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01x12 - A Hedgehog's Home Is Her Castle

Posted: 06/11/23 11:14
by bunniefuu
♪ Sonic ♪

♪ Triplets born,
the throne awaits ♪

♪ A seer warns
of a deadly fate ♪

♪ Give up your children ♪

♪ Separate ♪

♪ Bide your time,
lie in wait ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ The children grow ♪

♪ And learn what's right ♪

♪ Leaders of
the freedom fight ♪

♪ They seek
their mother ♪

♪ She knows they do ♪

♪ Is it time? ♪

♪ If she only knew ♪

♪ Will the prophecy
come true? ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

I long for my children,
but I have to wait.

To act too soon
could seal their fate.

♪ They made a vow ♪

♪ Their mother
will be found ♪

♪ Sonic underground ♪

Queen aleena: in these
troubled times,

The hardest lesson
my children

Will ever have
to learn is to trust.

Manic: , , .
What the--[gasps]

Manic: mom?

Manic: mom? Wait!

why didn't she stop?

Sleet: welcome back,
your majesty.

Did he get it?

Dingo: he got it.

[Sleet and dingo laugh

Sonia: my own castle? Wow!

Manic: I didn't even know
we had a cousin elbert.

Why'd he leave it
just to you?

Sonia: because he didn't
know about you two.

Sonic: ha ha ha.

'Cause nobody else would
take the drafty old thing.

Who wants a dumb
old castle anyway?

Sonia: I do!

We can use it as
a headquarters! Humph!

Sonic: oh, yeah.

It's so convenient.

Only a jillion miles
from here.

Manic: yo, maybe we'll
find out more about mom.

Sonic: aw, probably no
chili dogs there either.

Sonia: fine!

You stay here.

We'll go check it out!

Sonic: oh, man.

I gotta have a dog.

"Eat at bruno's
chili dog stand.

Listen for
the happy whistle."

[Dingo whistles]

Sonic: [gasps] yes!

Sonic: three foot-longs
with the works, pal.

I need fuel
for where I'm goin'.

where you goin', sonic?

you got a sister?

Dingo: nope.
Just chili dogs.

Sonic: count yourself
lucky, pal.

Sisters are a royal...



How'd you know my name?

Dingo: huh? Ugh!

Sonic: aah!

Dingo: sleet! Help!

Sonic: the old
double-team, huh?

Well, hate to be
rude, dude,

But I'm outta here!

Sleet: after him!

[Sonic yawns]

It's a good thing
I'm bored

Or they'd be
eatin' my dust.


The laser cannon again.

Oh, I'm so scared.

Sonic: I don't think so,
sleezo and dingbat!

Sleet: this time,
I'm gonna get you,

Dingo: yeah. Me, too.

Sonic: ok.

Time to play
a little hardball.

Sonic: hello? Anyone home?

Sleet & dingo: ugh!

Ooof! Ooof!

Sleet: what?
How did you...?

aren't you forgetting
something, bucketheads?

Dingo: oh, yeah?

Sleet: what?

Sonic: that wall.

Dingo: huh?

Dingo & sleet:

Sleet: hello.

Sleet & dingo:
ugh! Ugh!

Sonic: another case for
always using seat belts.

there's the castle!

Isn't it beautiful?

Manic: if it has
a bathroom, it is!

Sonia: oh, this
is so exciting.

I've always wanted my own
castle, haven't you?

Manic: I would be
happy with my own room.


Gives me the creeps.

Sonia: not exactly
what I expected.

Well, it has...


Belok: ow!



I've been expecting you.

[Both gasp]

Belok: I am belok,
the castle caretaker.

This is hooter.

Welcome to worst castle.

Manic: at least
the name fits.

Belok: your room, miss.

Sonia: thank you,

Manic: oh, look,
more potential.

Sonia: nah,

It just needs
a little spring cleaning.

Manic: yeah,

Along with summer,
winter, and fall.

Belok: and your room, sir.


Sonia & manic: aah!

Manic: ok, that's it.
I'm outta here.

Sonia: all right,

I admit it's a bit on
the creepy side, but--

Manic: puh-leeze
don't say it has potential!

Sonia: look, let's
just give it a chance.

And maybe it'll look
better in the morning.

Manic: whoa, whoa, dude.

You wanna

Sonia: manic hedgehog,

Don't tell me
you're afraid.

Manic: afraid?


I'll show you afraid.

Sonia: manic!

Manic: what? What? What?

Sonia: I think I just
saw mother.

Sonia: I'm telling you,
I saw her.

