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01x16 - Friend or Foe?

Posted: 06/11/23 11:18
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena:
I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

Captioning made possible by
dic entertainment

Queen aleena:
following their quest,

My children continue
to learn one lesson--

That things are not
always what they seem.

Manic: hang loose, sonia.
It's just a rumor.

Sonia: duh!

But what if mother
really is here?

Sonic: she'd better be.

I missed the opening

Of a new chili dog
stand for this.

This is the dreaded
floating island?

Ooh! I'm scared.

Sonia: sonic, remember
what the oracle said:

"The floating island
is fraught with danger.

Beware the echidna."

Sonic: "fraught?"
What kind of stupid
word is that?

Sonia: fraught means filled,
as in filled with danger.

Sonic: what danger?

If you're so fraught,

I'll check this place out.

Sonia: sonic!

Sonic: aaah!

Sonia: [gasp]

just hangin' out, bro?

Sonia: like I said,
fraught with danger.

Sonic: danger? You mean
this nifty hammock?

Manic: we'll call this
echidna , hedgehog zero.

Dr. Robotnik:
answer me, you fools!

Sleet! Dingo!

mmm, tuna fish.
My favorite.

Sleet: shut up and eat.

Robotnik should be
calling soon.

Robotnik: sleet!
Do you hear me?

Answer me or
you're bot-bait!

Dingo: huh?
[Stomach growls]

Boy, I must be
hungrier than I thought.

My stomach
is really growling,

And it sounds
like robotnik.

Sleet: [groans]
you are so stupid.


You have seconds
to answer me!


Dingo: me?
But I just said--

it is robotnik,
you moron.

Dingo: where?

Sleet: oof!

Robotnik: ...

on the communicator.

Hold still,
you half-wit.

Dingo: oh!

Robotnik: ...


Sleet: ah.
Robotnik: ...

About time!

Where were you?

Sleet: uh, uh...


Apparently the hedgehogs
believed the rumors.

Intelligence reports
they're on the way.

You know the plan--

Turn the echidna
against the hedgehogs

And get me
the chaos emerald.

Sleet: and when we
take the emerald,

The island
will plummet down
and crash!

and the hedgehogs
will fall with it!

[Evil laugh]

Sleet: heh heh.
Brilliant plan, sir.

We are on our way.
Sleet out.

Put that in your backpack

And let's go find
the echidna.

uh, what's an echidna?

Sleet: not what,
you dolt-- who.

It's who guards
this island.

His name is knuckles,

And he's in for a big
robotnik surprise.

He's tough and he's
especially known

For his--traps!

Dingo: aaaah!

Knuckles: you wolf-faces
should've stayed home.

Now you get
to be dinner.

Dingo: you--
you're gonna eat us?

Knuckles: no.

Dingo: oh. Phew!

Sleet: good.

Knuckles: [whistles]

Sleet and dingo: aaah!

but chomps will.

Chomps: [growls]

Sleet: you've got this
all wrong, mr. Knuckles.

We are your friends.

of course.
All my friends

Sneak onto
my island.

I don't think so!

no, you don't

We're here to stop
the real invaders--

I can prove it.

Knuckles: how?

Sleet: look in my pocket.

Press that button.

Dingo: uh, sleet--
sleet: shut up!

The red button.

Dingo: sleet!

Sleet: put a cork
in it, dingface!

Check it out.

Sonic: [stiff speech]
gotta cruise, dudes.

We gotta find
that chaos emerald

Before that dopey defender
knuckles gets us.

Sonia: you are not often
right, older brother.

But on this occasion,
I agree.

Come, manic.

Manic: we are more clever

Than that dumb
knuckles guy.

Sleet: uh, mr. Knuckles,
we are getting
a little warm here.

Eh, if you don't mind.

those hedgehogs want
the emerald, do they?

Well, they'll have
to get past me!

All right,
you wolf-faces
are free to go...

This time.

But you must leave
the island now!

Sleet: an amiable deal,
my friend.

We will be off
the island

Faster than you can say
sonic the hedgehog.

[Chomps growling]

sorry, chomps,
but cheer up--

I hear hedgehogs have
just come into season.

