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01x13 - Artifact

Posted: 06/11/23 11:15
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek
their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena: we like
to think that the past

Doesn't have
any effect on us,

But ignorance of the past

Can be as dangerous
as a ticking b*mb.

Sonia: this is a bad idea.

Someone's sure
to recognize me.

I know everyone here.

Sonic: take
a chill pill, sis.

The message we got
said butt-nik's

Gonna make
a big announcement

That could mean trouble
for the resistance.

We gotta be here.

Besides, none of
these rich guys'll

Pay any attention
to a waiter.

Sonia: just remember,
if anything bad happens,

I told you so!

Sonic: don't forget.
We're here to serve snacks,

Not cruise the crowd for
wallets and wristwatches.

Manic: oh, whatever
you say, bro.

I live to serve.

oh, my goodness.

What auspicious
cocktail weenies.

[Sonia gasps]

Bartleby: dr. Robotnik
usually asks my opinion

On occasions like this.

He's a brilliant man,
but socially...

He's tres nouveau.

A society event like this
needs careful planning.

I always tell him,

"You wouldn't want
the wrong class of
people to get in."

Where is that waiter?

Red-haired date:
oh, I say, bartleby,

Isn't that miffy
squinkington over there?

Why ever did
dr. Robotnik invite her?!

Sonia: phew!
That was close.
Oh! What a twit!

As if robotnik would
ever ask bartleby's advice!

And really,
what's with her hair?

attention, please.

I'm sure you've been
wondering why I ordered--

[Clears throat]

...invited you
here tonight.

You've all heard
the legend of the lost
city of mobu pinchu.

Well, it's no legend!

These are the first
artifacts I've recovered
from mobu pinchu--

Priceless treasures
from mobius-past,

And they can be yours
if the price is right!

Oh, so beautiful! So rare!

It makes you
just want to possess it!

What is the opening bid
for this priceless piece
of mobian history?

Male aristocrat:

[Shocked gasps]

Bartleby: , mobiums.

Robotnik: what do
you think this is,
a flea market?

The bidding starts
at , mobiums!

[Aristocrats gasp]

Robotnik: don't
be such tightwads!

All the money will go
to build more swat-bots...

For everyone's peace
of mind and security
here in robotropolis.

Anyone who doesn't bid
will be suspected of
being in the resistance!

Male aristocrat:
, mobiums.

Bartleby: , !

Male aristocrat: , !

Bartleby: , !

Sonia: mobu pinchu's
the most sacred place
in mobian legend!

If butt-nik's
found it, we can't
just let him loot it

To raise more money
for swat-bots!

Sonic: what does butt-nik
care about legends?

He's already a legend
in his own mind!

Manic: we gotta stop him!

Robotnik: sold to
the lucky bidder

For a mere
one million mobiums!

You got this one cheap!

Bid higher on
the next one!

[Bartleby gulps]

Sonic: stand back!

I wouldn't want
anybody to get hurt!

Bartleby: aah!

Robotnik: look out!

[Aristocrats screaming]

it's those hedgehogs!

I need more swat-bots!
More swat-bots!

Sonia: and next time,
remember to thank
your waiter!

Robotnik: destroy
those hedgehogs!

Oh, but don't
hurt the artifacts.

They're worth money!

Bartleby: whoa!

Sonic: hey! Who
invited them to
the party? Whoa!

Manic: huh?

The resistance
needs you more
than butt-nik does.

Sonic: time to
jam and scram!

Guess we'll have to
skip dessert!

Robotnik: those
meddlesome hedgehogs
have stolen the artifacts.

I want them back!

Catch those hedgehogs
and teach them a lesson
once and for all!

Sleet: consider them caught
and taught, your evilness!

Dingo: how do we
catch 'em way out here?

Robotnik: have you
been breaking rocks
with your head?!

I'll go to
mobu pinchu and oversee
the digging myself!

You nitwits just
recover the artifacts
and bring them to me!

Sleet: and what about
the hedgehogs?

Robotnik: roboticize them.
What else?

Sonia: we've got to stop
butt-nik from digging up
more stuff and selling it!

Sonic: but how do we
stop him if we don't know
where mobu pinchu is?

Sonia: there might be
a clue on this.

I had a professor at
mobius university who
might be able to help.

Manic: why don't you
go without me.

Besides, I got
other stuff to do.

Sonic: ok. Later, bro.

Manic: better a fortune
for us than for butt-nik.

Professor fuddle: huh!
Curious. Very curious.
Yes, very curious indeed.

Sonic: can you tell us
anything about the location
of mobu pinchu, professor?

We have to find it
and stop robotnik!

Professor fuddle:
mobu pinchu, eh?