Manic: well,
there's nothin' here.

No way out.

I guess we just should
try coppin' some zzzs.

Sonia: huh?

[Sonia gasps]

Manic: w-who's there?

[Creature growls]

[Manic gasps]

[Manic sighs]


Sonic: s'up, bro?

Manic: sonic!

Oh, what are
you doin' here?

Sonic: got some new sneaks,
thought I'd test 'em out.


Way cool.

[Sonic imitates
crowd cheering]

Thank you, thank you.

Manic: aah!

Sonic: a little twitchy,
aren't you?

Manic: I'm cool.

This place just has
bad vibes, that's all.

Sonic: yeah, this dump
is a real dump.

Where's sonia?

Sonia: manic?

Well, well, what are
you doing here?

Sonic: thought you might
need some help.

Sonia: right!

You got bored,
didn't you?

There's no danger here,

And on top of that,
I saw mother.

Sonic: oh, yeah?
Oh, where?

Sonia: down there,

But we already...

Sonia: sonic, wait!

Sonia: so typical.

Sonic: mom!

If you're here,
come on out!

It's your favorite kid--

Sonic: your most handsome,
most talented son...


Mom? That you?

Sonic: [gasps] mom?

Belok: may I be
of assistance, sir?

Sonic: aah!

Sonic: never come up
behind me like that.

Who are you, anyways?

Belok: belok, sir,
the castle caretaker.

And you are?

Belok: whoa!


Gettin' very
dizzy here...


Sonic: where have
you been, pal?

I'm sonic,
the "priority one"

Belok: may I show you
to your room, sir?

Sonic: I'm waiting
for you to say

"Walk this way."

Are you gonna, belok?

Belok: huh? Sir?

Sonic: oh, forget it.

Just tell me
where my room is.

use that stairway,

Go to the third floor,
turn right,

Go to the next corridor
and turn left,

Then up the second stairway
on your right,

Go up three flights,
turn left and go past--

Sonic: hold it!
Hold it!

I'll find it myself.

Belok: as you wish, sir.

Sonic: clue me in, mom.

Why do you wanna hang out
in a dump like this?


Sonic: aah! [Gasps]


Sonic: man,
that was cuttin' it
just a little close.

And speaking
of cuttin'...

It's been cut.

Definitely not cool.

Sonia: mother?


Sonic: manic?
You in here?


Manic: sonic!
Down here!

Sonic: where are you?

Manic: the chair!

Sit in the chair!

Sonic: the chair?

Sonic: whoa!


Sonic: aah!

Sonic: oh, man,
great ride!

Where are we?

some kind of dungeon.

Here, check this out.

pretty creepy, huh?

Sonic: yeah,
but no biggie.

Come on,
let's blow this dump

And go find sonia.

what do you think?

Sonic: I think it could use
a little downbeat, bro.

Manic: I could do that.

Piece of cake.

Sonic: go for it!

[Manic plays drums]

Manic: whoa!

Sonic: aah!

Sonic: whoa!

Sonic: hold it!
Hold it!

I'll do it!

You gave me an opening...

[Strums chord]

Sonic: and that's
all I need.

Get ready to bail.

Sonic: hang on, bro.

We've got places to go
and sisters to find.

Sonic: sonia, it's us.

Open up!

Manic: where'd she go?

Sonic: good question.

Sonic: hey!

[Belok gasps]

Sonic: get that
door open, bro.

Be back in
a sonic second.

Manic: sonia?

[Belok gasps]

Sonic: you got

To tell me
what's goin' on,
or you gotta...

Listen to a little
rock 'n' roll.

Belok: rock and what?

Sonic: you really don't
get out much, do you?

Now, are you gonna talk?

Belok: I have
nothing to say, sir.

Sonic: nothin'
to say, huh?

Ok, pal.
You asked for it.

[Plays loud guitar]

Belok: no!
No, please!

This is t*rture!

Sonic: you start talkin',
I stop playin'.

Belok: aah! Aah!

Belok: no more!
No more!

I will talk!

I will
tell you everything!

Sonic: I'm all ears.

Belok: I was born
in a small village,
not far from--

Sonic: no, no, no!
What's going on now?

Belok: please,

I did not want
to help him, but he--

He threatened
to eat hooter!

Sonic: who threatened,
uh, hooter?

Belok: his name is sleet.

He's on his way
here right now

With dingo and the
swat-bot battalion.

Oh, please, please,

Don't let them
get hooter!

Sonic: ease up, dude.

I'll cover ya.

Now, how long before
sleet gets here?