Dingo: uh, nice doggie.

Chomps: [growls]
dingo: aaah!

Sleet: outta here!

Dingo: aaah!

Chomps: [stomach growls]

Sonic: we gotta find
those emeralds--

Gotta find
those emeralds.

Sonic: [gasps]

Manic: oof!

ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Sonia: shh!

I'm getting
a feeling,

Like there's
something close by.

oh, big whoop!

We're following
you're feelings around?

Boy, it just doesn't
get any better than this.

hey, guys!

Look at this!

A sacred pool!

I've read about these.

Sonic: huh?

Manic: whoa! We're talkin'
some serious special effects.

Sonia: I can't believe
it really exists.

Manic, don't!

Manic: what?

Sonia: I see
something forming.

Manic: mom!

Sonia: she's here.
I knew it!

Sonic: wow! Looks like
you were right, sonia.

Sonia: you're saying
I'm right?

you're a witness.

[all gasp]

All: aaah!

Manic: what's happening?

Whoa, dude!
You nailed that landing!

I give it a .

hedgehog thieves!


Sonic: not exactly
the welcome mat
we expected.

Sonia: [coughs]
look at this!

You'd better have
a real good dry cleaners
on this rock!

Knuckles: you came here
to steal the emerald,

But I'll stop you.

Sonic: chill, fella,
we're not thieves.

Well, mostly
we're not, anyway.

[Knuckles growls]

Sonic: huh? Oomph!

Nice to meet
you, too!

I hate thieves!

Sonia: sonic,
are you all right?

Manic: boy,
that guy's good.

Sonic: what, are you nuts?
'Cause if you're thinking

About starting
a fan club, manic...

Here comes your hero.

ok, knuckle boy,

If that's the way
you wanna play it,

Let's get basic.

Sonia: sonic, wait!

Maybe we can reason
with him.

Sonic: good idea, sis.


Here's a taste of
the super-sonic triple
spin, pal!

Sonic and knuckles: whoa!

Sonic: you guys
can jump in here
anytime, you know.

Manic: uh, we knew
you had it covered.

this time we're gonna
reason with him.

Where'd he go?

Sonic: guess super spin was
a little too much for him.

All: huh?

I would bet...not.

listen, echidna guy!

We aren't here
to steal anything.

We're here to find
queen aleena.

Manic: whoa!
Maybe that worked.

Sonic: hey, sis,
what are your feelings
telling you now?

Sonia: er, that
we'd better...leave!

All: huh?

you're lying!

I'll handle this.

sure, why not?

You've done such
a superb job so far.


Sonic: one more time!

Come back and fight,

lying hedgehogs!


ok, I've had enough.

Sonia and manic: aaah!

hang on, guys!

Here i--whoaah!




good-bye, hedgehogs!

Sonic: huh?


That's it!
You're toast,

Outta here!

Sleet: that echidna
is even dumber
than you, dingo.

Dingo: thank you.

Sleet: then again,
maybe not.

I bet those hedgehogs
are history by now.

[Evil chuckle]

Come on, we have to
go down the river

To get to the emerald.

Dingo: in what?

[Muffled by water]
I had to ask.

Sonia: this doesn't
look promising.

Manic: guess we'll have
to wait for sonic.

Sonia: guess again.

this is the place.



Here goes nothing.


[Cracks knuckles]

Sonic: that's gotta hurt.

Whoa! Take
a chill pill, dude.

You're way
too excited.

Knuckles: ohh!

Sonic: obviously
you haven't heard

About the famous
hedgehog speed.

All right.
Take your best shot.

Sonia: that should do it.


Manic: crashin'.

now you're mine,

Sonic: come on!

You can do better
than that, knuckle-brain.

We're not done yet, pal.

You're taking me
to sonia and manic.

Manic: rippin' glow!

Sonia: are you kidding?

This light does nothing
for my complexion.

Oh, how beautiful!

Manic: yah.

Sonia: [gasp]
what's that noise?

Chomps: [growls]


Sonic: we gotta find
that chaos emerald

Before that dopey defender
knuckles gets us.

Chomps: [growling]

Sonia: now there's something
you don't see everyday.