Well, you know, that's
what made you such
a good student, sonia.

You always asked
the tough questions.

So inquisitive.

Sonic: and I just thought
she was a nosey busybody.

Professor fuddle: the gamma
spectrum analyzer should
give us the answers.

Yes. Trace elements
ought to tell us something

About where
it was buried.

Oh, I say! This is curious!
Very curious, indeed!

Sonia: well,
what is it, professor?

Professor fuddle:
that artifact is not
from mobu pinchu.

It's only
about years old!

It's from
the last mobian w*r--

At least the last one
till robotnik came along.

Sonic: wouldn't butt-nik's
own experts tell him
it's not from mobu pinchu?

Professor fuddle:
if robotnik asks
you a question,

Would you give him
an answer he doesn't
want to hear?

Sonic: he's got
a point there.

Professor fuddle:
this is just an old
mobian shell case.

If it were in
better condition,
it could explode.

[Sonic and sonia gasp]

Manic: it's from butt-nik's
private collection.

Vince: hmm...i wonder if
there's somethin' inside?


Manic: , ... , .

Wow! There's a lot
the resistance can
do with this!

Wait till sonic
gets an eyeful
of all these bucks!

Sonic: yo, bro!
What took ya so long?

I thought you were
gonna meet us at
the prof's lab.

Manic: oh, I had
a little job to do
for the resistance.

What did sonia's
old teach say?

Sonic: the joke's
on butt-nik!

Those artifacts of his
aren't worth a mobian dime!

Sonia: they aren't
even from mobu pinchu.

They're bombs from
an old mobian army
amm*nit*on dump!

[Sonic chuckles]

Sonic: if we're lucky,
butt-nik'll find one
in good condition,

And it'll blow up
in his face!

Manic: oops.

Sonic: what do you
mean, "oops"?

Manic: well, while
you guys were busy
with the swat-bots,

I took that ball thing
butt-nik had.

Sonia: you mean the orb?
Where is it?

Manic: i, well, like,
wanted to raise some
money for the resistance,

So I sold it
to a guy I know.

Sonic: I hope
he likes to travel,

'Cause he's gonna be
scattered all over mobius
if that b*mb goes off!

[Sonia gasps]

Sonia: don't blame manic.
He didn't know.

We've got to
get the orb back
and get rid of it

Before it explodes
and someone innocent
gets hurt!

Manic: let's go!

Vince: let me see.
, ... , ... , .

Manic: deal's off, vince.
I want the orb back.

Here's your , back.

Vince: you're too late.
I already sold it.

I got an art lover who
wants to see anything
that comes my way.

Sonic: so who's the guy
who made the buy?

Vince: maybe you wanna
cut in on my action?

Maybe then next time,
you wouldn't need ol'
vince to sell it!

I gotta look out
for my future. No way.

Sonic: if that orb
explodes, whoever bought
it won't have a future!

Vince: eh, that's
his problem. No refunds!

Sonic: now wait
a mobius minute!

Vince: whoa! Yaah!


All right, I'll talk!
Just don't spin me again!

I sold the orb to
some pompous rich guy.

Uh, boodlehead
or somethin'.

Sonic: huh?

Sonia: do you

Sonic: we've gotta get
that orb back!

Vince: you can't
do that to me.

I'll show you.
I'll get even.

And I know just
the person who'd pay
to learn where it is!

Vince: this kind of
information doesn't
come cheap.

I gotta look out
for number one,
you know what I mean?

Sleet: of course.
Name your price.

I'll make sure
you get everything
that's coming to you.

Vince: ok. Bartleby's
got the orb, and sonic,
sonia, and manic

Are on their way over to
his mansion to get it back.

Sleet: you have done
well, my criminal friend.

Vince: it's a pleasure
to serve robotnik and make,
say, uh, , mobiums?

Sleet: you should have
asked to be paid

Before you told me who
had the orb. Grab him!

Vince: hey! Hey, wait!
Hey, what're ya doin'?!

We had a deal!

But I told ya
everything I know!

You can't do this!

Sleet! Nooo!

Sleet: I said you'd get
what's coming to you!

Sleet: hmm. With all
the money we save
robotnik on snitches,

He should
give us a raise.

Dingo: you mean
we're gettin' paid?

Sleet: uh, I've been
meaning to tell you
about that, yeah,

But not right now.
We've got some
hedgehogs to round up!

Bartleby: beautiful.

Robotnik's too
crass to appreciate
anything like this.

Sonic: you must get
a real bang out of
your art collection!

You'll hand over
the orb if ya know
what's good for ya.

Bartleby: you can't
thr*aten me!

Sonia: it's not a threat,
bartleby. It's a warning.