Belok: less than
an hour, sir.

Manic: sonia?

Manic: sonia!

Sonic: no way!

Manic: way!

I'm tellin' ya, sonic,
she's in there.

Sonic: s'up with
the mirror, pal?

Belok: a portal
to different places,

But queen aleena told me
it is very difficult

To find
your way around.

Hooter will
back me up.

Manic: whoa,
you've met our mother?

Belok: oh, yes.

She is very
fond of hooter,

But, perhaps we should
discuss this another time.

Your sister?

Sonic: sleet and dingbat
will be here in minutes.

If I'm not
back before then,

Give a yell.

Sonic: sonia?

Where are ya?

Sonia: sonic, wait!

Sonic: are you ok?

Sonia: I'm fine.

I thought I saw mother
and followed her in here,

But she's
disappeared again.

Oh, sonic, I'm lost.

Sonic: no prob, sis.
Hop on.

Sonia: then you know
the way out of the mirror?

Sonic: trust me.

Sonia: you're
absolutely sure?

is robuttnik round?

Exit's that way.

Hold onto
your lunch, sis.

We're outta here!

[Sonic laughs

"is robuttnik round?"

Mr. I'm-sure-of-it?

Sonic: now what?

Sonia: we walk slowly

Until we find
the way out.

Sonic: walk? Slowly?

Slow goes against
my nature.

Sonia: ok, ok. Fine.

You speed around
and bounce off the walls.

I'll walk slowly.

Sonic: ok, ok, I'll give
walking slowly a shot.

Sonic: what?

Sonia: it's her.

It's mother.

Sonic: I'll get her!

Sonia: sonic! Wait!

Sonic: ow!

Sonia: I believe
my point is made.

Queen aleena: I love you,
my little manic.

The mirror
is your way out.

Remember...the mirror.

Manic: sonia? Sonic?

Sonia: did mother
come through here?

Manic: mother?

I didn't see anyone.


Belok: hide me!
They are here!

Sleet: where's that
little weasel belok?

He was supposed
to meet us.

Belok: don't let them
hurt my hooter! Please!

Sonic: chill, dude!
I've got a plan.

How many trap doors
in this joint?

one in every room.

Sonic: perfecto.

Let's do it to it!

All: , , !

♪ Let's do it to it ♪

♪ Let's show them
who's the boss of
the place ♪

♪ Let's do it to it ♪

♪ And put the bots
flat on their face ♪

♪ Let's jam
and juice 'em ♪

♪ Usin' every trick
that we have ♪

♪ C'mon, let's lose 'em ♪

♪ Show them that
the hedgehogs are bad ♪

♪ They seem to have us
trapped in the castle ♪

♪ At least that's what
the swat-bots thought ♪

♪ It's time we teach them
a little lesson ♪

♪ That hedgehogs
can never be caught ♪

♪ Let's do it to it ♪

♪ Let's show them who's
the boss of the place ♪

♪ Let's do it to it ♪

♪ And put the bots
flat on their face ♪

♪ Let's jam
and juice 'em ♪

♪ Usin' every trick
that we have ♪

♪ C'mon,
let's lose 'em! ♪

♪ Show them that
the hedgehogs are bad ♪

♪ Let's do it to it ♪

Sleet: I want every
unit here now!

Sonia: this is
serious business.

Manic: well, it's been
nice knowing you all.

Sonic: aw,
it's not that bad.


Sonic: cancel that.


Sonia: not serious?

All: aah!

Sonic: c'mon, everybody!

Hang on, and we'll blast
right past them.

[Sonia coughs]
no, sonic!

We'll never make it
past all of them.


Manic: the mirror.
That's it!

Manic: we have to go
in the mirror!

Sonic: are you crazy?

Sonia: manic,
if the mirror breaks,

We could be stuck
in there forever!

Manic: whoa!

But mom told me
in my dream!

Sonic: a dream?

Now, there's
something I can trust.

Belok: come, hooter.
We must go.

Sonia: sonic!
We don't have a choice!

If we stay here,
we're goners!

Sonic: good point!
Let's do it!

Manic: huh?


Sonic: wait, manic!


manic: ow!

Sonic: you gotta go
slow in here, bud.

Sonia: oh, brother.

Sonic: what's happening?

Manic: I can't move!

All: whoa! Whoa!

All: whoa!

Sonia: wow.

Sonic: gotta
hand it to you, manic.

That was one
mondo dream.

Manic: I dreamed
she touched me.

It felt so real.

maybe it was real.

Belok: yes, I believe
it was real.