Sonic: hmm,
that first step's
a real trip.

hey, hedgehog,

Can you fly?

bummer majores!

only one chance! Aah!


Spin and win time!

Knuckles: no!

Sonic: that wasn't
very nice.


hmm, need a hand?


Just a little joke



Sonic: unhh!

why'd you save me?

let's talk, bud.

Sonia: there, there.
We'll fix it.

Manic: I guess.

Here goes

Chomps: [pained growling]

Sonia: huh?

Chomps: [loud groan]


Manic: yuck!

Thanks. Ugh!

a holo-projector?

This reeks of robotnik.

Manic: no, I think
it's his breath.

Sonia: tres droll.

So, big guy,
where'd you get this?

Chomps: [whimpers]

Manic: not gonna work
like that, sis.

Let me try.

Sonia: fine!

Manic: ok, pal.
One snap means yes,

Snaps means no.
Got it?

Chomps: hmm.

Nah-uh. Uh-huh?

Sonia: oh, get over

so, did you get
that thing

From a big round guy
with a mustache?

nah-uh, nah-uh.

Manic: ah.

What about a big ugly
dog-kinda guy

With a little

Chomps: uh-huh!

sleet and dingo.

Nice work, bro.

Can you take us
to them?

Chomps: uh-huh.

Sleet: aha!

Dingo: ouch!

[Gasps] is that it?

it's fantastic.

then the wolf-faces
left the floating island.

Sonic: left? Seems hard
to believe, knuck.

They're always
after something.

the emerald!


[Both gasp]

Sonic: whoa!
Why am I floating?

you're not floating.
The island is falling!

Sleet: take this!
We have to
get out of here!

not so fast, sleet!

ohh, sonia.

how convenient.

Hurry, dingo!

man, we better get
that emerald back

Or we're gonna
splatter like bugs
when we hit.

Sonia: sonic!

Up there!
Sleet and dingo!

Sonic: [gasps]

heh heh heh!
Almost there!

Hurry, dingo!

Dingo: look!

it's sonia again.

Oww! Uh-oh!

dingo, let's go!

Ahh, you idiot!

Swat-bots, move out!

Retrieve the emerald!

they're getting away!

Sonic: but not with
the emerald. Look!

Let's do it to it!

[Music starts playing]

♪ people don't always say
what they mean ♪

♪ And things are not always
what they seem ♪

♪ You better know before
you make a scene ♪

♪ That things are not
always what they seem ♪

Sonic: ♪ friend or foe?
How do you know? ♪

♪ Let their actions speak ♪

♪ Better or worse,
trust 'em first ♪

♪ Soon enough you'll see ♪

Hedgehogs: ♪ people don't
say what they mean ♪

♪ And things are not
always what they seem ♪

♪ You better know
before you make a scene ♪

♪ That things are not
always what they seem ♪

Sonic: ♪ rumors come
and rumors go ♪

♪ Until you get some proof ♪

♪ Don't believe
what you hear ♪

♪ Try to find the truth ♪

Hedgehogs: ♪ people don't
always say what they mean ♪

♪ And things are not
always what they seem ♪

♪ You better know before
you make a scene ♪

♪ That things are not
always what they seem ♪

♪ Not what they seem ♪

Sonic: sonia? Manic?

Sonia: hey!
Manic: we did it!
Both: whoa!

Knuckles: sonic!
The emerald!

Dr. Robotnik:
sleet! Dingo!

You'd better have
the emerald.

If you don't, I'm going
to have you roboticized
piece by piece!

Where are you? Answer me!

Dingo: sleet, did you ever
hear a little voice,

Like, talking to you?

Knuckles: this is krupnik,
an echidnan delicacy.

It's good.
Go ahead, eat up.

Sonic: [sniffs]
ah, thanks, knucks.

so, why did you come
to floating island?

Manic: to find our mom.
Queen aleena.

Knuckles: queen aleena
is your mom?

Why didn't you say so?
I knew her.

She was here when
I was just a kid.

She left this for you.

Sonia: "in the final days
of robotnik's tyranny...

Queen aleena: "allies will
unite with my children.

"First among them
will be knuckles,

Guardian of
the chaos emerald."