Your art treasure's
a b*mb. It could
explode at any moment!

Bartleby: oh, please.
Don't you think someone
with my refinement

Would be able to tell
the difference between
a genuine artifact

And some silly
little b*mb?

You just want it so
you can sell it to raise
money for the resistance!

Sonic: that might have
been the idea...once!

Bartleby: when are you
going to grow up, sonia,
and stop fighting robotnik?

Your brothers
are a bad influence.

You used to be
such a nice hedgehog.

Sonia: oh, blow it out
of your ears, bartleby!

Sonic: as much as
I'd like to chat,
I don't speak snob!

Sleet: get them!
And get me that orb!

Sonia: aah!

Manic: one big jerk
deserves another!

Bartleby: my paintings!

Dingo: oh, no!
Not again!

Sleet: just grab
bartleby and let's
get out of here!

Bartleby: all my
beautiful things!


Sleet: come on! Let the
swat-bots deal with the

Manic and sonia: huh?

Sonic: where's
bartleby?! [Gasps]

Sonia: we've got to
get the orb back before
bartleby's hurt.

He may not be my
fiancé anymore, but I
don't want him blown up!

Sonia: faster, sonic!

Sonic: now you're
talkin' my language!

Sonic: take the wheel,
manic! We're goin' through!

Manic: why'd ya stop, man?
We gotta keep movin'!

Sonic: we can't waste
time smashin' and
trashin' swat-bots.

We gotta find a shortcut.

When the goin' gets tough,
the tough get goin'...
Over the mountains.

Sonia: you expect us
to climb that?!

Manic: dude, your brain
must still be spinnin'!

Sonic: take a chill pill!

The mountain's big,
but it's no biggie.

One climb in no time!

Sonia: if sonic
thinks I'm letting him

Carry me up that mountain,
he's lost his--aah!

[Sonia gasps]

Sonia: aah!

Put me down!

[Sonia sighs]

All that zigging and
zagging has made me
dizzy...and sick!

Anybody got
a barf bag? Blecch!

Sonic: chill, sis!
At least I didn't drop you.

Sonia: of all
the nerve! You--huh?

Manic: sonic, sonia!
Take a look at this!

The valley of mobu pinchu!

[Bartleby gasps]

Robotnik: so, you
thought you could
get this cheap, huh?

[Bartleby gasps]

Robotnik: you'll be
ruined when your
rich friends hear

You tried to cheat them
out of the money for
their swat-bot protection!

Bartleby: you wouldn't
tell them that, would you?

Robotnik: you'll be
black-listed from
every party!

Bartleby: noooo!

Sonic: aha!
Sorry, butt-nik!

Robotnik: get him!

Sonic: whoa!

Sleet: don't let him
get away with the real orb!

Dingo: whaddaya mean,
"real orb"?

Sonic: talk about oddballs!

Sonia: come on, bartleby!

Bartleby: my orb!

[Bartleby grunts]

Sonic and bartleby: uhh!

Robotnik: the orb!


Sleet: I've got it!
I've got it!


Dingo: whoa--aah!

Sleet: aah! Wait!

Sonic: nice catch!

[Bartleby gasps]

Bartleby: my orb!


Manic: get rid of it!
It's gonna blow!

[You can't
own everything begins]

Sonic: ♪ you can't own
everything ♪

♪ You can't own everything ♪

♪ You can't own
everything you see ♪

♪ You can't own everything ♪

♪ You can't
own everything ♪

♪ You can't own
everything you see ♪

♪ What makes you
think you can take
and take and take ♪

♪ Beyond reason, yeah ♪

♪ You had no right ♪

♪ You used your might to
take our freedom, yeah ♪

♪ Change is in the wind

♪ Won't take it anymore ♪

♪ We want our planet back
just like it was before ♪

♪ You can't own everything ♪

♪ You can't
own everything ♪

♪ You can't own
everything you see ♪

♪ You can't own everything ♪

♪ You can't
own everything ♪

♪ You can't own
everything you see ♪

♪ Can't own everything
that you see, yeah ♪

♪ Can't own
everything now ♪

Sonic: whoa!

Sonia: wow!

Manic: man, we found it!
The real mobu pinchu!

Sonic: drop the rock!
Think what mom would say.

Manic: ma? What's she
got to do with it?

Sonic: plenty! Look
at this! She was here!

Sonia: and this
treasure belongs to
all the people of mobius.

It's our job
to keep it safe.

Sonic: yeah.
It'll be a long
time before butt-nik

Comes back lookin'
for mobu pinchu!

Manic: I wish ma
coulda seen us send
the old butt-face packin'!

Sonic: I've got
a feeling she knows
about it. She knows.