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01x18 - When in Rome...

Posted: 06/11/23 11:19
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Loudspeaker voice: security
breach in southwest quadrant.

Security breach
in southwest quadrant.

Sonia: sonic!

They've seen us! Hurry!

Sonic: gimme a break!

This stupid door must be
at least feet thick.


Manic: glad I'm not in front!

Sonia: sonic...
Do something!

Sonic: ok,
don't have a moose!

Sonia: uh-oh.

Sonic: glad I'm not in back!

Hedgehogs: yipe! Wipe out!

Sonic: that's missions
in a row now where we've
come up empty!


What's up with that?

We're gettin' nowhere fast here.

Sonia: we're doing
some good work, sonic.

Sonic: oh, yeah?

Is buttnik still around?
Do we know where mom is?

Are we making any real progress?

Manic: uh, yes, no,
and hard to say.

Sonia: ok, you guys,
I've got an idea.

Suppose we go get some answers?

Sonic: answers?

Sonia: can you say oracle?

Sonic: don't worry, guys.
I remember just where it is.

Let's rock!

Sonic: I'll go in
and check it out.

Sonia: we'll be ready to run!

Manic: wow!

Sonia: it's beautiful


Manic: totally.

Hedgehogs: aah! Ohh!

Sonic: umph!

Manic: ugh!

Sonia: ouch!

Oh, my gosh!

Sonic: yo, orc!
Where are ya?

Oracle: ah, the young hedgehogs
have come to call.

Manic: wow!

Oracle: well, look at you.

How you've all grown!

Now, tell me, children,
uh, why have you come?

Sonic: we could use your help.

Manic: we don't seem to be
gettin' any closer to mom...

Sonia: or fulfilling our quest.

Oracle: hmmm.

Well, young hedgehogs,
I can help...

But there is a price.

Manic: whoa, here it comes.

Shoulda known ya never
get somethin' for nothin'
in this world.


Oracle: indeed.

In this case, my cynical young
friend, the price is merely

An act of valor.

Sonia: valor?
Whaddya mean?

Oracle: through that portal are
people laboring under the yoke

Of evil despots.

Sonic: you mean,
the "yoke's" on them?

[Sonic laughs]

Sonia: sonic!

Oracle, chuckling:
it's all right.

A sense of humor will
always serve you well.

Help those oppressed people,

And I will share my visions
of the future with you.

Sonic: sounds like a deal to me!

Let's go!

Sonia: wait! Uh, where
are you sending us?

Oracle: to a place of learning.

Hedgehogs: aah!

Oracle: good luck,

Your true purpose and faith
will keep you safe.

Manic: oh, man.



Centurion: make way.

Make way!

Manic: hey! Watch out!

Lydia: aah!

Manic: whoa! Whoa!

Lydia: thank you.
Oh no!

Manic: hey, man, why don't you
watch where you're goin'?

Dingotus: how dare you
touch my horse!

Take him away!

Manic: well, this is just great.

[Mechanical sound]

Centurion: hurry up, girl.


Who are you?

What are you doing here?

Sonia: oh, uh...

I'm with the tour,
but I got separated.

Centurion: your papers.

Sonia: sorry, I'm taking
the whirlwind tour of the city.

Time to twirl and swirl!


This can't be good.

Sonic: sonia? Manic?
Where'd you guys go?

Not funny, guys.


I better find 'em
before they get in trouble.

Juice 'n jam time!


Must be jet lag.


Centurion: citizen,
present your papers!

Sonic: I dunno what's
goin' on here, but...

Oh, major yip!

Hmm! I bet you're wondering
why I called this meeting.

Sonia: tres amusing, sonic.

Now how do we
get out of here?

We've got no medallions
and no powers.

Manic: bet I know somethin'
that will help us get out.

Sonic: I hear ya,
little bro!

Sonia: eeeww!

Those are bones...

What are you two...?

Oh, I get it!

If this place is like

They probably
won't like music, either!

So when they come to stop us--

Sonic: exactamundo, sis.

We try to break out!

Even if it doesn't work,
we can at least have some fun!

Sonic: ♪ where there's a will ♪

♪ There's a way ♪

♪ Wherever there's a will
we can find a way ♪

♪ Together, we'll
overcome and win ♪

♪ Come what may ♪

Manic: ♪ take away
our medallions ♪

♪ Take anything you want ♪

♪ But sonic underground,
we can't be stopped ♪

Sonia: ♪ well it
took a long time ♪

♪ For us
to find each other ♪

♪ Ain't nothing gonna beat
this sister and her brothers ♪

♪ Whoa oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪

All: ♪ whoa whoa whoa
whoa whoa whoa whoa ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Where there's a will,
there's a way ♪

Sonia: ♪ oh ho ho ♪

All: ♪ where there's a will,
there's a way ♪

Sonic: ♪ come on ♪

All: ♪ where there's a will,
there s a way ♪

All: ♪ where
there's a will ♪

♪ There's a way ♪

Centurion: silence!

[Mice squeaking]

Sleetus: I don't care
if the peasants are unhappy!

Raise their taxes again,
triple this time!

I'm bored.

Where's my juggler?

sorry, your majesty.

You sent him
to the lions' den, remember?

[Sleetus grumbles]

Dingotus: but I do have the new
prisoners for your inspection.

Sleetus: very well.
Bring them in.

Well, who have we here?

Sonia: I believe that would be
"whom," not "who."

Manic: do these guys
look familiar or what?

Dingotus: silence!

And bow to the emperor!

[Sonic's stomach growls]

Sleetus: what was that?

Sonic: gas. Uh, sorry.
Dungeon gruel does it
to you every time.

Sleetus: send him
to the gladiator pit

And see if his digestion

Sonic: ugh. Whoa!

