

Sonia and manic:
iffucan! Iffucan! Iffucan!

Iffucan: but my robot parts,
they are--

Sonic: hey! Do ya lead with
your body or your mind?!

You're a great leader
no matter what
the package looks like!

Iffucan: yes!

iffucan! Iffucan! Iffucan!

Sleet: dingo, you are
completely useless!

Dingo: whew! Sure wish
we could find some shade!

Don't you, sleet?

Uh, sleet?

Sleet: shade...


Dingo: uh-oh!


Sleet: ahhh...much better.

Dingo: I'm gonna
get a sunburn.

Have ya got any sunscreen,