Bye, guys!

Sleetus: he is the new
palace juggler!

And she is my personal servant!

Manic: but I don't juggle!

Sonia: personal servant?
In another lifetime maybe.

Are we clear here?

Sleetus: listen closely,

You do exactly as I say,
or dingotus here

Will feed you to the lions.

Manic: lions?

[Lion roars]

Sleetus: very hungry lions.

Are we clear here?

Sonia: personal service
is one of features.

Manic: I was born to entertain.

Sonic: unh!

Hold it, pal.
What's up with this dump?


Sonic: uh, probably just
a real bad sinus condition.

[Minotaur growling]

Sonic: I'm guessin'
you're not here for milk
and cookies, right?


Sonic: yo, you been pumpin'
some iron, huh, big guy?


Sonic: whew!

That steam's probably not a hit
with the minotaur babes, huh?

Minotaur: huh?

Sonic: I'll bet it ruins a lot
of good hair styles, huh?

Minotaur: huh?

Sonic: you need some help
with the honeys?

Minotaur: uh-huh,
uh-huh, uh-huh.

Sonic: well, bud, you
have come to the right place

Cause when it comes to cool,
the hedgehog's a slice a ice!

Manic: ohh! Ohh!
Whoa! Ohh!

Sonia: uhh! Uhh!

Manic: ahh! Oof!

Nice goin'!

Sonia: sorry.

Lydia: here, sonia.

Sonia: thanks, lydia.
This is my brother manic.

Manic: hi!

Sonia: you know those
"under the yoke" people
the oracle told us about?

Well, this is lydia.

She's the daughter
of the rightful emperor,

Manic: wow!

Lydia: those tyrants
made me a sl*ve

And threw my father
into that tower.

Manic: bogus!

Sleetus: yeow!

Why is there fruit
on the floor! Grr.

Feed them to the lions!

[Lion roars]

Sonic: smokin'!
Now walk the walk!

[Minotaur grunts]

Sonic: hmm...



Well, it's a start.

[Crowd applauding]

[Lions growl]

Manic: this is not good.

Sonia: ok, we've got them right
where we want them now.

Manic: what are you
talkin' about?

Sonia: well, all we have
to do is break out of here,

Get lydia, and rescue
her father from the tower.

Once the crowd sees
their rightful leader,
they'll join the fight!

Manic: and know
you're just gonna tell me
you've got a plan.

Sonia: was there any doubt?

You're gonna pick that lock
while I hold off the lions.

Manic: the vibes
are definitely not good!

[Lions growling]

Sonic: all right, big guy.

That's it!

Now you're
officially stylin'!

Minotaur: now that you have
helped me, hedgehog,

How may I be of service?

Sonic: wow! You speak
better than I do!

Minotaur: well?

Sonic: since you offered...

[Scattered cheers]

[Fanfare plays]

Sleetus: ah, my loyal subjects.

Release the lions.

Sonia, whispering:
manic, go!

[Lions roar]


Sonic: cool!

Minotaur: the red flag.

Someone is being fed
to the lions.

Sonic: that's not cool.

Minotaur: last time,
it was the emperor's juggler.

Sonic: did you say "juggler"?

Let's haul some
serious haunch!

[Lion roaring]

[Sonia gasps]

Sonia: manic!
How's that lock coming?

Manic: uhh! I'm trying!

But it feels like
I've lost my touch!

Then again, maybe not.

[Lions roar]

Sleetus: this is great!

Sleetus: ooh!

After them!

Lydia: this way!


[Both gasp]

Dingotus: come with us,
you wily little toads.

The lions await you!

Sonic: I don't think so.

[Dingotus gulps]

Sonia: sonic!

Manic: hey, bro!

Dingotus: get them!


He, uh...

[Minotaur growling]

Uh, I'll catch ya later!

Minotaur: he'll be back
with more centurions.

Sonia: well, we won't be here.

C'mon, we've got
to free lydia's father.

Sonic: ok, but...

Sonia: he's the rightful

So after augustine
was thrown in jail,

The people lost
their will to fight back.

Sonic: then what
are we waitin' for?

Manic: got it!

Lydia: father!

[Crowd ooing and ahhing]

Sleetus: what?

You dare to return?

Minotaur: maybe you should
listen to the hedgehogs.

Sonic: yo, citizens!

It's now officially time
to take back your country!

[Crowd cheers]

Sonic: cool.

Sonia: citizens!

I give you your rightful leader,
emperor augustine!

[Crowd applauding]

[Crowd cheering]

Minotaur: hedgehogs!

Oracle, as minotaur:
you have freed these people

Using only
your natural abilities,

And now, you have
earned back your powers!

Hedgehogs: yes!

Sonia: sleetus,
time for you to take a ride!

Sleetus: whoooooa!


Crowd: he's gone!
Yay! Hooray! He's gone!

[Crowd cheering
and applauding]

Man: good-bye, hedgehogs!

Oracle: ah, welcome back,
my young friends.

You succeeded
without your powers.

Now think
what you can do with them!

Sonic: and the point
of all this is...

Oracle: the prophecy
will be fulfilled.

Oracle: you will
rejoin queen aleena...

And become the council of ,
destined to defeat robotnik...

If you are true to yourselves
and your powers.

And if your hearts
never lose faith.

Sonic: long as I
got a shot, I'm there.

Sonia: well,
what about mother?

When will we see her?

Oracle: shake it.

Sonic: uh,
hate to be rude,

But could we
just get an answer?

Oracle: the answers
are contained
within the globe.

Look deeply.

Sonia: it's beautiful!

Is that what the world
will look like or is that...

Sonic: how does he do that?

Manic: don't have a clue.

Sonia: look!

Oracle: remember,
be true to yourselves.